Appendix A: Answers To The Test Your Knowledge Questions

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This PDF contains 2 Appendices: Appendix A and Appendix B.

Appendix A
Answers to the Test Your
Knowledge Questions
This appendix has the answers to the questions in the Test Your Knowledge section at the end of
each chapter.

Chapter 1 – Hello, C#! Welcome, .NET!

1. Why can a programmer use different languages, for example, C# and F#, to write
applications that run on .NET?
Answer: Multiple languages are supported on .NET because each one has a compiler
that translates the source code into intermediate language (IL) code. This IL code is
then compiled to native CPU instructions at runtime by the CLR.
2. What do you type at the prompt to create a console app?
Answer: You enter dotnet new console.
3. What do you type at the prompt to build and execute C# source code?
Answer: In a folder with a ProjectName.csproj file, you enter dotnet run.
4. What is the Visual Studio Code keyboard shortcut to view Terminal?
Answer: Ctrl + ` (back tick).
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

5. Is Visual Studio 2019 better than Visual Studio Code?

Answer: No. Each is optimized for different tasks. Visual Studio 2019 is large, heavy-
weight, and can create applications with graphical user interfaces, for example,
Windows Forms, WPF, UWP, and Xamarin.Forms mobile apps, but it is only available
on Windows. Visual Studio Code is smaller, lighter-weight, code-focused, supports
many more languages, and is available cross-platform. In 2021, with the release of .NET
6 and .NET Multi-platform App User Interface (MAUI), Visual Studio Code will get
an extension that enables building user interfaces for desktop and mobile apps.
6. Is .NET Core better than .NET Framework?
Answer: For modern development, yes, but it depends on what you need.
.NET Core is a modern, cross-platform version of the legacy, mature .NET Framework.
.NET Core is more frequently improved. .NET 5 is the latest version of .NET Core with
a name change. .NET Framework has better support for legacy applications; however,
the current version 4.8 was the last major release. It will never support some language
features of C# 8 and 9.
7. What is .NET Standard and why is it still important?
Answer: .NET Standard defines an API that a .NET platform can implement.
The latest versions of .NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET 5, and Xamarin implement
.NET Standard 2.0 to provide a single, standard API that developers can target for
maximum reuse. .NET Core 3.0 or later, including .NET 5 and Xamarin, implement
.NET Standard 2.1, which has some new features not supported by .NET Framework. If
you want to create a new class library that supports all .NET platforms you will need it
to be .NET Standard 2.0-compatible.
8. What is the name of the entry point method of a .NET console application and how
should it be declared?
Answer: The entry point of a .NET console application is the Main method. An optional
string array for command-line arguments and a return type of int are recommended,
but they are not required. It can be declared as shown in the following code:
public static void Main() // minimum
public static int Main(string[] args) // recommended

9. Where would you look for help about a C# keyword?

Answer: The Microsoft Docs website. Specifically, C# keywords are documented at
the following link:
10. Where would you look for solutions to common programming problems?

Appendix A

Chapter 2 – Speaking C#
Exercise 2.1 – Test your knowledge
What type would you choose for the following "numbers?"

1. A person's telephone number.

Answer: string.
2. A person's height.
Answer: float or double.
3. A person's age.
Answer: int for best performance on most CPUs or byte (0 to 255) for smallest size.
4. A person's salary.
Answer: decimal.
5. A book's ISBN.
Answer: string.
6. A book's price.
Answer: decimal.
7. A book's shipping weight.
Answer: float or double.
8. A country's population.
Answer: uint (0 to about 4 billion).
9. The number of stars in the universe.
Answer: ulong (0 to about 18 quadrillion) or System.Numerics.BigInteger (allows an
arbitrarily large integer).
10. The number of employees in each of the small or medium businesses in the United
Kingdom (up to about 50,000 employees per business).

Answer: Since there are hundreds of thousands of small or medium businesses, we

need to take memory size as the determining factor, so choose ushort, because it only
takes 2 bytes compared to an int, which takes 4 bytes.
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

Chapter 3 – Controlling the Flow and

Converting Types
Exercise 3.1 – Test your knowledge
Answer the following questions:

1. What happens when you divide an int variable by 0?

Answer: DivideByZeroException is thrown when dividing an integer or decimal.
2. What happens when you divide a double variable by 0?
Answer: The double type contains a special value of Infinity. Instances of floating-
point numbers can have the special values of: NaN (not a number), or in the case of
dividing by 0, either PositiveInfinity or NegativeInfinity.
3. What happens when you overflow an int variable, that is, set it to a value beyond its
Answer: It will loop unless you wrap the statement in a checked block, in which case,
OverflowException will be thrown.
4. What is the difference between the statements x = y++; and x = ++y;?
Answer: In the statement x = y++;, the current value of y will be assigned to x and then
y will be incremented, and in the statement x = ++y;, the value of y will be incremented
and then the result will be assigned to x.
5. What is the difference between break, continue, and return when used inside a loop
Answer: The break statement will end the whole loop and continue executing after the
loop, the continue statement will end the current iteration of the loop and continue
executing at the start of the loop block for the next iteration, and the return statement
will end the current method call and continue executing after the method call.
6. What are the three parts of a for statement and which of them are required?
Answer: The three parts of a for statement are the initializer, condition, and
incrementer expressions. The condition expression is required to evaluate to true or
false, but the other two are optional.
7. What is the difference between the = and == operators?
Answer: The = operator is the assignment operator for assigning values to variables,
while the == operator is the equality check operator that returns true or false.
8. Does the following statement compile? for ( ; true; ) ;
Answer: Yes. The for statement only requires the condition expression that evaluates
to true or false. The initializer and incrementer expressions are optional. This for
statement will execute the empty; statement after the close brace, forever. It is an
example of an infinite loop.
Appendix A

9. What does the underscore _ represent in a switch expression?

Answer: The underscore _ represents the default return value.
10. What interface must an object implement to be enumerated over by using the foreach

Answer: An object must implement the IEnumerable interface.

Exercise 3.2 – Explore loops and overflow

What will happen if this code executes?

int max = 500;

for (byte i = 0; i < max; i++)

The code will loop forever because the value of i can only be between 0 and 255. Once
i gets incremented beyond 255, it loops back to 0 and therefore will always be less than
the max (500).
To prevent the infinite loop, you can add a checked statement around the code. This
would cause an exception to be thrown after 255 due to the overflow, as shown in the
following output:
System.OverflowException says Arithmetic operation resulted in an

Exercise 3.5 – Test your knowledge of operators

1. What are the values of x and y after the following statements execute?
x = 3;
y = 2 + ++x;

Answer: x is 4 and y is 6
2. What are the values of x and y after the following statements execute?
x = 3 << 2;
y = 10 >> 1;

Answer: x is 12 and y is 5
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

3. What are the values of x and y after the following statements execute?
x = 10 & 8;
y = 10 | 7;

Answer: x is 8 and y is 15

Chapter 4 – Writing, Debugging, and Testing

1. What does the C# keyword void mean?
Answer: It indicates that a method has no return value.
2. What are some differences between imperative and functional programming styles?
Answer: Imperative programming style means writing a sequence of statements that
the runtime executes step by step like a recipe. Your code tells the runtime exactly how
to perform the task. Do this. Now do that. It has variables meaning that the state can
change at any time, including outside the current function. Imperative programming
causes side effects, changing the value of some state somewhere in your program. Side
effects are tricky to debug. Functional programming style describes what you want to
achieve instead of how. It can also be described as declarative. But the most important
point is that functional programming languages make all states immutable by default
to avoid side effects.
3. In Visual Studio Code, what is the difference between pressing F5; Ctrl or Cmd + F5;
Shift + F5; and Ctrl or Cmd + Shift + F5?
Answer: F5 saves, compiles, runs, and attaches the debugger; Ctrl or Cmd + F5 saves,
compiles, and runs the application with the debugger attached; Shift + F5 stops the
debugger and running application; and Ctrl or Cmd + Shift + F5 restarts the application
with the debugger attached.
4. Where does the Trace.WriteLine method write its output to?
Answer: Trace.WriteLine writes its output to any configured trace listeners. By default,
this includes Visual Studio Code's Terminal or the command line but can be configured
to be a text file or any custom listener.
5. What are the five trace levels?
Answer: 0 = Off, 1 = Error, 2 = Warning, 3 = Info, and 4 = Verbose.
6. What is the difference between Debug and Trace?
Answer: Debug is active only during development. Trace is active during development
and after release into production.
7. When writing a unit test, what are the three As?
Answer: Arrange, Act, Assert.
Appendix A

8. When writing a unit test using xUnit, what attribute must you decorate the test
methods with?
Answer: [Fact].
9. What dotnet command executes xUnit tests?
Answer: dotnet test.
10. What is TDD?
Answer: Test-Driven Development.

More Information: You can read about TDD in an article about unit testing
at the following link:

Chapter 5 – Building Your Own Types with

Object-Oriented Programming
1. What are the six combinations of access modifier keywords and what do they do?
Answer: The six combinations of access modifier keywords and their effects are
described in the following list:
• private: This modifier makes a member only visible inside the class.
• internal: This modifier makes a member only visible inside the class or within
the same assembly.
• protected: This modifier makes a member only visible inside the class or
derived classes.
• internal protected: This modifier makes a member only visible inside the
class, derived classes, or within the same assembly.
• private protected: This modifier makes a member only visible inside the class
or derived classes and within the same assembly.
• public: This modifier makes a member visible everywhere.

2. What is the difference between the static, const, and readonly keywords when
applied to a type member?
Answer: The difference between the static, const, and readonly keywords when
applied to a type member are described in the following list:
• static: This keyword makes the member shared by all instances and it must be
accessed through the type, not an instance of the type.
• const: This keyword makes the field a fixed literal value that must never change
because during the compilation, assemblies that use the field copy the literal
value at the time of compilation.
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

• readonly: This keyword restricts the field so that it can only be assigned to
using a constructor or field initializer at runtime.

3. What does a constructor do?

Answer: A constructor allocates memory and initializes field values.
4. Why do you need to apply the [Flags] attribute to an enum type when you want to store
combined values?
Answer: If you don't apply the [Flags] attribute to an enum type when you want to
store combined values, then a stored enum value that is a combination will return as the
stored integer value instead of a comma-separated list of text values.
5. Why is the partial keyword useful?
Answer: You can use the partial keyword to split the definition of a type over multiple
6. What is a tuple?
Answer: A data structure consisting of multiple parts. They are used when you want to
store multiple values as a unit without defining a type for them.
7. What does the C# record keyword do?
Answer: The C# record keyword defines a data structure that is immutable to enable
a more functional programming style. Like a class, a record can have properties and
methods, but the values of properties can only be set during initialization.
8. What does overloading mean?
Answer: Overloading is when you define more than one method with the same method
name and different input parameters.
9. What is the difference between a field and a property?
Answer: A field is a data storage location that can be referenced. A property is one or a
pair of methods that get and/or set a value. The value for a property is often stored in a
private field.
10. How do you make a method parameter optional?

Answer: You make a method parameter optional by assigning a default value to it in

the method signature.

Chapter 6 – Implementing Interfaces and

Inheriting Classes
1. What is a delegate?
Answer: A delegate is a type-safe method reference. It can be used to execute any
method with a matching signature.
Appendix A

2. What is an event?
Answer: An event is a field that is a delegate having the event keyword applied. The
keyword ensures that only += and -= are used; this safely combines multiple delegates
without replacing any existing event handlers.
3. How are a base class and a derived class related and how can the derived class access
the base class?
Answer: A derived class (or subclass) is a class that inherits from a base class (or
superclass). Inside a derived class you use the base keyword to access the class that
the subclass inherits from.
4. What is the difference between the is and as operators?
Answer: The is operator returns true if an object can be cast to the type; otherwise it
returns false. The as operator returns a reference to the object if an object can be cast to
the type; otherwise, it returns null.
5. Which keyword is used to prevent a class from being derived from, or a method from
being overridden?
Answer: sealed.

More Information: You can read about the sealed keyword at the
following link:

6. Which keyword is used to prevent a class from being instantiated with the new keyword?
Answer: abstract.

More Information: You can read about the abstract keyword at

the following link:

7. Which keyword is used to allow a member to be overridden?

Answer: virtual.

More Information: You can read about the virtual keyword at the
following link:

8. What's the difference between a destructor and a deconstruct method?

Answer: A destructor, also known as a finalizer, must be used to release resources
owned by the object. A deconstruct method is a feature of C# 7 or later that allows
a complex object to be broken down into smaller parts. It is especially useful when
working with tuples.
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

More Information: You can read about deconstructing at the

following link:

9. What are the signatures of the constructors that all exceptions should have?
Answer: The signatures of the three constructors that all exceptions should have are
shown in the following list:
• A constructor with no parameters.
• A constructor with a string parameter, usually named message.
• A constructor with a string parameter, usually named message, and an
Exception parameter, usually named innerException.

10. What is an extension method and how do you define one?

Answer: An extension method is a compiler trick that makes a static method of a

static class appear to be one of the members of another type. You define which type
you want to extend by prefixing the type parameter in the method with the this

Chapter 7 – Understanding and Packaging

.NET Types
1. What is the difference between a namespace and an assembly?
Answer: A namespace is the logical container of a type. An assembly is the physical
container of a type. To use a type, the developer must reference its assembly.
Optionally, the developer can import its namespace, or specify the namespace when
specifying the type.
2. How do you reference another project in a .csproj file?
Answer: You reference another project in a .csproj file by adding a
<ProjectReference> element that sets its Include attribute to a path to the reference
project file inside an <ItemGroup> element, as shown in the following markup:
<ProjectReference Include="..\Calculator\Calculator.csproj" />

3. What is the benefit of a tool like ILSpy?

Answer: A benefit of a tool like ILSpy is learning how to write code in C# for the
.NET platform by seeing how other packages are written. You should never steal their
intellectual property of course. But it is especially useful to see how the Microsoft
developers have implemented key components of the Base Class Libraries.
Appendix A

Decompiling can also be useful when calling a third-party library that you need to
better understand how it works to call it appropriately.
4. Which .NET type does the C# float alias represent?
Answer: System.Single.
5. What tool should you use before porting an application from .NET Framework to .NET
Answer: You should use the .NET Portability Analyzer before porting an application
from .NET Framework to .NET 5.
6. What is the difference between framework-dependent and self-contained deployments
of .NET Core applications?
Answer: Framework-dependent .NET Core applications require .NET Core to exist
for an operating system to execute. Self-contained .NET Core applications include
everything necessary to execute on their own.
7. What is a RID?
Answer: RID is the acronym for Runtime Identifier. RID values are used to identify
target platforms where a .NET Core application runs.
8. What is the difference between the dotnet pack and dotnet publish commands?
Answer: The dotnet pack command creates a NuGet package. The dotnet publish
command puts the application and its dependencies into a folder for deployment to a
hosting system.
9. What types of applications written for .NET Framework can be ported to .NET Core 3.0
or later?
Answer: Console, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, Windows Forms, and Windows
Presentation Foundation (WPF).
10. Can you use packages written for .NET Framework with .NET 5?

Answer: Yes, as long as they only call APIs in .NET Standard 2.0.

Chapter 8 – Working with Common .NET Types

1. What is the maximum number of characters that can be stored in a string variable?
Answer: The maximum size of a string variable is 2 GB or about one billion characters,
because each char uses 2 bytes due to the internal use of Unicode (UTF-16) encoding for
characters in a string.
2. When and why should you use a SecureString type?
Answer: The string type leaves text data in the memory for too long and it's too
visible. The SecureString type encrypts its text and ensures that the memory is
released immediately. For example, the PasswordBox control stores its password as a
SecureString variable, and when starting a new process, the Password parameter must
be a SecureString variable.
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

More Information: You can read about SecureString at the

following link:

3. When is it appropriate to use a StringBuilder class?

Answer: When concatenating more than about three string variables, you will use less
memory and get improved performance using StringBuilder than using the string.
Concat method or the + operator.
4. When should you use the LinkedList<T> class?
Answer: Each item in a linked list has a reference to its previous and next siblings as
well as the list itself. A linked list should be used when items need to be inserted and
removed from positions in the list without actually moving the items in memory.
5. When should you use the SortedDictionary<T> class rather than the SortedList<T>
Answer: The SortedList<T> class uses less memory than SortedDictionary<T>;
SortedDictionary<T> has faster insertion and removal operations for unsorted data.
If the list is populated all at once from sorted data, SortedList<T> is faster than

More Information: You can read about SortedDictionary<T> and

SortedList<T> at the following link: https://stackoverflow.

6. What is the ISO culture code for Welsh?

Answer: cy-GB.

More Information: You can view a complete list of culture codes

at the following link:

7. What is the difference between localization, globalization, and internationalization?

• Localization affects the user interface of your application. Localization is
controlled by a neutral (language only) or specific (language and region)
culture. You provide multiple language versions of text and other values. For
example, the label of a text box might be First name in English, and Prénom in
Appendix A

• Globalization affects the data of your application. Globalization is controlled

by a specific (language and region) culture, for example, en-GB for British
English, or fr-CA for Canadian French. The culture must be specific because
a decimal value formatted as currency must know to use Canadian dollars
instead of French euros.
• Internationalization is the combination of localization and globalization.

8. In a regular expression, what does $ mean?

Answer: In a regular expression, $ represents the end of the input.
9. In a regular expression, how could you represent digits?
Answer: In a regular expression, you could represent digits using \d or [0-9].
10. Why should you not use the official standard for email addresses to create a regular
expression to validate a user's email address?
Answer: The effort is not worth the pain for you or your users. Validating an email
address using the official specification doesn't check whether that address exists or
whether the person entering the address is its owner.

More Information: You can read about why you should simplify the way
you validate email addresses at the following links:
posts/stop-validating-email-addresses-with-regex/ and https://

Chapter 9 – Working with Files, Streams, and

1. What is the difference between using the File class and the FileInfo class?
Answer: The File class has static methods and it cannot be instantiated. It is best used
for one-off tasks such as copying a file. The FileInfo class requires the instantiation
of an object that represents a file. It is best used when you need to perform multiple
operations on the same file.
2. What is the difference between the ReadByte method and the Read method of a stream?
Answer: The ReadByte method returns a single byte each time it is called and the Read
method fills a temporary array with bytes up to a specified length. It is generally best to
use Read to process multiple bytes at once.
3. When would you use the StringReader, TextReader, and StreamReader classes?
• StringReader is used for efficiently reading from a string stored in memory.
• TextReader is an abstract class that StringReader and StreamReader both inherit
from for their shared functionality.
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

• StreamReader is used for reading strings from a stream that can be any type of
text file, including XML and JSON.

4. What does the DeflateStream type do?

Answer: DeflateStream implements the same compression algorithm as GZIP, but
without a cyclical redundancy check; so, although it produces smaller compressed files,
it cannot perform integrity checks when decompressing.
5. How many bytes per character does the UTF-8 encoding use?
Answer: The number of bytes per character used by the UTF-8 encoding depends
on the character. Most Western alphabet characters are stored using one byte. Other
characters may need two or more bytes.
6. What is an object graph?
Answer: An object graph is any set of connected instances of classes that reference
each other. For example, a Customer object may have a property named Orders that
references a collection of Order instances.
7. What is the best serialization format to choose for minimizing space requirements?
Answer: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) has a good balance between space
requirements and practical factors like human-readability, but protocol buffers is best
for minimizing space requirements.

More Information: You can read about when to use JSON versus
protocol buffers at the following link: https://stackoverflow.

8. What is the best serialization format to choose for cross-platform compatibility?

Answer: There is still an argument for eXtensible Markup Language (XML) if you
need maximum compatibility, especially with legacy systems, although JSON is better
if you need to integrate with web systems, or protocol buffers for best performance and
minimum bandwidth use.
9. Why is it bad to use a string value like "\Code\Chapter01" to represent a path and
what should you do instead?
Answer: It is bad to use a string value like "\Code\Chapter01" to represent a path
because it assumes that backslashes are used as a folder separator on all operating
systems. Instead, you should use the Path.Combine method and pass separate string
values for each folder, or a string array, as shown in the following code:
string path = Path.Combine(new[] { "Code", "Chapter01" });

10. Where can you find information about NuGet packages and their dependencies?

Answer: You can find information about NuGet packages and their dependencies at the
following link:
Appendix A

Chapter 10 – Protecting Your Data and

1. Of the encryption algorithms provided by .NET, which is the best choice for symmetric
Answer: The AES algorithm is the best choice for symmetric encryption.
2. Of the encryption algorithms provided by .NET, which is the best choice for
asymmetric encryption?
Answer: The RSA algorithm is the best choice for asymmetric encryption.
3. What is a rainbow attack?
Answer: A rainbow attack uses a table of precalculated hashes of passwords. When a
database of password hashes is stolen, the attacker can compare against the rainbow
table hashes quickly and determine the original passwords.

More Information: You can read about rainbow tables at the

following link:

4. For encryption algorithms, is it better to have a larger or smaller block size?

Answer: For encryption algorithms, it is better to have a smaller block size.
5. What is a cryptographic hash?
Answer: A cryptographic hash is a fixed-size output that results from an input of
arbitrary size being processed by a hash function. Hash functions are one-way, which
means that the only way to recreate the original input is to brute-force all possible
inputs and compare the results.
6. What is a cryptographic signature?
Answer: A cryptographic signature is a value appended to a digital document to prove
its authenticity. A valid signature tells the recipient that the document was created by a
known sender and it has not been modified.
7. What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption?
Answer: Symmetric encryption uses a secret shared key to both encrypt and decrypt.
Asymmetric encryption uses a public key to encrypt and a private key to decrypt.
8. What does RSA stand for?
Answer: Rivest-Shamir-Adleman, the surnames of the three men who publicly
described the algorithm in 1978.
9. Why should passwords be salted before being stored?
Answer: To slow down rainbow dictionary attacks.
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

10. SHA-1 is a hashing algorithm designed by the United States National Security Agency.
Why should you never use it?

Answer: SHA-1 is no longer secure. All modern browsers have stopped accepting
SHA-1 SSL certificates.

Chapter 11 – Working with Databases Using

Entity Framework Core
1. What type would you use for the property that represents a table, for example, the
Products property of a database context?
Answer: DbSet<T>, where T is the entity type, for example, Product.
2. What type would you use for the property that represents a one-to-many
relationship, for example, the Products property of a Category entity?
Answer: ICollection<T>, where T is the entity type, for example, Product.
3. What is the EF convention for primary keys?
Answer: The property named ID or ClassNameID is assumed to be the primary key. If
the type of that property is any of the following, then the property is also marked as
being an IDENTITY column: tinyint, smallint, int, bigint, guid.
4. When might you use an annotation attribute in an entity class?
Answer: You might use an annotation attribute in an entity class when the conventions
cannot work out the correct mapping between the classes and tables; for example, if a
class name does not match a table name or a property name does not match a column
name. You might also define constraints, like a maximum length of characters in a text
value or a range of numeric values, by decorating with validation attributes. These
can be read by technologies like ASP.NET Core MVC and Blazor to provide automatic
validation warnings to users.
5. Why might you choose Fluent API in preference to annotation attributes?
Answer: You might choose Fluent API in preference to annotation attributes when
you want to keep your entity classes free from extraneous code that is not needed in
all scenarios. For example, when creating a .NET Standard 2.0 class library for entity
classes, you might want to only use validation attributes so that that metadata can be
read by Entity Framework Core and by technologies like ASP.NET Core model binding
validation and Windows desktop and mobile apps. However, you might want to use
Fluent API to define Entity Framework Core-specific functionality like mapping to a
different table or column name.
6. What does a transaction isolation level of Serializable mean?
Answer: Maximum locks are applied to ensure complete isolation from any other
processes working with the affected data.
7. What does the DbContext.SaveChanges method return?
Answer: An int value for the number of entities affected.
Appendix A

8. What is the difference between eager loading and explicit loading?

Answer: Eager loading means related entities are included in the original query
to the database so that they do not have to be loaded later. Explicit loading means
related entities are not included in the original query to the database and they must be
explicitly loaded just before they are needed.
9. How should you define an EF Core entity class with annotation attributes to
match the following table?
Salary MONEY

Answer: Use the following class:

public class Employee
public int EmployeeID { get; set; }
[Required] [StringLength(40)]
public string FirstName { get; set; }
[Column(TypeName = "money")]
public decimal? Salary { get; set; }

10. What benefit do you get from declaring entity navigation properties as virtual?

Answer: You can enable lazy loading if you declare entity navigation properties as

Chapter 12 – Querying and Manipulating Data

Using LINQ
1. What are the two required parts of LINQ?
Answer: A LINQ provider and the LINQ extension methods. You must import the
System.Linq namespace to make the LINQ extension methods available and reference a
LINQ provider assembly for the type of data that you want to work with.
2. Which LINQ extension method would you use to return a subset of properties
from a type?
Answer: The Select method allows projection (selection) of properties.
3. Which LINQ extension method would you use to filter a sequence?
Answer: The Where method allows filtering by supplying a delegate (or lambda
expression) that returns a Boolean to indicate whether the value should be included in
the results.
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

4. List five LINQ extension methods that perform aggregation.

Answer: Any five of the following: Max, Min, Count, LongCount, Average, Sum, and
5. What is the difference between the Select and SelectMany extension methods?
Answer: Select returns exactly what you specify to return. SelectMany checks that
the items you have selected are themselves IEnumerable<T> and then breaks them
down into smaller parts. For example, if the type you select is a string value (which
is IEnumerable<char>), SelectMany will break each string value returned into their
individual char values.
6. What is the difference between IEnumerable<T> and IQueryable<T> and how do you
switch between them?
Answer: The IEnumerable<T> interface indicates a LINQ provider that will execute
the query locally like LINQ to Objects. These providers have no limitations but can be
less efficient. The IQueryable<T> interface indicates a LINQ provider that first builds
an expression tree to represent the query and then converts it into another query
syntax before executing it, like Entity Framework Core converts LINQ to SQL. These
providers sometimes have limitations and throw exceptions. You can convert from an
IQueryable<T> provider to an IEnumerable<T> provider by calling the AsEnumerable
7. What does the last type parameter in the generic Func delegates represent?
Answer: The last type parameter in the generic Func delegates represents the type of
the return value. For example, for Func<string, int, bool>, the delegate or lambda
function used must return a Boolean value.
8. What is the benefit of a LINQ extension method that ends with OrDefault?
Answer: The benefit of a LINQ extension method that ends with OrDefault is that it
returns the default value instead of throwing an exception if it cannot return a value.
For example, calling the First method on a sequence of int values would throw an
exception if the collection is empty but the FirstOrDefault method would return 0.
9. Why is query comprehension syntax optional?
Answer: Query comprehension syntax is optional because it is just syntactic sugar. It
makes code easier for humans to read but it does not add any additional functionality
except the let keyword.

More Information: You can read about the let keyword at the
following link:

10. How can you create your own LINQ extension methods?
Answer: Create a static class with a static method with an IEnumerable<T> parameter
prefixed with this, as shown in the following code:
Appendix A

namespace System.LINQ
public static class MyLINQExtensionMethods
public static IEnumerable<T> MyChainableExtensionMethod<T>(
this IEnumerable<T> sequence)
// return something IEnumerable<T>
public static int? MyAggregateExtensionMethod<T>(
this IEnumerable<T> sequence)
// return some int value

Chapter 13 – Improving Performance and

Scalability Using Multitasking
1. What information can you find out about a process?
Answer: The Process class has many properties including: ExitCode, ExitTime, Id,
MachineName, PagedMemorySize64, ProcessorAffinity, StandardInput, StandardOutput,
StartTime, Threads, and TotalProcessorTime.

More Information: You can read about Process at the following


2. How accurate is the Stopwatch class?

Answer: The Stopwatch class can be accurate to within a nanosecond (a billionth of a
second), but you shouldn't rely on that.

More Information: You can read about how to improve accuracy

by setting processor affinity at the following link: https://www.

3. By convention, what suffix should be applied to a method that returns Task or Task<T>?
Answer: Add the suffix Async to the method name, for example, for a synchronous
method named Open, use OpenAsync for the equivalent that returns a Task.
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

4. To use the await keyword inside a method, which keyword must be applied to the
method declaration?
Answer: The async keyword must be applied to the method declaration.
5. How do you create a child task?
Answer: Call the Task.Factory.StartNew method with the TaskCreationOptions.
AttachToParent option to create a child task.
6. Why should you avoid the lock keyword?
Answer: The lock keyword does not allow you to specify a timeout; this can cause
deadlocks. Use the Monitor.Enter method and pass a TimeSpan argument as a timeout
and then call the Monitor.Exit method explicitly to release the lock at the end of your
work instead.
7. When should you use the Interlocked class?
Answer: You should use the Interlocked class to modify integers and floating-point
numbers that are shared between multiple threads.
8. When should you use the Mutex class instead of the Monitor class?
Answer: Use Mutex when you need to share a resource across process boundaries.
Monitor only works on resources inside the current process.
9. What is the benefit of using async and await in a website or web service?
Answer: In a website or web service, using async and await improves scalability, but
not the performance of a specific request because extra work of handling over work
between threads is required.
10. Can you cancel a task? How?

Answer: Yes, you can cancel a task, as described at the following link: https://docs.

Chapter 15 – Building Websites Using ASP.

NET Core Razor Pages
1. List six method names that can be specified in an HTTP request.
Answer: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. Others include TRACE, OPTIONS, and

More Information: You can read about HTTP method definitions

at the following link:
Appendix A

2. List six status codes and their descriptions that can be returned in an HTTP response.
Answer: 200 OK, 201 Created, 301 Moved Permanently, 400 Bad Request, 404 Not
Found (missing resource), 500 Internal Server Error. Others include 101 Switching
Protocols (e.g. from HTTP to WebSocket), 202 Accepted, 204 No Content, 304 Not
Modified, 401 Unauthorized, 403 Forbidden, 406 Not Acceptable (for example,
requesting a response format that is not supported by a website), and 503 Service

More Information: You can read about status code definitions at

the following link:

3. In ASP.NET Core, what is the Startup class used for?

Answer: In ASP.NET Core, the Startup class is used to add and configure services
in the request and response pipeline like error handling, security options, static files,
default files, endpoint routing, Razor Pages and MVC, and Entity Framework Core data
4. What does the acronym HSTS stand for and what does it do?
Answer: HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is an opt-in security enhancement. If
a website specifies it and a browser supports it, then it forces all communication over
HTTPS and prevents the visitor from using untrusted or invalid certificates.
5. How do you enable static HTML pages for a website?
Answer: To enable static HTML pages for a website, you must add statements to the
Configure method in the Startup class to use default files and then to use static files
(this order is important!), as shown in the following code:
app.UseDefaultFiles(); // index.html, default.html, and so on

6. How do you mix C# code into the middle of HTML to create a dynamic page?
Answer: To mix C# code into the middle of HTML to create a dynamic page, you can
create a Razor file with the .cshtml file extension, and then prefix any C# expressions
with the @ symbol, and for C# statements wrap them in braces or create a @functions
section, as shown in the following markup:
public string[] DaysOfTheWeek
get => System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread

public string WhatDayIsIt

Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

get => System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd");
<title>Today is @WhatDayIsIt</title>
<h1>Days of the week in your culture</h1>
// to add a block of statements: use braces
foreach (string dayName in DaysOfTheWeek)

7. How can you define shared layouts for Razor Pages?

Answer: To define shared layouts for Razor Pages, create at least two files: _Layout.
cshtml will define the markup for the shared layout, and _ViewStart.cshtml will set the
default layout, as shown in the following markup:
Layout = "_Layout";
8. How can you separate the markup from the code behind in a Razor Page?
Answer: To separate the markup from the code behind in a Razor Page, create two
files: MyPage.cshtml contains the markup and MyPage.cshtml.cs contains a class that
inherits from PageModel. In MyPage.cshtml, set the model to use the class, as shown in
the following markup:
@model MyProject.Pages.MyPageModel
9. How do you configure an Entity Framework Core data context for use with an
ASP.NET Core website?
Answer: To configure an Entity Framework Core data context for use with an ASP.NET
Core website:
• In the project file, reference the assembly that defines the data context class.
• In the Startup class, import the namespaces for Microsoft.
EntityFrameworkCore and the data context class.
Appendix A

• In the ConfigureServices method, add a statement that configures the data

context with a database connection string for use with a specified database
provider like SQLite, as shown in the following code:
services.AddDbContext<MyDataContext>(options => options.UseSqlite("my
database connection string"));

• In the Razor Page model class or @functions section, declare a private field
to store the data context and then set it in the constructor, as shown in the
following code:
private MyDataContext db;

public SuppliersModel(MyDataContext injectedContext)

db = injectedContext;

10. How can you reuse Razor Pages with ASP.NET 2.2 or later?

Answer: To reuse Razor Pages with ASP.NET 2.2 or later, everything related to a Razor
page can be compiled into a class library. To create one, enter the following command:
dotnet new razorclasslib -s.

Chapter 16 – Building Websites Using the

Model-View-Controller Pattern
1. What do the files with the special names _ViewStart and _ViewImports do when created
in the Views folder?
• A ViewStart file contains a block of statements that are executed when the View
method is executed when a controller action method passes a model to a view,
for example, to set a default layout.
• A ViewImports file contains @using statements to import namespaces for all
views to avoid having to add the same import statements at the top of all views.

2. What are the names of the three segments defined in the default ASP.NET Core
MVC route, what do they represent, and which are optional?
• {controller}: For example, /home represents a controller class to instantiate,
for example, HomeController. It is optional because it can use the default value:
• {action}: For example, /index represents an action method to execute, for
example, Index. It is optional because it can use the default value: Index.
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

• {id}: For example, /5 represents a parameter in the action method, for example,
int id. It is optional because it is suffixed with ?.

3. What does the default model binder do and what data types can it handle?
Answer: The default model binder sets parameters in the action method. It can handle
the following data types:
• Simple types like int, string, and DateTime, including nullable types.
• Complex types like Person and Product.
• Collections types like IEnumerable<T>.

4. In a shared layout file like _Layout.cshtml, how do you output the content of
the current view?
Answer: To output the content of the current view in a shared layout, call the
RenderBody method, as shown in the following markup:

5. In a shared layout file like _Layout.cshtml, how do you output a section that
the current view can supply content for, and how does the view supply the contents for
that section?
Answer: To output the content of a section in a shared layout, call the RenderSection
method specifying a name for the section and if it is required, as shown in the following
@RenderSection("Scripts", required: false)

To define the contents of the section in the view, create a named section, as shown in
the following markup:
@section Scripts
<script> alert('hello');

6. When calling the View method inside a controller's action method, what paths
are searched for the view by convention?
Answer: When calling the View method inside a controller's action method, three
paths are searched for the view by default, based on combinations of the names of the
controller and action method and a special Shared folder, as shown in the following
example output:
InvalidOperationException: The view 'Index' was not found. The following
locations were searched:
Appendix A

This can be generalized as follows:

• /Views/[controller]/[action].cshtml
• /Views/Shared/[action].cshtml
• /Pages/Shared/[action].cshtml

7. How can you instruct the visitor's browser to cache the response for 24 hours?
Answer: To instruct the visitor's browser to cache the response for 24 hours,
decorate the controller class or action method with the [ResponseCache] attribute,
and set the Duration parameter to 86400 seconds and the Location parameter to
8. Why might you enable Razor Pages even if you are not creating any yourself?
Answer: If you have used features like ASP.NET Core Identity UI, then it requires
Razor Pages.
9. How does ASP.NET Core MVC identify classes that can act as controllers?
Answer: ASP.NET Core MVC identifies classes that can act as controllers by looking
to see if the class (or a class that it derives from) is decorated with the [Controller]
10. In what ways does ASP.NET Core MVC make it easier to test a website?

Answer: The Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern separates the technical

concerns of the shape of the data (model) and executable statements to process the
incoming request and outgoing response, and then generates the response in a format
requested by the user agent like HTML or JSON. This makes it easier to write unit tests.
ASP.NET Core also makes it easy to implement the Inversion-of-Control (IoC) and
Dependency Injection (DI) design patterns to remove dependencies when testing a
component like a controller.

Chapter 17 – Building Websites Using a

Content Management System
1. What are some of the benefits of using a Content Management System to build a
website compared to using ASP.NET Core alone?
Answer: A CMS separates the content (data values) from templates (layout, format, and
style). A CMS provides a content management user interface so that non-technical users
can manage the content quickly and easily while still providing a professional-looking
An enterprise-level CMS would also provide features like SEO URLs, fine-level control
over authentication and authorization, media asset management, various ways to reuse
content, a visual forms designer, various ways to personalize content, and support for
multiple versions and languages for content.
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

2. What is the special relative URL path to access the Piranha CMS management user
interface and what is the username and password configured by default?
Answer: The special relative URL path to access the Piranha CMS management user
interface is /manager and the username and password configured by default is admin
and password.
3. What is a slug?
Answer: A slug is the relative URL path for a content item like a page or post.
4. What is the difference between saving content and publishing content?
Answer: The difference between saving content and publishing content is that saving
just saves the changes to the CMS database but publishing also makes those changes
visible to visitors.
5. What are the three Piranha CMS content types and what are they used for?
Answer: The three Piranha CMS content types are Sites, Pages, and Posts. Sites are
for property values that need to be shared across all pages. Pages are for normal web
pages. Posts are for special pages that can only be shown in an archive page with
sorting and filtering capabilities.
6. What are the three Piranha CMS component types and what are they used for?
Answer: The three Piranha CMS component types are Fields, Regions, and Blocks.
Fields are for simple data values like strings and numbers. Regions are for complex
data values that appear at a fixed location with a content type like a page. Blocks are for
complex data values that appear in any order and combination defined by the content
7. List three properties that a Page type inherits from its base classes and explain
what they are used for.
Answer: Three properties that a Page type inherits from its base classes include:
• ParentId: A Guid value that references its parent with the content tree.
• Blocks: An ordered collection of references to block instances.
• Published: A DateTime value that shows when the page was published for
visitors to view.

8. How do you define a custom region for a content type?

Answer: You define a custom region for a page type by creating a class with properties
decorated with the [Field] attribute, and then add a property to the content type with
the region class as its type and decorate it with the [Region] and [RegionDescription]
attributes, as shown in the following code:
Appendix A

namespace NorthwindCms.Models
[PageType(Title = "Category Page", UseBlocks = false)]
[PageTypeRoute(Title = "Default", Route = "/category")]
public class CategoryPage : Page<CategoryPage>
[Region(Title = "Category detail")]
[RegionDescription("The details for this category.")]
public CategoryRegion CategoryDetail { get; set; }

9. How do you define routes for Piranha CMS?

Answer: To define routes for Piranha CMS, in the CmsController class, add an action
method and decorate it with the [Route] attribute, as shown in the following code:
public IActionResult Category(Guid id)

10. How do you retrieve a page from the Piranha CMS database?

Answer: You retrieve a page from the Piranha CMS database by using the IApi
dependency service, as shown in the following code:
var model = await _api.Pages.GetByIdAsync<Models.CategoryPage>(id);

Chapter 18 – Building and Consuming Web

1. Which class should you inherit from to create a controller class for an ASP.NET Core
Web API service?
Answer: To create a controller class for an ASP.NET Core Web API service, you should
inherit from ControllerBase. Do not inherit from Controller as you would in MVC
because this class includes methods like View that use Razor files to render HTML that
are not needed for a web service.
2. If you decorate your controller class with the [ApiController] attribute to get
default behavior like automatic 400 responses for invalid models, what else must you
Answer: If you decorate your controller class with the [ApiController] attribute, then
you must also call the SetCompatibilityVersion method in the Startup class.
3. What must you do to specify which controller action method will be executed in
response to an HTTP request?
Answer: To specify which controller action method will be executed in response to
a request, you must decorate the action method with an attribute. For example, to
respond to an HTTP POST request, decorate the action method with [HttpPost].
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

4. What must you do to specify what responses should be expected when calling an action
Answer: To specify what responses should be expected when calling an action method,
decorate the action method with the [ProducesResponseType] attribute, as shown in the
following code:
// GET: api/customers/[id]
[HttpGet("{id}", Name = nameof(Get))] // named route
[ProducesResponseType(200, Type = typeof(Customer))]
public IActionResult Get(string id)

5. List three methods that can be called to return responses with different status
Answer: Three methods that can be called to return responses with different status
codes include:
• Ok: This returns the 200 status code and the object passed to Ok in the body.
• CreatedAtRoute: This returns the 201 status code and the object passed to this
method in the body.
• NoContentResult: This returns the 204 status code and an empty body.
• BadRequest: This returns the 400 status code and an optional error message.
• NotFound: This returns the 404 status code and an optional error message.

6. List four ways that you can test a web service.

Answer: Four ways that you can test a web service include:
• Using a browser to test simple HTTP GET requests.
• Installing the REST Client extension for Visual Studio Code.
• Installing the Swagger NuGet package in your web service project, enabling
Swagger, and then using the Swagger testing user interface.
• Installing the Postman tool from the following link: https://www.getpostman.

7. Why should you not wrap your use of HttpClient in a using statement to dispose of it
when you are finished even though it implements the IDisposable interface, and what
should you use instead?
Answer: HttpClient is shared, reentrant, and partially thread-safe so it is tricky to use
correctly in many scenarios. You should use HttpClientFactory, which was introduced
in .NET Core 2.1.
Appendix A

8. What does the acronym CORS stand for and why is it important to enable it in a web
Answer: The acronym CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. It is important
to enable it for a web service because default browser same-origin policy prevents code
downloaded from one origin from accessing resources downloaded from a different
origin to improve security.
9. How can you enable clients to detect if your web service is healthy with ASP.NET Core
2.2 and later?
Answer: To enable clients to detect if your web service is healthy, you can install health
check APIs including database health checks for Entity Framework Core data contexts.
Health checks can be extended to report detailed information back to the client.
10. What benefits does endpoint routing provide?

Answer: Endpoint routing provides improved performance of routing and action

method selection, and a link generation service.

Chapter 19 – Building Intelligent Apps Using

Machine Learning
1. What are the four main steps of the machine learning lifecycle?
Answer: The four main steps of the machine learning lifecycle are: Problem analysis,
Data gathering and processing, Modeling, and Deploying the model.
2. What are the three sub-steps of the modeling step?
Answer: The three sub-steps of the modeling step are: Identifying features, Training the
model, and Evaluating the model.
3. Why do models need to be retrained after deployment?
Answer: Models need to be retrained after deployment because the predictions they
make could drift and become poorer because data can change over time.
4. Why must you split your dataset into a training dataset and a testing dataset?
Answer: You must split your dataset into a training dataset and a testing dataset
because if you use the whole dataset for training, then you have no data left over to
test your model and you cannot use the same dataset for both because it would work
5. What are some of the differences between clustering and classification machine learning
Answer: Some of the differences between clustering and classification
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

machine learning tasks include the following:

• Clustering is for grouping data where you do not yet know if there are any
commonalities or what the labels should be. It is an unsupervised machine
learning technique.
• Classification is for allocating data to predefined labeled groups. It is a
supervised machine learning technique.

6. What class must you instantiate to perform any machine learning task?
Answer: You must instantiate an MLContext to perform any machine learning task.
7. What is the difference between a label and a feature?
Answer: A feature is an input, for example, the tokenized text of an Amazon review. A
label is a value used to train the model and can be an output, for example, positive or
8. What does IDataView represent?
Answer: IDataView represents the input data for a machine learning task. It is
immutable, cursorable, lazily evaluated, heterogenous, and schematized.
9. What does the count parameter in the [KeyType(count: 10)] attribute represent?
Answer: The count parameter represents the maximum possible value that can be
stored in that column.
10. What does the score represent with matrix factorization?

Answer: The score with matrix factorization represents the likelihood of being a
positive case but it is not a probability in the traditional sense. The larger the score
value, the higher the likelihood.

Chapter 20 – Building Web User Interfaces

Using Blazor
1. What are the two primary hosting models for Blazor and how are they different?
Answer: The two primary hosting models for Blazor are Server and WebAssembly.
Blazor Server executes code on the server-side, which means the code has full and
easy access to server-side resources like databases. This can simplify implementing
functionality. UI updates are made using SignalR, which means a permanent
connection is needed between the browser and server, which limits scalability.
Blazor WebAssembly executes code on the client-side, which means the code only has
access to resources within the browser. This can complicate the implementation because
a call back to the server must be made whenever new data is required.
Appendix A

2. In a Blazor Server website project, compared to an ASP.NET Core MVC website project,
what extra configuration is required in the Startup class?
Answer: In the Startup class, in the ConfigureServices method you must call
AddServerSideBlazor, and in the Configure method you must call MapBlazorHub and
MapFallbackToPage when setting up endpoints.
3. One of the benefits of Blazor is being able to implement client-side components using
C# and .NET instead of JavaScript. Does a Blazor component need any JavaScript?
Answer: Yes, Blazor components need some minimal JavaScript. For Blazor Server this
is provided by the file _framework/blazor.server.js. For Blazor WebAssembly this is
provided by the file _framework/blazor.webassembly.js. Blazor WebAssembly with
PWA also uses a JavaScript service worker file service-worker.js.
4. In a Blazor Server website project, what does the App.razor file do?
Answer: The App.razor file configures a Router used by all Blazor components in the
current assembly. For example, it sets a default shared layout for components that
match a route and a view to use when no match is found.
5. What is a benefit of using the <NavLink> component?
Answer: A benefit of using the <NavLink> component is that it integrates with the Blazor
routing system so that the NavigationManager can then be used to programmatically
navigate between components.
6. How can you pass a value into a component?
Answer: You can pass a value into a component by decorating a public property in
the component with the [Parameter] attribute and then setting the attribute in the
component when using it, as shown in the following code:
// defining the component
@code {
public string ButtonText { get; set; };

// using the component

<CustomerDetail ButtonText="Create Customer" />

7. What is a benefit of using the <EditForm> component?

Answer: A benefit of using the <EditForm> component is automatic validation
8. How can you execute some statements when parameters are set?
Answer: You can execute some statements when parameters are set by defining an
OnParametersSetAsync method to handle that event.
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

9. How can you execute some statements when a component appears?

Answer: You can execute some statements when a component appears by defining an
OnInitializedAsync method to handle that event.
10. What are two key differences in the Program class between a Blazor Server and Blazor
WebAssembly project?

Answer: Two key differences in the Program class between a Blazor Server and Blazor
WebAssembly project are: (1) the use of WebAssemblyHostBuilder instead of Host.
CreateDefaultBuilder, and (2) the registering of an HttpClient with a base address of
the host environment.

Chapter 21 – Building Cross-Platform Mobile

Apps Using Xamarin.Forms
1. What is the difference between Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms?
Answer: Xamarin enables developers to build desktop and mobile apps using C# for
Apple iOS (iPhone) and iPadOS, or for macOS, or for Google Android. Some business
logic can be shared but you are basically creating separate projects for each platform.
Xamarin.Forms extends Xamarin to make cross-platform mobile development even
easier by sharing most of the user experience layer.
2. What are the four categories of Xamarin.Forms user interface components and what do
they represent?
Answer: The four categories of Xamarin.Forms user interface components are:
• Pages: This represents mobile application screens.
• Layouts: This represents the structure of a combination of the user interface
• Views: This represents a single user interface component.
• Cells: This represents a single item in a list or table view.

3. List four types of cell.

Answer: Four types of cell are TextCell, SwitchCell, EntryCell, and ImageCell.
4. How can you enable a user to perform an action on a cell in a list view?
Answer: To enable a user to perform an action on a cell in a list view, you can set some
context actions that are menu items that raise an event, as shown in the following
<TextCell Text="{Binding CompanyName}" Detail="{Binding Location}">
<MenuItem Clicked="Customer_Phoned" Text="Phone" />
<MenuItem Clicked="Customer_Deleted" Text="Delete"
IsDestructive="True" />
Appendix A

5. How do you define a dependency service to implement platform-specific functionality?

Answer: To define a dependency service to implement platform-specific functionality:
• Define an interface for the dependency service.
• Implement the dependency service for each platform, for example, iOS and
• Decorate the dependency service with the [assembly: Dependency] attribute and
pass the type of the dependency service as a parameter.
• In the shared main project, get the dependency service, as shown in the
following code:
var service = DependencyService.Get<IMyService>();

6. When would you use an Entry instead of an Editor?

Answer: Use an Entry for a single line of text and use an Editor for multiple lines of
7. What is the effect of setting IsDestructive to true for a menu item in a cell's context
Answer: The menu item is colored red as a warning to the user.
8. When would you call the methods PushAsync and PopAsync in a Xamarin.Forms mobile
Answer: To provide navigation between screens with built-in support to go back to the
previous screen, wrap the first screen in a NavigationPage when the app first starts, as
shown in the following code:
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new CustomersList());

To go to the next screen, push the next page onto the Navigation object, as shown in the
following code:
await Navigation.PushAsync(new CustomerDetails(c));

To return to the previous screen, pop the page from the Navigation object, as shown in
the following code:
await Navigation.PopAsync();

9. How do you show a pop-up modal message with simple button choices like Yes or No?
Answer: To show a pop-up modal message with simple button choices like Yes or No,
you can call the DisplayAlert method, as shown in the following code:
bool response = await DisplayAlert("Apple Survey",
"Do you like your iPhone 11 Pro?", "Yes", "No");
Answers to the Test Your Knowledge Questions

10. What is Apple's ATS and why is it important?

Answer: Apple's ATS is App Transport Security and it is important because it is on
by default and it forces developers to use good practice including secure connections
between an app and a web service.

Appendix B – Building Windows Desktop

1. .NET 5 is cross-platform. Windows Forms and WPF apps can run on .NET 5. Can those
apps therefore run on macOS and Linux?
Answer: No. Although Windows Forms and WPF apps can run on .NET 5, they also
need to make calls to Win32 APIs and so are limited to running on Windows.
2. How does a Windows Forms app define its user interface and why is this a potential
Answer: A Windows Forms app defines its user interface using C# code. This is why
it is important to use a Windows Forms visual designer with a toolbox and drag-and-
drop support. It is messy to edit the generated code directly.
3. How can a WPF or UWP app define its user interface and why is this good for
Answer: A WPF or UWP app can define its user interface using XAML, which is easier
than C# code for developers to understand and write, even without a visual designer.
4. List five layout containers and how their child elements are positioned within them.
Answer: Five layout containers are as follows:
• StackPanel: Child elements are positioned by stacking them horizontally or
• Grid: Child elements are positioned by Row and Column within the defined grid.
• DockPanel: The single child element is positioned within its parent container by
aligning it to the Top, Left, Bottom, Right, or by filling the remaining space.
• WrapPanel: Child elements are positioned by stacking them horizontally or
vertically and then wrapping to another column or row if there are more to
• Canvas: Child elements are positioned using absolute Top and Left or Bottom
and Right values.

5. What is the difference between Margin and Padding for an element like a Button?
Answer: The difference between Margin and Padding for an element like a Button is that
Margin is outside the Border and Padding is inside the Border.
Appendix A

6. How are event handlers attached to an object using XAML?

Answer: Event handlers are attached to an object using XAML by setting an attribute
for the event name to the name of a method in the code-behind class, as shown in the
following markup:
<Button Clicked="SaveButton_Clicked">

7. What do XAML styles do?

Answer: XAML styles enable the setting of one or more properties.
8. Where can you define resources?
Answer: You can define resources in any element depending on where you want to
share those resources. To share resources throughout an app, define resources in the
<Application.Resources> element. To share resources only within a page, define
resources in its <Page.Resources> element.
To use resources in a single element like a button, define resources in its <Button.
Resources> element.
9. How can you bind the property of one element to a property on another element?
Answer: To bind the property of one element to a property on another element, use a
binding expression for the property that references the other element and its property,
as shown in the following markup:
<Slider Value="18" Minimum="18" Maximum="65" Name="slider" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=slider, Path=Value}" />

10. Why might you implement the IValueConverter interface?

Answer: You might implement the IValueConverter interface when you want to
perform data binding between two incompatible types, for example, to convert an int
value into a string value that defines a path to an image, or between a floating-point
value representing a body-mass index (BMI) and a color that indicates good or bad
Appendix B
Building Windows Desktop Apps
This appendix is about building applications for Windows desktop using three technologies:
Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), and Universal Windows
Platform (UWP).

Windows Forms and WPF support using .NET Core 3.0 or later as their runtime, but current
design-time support is limited so I only recommend this if you have existing Windows Forms
or WPF apps that must be migrated to modern .NET.

Most of this appendix will cover UWP apps that use the modern Windows Runtime and can
execute apps built using a custom version of .NET that compiles to native CPU instructions.

Although most of this appendix does not use .NET 5, in November 2021 Microsoft will release
.NET 6, which will be the single unified platform for .NET used by all app models, including
ASP.NET Core for web development, Windows Forms, WPF, and also cross-platform desktop
and mobile apps using .NET Multi-platform App User Interface (MAUI).

More Information: You can read more about your choices of platform for
building Windows desktop apps at the following link: https://docs.

You will explore some of the new user interface features of Fluent Design, introduced in the
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update in October 2017.

In a single appendix, we will only be able to scratch the surface of what can be achieved using
.NET for the Windows desktop. However, I hope to excite you into wanting to learn more
about the new ability to migrate legacy Windows applications to the modern .NET platform,
and the cool new UWP technology with Fluent Design, including template-able controls, data
binding, and animation!

Some important points about this appendix

Building Windows Desktop Apps

UWP apps are not cross-platform, but they are cross-device, meaning they can run on desktop,
laptop, tablet, and mixed reality devices like the HP Windows Mixed Reality Headset. Those
devices must run a modern flavor of Windows. You will need Windows 10 May 2019 Update
and Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3 or later to use the latest features, like XAML Islands,
although older versions of Windows 10, like the April 2018 Update, should work for creating
the example app in this appendix.

In this appendix, we will cover the following topics:

• Understanding legacy Windows application platforms

• Understanding the modern Windows platform
• Creating a modern Windows app
• Using resources and templates
• Using data binding

Understanding legacy Windows application

With the Microsoft Windows 1.0 release in 1985, the only way to create Windows applications
was to use the C language and call functions in three core DLLs named kernel, user, and GDI.
Once Windows became 32-bit with Windows 95, the DLLs were suffixed with 32 and became
known as the Win32 API.

In 1991, Microsoft introduced Visual Basic, which provided developers with a visual, drag-and-
drop-from-a-toolbox-of-controls way to build the user interface for Windows applications. It
was immensely popular, and the Visual Basic runtime is still part of Windows 10 today.

In 2002, Microsoft introduced .NET Framework, which included Windows Forms for building
Windows applications. The code could be written in either Visual Basic or C# languages.
Windows Forms had a similar drag and drop visual designer, although it generated C# or
Visual Basic code to define the user interface, which can be difficult for humans to understand
and edit directly.

In 2006, Microsoft introduced .NET Framework 3.0, which included WPF for building user
interfaces using XAML, which is easy for developers to understand and edit directly.

Understanding .NET 5 support for legacy Windows

The on-disk size of the .NET 5 SDKs for Linux and macOS are 332 MB and 337 MB,
respectively. The on-disk size of the .NET 5 SDK for Windows is 441 MB. This is because
it includes the Windows Desktop Runtime, which allows the legacy Windows application
platforms Windows Forms and WPF to be run on .NET 5.
Appendix B

Installing Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 for Windows

Since October 2014, Microsoft has made a professional-quality edition of Visual Studio
available to everyone for free. It is called Community Edition.

If you have not already installed it, let's do so now:

1. Download Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 or later for Windows from the
following link:
2. Start the installer.
3. On the Workloads tab, select the following:
• .NET desktop development
• Universal Windows Platform development
• .NET Core cross-platform development

4. Click Install and wait for the installer to acquire the selected software and install it.
5. When the installation is complete, click Launch.
6. The first time that you run Visual Studio, you will be prompted to sign in. If you have a
Microsoft account, you can use that account. If you don't, then register for a new one at
the following link:
7. The first time that you run Visual Studio, you will be prompted to configure your
environment. For Development Settings, choose Visual C#. For the color theme, I
chose Blue, but you can choose whatever tickles your fancy.

Working with Windows Forms

We will start by using the dotnet command tool to create a new Windows Forms app, then
we will use Visual Studio to create a Windows Forms app for .NET Framework to simulate a
legacy application, and then we will migrate that application to .NET 5.

Building a new Windows Forms application

In this task, you will see that it is not a good idea to build new Windows Forms applications for
.NET 5. As a general rule, only migrate existing Windows Forms applications to .NET.

The following instructions start with creating some new folders to store a solution file and
a project. You can choose to use another tool to do this instead of Command Prompt, but
you should at least create the new solution and Windows Forms project by using the dotnet
command-line tool in the correct folder:

1. From the Windows Start menu, open Command Prompt.

2. In Command Prompt, enter commands to perform the following tasks:
• Change to the Code folder.
• Create a folder named WindowsDesktopApps with a new solution file.
Building Windows Desktop Apps

• Create a subfolder named BasicWinForms with a new Windows Forms project:

cd C:\Code\
mkdir WindowsDesktopApps
cd WindowsDesktopApps
dotnet new sln
mkdir BasicWinForms
cd BasicWinForms
dotnet new winforms

3. Start Visual Studio 2019 and click Open a project or solution.

4. Navigate to the C:\Code\WindowsDesktopApps folder, select the WindowsDesktopApps.sln
solution file, and click Open.
5. Navigate to File | Add | Existing Project…, select the project named BasicWinForms.
csproj, and then click Open.
6. Navigate to Project | Edit Project File or right-click the project in Solution Explorer
and choose Edit Project File, and then note that the target framework is net5.0-
windows, it uses Windows Forms, and the output type is a Windows executable instead of
a console executable, as shown in the following markup:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">



7. Close the tab.

8. In Solution Explorer, double-click or right-click Form1.cs and select Open, and note
that at the time of writing in September 2020, the Windows Forms designer does not, by
default, support .NET 5 (although the 16.8 version expected in November 2020 should
work), as shown in the following screenshot:
Appendix B

More Information: You can track the progress of the Windows Forms designer
at the following link:

9. Navigate to Debug | Start Without Debugging or press Ctrl + F5, note the resizable
window with the title Form1, and then click the Close button in its top-right corner to
exit the application.

Reviewing a new Windows Forms application

Let's review the code in an empty Windows Forms application:

1. In Solution Explorer, open Program.cs and note that it is similar to a console app with
a Main entry point method, and that it instantiates a Form1 class and runs it, as shown in
the following code with comments removed to save space:
static class Program
static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());
Building Windows Desktop Apps

2. In Solution Explorer, expand Form1.cs, open the Form1 class, and note it is a partial
class and the call to InitializeComponent in its constructor, as shown in the following
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

3. In Solution Explorer, expand Form1.cs, open Form1.Designer.cs, expand the Windows

Form Designer generated code section, and note that the code would be messy to
understand and modify manually, as shown in the following code, which defines an
empty form:
private void InitializeComponent()
this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(800, 450);
this.Text = "Form1";

4. Close any edit windows.

Migrating a legacy Windows Forms application

In this task, you will add a Windows Forms application for .NET Framework to the solution so
that you can use the Windows Forms visual designer, and then migrate it to .NET 5:

1. In Visual Studio 2019, navigate to File | Add | New Project….

2. In the search box, enter windows forms and select Windows Forms App (.NET
Framework), and then click Next.
3. For Project name, enter LegacyWinForms and click Create.
4. Navigate to View | Toolbox or press Ctrl + W, X and then pin the Toolbox. Note that
you might have different key bindings. If so, then you can navigate to Tools | Import
and Export Settings and reset your settings to Visual C# to use the same key bindings
as the ones I have used in this appendix.
5. In Toolbox, expand Common Controls.
Appendix B

6. Drag and drop some controls, like Button, MonthCalendar, Label, and TextBox, onto
Form1, as shown in the following screenshot:

7. Navigate to View | Properties Window or press Ctrl + W, P or F4.

8. Select the button, change its (Name) property to btnGoToChristmas, and change its Text
property to Go to Christmas.
9. Double-click the button, note that an event handler method is written for you, and enter
statements to set the calendar to select Christmas Day 2020, as shown in the following
private void btnGoToChristmas_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DateTime christmas = new DateTime(2020, 12, 25);
monthCalendar1.SelectionStart = christmas;
monthCalendar1.SelectionEnd = christmas;

10. In Solution Explorer, right-click the solution and select Set StartUp Projects….
11. In the Solution 'WindowsDesktopApps' Properties Pages dialog box, for Startup
Project, select Current selection, and then click OK.
12. In Solution Explorer, select the LegacyWinForms project and note its name becomes
bold to indicate that it is the current selection.
13. Navigate to Debug | Start Without Debugging or press Ctrl + F5, click the button, and
note the month calendar animates to select Christmas Day, and then click the close
button in the top-right corner to exit the app.
Building Windows Desktop Apps

Migrating a Windows Forms app

Now, we can migrate this to the .NET 5 project. Remember that we only need to do this as a
temporary measure. Once the Windows Forms designer currently in preview is ported to .NET
5 and is available in a future production release for Visual Studio 2019, migrating won't be

1. Drag and drop Form1 from the LegacyWinForms folder into the BasicWinForms folder,
which will prompt you to overwrite the following files:
• Form1.cs
• Form1.Designer.cs
• Form1.resx

2. In the BasicWinForms project, modify Program.cs to specify the legacy namespace when
instantiating and running Form1, as shown in the following code:
Application.Run(new LegacyWinForms.Form1());

3. In Solution Explorer, select the BasicWinForms project.

4. Navigate to Debug | Start Without Debugging or press Ctrl + F5, click the button, note
the month calendar animates to select Christmas Day, and then close the app.
5. Close the project and solution.

Migrating WPF apps to .NET 5

If you have existing WPF apps that need to move from .NET Framework to .NET 5, then like
migrating Windows Forms projects, it is possible today, but tricky. This will improve over the
next year or so, especially with future releases of Visual Studio 2019.

More Information: You can read more about migrating WPF apps at the
following link:

Migrating legacy apps using the Windows

Compatibility Pack
The Windows Compatibility Pack provides access to APIs that were previously available only
for .NET Framework.

More Information: You can read more about the Windows Compatibility
Pack at the following link:
Appendix B

Understanding the modern Windows platform

Microsoft continues to improve the Windows platform, which includes technologies like
Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and Fluent Design System for building modern apps.

Understanding Universal Windows Platform

UWP is Microsoft's latest technology solution to build applications for its Windows suite of
operating systems. It provides a guaranteed API layer across multiple device types. You can
create a single app package that can be uploaded to a single store to be distributed to reach all
the device types your app can run on. These devices include Windows 10 desktops, laptops,
and tablets, the Xbox One and later video game systems, and Mixed Reality Headsets like
Microsoft HoloLens.

UWP provides standard mechanisms to detect the capabilities of the current device and then
activate additional features of your app to fully take advantage of them.

UWP with XAML provides layout panels that adapt how they display their child controls to
make the most of the device they are currently running on. It is the Windows app equivalent of
web page responsive design. They also provide visual state triggers to alter the layout based on
dynamic changes, such as the horizontal or vertical orientation of a tablet.

Understanding Fluent Design System

Microsoft's Fluent Design System will be delivered in multiple waves, rather than as a "Big
Bang" all in one go, to help developers slowly migrate from traditional styles of user interface
to more modern ones.

Wave 1, available in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, released in October 2017 and refined
in the subsequent waves as part of biannual Windows 10 updates, included the following

• Acrylic material
• Connected animations
• Parallax views
• Reveal lighting

Filling user interface elements with acrylic brushes

Acrylic material is a semi-transparent blur-effect brush that can be used to fill user interface
elements to add depth and perspective to your apps. Acrylic can show through what is in
the background behind the app, or elements within the app that are behind a pane. Acrylic
material can be customized with varying colors and transparencies.
Building Windows Desktop Apps

More Information: You can read more about how and when to use Acrylic
material at the following link:

Connecting user interface elements with animations

When navigating around a user interface, animating elements to draw connections between
screens helps users to understand where they are and how to interact with your app.

More Information: You can read more about how and when to use connected
animations at the following link:

Parallax views and Reveal lighting

Parallax views are backgrounds, often images, that move at a slower rate than the foreground
during scrolling to provide a feeling of depth and give your apps a modern feel.

More Information: You can read more about Parallax at the following link:

Reveal lighting helps the user understand which of the visual elements in the user interface is
an interactive element by lighting up as the user moves their mouse cursor over that element to
draw their focus.

More Information: You can read more about how and when to use Reveal to
bring focus to user interface elements at the following link: https://docs.

Creating a modern Windows app

We will start by creating a simple UWP app, with some common controls and modern features
of Fluent Design like acrylic material.
Appendix B

Enabling developer mode

To create apps for UWP, you must enable developer mode in Windows 10:

1. Navigate to Start | Settings | Update & Security | For developers, and then click on
Developer mode.
2. Accept the warning about how it "could expose your device and personal data to
security risk or harm your device," and then close the Settings app.

Creating a UWP project

Now you will add a new UWP app project to your solution:

1. In Visual Studio 2019, open the WindowsDesktopApps solution.

2. Navigate to File | Add | New Project....
3. In the Add a new project dialog, enter uwp in the search box, select the Blank App
(Universal Windows) template for C#, and then click Next. Make sure to select the one
for C# and not Visual Basic!
4. For the Project name, enter FluentUwpApp and then click on Create.
5. In the New Universal Windows Platform Project dialog, choose the latest version of
Windows 10 for Target Version and Minimum Version and click on OK.

Good Practice: Since the Fluent Design System was first released with
Window 10 Fall Creators Update (10.0; Build 16299), you should be
able to select that to support the features that we will cover in this
appendix, but while you're learning, it's best to use the latest version
to avoid unexpected incompatibilities. Developers writing UWP
apps for a general audience should choose one of the latest builds of
Windows 10 for Minimum Version. Developers writing enterprise
apps should choose an older Minimum Version. Build 10240 was
released in July 2015 and is a good choice for maximum compatibility,
but you will not have access to modern features such as Fluent Design

6. In Solution Explorer, double-click on the MainPage.xaml file to open it for editing. You
will see the XAML design window showing a graphical view and a XAML view. You
will be able to make the following observations:
• The XAML designer is split horizontally, but you can toggle to a vertical split
and collapse one side by clicking on the buttons on the right edge of the divider.
• You can swap views by clicking on the double-arrow button in the divider.
Building Windows Desktop Apps

• You can scroll and zoom in both views:

7. For Design view, change the device to 13.3" Desktop (1280 x 720) 100% scale and zoom
to 100%.
8. Navigate to View | Toolbox or press Ctrl + W, X. Note that the toolbox has sections for
Common XAML Controls, All XAML Controls, and General.
9. At the top of the toolbox is a search box. Enter the letters bu, and then note that the list
of controls is filtered.
10. Drag and drop the Button control from the toolbox onto the Design view.
11. Resize it by clicking, holding, and dragging any of the eight square-shape resize
handles on each edge and in each corner.
Note that the button is given a fixed width and height, and fixed left (30 units) and top
(40 units) margins, to position and size it absolutely inside the grid, as shown in the
following screenshot:
Appendix B

Although you can drag and drop controls, it is better to use the XAML view for layout
so that you can position items relatively and implement more of a responsive design.
12. In the XAML view, find the Button element and delete it.
13. In the XAML view, inside the Grid element, enter the following markup:
<Button Margin="6" Padding="6" Name="ClickMeButton">
Click Me

14. Change the zoom to 50% and note that the button is automatically sized to its content,
Click Me, aligned vertically in the center and aligned horizontally to the left, even if
you toggle between vertical and horizontal phone layouts.
15. In the XAML view, delete the Grid element, and modify the XAML to wrap the Button
element inside a horizontally orientated StackPanel with a light gray background
that is inside a vertically orientated (by default) StackPanel, and note the change in its
layout to be in the top left of the available space, as shown in the following code:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Padding="4"
Background="LightGray" Name="toolbar">
<Button Margin="6" Padding="6" Name="ClickMeButton">
Click Me

16. Modify the Button element to give it a new event handler for its Click event, as shown
in the following screenshot:

17. Right-click the event handler name and select Go To Definition or press F12.
Building Windows Desktop Apps

18. Add a statement to the event handler method that sets the content of the button to the
current time, as shown in the following code:
private void ClickMeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ClickMeButton.Content = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss");

19. Navigate to Build | Configuration Manager... for the FluentUwpApp project, select
the Build and Deploy checkboxes, select a Platform of x64, and then select Close, as
shown in the following screenshot:

20. Run the application by navigating to Debug | Start Without Debugging or pressing
Ctrl + F5.
21. Click on the Click Me button and note that every time you click on the button, the
button's content changes to show the current time.

Exploring common controls and acrylic brushes

Now you will explore some common controls and painting with acrylic brushes:

1. Open MainPage.xaml, set the stack panel's background to use the acrylic system window
brush, and add some elements to the stack panel after the button for the user to enter
their name, as shown highlighted in the following markup:
Appendix B

Background="{ThemeResource SystemControlAcrylicWindowBrush}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Padding="4"
Background="LightGray" Name="toolbar">
<Button Margin="6" Padding="6" Name="ClickMeButton"
Click Me
<TextBlock Text="First name:"
VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="4" />
<TextBox PlaceholderText="Enter your name"
VerticalAlignment="Center" Width="200" />

2. Run the application by navigating to Debug | Start Without Debugging, and note the
tinted acrylic material showing the green tent and orange sunset over the mountains of
one of the standard Windows 10 wallpapers through the app window background, as
shown in the following screenshot:

Acrylic uses a lot of system resources, so if an app loses focus, or your device is low on battery,
then acrylic is disabled automatically.

Exploring Reveal
Reveal is built-in for some controls, such as ListView and NavigationView, that you will see
later. For other controls, you can enable it by applying a theme style. First, we will add some
XAML to define a calculator user interface made up of a grid of buttons. Then, we will add an
event handler for the page's Loaded event so that we can apply the Reveal theme style and other
properties by enumerating the buttons instead of having to manually set attributes for each one
in XAML:
Building Windows Desktop Apps

1. Open MainPage.xaml, add a new horizontal stack panel under the one used as a
toolbar, and add a grid with buttons to define a calculator, as shown highlighted in the
following markup:
Background="{ThemeResource SystemControlAcrylicWindowBrush}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Padding="4"
Background="LightGray" Name="toolbar">
<Button Margin="6" Padding="6" Name="ClickMeButton"
Click Me
<TextBlock Text="First name:"
VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="4" />
<TextBox PlaceholderText="Enter your name"
VerticalAlignment="Center" Width="200" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Grid Background="DarkGray" Margin="10"
Padding="5" Name="gridCalculator">
<Button Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Content="X" />
<Button Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Content="/" />
<Button Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="2" Content="+" />
<Button Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="3" Content="-" />
<Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Content="7" />
<Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Content="8" />
<Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="2" Content="9" />
<Button Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="3" Content="0" />
<Button Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" Content="4" />
Appendix B

<Button Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" Content="5" />

<Button Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="2" Content="6" />
<Button Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="3" Content="." />
<Button Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="0" Content="1" />
<Button Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" Content="2" />
<Button Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="2" Content="3" />
<Button Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="3" Content="=" />

2. In the Page element, add a new event handler for Loaded, as shown highlighted in the
following markup:
Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}"

3. Right-click Page_Loaded and select Go To Definition or press F12.

4. Add statements to the Page_Loaded method to loop through all of the calculator buttons,
setting them to be the same size, and apply the Reveal style, as shown in the following
private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Style reveal = Resources.ThemeDictionaries[
"ButtonRevealStyle"] as Style;

foreach (Button b in gridCalculator.Children.OfType<Button>())

b.FontSize = 24;
b.Width = 54;
b.Height = 54;
b.Style = reveal;

5. Run the application by navigating to Debug | Start Without Debugging and note the
calculator buttons start with a flat gray user interface.
Building Windows Desktop Apps

6. When the user moves their mouse pointer over the bottom-right corner of the 8 button,
we see that Reveal lights it up, and parts of the surrounding buttons light up too, as
shown in the following screenshot:

7. Close the app.

The implementation of the Reveal effect has subtlety changed over the recent biannual updates
to Windows 10, so the effect in your app may look slightly different.

Installing more controls

In addition to dozens of built-in controls, you can install additional ones as NuGet packages
and one of the best is the UWP Community Toolkit.

More Information: You can read more about the UWP Community Toolkit
at the following link:

One of the toolkit controls is an editor for Markdown.

More Information: You can read about the Markdown project at the following

Let's install the UWP Community Toolkit now and explore some of its controls:

1. In the FluentUwpApp project, right-click on References, and select Manage NuGet

2. Click Browse, search for Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls, and click on Install.
Appendix B

3. Review the changes and accept the license agreement.

4. Navigate to Build | Build FluentUwpApp. This will restore packages if necessary.
5. Open MainPage.xaml, and in the Page element, import the toolkit namespace as a prefix
named kit, as shown highlighted in the following markup:
Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}"

6. Inside the second horizontal stack panel and after the calculator grid, add a textbox
and a markdown text block that are data bound together so that the text in the textbox
becomes the source of the markdown control, as shown highlighted in the following
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Grid Background="DarkGray" Margin="10"
Padding="5" Name="gridCalculator">
<TextBox Name="markdownSource" Text="# Welcome"
Header="Enter some Markdown text:"
VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="5"
AcceptsReturn="True" />
<kit:MarkdownTextBlock Margin="5"
Text="{Binding ElementName=markdownSource, Path=Text}"
VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />

7. Run the application by navigating to Debug | Start Without Debugging and note that
the user can enter Markdown syntax in the textbox, and it is rendered in the Markdown
text block, as shown in the following screenshot:
Building Windows Desktop Apps

Using resources and templates

When building graphical user interfaces, you will often want to use a resource, such as a brush
to paint the background of controls or an instance of a class to perform custom conversions.
These resources can be defined in a single place and shared throughout the app.

Sharing resources
A good place to define shared resources is at the app level, so let's see how to do that:

1. In Solution Explorer, open the App.xaml file.

2. Add the following markup inside the existing Application element to define a linear
gradient brush with a key of rainbow, as shown highlighted in the following markup:

<LinearGradientBrush x:Key="rainbow">
<GradientStop Color="Red" Offset="0" />
<GradientStop Color="Orange" Offset="0.1" />
<GradientStop Color="Yellow" Offset="0.3" />
<GradientStop Color="Green" Offset="0.5" />
<GradientStop Color="Blue" Offset="0.7" />
<GradientStop Color="Indigo" Offset="0.9" />
<GradientStop Color="Violet" Offset="1" />

3. Navigate to Build | Build FluentUwpApp.

4. In MainPage.xaml, modify the StackPanel element named toolbar to change its
background from LightGray to the static resource rainbow brush, as shown highlighted
in the following markup:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Padding="4"
Background="{StaticResource rainbow}" Name="toolbar">

5. As you enter the reference to a static resource, IntelliSense will show your rainbow
resource and the built-in resources, as shown in the following screenshot:
Appendix B

Good Practice: A resource can be an instance of any object. To share it within

an application, define it in the App.xaml file and give it a unique key. To set an
element's property with a resource, use {StaticResource key}.

Resources can be defined and stored inside any element of XAML, not just at the app level. For
example, if a resource is only needed on MainPage, then it can be defined there. You can also
dynamically load XAML files at runtime.

More Information: You can read more about the Resource Management
System at the following link:

Replacing a control template

You can redefine how a control looks by replacing its default template. The default control
template for a button is flat and transparent.

One of the most common resources is a style that can set multiple properties at once. If a style
has a unique key, then it must be explicitly set, as we did earlier with the linear gradient. If it
doesn't have a key, then it will be automatically applied based on the TargetType property:
Building Windows Desktop Apps

1. In App.xaml, define a control template inside the Application.Resources element and

note that the Style element will automatically set the Template property of all controls
that are TargetType, that is, buttons, to use the defined control template, as shown
highlighted in the following markup:
<LinearGradientBrush x:Key="rainbow">
<ControlTemplate x:Key="DarkGlassButton" TargetType="Button">
<Border BorderBrush="#FFFFFFFF"
BorderThickness="1,1,1,1" CornerRadius="4,4,4,4">
<Border x:Name="border" Background="#7F000000"
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<Border Opacity="0"
HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" x:Name="glow"
Width="Auto" Grid.RowSpan="2"
<ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Grid.RowSpan="2" Padding="4"/>
<Border HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="0,0,0,0"
x:Name="shine" Width="Auto"
<LinearGradientBrush EndPoint="0.5,0.9"
<GradientStop Color="#99FFFFFF" Offset="0"/>
<GradientStop Color="#33FFFFFF" Offset="1"/>
<Style TargetType="Button">
Appendix B

<Setter Property="Template"
Value="{StaticResource DarkGlassButton}" />
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White" />

2. Run the application and note the black glass effect on the button in the toolbar.

The calculator buttons are not affected at runtime by this black glass effect because we replace
their styles using code after the page has loaded.

Using data binding

When building graphical user interfaces, you will often want to bind a property of one control
to another, or to some data.

Binding to elements
The simplest type of binding is between elements:

1. In MainPage.xaml, after the second horizontal stack panel and inside the outer vertical
stack panel, add a text block for instructions, a slider for selecting a rotation, a grid
containing a stack panel and text blocks to show the selected rotation in degrees, a
radial gauge from the UWP Community Toolkit, and a red square to rotate, as shown in
the following markup:
<TextBlock Margin="10">
Use the slider to rotate the square:
<Slider Value="180" Minimum="0" Maximum="360"
Name="sliderRotation" Margin="10,0" />
<ColumnDefinition />
<ColumnDefinition />
<ColumnDefinition />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"
<TextBlock FontSize="30"
Text="{Binding ElementName=sliderRotation, Path=Value}" />
<TextBlock Text="degrees" FontSize="30" Margin="10,0" />
<kit:RadialGauge Grid.Column="1" Minimum="0" Maximum="360"
Value="{Binding ElementName=sliderRotation, Path=Value}"
Building Windows Desktop Apps

Height="200" Width="200" />

<Rectangle Grid.Column="2" Height="100" Width="100" Fill="Red">
Angle="{Binding ElementName=sliderRotation, Path=Value}" />

2. Note that the text of the text block, the value of the radial gauge, and the angle of the
rotation transform are all bound to the slider's value using the {Binding} markup
extension that's specific to the name of the element and the name, also known as the
path, of a property to bind to.
3. Run the app and then click, hold, and drag the slider to rotate the red square, as shown
in the following screenshot:

Practicing and exploring

Test your knowledge and understanding by answering some questions, get some hands-on
practice, and explore this appendix's topics with deeper research.
Appendix B

Exercise: B.1 – Test your knowledge

Answer the following questions:

1. .NET 5 is cross-platform. Windows Forms and WPF apps can run on .NET 5. Can those
apps therefore run on macOS and Linux?
2. How does a Windows Forms app define its user interface and why is this a potential
3. How can a WPF or UWP app define its user interface and why is this good for
4. List five layout containers and how their child elements are positioned within them.
5. What is the difference between Margin and Padding for an element like a Button?
6. How are event handlers attached to an object using XAML?
7. What do XAML styles do?
8. Where can you define resources?
9. How can you bind the property of one element to a property on another element?
10. Why might you implement IValueConverter?

Exercise: B.2 – Explore topics

Use the following links to read more about this appendix's topics:

• Enable your device for development:

• Get started with Windows 10 apps:
• Getting Started with the Windows Community Toolkit:
• Design and code Windows apps:
• Develop UWP apps:

In this appendix, you learned that .NET 5 supports older technologies for building Windows
desktop applications, including Windows Forms and WPF.

You learned how to build a graphical user interface using XAML and the new Fluent Design
System, including features such as acrylic material and Reveal lighting.

You also learned how to share resources in an app, how to replace a control's template, and
how to bind to data and controls.

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