ISO 6743-3 - 2003 - Part. 3 - Family D - Compressors
ISO 6743-3 - 2003 - Part. 3 - Family D - Compressors
ISO 6743-3 - 2003 - Part. 3 - Family D - Compressors
First edition
Reference number
ISO 6743-3:2003(E)
© ISO 2003
ISO 6743-3:2003(E)
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 6743-3 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 28, Petroleum products and lubricants,
Subcommittee SC 4, Classifications and specifications.
This first edition combines, cancels and replaces the first editions of ISO 6743-3A:1987 and
ISO 6743-3B:1988, which have been technically revised.
ISO 6743 consists of the following parts, under the general title Lubricants, industrial oils and related products
(class L) — Classification: ISO 6743-3:2003
Part 1: Family A (Total loss systems) 9517c9c15bc5/iso-6743-3-2003
1 Scope
This part of ISO 6743 establishes the detailed classification of lubricants for use in family D, air compressors,
gas compressors and refrigeration compressors.
The intention of this part of ISO 6743 is to provide a rationalized range of the most commonly used
internationally available lubricants for air, gas and refrigeration compressors, without resorting to unnecessary
restriction by specifications or products description.
ISO 5388 as published in 1991 should be revised to reflect the change from light, medium and heavy duty
ISO 6743-3:2003
cycles to normal and severe duty cycles as described in this edition of ISO 6743-3.
9517c9c15bc5/iso-6743-3-2003 1)
This part of ISO 6743 should be read in conjunction with ISO 6743-99 .
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 5388, Stationary air compressors — Safety rules and code of practice
ISO 8681:1986, Petroleum products and lubricants — Method of classification — Definition of classes
1) ISO 6743-99:2002, Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (class L) — Classification — Part 99: General
3.2 Each category is designated by a symbol consisting of a group of letters, which together constitute a
NOTE The first letter of the code “D” identifies the family of the product considered but the second and third letters
taken separately have no significance of their own.
The designation of each category may be supplemented by the addition of viscosity grades according to
ISO 3448.
3.3 In this classification system, products are designated in a uniform manner in accordance with ISO 8681.
For example, a particular product may be designated in a complete form, e.g., ISO-L-DAB 68, or in an
abbreviated form, e.g., L-DAB 68, the number indicating the viscosity grade according to ISO 3448.
Product type
Code General Particular More specific and/or Symbol Typical
letter application application application performance ISO-L applications
D Air Positive Reciprocating Normally highly DAA Normal duty See Annex A
compressors displacement crosshead and refined mineral oils,
air trunk pistons may be semi-
compressors (
or synthetic or full
with oil- Rotary drip feed synthetic fluids
lubricated (vane) ISONormally
compression specially DAB Severe duty
formulated semi-
synthetic or fully
synthetic fluids,
may be specially
formulated highly
refined mineral oils
Rotary oil-flooded Mineral oils, may DAG Lubricant drain
(vane and screw be highly refined cycles of
compressors) mineral oils u 2 000 h
Table 1 (continued)
Product type
Code General Particular More specific and/or Symbol Typical
letter application application application performance ISO-L applications
Product type
Code General Particular More specific and/or Symbol Typical
letter application application application performance ISO-L applications
D Compressors Positive Gases that do not Highly refined DGA N2, H2, NH3, Ammonia
displacement react with highly mineral oils Ar, CO2 at has been
reciprocating refined mineral oil pressures found to
and rotary or do not lower below react with
compressors the viscosity to 104 kPa certain
for all gases such an extent (100 bar). He, additives
that mineral oil SO2, H2S at used in some
Compressors cannot be used all pressures. lubricants
for CO at
refrigeration pressures
circuits or heat below
pump circuits, 103 kPa
together with (10 bar)
compressors, Gases of DGA Special mineral DGB N2, H2, NH3, Ammonia
are excluded type but oils Ar, CO2 at has been
containing pressures found to
moisture or below react with
condensable 104 kPa certain
materials (100 bar) additives
used in some
Gases with high Usually synthetic Hydrocarbons a Ammonia
solubility in
mineral oil that
fluids at all
has been
found to
reduce viscosity NH and CO
3 2 react with
ISO 6743-3:2003 at pressures certain
above additives
9517c9c15bc5/iso-6743-3-2003 104 kPa used in some
(100 bar) lubricants
Gases that react Usually synthetic DGD a HCI, CI2, O2 With O2 and
chemically with fluids and oxygen oxygen-
mineral oil enriched air enriched air,
at all mineral oils
pressures. are
CO2 at prohibited
pressures and very few
above synthetic
103 kPa fluids are
(10 bar) compatible
Inert reducing Usually synthetic DGE a N2, H2, Ar, at These gases
gases that are fluids pressures present
very dry (dew below lubrication
point − 40 °C) 104 kPa difficulties
(100 bar) and require
NOTE Compression of gases at high pressures may cause difficulties (consult the compressor suppliers).
a The attention of the user is drawn to the fact that each of the categories DGC, DGD and DGE may, under the same designation,
cover products of very different chemical composition that should not be mixed without consulting the suppliers.
Particular lubricant
Code General Refrigerant Lubricant Symbol Typical
type (Typical – Remarks
letter application medium grouping ISO-L applications
D Compressors, Ammonia (NH3) Immiscible Highly refined DRA Commercial For flooded
refrigeration mineral oil and industrial evaporators
systems (naphthenic and refrigeration. with open or
paraffinic). Alkyl semi-hermetic
benzene compressors.
Miscible Polyalkylene glycol DRB Commercial For direct
and industrial expansion
refrigeration. evaporators;
PAGs for open
and factory-
built units.
Hydrofluoro- Immiscible Highly refined DRC Domestic Likely in small
carbon (HFC) mineral oil refrigeration. closed-loop
(naphthenic/ Residential and systems.
paraffinic) commercial air-
Alkyl benzene conditioning
Polyalphaolefin and heat pump.
Bus air-
Miscible Polyolester DRD Mobile air-
Polyvinylether conditioning.
Polyalkylene glycol Domestic
ISO 6743-3:2003 refrigeration. and
9517c9c15bc5/iso-6743-3-2003 commercial air-
and heat pump.
Chlorofluoro- Miscible Highly refined DRE Mobile air- Chlorine in the
carbon (CFC) mineral oil conditioning. refrigerant is
(naphthenic and Domestic beneficial for
Hydrochloro- paraffinic) refrigeration. lubricity.
Alkyl Benzene Residential and
(HCFC) Polyolester commercial air-
Polyvinylether conditioning
and heat pump.