ISO 6743-5 - 2006 - Part. 5 - Family T - Turbines
ISO 6743-5 - 2006 - Part. 5 - Family T - Turbines
ISO 6743-5 - 2006 - Part. 5 - Family T - Turbines
Second edition
Reference number
ISO 6743-5:2006(E)
© ISO 2006
ISO 6743-5:2006(E)
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The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
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ISO 6743-5 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 28, Petroleum products and lubricants,
Subcommittee SC 4, Classifications and specifications.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 6743-5:1988), Table 1 of which has been
technically revised. (
ISO 6743 consists of the following parts, under the general title Lubricants, industrial oils and related products
(class L) — Classification: ISO 6743-5:2006
⎯ Part 1: Family A (Total loss systems) 14f1573c41dc/iso-6743-5-2006
The recent evolution in the electricity production area, with the use of more potent gas turbines and single
shaft combined cycle gas turbines has made necessary the update of the classification of fluids for turbines. In
addition, regulations in some countries are requiring the use of environmentally acceptable lubricants for the
lubrication of hydro-turbines.
b) new types of oils for single-shaft combined-cycle gas turbines (i.e. turbines where the same lubricant
lubricates both the gas and the steam turbine);
c) new types of synthetic oils for aircraft turbines with land application;
This completes the classification described in ISO 6743-5:1988 and fits the industrial needs.
1 Scope
This part of ISO 6743 establishes the detailed classification of fluids of family T (Turbines) that belong to
class L (Lubricants, industrials oils and related products).
This classification excludes the products intended for aircraft turbines. However, some aircraft turbines can
find land application for power generation. For the lubrication of such turbines, it is recommended that the
manufacturer’s recommendation be followed. Depending on the service, either TGA, TGB, TGCH, TGCE or
more specific aircraft-turbine lubricants can be used.
This classification also excludes the products intended for the lubrication of wind turbines. The gear lubricants
used in wind turbines are described in ISO 6743-6[1] and specified in ISO 12925-1[3].
ISO 6743-5:2006
2 Explanation of symbols used
2.1 The detailed classification of family T has been established by defining the categories of products
required for the various applications of this family.
2.2 Each category is designated by a symbol consisting of a group of letters, which together constitute a
The first letter of the code (T) identifies the family of the product considered, but any following letters taken
separately have no significance of their own.
The designation of each category can be supplemented by a number denoting the viscosity grade of the
lubricant in accordance with ISO 3448:1992[4].
2.3 In the present classification system, products are designated in a uniform manner. For example, a
particular product may be designated in complete form, i.e. ISO-L-TSA 46, or in an abbreviated form, i.e. L-
TSA 46.
2.4 In this classification system, turbine lubricants are classified separately. It is not uncommon that some
turbine lubricants may be used in different turbine types. Some examples are given hereafter – these
examples are not restrictive.
a) The same lubricant may cover L-TSA, L-TGA and L-THA categories.
e) The same lubricant may cover L-TSD, L-TGD and L-TCD categories.
3 Detailed classification
T Turbines Steam Normal service Highly refined TSA Power generation and industrial
petroleum-base stocks drives and their associated
rust- and oxidation- control mechanisms, when fire
inhibited resistance is not needed or
mandatory. Marine drives where
improved load-carrying
properties are not specified for
the gearing
Gas, direct
coupled or
Normal service Highly refined
petroleum-base stocks
TGA Power generation and industrial
drives and their associated
geared to rust- and oxidation- control mechanisms, when fire
the load inhibited ISO 6743-5:2006 resistance is not needed or
mandatory. Marine drives where
14f1573c41dc/iso-6743-5-2006improved load-carrying
properties are not needed for
the gearing
Special Synthetic fluid, TGCE Power generation and industrial These fluids
properties synthetic-ester type drives and their associated may also
control systems where special exhibit some
properties of the fluid are of environment
interest for the application acceptability
(enhanced oxidation stability, character
low-temperature properties, …)
Table 1 (continued)
Single shaft High- Highly refined TGSB Power generation and the
combined temperature petroleum base stocks control systems, where fire
cycle service or synthetic base stock, resistance is not needed
turbines, rust and oxidation
with inhibited
lubrication High- Highly refined TGSE Power generation and the
system temperature petroleum-base stocks control systems, where fire
service and or synthetic-base stock, resistance is not needed and
high load- rust- and oxidation- where the gears require
carrying ability inhibited, with enhanced improved load-carrying ability.
load-carrying ability
Fire resistant Phosphate-ester control TCD
Steam, gas, hydraulic turbine
control mechanisms where fluid
( supply is separate from the
turbine lubricant and fire
resistance is needed
ISO 6743-5:2006
Normal service Highly refined THA Hydro-turbines with hydrostatic
petroleum-base stocks system
rust- and oxidation-