Raku Firing PDF
Raku Firing PDF
Raku Firing PDF
How to Raku
by John Ramer Sherrill
Raku pottery is tremendously popular. The wide range of raku glazing and raku firing methods,
and the surprises that come from every firing hold the interest of potters everywhere. While
many achieve consistent results, many potters as well as students have been unhappy with
their raku attempts. Here is a rundown of the basics you need for success at firing raku.
Raku Clay
by Bill Jones
The raku firing process requires a porous non-vitrified clay that can withstand rapid heating and
cooling without cracking or breaking from the thermal shock. By this definition, any clay that
can withstand such stresses can be considered a raku clay; however, some clays will provide
a greater degree of success. When deciding on a suitable raku pottery clay, your chances for
success increase with bodies specifically formulated or adjusted for the raku pottery process.
Raku Glazes
by Steven Branfman
A raku glaze is any glaze you use in the raku pottery method. It doesn’t have to be a glaze
specifically designed for raku, formulated to fire at the temperature you fire your raku ceramics
to, nor homemade or commercial. Read how your raku glaze can be most anything. The key to
success is understanding the raku firing process and the ability to predict how a particular glaze
reacts to that process.
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How to Raku
by John Ramer Sherrill
Spring Swallowtails,
15 in. (38 cm) in height,
with clear glaze over
polychrome slips, and
burnished lid carbon-
blackened during post-
firing reduction, by John
Ramer Sherrill.
aku pottery has become tremendously popu- phy, wondrous as it may be, but I know for certain that
lar in the United States. The wide range of some want to know how to do raku.
glazing and firing methods, and the surprises
that lurk in every firing hold the interest of Select a Raku Clay
potters year after year. A wide variety of clays can be used to make raku pottery.
Many achieve consistent results, but I’ve talked to Be aware, though, that the clay used determines much of the
dozens of established potters as well as students who have character of the finished piece.
been unhappy with their raku attempts. Most complained Most suppliers sell a body designated as “raku” clay,
that they had been unable to find specific information to which is usually a grogged clay that includes Kyanite. It is
properly guide them in their efforts. the clay of choice for really massive raku pieces. Suppliers
For my own early efforts, I obtained several books on also usually have bodies that are designated as “ovenware”
the subject, but found them frustratingly long on philoso- clay. These clays, which contain less grog (easier on the
phy and short on technique. I still couldn’t properly fire hands), often make an ideal raku body. I use ovenware clay
a raku pot, but I could use my new-found knowledge of almost exclusively.
Zen to cope with the situation. I don’t believe there are For more information, see “Raku Pottery Clay” on
many raku enthusiasts who are interested in my philoso- page 5.
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firings, you will need to look only at the pyrometer to A hat and face mask are not absolutely necessary, but are
determine unloading time. There is some medical evidence a good idea. I prefer to remove large pots by hand, but for
that prolonged or repeated staring into a red-hot kiln can this, special heat-resistant insulated gloves must be used. For
damage vision. smaller pots, long metal tongs are suitable.
When examining the pot for complete glaze melt, Reduction techniques vary quite a lot, so I will simply
look for bubbles in the glaze, as these can mar an oth- describe my own; modify as you wish. I remove the pot
erwise perfect pot. Even if the bubbles burst when the and place it on a fire proof surface, then wait for cracks
kiln is opened, unsightly craters will remain. Bubbles to appear in the glaze on the rapidly cooling surface. In
are almost always present on my pots because I fire bright sunshine, these cracks generally appear as shiny
rapidly, so I simply assume their presence, and take lines. They will announce their appearance with audible
steps to remove them. pings or pops.
To accomplish this, partially open the kiln just long Only then do I place the pot into the reduction recep-
enough to drop the temperature by 200°F or so (I give it tacle. This action takes place for a small pot, such as a
about a 10-second count). Close the kiln and bring the bud vase, in as little as 10 seconds. A very large vessel
temperature back up to near maturity. Give it a couple (5 pounds and up) may require 90 seconds or even lon-
of minutes for the craters to heal. If you have clusters of ger. This timing from kiln to post-firing reduction is very
bubbles, you may have to repeat the procedure. important, as it will, in large part, determine what kind of
crackle effect will be achieved. I find
Post-firing Reduction in that the sequence I have described
Raku Firing recipes gives deep, dark, widely-spaced
The final phase of raku firing requires crackles usually interspersed with
the still-hot pot to be placed in com-
The following gloss glazes are dependable networks of finer lines. Varying the
and work well with underglazes and timing should soon show you how to
bustible materials inside a fireproof colored slips.
receptacle that can be covered, the get the effect you prefer.
tighter the better. The combustible Clear Raku Glaze
material can be sawdust, straw, leaves, Cone 06 How to Quench
newspapers or anything else that Gerstley Borate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 %
Plastic Vitrox Clay . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
a Raku Pot
readily catches fire. I prefer a bed of A lot of pots are lost in the raku step
100 %
sawdust covered with crumpled news- called “quenching.” After reduc-
papers, but I suggest trying different Translucent White ing for a minute or more, the pot is
materials to discover what best suits Raku Glaze removed with tongs and submerged
you. See “Finding the Right Combus- Cone 08 immediately in a container of water.
tibles for Raku Firing” on page 16. Gerstley Borate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 % The water hisses and bubbles, and
Cornwall Stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
In any case, the bed of combustibles the hot pot rolls about as if in pain.
100 %
should be prepared in advance of the Those with narrow mouths will
firing. Clear to Cloudy gyrate wildly, and will sometimes
Post-firing reduction is where the Raku Glaze rocket themselves clear out of the
novice usually runs into problems. It Cone 08 container. All this commotion by a
is potentially a dangerous process, so Gerstley Borate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 % suddenly animated pot is undeniably
always take precautions and exercise Feldspar (Soda or Potash) . . . . . . . 25 a lot of fun, but I no longer enjoy it
100 %
extreme care. You will be work- because I no longer do it.
ing closely with temperatures up to These days, I just leave small pots
1800°F, so you must train yourself in the tightly covered reduction
to touch nothing without first considering whether or chamber for about 5 minutes, remove them and place them
not it may be hot. After a long rakuing session, I actually on the ground to cool. I leave large pots in reduction for
catch myself hesitating before entering my home, consid- up to 30 minutes, long enough for them to drop below
ering whether or not the doorknob is hot. It is a useful the quartz-inversion temperature (1063°F), because that is
habit to cultivate. when a large exposed pot is in serious danger of cracking.
Cover as much of your body as possible (always wear long As far as I’ve been able to determine, the only thing I lose
sleeves), but don’t wear polyester. Taste in clothing is not by not quenching pots are pots and, yes, a bit of fun.
the problem; the problem is polyester will melt and conform After the pot cools enough to handle, all that remains is
to your body like hot glue. Heat-resistant gloves are a must. to scrub it vigorously with a metal pad or wire brush.
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Raku Clay
by Bill Jones
he raku firing process requires a porous nonvitri- Between approximately 2000°F and 2200°F the material
fied clay that can withstand rapid heating to low- becomes more dense and glasslike, thereby losing some
fire temperatures (approximately 1700º–1950ºF) of its ability to withstand thermal shock.
and rapid cooling without cracking or breaking
from the thermal shock. By this definition, any clay that Tips for Buying Raku Clay
can withstand such stresses can be considered a raku clay; Most clay suppliers offer a range of raku clay bodies
however, some clays will provide a greater degree of suc- that can usually match the qualities you’re familiar with
cess, especially those with a high fireclay content. It’s im- in your regular body. They will be able to guide you
portant to recognize that when deciding on a suitable raku either through their product descriptions or in consulta-
clay, your chances for success increase with bodies specifi- tion, and many clay producers will even custom blend a
cally formulated or adjusted for the raku process. clay from your own recipe.
Plasticity: Clays with coarser grog are more suitable
Additions for handbuilding, while finer grog makes a better throw-
Most clay bodies can be used for raku by adding up to ing clay. Some commercial clays are suitable for both.
50% grog. Grog, which is crushed, fired clay, opens the Thermal shock: The larger and thicker the pieces, the
body thus making it less prone to thermal shock. Other more suitable and shock resistant the clay has to be. In-
materials you can add to increase the ability of a body to creasing the shock resistance means adding more nonplas-
withstand thermal shock include silica sand and kyanite. tic refractory material, which may decrease plasiticity.
Silica sand can be used as a substitute for grog, espe- Color: The color of the raku clay body influences
cially at the lower raku temperatures. Because it’s not the colors of your glazes. Light-colored or buff bodies
as absorbent as grog, you may recognize some gains in produce lighter, more brilliant glaze colors and bring
plasticity. Kyanite is a refractory material that matures out subtle shades, while darker clay bodies have a more
at about cone 36. One of the characteristics of kyanite muting affect. Raku clays made from buff stoneware,
is that it expands when heated, which counteracts some kaolins and ball clays produce lighter colors, while add-
clay shrinkage. It also creates a network of needle-like ing earthenware clays and colorants like iron oxide or
crystals allowing you to make larger forms. Commercial burnt umber will create darker bodies.
raku clay bodies contain one or a combination of these Texture: Adding grog to a clay body affects the texture
ingredients depending on other qualities you need in a since the grog is already fired and does not shrink. While
body, such as the ability to make large work, or whether this is not much of a factor with fine or medium grog,
you’re throwing or handbuilding. You can add any of it is more noticeable with coarse grog. If you’re looking
these materials to an existing body simply by wedging for smooth texture, you’ll want a body with fine grog,
them in. Using a pug mill or clay mixer provides a more sand or kyanite. You can also create unusual textures by
homogenous mix, and dry batching provides a more wedging in sawdust or paper pulp, which also opens the
consistent mix. body and increases resistance to thermal shock.
As with any clay or glaze, you should test a raku body
Bisque Firing before you invest a sizeable amount of energy in forming
Most raku clays can be fired as high as cone 6–10 since work. Many suppliers offer samples that you can test,
they are formulated as stoneware clays. But clay is clay or you can try out different additions to your existing
and it should be noted that when bisque firing for raku, body. Mark all of your samples and keep good records
you should not bisque fire higher than cone 04 (1950°F). of your results.
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Raku Glazes
by Steven Branfman
Sprayed stoneware
glaze under clear
raku glaze, by
Steven Branfman.
n my workshops, I get asked many questions but nev- raw clay. Deciding when the glaze has melted takes prac-
er “What is a raku glaze?” Why? Because everyone tice and is best done by observation, though many potters
knows what a raku glaze is. Right? It’s a glaze that use pyrometers to aid in making that decision. Raku is
is labeled “raku.” Wrong. It’s time to expand your exciting, often unpredictable to the novice, and fun to do.
thinking and understand exactly what this whole raku
glaze thing is about. Applying Raku Glaze
A raku glaze is any glaze you use in the raku method. It Glazing work for raku can be done by all the methods
doesn’t have to be a glaze specifically designed for raku, known—dipping, pouring, brushing, spraying, splashing,
formulated to fire at the temperature you fire your raku dripping, sponging—you name it. Glazes also can be used
to, nor homemade or commercial. It can be most any- alone or in combination. Keep in mind that the applica-
thing. The key to success is understanding the raku firing tion of a glaze has a direct effect on the result.
process and the ability to predict how a particular glaze
reacts to that process. Dedicated Raku Glazes
Raku, as practiced in the West, is a low-fire method in Glazes specifically designed for raku fall into two catego-
which we quickly heat the ware, remove the ware from ries—homemade and commercially prepared. If you mix
the kiln when the glaze has melted, and perform some your own, you’ll find scores of recipes. Search the inter-
type of post-firing process to the piece. The post-firing net, ask friends, look in any book on glazes or raku, and
phase is usually an immersion in an organic combustible look in magazines. In no time you will find more glazes
material to affect the final outcome on the glaze and the than you could use in a lifetime. Of course, to mix your
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Multi-layered, brushed, commercial low-fire glazes.
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Buying a Raku Kiln
by Steven Branfman
aku firing is expressive, exciting, and fun. consider whether you’ll be firing alone, with an assistant,
Whether you’re rakuing in your own studio, or or with a group.
taking part in a group firing at a school, work-
shop or community center, raku offers many re- Configurations
wards. But the process requires more than just enthusiasm; There are many configurations for raku kilns—top load-
you need the proper equipment and tools to make the event ers, front loaders, top hats, car kilns, and clam shells.
successful. If you’re interested in getting started with raku Some top hats have pulley systems, springs, counter
or in adding raku to your program, here are a few pointers weights, and guiding tracks to raise and lower the cham-
for getting off to a good start with the right kiln—the most ber. Without the lifting mechanism, a large top-hat kiln
important tool you’ll need. requires two people to safely lift the body off, while
smaller kilns require only one person. After gaining
The Basic Raku Process experience, most raku potters gravitate to one specific
With raku you begin by placing your work in a cold kiln style and design. The important thing with any kiln is that
and bringing it up to temperature, approximately 1800– you are comfortable with its workings. It must accom-
1900ºF. The rate at which you attain this temperature is modate your work. It must be possible to safely open the
based on a variety of factors: size of the work, size and extremely hot kiln, remove the contents, reload, and close
type of kiln, burner output, etc. A raku session usually it up again losing as little heat as possible. Before buying
consists of firing more than one load, so the ability to pre- or building a kiln, do as much observation, participation,
heat the waiting work, unload the hot ware safely, reload, and research as possible.
and then reheat the kiln all need to be considered. The
choice of fuel—natural gas, wood, electric or propane— Temperature
is important because each of these carries limitations Even though most raku firing takes place in the cone
as well as benefits. You’ll need to consider the physical 010–04 range some of the kilns on the market are rated for
location of the kiln so that it can be placed with ample higher temperatures—up to cone 10. While some kilns are
space around it for safety and space to work. And finally, designed specifically for raku, others were originally de-
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| Second 8
signed as stoneware kilns that can be used for raku or were
modified for raku. You’ll need to check with manufacturers
about the full capabilities of their kilns. Raku Kiln Manufacturers
Axner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.axner.com
After the bisque, we apply the resist slip and glaze combina-
Jacobson’s Two-Step Naked Raku tion that gives naked raku its special look. For the resist slip,
Technique we brush on a thin layer of our Amador throwing clay. It holds
on to the pot very well throughout the process and comes off
Although we have lived in many different places and experi- with ease after reduction. We have experimented with making
mented at length with materials, our approach to naked raku the resist slip from lots of different stoneware clays with excel-
is basically the same as it was 25 years ago. We like to throw lent results. Be sure that the pot does not feel too “cool” to the
thin-walled pots with cone 10 Laguna clays (Amador and touch before glazing.
WSO). When the pots are leather hard, we apply a thin layer
of colored clays. Most of these are colored porcelain, but we We use the 65% Ferro frit 3110/35% Gertsley borate glaze
also use some white stoneware and earthenware. The colored we developed in 1985. We have used other raku glazes and
clays are first brushed on and allowed to dry for 10–15 min- experimented with the percentages and variations of frits and
utes. By using the color clays “watered down” you can get the borates in the glaze, but have not found one that works better
color underneath to show through when burnished. than the original formula. The raku glaze is poured on to the
pots and may be brushed on to smaller pieces or sculptural
Once the colored clays have dried, they can be burnished. work. As the glaze has a lot of Gerstley borate, it quickly be-
The first burnish is just to smooth the clay out. Care is taken gins to set up or thicken within 30–45 seconds after it has been
to fill in any divots or rough spots. We then let the pot sit for stirred. So, time is of the essence in getting it to pour well.
1–4 hours to dry further, then burnish at least once more to
get a glossy surface. To retain this gloss, the pots need to dry We suggest you try two or three different thicknesses until
slowly for 1–2 days. you get a feel for what each layer will do in the fire. Generally,
the thinner layers will have tighter, smaller crackle lines than
We then bisque fire the pot to about 1427°F (775°C). We a glaze that was put on slightly thicker. If you go thick, the
find there is a fairly wide temperature variation, 122°–158°F crackles will be very large and spaced far apart. Thick glaze
(50°–70°C), that can be acceptable to us for our clay body & also can fire out with dots and shadowy areas with very little
style of work. crackles. There is simply no substitute for firing a lot of pots
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1 2
Brushing on colored clays, prior to burnishing. Applying a thin layer of resist slip, Laguna clay WC370
3 4
5 6
Firing very slowly for the first 10 minutes, slowing rais- Orange peel, watch carefully as the glaze changes texture.
ing temperatures to 1364ºF (740ºC).
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7 8
Reduction, smoking chamber filled with wood chips A light spray of water is applied and the glaze falls off
then covered with metal container, which allows the easily.
carbon to be trapped by the clay body.
9 10
Painting thin washes of acrylic to enhance the imagery Detail, “Koi Spirit.”
we have etched through the glaze.
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