Ceramic Frits

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Ceramique Industries

Ceramic Frits
Ceramic frit is a type of glass, it is a combination of materials melted together making them insoluble in water and resistant to acids. Frits are, thus, used as means of introducing raw materials materials into a glaze which would otherwise be soluble in water and / or toxic. The other benefits include lower firing temperatures, homogenous quality and consistent results. Frits can either used alone as a low temperature glaze, as in raku or ma olica, but generally they form the basis of a glaze recipe as a ma or or minor component depending upon the recipe and the firing temperature. Lead Frits ! glazes based on lead frits produce a shiny, durable finish and gi"e brightness and clarity of colour with oxides or stains. #hile they can be used on all earthenware clays, they are particularly suitable for terra!cotta red clay. $ue to the toxic nature of lead, these are generally used for glazing of decorati"e products. Borax Frits ! borax frits are used in the production of glazes when a lead free glaze is required. These frits are used the maximum for making glazes. %light milkiness at lower temperatures may be e"ident o"er red clays. Alkaline Frits & these are similar to borax frits but with a high alkaline 'soda and potash( content. The colour response from copper and manganese is typically turquoise and purple/brown respecti"ely. )lkaline frits ha"e a high expansion coefficient which makes them a suitable base for crackle glazes. All frits are supplied in powder form. Ask separately for frits in granular form.

##$# ##$& ##$' ##$( ##$) ##$* ##$+ ##$, ##$#ell balanced transparent frit for all fritted glossy glazes, suitable with almost all ceramic stains. *+,+ %C & **++%C. %tandard -orax frit. Flux for partially fritted glazes. *+,+%C & **++%C. Calcium -orate frit. Flux for partially fritted glazes. *+,+%C & **++%C. .eneral purpose frit ideal for underglaze decorations. )ll fritted transparent glossy glaze on terra!cotta red clay. /01%C & *+2+%C. 3igh alkaline frit. Contains -arium. -ase for crackle glazes. )lkaline frit. 3igh expansion. Crackle glaze. /++%C & *+2+%C. Colemanite / .erstley -orate replacement frit. )lkaline frit. 3igh expansion. 4sed as a flux for body and glazes. *+++ %C & *+2+%C. -arium zinc matt frit. %uitable for stoneware glazes.

L.A/ FRI!"
#&$# #&$& #&$' 5ead -isilicate frit for all type of glazes. 5ow solubility. /1+ %C & *+6+%C. 5ead zincless frit. )ll fritted transparent glossy glaze. /++%C & *+2+%C. 3igh lead borosilicate flux. Cone +6 & Cone +7.

O0A12. FRI!"
#'$# #'$& #ell balanced opaque frit for all fritted opaque white glossy glaze. *+,+ %C & **++%C. 3igh Calcium frit for matt glazes. Ceramique Industries )#(3 Centre 0oint3 &#3 4emanta Basu "arani3 5olkata 6 +$$$$# Call7 $''8&&*&'*,$3 "9"7 $-,'$$)#$))3 .mail7 ceramiqueinds:gmail.com

Ceramique Industries
Ceramic Frits7 !ec;nical /ata < 1ualitati=e Compositions
CO90O"I!IO> Al&O' >a&O B&O' ArO& "iO& BaO 5&O 0@O CaO AnO CO/. /."CRI0!IO> ?. !. ". 0. C. !. ..


)ll fritted transparent glossy glaze. %uitable for all ceramic *+,+8C! stains and pigments. **++8C *+,+8C! **6+8C

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/:+8C 6/+8C 6/+8C 6,+8C 01+8C 00+8C 21+8C 0++=C 02+=C 0*+8C 02+=C 02+=C 61+8C 02+=C

1.72 0.* 2.7* 1.61 *0.16 **.22 0.+6 **.+, /.7/ 0.70 2.0 6.7 0.+2 2.:6

##$& %tandard -orax frit for partially fritted glazes. ##$'

Calcium -orate frit for partially fritted glazes. .i"es *+,+8C! translucent blueish white by itself. **6+8C /018C! *+++8C

##$( 5ow expansion frit for transparent glaze on terracotta. ##$) 3igh alkaline frit. %utable for crystalline, crackle ; partially fritted glazes. .i"es Copper blue ; <anganese purple.

##$* 3igh expansion frit for crackle glazes. ##$+ .erstley -orate / Colemanite replacement frit for raku and partially fritted glazes.

*+,+8C! **++8C

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##$, Flux frit. %uitable for use in body or glaze. ##$- -arium >inc matt frit. .i"es a semi!transparent matt effect. #&$# %tandard 5ead -i %ilicate frit for additions to reduce firing temperatures and increasing shine. *+,+8C! **6+8C /1+8C! *+6+8C /++8C! *+2+8C /++8C! *+2+8C *+,+8C! **++8C *+,+8C! **++8C

9 9

9 9 9

#&$& )ll fritted transparent glossy glaze. 5ead zinc less frit. #&$' 3igh lead borosilicate flux frit. #'$# >ircon based glossy opaque frit. #'$& Calcium matt opaque frit.

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Ceramique Industries )#(3 Centre 0oint3 &#3 4emanta Basu "arani3 5olkata 6 +$$$$# Call7 $''8&&*&'*,$3 "9"7 $-,'$$)#$))3 .mail7 ceramiqueinds:gmail.com

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