CoS Guide To Barovia Church - Pyram King

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By Pyram King
Maps: DM Andy
Art: James RPGART
Template: Laura Hirsbrunner

addam Ian Scarfe Mony Armenchev Yves Redmeyer

Aileth iFenryl Niko Tackian Zachary Lewis
Daniel Leach Jackie Olav Eira Zee Vious
DM Andy Jason Reese Philbo
DM Zura Jim Richardson Renzo Sanchez C.
Edward Palomo JM Tixu78 Rick Holman
Elisa Di Virgilio Krista Setera Silvia Ferrari
Frank Schmitz mh Tayler Stokes
Gena Hlavinka Matt Dunn Tsimnuj Hawj
Graeme Adamson Minhaj Aijaz Memon Yow Enning

The cover artwork is by JAMES RPG ART. He has created
beautiful artwork for Curse of Strahd, including Animated versions.
The artwork is designed for use with Virtual Table-Top (VTT)
systems, including Foundry VTT.
Visit James RPT ART Patreon

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all ot her Wizards of the Coast product names,
and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for
Dungeon Masters Guild, and/or Wizards of the Coast's Fan Content Policy.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by PYRAM KING and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Credits .................................................................................... 1

Table of Contents.................................................................. 2

Cemetery ............................................................................... 3

Special Event: Burgomaster Burial! .................................... 4

Optional Interactions: ........................................................... 4
Combat Encounter Start: ...................................................... 5


The cemetery can be a place to explore and provide some

additional clues and lore. I created this key to provide some
additional background that connects to other locations,
NPCs, and lore.

1. Obelisk to Tatyana (She was the love of Sergie.

Strahd's brother. She fell from the Pillar of
Ravenloft, never seen again, and presumed dead. A
mysterious benefactor had the Obelisk built in her
memory. White Lilies are found at the base of the
Obelisk every full moon.)
2. Crypts of the Silver Dragon (two families from the
Village of Barovia were members of the Silver
Dragon, their families are entombed here. Notice the
Silver Dragon like gargoyles watching over the
3. Crypt of von Hapsburg (the ruling family of Barovia
before Strahd came. Relatives of the royal line who
lived in the Village of Barovia are entombed here.)
4. Grave Robbers (seems like the crypts were broken
into. Perhaps Count Lugosi's work, stealing bodies
for his flesh golem - see Guide to Count's Crypt, an
alternative to Death House.)
5. Lugosi Family Crypt (Lugosi family, a minor noble
family, family is buried here. see Guide to the Count's
Manor and Count's Crypt, an alternative to Death
6. Koloyanvich Family Crypt (family members of
Kolyanavich are entombed here).
7. Burgomaster's Crypt (where the Burgomaster burial
will take place.)


Ismark can charge towards Strahd. If so, Strahd can
dispatch Ismark in either a brutal or soft way. This should
be carefully considered depending on the party.

As the party, along with Father Donovich perform a

ceremony at the Burgomaster gravesite (7), a black carriage GRIMDARK:
approaches the graveyard gates. If you party is not afraid of Strahd and believe they can take
him on, the grimdark option of Strahd grabbing Ismark by
The party will recognize the carriage as the same one that the throat with one hand, lifting him from the ground,
brought them to the village (see conclusion to Count’s snapping his neck, and tossing him like a ragdoll to the
Crypt). ground should send a clear message he is far too powerful
to contend with at this point.
Rahadin steps out and holds the door for a regal looking
gentleman who holds a bouquet of white lilies. Rahadin and The poor boy, always believing he vas more than he vas. Never
the gentleman approach the gate of the graveyard and the respecting his elders. Perhaps the Village vill be better off
gentleman hands Rahadin the bouquet but does not enter without him.
the graveyard. Rahadin brings forth the flowers and hands
them to Ireena, bows slightly, and states in a soft respectful
tone the following:
As Ismark charges forth, Strahd raises his hand and casts a
My condolences for your loss. My lord is concerned for your Sleep spell on Ismark, who falls to the ground sleeping.
safety, as it has become unsafe for you in the village. News has Strahd can state:
spread that you have been under constant siege by beasts from
the woods. I am here to escort you with my lord back to Castle
He vill be alright, of course he vill have a serious headache ven
Ravenloft for your safety. Please excuse the interruption, I will
he awakes.
wait for you at the carriage.

He immediately turns and returns to the gentleman

standing at the gate entrance to the graveyard.

Ismark will take the flowers from Ireena and throw them
towards Rahadin as he leaves towards the carriage and

You are nothing more than a lackey for the evil that dwells in
the castle.

He then aims his attention at the gentleman waiting at the


You have brought forth this terror! You have caused my father’s
death! My sister will never follow you into the dark halls of
Ravenloft that looms like a dark shadow over us. You are not
welcome here, Strahd! Be GONE!

If the players have not figured it out, they will know now
that the gentleman at the gate is Lord Strahd.

Strahd remains at the gate and does not pay any mind to
Ismark’s outburst. He simply stares at Ireena, ignoring
everything else.

At this moment, the party may or may not decide how to

engage, if at all, with Lord Strahd.

This is the party’s first engagement with Strahd and it

should be memorable. The party should respect and fear
Strahd, as he is too powerful for them at this level.

After either of these two optional engagements with
Ismark, or if the party engages, this marks the beginning of
the combat encounter. Strahd will raise he hands as if
casting a spell and the dead will begin to rise from the
surrounding graves.

Depending on party level and size, between 8 to 12 Zombies

rise from the surrounding graves and begin to attack the
party and Father Donovich. The Zombies will ignore Ireena.
The Zombies should be spaced out, so not all Zombies can
engage the first turn. Having them rise from different parts
of the graveyard.

Begin the combat encounter, but do NOT include Rahadin

who will be inside the carriage.

Strahd will attempt to Charm Ireena once and convince her

it is not safe, and she should come with him. If he fails, he
will get in his carriage and ride away.

If Ireena is Charmed she will slowly move towards Strahd.

On her turn she rolls a Wisdom Saving Throw to see if
Charm has been broken. She moves at 10’ intervals,
conflicted knowing in her mind it is not safe.

Any player can attempt to pull or grapple Ireena away. If

they can get her out of sight/view of Strahd she will slowly
come to her senses.

If the players attempt to engage Strahd, they should be

overwhelmed by the Zombies. Strahd will smile at them and
slowly enter his carriage. He may utter to the party as he

I am sure we vill meet again, under more favorable

circumstances. In the meantime, vatch your step, Barovia has
not been kind to strangers.


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