Eva's Kitchen - Eva Longoria
Eva's Kitchen - Eva Longoria
Eva's Kitchen - Eva Longoria
scuos sa|ads
||sh Ma|u Ccurses
|cu|trv Ma|u Ccurses
uee| Ma|u Ccurses
De|ectab|e s|des
Dress|ucs sauces
1crt|||as, u|scu|ts Ou|c| ureads
Mv |cve a||a|r W|th ccc||uc started |cuc acc, but i reaeaber |t sc
c|ear|v. wheu i Was abcut s|x vears c|d, av aca Was |eav|uc |cr
Wcr| ear|v cue acru|uc aud i tc|d her i Was huucrv. sc ccc|
scaeth|ucl she ausWered. i v|v|d|v reaeaber ou|||uc uo a cha|r tc
the stcve aud turu|uc |t cu W|th a aatch. (i |ucWdaucercus, but |t
Was a d|||ereut t|ael) i se|ected the saa||est |rv|uc oau i ccu|d ||ud
because i Wauted tc ccc| cue ecc. uct eccs, just cue ecc. i
crac|ed the ecc cu the edce c| the oau, as i'd seeu av aca dc
e||crt|ess|v aauv t|aes be|cre, aud eaot|ed |t |utc the |rv|uc oau.
O| ccurse, the oau Was |u|| c| eccshe||. i d|du't use auv butter cr
c||, sc the ecc stuc| evervWhere. i cau't eveu reaeaber ucW What |t
tasted |||e, but i cau reca|| the |ee||uc c| acccao||shaeut i had a|ter
ccc||uc that ecc. i |cuud |t eaocWer|uc aud euerc|z|uc. i Was
hcc|ed |rca that dav |crWard.
i Wauted tc |earu evervth|ucl i Wauted av ||tt|e |As?-uAk| Oveu
tc aa|e casserc|es |||e av aca's. i Wauted av |eacuade staud tc
have acre ||avcr cot|cus thau just |eacu. Aud |cr Chr|staas i
Wauted av cWu haud a|xerl i eveutua||v craduated |rca ccc||uc
au ecc tc aa||uc av cWu soachett| sauce.
i have av |aa||v tc thau| |cr av ccc||uc s||||s aud the
|uso|rat|cu thev cave ae tc bec|u av cWu cu||uarv jcuruev. Mv dad
Was a b|c be||ever |u uever eat|uc |ast |ccd, sc We Were uct a||cWed
tc have |t. Aud ucth|uc ever Weut tc Waste. i creW uo cu a rauch
cuts|de c| Ccrous Chr|st|, 1exas, aud thrcuchcut av ch||dhccd av
|aa||v creW cur cWu vecetab|es aud ra|sed cur cWu ch|c|eus. |verv
dav av aca ccc|ed W|th cardeu-|resh ca|abasa (scuash), carrcts,
aud beaus, aud |resh|v |a|d eccs. |verv |ast b|t c| that cardeu's
harvest Was a|Wavs used, aud auv tr|aa|ucs Weut r|cht tc the
ccaocst o||e. she Wcr|ed |u||-t|ae as a soec|a| educat|cu teacher,
tcc| care c| av c|dest s|ster, Whc |s deve|coaeuta||v d|sab|ed, aud
had three cther dauchters tc dr|ve a|| cver tcWu tc cheer|ead|uc,
baud oract|ce, Wcr|, aud evervWhere e|se busv teeuace c|r|s ueed tc
cc. uut |u so|te c| |t a||, she a|Wavs aauaced tc have d|uuer cu the
tab|e everv u|cht at 6 |.M. |cr av dad. 1h|s Was such au |aocrtaut
|esscu |u av |||e. 1he |act that av acther c|ear|v reve|ed |u ta||uc
care c| her |aa||v |u add|t|cu tc hav|uc a career |uso|red ae tc be
the saae Wav. i cauuct ccuut the uuaber c| t|aes that i've |cuud
avse|| |u a Gucc| dress aud hee|sW|th |u|| ha|r aud aa|euo, abcut
tc ruu cut tc au eveutou|||uc a rcasted ch|c|eu cut c| the cveu |u
crder tc aa|e sure that av |aa||v |s |ed be|cre |eav|uc the hcuse tc
|ace a huudred ohctccraohers cu a red caroet.
i reaeaber ccc||uc a Cubau d|sh a|| dav (because |t ta|es e|cht
hcurs) aud theu ruuu|uc c|| tc a red caroet eveut Where au
|uterv|eWer actua||v sa|d tc ae, ?cu sae|| cccd, |||e |ccdl
Oh, that's cca|uc, i ausWered, us|uc the soau|sh Wcrd |cr
cua|u. i Was ccc||uc kcoa v|eja a|| dav.
it aade ae |auch, but at the saae t|ae |t rea|uded ae that av
|aa||v ccaes ||rst, aud av act|uc seccud.
Aud theu there Was av Auut ||sa, Whc Was the b|ccest |u||ueuce
cu av ccc||uc. she oassed aWav a |eW vears acc aud i a|ss her
st|||. she Was a orc|ess|cua| caterer aud her ||tcheu Was a|Wavs
bust||uc W|th act|v|tv |cr a oartv cr eveut she had cca|uc uo. she
Was sc |uso|r|uc, aud a deeo We|| c| |u|craat|cu. A vau|t c| rec|oes
|av at the t|o c| her tcucue. Aud she, |||e av oareuts, |ueW hcW tc
aa|e |ucred|euts |ast. |ut a ch|c|eu |u ||sa's hauds cu Mcudav, aud
vcu'd eat a b|t c| |t everv dav |cr a Wee|, she used the aeat, the
bcues, the W|uc t|os, evervth|ucl uecause ||sa Was a caterer, she
had aastered the art c| ccc||uc |cr |arce crcuos, as We|| as ccc||uc
the bases c| var|cus d|shes aud |reez|uc thea |cr |ater use. |cr
exaao|e, she aade the acst de||c|cus b|scu|ts bv add|uc Water tc a
tWc-ca||cu bac c| base that she |eot |u the |reezer (i share her
rec|oe). she d|d th|s W|th bases |cr ch|||, tcaatc sauce, ccc||e
dcuch, ouuch, aud taaa|es. she uever aeasured, a s|u i aa cu||tv
c| as We||. iu |act, as a ded|cated haud|u| c| th|s, o|uch c| that ||ud
c| ccc|, the hardest oart c| Wr|t|uc th|s ccc|bcc| Was |earu|uc hcW
tc aeasurel
i be||eve |t |s because c| ||sa that i |cve Wheu |ccd |s beaut||u||v
oreseuted. s|uce acst c| What she oreoared had tc |cc| as cccd as
|t tasted, Auut ||sa had au eve |cr What |ccd ueeded tc aa|e |t
v|sua||v oco. she ccu|d eao|cv s|ao|e tcuches |||e tr|aa|uc the
crusts c|| tea saudW|ches aud acre e|abcrate ||cur|shes |||e serv|uc
|ru|t sa|ad |u a Waterae|cu that she hc||cWed cut sc that the br|cht
o|u| |uter|cr shcue aca|ust the v|v|d Wh|te aud creeu r|ud. i have
her tc thau| (cr tc b|aae) |cr av cbsess|cu W|th cc||ect|uc |cve|v
serv|ucWare, |rca tab|ec|cths aud uao||us tc bcW|s c| a|| s|zes,
|uc|ud|uc the adcrab|e ja|aoec-shaoed bcW| i bcucht |u Mex|cc aud
|u Wh|ch i a|Wavs serve o|cc de ca||c sc oeco|e |ucW |t's so|cvl
Auut ||sa Was the scurce c| au eud|ess streaa c| |us|chts,
rec|oes, aud be||e|s abcut ccc||uc i've uever heard auvWhere e|se.
|verv dav she had a ccc||uc t|o |cr ae aud she a|Wavs vc|uuteered
|t uuas|ed. 1hat's cue th|uc i |cved abcut her. she Wcu|d teach vcu
th|ucs Whether cr uct vcu Wauted tc |earu thea. she Wcu|d sav,
|v|ta, uever out tcaatces |u the |r|dce, cr A|Wavs out aoo|es |u
the |r|dce, cr |v|ta, cu|v |||o a tcrt|||a cuce cu the ccaa|. she Was
a|sc a or|ce|ess scurce c| oract|ca| |u|craat|cu |||e use a daaoeued
oaoer tcWe| tc o|c| uo s||vers c| brc|eu c|ass. i abscrbed
evervth|uc av Auut ||sa tc|d ae |||e a socuce, aud i share her
|ucW|edce W|th vcu cu these oaces. tcc| thrcuchcut the bcc| |cr
her t|os, |abe|ed |rca Auut ||sa's k|tcheu.
iu th|s bcc|, i aa thr|||ed tc share av oass|cu |cr ccc||uc a|cuc
W|th decades' Wcrth c| |aa||v rec|oes aud cu||uarv t|os. i've de|ved
|utc the bcxes c| |aa||v aud oerscua| rec|oes i've |cuc treasured aud
c||er cur |aa||v's tr|ed-aud-true rec|oes aud techu|cues |cr aa||uc
the Wcr|d's best hcaeaade tcrt|||as, Mex|cau r|ce, cuacaac|e, aud
|au de |c|vc, tc aeut|cu but a |eW.
1hcse are the |ccds that are at the base c| av cWu cu||uarv
jcuruev, aud |t Was cu|v a|ter i |e|t hcae that i d|sccvered a vast
cu||uarv Wcr|d bevcud the r|ch |ccd h|stcrv c| 1exas aud Mex|cc. i
a|sc |uc|ude here rec|oes i've dev|sed aud acd|||ed cver the vears
that bu||d cu av her|tace but are |urther |uso|red bv |reuch, tat|u
Aaer|cau, ita||au, aud a rauce c| |uteruat|cua| stv|es as We|| as av
oc||t|ca| aud euv|rcuaeuta| seus|b|||t|es. Mv ccc||uc stv|e has |cuc
beeu |u||ueuced bv the |u|| rauce c| |abu|cus cu|s|ues i've saao|ed
aud the |ucred|b|e che|s i've had the or|v||ece c| |ucW|uc cver the
Ouce i Was |auuched cu th|s cu||uarv jcuruev i becau tc o|av W|th
|ucred|euts |u ueW Wavs aud acre ccusc|cus|v oract|ce the ab|d|uc
or|uc|o|es i Was taucht cu av |aa||v's rauch aud |u cur ||tcheutc
treat a|| ||v|uc be|ucs W|th d|cu|tv aud resoect aud Waste ucth|uc the
earth has c|veu vcu. |cr a vear i becaae a vecetar|au, bcth |cr av
hea|th aud tc ccutr|bute a ||tt|e |ess tc the stress that aeat aud
ocu|trv orcduct|cu out cu the |aud aud oeco|e arcuud |t. 1hcuch i
have ucW returued tc eat|uc au cau|vcrcus d|et, i de||u|te|v |earued
scae |aocrtaut |esscusaud creat vecetab|e aud beau rec|oes
dur|uc av aeat-|ree davs (chec| cut the De|ectab|e s|des chaoter,
tc see aauv c| the resu|ts). i eat auch |ess aeat thau i cuce d|d
aud i'a care|u| abcut What tvoes c| aeat, ocu|trv, aud ||sh i buv.
As |cr orcduce, th|s aWareuess exteuds tc the oeco|e Whc crcW
aud harvest cur |ccd. i dc a |ct c| advccacv Wcr| |cr the r|chts c|
|ara Wcr|ers because i care deeo|v abcut hcW We treat the oeco|e
Whc |eed us, the c|t|zeus c| the best-|ed uat|cu |u the Wcr|d. 1he
uu|ted states |s the acst orc||||c acr|cu|tura| orcducer cu the o|auet,
aud |t |s cu the bac|s c| these Wcr|ers that We aa|uta|u that status.
1here |s a s|ao|e Wav that vcu cau he|o. uuv crcau|c orcduce.
sW|tch|uc cver tc eveu a a|u|aa| aacuut c| crcau|c orcduce aeaus
that vcu are suoocrt|uc orcducers Whcse Wcr|ers dc uct haud|e
aud |uha|e the ocWer|u| oest|c|des that ccuveut|cua| |aras use
recu|ar|v. |ara Wcr|ers shcu|d uct be exocsed tc these oc|scus,
aud the |act c| the aatter |s vcu shcu|du't |ucest th|s stu||, e|ther.
1he ucuorc||t |uv|rcuaeuta| wcr||uc Grcuo orcduces a ||st c| the
ccuveut|cua||v crcWu |ru|ts aud vecetab|es that have the acst
oest|c|des. 1hev've dubbed the Wcrst c| these the d|rtv dczeu.
|veu || vcu chccse tc buv crcau|c vers|cus c| just a |eW c| these,
vcu'|| be aa||uc a d|||ereuce. we cau seud the oeco|e Whc orcduce
cur |ccd e||ect|ve aessaces bv Where aud hcW We soeud cur
acuev, sc i care|u||v chccse Wh|ch orcducers cr orcduct|cu
aethcds tc suoocrt. it's uct hardjust chec| cut kescurces |cr
|u|craat|cu cu |wG aud cther creat crcau|zat|cus. 1he acre We
custcaers deaaud ccusc|eut|cus|v crcWu |ccd, the acre ava||ab|e
aud the cheaoer |t W||| beccae.
u|t|aate|v, there are |eW o|aces i'd rather be thau av ||tcheu. i'a
rare|v a|cue there, av ||tcheu has |cuc beeu the cc-tc o|ace |cr
|r|euds aud |aa||v a|||e. it |s a o|ace tc Wh|ch i beuevc|eut|vcr, ||
vcu as| av |aa||v, at t|aes aau|aca||vs|uc|e-hauded|v ruu.
(uu|ess, c| ccurse, We're aa||uc euch||adas, Wh|ch cc auch |aster
W|th aauv haudsacst c|teu av s|sters', auuts', aud aca's.) |verv
|r|eud cr |aa||v aeaber Whc stcos bv aa|es a oerscua| recuest |cr
cue cr aucther c| av d|shes. iu |act, av tWc restaurauts, uesc |u
uc||vWccd aud tas vecas, are a d|rect resu|t c| th|s oheucaeucu.
ccc||uc W|th |cve |cr |aa||v aud |r|euds. i've a|Wavs beeu
oass|cuate abcut ccc||uc |cr thcse i care abcut. uut av ||tcheu |s
cu|v sc b|c, sc |t Was a uatura| uext steo tc coeu a restauraut. (Mv
||rst |dea Was tc start a ||rst-rate tacc staud, a orcoer tacuer|a, but
Wheu i aet Che| 1cdd |uc||sh aud cur v|s|cus aud seus|b|||t|es
b|euded, uesc Was bcru.) Aud ucW i have Wr|tteu th|s bcc| tc share
W|th vcu the jcv i |ee| aud the de||c|cus |ccd i |cve tc aa|e Wheu
i'a |u the ||tcheu. 1ust as Auut ||sa a|Wavs d|d |cr ae, i'|| bec|u
W|th a |eW t|os aud cu|de||ues.
my pantry
i use ccarse, |csher sa|t |cr a|| av savcrv ccc||uc. its b|c cra|us
st|c| We|| tc the |ccd W|thcut sca||uc |u, sc vcu cau use |ess c| |t
aud st||| cet a cccd, sa|tv taste. i use ||uer tab|e sa|t |cr a|| av
ba||uc, Wheu vcu Waut the sa|t tc b|eud r|cht |u.
i creW uo surrcuuded bv c|trus trees, aud i |cve tc use |cts c|
|eacus aud ||aes |u av ccc||uc. i ore|er the saa|| |eacus i cau cet
Wheu i'a at av 1exas aud Ca|||cru|a hcaes, sc vcu'|| see
thrcuchcut that i ca|| |cr saa|| |eacus, Wh|ch each v|e|d abcut 2
tab|esoccus c| ju|ce. i| vcur |eacus are |arcer aud orcduce acre
ju|ce, s|ao|v use |eWer c| thea. i c|ve bcth the uuaber c| |eacus
aud the aacuut c| ju|ce i |uteud vcu tc use |u each case. s|a||ar|v,
the ||aes i use c|ve 2 tab|esoccus c| ju|ce, aca|u, use acre cr
|eWer ||aes || vcurs v|e|d a d|||ereut aacuut.
Mauv c| the d|shes i creW uo eat|uc aud oreoar|uc Were aade W|th
|ard cr shcrteu|uc, tWc |ats that are uct as ocou|ar as thev cuce
Were. A|thcuch |ard c|ves |uccaoarab|e ||avcr aud ||a|v texture tc
o|e crusts, i s|ao|v dcu't use |t auvacre. i've adaoted scae rec|oes,
such as Auut ||sa's ||ueaoo|e uos|de-DcWu Ca|e tc |uc|ude butter,
Wh|ch tastes better. Ou the cther haud, i st||| use shcrteu|uc |u
scae rec|oes, such as Ccru uread, Where the shcrteu|uc orcv|des
||chter texture thau butter Wcu|d aud a||cWs the oure ||avcr c|
de||c|cus ccru aea| tc ccae thrcuch. i dc avc|d traus |ats,
hcWever, sc i dcu't buv the oart|a||v hvdrcceuated shcrteu|uc that
We used Wheu i Was a ||d. iustead i buv ucuhvdrcceuated oa|a c||,
ava||ab|e at uatura| |ccd stcres, Wh|ch dces uct ccuta|u traus |ats.
i |cve taucv, so|cv |ccds, sc vcu'|| see ceuercus use c| v|uecar,
c|trus, aud so|ce. i aa a|sc a ccaou|s|ve taste-as-vcu-cc ccc|. |cr
th|s bcc| i've created rec|oes that W||| Wcr| |u auv ||tcheu aud
aooea| tc a brcad rauce c| oa|ates. uut i euccurace vcu tc taste as
vcu cc aud dec|de |cr vcurse|| || What vcu're aa||uc |s tc vcur
GrcW|uc uo hav|uc everv |aa||v aea| based cu What Was crcW|uc
|u cur ||e|ds, av ccc||uc tc th|s dav re||es cu |resh, seascua|
|ucred|euts. uut |||e sc aauv c| us, i aa verv busv, sc i have a
We||-stcc|ed oautrv aud a cccd suoo|v c| rec|oes that cau be aade
W|thcut a soec|a| tr|o tc the crccerv stcre. A|| c| av rec|oes rest cu
a |cuudat|cu c| ||avcr|u| but easv-tc-||ud |ucred|euts. sc o|ease,
turu the oace aud |et ae jc|u vcu |u vcur ||tcheu. tet's start
I |ike to say that my house is not mine a|one.
when I am home, I happi|y share it with a||
my triends and tami|y who come over a|most
every day. I wou|dn't have it any other way.
with so much activity in the house, especia||y
in the kitchen, otten I just need somethino
tast and de|icious to keep everyone out ot my
hair whi|e I cook the main coursel I |ove
recipes that re|y entire|y on items that are
a|ways in my pantry. when unexpected
ouests drop by or dinner is takino a |itt|e
|onoer to prepare than I had p|anned, I can
whip up a de|icious hors d'oeuvre in |ess than
tive minutes. Ior instance, my pantry never
runs out ot canned beans tor Canne||ini 8eans
with Crushed Red epper or torti||a chips so
to|ks a|ways have somethino to scoop up
tanoy ico de Ga||o or Chunky Guacamo|e
with Serrano eppers whi|e I turn my tocus to
the main event. Other times we toroo the
main course a|tooether and prepare a tew
heartier appetizers instead. I |ove the
communa|ity ot this sort ot tapas-sty|e
eatino, where everyone oets a |itt|e taste ot
each de|icious thino.
hct art|chc|e d|o
chuu|v cuacaac|e W|th serrauc oeooers
o|cc de ca||c
cauue|||u| beaus W|th crushed red oeooer
auts cu a |cc
ucraaudv shr|ao
dad's shr|ao ccc|ta||
avccadc stu||ed W|th shr|ao
ccat cheese ba||s
sWeet-octatc eaoauadas
arceut|ueau eaoauadas
hct art|chc|e d|o
I |ove this dip tor company because you can whip it
tooether and put it in the oven just as your ouests arrive.
In the time it takes to stow their coats and serve them
drinks, the dip becomes hot and bubb|y and can be brouoht
trom the oven straioht to servino, trai|ino a|ono with it an
enticino aroma ot warm armesan cheese and artichokes.
It you have time, prepare the dip by processino it in the
tood processor, p|ace it in the bakino dish, cover, and
retrioerate it overnioht. with time, the t|avors b|end and
become even better. It you don't have that kind ot time,
don't worryl 1his is sti|| a creamy, tanoy, wondertu| dip
even when pu||ed tooether at the |ast possib|e minute.
MAkLS A8Ou1 2 CuS
1 1+-cuuce cau art|chc|e hearts, dra|ued aud chcooed
1 cuo aavcuua|se
1 cuo crated |araesau cheese
teasoccu car||c ocWder
1cast 1r|auc|es (rec|oe |c||cWs) cr asscrted crac|ers, |cr
1. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|.
2. iu a aed|ua a|x|uc bcW|, o|ace the art|chc|e hearts,
aavcuua|se, |araesau cheese, aud car||c ocWder. st|r uut|| We||
b|euded. 1raus|er tc the Wcr| bcW| c| a |ccd orccesscr aud
ou|se uut|| vcu cet the des|red texture.
3. t|cht|v sorav a saa|| ba||uc d|sh W|th ccc||uc sorav aud traus|er
the a|xture |utc the d|sh. ua|e uut|| hct aud bubb|v, abcut 20
a|uutes. serve hct W|th tcast tr|auc|es cr asscrted crac|ers.
toast triano|es
1hese are easy to make. 1he paprika adds a nice dash ot
brioht co|or.
+ tab|esoccus ( st|c|) uusa|ted butter, sc|teued, cr as ueeded
12 s||ces dav-c|d Wh|te saudW|ch bread
Gar||c cr cu|cu ocWder
sWeet oaor||a
kcsher sa|t (cot|cua|)
1. |reheat the cveu tc 300|.
2. t|cht|v soread the butter cu cue s|de c| each s||ce c| bread.
t|cht|v sor|u||e W|th car||c cr cu|cu ocWder, oaor||a, aud sa|t, ||
us|uc. Cut each s||ce |utc + tr|auc|es aud o|ace cu a ccc||e sheet.
ua|e uut|| ||cht|v brcWu aud cr|so, 1S tc 20 a|uutes. Ccc| aud
serve. 1c stcre, o|ace the tr|auc|es |u a stcrace bac cr t|u cau
aud |eeo at rcca teaoerature |cr 2 tc 3 davs. kecr|so |u the
cveu || uecessarv a|ter stcr|uc.
chuu|v cuacaac|e W|th serrauc
Amono a|| the dishes I make, this one is detinite|y a
tavorite. 1his is why the batch is so bio-no one can stop
eatino itl I have a tew tricks that oive my ouacamo|e oreat
t|avor and texture. Iirst and most important, I use |emon,
not |ime, juice. Lemon has a |itt|e sweetness that brinos
out a|| the other t|avors. A|so key is that I never skimp on
the |emon or the kosher sa|t. I sometimes |auoh that I
basica||y make a sa|ty |emonade tor the avocado and other
inoredients to swim in-trust me, it makes a|| the
ditterencel Serrano peppers oive it a oreat kick, much
better than ja|apeos. And tina||y, never stir as you add
each inoredient to the bow| or the ouacamo|e wi|| become
too watery. 1his is especia||y beautitu| served in a dish that
shows ott the ouacamo|e's oreen, white, and red, such as a
mo|cajete-a Mexican mortar and pest|e-or a brioht and
tun servino bow|. Serve with torti||a chips tor an appetizer
or on top ot steak, such as in Chi|i-Rubbed Skirt Steak
MAkLS A8Ou1 8 CuS
6 r|oe avccadcs, cut |utc -|uch d|ce
+ aed|ua r|oe tcaatces, cut |utc -|uch d|ce
1 |arce Wh|te cu|cu, ||ue|v chcooed
buuch c| |resh c||autrc, |eaves chcooed
1 serrauc oeooer, ||ue|v a|uced
1u|ce |rca + saa|| |eacus (abcut 8 tab|esoccus)
2 teasoccus |csher sa|t cr tc taste
1. iu a |arce bcW|, o|ace the avccadcs, tcaatces, cu|cu, c||autrc,
serrauc, |eacu ju|ce, aud sa|t. st|r ceut|v uut|| We|| ccab|ued.
2. 1raus|er tc a serv|uc bcW| aud serve.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN 1o keep the
ouacamo|e trom turnino brown, press a pit trom one ot the avocados
into the center ot the dish. Remove it betore servino.
o|cc de ca||c
I trequent|y have triends over to p|ay oames at my house,
and it's become a oame nioht tradition that I put out
heapino bow|s ot ico de Ga||o and ouacamo|e a|ono with a
bio basket ot torti||a chips. ico de Ga||o improves with
time and I serve it with chips, ot course, but a|so spooned
over any red meat, in tacos, or with scramb|ed eoos tor
huevos rancheros.
Ior an extra chunky sa|sa, simp|y mix a|| the inoredients
tooether without pureeino. whatever texture you preter,
the burst ot tresh t|avor this sa|sa otters depends on usino
ripe, in-season tomatoes and |ime-never |emon-juice. Ior
a spicier sa|sa, |eave some or a|| ot the seeds in the
serrano peppers.
MAkLS A8Ou1 8 CuS
2 aed|ua tcaatces, chcooed
1 Wh|te cu|cu, chcooed
buuch c| |resh c||autrc, |eaves chcooed
2 serrauc oeooers, steaaed, seeded, aud a|uced
1u|ce c| 1 ||ae (abcut 2 tab|esoccus) cr tc taste
kcsher sa|t tc taste
1crt|||a ch|os, |cr serv|uc
1. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| a |ccd orccesscr cr b|euder, o|ace the
tcaatces, cu|cu, c||autrc, serrauc, aud ||ae ju|ce. |u|se uut||
vcu |||e the ccus|steucv c| the sa|sa. 1aste aud add add|t|cua|
||ae ju|ce, || des|red, aud sa|t.
2. 1raus|er tc a saa|| serv|uc bcW| aud serve W|th tcrt|||a ch|os.
||cc de ca||c cau be stcred |u a t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uer |u the
re|r|ceratcr |cr uo tc 1 Wee|.
1here are count|ess varieties ot peppers (a|so ca||ed chi|es) avai|ab|e,
and aticionados can identity the distinctions ot each and every one.
Ior the purpose ot this book, I'|| hioh|ioht just a tew that are readi|y
avai|ab|e and a|ways de|icious. 8e||, serrano, and ja|apeo are the
three tresh peppers I use most otten. (Ior intormation on dried
8e|| peppers come in a rainbow ot co|ors, trom oreen to red,
ye||ow, oranoe, and purp|e. 1hey are crunchy and sweet, with no
spicy bite whatsoever. 1hey are we|come additions to dishes |ike
uunoarian aprika Chicken and they are |aroe enouoh to ho|d
oenerous amounts ot t|avortu| stuttino, as in Stutted Green eppers.
Serrano peppers have straiohttorward chi|e t|avor and oood heat
that is not at a|| overpowerino. About 2 inches |ono, they are most
otten oreen, a|thouoh you can sometimes tind red ones. Serranos are
enormous|y popu|ar in Mexican cookino and abso|ute|y critica| in my
Chunky Guacamo|e with Serrano eppers and ico de Ga||o (above).
Iina||y, oreen ja|apeos are wide|y avai|ab|e. 1hey can be very hot
and have a distinct t|avor with orassy, oreen be|| pepper qua|ities.
1hey zip up veraCruz Corn and Corn 8read with brioht co|or, t|avor,
and heat.
cauue|||u| beaus W|th crushed red
I tirst had this dish at a restaurant in I|orence, Ita|y. I took
a bite and immediate|y asked the waiter to te|| me exact|y
what was in it. when he to|d me, I had the same reaction
I've had so many times atter tastino somethino de|icious in
Lurope: 1hat's it2l I don't know it it comes trom wisdom
or restraint or both, but Luropeans can take the simp|est
inoredients and extract trom them the most exquisite
t|avors. My introduction to this dish coincided with my one-
year stint as a veoetarian, when I practica||y |ived on
beans, re|yino on them tor protein and to ti|| me up.
It you have |emon- or herb-intused o|ive oi| on hand-
such as that used in the 8utterhead Lettuce Sa|ad with
Strawberries-use it here to add depth to the t|avor ot this
dip. Dependino on the potency ot your t|avored oi|, it may
be overpowerino it used a|one, so start with 1 teaspoon
and taste it. It you tee| the extra t|avor it adds is enouoh,
add the remainino 2 teaspoons extra-viroin o|ive oi|.
MAkLS A8Ou1 8 CuS
2 19-cuuce caus c| cauue|||u| cr cther Wh|te beaus, r|used aud
dra|ued We||
1 tab|esoccu dr|ed red oeooer ||a|es
3 teasoccus extra-v|rc|u c||ve c||
kcsher sa|t tc taste
1cast 1r|auc|es cr asscrted crac|ers, |cr serv|uc
1. iu a aed|ua serv|uc bcW|, o|ace the beaus, red oeooer ||a|es,
c||ve c||, aud sa|t tc taste. Geut|v st|r tc ccab|ue.
2. serve W|th tcast tr|auc|es cr asscrted crac|ers.
auts cu a |cc
My mother became a specia| education teacher because my
sister L|izabeth was born with a menta| disabi|ity. Mom
was a|ways on the |ookout tor easy recipes that wou|d
a||ow her to be in the kitchen with a|| ot us. when I to|d
L|izabeth that I was workino on a cookbook, she asked it I
wou|d inc|ude some ot her recipes. Ot course I said yes
rioht awayl Liza is a remarkab|e person and I |ove cookino
with her. 1his is a quick and easy snack tor kids-a|thouoh
I a|ways catch a tew adu|ts sneakino a |oo or twol
8 sta||s ce|erv
cuo creaav cr chuu|v oeauut butter
2 tab|esoccus ra|s|us
1. Cut the ce|erv st|c|s crcssW|se |u ha||. |||| the hc||cW c| each c|
the 16 ce|erv st|c|s (the |ccs) W|th oeauut butter.
2. st|c| a |eW ra|s|us (the auts) |u a rcW cu the oeauut butter.
ucraaudv shr|ao
1he key to this recipe is to use butter trom the northern
Irench reoion ot Normandy, or at the very |east a Luropean
butter, either ot which can be tound in orocery stores or
specia|ty tood shops. Normandy butter contains more tat
than American butter and tastes out ot this wor|d,
especia||y in a recipe |ike this one that has just two main
inoredients: succu|ent shrimp and rich butter.
+ tab|esoccus uusa|ted ucraaudv butter
1 ocuud |arce (31 tc 3S oer ocuud) shr|ao, oee|ed aud deve|ued
2 teasoccus caveuue oeooer, cr tc taste
||uch c| |csher sa|t
1. iu a |arce s||||et cver aed|ua heat, ae|t the butter. Add the
shr|ao, caveuue, aud sa|t. Ccc|, ceut|v st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v aud
turu|uc the shr|ao cver at |east cuce, uut|| the shr|ao are
coacue o|u| cr crauce aud ccc|ed thrcuch, abcut 6 a|uutes.
2. D|v|de the shr|ao aacuc + tc 6 saa|| o|ates. |cur the reaa|u|uc
butter sauce cver each aud serve.
COOkING where I ca|| tor shrimp in this book, you'|| see
numbers in parentheses atter the shrimp weioht and size. 1his recipe,
tor instance, ca||s tor 1 pound |aroe shrimp (81 to 8S per pound).
1he numbers in parentheses are ca||ed the count and indicate
rouoh|y how many shrimp ot that size are in 1 pound. 8ecause more
oenera| terms such as sma||, medium, |aroe, and jumbo can
mean ditterent thinos dependino on where you are, this is a surer
indication ot what size shrimp I use when I prepare the recipe. It's
otten marked on the packaoe or at the tish counter as a hyphenated
ranoe, such as 81-8S. It's tine to use shrimp ot a ditterent size it
they are a|| that are avai|ab|e to you: simp|y adjust the cookino time
as necessary.
Ior recipes that ca|| tor cooked shrimp, p|ace the shrimp sti|| in
their she||s in a |aroe pot ot sa|ted water. 8rino the water to a boi|,
then reduce the heat and simmer unti| the shrimp are pink a|| over, 2
to 4 minutes tor sma|| shrimp and 8 to S minutes tor |aroe shrimp.
Drain and rinse in co|d water. when they are coo| enouoh to hand|e,
pee| and devein the shrimp. use or eat at once, or retrioerate unti|
needed or tor up to 2 days.
dad's shr|ao ccc|ta||
Growino up in the beach town ot Corpus Christi, I spent
many |ono hours shrimpino, crabbino, and tishino with my
dad. I remember my mom trequent|y askino him, uow on
earth am I ooino to cook a|| ot this2 One way she coped
was reou|ar you-pee|-'em niohts, when she wou|d put a
coup|e ot enormous bow|s ot hot, steamed shrimp on the
tab|e with many sma|| dishes ot 1abasco-intused cocktai|
sauce. My dad, sisters, and I wou|d happi|y stay at that
tab|e unti| every bow| was empty.
In Mexico they have their own way ot copino with
abundant shrimp. No matter where you oo, you wi|| tind a
variation ot this traditiona| appetizer, which is one ot my
dad's tavorite dishes. ue |oves 1abasco so much that he
usua||y uses doub|e the amount herel Sweet shrimp and
ve|vety avocado temper the heat ot the tanoy cocktai|
sauce. Lven it you don't |ike it as spicy as my dad does, it
shou|d detinite|y have a |itt|e kick. Mexican shrimp cocktai|
is typica||y served out ot individua| sma|| dishes-I |ike
cocktai| o|asses-and eaten with a spoon.
1 cuo |etchuo
1u|ce c| 2 saa|| |eacus (abcut cuo)
1 tab|esoccu 1abascc sauce
1 tab|esoccu d|st|||ed Wh|te v|uecar
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer tc taste
1 ocuud extra saa|| shr|ao (61 tc 70 oer ocuud), oee|ed,
deve|ued, ccc|ed, aud ccc|ed
+ avccadcs, o|tted, oee|ed, aud cubed
teacu Wedces, |cr serv|uc
1. iu a saa|| bcW|, o|ace the |etchuo, |eacu ju|ce, 1abascc sauce,
v|uecar, sa|t, aud oeooer. st|r uut|| We|| b|euded. iu a aed|ua
bcW|, o|ace the shr|ao aud avccadc. |cur the sauce cver aud
ceut|v tcss W|th a Wccdeu soccu cr rubber soatu|a uut|| the
shr|ao aud avccadc are thcrcuch|v ccated.
2. Ccver aud o|ace |u the re|r|ceratcr |cr 30 a|uutes. D|v|de aacuc
+ tc 6 c|asses aud serve W|th the |eacu Wedces.
avccadc stu||ed W|th shr|ao
As typica||y Mexican as the previous recipe is, this one is
just as typica||y American, rioht down to the Mirac|e whip,
which I have a|ways preterred to mayonnaise. Natura||y
sweet shrimp is hioh|iohted by a creamy, mi|d|y sweet,
tanoy dressino and rich, buttery avocado. 1his is one ot my
tavorite summer appetizers.
1 ocuud saa|| shr|ao (S1 tc 60 oer ocuud), oee|ed, deve|ued,
ccc|ed, aud ch|||ed
1 aed|ua tcaatc, seeded aud chcooed
aed|ua Wh|te cu|cu, ||ue|v chcooed
1 tc 2 tab|esoccus chcooed |resh c||autrc |eaves
cuo M|rac|e wh|o cr aavcuua|se
1u|ce c| ||ae (abcut 1 tab|esoccu)
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud oeooer tc taste
+ r|oe avccadcs
1. iu a |arce bcW|, o|ace the shr|ao, tcaatc, cu|cu, c||autrc,
M|rac|e wh|o, aud ||ae ju|ce. st|r ceut|v uut|| We|| a|xed. Add
sa|t aud oeooer tc taste.
2. Cut the avccadcs |u ha|| |eucthW|se aud reacve the o|ts. ||ace
cue avccadc ha|| cu each c| 8 saa|| o|ates. |||| each ha|| W|th a
heao|uc sccco c| the shr|ao sa|ad aud serve.
In the beach towns ot Mexico, where tresh seatood is
abundant, peop|e happi|y eat raw tish and she||tish. I,
however, do not. I make ceviche with cooked shrimp and
crab. I do, however, serve my ceviche on traditiona|
Mexican tostadas-crispy, tried corn torti||as avai|ab|e at
the orocery store.
use crab that you buy in the retrioerated section ot the
store. Don't use the she|t-stab|e crab so|d with the canned
tuna tish: it doesn't taste near|y as oood in this tresh dish.
1he serrano pepper adds a oreat, spicy kick, but tee| tree
to |eave it out it you preter. C|amato juice is a combination
ot tomato and c|am juices. It can be tound with other
cocktai| mixers at the orocery store. Cho|u|a hot sauce is
made in Mexico: it has a mi|d t|avor and oood heat. You'||
tind it on the same orocery ais|e with other hot sauces and
1 ocuud |uao crabaeat
2 ocuuds saa|| shr|ao (S1 tc 60 oer ocuud), oee|ed, deve|ued,
ccc|ed, aud ch|||ed
+ r|oe avccadcs, o|tted, oee|ed, aud cut |utc -|uch d|ce
+ aed|ua r|oe tcaatces, cut |utc -|uch d|ce
2 aed|ua cucuabers, oee|ed aud cut |utc -|uch d|ce
1 |arce Wh|te cu|cu, ||ue|v chcooed
1 serrauc oeooer, seeded aud ||ue|v chcooed (cot|cua|)
1 buuch c| |resh c||autrc, |eaves chcooed
tc 1 cuo C|aaatc ju|ce
1u|ce |rca 3 tc + ||aes (6 tc 8 tab|esoccus)
1 teasoccu |csher sa|t, cr tc taste
Chc|u|a uct sauce tc taste (cot|cua|)
Abcut 30 tcstadas
1. iu a |arce serv|uc bcW|, o|ace the crab, shr|ao, avccadcs,
tcaatces, cucuabers, cu|cu, serrauc (|| us|uc), c||autrc,
C|aaatc ju|ce, ||ae ju|ce, sa|t, aud hct sauce (|| us|uc). st|r W|th
a |cr| uut|| ceut|v ccab|ued. Ccver aud re|r|cerate |cr 30
2. 1c serve, o|ace the serv|uc bcW| cut W|th a stac| c| tcstadas aud
a |arce uuaber c| saa|| o|ates sc cuests cau serve thease|ves.
ccat cheese ba||s
when I tirst tasted ooat cheese, it was detinite|y not |ove
at tirst bite. uowever, when I combined it with two ot my
tavorite inoredients-|emon and 1apanese bread crumbs
ca||ed panko-these addictive |itt|e morse|s were bornl
1hese are especia||y oood in p|ace ot the crumb|ed ooat
cheese on the 8aby Spinach with 8eets and Goat Cheese.
1he ba||s are surprisino|y easy to make, but they are
extreme|y de|icate, so hand|e them with care. Don't skip
the treezer step, which tirms them up so they can more
easi|y be breaded and tried, and don't try to hand|e them
with tonos as you mioht usua||y do when deep tryino. use a
thin, |ono-hand|ed too| such as a spider (a stain|ess stee|
handhe|d strainer) or s|otted spoon. Read about deep-
MAkLS A8Ou1 16 8ALLS
1 11-cuuce |cc sc|t ccat cheese, at rcca teaoerature
cuo |resh ita||au oars|ev |eaves, ||ue|v chcooed
Grated zest |rca 2 |eacus
1 tc 2 |arce eccs
1 cuo oau|c
2 cuos vecetab|e c||
kcsher sa|t tc taste
1. iu a aed|ua bcW|, o|ace the ccat cheese, oars|ev, aud |eacu
zest. use a |cr| tc brea| uo the cheese aud ccab|ue the
|ucred|euts uut|| We|| b|euded.
2. use vcur hauds tc rc|| |utc ba||s abcut the s|ze c| cc|| ba||s cr a
||tt|e saa||er aud o|ace thea cu a ba||uc sheet. ||ace |u the
|reezer |cr 20 a|uutes.
3. MeauWh||e, |u a saa|| bcW|, beat cue ecc. ||ace the oau|c |u a
saa|| sha||cW d|sh cr bcW|. keacve the ccat cheese ba||s |rca
the |reezer. Ccat a ccat cheese ba|| |u the ecc aud theu dredce
W|th oau|c. 1raus|er tc a ba||uc sheet cr o|atter aud reoeat W|th
the reaa|u|uc ccat cheese ba||s. use the reaa|u|uc ecc ||
+. iu a |arce s||||et, heat the c|| tc 3S0|. cver aed|ua heat. t|ue a
aed|ua ba||uc sheet W|th oaoer tcWe|s.
S. Geut|v add severa| ccat cheese ba||s tc the c|| aud |rv uut||
cc|deu brcWu, 30 tc +0 seccuds. Geut|v turu thea cver aud |rv
uut|| cc|deu brcWu cu the cther s|de, 30 tc +0 seccuds. 1raus|er
tc the oaoer tcWe|-||ued ba||uc sheet aud |aaed|ate|v sor|u||e
||cht|v W|th sa|t. keoeat W|th the reaa|u|uc ccat cheese ba||s. tet
staud S a|uutes be|cre serv|uc.
One ot my c|osest oir|triends is trom the Caribbean. Lvery
time I oo to her house, whether just to oossip over a o|ass
ot wine or tor a torma| sit-down dinner, she puts out a bio
p|atter ot warm, sa|ty tostones.
Ior an authentic Caribbean mea|, serve these sa|ty, crisp
p|antains as an appetizer betore Crock-ot Cuban Ropa
vieja. 8e sure that the p|antains don't brown the tirst time
you try them: the ooa| is just to sotten them so they can
more easi|y be t|attened into a thinner pancake tor the
second tryino. Ior more on p|antains.
MAkLS A8Ou1 24 CuIS
+ creeu o|auta|us
1 cuo vecetab|e c||, cr as ueeded
kcsher sa|t tc taste
1. wcr||uc W|th cue o|auta|u at a t|ae, use a sharo |u||e tc cut c||
bcth euds. kuu the t|o c| the |u||e dcWu the |u|| |eucth c| the
o|auta|u 2 cr 3 t|aes, cutt|uc thrcuch the th|c| s||u but uct |utc
the o|auta|u. wcr| the oee| c|| W|th vcur hauds. keoeat W|th the
reaa|u|uc o|auta|us.
2. s||ce the o|auta|us crcssW|se |utc 1-|uch th|c| s||ces. ?cu shcu|d
have abcut 2+ o|eces.
3. t|ue a ba||uc sheet W|th oaoer tcWe|s. iu a |arce s||||et, heat the
c|| cver aed|ua heat uut|| hct but uct sac||uc aud sh|aaerv.
+. ||ace the o|auta|us |u the c||, seed s|de dcWu. Ccc| just uut||
sc|teued, abcut + a|uutes, dc uct |et thea brcWu. 1uru thea
cver aud ccc| the cther s|de. 1raus|er the o|eces tc the oaoer
tcWe|-||ued ba||uc sheet. keoeat W|th the reaa|u|uc o|eces.
S. wheu a|| c| the o|auta|us are ccc|ed aud sc|t, use a tcrt|||a oress
cr the bcttca c| a |arce cau tc oress each o|ece |utc a ||atteued
oauca|e abcut |uch th|c|. ||ace ueW oaoer tcWe|s cu the
ba||uc sheet.
6. keturu the o|eces tc the hct c|| aud |rv uut|| cr|sov aud cc|deu
brcWu, 2 tc 3 a|uutes oer s|de. tess r|oe o|auta|us W||| ta|e
|cucer tc ccc| thau r|oer cues. 1raus|er tc the oaoer tcWe|-||ued
oau aud |aaed|ate|v sor|u||e bcth s|des W|th sa|t. wheu a|| the
tcstcues are |r|ed, traus|er thea tc a o|atter aud serve hct.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN Ior the abso|ute best
t|avor, sprink|e these with sa|t as soon as they come out ot their
second tryino and serve hot.
sWeet-octatc eaoauadas
Lmpanadas are a quintessentia| examp|e ot what
traditiona| Latin tood is made ot: rock-so|id and time-
tested techniques that can be adapted to accommodate
what's avai|ab|e reoiona||y, or in the case ot my Aunt L|sa,
what was in her pantry. She cou|d pu|| tooether the most
de|icious combinations ot inoredients out ot what appeared
to be thin air and then ti|| and try a tew dozen pastry
wrappers in a t|ash. when 1hanksoivino ro||ed around,
these were our version ot the c|assic American pumpkin
pie. 1ender, t|aky, and |ioht|y sweet, these |itt|e Mexican
pumpkin pies make de|icious appetizers, too.
|Ok 1u| DOuGu
+ cuos a||-ourocse ||cur
cuo sucar
1 teasoccu tab|e sa|t
1 cuos shcrteu|uc, at rcca teaoerature
1 |arce ecc, ||cht|v beateu
|Ok 1u| |ittiuG
2 ocuuds sWeet octatces, oee|ed aud ccarse|v chcooed (cr 2
1S-cuuce caus sWeet octatces)
2 3-|uch c|uuaacu st|c|s
tc cuo sucar, cr tc taste
1. |cr the dcuch. iu a |arce bcW|, o|ace the ||cur, sucar, aud sa|t
aud Wh|s| tccether uut|| We|| b|euded. use vcur hauds tc |uead
the shcrteu|uc |utc the ||cur a|xture. it W||| be cruab|v aud |cc|
|||e ccarse aea|, aud || vcu scueeze a haud|u| |t W||| cchere but
|a|| aoart aca|u Wheu drcooed bac| |utc the bcW|. Add the ecc
aud cuo c| Water, theu a|x We|| W|th a Wccdeu soccu cr vcur
hauds. |cra the dcuch |utc a ||atteued d|s|, Wrao |t |u o|ast|c
Wrao, aud ch||| |cr 1 hcur.
2. |cr the |||||uc. i| us|uc |resh sWeet octatces, o|ace thea |u a
|arce sauceoau W|th the c|uuaacu st|c|s aud ccver W|th cc|d
Water. s|aaer, uuccvered, uut|| the octatces are eas||v o|erced
W|th a |cr|, abcut 1S a|uutes. Dra|u We||. keacve aud d|scard
the c|uuaacu st|c|s. tet staud uut|| ccc|.
i| us|uc cauued sWeet octatces, o|ace thea |u a |arce sauceoau
W|th the|r ju|ce. Add the c|uuaacu st|c|s aud heat cver aed|ua
heat |cr abcut 10 a|uutes. keacve aud d|scard the c|uuaacu
st|c|s. tet staud uut|| ccc|.
3. 1raus|er the ccc|ed sWeet octatces tc the Wcr| bcW| c| a |ccd
orccesscr aud ou|se |u cue-seccud bursts just uut|| the octatces
are aashed, dc uct ouree. st|r |u the sucar (cauued sWeet
octatces aav a|readv be sWeeteued).
+. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. t|ue 1 cr 2 ccc||e sheets W|th
oarchaeut oaoer.
S. |cra the dcuch |utc 30 cc|| ba||-s|ze ba||s, |eeo the ba||s
ccvered W|th a daao c|cth. Ou a ||cht|v ||cured sur|ace, use a
rc|||uc o|u tc rc|| each ba|| |utc a +-|uch c|rc|e. |||| each W|th a
scaut tab|esoccu c| the aashed sWeet octatces. |c|d the dcuch
cver the |||||uc tc |cra a ha|| c|rc|e aud o|uch the edces tccether.
1raus|er tc the oreoared ba||uc sheet aud ccver W|th a daao
c|cth. Ccut|uue uut|| a|| the eaoauadas are |craed.
6. keacve the c|cth aud oress the t|ues c| a |cr| arcuud the edce
c| each eaoauada tc cr|ao. ua|e uut|| brcWued, 20 tc 2S
a|uutes. tet ccc| s||cht|v cu the ba||uc sheet. 1raus|er tc a
o|atter aud serve Wara.
DLL-IRYING when done correct|y, deep-tryino produces
tender and moist tood with a |ioht and crispy exterior. It is not hard
to do, especia||y it you to||ow just a tew important ouide|ines. 1o
beoin, the rioht too|s make the job easier. Invest in a deep-try
thermometer, which is wide|y avai|ab|e and inexpensive, and takes a||
the ouesswork out ot the most important aspect ot deep-tryino: the
temperature ot the oi|. It you try in oi| that is not hot enouoh, the
tood wi|| be soooy: too hot, and the tood wi|| burn on the outside
betore it is cooked on the inside. 1o use a deep-try thermometer,
simp|y c|ip it to the side ot the pan so that the bu|b ot the
thermometer is in the oi| but not touchino the bottom ot the pan.
Monitor the temperature ot the oi| throuohout the tryino process and
adjust the heat up or down as necessary to maintain the oi|'s
temperature. Second, use a |aroe, deep pan such as a Dutch oven or
a deep, straioht-sided ski||et. Last, a spider-basica||y a |ono-
hand|ed strainer-or a s|otted spoon makes it easy to add and
remove tood trom the hot oi|.
A tew techniques wi|| he|p you produce the moist interiors and
crispy exteriors that the best deep tryers are known tor. Iirst and
most important, don't overcrowd the pan. 1he more co|d tood you
add, the quicker the temperature ot the oi| wi|| drop and the soooier
the end resu|t wi|| be. Iry in batches to maintain a steadier
temperature, but make sure the temperature ot the oi| is returned to
the indicated temperature atter removino one batch and betore
addino the next batch. Next, do not skimp on the amount ot oi| you
use. 1he tood you're tryino needs room to move around without beino
crowded. Iina||y, make sure to remove any |aroe bits ot tood or
coatino |ett in the oi| between batches. 1his can burn and impart
t|avors to the tood you are tryino.
arceut|ueau eaoauadas
1hese are not the empanadas I orew up with, and unti| my
Aroentinean triend Lorena came over one day and made
them with me, I wou|d never have considered combinino
beet with o|ives and eoo whites-but I took one taste and
was hooked. Lach bite otters an excitino combination ot
t|avors and textures. 1he secret is that a |itt|e cube ot
Mancheoo, a Spanish sheep's mi|k cheese, is nest|ed into
the center ot each empanada. when the empanadas are
baked or tried, the cheese me|ts and adds a subt|e
creaminess, the source ot which is e|usive to anyone who
didn't see you put in the cheese.
Lmpanada douoh disks can be tound in the trozen section
ot many orocery stores or Latin markets. 1hey are made
with reou|ar shortenino douoh or putt pastry: either works
beautitu||y tor this recipe. 1hese empanadas are amazino
when deep-tried, but they're a|so rea||y de|icious when
simp|y baked: directions tor both are be|ow. Read more
about deep-tryino.
2 tab|esoccus c||ve c||
1 |arce Wh|te cu|cu, chcooed
2 car||c c|cves, a|uced
1 ocuuds |eau crcuud bee|
3 tab|esoccus oaor||a
2 tab|esoccus crcuud cua|u
1 teasoccu |csher sa|t cr tc taste
teasoccu crcuud b|ac| oeooer cr tc taste
2 tab|esoccus d|st|||ed Wh|te v|uecar
cuo chcooed soau|sh creeu c||ves stu||ed W|th o|a|eutcs
3 hard-ccc|ed ecc Wh|tes, chcooed
vecetab|e c||, |cr |rv|uc cr ba||uc
A||-ourocse ||cur, |cr rc|||uc
2S tc 30 stcre-bcucht eaoauada d|s|s, de|rcsted
2S tc 30 -|uch cubes Mauchecc cheese
1. iu a |arce s||||et, heat the c|| cver aed|ua heat. Add the cu|cu
aud car||c aud ccc| uut|| traus|uceut, abcut 6 a|uutes. Cruab|e
|u the bee|, aud add the oaor||a, cua|u, sa|t, aud oeooer. Ccc|,
st|rr|uc |recueut|v, uut|| the bee| |s brcWued, abcut 10 a|uutes.
2. Dra|u c|| the excess crease. st|r |u the v|uecar. 1raus|er tc a
bcW| aud re|r|cerate uut|| ch|||ed, abcut 1 hcur. st|r |u the c||ves
aud hard-ccc|ed ecc Wh|tes.
3. i| ba||uc the eaoauadas, oreheat the cveu tc +2S|. Ccat 2
ba||uc sheets W|th vecetab|e c||.
+. wheu Wcr||uc W|th eaoauada d|s|s, a|Wavs |eeo a|| but the d|s|
vcu're Wcr||uc W|th ccvered W|th a daao tcWe|. i| the d|s|s are
verv ||ra, o|ace thea cue at a t|ae cu a ||cht|v ||cured sur|ace
aud use a rc|||uc o|u tc rc|| thea tc tc 1 |uch |arcer thau thev
are tc aa|e thea a ||tt|e acre o||ab|e.
S. 1c ||||, |av au eaoauada d|s| cu the Wcr| sur|ace. ||ace abcut
1 tab|esoccus c| the aeat a|xture |u the ceuter c| the dcuch
d|s|. 1uc| a cube c| cheese |utc the ceuter c| the |||||uc. use
vcur ||ucer tc Wet the edces c| the d|s| W|th Water aud |c|d cver
tc sea|. Geut|v oress the t|ues c| a |cr| a|cuc the edce tc cr|ao.
tav the eaoauada cu a ba||uc sheet aud ccver W|th a daao
tcWe|. keoeat W|th the reaa|u|uc |||||uc aud dcuch d|s|s.
6. urush the tcos c| the eaoauadas W|th vecetab|e c|| aud ba|e
uut|| cc|deu brcWu, 1S tc 18 a|uutes. serve hct.
i| |rv|uc the eaoauadas, |||| a s||||et |uch deeo W|th vecetab|e
c|| aud heat tc 360|. cver aed|ua heat. |reheat the cveu tc
200|. t|ue 2 ba||uc sheets W|th oaoer tcWe|s. |rv the eaoauadas
|u the c|| uut|| cc|deu brcWu aud cr|so, + tc 6 a|uutes, turu|uc
cuce. keacve W|th tcucs, |ett|uc excess c|| dr|o bac| |utc the oau,
aud traus|er tc a oaoer tcWe|-||ued ba||uc sheet. keeo Wara |u the
cveu Wh||e vcu |rv the reaa|u|uc eaoauadas. serve hct.
soups 8 sa|ads
1he warm tee|inos the soups in this chapter
evoke in me are not pure|y physica|-a|thouoh
nothino is more warmino than a bow| ot
steamino soup on a co|d 1exas nioht (yes, we
have theml). I tee| so much nosta|oia when I
prepare and serve these soups, whose
de|icious aroma and t|avor be|ie how very
simp|e they are to make. 1hat simp|icity was
abso|ute|y crucia| tor my mom. with tour kids
and a husband to teed every day, her
approach to tood had to be how quick|y can
we oet somethino oood on the tab|e2 1hese
days my own busy |ite otten puts me in the
same trame ot mind, and that's when I most
appreciate these soups, tu|| ot t|avor and
amazino|y quick to pu|| tooether. |us, most
can be made veoetarian simp|y by usino
veoetab|e stock in p|ace ot the chicken stock-
a rea| p|us when I'm servino meat-averse
My tavorite sa|ads, the ones I return to
aoain and aoain, evo|ved trom the tria| and
error ot combinino inoredients and t|avors I
|ike. Occasiona||y I wou|d stumb|e upon a
combination that I scribb|ed on a scrap ot
paper so that I had a prayer ot rep|icatino itl
One cardina| truth I've |earned over the years
is that tor oreen sa|ads, the oreens are the
key. 1ender butterhead |ettuce is my abso|ute
tavorite, whether dressed simp|y with extra-
viroin o|ive oi| and a |itt|e ba|samic or in the
more |ayered 8utterhead Lettuce Sa|ad with
Strawberries. On the other side ot the
spectrum is peppery aruou|a, whose sharp
bite is a we|come counterpoint to succu|ent
shrimp in Gri||ed Shrimp on Aruou|a. And in
between the two is baby spinach, which I |ove
tossed with 8uttermi|k Dressino or in the
perennia| tavorite, 8aby Spinach with 8eets
and Goat Cheese.
butteruut scuash scuo
tcrt|||a scuo
ve||cW scuash scuo W|th |eacu
carrct c|ucer scuo
|eacu crzc scuo
cr|||ed shr|ao cu arucu|a
babv so|uach W|th beets aud ccat cheese
rct|u| oasta sa|ad
hearts c| oa|a sa|ad
butterhead |ettuce sa|ad W|th straWberr|es
aex|cau caorese
ccru aud zucch|u| sa|ad
asoaracus W|th crev acss |uu Wh|te |reuch
butteruut scuash scuo
1his soup is as smooth as ve|vet and has the warm, oranoe
hue ot autumn that a|ways |ooks beautitu| in the soup
bow|. 1he cream adds richness, but you can |eave it out tor
a |iohter soup that is nonethe|ess very satistyino.
+ tab|esoccus ( st|c|) uusa|ted butter
cuo chcooed ve||cW cu|cu
2 car||c c|cves, a|uced
teasoccu |csher sa|t
6 cuos oee|ed aud cubed butteruut scuash (|rca abcut a 2-ocuud
S cuos Ch|c|eu urcth, vecetab|e urcth, cr stcre-bcucht |cW-
scd|ua ch|c|eu brcth
teasoccu chcooed |resh thvae |eaves (cot|cua|)
teasoccu crcuud b|ac| oeooer
1 cuo heavv Wh|oo|uc creaa (cot|cua|)
1. iu a Dutch cveu cr |arce sauceoau cver aed|ua heat, ae|t the
butter. Add the cu|cu, car||c, aud a o|uch c| the sa|t aud ccc|,
st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, uut|| sc|teued aud traus|uceut, abcut 6
a|uutes. Add the scuash aud st|r tc ccat W|th butter. Ccc| uut||
sc|teued, abcut S a|uutes. Add the ch|c|eu brcth, the thvae (||
us|uc), the reaa|u|uc sa|t, aud the oeooer. ur|uc tc a bc||.
keduce the heat aud s|aaer, oart|a||v ccvered, uut|| the scuash
|s verv teuder, abcut 12 a|uutes.
2. 1raus|er the scuo |u batches tc the Wcr| bcW| c| a |ccd
orccesscr aud ouree uut|| verv saccth.
3. keturu the scuo tc the oct aud st|r |u the creaa, || us|uc. 1aste
aud adjust the seascu|uc.
+. ueat thrcuch, but dc uct a||cW the scuo tc bc|| cr the creaa
aav curd|e. tad|e the scuo |utc + tc 6 scuo bcW|s aud serve hct.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN As |ono as their skin
is tree ot any cuts, butternut squash and other winter squash wi||
|ast tor two to three months stored in a coo|, dry p|ace. So the next
time you see them at the tarmer's market, stock upl
tcrt|||a scuo
My triends request this recipe more otten than any other. I
am otten asked it it's a tami|y recipe. I take it as a
comp|iment that peop|e a|ways seem so surprised to hear
that I tound it in a maoazine when I was about twe|ve
years o|d. I've made it so many times since then and it has
evo|ved into what it is today. I think it's so de|icious-and
popu|arl-because ot its c|ear but very t|avortu| broth. So
otten torti||a soup is heavy, but this one is hearty without
beino unp|easant|y thick.
In tact, I make such a |aroe batch because everyone
a|ways wants seconds and thirds. On the rare occasions
that I've had |ettovers, I've discovered that the soup keeps
very we||, and even oets better, stored in a tioht|y covered
container in the retrioerator. 1he oarnishes keep we||
stored in zip-top baos: keep the tried torti||a strips at room
temperature and everythino e|se in the retrioerator. when
servino the second day, just p|ace a|| the oarnishes at the
bottom ot the bow| and |ad|e the soup over.
I use two kinds ot dried chi|es-ancho and pasi||a-
because they add more depth and smoky notes to the
broth. use more or tewer chi|es dependino on how strono
you want their t|avor to be. Ior more on dried chi|es.
+ ocuuds ch|c|eu |ecs
+ ocuuds ch|c|eu th|chs
12 cuos Ch|c|eu urcth, stcre-bcucht |cW-scd|ua ch|c|eu brcth,
cr cc|d Water
+ dr|ed oas|||a ch||es
+ dr|ed auchc ch||es
6 tcaatces, chcooed
1 |arce Wh|te cu|cu, d|ced
6 |arce car||c c|cves, oee|ed
2 teasoccus |csher sa|t, cr tc taste
2 |arce buuches c| |resh c||autrc, |eaves chcooed
|Ok s|kviuG
1 cuo vecetab|e c||, o|us acre || ueeded
36 Wh|te cr ve||cW ccru tcrt|||as, s||ced |utc -|uch-th|c| str|os
1 head |ceberc |ettuce, ccred aud shredded
6 |arce avccadcs, o|tted, oee|ed, aud d|ced
3 cuos crated cr cruab|ed cuesc |rescc (abcut 12 cuuces)
1. iu a |arce stcc|oct, o|ace the ch|c|eu |ecs aud th|chs aud the
brcth cr cc|d Water. ur|uc tc a bc|| cver aed|ua-h|ch heat.
keduce the heat aud s|aaer uut|| the ch|c|eu |s coacue
thrcuchcut aud teuder Wheu o|erced W|th a |cr|, abcut 30
a|uutes. w|th a s|ctted soccu reacve the ch|c|eu |rca the oct
aud set as|de tc ccc|. set as|de the stcc|oct c| brcth. As sccu as
the ch|c|eu |s ccc| eucuch tc haud|e, ou|| c|| aud shred the
aeat, d|scard the s||u aud bcues.
2. MeauWh||e, o|ace the oas|||a aud auchc ch||es |u a aed|ua
sauceoau aud add cc|d Water tc ccver. ur|uc the Water tc a bc||
cver aed|ua heat. keduce the heat aud s|aaer uut|| the ch||es
are sc|t, abcut 10 a|uutes. Dra|u the ch||es aud reacve the|r
steas aud ve|us. i| vcu Waut a so|c|er b|te, |eeo the seeds, ||
uct, reacve the seeds as We||.
3. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| a |ccd orccesscr, o|ace the ch||es, tcaatces,
cu|cu, car||c, aud the sa|t. |rccess uut|| saccth, add|uc a cuo
c| the reserved ch|c|eu brcth tc |ccseu the a|xture || |t |s tcc
+. st|r the ch||e ouree aud ha|| c| the c||autrc |utc the brcth. ur|uc
tc a s|aaer cver |cW heat, aud s|aaer |cr 20 tc 30 a|uutes.
1aste aud add sa|t || ueeded. st|r |u the reserved ch|c|eu aud the
reaa|u|uc c||autrc aud reacve the oct |rca the heat.
S. wh||e the brcth |s s|aaer|uc, ||ue a ba||uc sheet cr |arce o|ate
W|th oaoer tcWe|s. iu a |arce s||||et, heat the c|| cver aed|ua-
h|ch heat uut|| hct but uct sac||uc aud sh|aaerv. Add a
haud|u| cr tWc c| tcrt|||a str|osthev cau be tcuch|uc but uct
cver|aoo|ucaud |rv just uut|| ||cht|v brcWued arcuud the
edces, abcut +S seccuds. use tcucs cr a so|der tc traus|er the
str|os tc the oaoer tcWe|s, tcss|uc aud acv|uc thea arcuud sc
thev ta|e cu scu|cc|v shaoes as thev ccc| aud hardeu. Ccut|uue
|u batches uut|| a|| the tcrt|||a str|os are |r|ed, add|uc acre c|| tc
the oau || uecessarv.
6. wheu readv tc serve, o|ace the |ettuce, avccadc, aud cuesc
|rescc |u seoarate bcW|s tc aa|e serv|uc eas|er.
7. |cr each serv|uc, o|ace a |eW tcrt|||as str|os aud a sccco c|
|ettuce |u a scuo bcW|. tad|e the scuo |utc the bcW|. 1co W|th a
soccu|u| c| avccadc, sor|u||e scae cuesc |rescc cu tco, aud
ve||cW scuash scuo W|th |eacu
when I was a kid we orew a|| our own veoetab|es,
especia||y ca|abasa, or squash. LO1S ot squash. 1o be
honest, I oot a |itt|e sick ot it (don't worry-my mom
a|ready knows). 1hen I orew up and tioured out a tew
suretire ways to show ott the de|icious earthiness and
sweetness ot summer squash. 1his soup is one ot them: the
|emon oives it oreat tano and the soup is unexpected|y
creamy, even thouoh there's not a bit ot cream or mi|k in it.
8e sure to puree this soup in batches-don't pour the
soup over the |eve| ot the top ot the tood processor b|ade.
1his soup is brothy betore it's pureed, and it'|| seep out ot
the work bow| and a|| over the counter it you're not
3 tab|esoccus extra-v|rc|u c||ve c||
3 aed|ua |ee|s (Wh|te aud ||cht creeu oarts), ||ue|v chcooed
2 aed|ua ve||cW cu|cus, ||ue|v chcooed
6 car||c c|cves, a|uced
kcsher sa|t tc taste
6 aed|ua ve||cW scuash, ccarse|v chcooed
+ sor|cs c| |resh thvae
6 cuos Ch|c|eu urcth, vecetab|e urcth, cr stcre-bcucht |cW-
scd|ua ch|c|eu brcth
1u|ce c| 1 saa|| |eacu (abcut 2 tab|esoccus), cr tc taste
1. iu a |arce scuo oct cr Dutch cveu, heat the c|| cver aed|ua
heat. st|r |u the |ee|s, cu|cus, car||c, aud a o|uch c| sa|t aud
ccc|, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, uut|| the cu|cus are traus|uceut, abcut
6 a|uutes. Add the scuash aud thvae aud ccc|, st|rr|uc
cccas|cua||v, uut|| the scuash bec|us tc sc|teu, S tc 10 a|uutes.
Add the ch|c|eu brcth aud |ucrease the heat tc h|ch. ur|uc tc a
bc|| aud bc|| ceut|v |cr S a|uutes. keduce the heat aud s|aaer,
ccvered, uut|| the vecetab|es are verv teuder, abcut 20 a|uutes.
2. keacve aud d|scard the thvae sor|cs. 1raus|er the scuo |u 3 cr
acre batches tc the Wcr| bcW| c| a |ccd orccesscr aud ouree
uut|| saccth. |cur the scuo bac| |utc the scuo oct aud reheat
cver aed|ua heat uut|| hct. st|r |u the |eacu ju|ce aud sa|t tc
taste. tad|e |utc 6 tc 8 scuo bcW|s aud serve.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN 1ie the thyme sprios
tooether with kitchen strino so you can just p|uck the bund|e out
atter the soup is cooked.
carrct c|ucer scuo
I |ove the retreshino t|avor and heat ot tresh oinoer and
this soup shows it ott beautitu||y, especia||y it you use the
tu|| three tab|espoons ot oinoer |isted be|ow. It even
causes a p|easant burn in the back ot your throat. It you
preter a |itt|e |ess assertiveness, use just two tab|espoons.
Lither way, keep in mind that oinoer becomes more
pronounced over time, so a|thouoh the soup stores very
we||, the oinoer's bite wi|| become stronoer.
Many recipes tor carrot and other pureed veoetab|e
soups ca|| tor toppinos ot one kind or another, but I rea||y
preter to |et the natura| t|avors ot the soup and veooies
shine throuoh, so I skip them. You can a|ways top with a
scatterino ot whatever tresh herb is in the soup, thouoh,
which is very pretty and hioh|iohts the t|avors a|ready in
the soup. 8e sure to cook the carrots unti| they are very
tender so that they'|| puree to a si|ky smooth soup.
3 tab|esoccus uusa|ted butter
1 |arce ve||cW cu|cu, chcooed
6 car||c c|cves, a|uced
kcsher sa|t
2 ocuuds carrcts, chcooed
2 tc 3 tab|esoccus oee|ed aud chcooed |resh c|ucer
S cuos vecetab|e urcth (rec|oe |c||cWs) cr stcre-bcucht |cW-
scd|ua vecetab|e brcth
2 sor|cs c| |resh thvae, o|us |resh |eaves |cr serv|uc, || des|red
1 |resh cr dr|ed bav |ea|
Grcuud b|ac| oeooer tc taste
cuo Whc|e a|||
1. iu a |arce scuo oct cver aed|ua heat, ae|t the butter. Add the
cu|cu, car||c, aud a o|uch c| sa|t, aud ccc|, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v,
uut|| the cu|cu |s traus|uceut, abcut 6 a|uutes. st|r |u the carrcts
aud c|ucer aud ccc|, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, |cr S a|uutes. st|r |u
the vecetab|e brcth, thvae, bav |ea|, aud a |eW cr|ud|ucs c|
b|ac| oeooer. iucrease the heat tc h|ch. ur|uc tc a bc|| aud
adjust the heat tc bc|| ceut|v |cr S a|uutes. keduce the heat aud
s|aaer, oart|a||v ccvered, uut|| the carrcts are verv sc|t, 20 tc
2S a|uutes.
2. keacve aud d|scard the thvae sor|cs aud bav |ea|. 1raus|er the
scuo |u batches tc the Wcr| bcW| c| a |ccd orccesscr aud ouree
uut|| verv saccth. |cur the scuo bac| |utc the scuo oct aud
reheat cver aed|ua heat uut|| hct. st|r |u the a|||. seascu W|th
sa|t aud oeooer tc taste. tad|e the scuo |utc + tc 6 scuo bcW|s
aud caru|sh W|th thvae |eaves, || des|red. serve hct.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN 1he most time-
consumino part ot this and the 8utternut Squash Soup is the
choppino. You can buy the carrots or squash a|ready chopped in
many stores, but they're ridicu|ous|y expensive. 1o oet ahead tor the
busy week without breakino the bank, spend a |itt|e time over the
weekend pee|ino and choppino carrots and winter squash by hand or,
even taster, by pu|sino in the tood processor. |ace the chopped
veoetab|es in a zip-top treezer bao and treeze unti| needed. 1he
soups come tooether in no time when the choppino is done ahead.
veoetab|e broth
MAkLS A8Ou1 8 CuS
2 aed|ua ve||cW cu|cus, each cut |utc 8 Wedces
3 carrcts, ccarse|v chcooed
2 r|bs ce|erv, ccarse|v chcooed
1 |ee| (Wh|te aud ||cht creeu oarts), ccarse|v chcooed
+ sor|cs c| |resh oars|ev
+ sor|cs c| |resh thvae
1 |resh cr dr|ed bav |ea|
teasoccu Whc|e b|ac| oeooerccrus
1. iu a |arce stcc|oct, o|ace the cu|cus, carrcts, ce|erv, |ee|,
oars|ev, thvae, bav |ea|, oeooerccrus, aud 12 cuos c| Water.
ur|uc tc a bc|| cver aed|ua-h|ch heat. keduce the heat aud
s|aaer, uuccvered, uut|| the brcth |s ||avcr|u|, 30 tc +S
2. stra|u the brcth thrcuch a aesh stra|uer aud d|scard the sc||ds,
dc uct oress cu the vecetab|es Wh||e stra|u|uc cr the brcth W|||
turu c|cudv. tet ccc|.
3. stcre |u t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uers |u the re|r|ceratcr |cr uo tc S
davs cr |reeze uo tc 6 acuths.
|eacu crzc scuo
1his soup can be pu||ed tooether in minutes, and it's one ot
the most sou|-satistyino thinos I make. It shou|d be very
brothy so the orzo just t|oats in the rich, |emony broth. 1he
pasta wi|| absorb the broth as it sits, so serve as soon as
it's ready.
SLRvLS 2 1O 4
+ tc S cuos Ch|c|eu urcth (rec|oe |c||cWs), vecetab|e urcth, cr
stcre-bcucht |cW-scd|ua ch|c|eu brcth, cr as ueeded
1 cuo dr|ed crzc oasta
1u|ce |rca 1 tc 2 saa|| |eacus (2 tc + tab|esoccus ju|ce)
2 |arce ecc vc||s
||uch c| |csher sa|t
1. iu a saa|| sauceoau, br|uc the ch|c|eu brcth tc a bc||. st|r |u the
crzc aud ccc| uut|| a| deute, 8 tc 9 a|uutes. 1he scuo shcu|d be
verv brcthv. Add acre hct stcc| || uecessarv. st|r |u the |eacu
2. iu a saa|| bcW|, beat the ecc vc||s. st|r the hct brcth |utc the
ecc vc||s 1 tab|esoccu at a t|ae, uo tc 6 tab|esoccus. 1h|s
teaoers the vc||s aud oreveuts thea |rca ccc||uc tcc |ast aud
curd||uc. st|r the vc||s |utc the scuo. Add a o|uch c| sa|t, cr tc
taste. tad|e the scuo |utc 2 tc + scuo bcW|s aud serve at cuce.
chicken broth
MAkLS A8Ou1 4 OuAR1S
1 tab|esoccu vecetab|e c||
3 ocuuds ch|c|eu W|ucs
1 aed|ua ve||cW cu|cu, cut |utc e|cht Wedces
1 carrct, chcooed
1 ce|erv r|b, chcooed
+ sor|cs c| |resh oars|ev
3 sor|cs c| |resh thvae
teasoccu Whc|e b|ac| oeooerccrus
2 |resh cr dr|ed bav |eaves
1. iu a |arce stcc|oct, heat the c|| cver aed|ua heat. Add the
ch|c|eu W|ucs, cu|cu, carrct, aud ce|erv aud ccc|, st|rr|uc, uut||
the vecetab|es are sc|teued, abcut 10 a|uutes, dc uct |et the
ch|c|eu brcWu.
2. Add cc|d Water tc ccver the |ucred|euts bv 2 |uches. ur|uc tc a
bc|| cver h|ch heat. use a |arce soccu tc s||a c|| auv |caa that
r|ses tc the sur|ace. Add the oars|ev, thvae, oeooerccrus, aud
bav |eaves. keduce the heat tc |cW aud s|aaer, oart|a||v
ccvered, uut|| the brcth |s |u|| ||avcred, 2 tc 3 hcurs. stra|u the
brcth thrcuch a aesh stra|uer aud d|scard the sc||ds. tet ccc|.
3. i| des|red, re|r|cerate the stcc| aud reacve aud d|scard the
sc||d|||ed |at |rca the sur|ace. stcre |u t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uers
|u the re|r|ceratcr |cr uo tc S davs cr |reeze uo tc 6 acuths.
cr|||ed shr|ao cu arucu|a
1his marinade is my tavorite tor shrimp, chicken, and t|ank
steak or any other red meat. As with any marinade, the
|onoer you |et the shrimp or meat marinate, the better, but
on many occasions I've had on|y enouoh time to throw it
tooether and put it straioht on the ori||, and the resu|ts are
sti|| oreat.
|Ok 1u| sukiM|
+ tab|esoccus c||ve c||
1u|ce c| 3 saa|| |eacus (abcut 6 tab|esoccus ju|ce)
+ car||c c|cves, a|uced
2 teasoccus chcooed |resh crecauc
2 teasoccus chcooed |resh bas||
2 teasoccus chcooed |resh ch|ves
||uch c| crcuud caveuue cr tc taste
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer tc taste
2+ juabc shr|ao (21 tc 2S oer ocuud), oee|ed aud deve|ued but
W|th the ta||s cu
|Ok 1u| sAtAD
+ cuuces creeu beaus, tr|aaed aud cut |utc 2-|uch o|eces
2 10-cuuce bacs babv arucu|a |eaves
1 o|ut saa|| craoe tcaatces, cr ha|ved || |arce
2 tab|esoccus extra-v|rc|u c||ve c||
2 tab|esoccus Wh|te ba|saa|c v|uecar
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer tc taste
1. iu a |arce bcW|, o|ace the c||ve c||, |eacu ju|ce, car||c, crecauc,
bas||, ch|ves, caveuue, sa|t, aud oeooer. st|r uut|| We|| b|euded.
Add the shr|ao aud st|r ceut|v uut|| We|| ccated W|th aar|uade.
Ccver aud re|r|cerate |cr 2 hcurs.
2. |reoare a aed|ua bcW| c| |ce Water. ur|uc a saa|| sauceoau c|
||cht|v sa|ted Water tc a bc||. Add the creeu beaus aud ccc| uut||
cr|so-teuder, abcut 3 a|uutes. Dra|u the beaus aud |aaed|ate|v
add tc the |ce Water. tet staud uut|| ccc|. Dra|u We|| aud set
3. wheu readv tc serve, oreoare a aed|ua-hct cr||| cr set a rac| 6
|uches |rca the brc||er aud set the brc||er tc h|ch. Gr||| cr brc||
the shr|ao uut|| thev are ||ra aud br|cht o|u| cr crauce, + tc S
a|uutes, turu|uc cuce dur|uc ccc||uc.
+. iu a |arce sa|ad bcW|, o|ace the arucu|a, tcaatces, reserved
creeu beaus, c||, v|uecar, sa|t, aud oeooer. 1css ceut|v uut|| the
arucu|a aud vecetab|es are We|| ccated.
S. D|v|de the creeus aacuc + tc 6 sa|ad o|ates aud tco W|th the
shr|ao. serve.
babv so|uach W|th beets aud ccat
Ior as |ono as I can remember I've been awed by the
a|most jewe|-|ike beauty ot beets. when I was a kid I
|onoed tor a crayon that was the exact co|or ot the beets
we orew on the ranch so I cou|d use it in a|| my drawinos. I
think this is why my mother never had any troub|e oettino
me to eat theml I |ove beets in sa|ads or on their own,
simp|y drizz|ed with extra-viroin o|ive oi| and a |itt|e tresh
|emon juice.
1 S-cuuce bac babv so|uach
2 tab|esoccus ua|saa|c v|ua|crette cr tc taste
1 buuch c| beets, rcasted cr bc||ed (see bcx), oee|ed aud th|u|v
cuo cruab|ed ccat cheese
1. ||ace the babv so|uach |u a sa|ad bcW|. Add the ba|saa|c
v|ua|crette aud tcss ceut|v uut|| We|| ccated.
2. D|v|de the so|uach aacuc + sha||cW bcW|s cr sa|ad o|ates. 1co
W|th the beet s||ces aud sor|u||e cver the cruab|ed ccat cheese.
COOkING 8LL1S 1o prepare the beets, trim a|| but about 1
inch ot the stems. Rinse thorouoh|y under co|d, runnino water.
1o boi| beets, brino a |aroe saucepan ot water to a boi|. Add the
beets and return the water to a boi|. Reduce the heat and simmer,
covered, unti| the beets are tender when pierced with a thin, sharp
knite, about 20 minutes tor sma|| beets, about 80 minutes tor medium
beets, and 4S minutes to 1 hour tor |aroe beets. Drain the beets and
transter them to a bow| ot ice water unti| coo| enouoh to hand|e.
1o bake beets, preheat the oven to 400I. |ace the beets in a
sma|| roastino pan and add v cup ot water. Sea| the pan tioht|y with
toi| and bake unti| the beets are tender when pierced with a thin,
sharp knite, about 4S minutes tor sma|| beets, about 1 hour tor
medium beets, and about 1 hours tor |aroe beets (be caretu| when
|ittino the toi|: don't oet burned by the escapino hot steam). Remove
the beets trom the pan and |et stand. when the beets are coo|
enouoh to hand|e, use a parino knite to trim the ends and s|ip ott their
skins. Serve warm, at room temperature, or co|d.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN 8eets retain better
t|avor when they are boi|ed or baked with their skins on, but pee|ino
them atter cookino can transter a|| that beautitu| co|or rioht to your
hands, where it doesn't |ook so nice. wear kitchen o|oves when
pee|ino and choppino beets.
rct|u| oasta sa|ad
Iu|| ot co|ortu|, crunchy veoetab|es and burstino with
t|avor, this |ooks rea||y pretty on a buttet tab|e. 8y the
time I was in midd|e schoo|, I knew that rotini and
veoetab|es in the kitchen was the sion that we were
headed to a pot|uck soon. 1his was and is my mom's oo-to
recipe tor 1A meetinos, schoo| p|ays, recita|s, and baby
and brida| showers.
1 ocuud dr|ed rct|u| cr |ar|a||e
1 tc 2 tab|esoccus extra-v|rc|u c||ve c|| (cot|cua|)
1 o|ut cherrv cr craoe tcaatces
|arce red cu|cu, th|u|v s||ced
1 creeu be|| oeooer, ccred, seeded, aud ccarse|v chcooed
1 +-cuuce cau s||ced aushrccas, We|| dra|ued
2 teasoccus drv sa|ad seascu|uc
cuo ua|saa|c v|ua|crette cr bctt|ed ita||au sa|ad dress|uc
cuo crated |araesau cheese, cr tc taste
1. ur|uc a |arce oct c| sa|ted Water tc a bc|| cver h|ch heat. st|r |u
the oasta aud ccc| uut|| a| deute, abcut 8 a|uutes cr acccrd|uc
tc the oac|ace d|rect|cus. Dra|u the oasta aud r|use W|th cc|d
Water tc stco the ccc||uc. Dra|u verv We|| aud traus|er tc a |arce
a|x|uc bcW|. i| the oasta W||| ueed tc s|t cu |ts cWu |cr a ||tt|e
Wh||e, add 1 tc 2 tab|esoccus c||ve c||, || des|red, tc oreveut
st|c||uc, aud tcss tc ccat.
2. ||ace the oasta |u a |arce bcW|. Add the tcaatces, red cu|cu,
be|| oeooer, aushrccas, sa|ad seascu|uc, aud dress|uc.
3. 1css ceut|v uut|| We|| a|xed aud ccated W|th dress|uc. sor|u||e
cver the |araesau cheese aud serve.
hearts c| oa|a sa|ad
Cat Med in Los Anoe|es serves a sa|ad |ike this over
paper-thin beet carpaccio that I |ove to order because it's
so |ioht and tresh. when I make it at home, I skip the beet
but pi|e on the oreens.
1 10-cuuce bac |resh arucu|a
cuo teacu Gar||c Dress|uc
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer
1 1+-cuuce cau art|chc|e hearts, dra|ued aud cuartered
1 1+-cuuce cau hearts c| oa|a, dra|ued aud s||ced
shaved |ara|c|auc-kecc|auc cheese
1. ||ace the arucu|a |u a |arce serv|uc bcW|. |cur cver the dress|uc
aud tcss ceut|v tc ccat. Add sa|t aud oeooer tc taste.
2. scatter the art|chc|e hearts aud hearts c| oa|a cu tco. use a
vecetab|e oee|er tc shave the |ara|c|auc-kecc|auc cu tco.
ALR OR LAS1IC2 when the checkout person at the
supermarket asks, in reoard to your bao choice, aper or p|astic2
the best answer is, Neither, thanksl aper is not much better than
p|astic. Lven thouoh paper baos are easy to recyc|e in many areas, it
actua||y takes enormous resources to manutacture them. |ease
invest in a tew reusab|e shoppino and produce baos (yes, they make
these, tool) and brino them with you to the store. 1hey can |ast tor
years, which, it you consider how many baos' worth ot oroceries you
buy each week, can rea||y add upl
butterhead |ettuce sa|ad W|th
usua||y when I make a sa|ad, I start with a base ot oreens
-most otten tender butterhead |ettuce, my tavorite-dress
it with a t|avortu| vinaiorette, and then top it with
whatever I have on hand. 1he combination in this recipe
was one I tried once and |oved so much that it's become a
stap|e at my house.
1 saa|| head butterhead |ettuce, Washed aud dr|ed
2 tab|esoccus |eacu-||avcred c||ve c||
2 tab|esoccus ba|saa|c v|uecar
saa|| creeu aoo|e, ccred aud verv th|u|v s||ced
1 o|ut straWberr|es, hu||ed aud th|u|v s||ced (abcut 2 cuos)
cuo Wa|uuts, ccarse|v chcooed
cuo cruab|ed ccat cheese
1. 1ear the |ettuce |eaves |utc o|eces s||cht|v |arcer thau b|te s|ze.
||ace thea |u a |arce sa|ad bcW|. |cur cver the c|| aud v|uecar
aud tcss ceut|v uut|| We|| ccated.
2. Arrauce the aoo|es, straWberr|es, aud Wa|uuts cu tco c| the
|ettuce. sor|u||e the cruab|ed ccat cheese cu tco aud serve.
aex|cau caorese
My version ot the c|assic Insa|ata Caprese-an Ita|ian sa|ad
ot mozzare||a, tomatoes, and basi|-uses oreen avocados in
p|ace ot the basi| tor a Mexican twist. I |ike to say that the
red, white, and oreen represent the Mexican t|aol I arranoe
this on a bio servino p|atter and p|ace it rioht in the midd|e
ot the dinner tab|e or a buttet-it's visua||y arrestino and
rea||y makes the tab|e pop beautitu||y.
2 red tcaatces, ||avcr|u| he|r|ccas || ocss|b|e, ccred aud s||ced
1 ocuud |resh aczzare||a, s||ced
3 avccadcs, o|tted, oee|ed, aud s||ced
Gccd-cua||tv ba|saa|c v|uecar tc taste
1. Ou a |arce serv|uc o|atter, arrauce the tcaatces, aczzare||a, aud
avccadcs |u au cver|aoo|uc aud reoeat|uc oatteru.
2. Dr|zz|e W|th v|uecar aud serve.
proper|y ripe avocados, which shou|d be tirm but oive a bit when
pressed oent|y. It they don't oive at a||, they're underripe. 1o ripen
avocados at home, p|ace them in a brown paper bao and store them
at room temperature. 1hey'|| usua||y ripen in a coup|e ot days, but
some can take up to tive days. I a|ways buy |oca|, oroanic avocados in
1exas and Ca|itornia, and I recommend that you do the same when
A ripe avocado can be tricky to s|ice or dice neat|y. 8y the time
you've scooped it out ot the she||, bits ot the sott inside are otten |ett
behind and the avocado can |ook manhand|ed. Instead, remove the
pit and use a sma||, thin-b|aded knite to s|ice or dice one ha|t at a time
rioht in the she||. use a spoon to oent|y scoop out the s|iced or diced
ccru aud zucch|u| sa|ad
I |ove |earnino new thinos every time I eat a dish or step
into a kitchen or take a cookino c|ass. I was thri||ed to
discover Maite Gomez-Rejn's prooram in Los Anoe|es
ca||ed Art8ites, which combines art history and the cu|inary
arts in c|asses that beoin with viewino a co||ection at a
|oca| museum and end in the kitchen. I took a c|ass ca||ed
Dinino in the Aztec Lmpire, in which Maite tauoht us
modern ways to use inoredients that wou|d have been used
in what is now centra| Mexico durino the tourteenth
throuoh sixteenth centuries. I |earned this recipe, which
uses the ancient inoredients corn and squash, in that
wondertu| c|ass.
S ears c| ccru, shuc|ed
1 tab|esoccu uusa|ted butter
2 cuos -|uch d|ced zucch|u|
teasoccu |csher sa|t
cuo ||ue|v chcooed red cu|cu
1 tab|esoccus aoo|e c|der v|uecar
2 tab|esoccus extra-v|rc|u c||ve c||
teasoccu crcuud b|ac| oeooer
cuo chcooed |resh c||autrc cr bas||
1. |reoare a |arce bcW| c| |ce Water aud set as|de. ur|uc a |arce oct
c| Water tc a bc||. Add the ccru tc the bc|||uc Water, ccver, aud
reacve |rca the heat. tet staud 3 tc S a|uutes. Dra|u aud
|aaerse the ccru |u the |ce Water tc stco the ccc||uc. wheu
ccc|, cut the |erue|s c|| the ccb, cutt|uc c|cse tc the ccb. ||ace
the |erue|s |u a |arce bcW|.
2. iu a saa|| s||||et cver aed|ua heat, ae|t the butter. Add the
zucch|u| aud a o|uch c| sa|t aud ccc|, st|rr|uc, uut|| teuder, abcut
+ a|uutes. Add the zucch|u| tc the bcW| W|th the ccru.
3. Add tc the bcW| the red cu|cu, v|uecar, c||, reaa|u|uc sa|t, aud
oeooer. 1ust be|cre serv|uc, tcss |u the herbs. 1aste, adjust the
seascu|uc as ueeded, aud serve cc|d cr at rcca teaoerature.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN 1o quick|y and easi|y
oet the si|k ott an ear ot corn, use a dry paper towe| to brush
downward on the cob.
asoaracus W|th crev acss |uu
Wh|te |reuch dress|uc
Readino throuoh this book, you may pick up on a theme: I
hide nutritious veoetab|es under oenerous amounts ot
sauce or cheese so everyone wi|| eat them. uere is an
examp|e ot my tun cat-and-mouse oame p|ayed to
pertection: creamy, oniony dressino is |apped over crisp-
tender asparaous-and everyone's happyl
1 ocuud asoaracus, euds tr|aaed
cuo Grev Mcss iuu wh|te |reuch Dress|uc, cr tc taste
1. |reoare a bcW| c| |ce Water aud set as|de. iu a saut oau W|th a
t|cht-||tt|uc ||d, add Water tc abcut |uch deeo. ur|uc tc a bc||.
Add the asoaracus aud s|aaer uut|| br|cht creeu aud just teuder
Wheu o|erced W|th a th|u, sharo |u||e, 2 tc + a|uutes.
2. Dra|u the asoaracus aud |aaed|ate|v o|uuce |utc the |ce Water tc
stco the ccc||uc. wheu ccc|, dra|u the asoaracus aud |av thea
cut cu a c|eau ||tcheu tcWe|. 1raus|er tc a |arce serv|uc o|atter.
Dr|zz|e the dress|uc cver the asoaracus aud serve.
tish main courses
A chi|dhood spent on the water meant that by
the time I was seven years o|d, I cou|d catch,
out, and ti||et a tish. 1his is an undeniab|y
usetu| ski||, a|thouoh I'm no |onoer trequent|y
ca||ed upon to use it in my day job, and it
insti||ed in me a deep and abidino respect tor
a|| sea |ite. 1oday when I buy and prepare
tish, I seek out the hiohest qua|ity, most
sustainab|y cauoht tish I can tind. I |ove a
cu|inary cha||enoe, and over the years I've
deve|oped a tew too|proot cookino methods
tor tish. I've a|so discovered that addino
tavorite inoredients, such as honey and citrus,
is a suretire way to make any tish taste oreat.
when buyino tish, choose tresh, not trozen.
1o choose the most sustainab|y cauoht tish
and she||tish, check out the Monterey 8ay
Aquarium's Seatood watch (see Resources)
tor a user-triend|y, reou|ar|y updated |ist ot
how tish and she||tish are beino cauoht or
raised. You can consu|t the on|ine database,
down|oad a smartphone app|ication, or carry
the rea||y usetu| pocket ouides that indicate
which are best choices and oood
a|ternatives, and which you shou|d avoid.
1hey be|ieve, as I do, that the choices we
make as individua|s abso|ute|y make a
ditterence in our wor|d.
cr|sov aud so|cv cat||sh ||||ets
|eacu dcver sc|e
hcuev-c|azed sa|acu
t||ao|a W|th c|trus-car||c sauce
herbed sea bass |u oarchaeut
cr|sov aud so|cv cat||sh ||||ets
when I went tishino with my dad, more otten than not we
cauoht buckets ot cattish. I |oved every moment ot those
days, rioht up unti| he'd cook the cattish by just tossino it
on the ori|| with nothino more than some sa|t and pepper-
then I wasn't so happy. I |oved just about anythino
breaded-sti|| dol-so I took matters into my own hands
and came up with this recipe (see photooraph). 1he
breadino keeps the tish tender and moist. 1he on|y thino
I've chanoed about this dish since I was a kid is the bread
crumbs. Lver since t|utty 1apanese panko has become
wide|y avai|ab|e, I use it instead ot reou|ar dried bread
crumbs tor a|most a|| my breaded dishes. 1ry this with
Spicy Roasted 8russe|s Sprouts and Lemon Iettuccine.
vecetab|e c|| sorav
1 |arce ecc
cuo buttera|||
2 tc 3 cuos oau|c
8 S- tc 6-cuuce cat||sh ||||ets
1 tab|esoccu O|d uav cr seascu-A|| seascu|uc
1 tc 2 |eacus, s||ced, |cr serv|uc
1. |cs|t|cu a rac| |u the tco th|rd c| the cveu aud oreheat the cveu
tc +00|. Ccat a |arce ba||uc sheet W|th vecetab|e c|| sorav.
2. iu a W|de, sha||cW bcW|, Wh|s| tccether the ecc aud buttera|||.
||ace the oau|c |u aucther W|de, sha||cW d|sh. sor|u||e the ||||ets
a|| cver W|th the O|d uav seascu|uc.
3. wcr||uc W|th cue ||||et at a t|ae, ccat |t cu bcth s|des W|th the
ecc a|xture aud a||cW the excess tc dr|o c||. ||ace |t |u the
oau|c, aud ccat cu bcth s|des. 1raus|er tc the oreoared ba||uc
sheet. keoeat W|th the reaa|u|uc ||||ets, arrauc|uc thea cu the
ba||uc sheet |u a staccered |craat|cu sc thev a|| ||t. sorav the
||||ets W|th the vecetab|e c||.
+. ua|e |cr 8 a|uutes. use a soatu|a tc care|u||v |||o the ||||ets aud
sorav thea aca|u W|th c||. ua|e uut|| ||cht|v brcWued, abcut 8
a|uutes acre. serve W|th |eacu s||ces.
|eacu dcver sc|e
whi|e in the port town ot Icamp in Normandy, Irance, I
stopped tor |unch at a tiny hote|-restaurant that had no
more than tour tab|es and was run by a husband-and-wite
team who apparent|y did everythino trom the cookino to
servino to makino the beds themse|ves. 1he catch ot the
day was Dover so|e and the chet served it |ioht|y pan-tried
and practica||y swimmino in a bath ot the most wondertu|
|emon-butter sauce I'd ever tasted. 1he Dover so|e so|d in
Lurope is a de|icate t|at tish native to Luropean waters,
inc|udino the Lno|ish Channe| on which the town ot Icamp
sits. when I'm in the united States, I use acitic Dover so|e
or another de|icate|y t|avored, tresh, t|at tish trom waters
c|oser to home. 1his dish is exce||ent served with 8roi|ed
3 ocuuds ||at ||sh, such as ||cuuder, ha||but, cr saud dab
teasoccu |csher sa|t
2 tab|esoccus c||ve c||, cr as ueeded
iucred|euts |cr teacu uutter sauce (see ucte)
1. t|cht|v sor|u||e bcth s|des c| the ||||ets W|th sa|t. iu a |arce
s||||et, heat the c|| cver aed|ua heat. Add as aauv ||||ets tc the
s||||et as W||| ||t W|thcut crcWd|uc. Ccc| uut|| ||cht|v brcWued cu
the bcttca, 3 tc + a|uutes. 1uru aud ccc| uut|| dcue, 3 tc +
2. keacve tc a o|atter, |eeo|uc the ||sh Wara, aud ccut|uue W|th
the reaa|u|uc ||||ets, add|uc acre c|| tc the oau || ueeded.
3. |reoare the |eacu butter sauce.
+. D|v|de the ||||ets aacuc 6 o|ates, ocur the |eacu sauce cver the
||sh, aud serve.
1he best time to prepare the sauce is indicated in the
hcuev-c|azed sa|acu
1o be honest, I didn't used to care tor sa|mon. I tried a
number ot ditterent methods ot cookino it and none had
ever worked tor me. 1hen, tina||y, I asked my triend Mario
Lopez tor advice, and he responded with two words:
honey o|aze. 1hat was itl uoney cuts the richness that I
used to tind overpowerino whi|e underscorino the sa|mon's
own sweetness.
8akino the tish in paper packaoes, ca||ed en papi||ote in
Irench, a||ows thicker cuts to cook a|| the way throuoh
without oettino dry, and (better yet) keeps the mess to a
minimum. |us, it's tun to open them at the tab|e-just be
caretu| not to oet burned by the steaml Serve with Gar|ic
Green 8eans or a oreen sa|ad.
3 tab|esoccus hcuev
2 tab|esoccus c||ve c||
1u|ce |rca 1 saa|| |eacu (abcut 2 tab|esoccus)
3 car||c c|cves, a|uced
|archaeut oaoer
+ 6-cuuce bcue|ess sa|acu ||||ets, abcut 1-|uch th|c|
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer tc taste
1. |reheat the cveu tc +S0|.
2. iu a saa|| bcW|, o|ace the hcuev, c||, |eacu ju|ce, aud car||c. st|r
uut|| We|| b|euded.
3. Cut |cur 1S-|uch scuares c| oarchaeut. tav a ||||et s||u s|de
dcWu just be|cW the ceuter c| cue oarchaeut scuare.
Geuercus|v brush |t W|th the hcuev c|aze. sor|u||e W|th sa|t aud
+. |c|d the tco ha|| c| the oarchaeut dcWu sc that the edces aeet.
|c|d the three coeu s|des severa| t|aes tc create t|cht|v sea|ed
ocuches. ||ace the oac|et cu a ba||uc sheet aud reoeat W|th
the reaa|u|uc ||||ets. ua|e uut|| ccc|ed, 12 tc 1S a|uutes
deoeud|uc cu the ||||ets' th|c|uess aud hcW rare vcu Waut the
||sh. keaeaber that the ||sh W||| ccut|uue tc ccc| a ||tt|e acre
a|ter |t's reacved |rca the cveu. 1raus|er a oac|ace tc each c| +
o|ates aud serve.
t||ao|a W|th c|trus-car||c sauce
I don't understand why ti|apia is not more popu|ar. It has a
t|aky texture and oood and de|icate t|avor and can be
cooked just about any way you'd prepare any other tish.
|us, it's sate|y and sustainab|y tished, wide|y avai|ab|e,
and attordab|e. I buy and cook quite a bit ot it, sometimes
because I seek it out specitica||y, as when I make this
recipe. Other times I oet it because I request a specitic tish
and am to|d that it's trozen in the back ot the store. In
these cases, I choose ti|apia instead and am never
+ S- tc 6-cuuce t||ao|a ||||ets
kcsher sa|t tc taste
1 tab|esoccu c||ve c||
iucred|euts |cr C|trus-Gar||c sauce (see ucte)
1. sor|u||e the ||||ets cu bcth s|des W|th sa|t. iu a |arce s||||et, heat
the c|| cver aed|ua heat uut|| |t's hct but uct sac||uc. Add the
t||ao|a tc the oau aud ccc| uut|| the ||sh |s coacue, abcut 3
a|uutes oer s|de. keacve |rca the oau aud |eeo Wara.
2. w|oe cut the s||||et aud oreoare the c|trus-car||c sauce. Arrauce
the ||||ets cu + |ud|v|dua| o|ates cr cu a o|atter. |cur the sauce
cver the ||||ets aud serve.
1he best time to prepare the sauce is indicated in the
herbed sea bass |u oarchaeut
As usetu| as the paper packaoe method is to cook thicker
cuts ot rich tish (see uoney-G|azed Sa|mon) it is a|so oreat
tor de|icate, t|aky white tish that can be ditticu|t to hand|e
durino cookino and dries out easi|y.
|archaeut oaoer
+ 6-cuuce sea bass cr str|oed bass ||||ets
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer tc taste
8 sor|cs c| |resh |eacu thvae cr thvae
3 tab|esoccus uusa|ted butter, d|v|ded |utc + ecua| o|eces
1. |reheat the cveu tc +S0|.
2. Cut |cur 1S-|uch scuares c| oarchaeut. tav a ||||et just be|cW the
ceuter c| cue oarchaeut scuare. sor|u||e W|th sa|t aud oeooer,
aud |av 2 |eacu thvae sor|cs aud a oat c| butter cu tco.
3. |c|d the tco ha|| c| the oarchaeut dcWu sc that the edces aeet.
|c|d the three coeu s|des severa| t|aes tc create t|cht|v sea|ed
ocuches. ||ace the oac|et cu a ba||uc sheet aud reoeat W|th
the reaa|u|uc ||||ets. ua|e uut|| just ccc|ed thrcuch, 10 tc 12
a|uutes, deoeud|uc cu the ||||ets' th|c|uess. keaeaber that the
||sh W||| ccut|uue tc ccc| a ||tt|e acre a|ter |t's reacved |rca the
cveu. 1raus|er a oac|ace tc each c| + o|ates aud serve.
pou|try main courses
Like chi|dren everywhere, many kids at my
schoo| had pet doos and cats. I had chickens.
Lvery day I |et them out ot the coop to peck
at buos and the teed I scattered and every
evenino I had to corra| them back into the
coop, a chore akin to herdino titty kittens. I
co||ected their eoos every day, except those
that we |ett to hatch, and then I he|d and
petted and whispered to the precious baby
chicks. Lookino back, I smi|e to think that
when I was very youno, I made no connection
between these peckino, c|uckino |itt|e triends
ot mine and the chicken my mom bouoht at
the market every week (we never ate our
chickens . or at |east no one ever to|d me we
did). Ot course I'm wiser now, and the time I
spent with those chickens tauoht me to treat
the creatures we raise tor tood with the
dionity and respect every |ivino beino
deserves. 8ecause ot this, when I buy pou|try
and eoos, I'm caretu| about my choices.
Once you have your chicken or turkey in
hand, turn to the recipes in this chapter tor
crowd-p|easers ot every type. 1here's tun
tinoer tood that can a|so make a mea|, such
as Chicken Sa|ad Sandwiches and 88O
Chicken izza: hearty stews and cassero|es
|ike uunoarian aprika Chicken and uot
Chicken Sa|ad: and tavorites that I turn to
aoain and aoain, inc|udino Lemon Iried
Chicken and Chicken with Carame|ized
Sha||ots and Shiitake-wine Sauce. Lnjoyl
hct ch|c|eu sa|ad
|eacu |r|ed ch|c|eu
ch|c|eu W|th caraae||zed sha||cts aud
sh||ta|e-W|ue sauce
huucar|au oaor||a ch|c|eu
ch|c|eu sa|ad saudW|ches
bbc ch|c|eu o|zza
euch||adas rcjas (red euch||adas)
tur|ev sheoherd's o|e
hct ch|c|eu sa|ad
when I am in Ma|ibu, I otten serve this cheesy, hearty dish
with a tresh truit sa|ad and warm croissants tor brunch on
the veranda.
vecetab|e c|| cr ccc||uc sorav, |cr the ba||uc d|sh
+ cuos ccc|ed, d|ced ch|c|eu
1 cuo s||ced a|acuds
1 8-cuuce cau art|chc|e hearts, dra|ued aud chcooed
cuo d|ced ce|erv
3 creeu cu|cus (Wh|te aud ||cht creeu oarts), chcooed
+ teasoccus |resh |eacu ju|ce
1 8-cuuce oac|ace shredded Cc|bv aud Mcuterev 1ac| Cheese
(abcut 2 cuos)
teasoccu |csher sa|t
teasoccu crcuud b|ac| oeooer
1 cuo aavcuua|se
1 cuos sa|ted octatc ch|os, crushed
1. |reheat the cveu tc 37S|. t|cht|v sorav cr ccat a 2-cuart ba||uc
d|sh W|th vecetab|e c||.
2. iu a |arce a|x|uc bcW|, o|ace the ch|c|eu, a|acuds, art|chc|e
hearts, ce|erv, creeu cu|cu, |eacu ju|ce, cheese, sa|t, aud
oeooer. st|r uut|| We|| ccab|ued. Add the aavcuua|se aud st|r
uut|| We|| ccated.
3. 1raus|er the a|xture tc the oreoared ba||uc d|sh aud scatter the
crushed octatc ch|os cver the sur|ace c| the d|sh. ua|e uut|| the
cheese |s ae|ted aud the tco |s ||cht|v brcWued, abcut 30
a|uutes. tet staud S tc 10 a|uutes be|cre serv|uc.
ORGANIC OuL1RY AND LGGS when I buy pou|try
and eoos at the orocery store, I oenera||y choose oroanic. un|ike
tree-ranoe, which means on|y that the producer must a||ow the
chickens access to the outdoors (it doesn't matter it that's an
aspha|t |ot), the term oroanic is strict|y reou|ated by the u.S.
Department ot Aoricu|ture. when shoppino at a tarmer's market, I
tend to worry |ess about the |abe|s. Many sma||er tarmers can't
attord the time and money that strict tedera| reou|ations require, so
even thouoh they to||ow a|| the standards, they may not have the
|abe|. Check out |oca|harvest.oro to tind reputab|e tarmers near you
who are raisino anima|s in a humane and hea|thy way. 1ust type in
your zip code to |ocate nearby tarmers' markets and orocery stores
where you can tind sustainab|e and oroanic produce, pou|try, meat,
and eoos.
|eacu |r|ed ch|c|eu
Lver since I discovered panko (see box), I make this easy
dish a|| the time. 1he trick is to work tast once the chicken
is cooked and add the sa|t and |emon as soon as you oet
the chicken out ot the pan. Don't worry it it |ooks |ike too
much |emon juice-when the chicken is hot, the juice soaks
throuoh the crispy coatino and adds tabu|ous t|avor to the
2 1-ocuud oac|aces th|u|v s||ced ch|c|eu breasts
+ |arce eccs
3 tc + cuos oau|c
1 cuo vecetab|e c|| cr as ueeded
kcsher sa|t tc taste
3 |eacus, ha|ved
1. k|use aud oat drv the ch|c|eu breasts. tav thea cu a Wcr|
sur|ace betWeeu tWc |avers c| o|ast|c Wrao. Geut|v ocuud W|th a
aeat teuder|zer uut|| thev are abcut
/8 |uch th|c|.
2. iu a |arce, sha||cW d|sh, beat the eccs. |cur the oau|c |u
aucther |arce, sha||cW d|sh. wcr||uc W|th cue o|ece at a t|ae,
ccat the ch|c|eu cu bcth s|des W|th ecc. tet the excess ruu c||
aud theu dredce bcth s|des |u the oau|c. ||ace the ch|c|eu cu a
|arce ba||uc sheet cr o|atter aud ccut|uue W|th the reaa|u|uc
3. t|ue 1 cr 2 |arce o|atters cr ba||uc sheets W|th oaoer tcWe|s. iu a
|arce s||||et cver aed|ua-h|ch heat, heat the c|| uut|| sh|aaerv
aud hct but uct sac||uc. ||ace as aauv o|eces c| ch|c|eu as cau
||t W|th-cut crcWd|uc. |rv uut|| cc|deu brcWu cu bcth s|des, 2 tc
3 a|uutes oer s|de. 1raus|er the ch|c|eu tc oreoared o|atters.
iaaed|ate|v sor|u||e the ch|c|eu ||cht|v W|th sa|t aud scueeze
cver a ceuercus aacuut c| |eacu ju|ce |rca a ha|ved |eacu.
keoeat uut|| a|| c| the ch|c|eu |s ccc|ed, add|uc acre c|| tc the
oau || uecessarv. serve.
ANkO Lvery 1exan cook worth her sa|t knows breadino and
tryino as we|| as the back ot her hand. My mother, aunts, sisters, and
I are no exception. I orew up on breaded and tried chicken, tish, and
veoetab|es: 1he phi|osophy was that it it cou|d be eaten, it shou|d be
breaded and tried. Ior years I understood that the texture ot the
breadino was the most important part ot this equation. 8ut more
otten than not, ordinary bread crumbs turned out coatinos that were
either so heavy that they intertered with the taste ot what was
inside or too b|and to make the deep-tryino worth the ettort. 1hen
one nioht severa| years aoo, one ot the many cookino shows I |ove to
watch teatured panko. I ran out the next day to oet some, and my
breadino was reborn. 1hese t|aky bread crumbs trom 1apan are
everythino I wanted bread crumbs to be: 1hey provide a thin,
crunchy coatino and muted but not du|| t|avor.
ch|c|eu W|th caraae||zed sha||cts
aud sh||ta|e-W|ue sauce
1his is a pertect autumn dish, tu|| ot rich t|avor and deep
co|or. 8e sure to rea||y press down on the chicken when
you add it to the pan to he|p the sha||ots and oreen onions
stick to the skin and torm a sort ot carame|ized onion crust.
I preter dark meat because it is oenera||y juicier and more
t|avortu|, but this method works very we|| with both dark
and |ioht meat.
6 bcue-|u ch|c|eu th|chs cr + bcue-|u cr bcue|ess breasts, W|th
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer tc taste
2 teasoccus c||ve c||
2 |arce sha||cts (abcut + cuuces), th|u|v s||ced
2 creeu cu|cus (Wh|te aud ||cht creeu oarts), chcooed
iucred|euts |cr sh||ta|e-w|ue sauce (see ucte)
1. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|.
2. t|cht|v seascu the ch|c|eu W|th sa|t aud oeooer. iu a |arce,
cveuorcc| s||||et, heat the c|| cver aed|ua heat uut|| hct but uct
sac||uc. Add the sha||cts aud creeu cu|cus aud ccc|, st|rr|uc,
just uut|| bec|uu|uc tc brcWu, abcut 2 a|uutes. Arrauce the
ch|c|eu cver the cu|cus s||u-s|de dcWu aud use a soatu|a tc
||ra|v oress each o|ece c| ch|c|eu |utc the cu|cus. Ccver the
s||||et aud ccc| uut|| the sha||cts aud creeu cu|cus are brcWued
aud st|c||uc tc the s||u c| the ch|c|eu aud the ch|c|eu |s a|acst
ccao|ete|v ccc|ed, 8 tc 10 a|uutes. uuccver aud traus|er the
oau tc the cveu uut|| the ch|c|eu |s ccao|ete|v ccc|ed, abcut 1S
3. MeauWh||e, oreoare the sh||ta|e-W|ue sauce.
+. 1raus|er the ch|c|eu aud the caraae||zed cu|cus tc |ud|v|dua|
o|ates cr a serv|uc o|atter. |cur cver scae c| the sauce, traus|er
the reaa|uder tc a cravv bcat aud oass at the tab|e. serve.
1he best time to prepare the sauce is indicated in the
huucar|au oaor||a ch|c|eu
My tabu|ous hairdresser on the set ot Desperate
uousewives, Gabor, shared this recipe with me. In tact, he
shared the very recipe his orandmother had used tor
decades-the card it was on must have been about eiohty
years o|d and was written in uunoarianl It took Gabor
some time to decipher it, but I'm oratetu| tor his ettorts.
It's so de|iciousl It's tunny to think that a|most every
cu|ture has some variation on the bio pot ot traorant,
nourishino stew. I'm o|ad to have been introduced to this
1he be|| peppers add sweetness and co|or: the dish is
rea||y beautitu| when made with oreen, red, ye||ow, and
oranoe peppers, but tee| tree to use whatever you preter
or can oet your hands on. 1he stew is amazino served over
buttered eoo nood|es. And don't worry about |ettovers: this
is even better atter sittino in the tridoe tor a day or two.
2 tab|esoccus c||ve c||
2 ve||cW cu|cus, chcooed
3 ocuuds bcue|ess, s||u|ess ch|c|eu th|chs, cut |utc b|te-s|ze
3 tab|esoccus sWeet oaor||a
1 teasoccu |csher sa|t
teasoccu crcuud b|ac| oeooer cr tc taste
+ be|| oeooers, ore|erab|v 1 each, creeu, red, ve||cW, aud crauce,
ccred aud chcooed
3 tcaatces, chcooed
1 ocuud ecc uccd|es
1 tc 2 tab|esoccus uusa|ted butter
16 cuuces scur creaa
cuo a||-ourocse ||cur, cr as ueeded
1. iu a Dutch cveu cr cther |arce oct, heat the c|| cver aed|ua
heat. Add the cu|cus aud ccc|, st|rr|uc, uut|| sc|teued aud
traus|uceut, 6 tc 8 a|uutes. iucrease the heat tc aed|ua-h|ch
aud add the ch|c|eu. Ccc| uut|| s||cht|v brcWued, 8 tc 10
2. Add the oaor||a, sa|t, aud oeooer aud st|r tc ccat the aeat. st|r
|u the oeooers aud tcaatces. ur|uc tc a s|aaer. Ccver aud
s|aaer uut|| the ch|c|eu |s teuder, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, abcut 20
a|uutes, the vecetab|es aud ch|c|eu W||| have exuded the|r ||cu|d
tc create a |racraut, bubb||uc steW.
3. MeauWh||e, br|uc a |arce oct c| sa|ted Water tc a bc||. Add the
ecc uccd|es aud ccc| acccrd|uc tc oac|ace d|rect|cus. Dra|u
thcrcuch|v, returu tc the oct cr a bcW|, aud tcss W|th the butter.
|ut as|de aud |eeo Wara.
+. iu a aed|ua bcW|, Wh|s| tccether the scur creaa aud ||cur uut||
saccth (|cr a th|c|er steW, add acre ||cur). st|r th|s a|xture
|utc the s|aaer|uc steW, cue |arce soccu|u| at a t|ae. ur|uc |t
a|| just tc a bc|| aud s|aaer |cr S a|uutes.
S. serve hct cver the buttered ecc uccd|es.
when I was a kid, cha|upas were to us what 881 is to
other tami|ies. whenever we were |ookino tor a snack or
needed a quick mea|, the makinos tor cha|upas were the
tirst thinos to come out ot the tridoe. In tact, cha|upas
were the tirst thino my mom tauoht me how to cook. I
know now that this is because it was a|| about assemb|ino
more than actua| cookino. And they're tunl Serve them
tami|y-sty|e so that each person oets his or her own tried
torti||a and can pi|e on beans, chicken, and any other
toppinos as hioh as desired. 1he ettect is beautitu| and
cuo vecetab|e c|| cr as ueeded
8 ccru tcrt|||as
+ cuos shredded |ettuce
1 cuos crated cr cruab|ed cuesc |rescc cr Cheddar cheese
(abcut 6 cuuces)
cuo scur creaa
1 |arce tcaatc, d|ced
2 avccadcs, o|tted, oee|ed, aud d|ced
2 cuos ke|r|ed ueaus cr stcre-bcucht, Waraed
2 cuos ccc|ed, shredded ch|c|eu, Waraed
1. t|ue a |arce o|ate cr ba||uc sheet W|th oaoer tcWe|s. iu a |arce
s||||et, heat the c|| uut|| sh|aaerv aud hct but uct sac||uc. |rv
the tcrt|||as cue at a t|ae uut|| ||ra but uct burued, abcut 1
a|uute oer s|de. 1raus|er tc the oaoer tcWe|s aud |et ccc| |cr S
2. ||ace the |ettuce, cheese, scur creaa, tcaatc, aud avccadc |u
seoarate serv|uc bcW|s.
3. soread the re|r|ed beaus cu each c| the tcrt|||as. sor|u||e the
shredded ch|c|eu cu tco c| the beaus. Arrauce the cha|uoas cu a
o|atter aud serve thea W|th the serv|uc bcW|s c| tcoo|ucs sc
evervcue cau bu||d the|r cWul
ch|c|eu sa|ad saudW|ches
I remember otten seeino mountains ot these |itt|e tinoer
sandwiches in my Aunt L|sa's kitchen (see photooraph).
She wou|d make vast numbers and treeze them in advance
ot bio catered events |ike baby showers or weddino
receptions (see be|ow tor tips on oettino ahead). I |ove
these creamy and crunchy chicken sa|ad sandwiches-with
|ots ot mayonnaise, crunchy ce|ery and nuts, and sweet
orapes and re|ish, they are pertect picnic tare. 1udoino by
how quick|y I've seen them t|y ott the servino p|atter, my
triends and tami|y aoreel Red onions are a |itt|e sweeter
than white ones: use what you |ike.
3 cuos ccc|ed, chcooed ch|c|eu cr tur|ev
1 cuo ha|ved creeu aud red craoes
cuo chcooed oecaus cr Wa|uuts
cuo chcooed ce|erv
cuo chcooed Wh|te cr red cu|cu
cuo sWeet o|c||e re||sh
teasoccu |csher sa|t
teasoccu crcuud b|ac| oeooer
1 cuo aavcuua|se
16 s||ces Wh|te saudW|ch bread
+ tab|esoccus ( st|c|) uusa|ted butter, sc|teued (cot|cua|)
1. iu a aed|ua a|x|uc bcW|, o|ace the ch|c|eu, craoes, uuts,
ce|erv, cu|cu, re||sh, sa|t, aud oeooer. st|r uut|| We|| ccab|ued.
Add the aavcuua|se aud st|r uut|| the ch|c|eu |s We|| ccated.
2. Arrauce a |eW s||ces c| bread |u a ueat stac| aud use a serrated
|u||e tc s||ce c|| the crusts. keoeat uut|| a|| c| the bread s||ces are
3. ||ace abcut a cuo ch|c|eu sa|ad cu ha|| c| the s||ces. ||ace the
reaa|u|uc s||ces cu tco. s||ce each saudW|ch |utc + scuares cr
tr|auc|es. Arrauce cu a o|atter aud serve.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN Aunt L|sa wou|d make
these ahead ot time tor a party and retrioerate them tor a tew hours
or treeze them tor up to a week and remove them trom the treezer
the mornino ot the event. uer secret was to spread a thin coat ot
butter on the bread, which prevents the sandwiches trom oettino
soooy without chanoino any t|avor.
1o make ahead, spread a |ioht coat ot butter on one side ot each
s|ice ot bread. Atter s|icino as directed above, cover the sandwiches
with wax paper, and then cover with a damp towe|. Retrioerate unti|
Ior |onoer storaoe, cover the p|atter ot sandwiches with p|astic
wrap and treeze. uncover the sandwiches and |et stand at room
temperature tor a tew hours betore servino.
Many recipes in this chapter and beyond the paoes ot this
book ca|| tor cooked chicken. uere are my two tavorite
ways to cook chicken when it's ooino to be used in a
prepared dish.
Roasted 8one|ess, Skin|ess 8reasts
2 bcue|ess, s||u|ess ch|c|eu breasts ( tc 1 ocuud)
2 teasoccus c||ve c||
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer
|reheat the cveu tc 37S|. t|cht|v ccat W|th ccc||uc sorav a saa||
cast-|rcu oau cr cther ba||uc d|sh. ||ace the ch|c|eu breasts |u the
oau aud rub the tcos W|th c||. sor|u||e W|th sa|t aud oeooer. Ccc|
uut|| the ju|ces ruu c|ear Wheu or|c|ed W|th a |u||e, 20 tc 2S
a|uutes. set as|de tc ccc|. wheu ccc| eucuch tc haud|e, shred cr
cut as d|rected |u the rec|oe.
oached Chicken
2 1-ocuud Whc|e bcue-|u ch|c|eu breasts (+ |ud|v|dua| breasts)
cr 1 +-ocuud Whc|e ch|c|eu
1 |arce cu|cu, cuartered
1 c|cve car||c, saashed W|th the s|de c| a |u||e
1 Whc|e serrauc oeooer
iu a |arce sauceoau cr Dutch cveu, o|ace the ch|c|eu, cu|cu, car||c,
aud serrauc. Add cc|d Water tc ccver aud br|uc tc a bc|| cver h|ch
heat. keduce the heat aud s|aaer uut|| the ch|c|eu |s coacue aud
the ju|ces ruu c|ear Wheu the th|c|est oart c| the aeat |s or|c|ed
W|th a |u||e, 1S tc 20 a|uutes |cr breasts, abcut 30 a|uutes |cr
Whc|e ch|c|eu. 1raus|er the ch|c|eu tc a o|ate tc ccc|, reserve the
brcth |cr aucther use. wheu the ch|c|eu |s ccc| eucuch tc haud|e,
reacve aud d|scard the s||u aud bcues, chco cr use vcur hauds tc
shred the aeat as d|rected |u the rec|oe.
bbc ch|c|eu o|zza
1his testive pizza comes trom my sister Lsmera|da. I otten
make severa| and put them out at Super 8ow| parties. It
makes a tami|y-triend|y weeknioht dinner with a sa|ad.
2 oac|aces re|r|cerated o|zza crust dcuch
A||-ourocse ||cur, |cr rc|||uc the dcuch
Ccruaea|, |cr dust|uc
uuO sauce
2 bcue|ess, s||u|ess ch|c|eu breasts ( tc 1 ocuud), ccc|ed aud
cut |utc b|te-s|ze o|eces
1 saa|| red cu|cu, s||ced (cot|cua|)
1 cau o|tted b|ac| c||ves, dra|ued aud chcooed (cot|cua|)
1 8-cuuce oac|ace shredded Cc|bv cheese (abcut 2 cuos)
1 8-cuuce oac|ace shredded Mcuterev 1ac| cheese (abcut 2 cuos)
1 cuo (+ cuuces) crated |araesau cheese (cot|cua|)
1. |cs|t|cu the cveu rac| cr rac|s |u the |cWer th|rd c| the cveu aud
oreheat the cveu tc +2S|.
2. tet the dcuch staud at rcca teaoerature |cr 20 a|uutes. Ou a
||cht|v ||cured sur|ace, rc|| each o|zza dcuch |utc a rcuud.
t|cht|v dust 2 |arce, rcuud o|zza stcues cr ba||uc sheets W|th
ccruaea|. Arcuud the edce c| the o|zza, aa|e a ||tt|e ra|sed
crust abcut |uch W|de.
3. D|v|de the uuO sauce betWeeu the dcuch rcuuds aud soread tc
W|th|u |uch c| the edce.
+. iu a aed|ua bcW|, o|ace the cut ch|c|eu, cu|cu, c||ves, aud
cuo each c| the Cc|bv aud Mcuterev 1ac| cheeses (1 cuos
tcta|). soread the ch|c|eu a|xture cver the sauce cu each dcuch
S. scatter the reaa|u|uc cheese cver each o|zza. i| des|red, sor|u||e
|araesau cver each as We||.
6. ua|e the tWc o|zzas uut|| the cheese |s ae|ted aud the crust |s
cc|deu brcWu, 18 tc 22 a|uutes. tet staud 10 a|uutes be|cre
s||c|uc aud serv|uc.
A oiant p|atter ot t|autas is a stunnino sioht on a tab|e, and
the contrastino t|avors and textures make it a tabu|ous
eatino experience as we||. Chicken is ro||ed in corn torti||as
and tried unti| crispy. 1he t|autas are arranoed on a
p|atter, topped with a beautitu|, pa|e oreen sauce that is at
once si|ky and tart, drizz|ed with |uscious Mexican sour
cream, and sprink|ed with creamy queso tresco. 1he resu|t
is a crunchy, creamy, and chewy burst ot divine t|avor.
Mexican sour cream or crema is the Mexican version ot
crme traiche, and both are mi|der versions ot American
sour cream. You can tind crema in the retrioerated section
ot orocery stories that carry Latin inoredients. Crme
traiche is thicker, so it you use it instead, stir it we|| to
|oosen the consistency betore drizz|ino.
1 28-cuuce cau ccc|ed tcaat|||cs, dra|ued
1 r|oe avccadc, o|tted aud oee|ed
kcsher sa|t tc taste
Abcut S0 ccru tcrt|||as
2 Whc|e (+ |ud|v|dua|) bcue-|u ch|c|eu breasts (abcut 3 ocuuds
tcta|), ccc|ed aud shredded
2 cuos vecetab|e c|| cr as ueeded, |cr |rv|uc
cuo Mex|cau scur creaa (creaa Mex|caua) cr crae |ra|che,
|cr serv|uc
1 cuos crated cr cruab|ed cuesc |rescc (abcut 6 cuuces), |cr
soec|a| ecu|oaeut. S0 Wccdeu tcctho|c|s
1. iu a b|euder, o|ace the dra|ued tcaat|||cs aud avccadc. u|eud
uut|| verv We|| oureed. Add sa|t tc taste aud set as|de.
2. wrao abcut 10 tcrt|||as |u a c|eau ||tcheu tcWe| aud heat |cr 2
a|uutes |u the a|crcWave, th|s W||| aa|e thea sc|t |cr rc|||uc
|utc ||autas. soread abcut 2 tab|esoccus c| the ch|c|eu |u a
stra|cht ||ue just be|cW the ceuter c| the tcrt|||a. start|uc at the
s|de c|csest tc vcu, rc|| the tcrt|||a |utc a t|cht cv||uder aud
secure W|th a tcctho|c|. keoeat W|th the reaa|u|uc tcrt|||as aud
3. t|ue a ba||uc sheet cr o|atter W|th oaoer tcWe|s. iu a |arce
s||||et, ocur the c|| tc abcut |uch aud heat tc abcut 36S|.
cver aed|ua heat. ||ace severa| ||autas |u the c|| aud |rv uut||
cc|deu brcWu cu the bcttca, 2 tc 3 a|uutes. 1uru cver aud |rv
uut|| cc|deu brcWu, 2 tc 3 a|uutes. use tcucs tc reacve the
||autas |rca the c||, aa||uc sure tc turu thea stra|cht uo tc |et
the c|| ruu cut c| the cv||uder. 1raus|er tc the oaoer tcWe|-||ued
oau tc dra|u. Ccut|uue uut|| a|| the ||autas are |r|ed. keacve aud
d|scard the tcctho|c|s.
+. Arrauce the |r|ed ||autas cu a serv|uc o|atter. |cur cver scae c|
the reserved creeu sauce, traus|er the rest tc a cravv bcat tc
oass at the tab|e. Dr|zz|e W|th the scur creaa (|| us|uc crae
|ra|che, st|r |t ||rst || |t's verv st|||) aud sor|u||e cver cuesc |rescc.
euch||adas rcjas (red euch||adas)
when I was orowino up, enchi|adas were a tami|y attair. On
enchi|ada nioht, my sisters and I knew we wou|d be ca||ed
upon to take our positions a|onoside our mom in the
kitchen: one sister tried the torti||as, another dipped them
in the sauce, another (usua||y me) stutted them, and the
|ast ro||ed and transterred them to the pan. I can never
think about enchi|adas without rememberino a|| those
happy times in the kitchen.
Not everyone in the house |oved onions as much as my
dad did, so Mom had us add the onions to on|y ha|t ot the
enchi|adas. She'd stick a toothpick in the pan with the
onions to mark it, and everyone cou|d sit down to enjoy the
same mea|.
10 aed|ua tcaatces, cuartered
10 dr|ed auchc ch||es
8 car||c c|cves
1 cuo brcth |rca ccc|ed ch|c|eu, cr stcre-bcucht
1 cuos vecetab|e c|| cr as ueeded
kcsher sa|t tc taste
Abcut +8 ccru tcrt|||as
1 +-ocuud Whc|e ch|c|eu, ocached aud shredded
1 ve||cW cu|cu, ||ue|v chcooed (cot|cua|)
3 cuos crated cr cruab|ed cuesc |rescc (abcut 12 cuuces) cr
shredded Mex|cau Cheese
Mex|cau k|ce, |cr serv|uc
ke|r|ed ueaus, |cr serv|uc
1. |cr the sauce. ||ace the tcaatces aud ch||es |u a |arce sauceoau
aud ccver W|th cc|d Water. ur|uc tc a bc|| aud ccc| ceut|v uut||
the ch||es are teuder, abcut 10 a|uutes. Dra|u aud reacve the
steas |rca the ch||es. wcr||uc |u batches || uecessarv, o|ace the
tcaatces, ch||es, car||c, aud ch|c|eu brcth |u the Wcr| bcW| c| a
|ccd orccesscr. |rccess uut|| We|| oureed.
2. iu a |arce s||||et, heat cuo c| the c|| cver aed|ua heat uut||
sh|aaerv aud hct but uct sac||uc. Add the sauce aud br|uc tc
a s|aaer. s|aaer |cr 10 a|uutes. keacve the sauce |rca the
heat. set as|de uut|| ccc|.
3. |cr the euch||adas. t|ue a ba||uc sheet cr o|atter W|th oaoer
tcWe|s. iu a saa|| s||||et, heat 1 cuo c| c|| uut|| sh|aaerv aud
hct but uct sac||uc. t|cht|v |rv the tcrt|||as cue at a t|ae just
uut|| sc|teued, S tc 10 seccuds oer s|de. 1raus|er tc the oaoer
tcWe|-||ued oau tc dra|u.
+. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. t|cht|v ccat cue cr tWc ba||uc d|shes
W|th ccc||uc sorav.
S. wcr||uc W|th cue tcrt|||a at a t|ae, d|o a tcrt|||a |u the red sauce,
||cht|v sca||uc bcth s|des ccao|ete|v. ||ace the tcrt|||a |u a
ba||uc d|sh aud arrauce abcut 1 tab|esoccu c| ch|c|eu |u a ||ue
just abcve the ceuter c| the tcrt|||a. sor|u||e cver a b|t c| cu|cu,
|| des|red. 1|cht|v rc|| uo the tcrt|||a aud o|ace |t at cue eud c|
the ba||uc d|sh. keoeat W|th a|| c| the tcrt|||as uut|| a|| the
euch||adas are suuc |u the d|sh. use a seccud ba||uc d|sh ||
6. wheu a|| c| the euch||adas are rc||ed aud suuc |u a ba||uc d|sh,
ocur cver auv reaa|u|uc sauce. sor|u||e the cheese cver the tco
aud ccver the oau(s) W|th |c||. ||ace the ba||uc d|shes |u the
cveu uut|| the cheese |s ae|ted aud the euch||adas are heated
thrcuch, 1S tc 20 a|uutes. keacve |rca the cveu. serve
d|rect|v |rca the d|sh, us|uc a soatu|a tc sccco cut the
euch||adas. serve W|th Mex|cau r|ce aud re|r|ed beaus.
DRILD CuILLS My tavorite dried chi|es, a|so ca||ed peppers,
are ancho, pasi||a, and chipot|e (dried and in adobo). Anchos are dried
pob|ano peppers. 1hey are |aroe and very dark and have a sweet
t|avor. 1hey are sometimes mistaken|y |abe|ed pasi||a or ancho
pasi||a, but it's easy to te|| the ditterence: whi|e true anchos are
squat and wide, true pasi||as are very |ono and thin.
asi||a chi|es, a|so ca||ed neoro chi|es, have a me||ow t|avor. 8oth
ancho and pasi||a are very wide|y used in Mexican cookino, especia||y
in mo|es and soups. I use both in my tantastic 1orti||a Soup, which
owes much ot its depth to the dried chi|e.
Chipot|e chi|es are dried, smoked ja|apeos and are so|d both dried
and in cans mixed with a hioh|y seasoned tomato sauce. 1hey add
smoky t|avor and heat to Chi|i con Carne and Chipot|e Ao|i.
tur|ev sheoherd's o|e
A dear triend trom London oave me this recipe and a bit ot
oood Lno|ish advice: 1he key to oreat shepherd's pie is the
ketchup. So taste the turkey mixture betore addino it to
the bakino dish and add another spoontu| or two ot
ketchup it desired. 1he chi|i powder oives oood t|avor but
no heat, so don't |et it scare you.
vecetab|e c|| cr ccc||uc sorav, |cr the ba||uc d|sh
2 ocuuds russet octatces, oee|ed aud cut |utc saa|| cubes
kcsher sa|t
cuo buttera|||
Grcuud b|ac| oeooer
2 ocuuds crcuud tur|ev cr bee|
1 |arce ve||cW cu|cu, ||ue|v chcooed
2 aed|ua carrcts, cut |utc -|uch o|eces
2 ce|erv r|bs, cut |utc -|uch o|eces
1 car||c c|cve, a|uced
1 1+-cuuce cau Whc|e tcaatces W|th ju|ce, chcooed
cuo |etchuo
1 tab|esoccu ch||| ocWder
cuo crated Cheddar cheese (abcut 2 cuuces)
1. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. t|cht|v brush cr sorav a 9 13-|uch
ba||uc d|sh W|th vecetab|e c||. set as|de.
2. ||ace the octatces |u a |arce sauceoau W|th eucuch ||cht|v sa|ted
Water tc ccver bv 1 |uch. ur|uc tc a bc|| cver aed|ua-h|ch heat
aud s|aaer uut|| the octatces are teuder Wheu o|erced W|th a
sharo |u||e, abcut 1S a|uutes. Dra|u aud returu the octatces tc
the sauceoau. Add the buttera||| aud use a octatc aasher tc
aash the octatces uut|| saccth. Add sa|t aud oeooer tc taste.
set as|de.
3. MeauWh||e, |u a |arce, ucust|c| s||||et, ccc| the tur|ev cr bee|
cver aed|ua heat, brea||uc uo the aeat W|th a soccu, uut|| |t
|cses |ts o|u| cc|cr, abcut 7 a|uutes. st|r |u the cu|cu, carrcts,
ce|erv, aud car||c aud ccc|, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, uut|| the
vecetab|es have sc|teued, abcut S a|uutes. st|r |u the tcaatces,
|etchuo, aud ch||| ocWder aud br|uc tc a s|aaer. seascu tc
taste W|th sa|t aud oeooer.
+. soccu the tur|ev a|xture |utc the oreoared ba||uc d|sh. soread
the aashed octatces cver the tur|ev aud sor|u||e W|th the
cheese. ua|e uut|| the ju|ces are bubb||uc aud the cheese |s
ae|ted, 30 tc +0 a|uutes. tet staud S tc 10 a|uutes be|cre
beet main courses
1exas is beet country. A|thouoh we weren't
catt|e ranchers, we had cows-I think it must
be one ot the unwritten |aws ot 1exas that it
you have a ranch, you have catt|e. 8y the time
I was ten I knew every cut ot meat and how
to best cook each to brino out its natura|
ooodness. I |earned that t|ank and skirt are
amono the most t|avortu| (and cheapestl)
cuts ot meat, and that cookino bone-in roasts
oives meatier t|avor than bone|ess. I
especia||y |earned to pay attention to the ooa|
when choosino a cut and how to cook it: to
use tatty skirt or t|ank when the meat is
destined tor tacos or tajitas and me|tino|y
tender ti|et mionon when I'm servino an
e|eoant sauce.
Livino on the ranch surrounded by |ive
anima|s tauoht me somethino e|se: A|| our
tood deserves respect. 1o this end, I buy on|y
orass-ted beet even thouoh it is more
expensive. Cows cannot proper|y dioest orain:
it is not their natura| diet. I wou|d rather eat
beet that has been raised in a way that
respects its natura| state. It you don't have a
orocery store that carries orass-ted meat near
you, check out eatwi|d.com, which wi|| he|p
you tind |oca| tarms with pasture-ted meat.
beer-bra|sed br|s|et
ch|||-rubbed s||rt stea| taccs
||au| stea| W|th ||ae aar|uade
ch|c|eu |r|ed stea| W|th Wh|te cravv
auut d|d|'s carue cu|sada
|||ets a|cucus W|th sWeet ba|saa|c reduct|cu
ch||| ccu carue
bee| bc|ccuese
crcc|-oct cubau rcoa v|eja
aeat |ca|
stu||ed creeu oeooers
aex|cau |asacua
beer-bra|sed br|s|et
8risket is a cornerstone ot 1exas cookino, as much a part
ot the cu|inary tabric as sweet iced tea and biscuits. 1his
version is a oreat prep it and toroet it dish. You can pu||
it tooether and toss it a|| in the roastino pan in just a tew
minutes, and then put it in the oven and do somethino e|se
tor 8 hours. 1he house sme||s amazino whi|e it's cookino
and the resu|t is me|tino|y tender brisket and a tanoy-
sweet sauce. 1oward the end ot cookino, toss a oreen
sa|ad and make some white Rice-or it you're tee|ino more
ambitious, p|ace the 8rocco|i and Rice Cassero|e in the
oven 80 minutes betore the brisket is done-and dinner is
1 +- tc S-ocuud bee| br|s|et
1 |arce ve||cW cu|cu, s||ced
1 12-cuuce bctt|e ch||| sauce (abcut 1 ceuercus cuo)
2 tab|esoccus brcWu sucar
S car||c c|cves, a|uced
1 12-cuuce cau beer (uct dar|)
1 tab|esoccu ccrustarch (cot|cua|)
1. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|.
2. iu a |arce rcast|uc oau (W|th a ||d, || ocss|b|e), o|ace the br|s|et
|at-s|de uo. soread the cu|cu cu tco. iu a aed|ua a|x|uc bcW|,
o|ace the ch||| sauce, brcWu sucar, car||c, aud beer. st|r uut||
We|| b|euded. |cur the sauce cu tco c| the aeat. 1|cht|v ccver
the oau W|th the ||d cr a|ua|uua |c||.
3. ua|e |cr 3 hcurs. i| vcu'd |||e tc th|c|eu the cravv, traus|er the
br|s|et tc a o|atter aud |eeo Wara. ||ace the ccrustarch |u a
saa|| d|sh aud add 2 tab|esoccus Water. st|r uut|| d|ssc|ved aud
st|r |utc the ccc||uc ||cu|d. ur|uc tc a bc|| aud ccc| |cr 1
a|uute, st|rr|uc ccustaut|v.
+. 1c serve, cut the br|s|et acrcss the cra|u |utc -|uch s||ces.
Arrauce the s||ces cu a o|atter aud ocur scae c| the sauce cver
the br|s|et. 1raus|er the reaa|u|uc sauce tc a cravv bcat tc oass
at the tab|e.
ch|||-rubbed s||rt stea| taccs
At 8eso these tacos are served as an appetizer, but some
peop|e |ove them so much that they make a mea| ot them,
orderino veraCruz Corn on the side. Guests otten |ook at
the dish's name and exc|aim, I don't |ike spicyl but I
a|ways assure them that the chi|i powder adds on|y
beautitu| co|or and nice t|avor. I promise it does not pica,
as my Aunt L|sa wou|d say, meanino that it's not spicy.
2 tab|esoccus ch||| ocWder
2 ocuuds s||rt stea|
kcsher sa|t tc taste
12 ccru tcrt|||as
1 cuo Chuu|v Guacaac|e W|th serrauc |eooers
soec|a| ecu|oaeut. 12 Wccdeu tcctho|c|s
1. t|cht|v c|| the cr||| crate aud oreoare a aed|ua-hct cr|||.
2. kub the ch||| ocWder cutc bcth s|des c| the stea| aud sor|u||e
ceuercus|v W|th sa|t. Gr||| the stea|, turu|uc cuce, abcut S
a|uutes oer s|de |cr aed|ua-rare, cr |cucer tc taste. 1raus|er tc
a cutt|uc bcard aud |et staud |cr S a|uutes.
3. stac| the tcrt|||as cu a cutt|uc bcard aud use a sharo, th|u-b|aded
|u||e tc tr|a thea |utc +-|uch scuares. ueat a ccaa| cr ||at cast-
|rcu cr|dd|e cver aed|ua heat. ||ace 1 tc 2 tcrt|||a scuares cu
the ccaa|, cr as aauv as W||| ||t W|thcut crcWd|uc, aud heat uut||
Wara aud sc|t. 1raus|er tc a o|ate aud ccver W|th a c|eau ||tcheu
tcWe| tc |eeo Wara Wh||e vcu heat the reaa|u|uc tcrt|||a
+. ||ace a Wara tcrt|||a cu a Wcr| sur|ace W|th |ts oc|uts cc|uc uo
aud dcWu, |||e a d|aacud. uc|d|uc the |u||e at a rcuch|v +S-
decree auc|e tc the cutt|uc sur|ace, cut the stea| d|accua||v
acrcss the cra|u |utc th|u str|os. ||ace 2 tc 3 str|os acrcss the
ceuter c| the d|aacud. 1co W|th a ceuercus soccu|u| c|
cuacaac|e. |u|| the tcrt|||a tccether ccruer tc ccruer (sc |t |cc|s
|||e a tr|auc|e) aud secure |t W|th a tcctho|c|. ||ace the tacc cu a
serv|uc o|atter aud reoeat W|th the reaa|u|uc |ucred|euts. serve.
||au| stea| W|th ||ae aar|uade
As its name suooests, t|ank steak comes trom the t|ank ot
the beet, between the ribs and the hips. I've been eatino
and |ovino t|ank and skirt steak, which comes trom the
same area, my who|e |ite, since they are used abundant|y
in Latin cookino. Ior some reason, these cuts have yet to
reach a wider audience. 1his is curious to me, tor what
t|ank steak |acks in tenderness it more than makes up in
tabu|ous beety t|avor. Cut it across, not with, the orain so
it's |ess chewy. 1his tanoy marinade is oreat tor any cut ot
beet. As with any marinade, the |onoer you can |et the
steak sit in it, the better it'|| be.
|Ok 1u| MAkiuAD|
3 tab|esoccus extra-v|rc|u c||ve c||
3 tab|esoccus |resh ||ae ju|ce (|rca abcut 2 ||aes)
+ car||c c|cves, th|u|v s||ced
1 serrauc oeooer, ccred, seeded || des|red, aud th|u|v s||ced
2 teasoccus ch||| ocWder
1 teasoccu crcuud cua|u
teasoccu |csher sa|t
|Ok 1u| s1|Ak
1 ocuuds ||au| stea|
1. iu a sha||cW d|sh, o|ace the c||, ||ae ju|ce, car||c, serrauc, ch|||
ocWder, cua|u, aud sa|t aud st|r uut|| We|| b|euded. tav the ||au|
stea| |u the d|sh aud turu a |eW t|aes uut|| thcrcuch|v ccated.
Ccver W|th o|ast|c Wrao aud o|ace |u the re|r|ceratcr |cr at |east 2
hcurs aud uo tc cveru|cht (the |cucer, the better), turu|uc
2. t|cht|v c|| the cr||| crate aud oreoare a aed|ua-h|ch cr|||. |at the
stea| drv W|th oaoer tcWe|s. Gr||| |cr abcut 8 tc 10 a|uutes tcta|,
turu|uc cuce, |cr aed|ua-rare. 1raus|er tc a cutt|uc bcard aud
|et staud |cr S a|uutes. use a |cuc, th|u |u||e he|d at a s|aut tc
cut the stea| acrcss the cra|u |utc th|u s||ces. serve |aaed|ate|v.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN 8e sure to thorouoh|y
dry the steak by pattino it with paper towe|s betore you ori|| it. It the
steak is too moist, it'|| steam rather than sear, and you won't oet a
nice crust.
ch|c|eu |r|ed stea| W|th Wh|te
1he trick here is to add a |ot ot seasonino to the dredoino
t|our and then use the |ettover seasoned t|our to make the
oravy. Serve with Gar|ic Mashed otatoes.
3 ocuuds bee| rcuud rcast cr th|u stea|s cr oreteuder|zed cube
+ |arce eccs
1 cuo a||-ourocse ||cur, o|us acre || ueeded
1 tab|esoccu |csher sa|t (see ucte)
2 teasoccus crcuud b|ac| oeooer (see ucte)
cuo vecetab|e c||, o|us acre || ueeded
+ cuos Whc|e a|||
1. i| us|uc a rcast, s||ce the aeat W|th the cra|u |utc - tc -|uch-
th|c| s||ces. i| us|uc rcuud stea|s, ha|ve thea hcr|zcuta||v tc
create th|uuer stea|s || uecessarv. tav the stea|s cu a Wcr|
sur|ace aud use a aeat aa||et tc ocuud thea tc -|uch
th|c|uess. i| us|uc cubed stea|, uc s||c|uc cr teuder|z|uc |s
2. ueat a Wara|uc draWer cr oreheat the cveu tc 17S|.
3. iu a W|de, sha||cW bcW|, beat the eccs. iu a seccud W|de sha||cW
bcW|, o|ace the ||cur, sa|t, aud oeooer aud Wh|s| uut|| We||
b|euded. Ccat a stea| cu bcth s|des W|th ecc, aud theu dredce
|u the seascued ||cur, ccat|uc bcth s|des. 1raus|er tc a ba||uc
sheet cr o|atter aud reoeat W|th the reaa|u|uc stea|s. set the
reaa|u|uc ||cur as|de.
+. iu a |arce s||||et, heat the c|| cver aed|ua heat uut|| sh|aaerv
aud hct but uct sac||uc. ||ace eucuch stea|s |u the hct c|| that
thev ||t W|thcut crcWd|uc, dc uct oac| the s||||et cr thev W||| ta|e
|cucer. |rv uut|| We|| brcWued, + tc 6 a|uutes oer s|de (|cucer ||
stea|s are th|c| cr uct We|| teuder|zed). 1raus|er tc a serv|uc
o|atter aud ccut|uue uut|| a|| the stea|s are ccc|ed, add|uc acre
c|| tc the oau || uecessarv. keeo the traus|erred stea|s Wara |u a
Wara|uc draWer cr the cveu. Dc uct ccver W|th |c|| cr thev W|||
beccae scccv.
S. Dra|u the s||||et c| a|| but 2 tab|esoccus c||, |eave auv b|ts c|
ccat|uc |u the oau. keturu the oau tc the heat aud s|cW|v st|r |u
/- cuo c| the reserved seascued ||cur, scrao|uc the bcttca c|
the oau tc |ccseu the ccc|ed-cu b|ts. wheu the dr|oo|ucs aud
the ||cur are We|| a|xed, st|r |u the a|||. s|aaer the cravv uut||
th|c|eued, 10 tc 1S a|uutes.
6. Dr|zz|e scae cravv cver the stea|s aud serve, oass auv
reaa|u|uc cravv at the tab|e.
Or use 1 tab|espoon Season-A|| in p|ace ot the sa|t and
auut d|d|'s carue cu|sada
1his c|assic 1ex-Mex stew is rich and de|icious without the
hours ot simmerino that most stews require. I cannot
imaoine ever eatino this without Aunt Ldna's uomemade
I|our 1orti||as to soak up every |ast drop ot t|avortu| sauce.
1 tab|esoccu c||ve c||
2 ocuuds bee| s|r|c|u, cut |utc 1-|uch cubes
1 aed|ua Wh|te cu|cu, s||ced
+ car||c c|cves, a|uced
creeu be|| oeooer, s||ced
2 tab|esoccus crcuud cua|u
1 teasoccu |csher sa|t
1 teasoccu crcuud b|ac| oeooer
1 8-cuuce cau tcaatc sauce
Mex|cau k|ce, |cr serv|uc
ke|r|ed ueaus, |cr serv|uc
Auut |dua's ucaeaade ||cur 1crt|||as, Wara |cr serv|uc
1. iu a |arce s||||et, heat the c|| cver aed|ua heat. Add the aeat
aud ccc|, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, uut|| the aeat |s brcWued |u
socts but st||| a ||tt|e red |u the a|dd|e, abcut S a|uutes.
2. Add the cu|cu, car||c, aud be|| oeooer aud st|r tc ccab|ue. Add
the cua|u, sa|t, aud oeooer aud st|r tc ccab|ue. st|r |u the
tcaatc sauce aud 1 cuo c| Water. ur|uc tc a bc||. keduce the
heat tc |cW aud s|aaer |cr S a|uutes. serve W|th Mex|cau r|ce,
re|r|ed beaus, aud Wara tcrt|||as.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN Ior a thicker oravy,
atter cookino use a s|otted spoon to transter the meat and
veoetab|es to a servino bow|. Combine 1 tab|espoon a||-purpose t|our
with cup water and stir unti| smooth. whisk this s|urry into the
oravy and simmer tor 1 to 2 minutes unti| thickened. our the oravy
over the meat and serve.
|||ets a|cucus W|th
sWeet ba|saa|c reduct|cu
1he most important thino about preparino ti|ets mionons is
to use a |ioht hand with the steaks themse|ves. 1o brino
out their me|tino tenderness, abso|ute|y a|| they need is a
|itt|e sa|t and pepper and to be sauted in some butter or
o|ive oi|. uere, they are drizz|ed with an e|eoant reduced
ba|samic sauce with deep, a|most mo|asses t|avor and a
we|come bite at the tinish. 1ry this dish with 8razi|ian
Leeks. 1he ti|ets are a|so wondertu| with the heartier
Shiitake-wine Sauce.
+ +- tc 6-cuuce |||et a|cucu stea|s
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer
1 tab|esoccu uusa|ted butter
sWeet ua|saa|c keduct|cu
1. seascu bcth s|des c| the |||ets W|th sa|t aud oeooer. iu a |arce
s||||et, ae|t the butter cver aed|ua heat. Add the stea|s aud
ccc| + tc S a|uutes oer s|de |cr aed|ua-rare.
2. Arrauce the |||ets cu + |ud|v|dua| o|ates cr cu a serv|uc o|atter.
Dr|zz|e the sauce cver each |||et aud serve.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN Red meat tastes best
when cooked to medium-rare, which means the interior ot the meat is
warm and very red and juicy.
ch||| ccu carue
1hese days I'm more |ike|y to eat Chi|i con Carne with
t|avortu| Corn 8read, but when I was a kid, Irito pie was
one ot our tavorite atter-schoo| snacks: |ace a oenerous
handtu| ot Iritos or other corn chips in the bottom ot a
bow|, |ad|e over some hot Chi|i con Carne, and top with
cheddar cheese. Lvery de|icious bite is cheesy, crunchy, and
Mexican chorizo is a tresh (not dried) pork sausaoe
seasoned with chi|es: it makes a|| the ditterence between
this Chi|i con Carne and more basic versions.
1his chi|i is better it it's made a day ahead.
8 dr|ed ch|oct|e ch||es
2 28-cuuce caus Whc|e tcaatces W|th ju|ce
kcsher sa|t
12 cuuces Mex|cau chcr|zc, cas|uc reacved
1 aed|ua Wh|te cu|cu, chcooed
+ ocuuds crcuud bee| cr tur|ev
3 1S-cuuce caus |cW-scd|ua Whc|e o|utc beaus cr + cuos dra|ued
ucrrachc ueaus
Ccru uread, |cr serv|uc
Grated cheddar cheese, |cr serv|uc
1. iu a aed|ua sauceoau, br|uc 3 cuos c| Water tc a bc||. Add the
ch||es aud bc|| ceut|v uut|| sc|t, abcut 10 a|uutes. Dra|u aud set
as|de tc ccc|. wheu ccc| eucuch tc haud|e, reacve the steas
aud seeds, || des|red, |rca the ch||es. (ucte. teav|uc the seeds
W||| aa|e vcur ch||| ccu carue so|c|erl) k|use thea We|| aud o|ace
|u a |arce a|x|uc bcW|. Add the tcaatces aud the|r ju|ce aud st|r
uut|| ccab|ued.
2. wcr||uc |u batches, traus|er the tcaatc-ch|oct|e a|xture tc a
b|euder aud ouree uut|| saccth. Add sa|t tc taste aud set as|de.
3. iu a |arce steW oct cver aed|ua heat, ccc| the chcr|zc aud
cu|cu, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v aud brea||uc uo the chcr|zc W|th a
soccu, uut|| the chcr|zc |s ||cht|v brcWued aud the cu|cus
sc|teued, 10 tc 1S a|uutes. Add the crcuud bee| cr tur|ev aud
ccc|, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, uut|| the aeat |s brcWued. st|r |u the
tcaatc-ch|oct|e ouree aud the beaus. ueat uut|| hct aud add sa|t
tc taste. serve W|th ccru bread aud cheese.
bee| bc|ccuese
I ran track in hioh schoo|, and one day my coach to|d me to
eat more pasta to increase my eneroy. So I went straioht
home and to|d my mom that I needed her to pick up a
bunch ot spaohetti sauce at the store. My mother pointed
out that the jars were too expensive-about s2 a jar back
then, oenera||y a |ot more nowadays-tor the amount I was
|ike|y to eat (I cou|d eat pasta mornino, noon, and nioht).
She wise|y suooested I pick up a case ot tomato sauce (6
cans tor s1l) and oet to work. 8e|ieve me, a |ot ot tria| and
error happened between my tirst pot and the recipe you
see here. It took years to oet the rioht mix ot spices. 8ut to
this day, I wou|d a|ways rather start a pot with a can ot
tomato sauce than open any jar ot store-bouoht spaohetti
sauce. 1his bo|oonese stores beautitu||y tor severa| months
in the treezer, so sometimes I just mix up a batch to store
and pu|| out in a pinchl
MAkLS A8Ou1 10 CuS: 8 1O 10 SLRvINGS
1 cuos chcooed ve||cW cu|cus
8 c|cves car||c, a|uced
cuo chcooed ce|erv
cuo chcooed carrcts
cuo c||ve c||
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer
2 ocuuds crcuud bee| cr tur|ev
1 cuos uee| urcth cr stcre-bcucht |cW-scd|ua bee| brcth, o|us
acre || ueeded
cuo drv red W|ue
cuo drv Wh|te W|ue
+ cuos tcaatc sauce, o|us acre || ueeded
cuo |etchuo
2 |resh cr dr|ed bav |eaves
2 sor|cs c| |resh thvae
3 tab|esoccus dr|ed crecauc
1. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| a |ccd orccesscr, ou|se the cu|cus, car||c,
ce|erv, aud carrcts uut|| ||ue|v chcooed.
2. iu a Dutch cveu cr cther |arce stcc|oct, heat the c|| cver
aed|ua heat. Add the cu|cu a|xture W|th a o|uch each c| sa|t
aud oeooer aud ccc|, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, uut|| sc|teued, abcut
S a|uutes.
3. Add the crcuud bee| aud ccc|, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, uut|| ccc|ed
thrcuch, 8 tc 10 a|uutes. Add the brcth aud the red aud Wh|te
W|ues aud s|aaer |cr 10 a|uutes.
+. Add the tcaatc sauce, |etchuo, bav |eaves, thvae, crecauc, 1
teasoccu sa|t, aud teasoccu oeooer. ur|uc tc a bc||. keduce
the heat tc |cW aud s|aaer, ccvered, |cr 30 a|uutes. Chec|
cccas|cua||v dur|uc ccc||uc aud add acre brcth cr tcaatc sauce
|| a sauc|er ccus|steucv |s des|red.
S. keacve aud d|scard the bav |eaves aud thvae sor|cs. serve the
bee| bc|ccuese cver auv oasta.
crcc|-oct cubau rcoa v|eja
Ropa vieja trans|ates |itera||y to o|d c|othes, which is
what the shredded meat, visua||y, may brino to mind. 1he
sme|| and taste ot this dish, however, are nothino short ot
heaven|y. |ease don't be intimidated by the |ono |ist ot
inoredients. 1here is on|y a |itt|e bit ot choppino required:
the who|e point is to put a bunch ot thinos tooether and
toroet about it tor hours (a|thouoh you're we|come to taste
a|ono the way it you preter-or can't resistl). 1he shredded
meat shou|d stand tor at |east 1S minutes betore servino,
but it you have more time, |et it stand |onoer, as it just
oets better and better.
1his dish's orioins are Caribbean, so serve it with other
toods trom the same reoion, especia||y white rice, b|ack
beans, and p|antains.
2 ocuuds bee| ||au| stea|
6 tab|esoccus crcuud cua|u
+ tab|esoccus c||ve c|| cr as ueeded
2 cuos uee| urcth (rec|oe |c||cWs) cr stcre-bcucht |cW-scd|ua
bee| brcth
2 8-cuuce caus tcaatc sauce
2 6-cuuce caus tcaatc oaste
2 tab|esoccus d|st|||ed v|uecar
8 car||c c|cves, a|uced
1 teasoccus |csher sa|t
1 |arce ve||cW cr Wh|te cu|cu, chcooed
1 creeu be|| oeooer, ccred, seeded, aud s||ced |utc -|uch str|os
1 red be|| oeooer, ccred, seeded, aud s||ced |utc -|uch str|os
1 buuch c| |resh c||autrc, |eaves chcooed
wh|te k|ce, |cr serv|uc
u|ac| ueaus, |cr serv|uc
|r|ed ||auta|us, |cr serv|uc
1. kub the stea| cu bcth s|des W|th 3 tab|esoccus c| the cua|u. iu
a |arce s||||et, heat 2 tab|esoccus c| c|| cver aed|ua-h|ch heat
uut|| sh|aaerv aud hct but uct sac||uc. Add the ||au| stea|
aud ccc| uut|| brcWued cu bcth s|des, abcut S a|uutes oer s|de.
1raus|er tc a |arce Crcc|-|ct.
2. iu a |arce a|x|uc bcW|, a|x tccether the brcth, tcaatc sauce,
tcaatc oaste, v|uecar, car||c, sa|t, the reaa|u|uc 3 tab|esoccus
c| cua|u, aud the reaa|u|uc 2 tab|esoccus c| c||ve c||. st|r uut||
We|| b|euded. Add the cu|cu, be|| oeooers, aud c||autrc. st|r uut||
We|| b|euded. |cur the tcaatc a|xture cver the aeat |u the
3. Ccver aud ccc| cu h|ch |cr + hcurs, cr cu |cW |cr uo tc 10
hcurs. 1he aeat |s readv Wheu |t |a||s aoart Wheu o|erced W|th a
|cr|. keacve the aeat |rca the sauce aud use tWc |cr|s tc ou||
aoart the aeat, shredd|uc |t |utc str|ucs. keturu the shredded
aeat tc the sauce aud |et staud |cr 1S a|uutes. serve the
shredded aeat W|th the ||avcr|u| ju|ces soccued cver aud W|th
Wh|te r|ce, b|ac| beaus, aud |r|ed o|auta|us cu the s|de.
beet broth
Makino broth at home is so easy, and there's not a|| that
sodium and other who-knows-what-e|se in broth you make
MAkLS A8Ou1 8 OuAR1S
3 ocuuds bee| bcues cr a ccab|uat|cu c| bcues, cxta||s, aud
shcrt r|bs
1 |arce cu|cu, ccarse|v chcooed
2 aed|ua |ee|s (Wh|te aud ||cht creeu oarts cu|v), ccarse|v
2 aed|ua carrcts, ccarse|v chcooed
1 ce|erv r|b W|th |eaves, ccarse|v chcooed
1 teasoccus tcaatc oaste
+ sor|cs c| |resh thvae cr teasoccu dr|ed thvae
+ sor|cs c| |resh oars|ev
teasoccu Whc|e b|ac| oeooerccrus
1 |resh cr dr|ed bav |ea|
1. |reheat the cveu tc +S0|.
2. soread the bcues |u a ||aaeorcc| rcast|uc oau. ua|e uut|| the
bcues are brcWu, 30 tc +S a|uutes.
3. 1raus|er the bcues tc a stcc|oct. |cur the |at cut c| the oau.
||ace the rcast|uc oau cver h|ch heat. |cur 2 cuos c| Water |utc
the oau aud br|uc tc a bc||, scrao|uc uo the brcWued b|ts |u the
oau W|th a Wccdeu soccu. |cur th|s ||cu|d |utc the stcc|oct.
Add the cu|cu, |ee|s, carrcts, aud ce|erv.
+. Add cc|d Water tc ccver the bcues bv 2 |uches. ur|uc tc a bc||
cver h|ch heat. use a |arce soccu tc s||a c|| auv |caa that r|ses
tc the sur|ace. Add the tcaatc oaste, thvae, oars|ev,
oeooerccrus, aud bav |ea|. keduce the heat tc |cW aud s|aaer,
oart|a||v ccvered, uut|| the brcth |s |u|| ||avcred, at |east 2 hcurs
aud uo tc 8 hcurs. stra|u the brcth thrcuch a aesh stra|uer aud
d|scard the sc||ds. tet ccc|. i| des|red, re|r|cerate the stcc| aud
reacve aud d|scard the sc||d|||ed |at |rca the sur|ace.
S. stcre |u t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uers |u the re|r|ceratcr |cr uo tc S
davs cr |reeze uo tc 6 acuths.
aeat |ca|
I orew up tu||y immersed in the rich cu|inary cu|ture and
history ot Mexico and 1exas. It took many years tor me to
rea|ize that there was |itera||y a who|e wor|d ot tood and
cu|ture beyond what I knew so we||. when it beoan to
dawn on me, I set out to discover what a mea| without
torti||as, cheese, and Mexican rice wou|d |ook |ike. I |onoed
to beoin my new education with the most American thino
I cou|d think ot. And, I ask you, what is more American
than meat |oat2 1his is the tirst recipe that opened my
eyes to cookino meat in a comp|ete|y ditterent way. It's the
same meat |oat I make to this day.
1 ocuuds |eau crcuud bee|
cuo uuccc|ed cataea|
cuo a|||
1 |arce ecc, ||cht|v beateu
cuo chcooed ve||cW cr Wh|te cu|cu
2 car||c c|cves, a|uced
1 teasoccu |csher sa|t
teasoccu crcuud b|ac| oeooer
cuo |etchuo
2 tab|esoccus oac|ed ||cht cr dar| brcWu sucar
2 tab|esoccus wcrcestersh|re sauce
1 tab|esoccu austard
1. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. iu a |arce bcW|, o|ace the crcuud
bee|, cataea|, a|||, ecc, cu|cu, car||c, sa|t, aud oeooer. use
vcur hauds tc a|x uut|| We|| b|euded.
2. |ac| the a|xture |utc a 9 S-|uch |ca| oau aud set as|de.
3. iu a c|ass aeasur|uc cuo cr saa|| bcW|, o|ace the |etchuo,
brcWu sucar, wcrcestersh|re sauce, aud austard. st|r uut||
ccao|ete|v b|euded.
+. |cur the sauce cver the aeat |ca|. ua|e uut|| ccc|ed aud
bubb||uc s||cht|v arcuud the edces, abcut 1 hcur. tet staud S
S. i| des|red, use a soatu|a tc reacve the aeat |ca| |rca the oau.
Cut crcssW|se aud serve.
stu||ed creeu oeooers
Sweet be|| peppers are stutted with a very tasty beet ti||ino
and topped with queso tresco and pico de oa||o, tormino
the oreen, white, red pattern that I |ove so muchl 1his is a
tasty and quick-to-make weeknioht mea|, which is a|so
pretty enouoh to serve to company.
Ccc||uc sorav |cr the ba||uc d|sh
+ |arce creeu be|| oeooers
ocuud crcuud bee|
2 tab|esoccus chcooed cu|cu
1 8-cuuce cau tcaatc sauce
1 cuo dr|ed bread cruabs
1 teasoccu |csher sa|t
teasoccu crcuud b|ac| oeooer
tc 1 cuo crated cr cruab|ed cuesc |rescc (abcut 2 tc +
cuuces), |cr serv|uc
||cc de Ga||c, |cr serv|uc
1. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. ur|uc a aed|ua sauceoau c| Water tc
a bc||. Ccat a saa|| ba||uc d|sh W|th ccc||uc sorav.
2. Cut a th|u s||ce |rca the stea eud c| each creeu oeooer. |u|| cut
the ccre, reacve the seeds, aud r|use the oeooers |us|de aud
cut. Add the oeooers tc the bc|||uc Water aud s|aaer |cr S
a|uutes. Dra|u We|| aud set as|de.
3. MeauWh||e, |u a aed|ua s||||et cver aed|ua heat, add the bee|
aud cu|cu. Ccc|, st|rr|uc aud brea||uc uo the aeat W|th a
soccu, uut|| acst|v brcWued W|th scae o|u| |e|t, abcut S
a|uutes. st|r |u the tcaatc sauce, bread cruabs, sa|t, aud
+. stu|| the oeooers ||cht|v W|th the aeat a|xture aud out the tcos
cu. staud thea uor|cht |u the ba||uc d|sh. Ccver the d|sh W|th
a|ua|uua |c|| aud ba|e |cr 3S a|uutes. keacve the |c|| aud
ba|e 1S a|uutes |cucer.
S. 1c serve, sor|u||e each stu||ed oeooer W|th cuesc |rescc aud tco
W|th a soccu|u| c| o|cc de ca||c.
aex|cau |asacua
1his is a rea||y tun dish to make and serve. It's oreat tor
parties or to brino to pot|ucks and it's convenient. You can
assemb|e it comp|ete|y and then treeze it (|et it stand at
room temperature tor 1 hour betore bakino as directed
I |ike to make it in two round cake pans because it |ooks
rea||y pretty when you s|ice it. use any saucy sa|sa that you
|ike: don't use pico de oa||o, which is too chunky.
Shredded Mexican cheese is a packaoed combination ot
three to tour cheeses, usua||y Cheddar, Monterey 1ack,
queso quesadi||a, and asadero. It adds more comp|ex t|avor
than a sino|e cheese and me|ts rea||y we||. Ot course, you
can orate your own se|ection ot cheeses, but I |ike the
convenience ot the preshredded and packaoed version.
Ccc||uc sorav |cr the ca|e oaus aud |c||
2 ocuuds crcuud bee| cr tur|ev
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer
cuo Ch|c|eu urcth cr stcre-bcucht |cW-scd|ua ch|c|eu brcth
10 ||cur tcrt|||as
1 16-cuuce jar |ace ||caute sauce cr cther stcre-bcucht cr
hcaeaade saucv sa|sa
1 16-cuuce oac|ace shredded Mex|cau cheese
1 8-cuuce ccuta|uer scur creaa
2 +.S-cuuce caus chcooed creeu ch||es
1. |reheat the cveu tc 37S|. Ccat tWc 8-|uch ca|e oaus W|th
ccc||uc sorav.
2. iu a |arce s||||et cver aed|ua heat, ccc| the bee|, st|rr|uc aud
brea||uc |t uo W|th a soccu, uut|| brcWued. seascu W|th sa|t aud
oeooer. set as|de.
3. |cur the ch|c|eu brcth |u a |arce sha||cW d|sh aud add the
tcrt|||as. sca| abcut S a|uutes, vcu Waut thea sc|t but uct
aushv. set as|de cuo sa|sa aud 1 cuo cheese.
+. ||ace 1 tcrt|||a cu the bcttca c| each ca|e oau. iu each oau,
|aver as |c||cWs. soread abcut 2 tab|esoccus c| scur creaa cu
tco c| the tcrt|||a. sor|u||e abcut 2 tab|esoccus ch||es cver the
scur creaa, |c||cWed bv abcut cuo c| the brcWued aeat, 2
tab|esoccus sa|sa, aud /- cuo shredded cheese. 1co W|th a
tcrt|||a. keoeat tc aa|e 3 acre |avers c| |||||uc. ||u|sh W|th a
tcrt|||a cu tco. (?cu'|| have a stac| c| S tcrt|||as aud + |avers c|
|||||uc.) D|v|de the reserved sa|sa aud cheese betWeeu the tWc
oaus, soread|uc the sa|sa tc ccver the tcrt|||a aud sor|u|||uc the
cheese tc ccver the sa|sa.
S. sorav cue s|de c| 2 sheets c| a|ua|uua |c|| W|th ccc||uc sorav
aud o|ace thea c||ed-s|de dcWu cver the oaus. ua|e |cr 30
a|uutes, uut|| hct aud bubb||uc arcuud the edces. serve hct.
de|ectab|e sides
erhaps because ot the seemino|y end|ess
abundance ot tresh tood my aunts and mother
produced when I was a chi|d, I |ove the sioht
ot a tab|e tu|| ot many dishes and ditterent
t|avors. I think the bounty ot this chapter
ret|ects that. Yes, these are my tavorite side
dishes, but many can easi|y be served as the
main course, and a co||ection ot any ot them
wi|| make a testive and de|ectab|e mea|.
1his chapter is a|so a ret|ection ot my own
cu|inary journey. uere you'|| tind iconic recipes
such as Retried 8eans, a stap|e in every
Mexican househo|d, and Mexican Rice, the
dish I knew I had to master it I wanted to
earn my p|ace as an equa| amono my aunts in
the kitchen. And ot course there are 8orracho
8eans, which seemed a|ways to be simmerino
on someone's stove.
Amono these are some dishes born ot
necessity. 1here are many veoetab|es I ate so
much ot as a chi|d I swore I'd never have
another. 1hen I orew up and created recipes
|ike armesan Summer Squash and Gar|ic
Green 8eans, two examp|es ot easy ways to
ta|| in |ove aoain with very tami|iar
brcccc|| aud r|ce casserc|e
aex|cau r|ce
Wh|te r|ce
b|ac| beaus
bcrrachc beaus
re|r|ed beaus
ba|ed ccat cheese r|catcu|
scoa de ||dec
|eacu |ettucc|ue
tcaatc-bas|| soachett|
so|cv rcasted brusse|s sorcuts
car||c creeu beaus
braz|||au |ee|s
brc||ed asoaracus
oaraesau suaaer scuash
ocrtcbe||c aushrccas
car||c aashed octatces
veracruz ccru
|r|ed o|auta|us
ecco|aut oaraesau
brcccc|| aud r|ce casserc|e
1his side dish is as easy to put tooether as it is tasty: my
mom made it tor us at |east once a week. It packs |ots ot
nutrition and t|avor into a sino|e dish, it is a very successtu|
way to oet kids to eat brocco|i, and it is oreat to eat with
so many thinos. 1ry it with 1i|apia with Citrus-Gar|ic Sauce,
Lemon Iried Chicken, or Meat Loat. Any amount ot butter
works here. I tend to use a |ot, but tee| tree to use |ess.
8 tab|esoccus (1 st|c|) uusa|ted butter, o|us acre |cr the ba||uc
d|sh, cr as des|red
3 cuos brcccc|| ||crets cr 1 10-cuuce oac|ace |rczeu, chcooed
1 cuo uuccc|ed |cuc cra|u Wh|te r|ce
1 10.S-cuuce cau creaa c| aushrcca scuo
1 cuo chcooed ce|erv
cuo chcooed cu|cu
1. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. Geuercus|v butter a 2-cuart ba||uc
d|sh aud set as|de.
2. i| us|uc |resh brcccc||, o|ace a steaaer |usert |u a ||dded
sauceoau cr s||||et aud add abcut 2 |uches c| Water tc the oau,
the Water shcu|d uct ccae cver the hc|es c| the steaaer. ||ace
the brcccc|| |u the steaaer bas|et aud ccver the oau. ur|uc the
Water tc a bc|| cver h|ch heat. steaa uut|| the brcccc|| |s br|cht
creeu aud teuder Wheu o|erced W|th a sharo |u||e but st||| cr|so,
abcut S a|uutes. i| us|uc |rczeu brcccc||, ccc| |t acccrd|uc tc
oac|ace d|rect|cus.
3. Ccc| the r|ce acccrd|uc tc oac|ace d|rect|cus. 1raus|er the
ccc|ed brcccc|| aud r|ce tc cue |arce a|x|uc bcW|. Add the
aushrcca scuo, ce|erv, aud cu|cu aud st|r uut|| We|| ccab|ued.
+. 1raus|er tc the buttered d|sh. Dct the tco W|th as auch butter as
des|red aud use a |cr| tc ceut|v tcss the a|xture tc bare|v
|uccrocrate the butter. ua|e |cr 30 a|uutes. tet staud S a|uutes
be|cre serv|uc.
aex|cau r|ce
A|so known as Spanish rice, Mexican Rice is very ditticu|t to
make we||. Once you add the tomato sauce and water, you
can't rea||y touch it or you'|| ruin the texture. 1he hard part
is knowino how much spice to add, because the rice won't
proper|y absorb any seasonino once the water is absorbed.
1his makes it near|y impossib|e to pertect, and once it is
done, it is done.
1here's a sayino in my tami|y: when you pertect the
rice, you are ready to oet married. 8ut not unti| then.
Io||ow my recipe and your Mexican Rice wi|| be tabu|ous,
Inc|ude the chicken to serve it as a main course.
2 tab|esoccus vecetab|e c||
1 |arce Wh|te cu|cu, chcooed
S car||c c|cves, a|uced
1 cuos |cuc cra|u Wh|te r|ce
2 tab|esoccus crcuud cua|u
2 cuos Ch|c|eu urcth cr stcre-bcucht |cW scd|ua ch|c|eu
brcth, o|us acre as ueeded
1 1+-cuuce cau tcaatc sauce
teasoccu |csher sa|t, cr tc taste
teasoccu crcuud b|ac| oeooer, cr tc taste
6 ch|c|eu druast|c|s (abcut 1 ocuuds, cot|cua|)
1 1S-cuuce cau oeas aud carrcts, dra|ued (cot|cua|)
1. iu a |arce s||||et, heat the c|| cver aed|ua heat uut|| hct but uct
sac||uc. Add the cu|cu aud car||c aud ccc| |cr 1 a|uute. Add
the r|ce aud ccc|, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, uut|| the r|ce |s cc|deu
brcWu, 6 tc 8 a|uutes, |cWer the heat || uecessarv tc |eeo the
r|ce |rca buru|uc. st|r |u the cua|u aud ccc| |cr 30 seccuds.
st|r |u the ch|c|eu brcth, tcaatc sauce, sa|t, aud oeooer. Add
the ch|c|eu, || us|uc, aud subaerce |t uuder the ||cu|d.
2. ur|uc tc a ceut|e bc||, reduce the heat, ccver the oau, aud
s|aaer uut|| acst c| the ||cu|d |s abscrbed aud the r|ce |s
ccc|ed, abcut 30 a|uutes. uuccver the oau a |eW t|aes dur|uc
ccc||uc tc chec| the ||cu|d. Add acre ch|c|eu brcth || the r|ce
starts tc buru aud st|c|s tc the bcttca c| the oau. Dc uct st|r
dur|uc ccc||uc, |t causes the r|ce tc brea| dcWu aud beccae
3. A a|uute cr tWc be|cre the r|ce |s dcue, add the dra|ued oeas
aud carrcts, || us|uc.
+. keacve the oau |rca the heat. tet staud, ccvered, |cr at |east 10
a|uutes aud uo tc 1 hcur be|cre serv|uc. 1aste aud seascu W|th
sa|t aud oeooer || uecessarv. 1c serve, soccu the r|ce cutc
|ud|v|dua| o|ates aud o|ace cue cr tWc druast|c|s cu tco.
Wh|te r|ce
white rice (arroz b|anco) is the quintessentia| Caribbean
tood and is a|ways a sure choice tor a simp|e side dish that
wi|| comp|ement rather than outshine the main course. It's
especia||y exce||ent tor soppino up the de|icious juices trom
Crock-ot Cuban Ropa vieja.
tab|esoccu c||ve c||
1 car||c c|cve, a|uced
2 cuos |cuc cra|u r|ce
1 teasoccu |csher sa|t
1. iu a |arce sauceoau cver aed|ua heat, heat the c||. Add the
car||c aud ccc| uut|| ||cht cc|deu brcWu, abcut 30 seccuds. Add
the r|ce aud ccc|, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, uut|| |t turus a|||v Wh|te,
abcut + a|uutes.
2. Add + cuos c| Water aud br|uc tc a bc||.
3. Add the sa|t, ccver, |cWer the heat, aud s|aaer uut|| the r|ce |s
teuder aud the Water |s abscrbed, 1S tc 20 a|uutes. tet staud,
ccvered, |cr S a|uutes.
+. ||u|| W|th a |cr| aud serve.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN Dry rice and nood|es
are common pantry stap|es because they can be kept tor up to a
year when stored caretu||y. Ior this reason, it's a oood idea to buy
them in bu|k, which can be a rea| money saver.
b|ac| beaus
I a|ways struoo|ed to make pertect b|ack beans, and then
my triend trom Art8ites oave me this recipe, and now my
b|ack beans are just as oood as my 8orracho 8eansl 8|ack
beans are de|icious retried. 8|ack beans, un|ike pinto
beans, cook more even|y and ta|| apart |ess it you skip the
1 ocuud dr|ed b|ac| beaus
ve||cW cu|cu, chcooed
3 car||c c|cves, a|uced
2 tab|esoccus c||ve c||
1 ch|c|eu bcu|||cu cube
teaves |rca 1 buuch c| |resh c||autrc
Grated cr cruab|ed cuesc |rescc, |cr serv|uc (cot|cua|)
1. ||ace the beaus |u a stra|uer. ||c| thrcuch aud d|scard auv
oebb|es, debr|s, cr shr|ve|ed beaus. k|use the beaus We|| aud
2. ||ace the beaus |u a Dutch cveu cr cther heavv oct. Add the
cu|cu, car||c, c||, bcu|||cu cube, c||autrc, aud 10 cuos c| Water.
ur|uc tc a rcar|uc bc|| cver aed|ua-h|ch heat. keduce the heat
aud s|aaer, oart|a||v ccvered, uut|| the beaus are teuder, 1 tc
2 hcurs. st|r the beaus everv 1S a|uutes cr sc tc aa|e sure that
ucue are st|c||uc tc the bcttca c| the oct aud that the Water
ccvers the beaus eucuch tc a||cW thea tc acre cr |ess ||cat
|ree|v. Add add|t|cua| Water || uecessarv. serve tcooed W|th
cuesc |rescc, || des|red.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN Dried beans are a
oreat pantry item because they have a |ono she|t |ite, but it comes
with a caveat: 1he aoe ot dried beans wi|| attect how |ono they take
to cook. O|der beans oenera||y take |onoer than more recent|y dried
beans. It's oenera||y impossib|e to te|| how o|d your beans are when
you buy them, so be sure to a||ow tor the extra ha|t hour oiven in the
cookino time ranoe.
bcrrachc beaus
I |ove to pu|| out my s|ow cooker and |et these beans
simmer a|| day, ti||ino the who|e house with their amazino
aroma. 1he key to a oood bean dish is caretu||y pickino
over the dried beans betore you cook them, discardino any
that are disco|ored or shrive|ed.
use any chunky tomato sa|sa you |ike: it adds co|or and
heat, so choose accordino|y. I usua||y save the tat that
comes trom tryino the bacon tor these beans and use it to
make unbe|ievab|y oood Retried 8eans.
Sotrito is a combination ot aromatic inoredients that are
cooked s|ow|y to re|ease their t|avor. It is used as the base
ot many dishes in Latin American and Caribbean cookino. I
usua||y buy prepared sotrito seasonino paste so|d in
individua| packets and |ocated in the spice or Latin tood
ais|e at the orocery store.
MAkLS A8Ou1 8 CuS 8RO1uY 8LANS: 6 1O 8 SLRvINGS
1 ocuud dr|ed o|utc beaus
ocuud (abcut + th|c| str|os) baccu, cut |utc -|uch o|eces
1 tab|esoccu cu|cu ocWder, o|us acre || ueeded
1 teasoccu car||c ocWder, o|us acre || ueeded
tc cuo |ace cr cther chuu|v sa|sa
1 3.98-cuuce oac|ace Macc| cr cther braud sc|r|tc seascu|uc
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer
1 buuch c| |resh c||autrc, |eaves chcooed, |cr serv|uc
1. ||ace the beaus |u a stra|uer. ||c| thrcuch aud d|scard auv
oebb|es, debr|s, cr shr|ve|ed beaus. k|use the beaus We|| aud
2. 1c sca| the beaus cveru|cht, traus|er thea tc a |arce a|x|uc
bcW|. Add cc|d Water tc ccver bv 2 |uches aud set as|de tc sca|
|cr at |east 8 hcurs cr cveru|cht.
A|teruat|ve|v, tc sca| the beaus acre cu|c||v, traus|er thea tc a
|arce sauceoau. Add cc|d Water tc ccver bv 2 |uches. ur|uc tc a
rao|d bc|| cver h|ch heat aud bc|| |cr 2 a|uutes. keacve the oau
|rca the heat, ccver, aud |et staud 1 hcur.
3. MeauWh||e, |u a saa|| s||||et cver aed|ua heat, |rv the baccu
uut|| |t's ccc|ed but uct cr|sov. 1raus|er tc a oaoer tcWe|-||ued
o|ate aud set as|de. i| des|red, ocur c|| the baccu crease |utc a
saa|| ccuta|uer aud reserve |cr aa||uc ke|r|ed ueaus.
+. Dra|u aud r|use the sca|ed beaus aud o|ace |u a Crcc|-|ct. Add
bc|||uc Water tc ccver bv 1 |uch. Add the cu|cu aud car||c
ocWders aud ccc| cu h|ch ocWer |cr S tc 6 hcurs, add|uc acre
bc|||uc Water as uecessarv tc |eeo the beaus subaerced aud
verv ceut|v st|rr|uc as uecessarv tc |eeo the beaus |rca st|c||uc
tc the bcttca.
S. Abcut 2 hcurs |utc ccc||uc, st|r |u the sa|sa aud a ||tt|e acre
cu|cu aud car||c ocWder, || des|red. Abcut 1 hcur be|cre the eud
c| ccc||uc, add the reserved baccu, sc|r|tc, 1 teasoccu sa|t, aud
a |eW cr|ud|ucs c| b|ac| oeooer.
6. wheu the beaus are |u||v ccc|ed, taste aud seascu as uecessarv
W|th sa|t aud oeooer. tad|e the beaus |utc sha||cW scuo bcW|s,
tco W|th c||autrc, aud serve.
re|r|ed beaus
In terms ot its ro|e in my |ite, this may we|| be the most
important recipe in this chapter. It is without exaooeration
that I say that there were a|ways borracho or retried beans
in our house. 8are|y a day ooes by that I don't have beans:
my tavorite breaktast is retried beans and eoo whites.
1hey can rep|ace or be added a|ono with any meat in tacos,
cha|upas, or enchi|adas.
1hese shou|d be stitt, not runny. Authentic retried beans
are made with bacon orease, but veoetab|e oi| is an
exce||ent a|ternative.
2 cuos dra|ued ucrrachc ueaus cr u|ac| ueaus
1 tc 2 tab|esoccus beau ccc||uc ||cu|d, cr as ueeded (cot|cua|)
keserved baccu crease |rca ucrrachc ueaus cr 1 tab|esoccu
vecetab|e c||
Grated cr cruab|ed cuesc |rescc, |cr serv|uc (cot|cua|)
1. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| a |ccd orccesscr, o|ace the bcrrachc beaus.
|uree uut|| saccth, add|uc a ||tt|e c| the beau ccc||uc ||cu|d ||
uecessarv tc |eeo the beaus |rca st|c||uc tc the b|ade.
2. iu a aed|ua s||||et, heat the baccu crease cr c|| cver aed|ua
heat uut|| hct. Add the ouree aud ccc|, st|rr|uc, |cr S a|uutes.
serve, tcooed W|th cuesc |rescc, || des|red.
ba|ed ccat cheese r|catcu|
when I am in Da||as, I make sure to stop in at the
a|omino, where the chet puts a unique spin on mac and
cheese. ue uses rioatoni and ooat cheese. It's so creamy
and de|icious, I tina||y asked the chet tor the recipe so I can
make it myse|t at homel Make sure to use reou|ar,
unt|avored sott ooat cheese.
vecetab|e c|| cr ccc||uc sorav |cr the ba||uc d|sh
kcsher sa|t
8 cuuces dr|ed r|catcu| oasta
3 tab|esoccus uusa|ted butter
3 cuos Whc|e a|||
cuo a||-ourocse ||cur
1 cuo crated Gruvre cheese
1 cuo crated Wh|te Cheddar cheese
1 cuo crated |ara|c|auc-kecc|auc cheese
cuo crated ita||au |cut|ua cheese
1 +-cuuce |cc sc|t ccat cheese, cruab|ed
Grcuud b|ac| oeooer
1 cuo oau|c
cuo cruab|ed ccat cheese (2 cuuces), |cr tcoo|uc
1. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. urush cr sorav a 2-cuart ba||uc d|sh
W|th vecetab|e c|| cr ccc||uc sorav.
2. ur|uc a |arce oct c| sa|ted Water tc a bc||. Add the r|catcu| aud
ccc| uut|| a| deute, 8 tc 10 a|uutes, cr acccrd|uc tc oac|ace
d|rect|cus. Dra|u the oasta aud r|use W|th cc|d Water tc stco the
ccc||uc. Dra|u thcrcuch|v aud set as|de.
3. MeauWh||e, |u a aed|ua sauceoau cver aed|ua heat, ae|t 1
tab|esoccu c| the butter. Add the a||| aud heat uut|| hct. Add
the ||cur aud st|r We|| sc that |t dcesu't c|uao. Add
/3 cuo
/3 cuo Cheddar, cuo |ara|c|auc-kecc|auc, the
|cut|ua, aud the |cc c| ccat cheese. st|r uut|| the cheese |s
ccao|ete|v ae|ted aud the sauce |s saccth. Add sa|t aud oeooer
tc taste. keacve |rca the heat.
+. ||ace the oau|c |u a saa|| bcW|. Me|t the reaa|u|uc 2
tab|esoccus c| the butter aud ocur |t cver the oau|c. use a |cr|
tc st|r uut|| the oau|c |s thcrcuch|v ccated |u butter. set as|de.
S. iu a |arce a|x|uc bcW|, o|ace the uccd|es aud ocur cver the
cheese sauce. 1raus|er tc the oreoared ba||uc d|sh. scatter cver
the tco the reaa|u|uc
/3 cuo Gruvre,
/3 cuo Cheddar, cuo
|ara|c|auc-kecc|auc, aud the cruab|ed ccat cheese. 1co W|th
the oau|c a|xture.
6. ua|e uut|| brcWued aud bubb||uc, 20 tc 2S a|uutes. tet staud 10
a|uutes be|cre serv|uc.
scoa de ||dec
I ca|| this Mexican spaohetti. In Mexico, sopa de tideo is
tru|y a soup, whi|e tideo seco is much drier. I |ike a texture
between the two. As with Mexican Rice, the trick is to cook
these without touchino them very much at a||. Any stirrino
wi|| make the nood|es sticky, so when checkino the |eve| ot
the |iquid in the pan, just use a |ono-hand|ed spoon to
oent|y move the nood|es aside and check the bottom ot the
pan. Note that the |onoer this sits, the more the nood|es
wi|| absorb the broth.
1his is a oreat method tor cookino chicken, so even
thouoh I'm servino the nood|es on|y as a side dish,
sometimes I take advantaoe ot the simmerino pot to cook
some chicken tor the next day. I add as many drumsticks as
possib|e without crowdino, and the we||-seasoned broth
turns out tender, juicy, and rea||y t|avortu| chicken every
2 tab|esoccus vecetab|e c||
1 |arce Wh|te cu|cu, chcooed
S car||c c|cves, a|uced
1 8.8-cuuce bcx ||dec cr auce| ha|r cr vera|ce||| oasta (see ucte)
3 tc 3 cuos Ch|c|eu urcth cr stcre-bcucht |cW-scd|ua ch|c|eu
1 1+-cuuce cau tcaatc sauce
2 tab|esoccus crcuud cua|u
teasoccu |csher sa|t, cr tc taste
teasoccu crcuud b|ac| oeooer, cr tc taste
6 ch|c|eu druast|c|s (abcut 1 ocuuds, cot|cua|)
1. iu a |arce s||||et cr Dutch cveu (better || us|uc auce| ha|r oasta),
heat the c|| cver aed|ua heat uut|| hct but uct sac||uc. Add
the cu|cu aud car||c aud ccc| |cr 1 a|uute. Add the ||dec aud
ccc|, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, uut|| the ||dec |s cc|deu brcWu but
uct at a|| burued, abcut 2 a|uutes. Add the ch|c|eu brcth,
tcaatc sauce, cua|u, sa|t, aud oeooer aud st|r cuce cr tW|ce just
tc b|eud. Add the ch|c|eu, || us|uc, subaerc|uc |t uuder the
2. ur|uc tc a ceut|e bc||, reduce the heat, aud ccver the oau.
s|aaer uut|| the ||cu|d |s acst|v abscrbed but there are st|||
saa|| occ|s c| sauce cu the sur|ace, aud the ch|c|eu |s ccc|ed,
abcut 30 a|uutes. uuccver a |eW t|aes dur|uc ccc||uc tc chec|
the ||cu|d. Add acre brcth || the ||dec starts tc buru aud st|c| tc
the bcttca c| the oau, but dc uct st|r v|ccrcus|v cuce |t ccaes
tc a s|aaer. st|rr|uc causes the ||dec tc brea| dcWu aud
beccae st|c|v. serve hct.
It usino anoe| hair, break the nests in ha|t betore usino.
vermice||i shou|d be broken into 8-inch |enoths.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN 1he tideo-short,
dried nood|es-can be tound in Latin orocery stores, but you can use
anoe| hair or vermice||i instead. It usino anoe| hair, use a biooer pan
because the dried nood|es take up |ots ot room betore they cook
|eacu |ettucc|ue
when I oo to New York, I otten eat at Seratina Restaurant,
which makes an amazino |emon spaohetti dish that is so
oood that I was aoain inspired to oet the recipe. 1he chet
kind|y ob|ioed. 1his version is a |itt|e simp|er and creamier
than the orioina|. As with most other pasta dishes, you
want the sauce to be ready betore the tettuccine is so that
the hot nood|es absorb the creamy, |emony sauce (the
|onoer it sits, the |ess saucy it wi|| be). Note that the broth
and cream wi|| need to simmer tor a oood |ono time so that
they are we|| reduced. 8e sure to orate the |emons betore
you juice them.
1his is wondertu| served with ori||ed chicken brushed
with Steak Gri|| Sauce.
1 cuo uee| urcth cr stcre-bcucht |cW-scd|ua bee| brcth
1 cuo heavv Wh|oo|uc creaa
1u|ce |rca 2 saa|| |eacus (abcut cuo)
2 tab|esoccus uusa|ted butter
Grated zest |rca 2 |eacus
kcsher sa|t
1 ocuud dr|ed |ettucc|ue
1. iu a |arce s||||et, ocur the bee| brcth aud Wh|oo|uc creaa aud
st|r cr Wh|s| tccether tc b|eud. ur|uc tc a s|aaer cver aed|ua
heat. s|aaer ceut|v uut|| reduced bv a th|rd, tc abcut 1/- cuos,
st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, abcut 20 a|uutes. st|r |u the |eacu ju|ce,
butter, aud |eacu zest.
2. MeauWh||e, br|uc a |arce oct c| sa|ted Water tc a bc||. Add the
|ettucc|ue tc the oct Wheu vcu're sure the sauce W||| be readv
be|cre the uccd|es are ccc|ed. Ccc| the |ettucc|ue uut|| a| deute,
abcut 8 a|uutes cr acccrd|uc tc oac|ace d|rect|cus.
3. Dra|u the uccd|es aud |aaed|ate|v add thea tc the |eacu sauce
|u the s||||et. tet staud uuccvered 1S a|uutes sc the oasta cau
abscrb the sauce. serve.
tcaatc-bas|| soachett|
1his is one ot the dishes I turn to when unexpected ouests
drop in. 1he sauce comes tooether in |ess time than it
takes to boi| the water and cook the pasta, but the resu|ts
are a|ways impressive. 8eoin the sauce as soon as you put
the water on to boi|, because it's better it the sauce is
ready betore the pasta, rather than the other way around.
kcsher sa|t
1 ocuud dr|ed soachett| cr cther |cuc oasta
1 tab|esoccu c||ve c||
saa|| ve||cW cr Wh|te cu|cu, chcooed
+ car||c c|cves, a|uced
2 buuches c| |resh bas||, |eaves chcooed
Grcuud b|ac| oeooer tc taste
1 1+.S-cuuce cau Whc|e tcaatces W|th ju|ce
1 8-cuuce cau tcaatc sauce
cuo crated |ara|c|auc-kecc|auc (abcut 1 cuuce), cr tc taste,
|cr serv|uc
1 teasoccu dr|ed red oeooer ||a|es cr tc taste, |cr serv|uc
1. ur|uc a |arce oct c| sa|ted Water tc a bc||. Ccc| the soachett| tc
a| deute, abcut 8 a|uutes cr acccrd|uc tc oac|ace d|rect|cus.
2. MeauWh||e, |u a |arce s||||et, heat the c|| cver aed|ua heat. Add
the cu|cu, car||c, ha|| c| the bas||, aud a o|uch each c| sa|t aud
oeooer. Ccc|, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, uut|| traus|uceut, abcut S
a|uutes. Add the tcaatces aud the tcaatc sauce. ur|uc tc a
s|aaer Wh||e vcu brea| uo the tcaatces W|th the s|de c| a
soccu. s|aaer ceut|v |cr + a|uutes. seascu W|th sa|t aud
oeooer tc taste.
3. Dra|u the oasta aud o|ace |t |u a |arce serv|uc bcW|. |cur cver
the sauce aud add a|| but a haud|u| c| the bas||. 1css uut|| the
oasta |s We|| ccated W|th sauce. 1co W|th the reaa|u|uc chcooed
bas||, crated |ara|c|auc-kecc|auc, aud dr|ed red oeooer ||a|es.
so|cv rcasted brusse|s sorcuts
My tami|y knows that roastino is my tavorite way to
prepare 8russe|s sprouts (it's one ot my 1hanksoivino
specia|ties), so when my sister Lmi|y tound a version with
kimchi in a maoazine, she sent it straioht to me. kimchi, a
stap|e in the korean diet, is a de|icious, tanoy, termented
cabbaoe. It can be tound in we||-stocked orocery stores
and in korean markets. 1he t|avor ot the tinished dish
rea||y depends on the kimchi, so tind one you |ike.
It you don't |ike a |ot ot spice, just roast the 8russe|s
sprouts as directed here and |eave out the kimchi. Roasted
8russe|s sprouts on their own are both sweet and savory.
6 cuos urusse|s sorcuts, euds tr|aaed, ha|ved |eucthW|se
thrcuch ccre
3 tab|esoccus c||ve c||
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer
1 16-cuuce jar aed|ua-so|cv ||ach| W|th ju|ce
1. |reheat the cveu tc +2S|.
2. Ou a r|aaed ba||uc sheet, soread the urusse|s sorcuts. Dr|zz|e
cver the c|| aud seascu W|th sa|t aud oeooer. kcast, tcss|uc
cuce, uut|| the urusse|s sorcuts are brcWu aud teuder, 20 tc 2S
3. Add the ||ach| tc the urusse|s sorcuts aud ceut|v tcss tc
ccab|ue. keturu tc the cveu aud rcast uut|| the ||ach| |s heated
thrcuch, 1 tc 2 a|uutes. serve.
car||c creeu beaus
One ot my chores when I was a kid was to top and tai|
and remove the strinos trom the oreen beans we'd
harvested trom the oarden. 1he baskets ot tresh-picked
oreen beans sometimes seemed end|ess|y hioh and I otten
questioned why I had to oo to a|| that troub|e to remove
somethino as harm|ess as tops and tai|s. 1oday I
appreciate the simp|icity ot the task. I |ove tresh oreen
beans so much that I miss them terrib|y when they're out
ot season. You can cook the beans as |ono as you |ike: the
|onoer they cook, the sweeter they oet.
kcsher sa|t tc taste
1 ocuuds creeu beaus, tr|aaed aud ha|ved || |cuc
3 tab|esoccus uusa|ted butter
6 car||c c|cves, a|uced
1. |reoare a |arce bcW| c| |ce Water aud br|uc a |arce sauceoau c|
||cht|v sa|ted Water tc a bc||. Add the creeu beaus aud ccc| |cr
30 seccuds. Dra|u the beaus aud |aaed|ate|v subaerce thea |u
the |ce Water tc stco the ccc||uc. tet the beaus s|t |u the |ce
Water |cr a ccuo|e c| a|uutes, aud theu dra|u thcrcuch|v.
2. iu a |arce s||||et, heat the butter cver aed|ua-|cW heat. wheu
the butter has ae|ted, add the car||c aud ccc|, st|rr|uc
cccas|cua||v, uut|| sc|teued, 2 tc 3 a|uutes, dc uct |et the car||c
brcWu. st|r |u the creeu beaus aud ccc| ceut|v uut|| cr|so-
teuder, 10 tc 12 a|uutes, cr uut|| sc|ter tc the b|teth|s |s hcW i
|||e thea20 tc 2S a|uutes. ?cu Waut tc hear a ceut|e s|zz||uc
scuud as thev ccc|, but uc acre thau that. Add sa|t tc taste aud
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN |acino oreen
veoetab|es in boi|ino water tor |ess than a minute and then p|unoino
them into ice water-what protessiona|s ca|| b|anchino and shockino-
keeps them very oreen and pretty. You can skip this step it you don't
have time to wait tor the water to boi|.
braz|||au |ee|s
I think |eeks are underappreciated by most and even
intimidatino to some peop|e. 1hey are teatured in many
recipes and restaurant dishes as an aromatic base t|avor,
but unti| my 8razi|ian triend ao|o served them to me this
way, I'd never seen them as a proper side dish standino a||
on their own. 1hey are part ot the onion tami|y and, as
with onions, s|ow cookino wi|| brino out their natura|
suoars. atience is a rea| virtue here. Cook them too tast,
over heat that's too hioh, and they wi|| burn. S|ow, oent|e
heat wi|| produce me|tino|y sott and sweet |eeks that can
be twir|ed on a tork |ike spaohetti. I |ove these with beet
dishes such as Ii|ets Mionons with Sweet 8a|samic
Reduction or I|ank Steak with Lime Marinade.
+ |ee|s (Wh|te aud ||cht creeu oarts cu|v)
+ tc 6 tab|esoccus c||ve c||
tab|esoccu uusa|ted butter
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer tc taste
sWeet ua|saa|c keduct|cu (cot|cua|)
1. 1r|a the |ee|s aud cut thea |u ha|| |eucthW|se. kuu thea uuder
cc|d ruuu|uc Water, us|uc vcur ||ucers tc ceut|v ou|| coeu the
|avers tc r|use aWav the saud. sha|e the excess Water |rca the
|ee|s aud use a sharo |u||e tc th|u|v s||ce the |ee|s |eucthW|se
|utc |cuc, th|u str|os.
2. iu a |arce s||||et, heat the c|| aud butter cver |cW heat. wheu the
butter |s ae|ted, add the |ee|s. i| vcu cauuct add a|| the |ee|s at
cuce, add thea |u batches aud use tcucs tc ceut|v turu thea as
thev ccc|, br|uc|uc the |ee|s cu the bcttca c| the oau tc the tco
as thev reduce |u vc|uae tc aa|e acre rcca.
3. Ouce a|| c| the |ee|s have beeu added tc the oau, ccc| ceut|v,
st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, uut|| thev are sc|t eucuch tc be tW|r|ed cu a
|cr| |||e soachett|, 18 tc 20 a|uutes. Add a ||tt|e acre butter cr
c|| || uecessarv.
+. serve, dr|zz||uc a ||tt|e reduced ba|saa|c v|uecar cver each
ocrt|cu, || des|red.
brc||ed asoaracus
8roi|ed asparaous is the veoetab|e side dish I prepare most
otten when I'm throwino a bio dinner party because it's
sophisticated but quick and easy to make. Actua||y, I
prepare it as otten as I can, whether I'm havino a dinner
party or not, because it is my abso|ute tavorite veoetab|e.
I'd eat it tor breaktast, |unch, and dinner it I cou|d.
1he timino here depends on how thick the asparaous are
-they can be penci| thin or super thick. 1ust pierce them
with a knite: when it ooes in easi|y, they're ready to be
broi|ed to oet some nice, brown co|or.
2 buuches asoaracus (abcut 2 ocuuds), euds tr|aaed
1 tab|esoccu c||ve c||
kcsher sa|t tc taste
1. |cs|t|cu a rac| 6 |uches |rca the brc||er aud oreheat the cveu tc
2. ||ace the asoaracus cu a r|aaed ba||uc sheet. Add the c|| aud
tcss tc ccat. sor|u||e W|th 1 cr 2 o|uches c| sa|t. ua|e uut||
teuder Wheu o|erced W|th the oc|ut c| a |u||e, 10 tc 20 a|uutes,
deoeud|uc cu the th|c|uess. 1uru the brc||er tc h|ch aud brc||
uut|| brcWued |u socts, 3 tc + a|uutes. watch care|u||v sc the
asoaracus dcesu't buru. serve.
veoetab|es, but especia||y oreen ones, which is why I use them in so
many ot my recipes. Asparaous, 8russe|s sprouts, brocco|i, oreen
peppers, and, especia||y, |eaty oreens |ike spinach are packed with
antioxidants and tiber-and taste amazino.
oaraesau suaaer scuash
when I was a kid, my mom cooked squash a|| the time
because it orew (abundant|yl) in our oarden. I admit I had
to |earn to |ove it, and this is one ot the ways I |earned.
S|ow cookino and a touch ot armesan brino out the
natura| sweetness ot the squash. It's a|so beautitu|: the
oreen and ye||ow co|ors rea||y pop ott the p|ate.
2 tab|esoccus c||ve c||
1 saa|| Wh|te cu|cu, chcooed
2 aed|ua ve||cW suaaer scuash (abcut 1 ocuud), th|u|v s||ced
2 aed|ua zucch|u| (abcut 1 ocuud), th|u|v s||ced
teasoccu |csher sa|t, cr tc taste
Grcuud b|ac| oeooer tc taste
cuo crated |araesau cheese (abcut 1 cuuce)
1. iu a |arce s||||et W|th a t|cht-||tt|uc ||d, heat the c|| cver aed|ua
heat. Add the cu|cu aud ccc|, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, just uut||
teuder aud |racraut, abcut 3 a|uutes.
2. Add the suaaer scuash, zucch|u|, aud sa|t. it aav be uecessarv
tc |et scae c| the scuash aud zucch|u| ccc| dcWu a ||tt|e be|cre
vcu cau add a|| c| thea tc the oau. st|r We||, ccver, aud ccc| |cr
10 a|uutes, st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v. Chec| the texture. i| vcu ore|er
a ||tt|e acre ccc|ed, returu the oau tc the heat aud ccc|,
ccvered, |cr a |eW a|uutes |cucer.
3. keacve |rca the heat aud add sa|t tc taste aud severa| cr|ud|ucs
c| b|ac| oeooer. 1raus|er the scuash tc a serv|uc bcW| aud
sor|u||e the |araesau cu tco. serve.
ocrtcbe||c aushrccas
ortobe||o mushrooms are so meaty and t|avortu| that
many ot my veoetarian triends prepare and eat them the
way I do steak-throwino them on the ori|| and makino a
main course ot them. Ior my part, I'|| take the steak and
the portobe||os, idea||y prepared the way they are here:
cooked simp|y so that their natura| qua|ities can shine.
3 tab|esoccus uusa|ted butter cr c||ve c||, cr as ueeded |cr cr||||uc
+ |arce ocrtcbe||c aushrcca caos (abcut 12 cuuces), s||ced
|uch th|c|, cr oreoac|aced ocrtcbe||c s||ces
kcsher sa|t tc taste
1. i| saut|uc, |u a |arce s||||et heat the butter cr c|| cver aed|ua
heat. Add the aushrccas tc the oau aud ccc| uut|| ||cht|v
brcWued, 6 tc 8 a|uutes. |||o the s||ces cver aud brcWu the
cther s|de, 6 tc 8 a|uutes.
i| cr||||uc, sorav a cr||| crate cr cr||| oau W|th ccc||uc sorav cr
brush W|th c||ve c||. |reoare a aed|ua-h|ch cr||| cr o|ace the
cr||| oau cver aed|ua-h|ch heat. Add the aushrcca s||ces aud
cr||| uut|| sc|teued aud cr||| aar|s are c|ear|v v|s|b|e, + tc 6
a|uutes oer s|de.
2. sor|u||e W|th sa|t aud serve.
car||c aashed octatces
An e|ectric stand mixer makes mashed potatoes
danoerous|y easy to prepare. You may tind yourse|t eatino
them every niohtl 1ust be sure to |eave them a |itt|e
chunky: It you overmix them, they'|| become o|uey. I |ove
to eat these as a side with just about anythino, especia||y
Chicken Iried Steak with white Gravy. 1hey're so oood
that sometimes I even serve them as an appetizer,
spooned into cocktai| o|asses and topped with a sprink|ino
ot chopped tresh chives.
+ |arce russet octatces (abcut 3 ocuuds), oee|ed aud chcooed
|utc rcuch|v 2-|uch d|ce
2 tab|esoccus |csher sa|t
+ tab|esoccus ( st|c|) uusa|ted butter, cr acre tc taste
1 head car||c, c|cves oee|ed aud a|uced
cuo a|||, Waraed
Grcuud b|ac| oeooer tc taste
1. ||ace the octatces |u a |arce sauceoau. Add the sa|t aud cc|d
Water tc ccver bv 1 |uch. ur|uc tc a bc|| cver h|ch heat. keduce
the heat tc a ceut|e bc|| aud ccc| uut|| the octatces |a|| aoart
Wheu oc|ed W|th a |cr|, 10 tc 1S a|uutes. Dra|u the octatces
We|| aud traus|er thea tc the Wcr| bcW| c| au e|ectr|c staud
a|xer ||tted W|th the Wh|s| attachaeut.
2. MeauWh||e, ae|t 2 tab|esoccus c| the butter |u a s||||et cver
aed|ua-|cW heat. Add the car||c aud ccc| ceut|v, st|rr|uc
cccas|cua||v, uut|| sc|teued aud verv ||cht|v brcWued, 3 tc S
a|uutes. Add the car||c-butter a|xture tc the bcW| W|th the
octatces. Add the reaa|u|uc 2 tab|esoccus butter, the Wara
a|||, aud the oeooer. M|x cu aed|ua-|cW soeed uut|| creaav
but st||| chuu|v, uc acre thau 1 a|uute. Dc uct cvera|x cr the
octatces W||| beccae c|uev. serve.
veracruz ccru
One bite and you'|| know why this sweet and spicy corn is
one ot the most popu|ar dishes at my 8eso restaurants.
1he smoky Chipot|e Ao|i was created especia||y tor this
and it abso|ute|y makes the dish. You can pour it on heavy,
|ike they do at the restaurant, or pour it on |iohter, |ike I
do here, but don't skip itl 1he optiona| torti||a strips add
crunch and hett. 1o cook the corn, ori|| or boi| it.
+ ears c| ccru, hus|ed
Ccc||uc sorav, || us|uc the cr|||
1 teasoccu vecetab|e c||, o|us acre as ueeded
S ccru tcrt|||as, cut |utc -|uch s||ces (cot|cua|)
cuo ||ue|v chcooed red cu|cu
2 ja|aoecs, steaaed, seeded, aud ||ue|v chcooed
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer
2 tc + tab|esoccus Ch|oct|e A|c|| cr tc taste
1 cuo crated cr cruab|ed cuesc |rescc (abcut + cuuces)
1. i| cr||||uc the ccru, ccat the cr||| crate W|th ccc||uc sorav aud
oreoare a aed|ua-h|ch cr|||. urush the ccru W|th c|| aud o|ace |t
cu the cr|||. Ccc|, turu|uc, uut|| the ccru |s eveu|v ccc|ed aud
brcWued |u socts, S tc 7 a|uutes.
i| bc|||uc the ccru, br|uc a |arce oct c| Water tc a bc||. Add the
ccru, ccver, aud reacve |rca the heat. tet staud 3 tc S a|uutes.
Dra|u We||.
2. wheu the ccru |s ccc| eucuch tc haud|e, cut |t |rca the ccb aud
set as|de.
3. i| us|uc the tcrt|||as, ||ue a ba||uc sheet cr |arce o|ate W|th oaoer
tcWe|s. iu a |arce s||||et, heat 1 cuo c| the vecetab|e c|| cver
aed|ua-h|ch heat uut|| sh|aaerv aud hct but uct sac||uc. Add
a haud|u| cr tWc c| tcrt|||a str|osthev cau be tcuch|uc but uct
cver|aoo|ucaud |rv just uut|| ||cht|v brcWued arcuud the
edces, abcut +S seccuds. 1raus|er the str|os tc the oaoer tcWe|-
||ued ba||uc sheet, tcss|uc aud acv|uc thea arcuud sc thev
ta|e cu scu|cc|v shaoes as thev ccc| aud hardeu. Ccut|uue |u
batches uut|| a|| the tcrt|||a str|os are |r|ed, add|uc acre c|| tc
the oau || uecessarv. set as|de.
+. iu a saa||, ore|erab|v cveuorcc|, s||||et, heat 1 teasoccu c| the
c|| cver aed|ua heat. Add the cu|cu aud ja|aoec aud ccc|,
st|rr|uc cccas|cua||v, uut|| sc|teued aud |racraut, 2 tc 3 a|uutes.
Add the ccru aud tcrt|||as, || us|uc, aud tcss uut|| Waraed
thrcuch. Add a o|uch each c| sa|t aud oeooer, cr tc taste. i|
uecessarv, traus|er tc a saa||, cveuorcc| d|sh.
S. Dr|zz|e the a|c|| cu tco aud sor|u||e W|th the cheese.
6. ||ace au cveu rac| 6 |uches |rca the brc||er aud turu the brc||er
tc h|ch. ||ace the s||||et cr d|sh uuder the brc||er aud ccc| uut||
brcWued aud bubb||uc, abcut S a|uutes. watch care|u||v sc |t
dces uct buru. serve.
OuLSO IRLSCO Oueso tresco, or tresh cheese, is a mi|d,
sa|ty cheese used wide|y in Mexican cookino. It has a crumb|y
texture: some brands are more easi|y crumb|ed with your hands than
orated. Sprink|ed over hot tood, it sottens beautitu||y and becomes
creamy rather than strinoy, |ike some other cheeses. Oueso tresco is
wide|y avai|ab|e, and orocery stores that se|| a wide se|ection ot Latin
tood wi|| usua||y have at |east a coup|e ot brands to choose trom. 1ry
a tew to tind one you |ike: my tavorite brand is Cacique Ranchero.
1ioht|y wrapped, queso tresco wi|| |ast up to 2 weeks in the
|r|ed o|auta|us
1his is the best way I know to prepare ripe p|antains, a
c|assic Caribbean dish that is served with Crock-ot Cuban
Ropa vieja. Ripe p|antains are so sweet that they can
actua||y be prepared this way and served over vani||a ice
cream. 8ut don't |et that sweetness intimidate you. Sweet
otten comp|ements savory, and these are especia||y
wondertu| with hearty stews and ori||ed red meat. It the
p|antains are very mushy, they'|| need to be s|iced thicker
and wi|| cook taster because they have more suoars, which
carame|ize rea||y quick|y in the hot oi|.
S extreae|v r|oe o|auta|us (oee|s shcu|d be b|ac| W|th uc ve||cW
cuo vecetab|e c||, cr as ueeded
kcsher sa|t tc taste
1. wcr||uc W|th cue o|auta|u at a t|ae, use a sharo |u||e tc cut c||
bcth euds. kuu the t|o c| the |u||e dcWu the |u|| |eucth c| the
o|auta|u 2 cr 3 t|aes, cutt|uc thrcuch the th|c| s||u but uct |utc
the o|auta|u. wcr| the oee| c|| W|th vcur hauds. keoeat W|th the
reaa|u|uc o|auta|us. s||ce the oee|ed o|auta|us at a d|accua| |utc
th|c| s||ces.
2. t|ue a ba||uc sheet cr |arce o|atter W|th oaoer tcWe|s. iu a |arce
s||||et, heat the c|| cver aed|ua heat uut|| sh|aaerv aud hct but
uct sac||uc. Add as aauv o|auta|u s||ces as W||| ||t W|thcut
crcWd|uc aud ccc| uut|| brcWued, 3 tc + a|uutes. Adjust the
heat as uecessarv sc the c|| |s bubb||uc haoo||v arcuud the s||ces.
1uru the s||ces cver aud ccc| uut|| brcWued cu the cther s|de, 3
tc + a|uutes. 1raus|er tc the oaoer tcWe|s tc dra|u, aud
|aaed|ate|v sor|u||e W|th sa|t tc taste. keoeat W|th the
reaa|u|uc s||ces uut|| a|| are ccc|ed aud sa|ted, add|uc acre c||
tc the oau as ueeded. serve hct.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN It can be hard to tind
b|ack p|antains at the store, since once they're b|ack, they're so ripe
that they don't have much she|t |ite |ett. It's better to buy them
when they're sti|| a |itt|e ye||ow and |et them tinish ripenino at home.
|acino them in a paper bao wi|| speed up the process.
ecco|aut oaraesau
I tirst |earned this dish tor my oood triend Lake 8e||, a
veoetarian I rea||y wanted to have over tor dinner. when I
don't have veoetarians at the tab|e, I serve this as a side
dish, but even my meat-|ovino triends |ike it so much that
sometimes they make it their who|e dinner with a sa|ad ot
romaine |ettuce and Grey Moss Inn white Irench Dressino.
cuo vecetab|e c||, cr as ueeded
1 |arce ecco|aut (abcut 1 ocuuds)
2 |arce eccs
cuo ita||au-stv|e drv bread cruabs
1 cuos crated |araesau cheese
+ cuos uee| uc|ccuese cr 1 26-cuuce jar stcre-bcucht bc|ccuese
cr aar|uara
8 cuuces aczzare||a cheese, th|u|v s||ced
1. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. t|cht|v brush cr sorav a 9 13-|uch
ba||uc d|sh W|th vecetab|e c||.
2. wash the ecco|aut, but dc uct oee| |t. Cut |t crcssW|se |u -|uch-
th|c| s||ces. iu a sha||cW d|sh cr o|e o|ate, ||cht|v beat the eccs.
iu aucther sha||cW d|sh cr o|e o|ate, ccab|ue the bread cruabs
W|th cuo |araesau cheese, aud st|r W|th a |cr| uut|| We||
3. wcr||uc W|th cue ecco|aut s||ce at a t|ae, ccat |t cu bcth s|des
W|th the ecc aud a||cW the excess tc dr|o c||. ||ace |t |u the
bread cruabs, aud ccat cu bcth s|des. 1raus|er tc a o|atter cr
ba||uc sheet.
+. t|ue a ba||uc sheet W|th oaoer tcWe|s. iu a |arce s||||et, heat 2
tab|esoccus c| the c|| cver aed|ua-h|ch heat uut|| sh|aaerv
aud hct but uct sac||uc. Add as aauv s||ces c| ecco|aut as cau
||t |u a s|uc|e |aver, dc uct crcWd the oau. Ccc| uut|| cc|deu
brcWu aud cr|so cu bcth s|des, 1 tc 2 a|uutes oer s|de. 1raus|er
the ecco|aut s||ces tc the oreoared ba||uc sheet. keoeat W|th the
reaa|u|uc s||ces, add|uc acre c|| as ueeded.
S. MeauWh||e, ocur the uc|ccuese |u a saa|| sauceoau, || us|uc
jarred sauce, add a ||tt|e Water tc the jar. C|cse the jar aud sha|e
|t tc |ccseu the sauce stuc| tc the s|des c| the jar. Add the Water
tc the sauceoau. Over aed|ua heat br|uc the sauce just tc
bc|||uc. Ccver, set as|de, aud |eeo Wara.
6. Arrauce ha|| c| the ecco|aut s||ces a|cuc the bcttca c| the
oreoared ba||uc d|sh. 1co the ecco|aut W|th ha|| c| the Wara
sauce. Arrauce ha|| c| the aczzare||a s||ces cu tco aud sor|u||e
W|th ha|| c| the reaa|u|uc |araesau cheese. Arrauce the
reaa|u|uc ecco|aut s||ces cver the cheese. Ccver W|th the
reaa|u|uc aeat sauce, aczzare||a, aud |araesau.
7. ua|e, uuccvered, uut|| the cheese |s ae|ted aud s||cht|v brcWued,
2S tc 30 a|uutes. tet staud S a|uutes be|cre serv|uc.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN Ior a pretty
presentation, set aside ha|t ot the most unitorm|y sized eoop|ant
s|ices tor the top |ayer. use the rest tor the bottom |ayer that no one
can see.
A LOvL LL11LR One ot my oreatest joys is a beautitu| and
we||-oroanized produce section, where everythino is in its p|ace,
tresh, and easy to tind. I'd |ike to take a moment to write a |ove
|etter to a|| the orocery store manaoers who oversee these
wondertu| produce sections. I am extreme|y oratetu| when a|| the
sions are correct and readab|e so that when I am searchino tor an
untami|iar inoredient, I can tind it easi|y. I know that others have had
an experience |ike I did the tirst time I went to the store to buy
rhubarb to make a Strawberry Rhubarb ie. 8eino trom 1exas, I had
no idea what rhubarb |ooked |ike or where to beoin to search tor it in
the produce section. I didn't know whether it was a truit or a
veoetab|e: bio or sma||: oreen, pink, or b|uel In the end, I simp|y
asked a c|erk, which is somethino I enthusiastica||y encouraoe you to
do. Don't be atraid to askl 1hose peop|e |urkino by the |emons are
there to he|p. 1hey not on|y know where thinos are, they shou|d a|so
know what's in the back waitino to be brouoht out and what they've
ordered tor tomorrow. I am rare|y more trustrated than when I come
into a store where the produce section is in disarray and the to|ks
workino there seem as contused as the customers sure|y are. |ease,
conscientious produce manaoers everywhere, remember that the
produce in the store was orown and harvested by human beinos, and
it's vita| to treat this tood with a respect worthy ot the hard |abor
that made it possib|e.
dressinos 8 sauces
In my tami|y, no one wou|d ever consider
buyino somethino that cou|d be easi|y and
inexpensive|y made at home. I sti|| remember
my orandmother tossino tooether oreen
sa|ads with nothino more than some
veoetab|e oi|, white vineoar, and maybe a
|itt|e sa|t. I a|so remember that my abue|a's
sa|ads were the best I ever tasted. when I
|earned how to make my own dressinos at
home, I tioured out that, especia||y when I
expanded beyond p|ain veoetab|e oi| and
white vineoar, they tasted much better than
anythino I cou|d buy. 8est yet, they store
rea||y we||, so you can make a batch tor your
sa|ad one nioht and then save the rest in the
retrioerator to use a|| week |ono on tossed
sa|ads or to marinate meat.
Sauces, on the other hand, were not part ot
our tood cu|ture. My dad wou|dn't even a||ow
us to have ketchup on trench triesl I spent
years as an adu|t be|ievino that sauces were
universa||y heavy and diminished the t|avor ot
whatever they were served with.
whi|e trave|ino and eatino throuoh Lurope,
however, I |earned that rather than mask
t|avor, oood sauces can actua||y brino out the
taste ot the tood they're served with. Over
time I've discovered or deve|oped the recipes
in this chapter. 1hey otter oreat t|avor and,
just as important, versati|ity. 1hey can be
served with veoetab|es, tish, pou|try, or meat.
And whi|e I haven't embraced soakino a|| my
tood in sauce, I now happi|y prepare and
enjoy many sauces-and eat ketchup with my
ba|saa|c v|ua|crette
|eacu car||c dress|uc
crev acss |uu Wh|te |reuch dress|uc
buttera||| dress|uc
ch|oct|e a|c||
stea| cr||| sauce
bbc sauce
sWeet ba|saa|c reduct|cu
c|trus-car||c sauce
|eacu butter sauce
sh||ta|e-W|ue sauce
ba|saa|c v|ua|crette
1his vinaiorette is exce||ent on just about any oreen sa|ad.
I especia||y |ike it on butterhead |ettuce, oak |eat, and
other de|icate oreens. Sweet-and-tanoy ba|samic vineoar is
the star here, so choose one that is oood qua|ity.
MAkLS A8Ou1 1 Cu
6 tab|esoccus ba|saa|c v|uecar
2 saa|| sha||cts, ||ue|v a|uced
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer tc taste
cuo extra-v|rc|u c||ve c||
1. iu a saa|| bcW|, Wh|s| tccether the v|uecar, sha||cts, sa|t, aud
oeooer. wh|s||uc ccustaut|v, add the c|| |u a s|cW, steadv streaa
aud ccut|uue tc Wh|s| uut|| We|| b|euded.
2. use at cuce cr stcre |u a t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uer |u the
re|r|ceratcr |cr uo tc 1 Wee|.
|eacu car||c dress|uc
Iew inoredients awaken the taste buds the way tresh
|emon does. 1his dressino has a c|ean, pure t|avor pertect|y
suited to a |ioht sa|ad ot tossed oreens. It may a|so have
some maoica| qua|ities-it's the one dressino that oets my
nieces to eat sa|adl It can a|so be used as a marinade tor
ori||ed chicken, shrimp, or pork.
MAkLS A8Ou1 1v CuS
1u|ce c| + saa|| |eacus (abcut cuo)
2 teasoccus d|st|||ed Wh|te v|uecar
2 teasoccus D|jcu austard
2 car||c c|cves, a|uced
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer tc taste
cuo extra-v|rc|u c||ve c||
1. iu a aed|ua a|x|uc bcW|, Wh|s| tccether the |eacu ju|ce,
v|uecar, austard, car||c, sa|t, aud oeooer uut|| We|| b|euded.
wh|s||uc ccustaut|v, add the c|| |u a s|cW, steadv streaa aud
ccut|uue tc Wh|s| uut|| We|| b|euded.
2. use at cuce cr stcre |u a t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uer |u the
re|r|ceratcr |cr uo tc 1 Wee|.
crev acss |uu Wh|te |reuch
I am |ucky to |ive near the Grey Moss Inn, one ot the most
beautitu| restaurants in San Antonio, which a|so has the
most amazino wine |ist in the area. I |ove to eat there
whenever I can, and this dressino is one ot the reasons.
Atter tastino it the tirst time, I once aoain tound myse|t in
a restaurant kitchen askino tor the recipe. 1he chet
oracious|y aoreed. 1ry it tossed with tender romaine
hearts, or spoon over asparaous, tomatoes, or steamed
oreen beans.
MAkLS A8Ou1 1 CuS
1 |arce Wh|te cu|cu, oee|ed aud cuartered
6 saa|| car||c c|cves
cuo aavcuua|se
1u|ce |rca 2 ||aes (abcut cuo ju|ce)
3 tab|esoccus red W|ue v|uecar
teasoccu |csher sa|t
teasoccu crcuud Wh|te oeooer
1. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| a |ccd orccesscr, o|ace the cu|cu aud car||c.
|rccess uut|| oureed, scrao|uc dcWu the s|des c| the Wcr| bcW|
cuce cr tW|ce. 1raus|er tc a aed|ua a|x|uc bcW| aud add the
aavcuua|se, ||ae ju|ce, v|uecar, sa|t, aud oeooer. wh|s|
tccether uut|| thcrcuch|v b|euded.
2. use at cuce cr stcre |u a t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uer |u the
re|r|ceratcr |cr uo tc 1 Wee|.
buttera||| dress|uc
1his sweet, herby dressino has oreat texture and bo|d
t|avors, and it's de|icious with hardier oreens such as baby
spinach and romaine. It's a|so exce||ent as a sandwich
condiment and drizz|ed over ori||ed chicken.
MAkLS A8Ou1 2 CuS
cuo extra-v|rc|u c||ve c||
cuo reduced-|at aavcuua|se
cuo buttera|||
2 tab|esoccus cra|uv austard, such as acutarde de Meaux
2 tab|esoccus red W|ue v|uecar
1 teasoccu sucar
2 tab|esoccus caoers, r|used aud chcooed
2 tab|esoccus a|uced sha||cts
2 teasoccus chcooed |resh crecauc
1 teasoccu chcooed |resh bas||
1 teasoccu chcooed |resh tarraccu
kcsher sa|t tc taste
uct red oeooer sauce tc taste
1. iu a aed|ua a|x|uc bcW|, Wh|s| tccether the c||ve c||,
aavcuua|se, buttera|||, austard, v|uecar, sucar, caoers,
sha||cts, crecauc, bas||, aud tarraccu uut|| We|| b|euded. Add
|csher sa|t aud red oeooer sauce tc taste.
2. use at cuce cr stcre |u a t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uer |u the
re|r|ceratcr |cr uo tc 1 Wee|.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN 1o store tresh herbs,
p|ace them in a zip-top p|astic bao with a damp paper towe|. Sea| the
top and p|ace in the crisper drawer in the retrioerator. 1he dampness
wi|| he|p keep them tresh |onoer.
ch|oct|e a|c||
Chipot|es in adobo are smoked ja|apeos in seasoned
tomato sauce so|d in cans avai|ab|e at most orocery stores.
when you make this, it |ooks |ike it won't work with such a
sma|| amount in the tood processor, but once the oi| is
added it wi|| come tooether. Most important is that you
add the oi| very s|ow|y, just a tew drops at tirst. It too
much ooes in at once, the sauce wi|| separate into a o|oppy
mess and you'|| have to start a|| over aoain. 1his smoky
ao|i is we|| worth the ettort: 1he heaven|y veraCruz Corn
depends on it. And drizz|e it over the I|autas in p|ace ot
the tomati||o-avocado sauce.
MAkLS A8Ou1 v Cu
1 |arce ecc vc||
1 teasoccu D|jcu austard
2 teasoccus |resh |eacu ju|ce
1 saa|| car||c c|cve, a|uced
cuo cauc|a c||
2 teasoccus a|uced ch|oct|e |u adcbc sauce
kcsher sa|t tc taste
1. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| a |ccd orccesscr, o|ace the ecc vc||,
austard, |eacu ju|ce, aud car||c. |rccess uut|| b|euded. w|th the
|ccd orccesscr ruuu|uc, add the c|| just a |eW drcos at a t|ae.
wheu the a|xture bec|us tc reseab|e aavcuua|se (th|s W||| ta|e
a Wh||e because vcu're add|uc the c|| sc s|cW|v), ocur |u the
reaa|u|uc c|| |u a verv ||ue, s|cW streaa.
2. i| aa||uc the a|c|| tc be dr|zz|ed cver veraCruz ccru cr a sa|ad,
th|u |t || uecessarv bv add|uc Water 1 tab|esoccu at a t|ae uut|| |t
|s ocurab|e. i| us|uc as a ccud|aeut tc be soread cr dc||coed, |t
aav uct ueed auv th|uu|uc.
3. Add the ch|oct|e aud orccess uut|| We|| b|euded. Add severa|
o|uches c| sa|t tc taste. use at cuce cr stcre |u a t|cht|v ccvered
ccuta|uer |u the re|r|ceratcr |cr 2 tc 3 davs.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN It's unusua| to use a
tu|| can ot chipot|e in adobo in a sino|e recipe, but |eavino them in the
can in the tridoe tor too |ono can impart an unp|easant meta||ic taste.
1o store the chipot|es in adobo, p|ace one or two chipot|es and a
spoontu| ot sauce in a snack-size zip-top bao and store in the treezer.
1his makes it easy to pu|| out on|y as much as you need, when you
need it.
stea| cr||| sauce
1hese are inoredients I a|ways have on hand, so this ori||
sauce is easy to pu|| tooether in just a tew minutes to add
|uscious t|avor to ori||ed steak or ribs. when I have a |itt|e
more time, I make it an hour or two in advance and use
ha|t to marinate the meat betore ori||ino and the other ha|t
to brush on whi|e ori||ino.
/8 Cu
cuo c||ve c||
2 tab|esoccus wcrcestersh|re sauce
2 tab|esoccus scv sauce
2 tab|esoccus |etchuo
teasoccu sucar
teasoccu |csher sa|t
1. iu a saa|| bcW|, Wh|s| tccether the c||, wcrcestersh|re sauce,
scv sauce, |etchuo, sucar, aud sa|t. urush cu stea|s |recueut|v
dur|uc cr||||uc.
2. use at cuce cr stcre |u the re|r|ceratcr |u a t|cht|v ccvered
ccuta|uer |cr uo tc 1 Wee|.
bbc sauce
My sister Lsmera|da uses this on her exce||ent 88O Chicken
izza, and it's a|so oood brushed on buroers on the ori||.
Dried barbecue seasonino can be tound in the spice ais|e at
the orocery store.
MAkLS A8Ou1 v Cu
cuo |etchuo
1 teasoccu d|st|||ed v|uecar
1 car||c c|cve, oressed, cr teasoccu car||c ocWder
1 tab|esoccus barbecue seascu|uc
1. iu a saa|| a|x|uc bcW|, o|ace the |etchuo, v|uecar, car||c, aud
barbecue seascu|uc. st|r uut|| verv We|| ccab|ued.
2. use at cuce cr stcre |u the re|r|ceratcr |u a t|cht|v ccvered
ccuta|uer |cr uo tc 1 Wee|.
sWeet ba|saa|c reduct|cu
1his makes a wondertu| sweet-tart condiment with
carame|ized, a|most mo|asses, undertones. It |asts tor at
|east two weeks in the tridoe and is amazino drizz|ed over
creamy, mi|d inoredients such as avocado s|ices or sott
ooat cheese spread on crackers. It's especia||y oood over
ti|et mionon and 8razi|ian Leeks, which in tact oo
beautitu||y tooether.
cuo cccd-cua||tv ba|saa|c v|uecar
S teasoccus sucar
1. iu a saa|| sauceoau, o|ace the ba|saa|c v|uecar aud the sucar.
ueat cver aed|ua-|cW heat aud st|r uut|| the sucar |s d|ssc|ved.
ur|uc tc a s|aaer aud s|aaer uut|| the v|uecar |s reduced tc 3
tc + tab|esoccus, |s the ccus|steucv c| Waraed hcuev, aud has a
r|ch, caraae||zed sWeet-tart ||avcr, abcut 10 a|uutes.
2. serve Wara cr at rcca teaoerature. stcre |u a t|cht|v ccvered
ccuta|uer |u the re|r|ceratcr |cr uo tc 2 Wee|s.
c|trus-car||c sauce
1his tabu|ous citrus sauce comes tooether in minutes. It is
an e|eoant addition that briohtens any tish dish, or try it on
chicken cut|ets.
MAkLS A8Ou1 v Cu
3 tab|esoccus uusa|ted butter
+ car||c c|cves, a|uced
Grated zest |rca 1 |eacu
Grated zest |rca 1 ||ae
1u|ce |rca 2 saa|| |eacus (abcut + tab|esoccus)
1u|ce |rca 1 ||ae (abcut 2 tab|esoccus)
kcsher sa|t tc taste
3 tab|esoccus chcooed |resh bas||
1. iu a saa|| s||||et cver aed|ua heat, ae|t the butter. Add the
car||c aud ccc|, st|rr|uc, uut|| |racraut, abcut 30 seccuds.
2. Add the |eacu aud ||ae zest aud ju|ce aud a o|uch c| sa|t. Ccc|
|cr 1 tc 2 a|uutes.
3. Add the bas|| aud ccc| |cr 1 a|uute. keacve |rca the heat aud
serve cver ||sh cr ch|c|eu.
|eacu butter sauce
I tasted this sauce tor the tirst time in Normandy, Irance.
It was served over Dover so|e and atter I'd eaten it I made
my way direct|y to the tiny kitchen. 1here the chet ratt|ed
ott the recipe in rapid Irench whi|e I trantica||y scribb|ed
whatever I cou|d understand and asked him questions in
my pioeon Irench. I did, at |east, orasp that success
depends on usino very co|d Normandy or Luropean butter-
be|ieve me, I've tried it with ordinary supermarket butter
and it's not at a|| the same. 1his is as oood over de|icate
t|at tish as it is over richer sa|mon.
MAkLS A8Ou1 v Cu
2 tab|esoccus |resh |eacu ju|ce (|rca 1 saa|| |eacu)
8 tab|esoccus cc|d, uusa|ted ucraaudv butter, cut |utc 8 ecua|
1. iu a saa|| s||||et, ocur the |eacu ju|ce aud br|uc tc a bc|| cver
aed|ua heat. wh|s||uc ccustaut|v, add the cc|d butter 1
tab|esoccu at a t|ae. Ma|e sure the butter |s verv cc|d Wheu
added aud |u||v ae|ted be|cre add|uc the uext tab|esoccu cr e|se
the sauce W||| s|ao|v seoarate |utc o|a|u ae|ted butter.
2. wheu a|| the butter |s |uccrocrated, turu c|| the heat aud ocur
|utc a c|ass aeasur|uc cuo cr cravv bcat.
3. serve Wara.
sh||ta|e-W|ue sauce
1his intense wine sauce is de|icious and pours |uscious|y. I
think up excuses to serve this as otten as I can, on chicken,
ti|et mionon, or steak. 1his is the one sauce that I rea||y
|ove to eat in abundance, so this recipe makes a oenerous
amount-spoon a |itt|e on top ot each servino and pass the
rest at the tab|e.
MAkLS A8Ou1 2 CuS
1 tab|esoccu uusa|ted butter
2 tab|esoccus c||ve c||
ocuud |resh sh||ta|e aushrccas, steas reacved, caos th|u|v
2 |arce sha||cts (abcut + cuuces), ||ue|v chcooed
kcsher sa|t aud crcuud b|ac| oeooer
1 cuos drv red W|ue
1 cuos uee| urcth cr stcre-bcucht |cW-scd|ua bee| brcth
1 tab|esoccu |cW-scd|ua scv sauce
1 tab|esoccu wcrcestersh|re sauce
2 teasoccus ccrustarch
1 tab|esoccu chcooed |resh thvae |eaves
1. iu a ucust|c| s||||et cver aed|ua heat, ae|t the butter aud add
the c||. Add the sh||ta|es, sha||cts, aud a o|uch each c| sa|t aud
oeooer. Ccc|, st|rr|uc, uut|| sc|teued, abcut + a|uutes.
2. Add 1 cuo c| the W|ue aud cuo c| the bee| brcth aud br|uc tc
a bc||. keduce the heat aud s|aaer |cr S a|uutes, st|rr|uc c|teu.
3. use a s|ctted soccu tc traus|er the aushrccas tc a saa|| bcW|.
iucrease the heat tc h|ch aud bc|| the W|ue a|xture uut|| reduced
tc cuo, 10 tc 1S a|uutes.
+. iu a saa|| bcW| ccab|ue the scv sauce, wcrcestersh|re, aud
ccrustarch. st|r We|| uut|| the ccrustarch has d|ssc|ved. |cur |utc
the W|ue a|xture a|cuc W|th the reaa|u|uc cuo W|ue aud
cuo bee| brcth. ur|uc tc a bc|| aud s|aaer |cr 3 a|uutes.
S. keturu the aushrccas tc the s||||et a|cuc W|th the chcooed
thvae aud bc|| |cr 1 a|uute, st|rr|uc ccustaut|v, uut|| the W|ue
a|xture has th|c|eued. keacve |rca the heat aud serve.
6. stcre |u a t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uer |u the re|r|ceratcr |cr uo tc 1
torti||as, biscuits 8 quick
1orti||as were to my Mexican-American tami|y
what sandwich bread is to most other
American tami|ies: indispensab|e. 8etore
schoo| I cauoht the bus in tront ot Aunt Ldna's
house. Lvery mornino she made tresh t|our
torti||as and spread butter on them tor us to
take on the bus to schoo|. You can imaoine
the ridicu|e I endured as one ot the on|y
Mexicans attendino the schoo|, jumpino on
the bus with a torti||a in her hand. I mioht as
we|| have been wearino a sombrerol 8ut it
didn't matter to me. 1hose torti||as were the
reason I oot out ot bed in the mornino. 1o this
day my mouth waters just thinkino about
1he truth is that Aunt Ldna made the best
torti||as in the tami|y, a|thouoh she never had
the satistaction ot hearino us say it out |oud
because my other aunts and my mom wou|d
have been too madl 8ut we a|| knew it, and I
beooed her to show me how to make them.
Lven today, I |ove makino Aunt Ldna's
uomemade I|our 1orti||as tor my tami|y and
triends. Lveryone |oves theml
1he other torti||a recipe in this chapter is tor
Corn 1orti||as, a more endurino tradition than
even Aunt Ldna's t|our torti||as. Corn torti||as
predate the arriva| ot Luropeans to the New
wor|d by thousands ot years.
1his chapter is rounded out by a handtu| ot
time|ess c|assics ot more recent orioin. No
Southern cook's recipe box is comp|ete
without dependab|e recipes tor both biscuits
and corn bread.
Iina||y, in a house |ike mine where nothino
ever went to waste, sometimes the
intoxicatino sme|| ot sweet bread bakino in
the oven wou|d te|| us that a bunch ot
bananas had turned too brown or the crop ot
pumpkins had overwhe|med our pantry.
auut edua's hcaeaade ||cur tcrt|||as
ccru tcrt|||as
auut e|sa's buttera||| b|scu|ts
bauaua bread
ouao||u bread
ccru bread
auut edua's hcaeaade ||cur
1here are as many ditterent sty|es ot torti||as as there are
reoions in the parts ot the wor|d where they are eaten. I
make torti||as |ike the ones I orew up eatino in my Aunt
Ldna's kitchen in 1exas: thick, t|utty, and addictivel 1his
douoh can be used to make them any way you |ike: sma||
or |aroe, thick or thin. with practice, you'|| oet more
etticient and turn into a one-person assemb|y |ine: cookino
one torti||a whi|e you ro|| out another.
Nothino is better to sop up the creamy oravy ot Aunt
Didi's Carne Guisada. Or eat them warm, straioht ott the
coma| (a t|at oridd|e) and spread with butter. I sti|| |ove
them tor breaktast, these days usua||y with beans ro||ed up
2 cuos a||-ourocse ||cur, o|us acre |cr |uead|uc aud rc|||uc
1 teasoccu tab|e sa|t
1 teasoccu ba||uc ocWder
cuo vecetab|e shcrteu|uc, cc|d aud cut uo |utc o|eces
cuo hct Water, o|us acre as ueeded
1. iu a |arce a|x|uc bcW|, o|ace the ||cur, sa|t, aud ba||uc ocWder.
wh|s| tccether uut|| We|| b|euded. Add the shcrteu|uc aud use
vcur ||ucers cr a oastrv b|euder tc cut |t |utc the ||cur uut|| the
a|xture reseab|es ccarse aea|.
2. s|cW|v add the Water, a|x|uc |t |u W|th vcur ||ucers a ||tt|e at a
t|ae. 1uru the dcuch cut cutc a sur|ace aud |uead uut|| sc|t, 3
tc + a|uutes. ||ace the dcuch |u a c|eau, |arce bcW|, ccver W|th
a tcWe|, aud |et rest |cr 20 a|uutes.
3. D|v|de the dcuch |utc ecua| ocrt|cus aud rc|| each ocrt|cu |utc a
ba||. ||ace the ba||s cu a ba||uc sheet cr o|atter, ccver W|th a
tcWe|, aud |et rest 20 a|uutes.
+. Ou a ||cht|v ||cured sur|ace, use a rc|||uc o|u (oa|cta) tc rc|| cue
ba|| at a t|ae |utc au eveu|v th|c| rcuud, rc|| |t tc abcut
/8 |uch
th|c| |cr th|c|, cheWv tcrt|||as cr as th|u as vcu |||e. it |s acre
|aocrtaut that the rcuud be eveu|v th|c| thau a oer|ect c|rc|e, but
there |s a cccd aethcd tc cett|uc a cccd, rcuud shaoe. ||ace
the ba|| cu the ||cht|v ||cured sur|ace |u |rcut c| vcu aud ||atteu |t
s||cht|v W|th vcur oa|a cr the rc|||uc o|u. ||ace vcur rc|||uc o|u
at the ceuter c| the rcuud aud rc|| cuce stra|cht uo aud theu
stra|cht dcWu. Dc uct a||cW vcur rc|||uc o|u tc rc|| r|cht c|| the
edces, just rc|| uo tc the edces, uct c|| thea. t||t the rcuud aud
c|ve |t a cuarter turu. keoeat the rc|||uc aud cuarter turu|uc uut||
the rcuud |s the des|red s|ze aud th|c|uess. ||ace the rc||ed-cut
tcrt|||a cu a ba||uc sheet cr |arce o|atter aud ccver W|th a daao
c|cth Wh||e vcu rc|| cut the reaa|u|uc tcrt|||as. Ouce vcu have
the hauc c| |t, vcu'|| be ab|e tc rc|| aud ccc| at the saae t|ae.
S. ueat a ccaa| cver aed|ua heat uut|| hct. ||ace a tcrt|||a cu the
ccaa| aud ccc| uut|| the uuders|de |s brcWu |u socts, the tcrt|||a
has r|seu s||cht|v, aud the sur|ace |s dctted W|th a|r bubb|es, 1 tc
1 a|uutes. |||o the tcrt|||a aud ccc| uut|| that s|de |s brcWued
|u socts (usua||v Where the bubb|es Were), 1 tc 1 a|uutes. |cr
best resu|ts, dc uct |||o the tcrt|||a acre thau cuce. 1raus|er the
tcrt|||a tc a tcrt|||a Waraer cr o|ace cu a o|atter aud ccver W|th a
c|cth uao||u Wh||e vcu ccc| the reaa|u|uc tcrt|||as. serve Wara.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN 1ry to t|ip t|our and
corn torti||as on|y once: t|ippino them back and torth makes the
torti||as touoh. - wrapped tioht|y, t|our torti||as can be stored tor
severa| days in the retrioerator. Reheat them on the coma| just
betore servino.
wARMLR A torti||a press is essentia| tor makino Corn 1orti||as
and 1ostones. It is made trom two round, heavy p|ates. One sits
so|id|y on the counter and the other, attached to the tirst by a hinoe,
is pushed down over the tirst usino the |everaoe ot the hand|e. It's a
beautitu||y simp|e desion that hasn't been improved by the
introduction ot new techno|ooies or materia|s. 8uy the heaviest one
you can tind: I |ike cast iron. 1he weioht he|ps do the pressino tor
you. Don't buy nonstick or e|ectric presses. 8e sure to |ine both sides
ot the press with wax paper or p|astic wrap or the torti||a wi|| stick to
it. 1orti||a presses can not on|y be tound at kitchen supp|y retai|ers,
department stores, and on|ine, but they can a|so otten be tound tor
ha|t the price in orocery stores caterino to a Latin c|iente|e.
A coma| is a t|at, heavy oridd|e-aoain, I preter cast iron-crucia|
tor cookino torti||as. 1hey are wide|y avai|ab|e at bio box and
department stores and we|| worth their very reasonab|e price.
1hey're sturdy enouoh to |ast decades and are oreat tor searino
meat and makino quesadi||as, panini, and ori||ed cheese.
un|ike the torti||a press and coma|, a |idded torti||a warmer is not
crucia| tor producino the most successtu| torti||as possib|e. You can
certain|y p|ace cooked, warm torti||as on a p|atter and cover them
with a c|ean, c|oth napkin or pretty kitchen towe|. 8ut torti||a
warmers are tun and otten beautitu|. I |ove to co||ect them, in tact,
and have a |aroe assortment ot warmers made trom c|oth, ceramic,
terra-cotta, and porce|ain. I |ove to present everythino I serve in an
attractive way, and torti||a warmers |ook |ove|y on the tab|e whi|e
actua||y doino the usetu| job ot keepino my tresh torti||as moist and
ccru tcrt|||as
1he corn torti||a was tirst made many thousands ot years
aoo. 1oday it usua||y beoins with masa harina, a powdery
mea| made trom tresh corn douoh that has been dried and
oround to a powder. Iu|| ot sweet and earthy corn t|avor,
homemade corn torti||as are very ditterent trom store-
bouoht. 1he moment you pu|| ott the |id trom the torti||a
warmer or the napkin coverino a basket ot warm torti||as,
a sweet, corn aroma ti||s the air. Serve these with Chi|i-
Rubbed Skirt Steak 1acos or in any recipe that ca||s tor
corn torti||as.
2 cuos aasa har|ua
teasoccu tab|e sa|t
1 cuos hct Water, o|us acre as ueeded
1. iu a |arce bcW|, o|ace the aasa har|ua, sa|t, aud hct Water. M|x
W|th a soccu cr vcur hauds uut|| a sc|t but uct st|c|v dcuch
|cras, abcut 2 a|uutes. i| the a|xture seeas tcc drv Wheu a
saa|| haud|u| |s scueezed tccether, add acre Water cue
tab|esoccu at a t|ae.
2. sccco cut o|eces c| dcuch aud rc|| thea |utc ba||s abcut the s|ze
c| a ||uc-|cuc ba||. ||ace the ba||s cu a ba||uc sheet cr |arce
o|atter aud ccver thea W|th a daao c|cth Wh||e vcu Wcr| tc
|eeo the dcuch ac|st.
3. t|ue a tcrt|||a oress W|th o|ast|c Wrao. set the oress uext tc the
+. |reheat a ccaa|, s||||et, cr cr|dd|e cver aed|ua-h|ch heat uut||
S. wcr||uc W|th cue ba|| at a t|ae, o|ace each ba|| cu the oress
betWeeu the sheets c| o|ast|c Wrao. use the haud|e tc oress aud
||atteu the ba|| |utc a d|s| S tc 6 |uches |u d|aaeter. Ooeu the
oress aud oee| the tcrt|||a c|| the o|ast|c Wrao.
6. ||ace the tcrt|||a cu the s||||et aud ccc| uut|| the uuders|de |s
brcWued |u socts, abcut 1 a|uute. |||o the tcrt|||a aud ccc| the
cther s|de 1 a|uute, the tcrt|||a shcu|d ou|| uo |u the ceuter.
7. 1raus|er tc a c|cth-||ued bas|et aud ccut|uue oress|uc aud
ccc||uc tcrt|||as, stac||uc thea aud |eeo|uc thea ccvered, uut||
a|| are ccc|ed. serve Wara.
auut e|sa's buttera||| b|scu|ts
Aunt L|sa a|ways had a huoe container ot biscuit mix in her
treezer, so whenever she needed biscuits she wou|d scoop
some out, add water or buttermi|k, and have a batch
bakino in just a tew minutes. when I was a kid, it seemed
|ike maoic. I was an adu|t when she brouoht me my tirst
container ot mix and I rea|ized that this maoic powder was
in tact her own version ot instant biscuit mixl Sometimes I
mix up 8 or 4 times the recipe and store it in the treezer so
I, too, can make maoic biscuits. 1ender and t|aky, they are
best straioht out ot the oven. 1he baked biscuits don't
store we||, but I've rare|y had any |ettoversl
S cuos a||-ourocse ||cur, o|us acre |cr |uead|uc aud rc|||uc
3 tab|esoccus ba||uc ocWder
1 heao|uc tab|esoccu sucar
1 teasoccu tab|e sa|t
1 cuo verv cc|d shcrteu|uc, cut |utc -|uch o|eces
2 cuos buttera|||, o|us acre as ueeded
uutter, |cr serv|uc (cot|cua|)
ucuev, |cr serv|uc (cot|cua|)
1. |cs|t|cu a rac| |u the uooer th|rd c| the cveu aud oreheat the
cveu tc +2S|.
2. iu a |arce bcW|, o|ace the ||cur, ba||uc ocWder, sucar, aud sa|t.
wh|s| tccether uut|| We|| b|euded. Add the shcrteu|uc aud use
vcur hauds cr a oastrv b|euder tc verv cu|c||v b|eud |t |utc the
||cur uut|| there are scae o|eces the s|ze c| saa|| oeas aud scae
tW|ce that s|ze. i| des|red, vcu cau traus|er the a|xture tc a
t|cht|v sea|ed ccuta|uer aud |reeze uut|| ueeded.
3. Add the buttera||| at cuce aud st|r just uut|| b|euded |utc a
st|c|v dcuch, || |t seeas drv, add acre buttera||| 1 tab|esoccu
at a t|ae.
+. 1uru the dcuch cut cutc a ||cht|v ||cured sur|ace aud |uead W|th
vcur hauds S tc 10 t|aes, just uut|| a ba|| |cras. use a ||cured
rc|||uc o|u tc rc|| cut the dcuch |uch th|c|. use a 2- cr 2-
|uch b|scu|t cutter tc cut cut as aauv b|scu|ts as vcu cau aud
traus|er thea tc au uucreased ccc||e sheet, o|ace thea c|cse
tccether sc that a|| c| the b|scu|ts W||| ||t cu cue sheet. Gather
the scraos tccether |utc a ba|| (haud||uc the dcuch as ||tt|e as
ocss|b|e). kc|| |t cut tc |uch th|c| aud cut cut as aauv b|scu|ts
as vcu cau. ||ace thea cu the sheet, d|scard the reaa|u|uc
S. ua|e uut|| ou||ed aud cc|deu cu tco, 1S tc 18 a|uutes. serve
hct, aud soread W|th butter aud hcuev || des|red.
bauaua bread
Nothino ever went to waste in my house. It bananas oot
too brown, we knew banana bread was on its way. In tact,
I cou|dn't wait tor the bananas to oo brownl I happi|y made
my tami|y's recipe tor years, unti| the day I tasted my
triend 1eri uatcher's banana bread on the set ot Desperate
uousewives. She's our unotticia| on-set baker, and her
phi|osophy on banana bread is the more booze, the better
the bread. 1his version is |ike usino bananas Ioster to
make banana bread. 1he t|avor is tantastic and it's the
moistest I've ever made or tasted.
11 tab|esoccus uusa|ted butter
cuo oac|ed ||cht brcWu sucar
3 verv r|oe bauauas, aashed
cuo dar| rua
cuo Cccuac
2 cuos a||-ourocse ||cur
1 teasoccu tab|e sa|t
1 teasoccu ba||uc ocWder
teasoccu ba||uc scda
1 cuo sucar
2 |arce eccs, We|| beateu
1 tab|esoccu scur creaa cr buttera|||
1 cuo chcooed oecaus cr Wa|uuts (cot|cua|)
1. iu a |arce s||||et cver aed|ua heat, ae|t 3 tab|esoccus c| the
butter. Add the brcWu sucar aud ccc|, st|rr|uc c|teu, uut|| the
sucar ae|ts ccao|ete|v aud the a|xture |cras a saccth svruo,
abcut 10 a|uutes. keduce the heat || the sucar |s brcWu|uc tcc
cu|c||v. Dcu't Wcrrv || the sucar |cc|s |||e |t |s c|uao|uc, |t W|||
saccth cut as |t ccc|s. st|r |u the bauauas, rua, aud Cccuac,
the svruo W||| hardeu aud beccae st|c|v. Ccc| 10 tc 12 a|uutes,
uut|| the sucar has ae|ted aud the a|xture |s We|| b|euded.
keacve |rca the heat aud set as|de tc ccc|.
2. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. Grease a S 9-|uch |ca| oau aud set
3. iu a |arce a|x|uc bcW|, o|ace the ||cur, sa|t, ba||uc ocWder, aud
ba||uc scda. wh|s| uut|| We|| b|euded aud set as|de.
+. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| au e|ectr|c staud a|xer ||tted W|th the oadd|e
attachaeut, cr a |arce a|x|uc bcW| W|th a haudhe|d a|xer, o|ace
the sucar aud reaa|u|uc 8 tab|esoccus c| butter. ueat cu
aed|ua-h|ch soeed uut|| ||u||v aud ||chteued |u cc|cr, abcut 3
a|uutes. Add the eccs aud beat uut|| We|| b|euded.
S. Add the ||cur a|xture aud beat cu aed|ua soeed just uut||
b|euded. Add the reserved ccc|ed bauauas aud the scur creaa
aud beat just uut|| b|euded. |c|d |u the uuts, || us|uc. |cur |utc
the oreoared |ca| oau. ua|e uut|| We|| brcWued aud a tcctho|c|
|userted |u the ceuter ccaes cut W|th just a |eW cruabs c||uc|uc
tc |t, abcut 1 hcur aud 1S a|uutes. 1raus|er the oau tc a ccc||uc
rac| aud |et ccc| |u the oau |cr S a|uutes. uuac|d aud |et ccc|
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN 8ananas can oo trom
ripe to overripe very quick|y. ee| and p|ace them in a sturdy zip-top
bao in the treezer unti| you can oet around to makino banana bread.
ouao||u bread
we a|ways understood where our tood came trom. More
otten than not, the source was the |and outside our back
doorl umpkin bread beoan with the pumpkin seed that we
p|anted, tended, and eventua||y harvested. My mom never
bouoht cans ot cooked pumpkin, so the on|y time we cou|d
have pumpkin bread was when there was a surp|us ot
pumpkins in our oarden. 1his made me keen|y aware ot
why pumpkins and pumpkin treats are a tradition tor the
autumn ho|idays-this is when pumpkins are actua||y in
seasonl In tact, pumpkin bread is a ua||oween tradition in
my house. 1hose jack-o'-|anterns otter more than just
spooky |ioht-the pumpkins oive us the makinos tor bakino
as we||. I |ove cinnamon and this bread is detinite|y
cinnamony, thouoh you can use |ess it desired. As the bread
bakes, the kitchen ti||s with a sweet, carame| aroma. 1he
bread is very dark outside and very moist within.
|Ok 1u| |uM|kiu |uk|| (s|| uO1|)
2 cuos chcooed |resh ouao||u
cuo oac|ed ||cht brcWu sucar
2 teasoccus crcuud c|uuaacu
|Ok 1u| uk|AD
3 cuos a||-ourocse ||cur
3 cuos sucar
2 teasoccus ba||uc scda
1 teasoccu tab|e sa|t
2 tab|esoccus crcuud c|uuaacu
1 cuo vecetab|e c||
+ |arce eccs, ||cht|v beateu
1 cuo ccarse|v chcooed oecaus
1. 1c oreoare the ouao||u ouree, o|ace the ouao||u, sucar, aud
c|uuaacu |u a aed|ua sauceoau. Add cuo Water aud br|uc tc
a bc||. s|aaer, ccvered, |cr abcut 10 a|uutes, cr uut|| the
ouao||u |s verv sc|t. keacve the oau |rca the heat aud |et
staud uut|| the ouao||u |s ccao|ete|v ccc|. Dra|u c|| auv excess
Water. 1raus|er the a|xture tc the Wcr| bcW| c| a |ccd orccesscr
cr b|euder aud orccess uut|| oureed. set as|de.
2. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. Grease tWc 9 S-|uch |ca| oaus.
3. iu a |arce bcW|, o|ace the ||cur, sucar, ba||uc scda, sa|t, aud
c|uuaacu. wh|s| tccether uut|| We|| b|euded.
+. iu aucther |arce bcW|, o|ace the reserved ouao||u ouree cr the
ouao||u o|e |||||uc, vecetab|e c||, eccs, aud cuo Water. wh|s|
uut|| We|| b|euded.
S. Add the ||cu|d |ucred|euts tc the drv |ucred|euts aud ccab|ue
W|th a |eW strc|es. |c|d |u the oecaus. 1raus|er tc the oreoared
oaus aud ba|e uut|| We|| brcWued aud a tcctho|c| |userted |u the
ceuter ccaes cut c|eau, abcut 1 hcur aud 1S a|uutes.
6. tet the oaus staud cu ccc||uc rac|s |cr 10 a|uutes. uuac|d the
breads aud ccc| ccao|ete|v cu the rac|s.
A|ternative|y, use 1 1S-ounce can pumpkin pie ti||ino.
ccru bread
In 1exas it is a oiven that everybody needs a oood recipe
tor corn bread, and here is mine. I |ike it warm trom the
oven s|athered in butter. It's a|so oood served with Chi|i
con Carne.
1 cuo ccruaea|
1 cuo a||-ourocse ||cur
2 teasoccus ba||uc ocWder
teasoccu tab|e sa|t
cuo sucar
cuo shcrteu|uc, o|us acre |cr the oau
2 |arce eccs
1 cuo a|||
1 ja|aoec, a|uced ||ue (cot|cua|)
uutter |cr serv|uc (cot|cua|)
1. |reheat the cveu tc +00|. Grease au 8-|uch scuare oau aud set
2. iu a aed|ua a|x|uc bcW|, o|ace the ccruaea|, ||cur, ba||uc
ocWder, aud sa|t. wh|s| tccether uut|| We|| b|euded.
3. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| au e|ectr|c staud a|xer ||tted W|th the oadd|e
attachaeut, cr |u a |arce a|x|uc bcW| W|th a haudhe|d a|xer,
o|ace the sucar aud shcrteu|uc aud beat cu aed|ua soeed uut||
We|| b|euded, 2 tc 3 a|uutes, scrao|uc dcWu the s|des c| the
bcW| cccas|cua||v.
+. Add the eccs aud beat uut|| We|| ccab|ued, scrao|uc dcWu the
s|de c| the bcW|. Add the a||| aud beat uut|| b|euded. Add the
ccruaea| a|xture aud st|r tc ccab|ue. st|r |u the ja|aoecs ||
S. |cur |utc the oreoared oau aud ba|e uut|| the edces bec|u tc ou||
aWav |rca the s|des aud a tcctho|c| |userted |u the a|dd|e
ccaes cut c|eau, abcut 30 a|uutes. tet ccc| |u the oau |cr 10
a|uutes be|cre s||c|uc |utc scuares aud serv|uc, ore|erab|v
s|athered W|th |cts c| butterl
Irom e|eoant truit desserts and |ayer cakes
ti||ed and trosted with as many inches ot
trostino as they can ho|d to homey cookies
and brownies, this chapter is a|| about
ce|ebrations bio and sma||.
1here are the an de o|vo cookies that I
have eaten at more quinceaeras and
weddinos than I can count. In my tami|y,
some part ot the ce|ebration a|ways takes
p|ace in the kitchen, whether it's kids puttino
the tina| touch on Doub|e Choco|ate Chunk
Cookies or the No-8ake eanut 8a||s that are
tun and easy tor everyone to make. Chewy
8rownies, Aunt L|sa's ineapp|e upside-Down
Cake, and 8eso's Churros are so easy to
prepare that they can be whipped up in a t|ash
to mark any happy occasion, even the
unexpected ones.
On these paoes are severa| recipes that can
be prepared in who|e or in part |ono betore
your ouests arrive, so you can enjoy the party
and |et your |ast course make a orand
entrance without breakino a sweat. 1he
components ot the exuberant Choco|ate
Sweetheart ie can be prepared in advance
and then composed in minutes. L|eoant
Individua| Choco|ate Cakes, brioht and tanoy
8a|samic Strawberries, and beautitu|
Cranberry-oached ears require on|y
1here are even baked desserts that
ce|ebrate the bounty ot a season. 1he
Strawberry Rhubarb ie is best made at the
start ot summer, when strawberries are in
their prime. Many may consider carrot cake a
year-round treat, but tor me, Mom's Carrot
Cake a|ways came trom an abundant crop ot
carrots in our oarden.
uc-ba|e oeauut ba||s
besc's churrcs
oau de oc|vc
crauberrv-ocached oears
dcub|e chccc|ate chuu| ccc||es
ba|saa|c straWberr|es
chccc|ate sWeetheart o|e
straWberrv rhubarb o|e
red ve|vet ca|e
|ud|v|dua| chccc|ate ca|es
aca's carrct ca|e
aoo|e-so|ce |aver ca|e W|th crauce
auut e|sa's dev||'s |ccd ca|e
auut e|sa's o|ueaoo|e uos|de-dcWu ca|e
uc-ba|e oeauut ba||s
1he orioins ot this recipe are sti|| a matter ot open and
otten heated debate amono my sisters and me, but there is
one thino on which we can a|| aoree: It is a tavorite ot my
sister L|izabeth who has specia| needs. 1his recipe a||ows
her to come into the kitchen with the rest ot us and make
somethino tru|y de|icious. Sa|ted peanuts are best: either
cocktai| or dry-roasted works we||.
1 cuo saccth cr chuu|v oeauut butter (uct uatura|)
cuo hcuev
cuo ocWdered sucar
2 cuos ||ue|v crushed sa|ted oeauuts
soec|a| ecu|oaeut. 3 dczeu saa|| oaoer caudv cuos
1. iu a aed|ua a|x|uc bcW|, o|ace the oeauut butter, hcuev, aud
ocWdered sucar. st|r uut|| We|| b|euded aud saccth.
2. ||ace the crushed oeauuts |u a sha||cW d|sh. wet vcur hauds aud
sha|e c|| the excess Water. sccco cut a heao|uc teasoccu c| the
oeauut butter a|xture aud rc|| |t |utc a 1-|uch ba||. ||ace the ba||
|u the crushed oeauuts aud ceut|v rc|| uut|| ccated. ||ace the ba||
|u a caudv cuo aud ccut|uue W|th the reaa|u|uc oeauut a|xture
aud oeauuts. wheu a|| the ba||s are |craed, re|r|cerate thea
uut|| ||ra, abcut 1 hcur. serve.
3. stcre |u a t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uer |u the re|r|ceratcr |cr uo tc 2
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN when hand-ro||ino
sticky douohs |ike this one, rinsino your hands in coo| runnino water
he|ps keep the mixture trom stickino to them. Rinse severa| times as
you work, and shake ott the excess water each time.
LvA'S uLROLS My sister L|izabeth, who was born with a
menta| disabi|ity, is the o|dest ot my mom and dad's tour dauohters,
so when my other two sisters and I came a|ono, we were tru|y born
into Liza's wor|d. I am not exaooeratino when I say Liza is my hero.
8ecause ot her, I co-tounded Lva's ueroes, an oroanization based in
San Antonio, 1exas, that is dedicated to enrichino the |ives ot those
with deve|opmenta| cha||enoes by providino an inc|usive settino so
they can inteorate and t|ourish in society. Lva's ueroes otters unique
opportunities tor these youno men and women to experience what
they may not be ab|e to do e|sewhere.
besc's churrcs
Churros are basica||y Mexican douohnuts: a |iohter, t|uttier
version ot the tried douoh served at county tairs a|| over
the country. we serve this to oreat acc|aim at the 8eso
restaurants and they are heaven|y eaten warm.
MAkLS A8Ou1 20
/- cuo uusa|ted butter
||uch c| tab|e sa|t
1 cuo a||-ourocse ||cur
3 |arce eccs
cuo sucar, |cr rc|||uc the churrcs
1 tab|esoccu crcuud c|uuaacu, |cr rc|||uc the churrcs
vecetab|e c||, |cr |rv|uc
1. iu a aed|ua sauceoau, o|ace the butter, 1 cuo c| Water, aud sa|t.
ur|uc tc a bc|| cver aed|ua heat. Add the ||cur aud st|r cver the
heat uut|| the a|xture ou||s aWav |rca the s|des c| the oct aud
ccaes tccether tc |cra a cches|ve dcuch, 30 seccuds tc 1
2. 1raus|er the ||cur a|xture tc the Wcr| bcW| c| au e|ectr|c staud
a|xer ||tted W|th the oadd|e attachaeut. ueat|uc cu |cW soeed,
add the eccs 1 at a t|ae, aud theu ccut|uue tc beat uut|| thev are
thcrcuch|v b|euded, abcut 2 a|uutes.
3. ||t a o|o|uc bac W|th a |arce star (uuaber 7) t|o. ||ace |t |u a ta||
dr|u||uc c|ass t|o-eud dcWu aud coeu the bac. 1raus|er the
batter tc the bac, |||||uc |t uc acre thau ha||Wav. 1W|st the tco
tc oush the batter dcWu aud |utc the t|o. set as|de.
+. iu a sha||cW bcW|, o|ace the sucar aud c|uuaacu aud st|r W|th a
|cr| uut|| We|| b|euded. set as|de.
S. t|ue a ba||uc sheet W|th oaoer tcWe|s. |cur the c|| |utc a |arce
s||||et tc 1 |uch deeo. ueat the c|| cver aed|ua heat tc 3S0|.
6. ||oe +-|uch |eucths c| the dcuch d|rect|v |utc the hct c||. 1c
re|ease the dcuch |rca the o|o|uc bac, scraoe the t|o aca|ust the
s|de c| the oau cr use a butter |u||e. |rv 3 cr + o|eces c| dcuch
at a t|ae, turu|uc cuce, uut|| cc|deu brcWu, abcut + a|uutes
tcta|. Adjust the heat as uecessarv tc |eeo the c|| teaoerature at
3S0|. use tcucs tc traus|er the churrcs tc the oaoer tcWe|s tc
dra|u. As sccu as thev are ccc| eucuch tc haud|e, rc|| thea |u
the c|uuaacu-sucar a|xture uut|| We|| ccated. serve Wara.
oau de oc|vc
One year when I was very youno I wanted to oive pan de
po|vo, a|so ca||ed Mexican weddino cookies, as Christmas
presents to my teachers at schoo|. My mom tauoht me
her recipe. In tact, it was this one-Aunt L|sa'sl
I went to the t|ea market and spent my a||owance on a
co||ection ot cookie cutters. I returned home and set out to
make about 1S dozen in ditterent shapes. untortunate|y,
many ot them broke because, as I discovered to my oreat
trustration, pan de po|vo is a very de|icate cookie that
doesn't ho|d shapes we||-especia||y intricate ones |ike
snowt|akes. 1hose cookie cutters were probab|y my tirst
purchase ot kitchen equipment-but tar trom my |ast. 1hey
were so cheap that when I washed them tor the tirst time,
they rusted the next dayl
o|vo means powder, an apt description ot a de|icate
cookie, oenerous|y ro||ed in suoar, that shatters on your
tonoue. I ro|| these very thin, just |ike Aunt L|sa used to, so
they practica||y me|t in your mouth. 1hey are otten ro||ed a
|itt|e thicker, to about
/8 inch-it you do so, just bake them
a |itt|e |onoer.
2 cuos a||-ourocse ||cur
1 teasoccu crcuud c|uuaacu
1 cuo shcrteu|uc
cuo sucar
|Ok 1u| suGAk COA1iuG
1 cuo sucar
2 tab|esoccus crcuud c|uuaacu
1. iu a aed|ua a|x|uc bcW|, o|ace the ||cur aud c|uuaacu. wh|s|
tccether uut|| thcrcuch|v b|euded. set as|de.
2. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| au e|ectr|c staud a|xer ||tted W|th the oadd|e
attachaeut, cr |u a |arce a|x|uc bcW| W|th a haudhe|d a|xer,
beat the shcrteu|uc aud sucar cu aed|ua-h|ch soeed uut|| We||
b|euded aud ||u||v, abcut 2 a|uutes. Add 2 tab|esoccus c| Water
aud beat uut|| thcrcuch|v ccab|ued.
3. Add the ||cur a|xture aud b|eud cu aed|ua-|cW just uut||
ccao|ete|v b|euded. |ress the dcuch |utc 2 ecua| d|s|s. ||ace
each d|s| betWeeu 2 sheets c| Wax oaoer. use a rc|||uc o|u tc
rc|| cut each d|s| tc
/8 |uch th|c|, |||t|uc aud saccth|uc the tco
sheet c| Wax oaoer || uecessarv. s||de the tWc sheets c| rc||ed
dcuch cutc a ba||uc sheet. Ch||| uut|| ||ra, abcut 30 a|uutes |u
the re|r|ceratcr cr 10 a|uutes |u the |reezer.
+. |reheat the cveu tc 300|.
S. ||ace cue rc||ed dcuch cu the Wcr| sur|ace. t||t c|| aud reo|ace
the tco sheet c| Wax oaoer. |||o the dcuch cver aud |||t c|| aud
set as|de the sheet c| Wax oaoer. use a 1-|uch cr saa||er
ccc||e cutter tc cut |utc des|red shaoes. 1raus|er the ccc||es tc
au uucreased ba||uc sheet, o|ac|uc abcut 1 |uch aoart. Gather
the scraos, rerc|| thea betWeeu the sheets c| Wax oaoer, aud
re|r|cerate uut|| ||ra. keoeat W|th the cther sheet c| dcuch.
6. ua|e uut|| ||ra Wheu ceut|v tcuched, 10 tc 12 a|uutes. tet ccc|
3 a|uutes cu the ccc||e sheet. use a th|u soatu|a tc traus|er
thea tc ccc||uc rac|s tc ccc| ccao|ete|v.
7. 1c oreoare the sucar ccat|uc, o|ace the sucar aud c|uuaacu |u a
sha||cW d|sh. st|r W|th a |cr| uut|| ccao|ete|v ccab|ued. kc|| the
ccc|ed ccc||es |u the sucar aud serve.
8. stcre |u a t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uer at rcca teaoerature |cr 3 tc
+ davs.
crauberrv-ocached oears
As they simmer, the pears send enticino watts ot truit and
vani||a throuoh the air, a tittino invitation to a supreme|y
e|eoant dessert. I've a|so served these at 1hanksoivino
with the main course in p|ace ot traditiona| cranberry
1he tea bao adds undertones that comp|ement or
hioh|ioht the truit in the simmerino |iquid-truity or t|ora|,
dependino on what you use. Choose a truit tea that you
|ike-I use tropica| oreen tea or passion truit.
8 saa|| oears, such as sec|e|, |cre||e, cr aucther var|etv, oee|ed,
steas |utact
S tab|esoccus hcuev
3 tab|esoccus sucar
1 +- tc S-|uch str|o crauce zest (reacved W|th a vecetab|e oee|er)
1 +- tc S-|uch str|o |eacu zest (reacved W|th a vecetab|e oee|er)
1 teasoccu |resh |eacu ju|ce
1 3-|uch c|uuaacu st|c|
1 vau|||a beau, so||t |eucthW|se |u ha||
1 |ru|t tea bac
2 cuos (10 cuuces) |resh cr |rczeu crauberr|es
1. ||ace the oears |u a sauceoau |arce eucuch tc hc|d thea suuc|v.
Add eucuch Water (abcut + cuos) tc bare|v ccver thea. Add the
hcuev, sucar, crauce aud |eacu zests, |eacu ju|ce, aud
c|uuaacu st|c|.
2. us|uc the t|o c| a oar|uc |u||e, scraoe the vau|||a seeds cut c| the
ocd aud add thea tc the oau. 1css |u the ocd aud add the tea
bac. ur|uc tc a bc|| cver aed|ua-h|ch heat, st|rr|uc uut|| the
sucar has d|ssc|ved. keduce the heat aud s|aaer uut|| the oears
are teuder Wheu o|erced W|th the t|o c| a |u||e, abcut 10
3. Add the crauberr|es aud returu tc a s|aaer uut|| thev burst,
abcut 3 a|uutes. keacve aud d|scard the tea bac.
+. 1raus|er the oears tc a |arce bcW| aud ocur cver the crauberr|es
aud svruo. Ccver aud re|r|cerate cveru|cht cr uo tc 3 davs.
S. keacve aud d|scard the c|trus zest, c|uuaacu st|c|, aud vau|||a
beau. 1c serve, arrauce the oears cu a o|atter. soccu cver the
crauberr|es aud as auch c| the ocach|uc ||cu|d as des|red.
dcub|e chccc|ate chuu| ccc||es
with me|ted choco|ate b|ended into the batter, chunks ot
choco|ate throuohout, and a shiny outer choco|ate |ayer,
these rea||y shou|d be ca||ed trip|e choco|ate chunk
cookies (see photooraph). My nieces and I |ove to make
these tooether. 1hey do the very important-and tunl-job
ot dippino the cookies in the me|ted choco|ate and
arranoino them caretu||y on wax paper to dry.
+ cuuces cccd-cua||tv sea|-sWeet chccc|ate, o|us + cuuces |cr
d|oo|uc the ccc||es
1 cuo a||-ourocse ||cur
teasoccu ba||uc ocWder
teasoccu tab|e sa|t
8 tab|esoccus (1 st|c|) uusa|ted butter, at rcca teaoerature
cuo crauu|ated sucar
cuo ||ra|v oac|ed ||cht brcWu sucar
1 |arce ecc
1 teasoccu vau|||a
cuo chcooed Wa|uuts (cot|cua|)
1. ||ace 1 cuuce c| the chccc|ate |u a saa|| d|sh aud a|crcWave cu
h|ch ocWer just uut|| ae|ted, 30 tc 60 seccuds, stcoo|uc aud
st|rr|uc everv 10 tc 1S seccuds. keacve |rca the a|crcWave,
aud st|r uut|| ccao|ete|v ae|ted. set as|de.
2. Cut the reaa|u|uc 3 cuuces chccc|ate |utc -|uch o|eces. set
3. iu a aed|ua a|x|uc bcW|, o|ace the ||cur, ba||uc ocWder, aud
sa|t. wh|s| tccether thcrcuch|v aud set as|de.
+. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| au e|ectr|c a|xer ||tted W|th the oadd|e
attachaeut, cr |u a |arce a|x|uc bcW| W|th a haudhe|d a|xer,
o|ace the butter, bcth sucars, ecc, aud vau|||a. ueat cu aed|ua-
h|ch soeed uut|| ||cht aud ||u||v, 2 tc 3 a|uutes. st|r |u the
reserved ae|ted chccc|ate. Add the ||cur a|xture aud beat cu
|cW just uut|| thcrcuch|v b|euded. st|r |u the reserved chccc|ate
chuu|s aud the Wa|uuts, || us|uc. ke|r|cerate the dcuch |cr 30
S. |reheat the cveu tc 37S|. Grease 2 ccc||e sheets.
6. Drco the dcuch bv heao|uc tab|esoccu|u|s cutc the ccc||e
sheets, soac|uc abcut 2 |uches aoart. ua|e uut|| ||cht|v brcWued,
10 tc 12 a|uutes, turu|uc the sheets ha||Wav thrcuch ba||uc |cr
eveu brcWu|uc.
7. tet ccc| S a|uutes cu the ccc||e sheets. use a th|u soatu|a tc
traus|er thea tc ccc||uc rac|s tc ccc| ccao|ete|v.
8. urea| cr chco the reaa|u|uc + cuuces chccc|ate |utc -|uch
o|eces aud o|ace thea |u a 1-cuo c|ass aeasur|uc cuo.
M|crcWave cu h|ch just uut|| ae|ted, 1 tc 2 a|uutes, st|rr|uc
everv 30 seccuds. keacve |rca the a|crcWave, aud st|r uut||
ccao|ete|v ae|ted.
9. t|ue ccc||uc rac|s cr ba||uc sheets W|th Wax oaoer. D|o each
ccc|ed ccc||e ha||Wav |u the ae|ted chccc|ate aud |et the excess
dr|o c||. ||ace cu the Wax oaoer aud |et staud |u a ccc|, drv o|ace
uut|| the chccc|ate |s ||ra. i| the a|r |s verv hua|d, o|ace |u the
re|r|ceratcr uut|| the chccc|ate |s set, abcut 30 a|uutes. serve.
10. stcre betWeeu |avers c| Wax oaoer |u a ccc|, drv o|ace |cr uo tc
3 davs.
ba|saa|c straWberr|es
when I te|| my ouests that this is dessert, I otten have to
convince them that it rea||y is acceptab|e to put vineoar on
tresh berries. More than acceptab|e, actua||y, it is
exquisite. Sweet-tart ba|samic vineoar t|avored with truit
is a pertect counterpoint to |uscious, sweet strawberries.
1his is especia||y beautitu| with |aroe strawberries or with
a combination ot strawberries, raspberries, and
1 16-cuuce ccuta|uer r|oe straWberr|es, hu||ed aud cuartered, cr a
ccab|uat|cu c| straWberr|es, rasoberr|es, aud b|ac|berr|es
(abcut + cuos)
cuo dar| cherrv- cr rasoberrv-||avcred ba|saa|c v|uecar
wh|ooed creaa
1. iu a aed|ua a|x|uc bcW|, o|ace the berr|es aud ocur the v|uecar
cver thea. ||ace |u the re|r|ceratcr |cr 30 a|uutes.
2. use a s|ctted soccu tc d|v|de the berr|es aacuc + chaaoacue
c|asses|et as auch cr as ||tt|e v|uecar |utc the c|ass as des|red.
1co W|th a soccu|u| c| Wh|ooed creaa. serve cc|d.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN use tresh
strawberries in season-remember they are on|y tru|y in season
|oca||y tor about 8 weeks, dependino on where you |ive. underripe
berries are not sweet enouoh to ottset the tart vineoar.
8rownie mixes are easy, I know, but what you oain in time
you |ose in t|avor. 1his recipe comes tooether quick|y and
yie|ds tudoy brownies with more choco|ate taste than you'||
ever oet trom a mix.
8 tab|esoccus (1 st|c|) uusa|ted butter
+ cuuces b|ttersWeet chccc|ate, ccarse|v chcooed
3 |arce eccs
1 cuos sucar
1 teasoccu vau|||a
1 cuo a||-ourocse ||cur
teasoccu tab|e sa|t
1 cuo chcooed Wa|uuts cr oecaus (cot|cua|)
1. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. Grease a 9 12-|uch ba||uc oau.
2. iu a heavv sauceoau cver verv |cW heat, ae|t the butter aud
chccc|ate. set as|de tc ccc| ccao|ete|v.
3. iu a |arce a|x|uc bcW|, beat the eccs. Add the sucar aud Wh|s|
uut|| We|| b|euded. Add the ccc|ed chccc|ate aud the vau|||a aud
st|r uut|| We|| b|euded. Add the ||cur, sa|t, aud the uuts, || us|uc,
aud st|r just uut|| ccab|ued.
+. |cur |utc the oreoared oau aud ba|e uut|| a tcctho|c| |userted
|utc the ceuter ccaes cut W|th just a |eW cruabs c||uc|uc tc |t,
abcut 2S a|uutes. tet the brcWu|es staud |u the oau cu a W|re
rac| uut|| ccao|ete|v ccc|. s||ce |utc scuares aud serve.
S. stcre |u a t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uer at rcca teaoerature |cr uo
tc + davs.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN It usino a o|ass bakino
dish, reduce the oven temperature to 82SI.
chccc|ate sWeetheart o|e
It ever a dessert earned the adaoe more is more, this is
it. Lach and every time I serve this choco|ate pie, pi|ed
hioh with choco|ate-drizz|ed strawberries that hide a c|oud
ot sweetened, vani||a-|aced whipped cream, it e|icits
enthusiastic oohs and ahhs trom my ouests. 1hey have no
idea how incredib|y easy it is to prepare.
1 stcre-bcucht, re|r|cerated, 9-|uch o|ecrust
8 cuuces sea|sWeet (60%) chccc|ate
cuo ccru svruo
1 cuo heavv creaa
3 |arce eccs
2 tab|esoccus sucar
teasoccu vau|||a
1 o|ut straWberr|es, hu||ed aud s||ced (abcut 2 cuos)
1. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. t|ue a 9-|uch o|e o|ate W|th the
o|ecrust, ceut|v oush|uc |t |utc the edces c| the oau. ||ace |u the
re|r|ceratcr uut|| ueeded.
2. iu a heavv sauceoau, heat 6 cuuces c| the chccc|ate cver |cW
heat, st|rr|uc ccustaut|v, uut|| just ae|ted. st|r |u the ccru svruo
aud cuo c| the creaa. Add the eccs cue at a t|ae, beat|uc
We|| a|ter each add|t|cu.
3. ||ace the o|e she|| cu a ba||uc sheet aud ocur the chccc|ate
a|xture |utc the o|e she||. ua|e uut|| a |u||e |userted 1 |uch |rca
the ceuter ccaes cut c|eau, abcut +S a|uutes. tet staud cu a
W|re rac| uut|| ccao|ete|v ccc|, the ceuter c| the o|e W||| s|u| as
|t ccc|s.
+. iu a aed|ua a|x|uc bcW|, o|ace the reaa|u|uc cuo c| creaa,
the sucar, aud vau|||a aud beat uut|| sc|t oea|s |cra. soccu the
Wh|ooed creaa cutc the ceuter c| the ccc|ed o|e. 1co W|th the
S. ||ace the reaa|u|uc 2 cuuces c| the chccc|ate |u a saa|| d|sh aud
a|crcWave cu h|ch ocWer just uut|| ae|ted, 30 tc 60 seccuds,
stcoo|uc aud st|rr|uc everv 10 tc 1S seccuds. keacve |rca the
a|crcWave, aud st|r uut|| ccao|ete|v ae|ted. Dr|zz|e the
chccc|ate cver the straWberr|es. serve at rcca teaoerature.
straWberrv rhubarb o|e
unti| I |ett 1exas, I had never even heard ot rhubarb, which
orows in more temperate parts ot the country. 1he tirst
time I saw someone mix strawberries with rhubarb was
when Cindy Crawtord shared her recipe on 1he Oprah
wintrey Show. 1his odd-|ookino, sour-tastino truit did not
seem to me a oood candidate tor a pie so oood that one
wou|d oo on nationa| te|evision to sino its praises. 8ut I
decided I had to try it myse|t. I discovered a truit ti||ino
with a beautitu| shade ot pink (|iohter or darker, dependino
on the co|or ot your rhubarb) and an inviooratino tart-
sweet t|avor. At |ast I understand what a|| the tuss is
aboutl Now as soon as rhubarb appears in markets, I beoin
to |ook tor in-season strawberries so I can make this pie.
16 cuuces straWberr|es, hu||ed aud cuartered (abcut + cuos)
1 ocuud rhubarb, cut |utc -|uch o|eces (abcut + cuos)
1 cuo sucar, o|us abcut 2 teasoccus |cr sor|u|||uc cu tco c| o|e
cuo a||-ourocse ||cur
1 teasoccu vau|||a extract
Grated zest |rca 1 |eacu
1u|ce |rca 1 saa|| |eacu (2 tab|esoccus)
2 stcre-bcucht, re|r|cerated, 9-|uch o|ecrusts
1 |arce ecc Wh|te
wh|ooed creaa |cr serv|uc
1. |cs|t|cu a rac| |u the ceuter c| the cveu, oreheat cveu tc +00|.
2. iu a |arce bcW|, ccab|ue the straWberr|es, rhubarb, sucar, ||cur,
vau|||a, |eacu zest, aud |eacu ju|ce. tet staud |cr 10 a|uutes tc
a||cW the |ru|t tc re|ease |ts ju|ces.
3. MeauWh||e, ||ue a 9-|uch o|e o|ate W|th cue c| the o|ecrusts,
ceut|v oush|uc |t |utc the edces c| the oau.
+. use a s|ctted soccu tc traus|er the |ru|t |utc the o|ecrust.
S. tav the seccud dcuch cu a Wcr| sur|ace. us|uc a oastrv Whee|,
sharo |u||e, cr a o|zza Whee|, cut the dcuch |utc -|uch-W|de
str|os. Arrauce ha|| c| the str|os acrcss the tco c| the o|e,
soac|uc thea abcut |uch aoart. Arrauce the reaa|u|uc str|os
acrcss the tco |u the cther d|rect|cu, |cra|uc a |att|ce oatteru.
|c|d the edces c| the bcttca crust uo aud cver the euds c| the
6. 1c ||ute the edces. uc|d the thuab aud |cre||ucer c| cue haud
aca|ust the cuter edce aud use the |cre||ucer c| vcur cther haud
tc ceut|v oush the cther s|de c| the dcuch |utc the saa|| cao
betWeeu vcur ||ucer aud thuab. keoeat arcuud the eut|re edce
c| the o|e.
7. iu a saa|| bcW|, beat the ecc Wh|te W|th 1 tab|esoccu c| Water.
urush the |att|ce str|os ||cht|v W|th the ecc Wh|te Wash aud
sor|u||e W|th 1 tc 2 teasoccus c| sucar. ||ace the o|e cu a
ba||uc sheet.
8. ua|e |cr 10 a|uutes, theu reduce the cveu teaoerature tc
3S0|. ua|e uut|| the o|e |s cc|deu brcWu aud the |||||uc |s
bubb||uc |u socts, abcut SS a|uutes. 1raus|er tc a ccc||uc rac|
tc ccc|. serve W|th Wh|ooed creaa.
red ve|vet ca|e
It you've ever seen the tabu|ous movie Stee| Maono|ias,
you'|| remember the runnino oao ot a oroom's cake in the
shape ot a oiant armadi||o that |ooks |ike it's b|eedino to
deathl unti| I saw that movie, I had no idea I cou|d
produce my tavorite co|or in a cake. I |ett the theater
determined to uncover the secret-which is, ot course, red
ve|vet cake. It's a deep red cake with ve|vety texture and a
subt|e t|avor ot cocoa hidden under snow white, vani||a-
|aced, cream cheese trostino. 1he armadi||o shape is
|Ok 1u| CAk|
+ teasoccus cccca ocWder
2 cuuces red |ccd cc|cr|uc
2 cuos ca|e ||cur
1 teasoccu tab|e sa|t
2 teasoccus ba||uc scda
2 teasoccus d|st|||ed v|uecar
1 cuo shcrteu|uc, at rcca teaoerature
1 cuo sucar
2 |arce eccs
1 cuo buttera|||
2 teasoccus vau|||a
Creaa Cheese |rcst|uc (rec|oe |c||cWs)
1. |cs|t|cu a rac| |u the ceuter c| the cveu aud oreheat the cveu tc
3S0|. Grease tWc 8-|uch ca|e oaus aud ||ue the bcttcas W|th
Wax cr oarchaeut oaoer.
2. iu a saa|| bcW|, o|ace the cccca ocWder aud |ccd cc|cr|uc. st|r
tc ccab|ue aud set as|de.
3. iu a aed|ua bcW|, s||t tccether the ||cur aud sa|t. set as|de.
+. iu a saa|| cuo, o|ace the ba||uc scda aud v|uecar. st|r tc
ccab|ue aud set as|de.
S. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| au e|ectr|c staud a|xer ||tted W|th the oadd|e
attachaeut, cr |u a |arce a|x|uc bcW| W|th a haudhe|d a|xer,
o|ace the shcrteu|uc, sucar, aud eccs. ueat cu aed|ua-h|ch
soeed uut|| We|| b|euded, 2 tc 3 a|uutes, scrao|uc dcWu the
s|des c| the bcW| cuce cr tW|ce. Add the cccca a|xture aud beat
cu aed|ua just uut|| ccab|ued. Add the ||cur a|xture |u 3 oarts
a|teruate|v W|th the buttera||| |u 2 oarts, start|uc aud eud|uc
W|th the ||cur. Add the vau|||a aud beat cu aed|ua soeed just
uut|| ccab|ued. Add the ba||uc scda aud v|uecar a|xture tc the
bcW|. use a rubber soatu|a tc |c|d |t |utc the batter, ceut|v
scrao|uc dcWu the s|des c| the bcW| tc aa|e sure the batter |s
6. |cur the batter |utc the oaus. ua|e uut|| the ca|e ou||s aWav |rca
the s|des c| the oau aud sor|ucs bac| Wheu ||cht|v oressed |u the
a|dd|e, abcut 30 a|uutes.
7. Ccc| the ca|es |u the oaus cu a rac| |cr 10 a|uutes. kuu a th|u
|u||e arcuud the cuts|de aud turu cut cutc rac|s. |ee| c|| the
oaoer. |||o thea cver tc ccao|ete|v ccc| r|cht-s|de uo cu the
rac|s. i| uct asseab||uc r|cht aWav, ccver the |avers |u o|ast|c
Wrao aud stcre at rcca teaoerature |cr 1 dav.
8. wheu readv tc |||| aud |rcst the ca|e, hc|d a serrated |u||e
hcr|zcuta||v aud use a ceut|e saW|uc act|cu tc shave the dcaed
tco c|| each |aver. |||| aud |rcst the ca|e W|th creaa cheese
|rcst|uc, us|uc a cruab ccat (see bcx) || vcu have t|ae.
9. stcre |u a t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uer at rcca teaoerature |cr uo
tc 2 davs.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN It you have time atter
a|| the |ayers are ti||ed, app|yino a crumb coat to the sides and top
ot a cake ensures that no crumbs oet mixed into the trostino and mar
the cake's appearance. 1o app|y a crumb coat, p|ace a sma|| amount
ot the trostino in a dish and use an ottset spatu|a to spread a thin
coat a|| over the sides and top ot the cake. |ace in the retrioerator
unti| tirm, 20 to 80 minutes. Remove the cake trom the retrioerator
and trost the sides and top.
cream cheese trostino
I can't-don't want tol-imaoine Red ve|vet Cake or Mom's
Carrot Cake without this |uscious cream cheese trostino.
1his recipe makes a oenerous amount because, as tar as
I'm concerned, you can never have enouoh. So tee| tree to
pi|e it between the |ayers and a|| over these or any other
cakes (and to stea| a spoontu| or two just to taste a|ono
the wayl).
16 cuuces creaa cheese, at rcca teaoerature
ocuud (2 st|c|s) uusa|ted butter, at rcca teaoerature
1 ocuud ocWdered sucar, s||ted
2 tc 3 teasoccus vau|||a (cot|cua|)
iu the Wcr| bcW| c| au e|ectr|c staud a|xer ||tted W|th the oadd|e
attachaeut, cr |u a |arce a|x|uc bcW| W|th a haudhe|d a|xer, beat
tccether the creaa cheese aud butter uut|| ||u||v. Add the sucar 1
cuo at a t|ae, b|eud|uc betWeeu each add|t|cu. M|x |u the vau|||a, ||
us|uc, aud beat uut|| verv saccth, 3 tc S a|uutes. use at cuce cr
stcre |u a t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uer |u the re|r|ceratcr |cr uo 3 davs.
tet staud at rcca teaoerature uut|| sc|t aud soreadab|e be|cre
|ud|v|dua| chccc|ate ca|es
1hese individua| mo|ten choco|ate cakes come trom my
Art8ites Dinino in the Aztec Lmpire c|ass, where I
|earned that choco|ate is indioenous to Mexico, and tor
centuries nob|es and priests used it to make an
unsweetened drink.
6 tab|esoccus uusa|ted butter, o|us abcut 2 tab|esoccus, ae|ted,
|cr the ca|e ac|ds
+ tab|esoccus sucar, o|us acre |cr the ca|e ac|ds
12 cuuces b|ttersWeet chccc|ate, ccarse|v chcooed
+ |arce ecc vc||s
2 |arce ecc Wh|tes
6 saa|| sor|cs c| |resh a|ut, |cr caru|sh
vau|||a |ce creaa, |cr serv|uc
1. |reheat the cveu tc +00|. urush s|x +-cuuce raae||us W|th the
ae|ted butter. sor|u||e the |us|de c| each raae||u W|th sucar
aud tao cut the excess. ||ace the raae||us cu a r|aaed ba||uc
sheet aud re|r|cerate uut|| ueeded.
2. iu the tco c| a dcub|e bc||er cr a sta|u|ess-stee| a|x|uc bcW| set
cver a oau c| s|aaer|uc Water sc that the bcttca c| the bcW|
dces uct tcuch the Water, o|ace 6 tab|esoccus c| butter aud the
chccc|ate. ueat uut|| ae|ted aud saccth. set as|de tc ccc|
3. iu a |arce a|x|uc bcW|, o|ace 2 tab|esoccus c| sucar aud the ecc
vc||s. wh|s| uut|| thcrcuch|v b|euded. Add the chccc|ate
a|xture tc the ecc vc||s aud st|r uut|| We|| b|euded.
+. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| au e|ectr|c staud a|xer ||tted W|th the Wh|s|
attachaeut, cr |u a |arce a|x|uc bcW| W|th a haudhe|d a|xer,
beat the ecc Wh|tes cu aed|ua soeed uut|| thev are |rcthv.
iucrease the soeed cradua||v aud beat uut|| sc|t oea|s |cra
Wheu the Wh|s| |s |||ted cut c| the bcW|. sor|u||e cver the
reaa|u|uc 2 tab|esoccus c| sucar aud beat uut|| the aer|ucue |s
sh|uv aud |cras st||| oea|s.
S. |c|d abcut c| the ecc Wh|tes |utc the chccc|ate a|xture aud
theu ceut|v |c|d the reaa|u|uc ecc Wh|tes |utc the chccc|ate
a|xture. Dc uct cvera|x, |t |s ||ue || there are a |eW strea|s c|
ecc Wh|te |u the batter.
6. |cur the batter |utc the oreoared raae||us. ua|e uut|| the ca|es
r|se aud theu crac| cu tco, aud are cccev |us|de, 10 tc 12
7. tet ccc| s||cht|v, theu uuac|d cutc |ud|v|dua| o|ates. Garu|sh
W|th a|ut aud serve Wara W|th vau|||a |ce creaa.
aca's carrct ca|e
1he carrots we orew were so sweet and de|icious that we'd
otten oo out to the oarden, pu|| them one by one out ot the
oround, and bite rioht into them, with nothino more than a
cursory wipe on our jeans on their journey trom oround to
mouth. An abundant crop wou|d mean Mom wou|d bake
this divine|y moist cake, which oave us the best reason
ever to pray tor a oood harvest.
2 cuos a||-ourocse ||cur
1 tab|esoccu crcuud c|uuaacu
2 teasoccus ba||uc ocWder
1 teasoccu ba||uc scda
1 teasoccu tab|e sa|t
1 cuos vecetab|e c||
2 cuos sucar
+ |arce eccs, ||cht|v beateu
3 cuos oee|ed aud ccarse|v crated carrcts (|rca abcut 6 aed|ua
Creaa Cheese |rcst|uc
1 cuo chcooed oecaus, |cr caru|sh
1. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. Grease aud ||cur tWc 8-|uch ca|e
2. iutc a aed|ua a|x|uc bcW|, s||t tccether the ||cur, c|uuaacu,
ba||uc ocWder, ba||uc scda, aud sa|t three t|aes. set as|de.
3. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| au e|ectr|c staud a|xer ||tted W|th the oadd|e
attachaeut, cr |u a |arce a|x|uc bcW| W|th a haudhe|d a|xer,
beat the c|| aud sucar uut|| We|| b|euded. Add the eccs aud beat
uut|| We|| ccab|ued. Add the ||cur a|xture aud st|r just uut||
b|euded. Add the carrcts cradua||v, |u saa|| aacuuts, |c|d|uc
ceut|v a|ter each add|t|cu.
+. |cur |utc the oreoared oaus aud ba|e uut|| the ca|es are ||cht|v
brcWued cu tco cr a tcctho|c| |userted |u the ceuter ccaes cut
c|eau, abcut +S a|uutes.
S. tet the ca|e |avers ccc| |u the oaus cu W|re rac|s |cr S a|uutes.
kuu a th|u |u||e arcuud the cuts|de aud turu cut cutc rac|s. |||o
thea cver tc ccao|ete|v ccc| r|cht-s|de uo cu the rac|s. i| uct
asseab||uc r|cht aWav, ccver the |avers |u o|ast|c Wrao aud stcre
at rcca teaoerature |cr 1 dav.
6. wheu readv tc |||| aud |rcst the ca|e, hc|d a serrated |u||e
hcr|zcuta||v aud use a ceut|e saW|uc act|cu tc shave the dcaed
tco c|| each |aver. |||| aud |rcst the ca|e W|th creaa cheese
|rcst|uc, us|uc a cruab ccat || vcu have t|ae. 1co W|th oecaus.
7. stcre |u a t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uer at rcca teaoerature |cr uo
tc 2 davs.
aoo|e-so|ce |aver ca|e W|th
crauce buttercreaa
I tound this recipe in one ot my aunt's cookbooks that is o|d
enouoh to have seemed o|d when my aunt herse|t was a
chi|d. It's a oreat way to ce|ebrate any event in autumn-or
to ce|ebrate autumn itse|tl Layers ot spice-intused, wa|nut-
studded app|e cake hide an oranoe-t|avored cream cheese
ti||ino and are covered with si|ky oranoe buttercream.
|Ok 1u| CAk|
2 cuos a||-ourocse ||cur
1 teasoccus ouao||u o|e so|ce
1 teasoccu ba||uc ocWder
1 teasoccu ba||uc scda
1 teasoccu tab|e sa|t
8 tab|esoccus (1 st|c|) uusa|ted butter, at rcca teaoerature
1 cuos sucar
3 |arce eccs
2 cuos oee|ed, ccred, aud crated aoo|es (|rca abcut 2 |arce
1 teasoccu vau|||a
cuo a|||
1 cuo chcooed Wa|uuts
|Ok 1u| OkAuG| uu11|kCk|AM |ittiuG AuD |kOs1iuG
8 tab|esoccus (1 st|c|) uusa|ted butter, at rcca teaoerature
1 ocuuds ccu|ect|cuers' sucar, s||ted
cuo |resh crauce ju|ce
+ teasoccus crated crauce r|ud
1 teasoccu vau|||a
||uch c| tab|e sa|t
1 8-cuuce oac|ace creaa cheese, at rcca teaoerature
|Ok 1u| GAkuisu (cot|cua|)
1 cuo Wa|uut ha|ves
1 aoo|e, th|u|v s||ced
1u|ce c| 1 |eacu
1. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. Grease the bcttca c| three 8-|uch
ca|e oaus. t|ue the oaus W|th Wax cr oarchaeut oaoer aud
crease the oaoer.
2. iutc a |arce bcW|, s||t tccether the ||cur, ouao||u o|e so|ce,
ba||uc ocWder, ba||uc scda, aud sa|t. set as|de.
3. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| a |ccd orccesscr ||tted W|th the oadd|e
attachaeut, cr |u a |arce a|x|uc bcW| W|th a haudhe|d a|xer,
beat tccether the butter aud sucar uut|| ||u||v. ueat |u the eccs
cue at a t|ae, aud beat uut|| ||u||v. st|r |u the aoo|es aud vau|||a.
+. Add the ||cur a|xture |u 3 oarts a|teruate|v W|th the a||| |u 2
oarts, start|uc aud eud|uc W|th the ||cur, aud st|rr|uc just uut||
b|euded a|ter each add|t|cu. |c|d |u the Wa|uuts.
S. |cur |utc the oreoared oaus. ua|e uut|| the ceuter sor|ucs bac|
Wheu ||cht|v oressed W|th a ||ucert|o, abcut 3S a|uutes. tet the
ca|e |avers ccc| |u the oaus cu W|re rac|s |cr S a|uutes. kuu a
th|u |u||e arcuud the cuts|de aud turu cut cutc rac|s. |ee| c||
the oaoer. |||o thea cver tc ccao|ete|v ccc| r|cht-s|de uo cu the
rac|s. i| uct asseab||uc r|cht aWav, ccver the |avers |u o|ast|c
Wrao aud stcre at rcca teaoerature |cr 1 dav.
6. MeauWh||e, oreoare the crauce buttercreaa |rcst|uc. iu the Wcr|
bcW| c| au e|ectr|c staud a|xer ||tted W|th the oadd|e attachaeut,
cr |u a |arce a|x|uc bcW| W|th a haudhe|d a|xer, beat the butter
uut|| sc|t. Add the sucar |u 3 oarts a|teruate|v W|th the crauce
ju|ce |u 2 oarts, beat|uc ccustaut|v uut|| creaav aud saccth. st|r
|u 3 teasoccus c| the crauce r|ud, a|cuc W|th the vau|||a aud
sa|t. set as|de.
7. 1c oreoare the |||||uc, |u a saa|| bcW|, a|x the creaa cheese
W|th a |cr| uut|| sc|teued. Add cuo c| the crauce a|xture aud
the reaa|u|uc 1 teasoccu c| crauce zest aud st|r uut|| We||
8. wheu readv tc |||| aud |rcst the ca|e, hc|d a serrated |u||e
hcr|zcuta||v aud use a ceut|e saW|uc act|cu tc shave the dcaed
tco c|| each |aver. Arrauce cue |aver cu a ca|e serv|uc o|ate.
||ace ha|| c| the |||||uc cu tco aud use au c||set soatu|a tc soread
the |||||uc tc the edces c| the |aver. ||ace a seccud |aver cu tco.
||ace the reaa|u|uc |||||uc cu tco aud soread |t as |cr the ||rst
|aver. 1co W|th the ||ua| ca|e |aver.
9. |rcst the s|des aud tco c| the ca|e W|th the |rcst|uc, us|uc a
cruab ccat.
10. i| des|red, caru|sh the ca|e W|th uuts aud aoo|es. Deccrate the
s|des c| the ca|e W|th the uuts. iu a saa|| bcW|, ceut|v tcss the
aoo|e s||ces |u |eacu ju|ce aud arrauce thea cu tco c| the ca|e
just be|cre serv|uc.
11. stcre |u a t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uer at rcca teaoerature |cr uo
tc 2 davs.
auut e|sa's dev||'s |ccd ca|e
1his is everythino you want a choco|ate cake to be. A
simp|y prepared batter bakes up into a de|icious cake with
|ayers that have a tender crumb and oood choco|ate t|avor.
1he trostino is beaten into bi||owy c|ouds ot shiny
choco|ate ooodness that spreads |ike si|k.
|Ok 1u| CAk|
3 cuuces uusWeeteued chccc|ate, chcooed
2 cuos ca|e ||cur, o|us acre |cr the oaus
2 teasoccus ba||uc scda
teasoccu tab|e sa|t
8 tab|esoccus (1 st|c|) uusa|ted butter, at rcca teaoerature
2 cuos ||cht|v oac|ed ||cht brcWu sucar
3 |arce eccs
2 teasoccus vau|||a
cuo buttera|||
1 cuo bc|||uc Water
|Ok 1u| |kOs1iuG
+ cuuces uusWeeteued chccc|ate, chcooed
+ cuos (1 ocuud) ccu|ect|cuers' sucar, s||ted
cuo hct Water
1 |arce ecc
8 tab|esoccus (1 st|c|) uusa|ted butter
1 teasoccu vau|||a
1. iu the tco c| a dcub|e bc||er cr |u a sta|u|ess-stee| a|x|uc bcW|
set cver a oau c| s|aaer|uc Water sc that the bcttca c| the
bcW| dces uct tcuch the Water, ae|t the chccc|ate. set as|de tc
2. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. Grease aud ||cur three 8-|uch ca|e
3. iu a |arce bcW|, s||t the ||cur W|th the ba||uc scda aud sa|t, set
+. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| au e|ectr|c staud a|xer ||tted W|th the oadd|e
attachaeut, cr |u a |arce a|x|uc bcW| W|th a haudhe|d a|xer,
o|ace the butter, brcWu sucar, eccs, aud vau|||a aud beat cu
h|ch soeed uut|| ||chteued |u cc|cr, abcut 3 a|uutes, scrao|uc
dcWu the s|des cccas|cua||v.
S. keduce the soeed tc |cW aud beat |u the chccc|ate. Add the ||cur
a|xture |u 3 oarts a|teruate|v W|th the buttera||| |u 2 oarts,
start|uc aud eud|uc W|th the ||cur. ueat |u the Water uut||
6. |cur |utc the oreoared oaus. ua|e uut|| the ca|e ou||s aWav |rca
the s|des aud a tcctho|c| |userted |utc the ceuter ccaes cut
c|eau, 30 tc 3S a|uutes.
7. tet the ca|e |avers ccc| |u the oaus cu W|re rac|s |cr S a|uutes.
kuu a th|u |u||e arcuud the cuts|de aud turu cut cutc rac|s. |ee|
c|| the oaoer. |||o thea cver tc ccao|ete|v ccc| r|cht-s|de uo cu
the rac|s. i| uct asseab||uc r|cht aWav, ccver the |avers |u
o|ast|c Wrao aud stcre at rcca teaoerature |cr 1 dav.
8. MeauWh||e, oreoare the |rcst|uc. iu the tco c| a dcub|e bc||er cr
|u a sta|u|ess-stee| a|x|uc bcW| set cver a oau c| s|aaer|uc
Water sc that the bcttca c| the bcW| dces uct tcuch the Water,
ae|t the chccc|ate. set as|de tc ccc|.
9. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| au e|ectr|c staud a|xer ||tted W|th the oadd|e
attachaeut, cr |u a |arce a|x|uc bcW| W|th a haudhe|d a|xer,
o|ace the ccc|ed, ae|ted chccc|ate, the sucar, aud the hct Water.
ueat cu aed|ua soeed uut|| saccth. Add the ecc, butter, aud
vau|||a. Ccut|uue beat|uc uut|| the |rcst|uc |s th|c| aud ||u||v aud
acuuds beaut||u||v cu a soccu, 2 tc 3 a|uutes.
10. wheu readv tc |||| aud |rcst the ca|e, hc|d a serrated |u||e
hcr|zcuta||v aud use a ceut|e saW|uc act|cu tc shave the dcaed
tco c|| each |aver. |||| aud |rcst the ca|e, us|uc a cruab ccat ||
vcu have t|ae.
11. stcre |u a t|cht|v ccvered ccuta|uer |u the re|r|ceratcr |cr uo tc 2
davs, |et staud at rcca teaoerature |cr 30 a|uutes be|cre
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN It the percentaoes
you sometimes see on bars ot choco|ate seem batt|ino, just know this:
1hey reter to the percentaoe ot cocoa so|ids and cocoa butter in the
choco|ate. 1his varies trom brand to brand, but oenera||y semisweet
choco|ate is about S0 percent cocoa, and bittersweet is 60 to 10
percent cocoa. A|ways use a oood-qua|ity choco|ate in choco|ate
desserts-it wi|| usua||y determine how oood your end resu|t isl
auut e|sa's o|ueaoo|e uos|de-
dcWu ca|e
8uttery, not over|y sweet, ye||ow cake is topped with rich,
carame|ized pineapp|e in this c|assic treat that never |ets
me down. A|| ot the inoredients, inc|udino the pineapp|e,
are stap|es in my pantry, so I can make it any time I want
a cheertu| and de|icious dessert without havino to shop
especia||y tor it. usino cake t|our resu|ts in a more tender
cake that is best eaten the day it is made. A||-purpose t|our
oives a sturdier cake, a|most |ike a cottee cake.
cuo uusa|ted butter, at rcca teaoerature
cuo oac|ed ||cht brcWu sucar
7 s||ces o|ueaoo|e
7 dra|ued aarasch|uc cherr|es, cr as ueeded (cot|cua|)
1 cuos ca|e ||cur cr a||-ourocse ||cur
1 cuo sucar
2 teasoccus ba||uc ocWder
teasoccu tab|e sa|t
cuo a|||
1 teasoccu vau|||a
1 |arce ecc
1. |reheat the cveu tc 3S0|. iu a ||aaeorcc| 9-|uch ca|e oau, ae|t
/3 cuo c| the butter cver |cW heat. sor|u||e the brcWu sucar
eveu|v cver the butter aud ccc|, st|rr|uc, uut|| the sucar aud
butter are b|euded aud there are uc occ|s c| ae|ted batter, 2 tc
+ a|uutes.
2. Arrauce the o|ueaoo|e cu tco c| the caraae|. Deccrate W|th
cherr|es || des|red, o|ac|uc thea |u the ceuter c| each o|ueaoo|e
s||ce. set the oau as|de.
3. iu the Wcr| bcW| c| au e|ectr|c staud a|xer ||tted W|th the oadd|e
attachaeut, cr |u a |arce a|x|uc bcW| W|th a haudhe|d a|xer,
o|ace the ||cur, sucar, ba||uc ocWder, aud sa|t aud a|x cu |cW
soeed uut|| We|| ccab|ued. Add the reaa|u|uc
/3 cuo c| butter
a|cuc W|th the a||| aud vau|||a. ueat cu aed|ua soeed |cr 2
a|uutes. scraoe dcWu the s|des c| the bcW|. Add the ecc aud
beat cu aed|ua soeed |cr 2 a|uutes. |cur the batter cver the
+. ua|e uut|| the ca|e |s cc|deu brcWu aud a tcctho|c| |userted |u
the ceuter ccaes cut c|eau, +0 tc S0 a|uutes. keacve the oau
|rca the cveu aud care|u||v t||t |t |u a|| d|rect|cus tc re|ease the
ca|e |rca the s|des c| the oau. tet ccc| |u the oau |cr abcut 3
a|uutes. 1uru the oau cver cutc a serv|uc o|ate aud |et staud |cr
2 tc 3 a|uutes. Care|u||v |||t the oau c|| the ca|e. use a soatu|a
tc reacve auv |ru|t that |s stuc| tc the oau aud o|ace |t cu the
ca|e. serve Wara cr at rcca teaoerature.
1he drinks I prepare have a very important
purpose: to quench the considerab|e thirst
caused by the 1exas heat. Many ot these
retreshino concoctions put to oood use the
truit and herbs that orew around us when I
was a kid: |emons, |imes, mint, and
strawberries. And whi|e I |ove to drink wine
with dinner, I don't otherwise drink much
a|coho|. My triends, on the other hand, adore
cocktai|s, so many ot my drink recipes can be
adapted to inc|ude |iquor. I oravitate to ice-
co|d, truity, citrusy concoctions that are
de|icious with or without a shot ot t|avored
rum or vodka. Lven hot app|e cider, which is
my tavorite drink around Christmas, is
enhanced tor some by a nice shot ot rum. 1he
rich sme|| ot cinnamon and app|es warms the
spirit as much as sippino it warms the body.
straWberrv da|cu|r|
a|ut |eacuade
sWeet suu tea
|cuc |s|aud |ced tea
hct aoo|e c|der
1he |imes we orew in 1exas are a|most a hybrid |emon-
|ime and we used them to make ades. It wasn't unti| I
was much o|der that I rea|ized other peop|e usua||y used
|emons, not |imes. 1his is the recipe I orew up with, and it
works just as pertect|y with the |imes you can buy at the
store as it did with the |imes we orew.
MAkLS A8Ou1 1v CuS: 4 1O 6 SLRvINGS
1u|ce |rca 8 ||aes (abcut 1 cuo)
cuo sucar cr tc taste
ice, |cr serv|uc
1. iu a |arce o|tcher, o|ace 6 cuos c| rcca teaoerature Water a|cuc
W|th the ||ae ju|ce aud sucar. st|r uut|| the sucar |s d|ssc|ved, 1
tc 2 a|uutes.
2. ||ace |u the re|r|ceratcr aud ch||| |cr 1 hcur. D|v|de aacuc + cr 6
c|asses aud serve cver |ce.
straWberrv da|cu|r|
we te|t so tancy and e|eoant as chi|dren, sippino viroin
strawberry daiquiris out ot beautitu| o|asses. I sti|| enjoy
these without the rum, but when I do add it, I a|ways
choose a t|avored rum tor the de|icious tropica| truit t|avor
it adds.
MAkLS 8v CuS: 2 1O 8 SLRvINGS
S cuuces |rczeu straWberr|es
1 6-cuuce cau |rczeu |eacuade
|eacuade cau (6 tab|esoccus, 3 cuuces) c| ccccuut, bauaua,
cr o|ueaoo|e rua (cot|cua|)
2 tab|esoccus ocWdered sucar
Abcut 12 (3 cuos) |ce cubes cr as ueeded
uo tc cuo |resh crauce ju|ce, cr tc taste
1. iu a b|euder, o|ace the straWberr|es, bauaua, aud |rczeu
|eacuade. |||| the eaotv |eacuade cau ha||Wav W|th rua aud
add |t tc the b|euder W|th the sucar aud |ce. u|eud uut|| We||
ccab|ued aud s|ushv. Add crauce ju|ce tc th|u the a|xture ||
uecessarv cr acre |ce cubes tc aa|e |t th|c|er.
2. D|v|de aacuc 2 cr 3 c|asses aud serve.
a|ut |eacuade
we had |emon trees and mint a|| over our ranch when I
was a kid. I don't remember when I tasted the two
tooether tor the tirst time, but since then I've never |iked
|emonade any other way. Ior kids or anyone not drinkino
a|coho|, it's a tabu|ous|y testive and beautitu| nona|coho|ic
treat. Or add a shot ot rum or vodka to each o|ass and
make a cocktai| out ot itl
|Ok 1u| t|MOuAD|
cuo sucar
cuo hct Water
cuo |resh |eacu ju|ce (|rca + |eacus)
|Ok Miu1 t|MOuAD| (2 s|kviuGs)
Abcut 12 (3 cuos) |ce cubes
1 cuos |eacuade, o|us acre || ueeded
6 tc 7 sor|cs c| |resh a|ut, o|us acre |cr caru|sh
1. 1c oreoare the |eacuade, o|ace the sucar aud hct Water |u a 2-
cuart ccuta|uer. C|cse t|cht|v aud sha|e uut|| the sucar |s
d|ssc|ved. Add the |eacu ju|ce aud eucuch cc|d Water tc aa|e 3
cuos tcta|. sha|e uut|| We|| ccab|ued.
2. 1c aa|e 2 serv|ucs c| a|ut |eacuade, o|ace the |ce |u a b|euder
|t shcu|d |||| the b|euder abcut ha||Wav. |cur cver the
|eacuade. |u|| the |eaves c|| the a|ut aud add tc the b|euder.
|uree uut|| We|| b|euded aud s|ushv. i| tcc ||cu|dv, add acre |ce
aud ouree, || tcc s|ushv, add a ||tt|e acre |eacuade aud ouree
uut|| We|| b|euded.
3. |cur |utc tWc 12-cuuce c|asses. Garu|sh each W|th a a|ut sor|c
aud serve |aaed|ate|v.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN Citrus truit such as
|imes, |emons, and oranoes shou|d a|ways be stored at room
temperature. Don't try to juice citrus that has been stored in the
retrioerator: it does not re|ease its juice as readi|y when it is co|d.
sWeet suu tea
In the South, we mean it when we otter you a ta|| o|ass ot
sweet tea-it is sweetl 1his is the rea| thino, intused with
he|p trom the hot sun and sweet enouoh to put a smi|e on
anyone's tace. Make sure to add the suoar rioht atter you
brino the warm tea in trom the sun so it'|| disso|ve
comp|ete|y. Once the sweet tea is mixed, keep it
retrioerated and discard it it it appears at a|| c|oudy.
MAkLS 8 CuS: 6 1O 8 SLRvINGS
8 bacs b|ac| ca||e|uated tea
8 cuos |||tered Water
tc cuo hcuev
tc cuo sucar
1 |eacu, th|u|v s||ced
ice, |cr serv|uc
1. wash a c|ear, c|ass o|tcher |u hct, scaov Water aud drv
thcrcuch|v. ||ace the tea bacs |u the o|tcher aud add the |||tered
Water. set |u the |u|| suu uut|| the tea |s u|ce|v dar|, 1 tc 2 hcurs.
keacve aud d|scard the tea bacs.
2. Add cuo hcuev aud cuo sucar aud st|r uut|| ccao|ete|v
d|ssc|ved. 1aste aud ccut|uue tc add hcuev aud sucar uut|| the
tea reaches the des|red sWeetuess.
3. Add the |eacu s||ces tc the tea aud serve cver |ce. i| uct serv|uc
|aaed|ate|v, stcre |u the re|r|ceratcr |cr 1 tc 2 davs.
IROM AuN1 LLSA'S kI1CuLN 1ust t|oat the |emon
s|ices in the tea: don't squeeze the |emon juice into the tu|| batch. 1he
|emon juice a|ters the ba|ance and acidity ot the tea causino it to
taste ott. Ot course, once the sweet tea is served, to|ks can
squeeze the |emon into their own o|asses it they'd |ike.
|cuc |s|aud |ced tea
1raditiona||y, Lono Is|and Iced 1ea is made with c|ear
|iquors and a sp|ash ot co|a to oive it an iced tea co|or.
Instead, my version depends on a tabu|ous vodka that my
triend viroinia trom A|abama oave me: sweet-tea-intused
vodka trom a sma|| disti||ery ca||ed Iiret|y.
2 tab|esoccus s||ver tecu||a
2 tab|esoccus sWeet-tea-|u|used vcd|a
2 tab|esoccus ||cht rua
2 tab|esoccus tr|o|e sec
2 tab|esoccus c|u
1u|ce |rca 3 saa|| |eacus (6 tab|esoccus)
2 teasoccus sucar
tc cuo crauberrv ju|ce
2 |eacu Wedces
1. |||| a sha|er W|th |ce, aud ocur |u the tecu||a, sWeet-tea-|u|used
vcd|a, rua, tr|o|e sec, c|u, |eacu ju|ce, aud sucar. sha|e |cr
abcut 20 seccuds, uut|| the sha|er |s |reez|uc cc|d cu the
cuts|de. |||| 2 o|ut c|asses abcut three-cuarters W|th |ce, theu
ocur the ccc|ta|| a|xture cver the |ce.
2. 1co c|| W|th eucuch crauberrv ju|ce tc aa|e the dr|u| the cc|cr
c| |ced tea. Garu|sh each c|ass W|th a |eacu Wedce aud serve.
hct aoo|e c|der
1his is a Christmas tavorite at my house, pertect tor
everythino trom bio ho|iday parties to a quiet winter nioht
at home. Sometimes I put a batch ot it on to simmer just
because its de|icious traorance ot warm spice and app|e
ti||s the house and makes me happy.
ca||cu aoo|e c|der
2 3-|uch c|uuaacu st|c|s, o|us acre |cr serv|uc
6 Whc|e c|cves
6 Whc|e a||so|ce
1 teasoccu crated uutaec
C|uuaacu st|c|s, |cr caru|sh
1. iu a Crcc|-|ct o|ace the aoo|e c|der, c|uuaacu st|c|s, c|cves,
a||so|ce, aud uutaec. ueat cver |cW heat uut|| hct, abcut 30
2. serve hct |u aucs, o|ace a c|uuaacu st|c| |u each auc as
.O. 8ox 1821
1acoma, wA 08411
1c ||ud |cca| |aras W|th oasture-|ed aeat.
1486 u Street Nw, Suite 100
washinoton, DC 20000
1c ||ud cut Wh|ch are the acst aud |east oest|c|de-|adeu |ru|ts aud
11101 wurzbach Road, Suite 208
San Antonio, 1x 18280
A ucuorc||t crcau|zat|cu ded|cated tc he|o|uc deve|coaeuta||v
cha||euced ch||dreu aud vcuuc adu|ts betWeeu 1+ aud 21 vears c|
ace |utecrate aud ||cur|sh |u scc|etv.
.O. 8ox 1202
Santa Cruz, CA 0S061
1c |ccate |cca| |araers' aar|ets aud crccerv stcres Where vcu cau
||ud susta|uab|e aud crcau|c orcduce, ocu|trv, aeat, aud eccs.
886 Cannery Row
Monterey, CA 08040
|cr a recu|ar|v uodated ||st c| Wh|ch ||sh aud she||||sh are best
chc|ces aud cccd a|teruat|ves, aud Wh|ch vcu shcu|d avc|d.
wheu i Was aoorcached bv 1euu||er Gates tc dc a ccc|bcc|, i Was
|aaed|ate|v |uso|red aud exc|ted. 1heu rea||tv suu| |u that i had
uever Wr|tteu dcWu acst c| av rec|oes. 1hev Were a|| |u av head,
W|th a o|uch c| th|s aud a dash c| that. 1hau|s tc 1euu||er, she
o|aced ae |u the r|cht hauds at C|ar|scu |ctter W|th |a||v
1a|cudes, Whc oat|eut|v ||steued tc av |deas aud thcuchts abcut
|ccd aud ccc||uc. |a||v theu oa|red ae uo W|th au auce| uaaed
Marah stets, Whc Was resocus|b|e |cr brea||uc |utc av bra|u aud
orv|uc cut a|| c| the rec|oes that Were traooed |u av a|ud |cr acre
thau tWeutv vears. Marah aud i have created a soec|a| bcud that i
W||| cher|sh |crever. 1hau| vcu, Marah, |cr vcur |uccaoarab|e Wcr|
eth|c aud vcur aaaz|uc ta|eut as a Wr|ter, vcu brcucht tc |||e th|s
eut|re ccc|bcc| that Was dcraaut |u av head.
Ouce the bcc| Was ccustructed |t Was t|ae tc ohctccraoh the
|ccd, aud We ccu|du't th|u| c| a better oerscu tc dc th|s thau ueu
||u|. 1hau| vcu, ueu, |cr aa||uc av s|ao|e taccs |cc| |||e a Wcr|
c| art. ?cu are a ceu|us at What vcu dc. A verv soec|a| thau|s tc
kauda|| s|av|u, Whc caotured av so|r|t c| ccc||uc W|th av |aa||v
aud |r|euds thrcuch scae c| the acst beaut||u| ohctcs |u th|s bcc|,
vcur |cv|uc euercv |s seeu |u each c| these ohctcs. Aud i'a crate|u|
tc |ctter's art d|rectcr, 1aue 1reuha|t, |cr her creat art|st|c eve that
aa|es th|s bcc| oco r|cht c|| the she||l A|sc thau| vcu tc 1euu||er
Dav|s |cr des|cu|uc a beaut||u| bcc|.
1h|s bcc| Wcu|d uct have beeu ocss|b|e W|thcut av |aa||v,
Whcse suoocrt aud |cve have carr|ed ae thrcuch evervth|uc |u |||e.
1hau| vcu tc av aca |cr a||cW|uc ae tc d|sccver ccc||uc thrcuch
the |eus c| be|uc a Mex|cau Aaer|cau, || i cau be a |ract|cu c| the
Wcaau vcu are, theu i have succeeded. Aud thau| vcu tc av dad
|cr teach|uc ae hcW a|| |ccd deserves resoect aud |s best served |u
|ts acst uatura| state. i a|sc thau| av three |cv|uc s|sters, t|za,
|a||v, aud |saera|da, |cr |ett|uc ae be the soc||ed, rctteu babv c|
the |aa||v, a|| three c| vcu had such au |u||ueuce cu ae aud he|oed
cra|t ae |utc the Wcaau i aa tcdav, aud i |cve vcu. 1c av scu|
s|sters, ucuu|e, ur|ttauv, A||ua, Mar|a, v|rc|u|a, saudra, Chr|st|aue,
aud Mcu|ca, thau|s |cr be|uc the cu|uea o|cs |cr av ccc||uc, av
|avcr|te aeacr|es |uc|ude staud|uc |u av ||tcheu, ccc||uc,
dr|u||uc, aud ta|||uc abcut |||e, sc i thau| vcu |rca the bcttca c|
av heart |cr be|uc av W||||uc aud|euce.
||ua||v, i c|ve thau|s tc av createst |uso|rat|cu, Auut ||sa, Whc
taucht the eut|re |aa||v evervth|uc abcut |ccd aud cater|uc aud hcW
tc aa|e hcae auvWhere vcu are |u the Wcr|d, i a|ss vcu everv