Wireless Mesh Networks

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Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN)

Hector Dionisio Lady Xyrille Galvez Carl Francis Veloso

Electronics Engineering Department, Electronics Engineering Department, Electronics Engineering Department,
College of Engineering College of Engineering College of Engineering
Polytechnic University of the Philippines Polytechnic University of the Philippines Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Baliuag, Bulacan, Philippines Baliuag, Bulacan, Philippines Tanza, Cavite, Philippines
hectordionisio022001@gmail.com galvezxy@gmail.com cfvel20@gmail.com

Abstract—With the rising demand in wireless networks, A wireless mesh network is a network that consists of
several developments and techniques are created to cope up with multiple wireless nodes with access points. To transfer data,
it. A popular method of configuring a wireless network is the each node in the network acts as a forwarding node. Because
Wireless Mesh Network (WMN). It uses a Mesh topology that the network is decentralized, data can only be forwarded to a
alleviates connection lost issues as it has multiple routes to take in
an event that a Router fails. WMNs are composed of Mesh Routers
neighboring node. As a result, the network structure is simple
and Mesh Clients. Mesh Routers are the main connecting object and straightforward.
in the network while the Mesh Client is often the end users. Within a radio range, a wireless mesh network is an
Properly assigning the Channels to the WMN is vital as it will architecture that provides less mobility at a low cost. WMN is
dictate the overall performance of the network. Many methods an infrastructure that consists of a network of routers with no
have been developed to assign channels and it can be grouped to cabling connecting the nodes. It is made up of radio nodes that
graph based, AI based, and mathematically operated based. do not need to be connected to a wired port like traditional
Different methods will output different characteristics of wireless access points. Shortest hops are expected to transmit
interferences, connectivity, throughput, channel diversity, and data over long distances. When compared to the rest of the
other more important factors.
network topologies, the wireless mesh network provides
Keywords—wireless, mesh, networks, routers, nodes, channel stability rather than node addition or deletion in the network.
When there is high mobility in wireless mesh networks, the
I. INTRODUCTION frequency of link breakage increases, resulting in poor
information communication performance.
Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) are popular in almost all The wireless mesh network operates on the same principles
places such as schools, offices, and factories. WMNs are very as with the data packets that travel through the wired internet
flexible, and it is easy to add devices in the network. It also from one node to another toward the destination. This is
prevents down times as the Mesh Routers and Mesh Clients are accomplished through the use of a dynamic routing algorithm.
interconnected to each other enabling many routes possible. If It is possible by requiring each node in the network to
a Router goes down, a different route could be used, and the communicate its routing information to other nodes. With the
network could still function. Also, being Wireless removes the information received, each node will decide whether to forward
problems of expense and hard work in laying of cables. This it or keep it for itself. It is based on the routing protocol's
flexibility makes it popular in Internet of Things applications. functionality. Any routing algorithm must ensure that routing is
This paper will focus on the subjects that are essential in WMNs performed by predicting the shortest path between the source
such as Channel Assignment Techniques, Mesh Routers, and and destination. Figure 1 depicts the architecture of a wireless
Mesh Clients. It will also tackle the comparison between mesh network.
WMNs and the popular Wi-Fi Network.
Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) are communication
networks made up of radio nodes arranged in a mesh topology.
Mesh topology is an interconnection of all nodes in the network
that are connected to one another. Devices in the network
include nodes, clients, routers, gateways, and so on. Mesh
networks are typically less mobile because rerouting is less
difficult in predicting the reroute results in data transmission
delay. Gateways that serve as forwarding nodes may or may not
be connected to the Internet. Since multiple devices are
connected to a single network, it is also known as mesh cloud.
WMN works better with a variety of networks, including
cellular networks and IEEE 802.11, 802.15, and 802.16. Figure 1 Wireless Mesh Network Architecture
Wireless nodes in wireless mesh networks serve the same WLANs are marketed under the Wi-Fi brand name and are
purpose as wireless routers. For wireless mesh communication, based on IEEE 802.11 standards. Wireless Local Area
various IEEE standards such as IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b, and Networks (WLANs) are designed to provide wireless access in
802.11g are used. Nodes in the network can predict the shortest areas with a typical range of up to 100 meters and are
path between source and destination based on the available commonly used in home, school, computer laboratory, or office
paths. The routes will be updated whenever there is a change in settings (Figure 3). This allows users to move around within a
network infrastructure such as when nodes are added and or local coverage area while still being connected to the network.
removed. The ability of a node to predict the shortest available
path between source and destination is referred to as dynamic
A. Wifi Networks
A wireless network is a data communication system that
uses electromagnetic media such as radio or infrared waves
instead of cables. Wireless networks are used to supplement or
replace wired networks. The most prominent feature of wireless
networks is mobility, which allows users to move freely while
remaining connected. Another significant advantage of wireless
networks is their ability to connect to locations that are
physically inaccessible to network cables. Wireless networks
are used for more than just replacing wired networks. It also
enables communication schemes that are not available in wired Figure 3 Wireless Local Area Network (WLANs)
With the proliferation of mobile computers and handheld
devices such as PDAs and cellular phones, wireless networks For wireless local area networks, there is a set of standards
are becoming more important as a means of information known as IEEE 802.11. The first widely used standard, IEEE
exchange. Portable computers, desktop computers, hand-held 802.11b, supported data rates of up to 11 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz
computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), cellular phones, unlicensed frequency range. Then, the IEEE 802.11g standard
pen-based computers, and pagers are all common wireless was created as the IEEE 802.11b's higher-bandwidth successor.
networking devices. Wireless networks function similarly to Both 802.11b and 802.11g clients are supported by an IEEE
wired networks; however, wireless networks must convert 802.11g access point. Similar to this, a laptop equipped with an
information signals into a format suitable for transmission over IEEE 802.11g card will be able to connect to both new 802.11g
air. Wireless networks enable remote devices to connect and current 802.11b access points. This is due to the fact that
without difficulty, whether they are a few feet or several 802.11g-based wireless LANs will utilize the same 2.4-GHz
kilometers apart. range as 802.11b. The IEEE 802.11g wireless link's maximum
Wireless networks can be classified into four specific transfer rate is 54 Mbps, but if interference or a poor radio
groups according to the area of application and the signal range signal are detected, it will automatically reduce from 54 Mbps.
[1-3]: Wireless Personal-Area Networks (WPAN), Wireless
Local-Area Networks (WLANs), Wireless Metropolitan-Area B. Comparison
Networks (WMAN), and Wireless Wide-Area Networks Clients are linked to wireless access points in traditional
(WWANs). Figure 2 illustrates these four categories. wireless LAN deployments, which are connected via a wired
backbone network. The wireless network here only makes up
one step of the end-to-end connection. As a result, in order for
clients to be connected, they must be within one hop of a
wireless access point. A high number of fixed access points
must be placed and the accompanying wiring for the backbone
network (also known as backhaul) must be established in order
to achieve coverage over a broad area. Therefore, deploying
large scale WLANs is often an extremely time- and money-
consuming operation.
Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), on the other hand, can
provide wireless network coverage over large areas without the
need for a wired backbone infrastructure or dedicated access
Figure 2 Categories of Wireless networks
points. A collection of wireless mesh routers, similar to access
points in traditional WLANs, provide network access to
wireless clients in WMNs. Communication between these mesh
routers, however, is accomplished via the wireless network,
which typically involves multiple wireless hops. Once
connected to the Internet, one or more mesh routers can serve and minimization of interferences. However, the beacon
as gateways for all other nodes and provide Internet messages limit its scalability.
connectivity for the entire mesh network.
C. Traffic-Aware Routing-Independent Channel Assignment
Figure 4 depicts the difference between a traditional WLAN
deployment and a WMN. Figure 4a illustrates a WLAN in
which clients are associated with wireless access points that are It is a technique used in Multi-Radio WMN links and
wired backhauled to a central switch. Clients in the WMN has two phases in the Channel Assignment Process. First is the
scenario, as shown in Figure 4b, can either communicate Initial Channel Setting that decomposes a connectivity graph
directly with a mesh router or be associated with an access point using BFS to have sub-graphs. Channels are then assigned to
that is connected to a mesh router. The primary distinction here the links in each sub-graph. This process, however, creates
is that the wired backbone network has been replaced by a bottleneck links with high interference. The second phase is
wireless mesh network Iterative Improvement which solves the bottleneck interference
problem by greedily updating its channel to the least used
channel. However, this process does not guarantee
connectivity. The technique also does not consider external
D. Topology-controlled Interference-aware Channel
Assignment (TICA)
It is a technique used in Multi-Radio WMNs. It has
two phases in Channel Assignment. In the first phase, a
topology that considers the notion of power control to minimize
interference among mesh nodes is created by first crafting a
Connectivity Graph. Then the centralized gateway creates a
Shortest Path Tree (SPT) based on the Connectivity Graph. The
Gateway then ranks each link based on the Minimum Power
Figure 4 (a) Traditional Wireless Local Area Network (b) Wireless Mesh Network SPT (MPSPT). In the second phase, channel assignment
happens based on the ranks assigned. This technique has an
improved version called enhanced TICA (eTICA) that solves

A. Connected Low Interference Channel Assignment (CLICA) E. Integer Semidefinite Programming (ISDP) based channel
It is a technique that is used in Multi-channel WMNs,
and it finds the best possible strategy to achieve a low It is a technique used in Multi-Radio WMN links. It is
interference topology. It first graphs the node priorities and a better version of the Semidefinite Programming based
edge weights that reflects the extent of interference in the links. channel assignment (SDP) having a tighter bound on the
It then assigns the most strategic channel possible that achieved solution. However, the raw result from ISDP is not
minimizes the maximum link conflict weight or average link that feasible so three additional algorithms are developed. First
conflict weight over all interfering links. It also ensures one is SDP-COLORSET where there is a common channel for
connectivity by altering the node priority. However, it only the two end nodes of the link, and it randomly selects the
considers the probable interfering edges and not the actual channel. Second is the SDP-GREEDY where there is also a
interfering edges. It also ignores several factors such as external common channel for the two end nodes, but it selects channels
interferences, queuing delay, and environmental effects. where it can maximize channel diversity. Third is the SDP-
SKELETON which makes a spanning tree of the connectivity
B. Multi-Radio Breadth First Search based Channel graph. It selects channels according to BFS (Breadth First
Assignment (MRBFS-CA) Search). This method ensures connectivity and channel
It is used in Multi-Radio WMNs. Channels in this diversity. However, the ISDP technique does not consider
technique are two different types namely default and non- external interferences and traffic load.
default radios. A Channel Assignment Server is the one tasked F. Superimposed Code based channel assignment
to assign the Channels. It first demands a beacon message from
the Mesh Nodes to collect interference estimates. This will be It is a technique used in Multi-Radio WMN links. A
the basis for the Channel Assignment process. A node is source node assigns the channels based on the created matrix
assigned to the default radio if this would minimize the by the s-disjunct code. Each column of the matrix is an
interference to the network. For non-default radios, it uses a interferer node, and each row is a channel. Channels are then
BFS (Breadth First Search)-based channel assignment classified as Primary if it is currently used and Secondary if it
algorithm and prioritizes the radios based on the hop count and is currently free. When the source node assigns the channels, it
Expected Transmission Time. This ensures the connectivity can follow two sets of algorithms. First is it assigns a channel
to the link by finding a set of its own primary channels which
are secondary to all its neighbors. Second is it assigns a channel to a memory together with the old ones which guarantees not to
to the link by finding a set of its primary channels which are trap local optima. However, this technique does not consider
secondary to the destination node and all the neighbors of the external interferences and traffic loads.
destination node with exception of the source node. However,
K. Q-Learning based channel assignment
this technique does not consider external interferences and
generates a ripple effect. It is a technique used to activate channels in multi-
Radio mobile sensor networks. This technique uses a Q-matrix
G. Genetic Algorithm (GA) based channel assignment in continuously making decisions learned from experiences. It
It is a technique used in WMN links. It assigns can also explore new operating points that is not in the Q-
channels in a weird way making use of Genes as an assigned matrix. This technique is used in sensor networks which the
channel for a WMN link. The assignment has three processes. accuracy of the decision is based on energy efficiency.
First is random selection where a Roulette wheel is used. However, it can also be used to assign channels to WMNs with
Second is Crossover where it takes two genes as parents with unknown characteristics by changing the energy efficiency
designation of Primary and Secondary. Then will take from it basis to the desired objective function such as interference
an offspring with the Primary genes being maintained minimization and throughput maximization. This technique is
completely and the Secondary genes being maintained while great for mobile clients because it is adaptive. However,
considering feasibility. Third is the Mutation where a continuous overall network connectivity is not guaranteed.
Randomly chosen link changes its channel to the created
L. Adaptive Dynamic Channel Allocation (ADCA)
Randomly Chosen Feasible Channel. The technique can
minimize interference in the network however, it does not It is a technique used for a hybrid multi-radio WMN
ensure connectivity and does not consider external architecture. For the static interfaces, a heuristic channel
interferences and traffic load. assignment happens which maximizes the throughput from end
user to the gateway. For dynamic interfaces, they negotiate with
H. Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm -II (NSGA-II) each other to use a common channel. Data are queued and the
based channel assignment node performs a two-step negotiation. First step is a priority-
It is a technique used in WMN links. It is a better based selection based on queue length and waiting time. The
version of the NSGA and this technique alleviates all of the second step will only happen if the queue length is over a
latter’s disadvantages. It also uses a Gene representation in predefined threshold. This signifies that the traffic load may be
which it represents a channel state if it is off or on. It also uses saturated and further negotiations will not be effective. This
the Tournament selection method like the method used in technique greatly considers both throughput and delay
NSGA and the two-point crossover with a deletion operator as however, it is only good for Hybrid Multi-radio WMN
the recombination operator. However, the technique does not Architecture.
consider external interferences, traffic load, and the existence
M. Probabilistic Channel Usage based channel assignment
of non-overlapping channels
It is a technique used in multi-channel multi-interface
I. Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization based Channel Ad-Hoc wireless networks. It creates two interfaces namely
Assignment (DPSO-CA) Fixed and Switchable interfaces. Fixed interface is used for
It is a technique that is based on Particle Swarm receiving data while Switchable interface is used in
Operation (PSO). It also has a calling scheme of Particles for transmitting data. The operation starts with a randomly
the candidate solutions. This Particles move in the search space assigned channel to all interfaces. The Fixed interface
that is made by a mathematical formula. The DPSO-CA on the periodically changes its channel if the current channel has
other hand has a discrete search space instead of the ordinary many users. The Switchable interface Channel Assignment
one used in PSO, and it aims to find the minimum interference depends on the oldest packet in the queue. It transmits a
channel assignment while maintaining the topology. However, certain number of packets or stays in a certain time before
this technique could only be used in networks with unified changing channels. However, it does not consider external
traffic load, and it does not consider external interferences. interferences and interferences caused during channel
assignment in switchable interfaces.
J. Generic Tabu Search (GTS) based channel assignment
It is a technique used in WMN links and uses a concept N. Hyacinth
of probability in channel assignment. It first assigns channels It is a technique used in Multi-channel WMNs and
randomly for a conflict graph. It will then improve the uses AI to perform decision making. The channel assignment is
randomly assigned channels by iteration which consists of three based on priority depending on the distance from the gateway.
phases. First phase generates Maximal Independent Set (MIS) It also uses a Parent and Children system. If the communication
for some of the randomly assigned channels. Second phase is from Parent to Children, it uses a DOWN-Network Interface
creates a partial solution by combining the generated MIS in the Card (NIC). If it is the other way around, it uses an UP-NIC.
first phase. Third phase then improves this partial solution This UP and DOWN labeling of NICs prevents the Ripple
while considering the interface constraints. It achieves this by Effect. A fast recovery is also possible, when a node fails, the
performing Tabu search. The improved solution is then stored affected node will just decide to transfer to a known Alternate
Parent node lessening the down time of the network. However, connectivity graph is then made which eliminates high
it is possible that two neighboring nodes reroute to a single interferences. After this initial Topology set-up, the main
known alternate Parent node at the same time. It also does not channel assignment process starts. It has two interfaces namely
consider external interferences. default and non-default. For the default, external interferences
are highly considered in the channel assignment process. It uses
O. Skeleton Assisted Partition FrEe (SAFE)
channel utilization and channel quality as metrics for channel
It is a technique used in Multi-radio Wireless assignment. For non-default, all other interferences
Networks. The channel assignment is made in two ways based experienced are considered. It uses the average link layer queue
on the conditions of the number of available channels and length as metric for channel assignment.
interfaces. First condition is when the number of available
channels is less than two times the number of available S. Neighbor Partitioning and
interfaces. When it is met, channels are assigned randomly. It is a technique used in Multi-Channel WMNs. The
When there came a time where the condition is no longer met, channel assignment process has two steps. The first one is that
the skeleton assisted approach is used. It assigns dynamically all nodes group themselves with their neighbors one after
the channels to the interfaces but leaves one out. This left out another until the number of groups matches with the number of
interface is used as a “Skeleton” that maintains connectivity to interfaces available. The Second step is each group will be
all by being a common to the end nodes. However, the random assigned a channel. However, this method completely ignores
channel assignment may cause interferences and it does not the traffic load
consider external interferences.
T. Load Aware channel assignment
P. Joint Optimal Channel Assignment and Congestion Unlike the Neighbor Partitioning that completely
Control (JOCAC) ignores traffic load, Local Aware channel assignment considers
It is a technique used in Multi-channel WMN links. It an estimated traffic load. It is done in two phases namely
also has two ways of channel assignment. First is the exploration phase and convergence phase. The phases will
Centralized Approach where a Central Gateway assigns the repeat until it cannot longer find a better configuration in
channels. Second is the Distributed Approach where the nodes several iterations and if that configuration is feasible. However,
assign the channels to the links based on periodically this only considers an estimate and not the actual traffic load. It
broadcasted channel usage information from neighboring also does not consider external interferences and a large
nodes. This channel assignment technique is a practical one network will have a longer process time due to many possible
because it considers interferences and minimizes it. It also combinations being checked.
considers stability. However, it does not consider connectivity.
U. Routing, Channel assignment and Link scheduling (RCL)
Q. Two-hop clustering-based channel assignment It is a technique used in Multi-Radio WMNs. This
It is a technique used in Multi-Radio WMNs. First it technique uses three phases taking in consideration the interface
set ups a Default interface for each mesh nodes. Then the constraint, link capacity constraint, and flow graph. In the first
channel assignment happens in three phases. The First phase is phase, the mesh nodes are split while maintaining both interface
the Clustering Phase which groups the nodes and each of them constraint and link capacity constraint. In the second phase,
can be a Cluster Head or a Cluster member. The Second Phase channel assignment happens while taking into consideration the
is the Inter-cluster Static Channel Assignment Phase which maximization of the available channels and the minimization of
assigns Fixed channels to Cluster members and Default intra-component interference. In the third phase, channel
Channels to gateway nodes. The third phase is the Intra-cluster diversity is considered and if the number of connected
Dynamic Channel Assignment in which Dynamic channels are components in the flow graph is less than or equal to the number
assigned to all nodes based on the free time percentages of all of available channels, nothing is done in the third phase but if
available channels. Two processes are used in this phase, and this condition was not met, some meshes will be merged to
they are Greedy Switching and On-demand Switching. Greedy improve channel diversity. This technique considers the traffic
switching assigns dynamic channels based on the maximum load and minimizes interference however, it does not consider
free time percentage while On-demand Switching assigns external interferences.
dynamic channels based on the free time percentage drop from
V. Maxflow-based Centralized Channel Assignment
a threshold.
Algorithm (MCCA)
R. Cluster-based Multipath Topology control and Channel It is a technique used in Multi-Radio WMNs with
assignment scheme (CoMTaC) gateway nodes that are wired. Channel assignment happens in
It is a technique used in Multi-Radio WMNs. It first two phases. First is the Link-Group Binding Phase where the
processes a two-step topology scheme. First is it groups the links are grouped based on link criticality of their local flow
nodes in a fixed radius according to hop count into clusters. The while maintaining the interference constraint on each node.
clusters are then assigned channels. The second interfaces of Second is the Group-Channel Assignment when groups are
the nodes with neighboring cluster assigns it to a common sorted and are assigned a channel with consideration to groups
channel for inter-cluster connectivity. A spanner of a containing potential interfering links. This technique however
does not consider external interferences and the grouping of the the Wi-Fi network, the user's internet experience would be
links based on link criticality may affect the network significantly reduced.
throughput. In order to provide complete Wi-Fi coverage
throughout your home, mesh Wi-Fi or whole-home Wi-Fi
W. Balanced Static Channel Assignment (BSCA) and
systems employ a primary router that is directly connected to
It is a technique used in Multi-Radio WMNs. The your modem and a number of satellite modules, or nodes,
process of Channel Assignment starts in analyzing the traffic scattered around your property. In contrast to conventional Wi-
loads of all the links by using a linear programming Fi routers, they are all a member of a single wireless network
formulation. It then assigns channels based on the calculated and share the same SSID and password.
traffic loads. However, it does not consider interferences and
does not ensure connectivity. B. Dedicated Wireless Mesh Routers
When it comes to giving consumers fast speed, the
X. Packing Dynamic Channel Assignment (PDCA)
dedicated wireless mesh router performs better than the shared
It is a technique used in Multi-Radio WMNs. Like wireless mesh router. This type of mesh device's radio channels
BSCA, it starts in analyzing traffic loads using a linear is the only used to connect with the nodes that manage the
programming formulation, but it scales it to a large value to backhaul traffic. Backhaul traffic in this context refers to nodes
make it an integral. It does this to aggregate a single scaled flow corresponding with the router rather than your connected
in the link. The required data traffic flow may not be transmitted devices, such a laptop or smartphone. These mesh networks
however, if conditions are not met, the maximum possible feature three or more bands, one of which is solely reserved for
portion of the traffic load is transmitted, and the remaining backhaul communication. One 2.4GHz band, one 5GHz band,
traffic load will wait. Channel assignment will be based on the and one 5GHz band are used for fronthaul and backhaul,
remaining traffic load. It sorts the remaining traffic load in respectively, in the most typical tri-band setup.
descending order and assigns channels base on that. Like Wireless backhaul may be easily implemented and
BSCA, it does not consider interferences and does not ensure offers scalable, adaptable alternatives to wire and fiber
connectivity. backhaul. Due to the lack of leased lines or fiber, these linkages
lower operational expenses. Since there are more uses and less
restrictions for the technology behind it, wireless backhaul is
Wi-Fi mesh routers have become very vital for people who now becoming more prevalent than conventional cable
work from home remotely. People still encounter issues like networks. In order to communicate with distant offices, data
network failures and uneven speeds in and around their houses centers can increasingly rely on wireless backhaul.
even after paying for a high-speed broadband connection. The By this means, other companies and organizations can
coverage of their Wi-Fi router explains why there are issues. operate better. One of the functions where we can use this is for
Walls and the user's closeness to their Wi-Fi router are only two installation of surveillance network for the crime monitoring.
of the many factors that might create network problems. One of This link between different networks is strengthened and last-
the best ways to make sure Wi-Fi is entirely stable throughout mile aggregation is provided through wireless backhaul. Since
the house is to utilize mesh routers. these wireless networks are capable of delivering hundreds of
Mesh routers enable users to expand the Wi-Fi network data streams and enabling effective and unrestricted throughput
coverage throughout the entire house with the help of nodes. for data, video, and phone, there is direct access to the internet
Mesh routers provide for increased network coverage, better rather than having to go through several hoops.
speeds, and more dependable connections for your devices. 5G is the most current and expanding use of wireless
Dead zones can be reduced with the use of mesh routers. Mesh backhaul. There are many chances to increase and expand
router systems feature several access points in place of a single connection for mobile operators and their consumers, as well as
point from which Wi-Fi signals are disseminated. One node in private corporate 5G networks, thanks to the 5G backhaul
connects to the modem and serves as the router, while one or architecture, which is available in wired, fiber-optic, and
more other access points, also known as satellites, receive and wireless forms.
rebroadcast the router's signal. Mesh routers may be
categorized into a few different groups, which are detailed C. Powerline Mesh Routers
below. This is the strongest variety of mesh router among the
three classifications. Users may experience better internet
A. Shared Wireless Mesh Router
speeds with the help of a powerline mesh device. The powerline
The most economical mesh router kind on the market mesh router uses the user's current home power wiring to
is the shared wireless mesh router. It is a first-generation mesh deliver and receive inter-node and backhaul data.
device that distributes bandwidth among the nodes in a house A powerline mesh device provides the data with an
or business by using the entire bandwidth available. Since it additional path. Additionally, this results in increased Wi-Fi
spreads the bandwidth among several nodes, it may not be bandwidth, allowing the network to handle more traffic. This
suited for those who have large families and who all rely on a kind of connection involves plugging a node into the wall right
single Wi-Fi network. In the case of many devices connected to next to your router. When managing backhaul traffic, it is
highly helpful since it may give customers a low latency REFERENCES
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