Paradise Education Centre Pec Mock History Form Iv Time 3 Hours Date 28/06/2022 Instructions

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Time; 3 Hours Date; 28/06/2022

1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of nine (9) questions.
2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and three (3) questions from section C.
3. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room.
4. All drawings should be in pencil.

SECTION A (20 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. For each of the items (i) - (xv), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives
and write its letter beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.

(i)It is a scientific method of determining dates.

A. Carbon 14
B. Archaeology
C. Anthropology
D. Linguistics

(ii) Are the Muslims starting date.

A. Age
B. Generation
C. Hijira
D. Decade

(iii)……..meaning the year of the LORD.

A. A.D
B. B.C
C. Period
D. Millenium

(iv)…….is known as tool maker and man with ability.

A. Homo habilis
B. Zinjanthropus
C. Chimpanzee

(v) This is also known as upright man.
A. Homo erectus
B. Evolution theory
C. Creation theory
D. Evolution of man

(vi) This is also known as wise man or thinking man.

A. Historian
B. Anthropologist
C. Archaeologist
D. Homosapiens

(vii)…… are modern day humans and walk fully upright.

A. Homosapiens-sapiens
B. Australopithecus Africans
C. Homosapiens
D. Apes

(viii) They walked by four limbs and they had low mental ability.
A. Primates
B. Homohabilis
C. Zinjanthropus
D. Homo erectus

(ix)…….. refers to the people who specialized in iron work.

A. Trader
B. Blacksmith
C. Capitalist
D. Socialist

(x)…….. this is the exchange of goods for goods.

A. Barter trade
B. Currency trade
C. Agriculture
D. Commodities

(xi) Refers to the kind of trade which was conducted for a long distance.
A. Long distance trade
B. Triangular slave trade
C. Trans-Atlantic slave trade
D. Local trade

(xii)…… was the trade conducted across the Sahara desert.
A. International trade
B. Trans-Saharan trade
C. Trade routes
D. Camels

(xiii) It was the social organization which consisted of several blood related families.
A. Clan organization
B. Political organization
C. State organization
D. Sultanate

(xiv) This is a society where by the husband moved to the wife’s family and children of the new
family belonged to the mother’s (wife’s clan).
A. Matrilineal Clan Organization
B. Patrilineal Clan Organization
C. Age set
D. State

(xv) This is the system of organization in which the clan heritage was based on the father’s line.
A. Matrilineal Clan Organization
B. Patrilineal Clan Organization
C. Decentralized states
D. Centralized states

2. Match the descriptions in List A with the corresponding events in List B by writing the letter
of the correct response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.
List A List B
i. Existed between 1,750,000 B.C and A. Closing of slave trade market
750,000 B.C. B. Early stone age
ii. Existed between 750,000 and C. Middle stone age
50,000 B.C. D. Late stone age
iii. Started from 50,000 to the first E. Iron age
F. Zanzibar revolution
G. Chinese revolution
iv. Started during the first millennium H. Russian revolution
A.D. I. French revolution
v. 1873 J. Industrial revolution

SECTION B (35 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section.

3. Fill in the blanks by pointing out the title of the king for each of the following societies or
i. Chagga………..
ii. Maasai…………
iii. Coastal areas………….
iv. Buganda……………...
v. Hehe……………

4. Arrange the following statements in a chronological order by writing the numerical numbers
(1 -5) in the space provided:
i. In December 1963, the British handed political power to the Arab minority.
ii. It was soon followed by the union between. Tanganyika and Zanzibar forming
the United Republic of Tanzania.
iii. The 1964 Zanzibar revolution was the second attempt made to bring about real
political independence.
iv. This event was an important step towards the achievement of East African Unity.
v. The revolution was intended to transfer power to the majority.

5. a) Draw a sketch map of East Africa and locate the following:

i. The headquarters of East African Community.
ii. The capital city of a country whose president was overthrown in a coup in 1971.
iii. The East African great slave market which was closed in 1873.
iv. The headquarters of the Portuguese rule.
v. The region in Tanganyika which was the best reservoir of labor during the
colonial period;
b) Outline five effects of early contact among the people of Africa.

SECTION C (45 Marks)

Answer three (3) questions from this section.

6. “Colonialism destroyed itself” basing on the contradictions after 1945 justify this statement.
(Give 6 points)

7. “Colonialism and neo-colonialism were both exploitative systems being experienced in

Africa”. To what extent did colonialism pave way to neo-colonialism? (Give 6 points)

8. When and why did apartheid policy emerge in South Africa. (Give 6 points)

9. “The second world war was a watershed in the history of African nationalism. Discuss (Give
6 points)

……………………………………. THE END………………………………………..

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