TDS-EN-Contite Flex - Rev 007-Feb 22

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Contite ® Flex



Contite Flex is a two part polymer modified flexible
The substrate should be clean and sound, free of dust
waterproofing slurry consisting of a liquid polymer as
loose particles, grease, oil, curing compounds, mould
Part A and a premixed powder as Part B. On mixing the
oils, primers from previous membrane systems or
two parts together a brush or sprayable smooth slurry is
created which produces a fully bonded waterproof
Bitumen or primers should be removed by shotblasting
membrane to most substrates.
or mechanical means, alternatively seal with a Cormix
Contite Flex is complies to EN 1504 Part 9 and EN 1504 Sealer. Bond tests should be undertaken if the surface
Part 2 is already saturated with bitumen or bitumen primers.
Spalled concrete should be repaired by cutting out to
USES & ADVANTAGES sound concrete and patching with Conpatch 600
Contite Flex may be used for many waterproofing (consult Cormix International Technical Department).
applications including applying to concrete, masonry, Best surface preparation is achieved by high pressure
brick, renders, gypsum board and cementitious overlays, water blasting.
under tiles or stand alone. Typical applications include MIXING
waterproofing of water tanks, reservoirs, sumps,
swimming pools, bathrooms, basements, retaining Contite Flex is supplied in premeasured units. Slowly
walls, concrete gutter, balconies, kitchens, sewerage add the powder to the liquid and mix to a lump free
processing tanks, lift pits. smooth consistency. Do not add water or rework a
Advantages Include:- stiffened mix by adding water. Mix sufficient material to
use within 30-40 minutes.
• Flexible with good elongation.
• Minor crack bridging (upto 2 mm) when applied at APPLICATION
correct coverage rates.
• Suitable for use in exposed conditions. Saturate the concrete’s surface with clean water. Apply
• Non toxic. Suitable for use with potable water. the first coat while the surface is still damp but no free
• High resistance to chloride diffusion. standing water. Apply using a short stiff bristle brush,
• Fully bonded. No priming required in most cases. trowel or spray at a minimum of 0.5-1.0 mm per coat.
• Breathable, not a vapour barrier. Leave to dry for 2-6 hours. The second coat is applied
• Can apply to damp surfaces. to the “green” first coat. The second coat can be
• Can apply to negative or positive side. rubbed down with a soft dry sponge. Spray or trowel
• Stands up to pedestrian & light traffic. application is acceptable providing the mixing ratio is
• Excellent root resistance. adjusted to achieve the right consistency. When
• Withstands > 100 m. head of water at recommended applying by spray hold the gun approximately 50 cm.
coverage rates. from the surface. Once the first coat is applied by
• Barrier to Carbon Dioxide. spray, brush or trowel then wet surface to remove any
• Resistant to aggressive salt bearing waters. trapped air.
Spray application will produce a very smooth surface if
PROPERTIES other products will be applied over the top roughen the
surface by brushing while it is still wet.
Appearance: Grey (when mixed)
Mixing Ratio: A : B = 1 : 2.6 The cure time of Contite Flex is affected by both
Density: A + B (mixed) Approx. 1.6 kg/l temperature and humidity. Humidity has an influence
Coverage: Approx. 1.6 kg/m2/mm. on waiting times between coats and resistance to rain.
Pot life: 30 minutes at 30oC. Ensure that the freshly applied Contite Flex is
Pot life will be shortened at protected from rain for the first day, and the drying
higher temperatures. effect of the sun and wind during the first 5 days of
Elongation: > 100% cure.
Adhesion to Substrate: >1 N/mm2 On hot surfaces e.g. above 40oC surface temperature
Tensile Strength: > 2.0 M.P.A. at 28 days a primer coat of mixed Contite Flex and water with a
Service Temperature: -40oC to +120oC slurry consistency should be applied. Consideration to
Application Temperature: > 5oC saturating the surface in advance and protection from
Contact with Potable Water: Suitable adverse wind & sun conditions must be given in
Resistance to Water Penetration: No water penetration exposed areas. The Contite Flex must be applied over
DIN 1048 pt 5:1991 the primer coat before it dries. For light foot traffic
ISAT : < 0.05 ml/m2.s areas the coating should be at least 2 mm thick. For
Rapid Chloride Diffusion : < 300 coulombs advise contact Cormix Technical Service Department.
Note : Mix only complete packs.

Rev.007 Feb 2022

Contite ® Flex


In most waterproofing applications, Contite Flex is Contite Flex is non-toxic but is alkaline in its nature.
applied in 2 coats by brush, trowel or spray. The
When applying gloves & goggles should be worn. Wash
minimum application rates are as follows;
off splashes to skin with water. If in eyes wash out with
Ground water ingress - 2 coats by brush, trowel or plenty of clean water and seek medical attention. Contite
spray at 1.6 kg/m2/coat. (Minimum layer thickness for 2 Flex is non-flammable.
coats 2.0 mm.)
Pressure less ingress - 2 coats by brush, trowel or
spray at 1.6 kg/m2/coat. (Total minimum layer thickness The Cormix International Limited Technical Service
for 2 coats 2.0 mm.) Department is available to assist you in the correct use
of our products and its resources are at your disposal
Water under pressure - 2 coats by brush, trowel or entirely without obligation.
spray at 2.0 kg/m2/coat. (Total minimum layer thickness
for 2 coats 2.5 mm.) QUALITY ASSURANCE
Bathroom waterproofing - 2 coats by brush at 1.6 kg/ ISO 9001: 2015 verified by TUV Nord.
m2/coat. (Minimum layer thickness for 2 coats 2.0 mm.) ISO 14001 : 2015 verified by Lloyd's Register
Swimming pools - 2 coats by brush or spray application
at 1.6 kg/m2/coat. (Minimum 2 mm. thickness) DISCLAIMER
Performance data is achieved testing in accordance
CURING & PROTECTION with International Standards. Testing by others may
result in different results from those published as a
Surfaces waterproofed with Contite Flex must be
result of external factors such as poor sampling,
protected from rain, ponded water and the drying action
incorrect mixing, varying temperatures, curing, crushing
of direct sunlight for a minimum period of 5 days after
procedures etc.
Cormix does not take responsibility nor need to defend
Protect all treated surfaces from wind, frost, rain and others testing that does not achieve the published data.
water seepage by covering with plastic sheeting, The user must test the products suitability for the
tarpaulin or equivalent. intended application and purpose. Cormix reserves the
right to change the properties of the product.
CLEANING Site conditions and differences in materials are such
Tools and equipment should be cleaned with water that no warranty or fitness for a particular purpose, nor
immediately after use. liability can be inferred from the published data sheet,
written recommendations or from other advise offered.
Contite Flex is suitable for use in open headed
sewerage processing tanks. Consult Cormix Interna- Cormix International Limited
tional Ltd. for specific advise on the use of products to
use in closed sewerage environments where sulphuric 89 Romklao Rd., Sansab, Minburi, Bangkok 10510
acid concentrations may be high. In negative side Tel. (66 2) 917 3955-8
applications, do not apply Contite Flex to substrates Fax. (66 2) 917 3959
that are weeping.
Use Contite waterplug to stop all water seepage before E-mail :
applying Contite Flex.

34.6 kgs set; Part A liquid 9.6 kgs and Part B powder 25
In excess of 9 months if unopened, stored free from
frost, moisture and direct sunlight.

NOTE : Every reasonable precaution is taken in the manufacture of all CORMIX-products to ensure that they comply with CORMIX‘s high standard of quality. The recommendations and properties of the
product are based upon what is believed to be the most reliable information available, and are not intended as recommendations which infringe on other patents. Although all CORMIX-products are subject
to rigid quality tests, no specific guarantee can be given, because results depend, not only on quality, but also on other factors beyond our control. We welcome therefore consultation in the event of doubt
concerning application, or performance, and point out those oral recommendations, which vary from the instructions contained herein, are not binding without written confirmation by CORMIX. All transactions
shall be subject to our terms and conditions of sale-delivery-and-service. This data sheet supersedes the previous one and a reprint may be issued without notice to supersede this edition, as and when
deemed necessary. The information given in this leaflet is to the best of our knowledge true and reliable. Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Our guarantee is
therefore limited to the quality of materials delivered.

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