SLSA Draft Program 2022

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Please note that this is a draft schedule. We do not expect the

scheduling of your panels to change drastically, but we are still
working out some of the details around opening hours for the
galleries, and coordinating panels with workshops and lounges, etc,
so the session times may be adjusted slightly. Please note too that
there may be some typographical errors, which we will correct before
the final draft is published.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

12.00-5:00pm Registration
Art Exhibition (hours to be confirmed)
12:30-1:00pm Plenary address: welcome and introductions
1;00-2:30pm Parallel Sessions
● 5139 James Brown, Brandee Easter, Casey Boyle and Nathaniel
Rivers, “Reading with Machines”

● 0232 Yost et al., “Plantelligence” 1

Kirby, Kranz, Lamarre, “Plant Intelligence / Human Intelligence”

● 8184 Chang et al., “SLSA Game Studies Stream 2022” : Game

Studies 1: Making the Jump: New Approaches to Platforming Games
-Julianne Grasso, “Mario’s Musical Metaphors: The Sonic Spaces of
Platforming Games”
-Peter McDonald, “Every Game is Two Games: Meta-generic
Elements of Platforming Games
-Chris Carloy, “Alternate Dimensions: Approaches to 3D in Mid-90s

● Mise-en-scène of AI and Quantum Physics

-6086 Piet Defraeye, “Reading A.I. in Performance: The Case of the
Uncanny Valley”

-1086 Stacey Moran, “Quantum Theater: the dramatization of

-9156 William Lewis, “Resisting Algorithmic Determination: Facing the
Political ‘Other’ in Blast Theory’s Operation Black Antler”

● Environmental Studies and Ecological Approaches to Reading and

the Visual Arts: Repairs and Recoveries 1
-3583 Christopher Walker “List/Ecology: Literary Form and
Technologies of Mourning in Carmen Maria Machado’s “Inventory””
-6966 Maria Lux “Camera-traps, bad home-videos, reliquaries, and
comics: Unserious, artistic approaches to extinction”
-8870 Helen Burgess, “Bombix. Fusus

● Endgames: Animation and Emojis

- 1670 Veronica Thomas, “Animating Neurodiversity”
-9546 Whalen, “The Incommensurability of Computer-Generated
-1929 Minji Huh, “Response to Lisa Gitelman’s “Emoji Dick and the
Eponymous Wale, An Essay in Four Parts”: The Troubled
Reappropriation of the Emoji in Emoji Dick”

2:30-3:00pm Coffee Break

3.00-4:30pm Parallel Sessions
● 5125 Reeves and Anderson, “Reading Owen’s Mind: Owen F. Smith
Reading Fluxus and Minding Intermedia”: Panel 1
(Saper, Summers, Fredrickson, Higgins, Sudbrink, Rothman, Filas,
Reeves, Anderson et al.)

● 923 David Cecchetto, Ted Hiebert, and Alex Borkowski,

“Extrasensory Perception”

● 0470 Jane Prophet, Meredith Tromble, Sophia Brueckner and

Srimoyee Mitra, “Art in neuro networks: humans, animals, plants and

● 7513 Prathim et al., “Being Present/Expecting a Future: Our Reading

Humans and Pedagogies of Hope” : Roundtable

● Machine Learning
-2613 Jesse Jackson, “Inverting Machine Learning with Marching
-5918 Kevin LaGrandeur, “Reverse Mimesis and AI: from human
imitation to human subjugation”
-9563 Gabriella Danziger, “Machine Learning: The Road Past
Stagnation and Confusion”

● Environment and the Machine

-5168 Pamela Carralero, “Machine Learning Will Affect Climate
Knowledge and Climate Justice”
-2046 Rua Williams, “Archival Wastelands: the environmental and
epistemic toxicology of data collection”
-7379 Gizem Oktay, “Human-Rock Interaction: A Topological

5:30-7:00pm First Keynote Lecture: Anna Ridler

7:00-8:30pm Reception
7:00-8:30pm Art Exhibition

Friday, October 7, 2022

8:00am light breakfast and coffee
8:00-5:00pm Registration
Art Exhibition (hours to be confirmed)
8:30am-10.00am Parallel Sessions
● 5125 Reeves and Anderson, “Reading Owen’s Mind: Owen F. Smith
Reading Fluxus and Minding Intermedia”: Panel 2
(Saper, Summers, Fredrickson, Higgins, Sudbrink, Rothman, Filas,
Reeves, Anderson et al.)

● 4092 Dhaliwal et al., “New Techno-Critical Methodologies in AI

Studies” : Towards New(er) Criticism: Artificial Intelligence and
Literary Dispositions
-Avery Slater, “NP-hard Poetics”
-Matthew Kirschenbaum, “Back to the Blake Archive through Deep
Learning Image Models”
-Ranjodh Singh Dhaliwal, “Form, History, and Content: The Many
Faces of Neural Media”
-N. Katherine Hayles, “Inside the Mind of an AI: Materiality and the
Crisis of Representation”

● Environmental Studies and Ecological Approaches to Reading and

the Visual Arts: Repairs and Recoveries 2
-6247 Eric Wilson, “The Ecological Essay: Robin Wall Kimmerer’s
Lyric Consciousness”
-1369 Heather Davis “Ambivalent Repair: Mediating Environmental
-Tom “Good Fire: Solastalgia or Soliphilia - (film screening - 5 minute
film and paper)

● 8281 Technology as Fiction: The Role of Creative-Critical Writing in

Reading Automation and Artificial Intelligence

-Zach Pearl, “In Defense of the Poor Algorithm: Fictocriticism, AI &

Creative Paranoia”
-Michaela Atienza, “Meeting Weaponization in Judith Goldman’s
-Pierre Cassou-Noguès, “Reading Flux: Contemporary Fiction in

● Technologies and Experiences of Reading I

-7620 Sookyung Cho and Heekyung Jung, “On Abstraction:
Designing Accessible Reading Experience”
-7647 Matthew Kilabe, “Viral Lyric Reading”
-7807 Nayah Boucaud, “Making Meaning of Digital Literacy: -
Processes and Practices of Reading in Digital Media and Learning

● Cognitive Assemblages and (Dis)embodiment: Images of AI in Film

and Literature
-4876 Daniel Raschke, “Inhuman Sensibilities: AI Transindividuation
in Recent Hollywood Cinema”
-4995 Samuel Baker and Hannah Hopkins, “Dreaming Cognitive
Assemblages: Artificial Intelligence and Media Shifts in Robot
Narratives from Philip K. Dick to Annalee Newitz”
-7472 Mita Choudhury, “AI, Narratives, and the Paradox of

10:30am-12:00 Parallel Sessions

● Gendered AI
-3219 Javier Gomez-Lavin, Hannah Read, Andrea Beltrama and Lisa
Mirachhi Titus, “Measured Interactions of Task and Labor Allocation
to feminized AIs”
-5974 O’Gorman, “Confessions of a Techno-Loser: Rereading White
Male Privilege in Digital Culture” ?

-4755 Jamie Steel, “Playing Woman: Natural Language Processing,

Gender Play, and the Fantasy of Autonomous Technology”

● 8747 Behar et al., Artificial Ignorance 1: Artificialities of Creep

-Neda Atanasoski and Nassim Parvin, “Technocreep and the Politics
of Things Not Seen”
-M. Beatrice Fazi, “Causality and Computational Representation”
-Shaka McGlotten, “Ima Put a Computational Hex on You”

● 0333 Summers et al., “Thinking with Cinema: Montage, Time,

Revolution, Science, and Sickness” : Panel 1
-Dennis Summers, “Last Year At Marienbad: Cubist Time - How Is
Meaning Created?”
-Terri Weissman, “Sound, Rhythm, Montage: Newsreel’s Report from
Newark and Santiago Alvarez’s Now!”
-Meredith Tromble, “Seeing Scale: Moving Image Esthetics,
Interscalar Depictions, and Artist Interventions”

● 8050 Anne Hudson Jones, Ryan Hart and Rebecca Permar, “Modes
of Reading: Three Medical Humanities Approaches to Texts”

● 6131 Deborah Levitt, Andrew Johnston, Shane Denson and Hank

Gerba, “Rendering AI: Affective and Aesthetic Screens”

● Sights and Sounds in Bytes 1

-329 Yijun Sun, “From Glows to Graphics: The Invention of Visuality
in Early Electronic Media Systems”
-4780 Njelle Hamilton, “Grande ‘Nansi Make It: Materializing
Caribbean Futures through AI-Generated Sounds”
-9549 Hannah Christian, “Flux, Wi-Fi, Fractals: Opening the
Investigation into Spatial Rhythms”

● Pushing the Limits of Embodiment


-4096 Otis, “Multimodal Touch Imagery in Reading Minds: Touching

with Every Sense in Junot Diaz’s The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar
-1168 T.J. Martinson, “Reflexivity’s Ontological Turn: From Cognition
to Embodiment in Jorge Luis Borges’ The Circular Ruins and
Salvador Plascencia’s The People of Paper
-2665 Deirdre Loughridge, “Musical Instruments, Embodied Minds,
and Sounding Human”

12:00-1:20pm Executive meeting

1:30-3:00pm Parallel Sessions

● 0232 Yost et al., “Plantelligence” 2
Bühlmann, Jauernik, Puttinger, Yost, “Information, Inscription and
Transcription with Plants”

● 9743 Le Cor et al., “Machines and texts as screens for the reading
mind” : Panel 1 - In search of the reading subject
-Alban Leveau-Vallier, “How to understand reading machines ?
Turing, Natural Language Process, and ‘the real mind’”
-Sylvie Bauer, “‘A chorus of operatic dimensions’: reading as mapping
data in ‘The Atlas of Man’ (Once Human) by Steve Tomasula.”
-Gwen Le Cor, “We shall wander along yet/ not be able to
understand” : Reading and wandering in fluxes of meaning”
-5855 Love, et al.. “Reading and Writing Intelligence Across the
Organ(ism)ic/Artificial Divide: ROUNDTABLE

● Can Narratives and Virtual Reality Increase Empathy?

-6392 Tyler Gabbard-Rocha “Empathy Development in the L2
Literature Classroom”
-3561 Jen William “On Banned Books and Measuring Readers’
Empathy in the Digital Era”

-9690 Sara Konrath, Alison Jane Martingano, and Fernanda Hererra,

“Does Virtual Reality Increase Empathy in Users? Results from a

● Technologies and Experiences of Reading II

-8879 Sean A. Yeager, “Aesthetic Familiarity: When autistic readers
see themselves in fiction”
-2441 Christopher Jimenez, “Gestalt Reading, Recursive Shape
Grammar, and the Illocutionary Intelligence of Human Alphabets”
-594 Pratistha Bhattarai, “Fractals of History: Visualizing Data in
Zadie Smith’s White Teeth”

● Insides and Outsides

-161 Silvia Neretti, “Design for Healing and Recovery from Eating
-7371 Emily Anderson, “Purging the Nation: Laxative Advertisements
and the British World-System in the Illustrated London News”
-4463 Desiree Foerster, “Interoceptive Technologies: Media of

● Creativity: Machine and Man

-7335 Michael Black. “Digital Literacy is DOOM’d: Examining How
Software “Modders” Understand Their Creative Practices”
-6944 Dallas Liddle, “The Bottleneck and the Sieve: Information,
memory and the rise of fiction”
-7144 Silvia Ruzanka, “Listening to the language of the machine”

● Re-reading the Renaissance

-564 Michael Winkelman, “‘The True Survey of the Mind’: Reading
Marvell Cognitively”
-8453 Tatevik Gyulamiryan, “Reading Emotions in Don Quixote”
-6925 Angelica Duran, “Milton’s Lycidas and its Afterlives, Community
and Access”

3:30-5:00pm Parallel Sessions

● 8184 Chang et al., “SLSA Game Studies Stream 2022” : Game
Studies 2: Ludoidentities
-Taylore Woodhouse, “A Cultural Difference at Its Core”: Race,
Ethnicity, and Nationality in Global Esports Fandom”
-Daniel Lipson, “Transition, Mimicry, and Pedagogies of Paidia”
-Josef Nguyen, “The Gendered Labor of Deskwork and
Authenticating Identity in Papers, Please and LOCALHOST”

● 9046 Kaufmann et al., “Reading Colors: Reflections from Poetics to


● 7255 Himali Singh Thakur, Macy McDonald and Avital Meshi,

“Recognizing Futures in the Times of Surveillant Technologies”

● Brain, Narrative and Identity

-3394 Irene Clark, “Where Have You Been? Where are you Going?:
Identity Construction , The “Reading Human,” and the Role of
Student Literacy Narratives”
-8217 Bonnie Cross, “Narrating the Fragmenting Brain” Digital
Neuronarratives and Alzheimer’s Disease”
-2582 Fritz Breithaupt, “The Narrative Mind”

● Algorithms
-5795 Gregory Narr, Volitional unknowing: reanimating the queer
potential of AI to resist an algorithmic determination of thoughtfulness
on Bumble”
-6762 Carol Colatrella, “Teaching Algorithmic Bias in an Ethics and
Social Justice Course”
-3542 Amanda Greene, Elana Maloul, and Laura Strout, “Reading the
readers: “dark sousveillance” and algorithmic literacies on social

● Natural Language Processing and Social Contexts

-0243 Sil Hamilton, “Superreaders: Recognizing the Literary Value of
Language Models”
-7266 Arianna Gass, Clara Del Junco, Bhargav Srinivasa Desikan
and Patrick Jagoda, “Utopian Vectors: Word Embeddings and
Semantic Change in Speculative Fiction”
-9567 Anna Schewelew, “Human Processing of Machine Translation:
On Warren Weaver’s Implicit Reader of Mechanical Translations”

● 0388 Labinger et al., “Are You R(obotic)? Can Visiting an AI Mind Tell
Us Anything About Our Own?: ROUNDTABLE

5:30-7:00pm Second Keynote Lecture: K Allado-McDowell

Reception 7:00-8:30pm

Saturday, October 8, 2022

8:00am light breakfast and coffee
8:00am-5:00pm Registration
Art Exhibition (hours to be confirmed)
8:30-10.00am Parallel Sessions
● 9743 Le Cor et al., “Machines and texts as screens for the reading
mind” : Panel 2: Machines and texts as mediating elements in the
emergence of the subject
-Pierre Cassou-Noguès, “Thoughts I did not know I had. Proust,
Freud and Wittgenstein”
-Anne-Laure Tissut,“it’s like a virus. Their sickness becomes your
sickness:” identification and unreliability in Aimee Bender’s Willful
Creatures, Russell Banks’ A Permanent Member of the Family and
Laird Hunt’s In the House in the Dark of the Woods”
-Arnaud Regnauld, “Neural Machine Translation, or the Idiotic Spawn
of Our Collective Intelligence?”

● 8025 Catherine Griffiths, Rita Raley, Sarah Ciston and Mark C.

Marino, “Explaining the Unexplainable: critiquing machine learning
across art, policing and the workplace”

● Machine Consciousness v. Self and Mortality in the History of Ideas

-7107 Adam Rosenthal, “Homeostasis and the Mortality of
Self-Reading Machines”
-0851 Galat, “Evolution, AI, and Samuel Butler’s “The Book of the
Machine”: A Pedagogical Perspective”
-5669 Lisa Barge, “Human and Not Human: Erwin Schrodinger’s
Theories of Consciousness; A Physicist in his Literary Context”

● Possession, Spirituality and Grounding

-7852 Jordan Loewen-Colon and Sharday Mosurinjohn, “Simulating
Empathy with Spiritual AI”

-7237 Megan Spring, “Artificial Possession: Exploring the

Imbrications Between Possession Literature and Brain Chips”
-9662 Sarak Klein, “Mindreading is a Red Herring: Grounding
neuro-hype by following a neurocognitive object”

● Neuro networks: human, animal and other organisms

-6664 Burgess, “Rhetorical worms: bombyx mori and foreigner
-3067 Jacob Hagelberg, “The Human/e and the Rabbit Hole: The
Recycling of Social Darwinist Tropes and Animalistic Metaphors in
Contemporary Pop Tech Critique
-2820 Lori Emerson, “How to Read a (Human/Animal/Plant) Network”

● Images, Films, Social Media

-6038 Han, “You, the World, and I (2010) and perusing the generated
- 4687 DiCaglio, “A Few Scale Tricks and How to Avoid Them”
-852 Sheng-Mei Ma, “Reading Between the Lines of Sino-Anglo,
Digital-Printed, Aural-Visual, Neural-Screen, and Bot-Bod”

10:30am-12:00 Parallel Sessions

● 8747 Behar et al., Artificial Ignorance 2: Infrastructures of Ignorance
-Simone Browne, “Computer Blues, Carceral Blues”
-R. Joshua Scannell, “Capturing the Virtual: Computational
Carceralism as World-Building”
-Jennifer Rhee, “The Ecological Materialities of Artificial Intelligence
in the Racial Capitalocene”
-Katherine Behar, “What Sense Makes? From Environmental Sensors
to Cryptographic Consciousness”

● 9223 Henderson, et al. “Three Artists Visibilizing the Invisible: Hilma

af Klint, Athena Tacha, and Susan Hiller”

● Biological v. Artificial Intelligence


-6351 Maya Fidelman, “Neural Networks and AI”

-4675 Victoria Alexander, “Biological Intelligence compared to
Artificial Intelligence”
-3692 Samuel Pizelo, “Machine Learning and the Rise of
Computational Model Systems”

● AI in the Workplace: Labor Ethics, Surveillance and Algorithms of

-1426 Griffiths, “Critical Activity Recognition”
-3271 Laura Foster, “Reading Humans, Plants, and Algorithms:
Botanical and Gendered Ecologies of Precision Agriculture in South
-8229 Nathaniel, “Dorothy West’s “The Typewriter” and the Racialized
Labor of Speech Recognition”

● Sights and Sounds in Bytes 2

-4780 Hamilton, “Nansi Make It: Materializing Caribbean Futures
through AI-Generated Sound”
-9085 Moyang Li and John Li, "What was Mathematical Reading?: On
the Appel-Haken Proof of the Four-Color Theorem (1976)”
-5003 De Gard, “Neuroscience, Synaesthesia and Extraordinary
Experience in Art”

● 4572 Nathanael Mengist, Gabrielle Benabdallah and Muindi Muindi,

“Artifices and Artifacts: Translations on Simondon’s practices of
making and thinking”

● 5989 Halpern, et al., “Art, Science and Technology Studies: An

Emergent Field: ROUNDTABLE

12:00-1:30pm SLSA Business Lunch


1:30-3:00pm Parallel Sessions

● 0232 Yost et al., “Plantelligence” 3
Fisch, Lu, Mizukawa, Nocek, “Grounding Plant Intelligence: Ecology,
Land, and Vegetal Life”

● 4092 Dhaliwal et al., “New Techno-Critical Methodologies in AI

Studies” : GPGPU: Imaging as General Purpose Computing
-Johannes Bruder, “Catastrophic Forgetting and Mental Hygiene in
Neural Networks”
-Yvette Granata, “Fake Robot Faces and Unreal Body Pix: Intelligent
Plug-ins for Real-time Media Art”
-Andrew Lison, “Parallelism and the Laws of Progress: Huang,
Amdahl, Moore”
-Fabian Offert, “General Purpose Computing as an Emergent
Phenomenon in Machine Learning Systems”

● 8184 Chang et al., “SLSA Game Studies Stream 2022” : Game

Studies 3: Ludonarrativities
-Josh Hussey, “External Narrativity and the Proliferation of Identity, or
Why Elon Musk’s Elden Ring Build Is Probably Just Fine”
- Doug Stark, “Recursive Games as AI?”
- Adam Liszkiewicz, “The Character of Slapstick: Legible Irony in
Comedic Artificial Intelligence Agents”

● AI, the Reading Mind, and Human Exceptionalism

-2274 Howard Mancing, “Embodied Cognition and AI: What AI
Cannot Do”
-9292 David Babcock “Writing AI Reading: Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara
and the Sun as Allegory of Profession”
-9751 Andrea Yang, “Who’s Afraid of Artificial Intelligence?
Performativity, Difference, and Aesthetics in the Turing Test”

● Let Sleeping Bots Lie


-7656 Joshua Dittirich, “Hypnopedia 2.0: Podcasts, Audiobooks, and

Reading as Listening (and Sleeping)
-8483 Zachary Horton, “Scales of Intelligence: Dreams and
Nightmares of 1950s AI”
-2695 Derek Lee, “Post-Truth: The Department of Truth and the
Science of Fabricating Reality”

● Digital Humanities I
-7713 Alexandria Leto and Scott Leutenegger, “Humanizing
Computational Literature Analysis Through Art-Based Visualizations”
-1591 Christina Nguyen, “Towards Tolkien research with
computational literary analysis”
-5115 Andrew Ash and Malachi Crain, “Word Prediction Algorithms
and the Analysis of Literary Texts

● War and Peace

-5688 Ricardo Castro Agudelo, “Narrative for Peace in Armed
Conflict: Simulation, Empathy and Emotional Engagement with
combatants and victims”
-6018 Mike Hill, “Neuroscience and Posthuman War: A Revolution in
Military Affairs”

3:00-3:30pm Coffee Break

3:30-5:00pm Parallel Sessions
● 0333 Summers et al., “Thinking with Cinema: Montage, Time,
Revolution, Science, and Sickness : Panel 2
-Christine Filippone, “Open Systems as Social Action in Third
Cinema: La hora de los hornos”
-Judith Rodenbeck, “Here and Elsewhere: Missing
-Michael Filas, “Todd Haynes’s Safe and the Covid-19 Pandemic
Mirror on the Wall”

● 2521 Song et al., “The Machinic Unconscious and the Literary


● 8352 Trace Reddell, Thomas Rickert and Thomas Nail, “We All Want
to Change Your Head: Sonic Affordances and the Transformation of
Self in the Extended Mind”

● Digital Humanities 2
-Carroll, “Deduction from Data: A Cognitive-Computational Analysis
of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes Stories”
-12290 Katherine Buse, “Teleology Trees and Layer Cakes:
Simulated Histories in Video Games”

● (Socially?) Transformative Art and Literature

-9608 Amira Hanafi, “Language as a practice: Creating a fluid
glossary for eco-social transformation”
-4770 Adams, “Prescription Poetry: Healthy Reading, Healthy
-980 Li Qi Peh, “Reading Alzheimer’s Anew”

● Science Fiction
-3168 Maury Bruhn, “Reading Time: Marcel Proust’s Influence on
Science Fiction”
-1488 Hinders, “Love Machine Reading: Exploring Human-AI
Relations through Reading Practices in “I’m Your Man” (2021)”

● 6173 Jesse Jackson, Antoinette LaFarge, Stephan Besser and

Christoph Brunner, “At the Margins Artist-Author Roundtable”

5:30-7:00pm Third Keynote Lecture: Donald Spector

7:00-8:30pm Reception
8:30pm Dance

Sunday, October 9, 2022

8:00am light breakfast and coffee
Art Exhibition (hours to be confirmed)
8:30-10:00am Parallel Sessions
● Mapping Identities, Words and Places
-1256 John Shanahan “Geographies of Empathy: Reading-as-therapy
at City-Scale”
-3636 Dave Kemp “!Toronto: A Non-linear and Generative Exploration
of Toronto on Film”
-4049 Jameson Kismet Bell “Mapping Maxims: A Literary Landscape
of Istanbul, Turkey”

● 4572 Mengist et al.. “Artifices and artifacts: Translations on

Simondon’s practices of making and thinking”

● Death and Resurrection of the Author

-2078 Db Bauer, “The Reanimation of the Author: Writing Human in
the Digital Afterlife”
-4852 Mersede Mirshamsi, “Creative Dialectic: An Analysis of AI +
Human Collaboration and the question of Authorship”
-9723 Sean DiLeonardi, “Switchbox Thinking”

● Perspectives on Pluralities, Multiplicities, and Subjectivities

-2659 Anthony Chesebro, “The Problem of Being A Multiply
Conscious Cerebral Subject”
-897 Enrique Mallen and Luis Meneses, “Categorizations of
Multiple-perspective Biographical Narratives”
-851 Joshua Galat, “Evolution, AI, and Samuel Butler’s The Book of
the Machines: A Pedagogical Perspective”

10:30am-12:00 Parallel Sessions

● 8184 Chang et al., “SLSA Game Studies Stream 2022” : Game
Studies 4: Works-In-Progress Roundtable
- Ashlee Bird, Edmond Y. Chang, Peter McDonald, Josef Nguyen,
Doug Stark, Taylore Woodhouse

● The Human Gaze on Nature: Classification and Conservation

-1237 Katrina Maggiulli, “From Feathers and Field Guides to Genes
and Computers: Reading species for conservation in the field and in
the lab”
-1455 Paula Leverage, “Affective Engagement with Birdsong: Beyond
-4893 Daniel Vandersommers, “Decolonizing Aquaria: A
More-Than-Human History for the Future”

● New Disciplinary Approaches in the Sciences and Humanities

-1406 Al Coppola, “Newton on the Mesa”
-5440 Nicholas Silcox, “Un-Earthing Reading” Literary Methods in
Outer Space
-6143 Jason Hoelscher, “Repurposing Purposiveness Without
Purpose: On Works of Art as Complex Adaptive Information Systems”

● 9397 Joseph et al., “Big Music/Big Modd: Affect, Radicalization, and

Rhetorical Circulation in Contemporary Music”: ROUNDTABLE

● Posthuman, Human, and Monsters

- 1922 Rice, “Feminine Bodyminds, Animacies, and Paths for
Posthuman Survival in The Tiger Flu
-- 9886 Allison Dushane, “Weird Creatures: Romantic-era Science
and the Horror of Nature”
817 Jeannette Schollaert, “Reading the Human: Envisioning Embryos
in Octavia Butler’s Dawn”

1:00-2:00pm Wrap-up meeting


Some Arts Lounges (this is not exclusive - more soon on the

scheduling of the arts lounges, and the workshops)
4171 Twoney et al.. “Radio PLay: Live Participatory Worldbuilding with
4199 Gearhart and Larsen, “Arts Lounge: Creative Imaging in a Generative
0997 Bendito and Korb, “Petronio Bendito and Tim Korb: Digital Color
Expressions and NeuroArt Lounge”
6450 Muindi and Muindi, “The Gift and the Ledger”
6626 Jesse Jackson, “Marching Cubes: an Inverted Machine Learning
5542, Biyi Wen, “textBox - a creative computing toolkit”
7537 Nimrod Astarhan, “Operational Poetry”
Darija Medic, “Terms of Fantasy Reader”

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