Applications of Bioacoustics in Animal Ecology: Ecological Complexity August 2020

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Applications of bioacoustics in animal ecology

Article  in  Ecological Complexity · August 2020

DOI: 10.1016/j.ecocom.2020.100847


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Weronika Penar
University of Agriculture in Krakow


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Ecological Complexity 43 (2020) 100847

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Applications of bioacoustics in animal ecology T

Weronika Penar , Angelika Magiera, Czesław Klocek
Faculty of Animal Sciences, Department of Animal Genetics, Husbandry and Ethology, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Al. Adama Mickiewicza 24/28, 30-059
Kraków, Poland


Keywords: In communication animals use a full range of signals: acoustic, visual, chemical, electrical and tactile. The
Vocal communications processes involved in how and why animals communicate have long held veritable fascination for scientists. A
Climate change branch of science concerned with the production of sound and its effects on living organisms is bioacoustics.
Biodiversity The main purpose of the present study is to raise and discuss some issues related to the relationship between
Ocean acidification
animals, their sounds and ecology, including presentation of methods of analysis of sound recordings. A better
Nature conservation
understanding of the relationship between the studied animals will allow for development of a better framework
for future research, as well as a better grasp of interactions between different organisms, including humans. The
paper discusses the significance of acoustic research in animal ecology and its possible applications in the future.
The author also summarizes previous research in the field of sound communication of various animal species.
The paper proves that vocalizations of every acoustically communicating animal are threatened by climate
change. For marine animals, the source of changes in vocalization abilities is ocean acidification and increased
ambient noise, which can affect communication and foraging behavior. For terrestrial animals, changes in
precipitation and temperature may result in modifications of the sounds emitted, as well as certain modifications
to the auditory system. Together with changes in species distribution due to environmental parameters, cu-
mulatively these factors can cause changes in the entire landscape of acoustics ecosystems. Thanks to acoustic
biomonitoring, we can understand how the sounds of entire habitats and acoustic ecosystems will change in
response to the changing climate and how it will affect bioacoustics on a global scale.

1. Introduction signal must pass through (Maynard Smith and Harper, 2003; Barrows,
2011). The study of animal communication is a specialty field that
Animal communications means transmission of specific signals (in- covers a wide and diverse range of biological disciplines, from neu-
formation) between individuals of one or different species to elicit roscience and biomechanics to evolution and psychology (Naguib and
specific, usually expected behavior. More precisely, we define animal Priece, 2013). The challenge in this field is that communication itself is
communications as the process of transmitting information by the a phenomenon that is intuitively easy to understand, but difficult to
sender to the receiver in order to increase the likelihood of a beneficial clearly define.
(for the sender) response on behalf of the receiver; assuming at the Voice is a very complex acoustic and mechanical phenomenon. To
same time that the recipient benefits (on average) from the information emit it, it is necessary to be able to produce its basic component, which
obtained (Bradbury and Vehrencamp, 1998). The nature of a given is sound. In physical terms, sound is constituted by mechanical
communication is determined by a wide range of factors such as: animal (acoustic) vibrations, consisting in the movement of the elastic medium
species, its social system, behavioral context, function of a given signal, particles relative to the equilibrium position. The environment in which
interests of senders and receivers as well as sensory methods (ability to vibrations occur can be any liquid, gas or solid medium, in particular -
produce, receive and process a given message) (Naguib, 2006). air. Manifestation of vibrations in the air medium are local compres-
In communication animals use a full range of signals: acoustic, vi- sions and rarefactions of air, resulting in localized pressure variations
sual, chemical, electrical and tactile. Each sensory method has its pros relative to atmospheric pressure (known as acoustic pressure), propa-
and cons. The communication method selected by the animal at a given gating in the form of waves to which animal ear is sensitive (Heffner,
time depends on the type of information, its biological significance, 1999).
abilities of the species and restrictions imposed by the environment the Sound can be defined as wave motion in the air or in another elastic

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (W. Penar).
Received 26 November 2019; Received in revised form 16 April 2020; Accepted 31 May 2020
1476-945X/ © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
W. Penar, et al. Ecological Complexity 43 (2020) 100847

medium (stimulus), or as stimulation of the hearing organ as a result of obtain information about the course of evolution of acoustic mechan-
reception of this wave (auditory impression). Under normal tempera- isms, and thus the evolution of animals that developed them.
ture and pressure, the speed of sound in the air is 344 m/s (about 1240 Early research into animal signals relied on the use of standard re-
km/h); it increases though with growing temperature and humidity cordings and phonetic rendering. However, over the past 30 years,
(Everest and Pohlmann, 2009). technological advances and falling device prices (e.g. portable spec-
The processes involved in how and why animals communicate have trophotometers, high-speed digital cameras or self-service magnetic
long held veritable fascination for scientists (Darwin, 1871; Darwin, recorders) have led to an explosion of research into diversity of signals
1886). Nonetheless, since the first attempts at discovery of mechanisms in nature (Ryan et al., 2013). A breakthrough in the history of bioa-
of communication, the research methods into animal vocalizations have coustics was the invention of the spectrograph recorder in the mid-20th
still not been standardized. New concepts and methods to better assess century, which helped improve animal vocalization studies by visua-
voice communication of various species are still being developed. lizing sound and consequently inaugurated the field of bioacoustics
Previous attempts to analyze sound signals are based on three main (Mundy, 2009). Although for most of the 20th century this science was
scientific approaches (Garcia and Favaro, 2017). The oldest and most used as a method for identifying species, it has now also been adapted
commonly used research type is based on attempts at classification, to collect crisis data and perform environmental monitoring by
description and subsequent analysis of vocalizations used in different studying biovariation and biodiversity.
contexts by various animal species. This allows to later determine Typical bioacoustic equipment starts with a microphone or hydro-
which groupings of sounds are most characteristic of the given species phone and a recording device. Progressively more specialized material
in the selected behavioral situation. The second approach to bioacoustic like directional microphones or parabolas may come into use. For ul-
research is to combine individual sound signals issued by animals with trasound generated by bats, insects and marine mammals species,
a behavioral context and subsequent attempts to understand how the specialized equipment for the recording of ultrasounds are needed.
sounds affected the behavior and emotions of the receiver. The third Finally, recordings require hard- and software for replay, visualization
and latest type of research is investigating the sound production me- and analysis.
chanisms involved in vocalization processes. Here, the main emphasis is
placed on anatomy and movement of the vocal tract characteristic of 2.1. Bioacoustic monitoring in species biodiversity research
various taxa. It is important to remember that only a combination of all
of the above-mentioned frameworks allows to understand the full vocal Human activity causes the disappearance of various animal species
abilities of animals (Garcia and Favaro, 2017). at an alarming rate, leading to a new crisis related to eradiation of
The main purpose of the present study is to raise and discuss some biodiversity (Barnosky et al., 2011). Many of the critically endangered
issues related to the relationship between animals, their sounds and species are very rare, mysterious animals that live in hiding, which will
ecology, including presentation of emerging new recording technolo- probably die out before they are fully documented (Wilson, 2017). In
gies and methods of their analysis. A better understanding of the re- such circumstances, the only way to register their sojourn on the planet
lationship between the studied animals will allow for development of a is to use automatic recorders.
better framework for future research, as well as a better grasp of in- In the face of this urgent challenge, scientists need alternatives to
teractions between different organisms, including humans (Vallee, replace the need for human presence in the field and still allow for
2018). The paper summarizes selected previous bioacoustic studies in proper documentation of biodiversity of an area (Wilson, 2017). Studies
the field of animal communication, discusses the significance of methods using automated bioacoustic recorders offer significant pro-
acoustic research in animal ecology and points its possible applications mise, especially for species whose behavior or ecology reduces their
in the future. detectability using traditional methods. Individual recognition by
means of the acoustic features of vocalizations can be achieved in
2. Bioacoustics as a science several animal taxa, from frogs to mammals and birds, and is one of the
best examples of the application of acoustic analysis to population.
Countless organisms, including crustaceans, arachnids, insects, fish, Bioacoustic monitoring is a rapidly developing tool in nature pro-
amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, produce species-specific tection, supported by the latest technological and analytical achieve-
acoustic signals during their daily activities (Bradbury and ments (Snaddon et al., 2013). Unlike the related field of eco-acoustics,
Vehrencamp, 1998). Such signals are a great information trail that can bioacoustics is behavior-focused and focuses on acoustic signals of in-
be recorded to determine the presence of various animal species and dividuals and species, rather than on wider ecological processes or
many aspects of their ecology and behavior (Obrist et al., 2010). Animal habitats (Sueur and Farina, 2015). The usefulness of bioacoustical
acoustic signals serve communication purposes and most often contain material collected is very high, because it can be used when analyzing
species-specific information as well as individual information that can all species of sound-producing animals, especially those rare and diffi-
be used by receivers, making bioacoustics perfectly suited to monitor cult to observe (Williams et al., 2018; Wrege et al., 2017). Currently,
biodiversity. Acoustic signals can be received at various distances, bioacoustic monitoring is becoming increasingly popular in measuring
which permits discreet detection and observation of their senders. indicators such as presence-absence of given animals (Sebastián-
Acoustic observations are a well-established research method, e.g. in González et al. 2015), richness of species diversity (Celis-Murillo et al.,
the case of birds, insects, amphibians, bats or whales. Depending on the 2012), numbers (counts) (Borker et al., 2014) and density of occurrence
type of signals and the way they are processed, it is possible to identify (Rogers et al., 2013; Stevenson et al., 2015). Conducting long-term
species, estimate numbers or perform a behavioral assessment of the acoustic research, researchers are able to observe new, previously un-
individuals involved in signal exchange (Obrist et al., 2010). known behaviors of some animal species. For example, in situ activity
Bioacoustics is an interdisciplinary field combining biological and patterns of any species of elephant were poorly known prior to bioa-
acoustic sciences, which uses sound technologies to record, store and coustic studies (Wrege et al., 2017).
analyze large collections of animal communication data. It is rooted in This kind of research is becoming increasingly popular in bird bio-
the transmission of sound in flexible, often organic, media, and cen- diversity research. There are many reasons why these animals are dif-
tered on sound interpretation and perception by animals, including ficult to record visually. Their fear of human, masking colors, rare oc-
humans. This means that neurophysiological and anatomic abilities of currence, and protected areas that are difficult to get to make
sound emission and reception are within its field of interest. In addition, bioacoustics the only way to study them. For example, sounds of Cory's
bioacoustics deals with the study of dependence of sound signal prop- shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea) are most detectable at night. This,
erties on the type of medium in which it propagates, what allows to combined with their tendencies to breed on inaccessible cliff faces on

W. Penar, et al. Ecological Complexity 43 (2020) 100847

remote islands, complicates monitoring (Williams et al., 2018). Vocal sickness caused by too fast ascent. In the worst cases in areas where
monitoring birds can help to understand the seasonal concentrations deep waters occur in close proximity to shallow waters, beaked whales
and movements during migration too, providing insight on what geo- may swim into shallow waters to avoid certain sounds and could strand
graphic features are particularly important for migratory species if they are unable to navigate back to deeper waters (Parks et al., 2014).
(Pamuła et al., 2017). Bioacoustics highly effectively serves as a tool for measuring the
Bioacoustic research can also be used on smaller animal taxa, which impact of human activities on the environment not only in the waters.
are difficult to see in the natural environment. Amphibians are the most Also on land we can estimate changes in the ecosystem by recording
threatened vertebrate taxon of modern times. Baseline data and af- and analyzing sounds.
fordable methods to monitor populations are absent for many frog Birds are among the most-studied organisms on earth and constitute
species. Furthermore, some species are visually cryptic, and detection an important indicator group demonstrating effects of climate change
often relies upon male advertisement calls (Willacy et al., 2015). in particular as concerns changes in tropical ecosystems
For some time, bioacoustic tools have also been used to study insect (Şekercioğlu et al., 2012). Most tropical birds are endemic, sedentary
biodiversity. Insect identification is a primary need of entomologists species, isolated either in tropical mountains or lowlands without ac-
both for research applications and for pest control. Different kinds of cess to hills (Şekercioğlu et al., 2012). Climate warming is the main
insects can emit sound to attract, repel, or threaten members of their factor causing loss of natural habitats at higher altitudes, while pre-
own species and to startle and evade predators. The same bioacoustic cipitation is destroying the habitats of birds living in the lowlands
methods in this case are a good way to study animals that are small and (Enquist, 2002). Bioacoustic studies conducted in such areas may be
difficult to find. used to observe and assess the level of climate change by monitoring
the animals which live there.
2.2. Bioacoustic monitoring in measurement of environmental pollution Among places most vulnerable to global warming and rising sea and
ocean levels are coastal ecosystems (Waycott et al., 2009). Most bays
Interestingly, bioacoustics can also be used for purposes other than are located less than three meters above sea level – such altitudes are
measuring species biodiversity. Research conducted by Kloepper and also preferred by sea birds. Such places may in the future be flooded
Simmons (2014) proves that bioacoustic monitoring can be a good in- during high water periods, and even during high tide
dicator of climate change. Increases in global temperature can cause (Şekercioğlu et al., 2012). By recording and analyzing the sounds of the
changes in vast areas, including melting of glaciers, decreases in Arctic most vulnerable taxa, we are able to determine changes in the number
ice cover, weather changes (droughts/floods) and increased disease risk of individuals and see how climate change affects biodiversity.
(Neftel et al., 1985; IPCC, 2013). These biotic and abiotic effects of Changes in the structure of atmospheric precipitation caused by
climate change can also affect environmental acoustics and thus change environmental pollution also significantly affect animal sounds; either
communication between animals. This in turn leads to changes in entire by changing humidity and thus absorption of sound by the atmosphere,
soundscapes and affects biodiversity, as some species are unable to or by changing the seasons and parameters of their vocalization. Snell-
adapt quickly to changes in the environment (Peck et al., 2004). Rood (2012) noted that in the same species of bats, acoustic commu-
One of the better known effects of climate change affecting acoustics nication differed between the rainy and dry seasons. In the rainy sea-
is due to increasing acidification of the oceans. Burning of fossil fuels sons, when atmospheric precipitation and humidity were high and
has fueled emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere for years. At present, sound absorption was higher by 0.58 dB/m than in the dry season, the
however, only about half of these emissions are still in the atmosphere, echolocation sounds of bats were of longer duration and lower fre-
the rest - due to precipitation - was absorbed by the seas and oceans, quency.
affecting their acidification (Kloepper and Simmons, 2014). Information on the current and projected impact of environmental
Sound naturally attenuates in the ocean - a phenomenon known as pollution on climate change can be used to create appropriate practices
acoustic absorption. As a result of absorption, energy of a wave passing in nature protection. Physiological, ecological and biogeographic fea-
through the medium is reduced, causing the medium's internal energy tures that increase vulnerability of birds to climate change also occur in
to increase. Sound absorption depends on temperature, pressure, sali- other animals. Current conservation methods aimed at reducing the
nity and, amongst others, acidity. In the case of ocean acidification, this risks posed by climate change for different bird species could also help
natural damping ability may be further compromised. Absorption species from other taxa in the future. To start protecting the species
changes that depend on pH occur at frequencies below 3 kHz. most vulnerable to climate change in a timely manner, reliable and
Miller et al. (2014) proved that for a pH of 7.5, the difference in ab- proven methods are needed to track habitat modification and perform
sorption between low- (500 Hz) and high-frequency tone (5 kHz) is animal counts. Application of bioacoustic monitoring, relevant to any
about 2.5 dB, but at pH 8.5 the difference in absorption can be as sig- taxa with recognized vocalizations seems to be an excellent solution.
nificant as 4.5 dB. At present, the average global pH of ocean surface is Information‐rich bioacoustic recordings can facilitate the investigation
around 8.0, but continued failure to tackle problems related to CO2 of multiple traits of birdsong as well as other cryptic behaviors that may
emissions will reduce it by 0.3 or more by the end of this century be relevant to individual fitness affected by climate changing. More
(Orr et al., 2005). Climate forecasts estimate that future carbon dioxide research in this way provides a viable solution for standardized long‐-
emissions will continue to acidify water, which is expected to reduce term automated monitoring of animal populations and behaviors in
sound absorption, especially at low frequencies, by up to 40% in 100 endangered environment.
years (Hester et al., 2008). Reduced absorption of sound in the ocean
means that sounds, both natural and anthropogenic, will travel further. 2.3. Bioacoustics in research on extinct ecosystems
An increase in anthropogenic sound levels will contribute to more
“background” noise in the ocean that will affect the behavior (including In addition to the current applications of bioacoustics, acoustic
acoustic behavior) of various marine animals. Studies conducted on monitoring can also serve to create bioacoustic time capsules (Sugai
whales show that in noisy environments, animals increase the duration and Llusia, 2019). Collecting acoustic recordings around the world can
of their sounds, their intensity and modulate their frequency help create the benchmark for upcoming research, helping us under-
(Miller et al., 2014; Kloepper and Simmons, 2014). Furthermore, an- stand the magnitude and direction of changes in ecosystems.
thropogenic noises also affect whale behavior changes such as inter- Some of the analyzed recordings found in biological collections
ruptions in foraging or migrations (Aguilar Soto et al., 2006). Research belong to already extinct animal species, such as Yellow Warbler
conducted by Nowacek et al., 2004 showed that beaked whales sub- (Vermivora bachmanii) or Darwin's frog from Chile (Rhinoderma
jected to anthropogenic sounds are susceptible to decompression rufum). According to paleontological terminology, such recordings can

W. Penar, et al. Ecological Complexity 43 (2020) 100847

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