Me143 - Vehicle Dynamics and Design: California State University Sacramento The Department of Mechanical Engineering
Me143 - Vehicle Dynamics and Design: California State University Sacramento The Department of Mechanical Engineering
Me143 - Vehicle Dynamics and Design: California State University Sacramento The Department of Mechanical Engineering
The course will provide an opportunity to hands on design using state of the
art software. Students will solve Vehicle Dynamics using multibody systems
in three dimensions. Using SOLIDWORKS, WORKING MODEL 2D,
SYMWISE4D, ADAMS, MATLAB, SIMULINK, students will generate
computer models of vehicles using solid models and dynamic models. The
applications will range from motorcycles, to passenger cars, SUV’s, off road
vehicles aerospace vehicles.
ME143 Course Syllabus Fall 2019
WEB PAGE: Course documents will be posted on Web CT or on the instructor’s web
GRADED: Graded Student.
UNITS: 3.0. Lecture three hours.
REFERENCE: - Theory of Ground Vehicles. Third Edition. J.Y Wong. John Wiley ISBN:
- Vehicle Stability. Dean Karnopp. Dekker Mechanical Engineering
volume: 171 ISBN: 0824757114
- Vehicle Crash Mechanics Matthew Huang Dearborn, Michigan, USA
ISBN: 0849301041
- "Tyres, suspension and handling", by John C. Dixon, Cambridge University
Press, 1991
- "Handbook of Vehicle Design Analysis", John Fenton, SAE International,
- "Race Car Vehicle Dynamics", Milliken/Milliken, SAE International, 1995
- "Vehicle Performance - Understanding Human Monitoring and
Assessment", J.P. Paowelussen, Swets and Zeitlinger Publishers, 1999.
- Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics (R114) by Thomas D. Gillespie
Publisher: SAE International; (March 1, 1992) ISBN: 1560911999
- “ SOLIDWORKS” User’s manual
- “WORKING MODEL 2D” Users manual
- “CAMPG” User’s Manual
- “SYMWISE4D” User’s Manual
- “MATLAB/SIMULINK” User’s manuals
LEARNING PROCESS: You are the only one solely responsible for your learning success, not
your Professor, not the Department and not the University. There will be new
teaching methods and tools being developed as we go along. Lots of valuable
information will be available on the Class Web Site. Please review these
CLASS NOTES: Students are responsible to take their own notes. The student should not rely
only on class note. It is expected that you study independently by yourself
ME143 Course Syllabus Fall 2019
1) Understand the behavior of vehicle systems and subsystems, tires, drive train, gear boxes
2) Use analysis and techniques learned in solid modeling and basic dynamics to develop
computer models of linkages and complete working assemblies in two and three
3) Understand vehicle dynamics for use in design and performance of ground vehicles.
4) Transform solid models into dynamic models of vehicles for analysis of kinematics,
(velocities and accelerations), kinetics (forces and moments).
5) Perform simulations of rigid multi-body assemblies and calculation of loads, dynamic
forces, energy and momentum in two and three dimensions.
6) Vehicle parts and assemblies under impulsive impact forces and collisions. Simulations
using dynamic Finite Element Analysis under dynamic loads.
7) Study of vehicle stability and control. Simulations using dynamic Finite Element
Analysis under dynamic loads.
8) Apply the concepts of vibrations to the design of vehicles.
COMPUTER USAGE: Computers are used for writing reports (WORD) and presentations
(PowerPoint). Spreadsheets are used as appropriate in doing multiple trade
studies. Computational tools such: SOLIDWORKS (Three Dimensional
solid modeling), WORKING MODEL 2D (Mechanisms dynamic analysis),
NASTRAN4D (Three dimensional multibody analysis and design), ADAMS
(Vehicle design software), MATLAB (Simulation in time and frequency
domain, state space models, transfer factions, SIMULINK (Block Diagrams,
ME143 Course Syllabus Fall 2019
ABET CRITERIA 2000 OUTCOMES ACHIEVED: This course contributes to the following
EC2000 Criterion 3 outcomes and those specific to the EAC accredited _ program.
Outcome Outcome
a. An ability to apply knowledge of g. An ability to communicate effectively
mathematics, science, and engineering
b. An ability to design and conduct h. The broad education necessary to
experiments, as well as to analyze and understand the impact of engineering
interpret data solutions in a global/societal context
c. An ability to design a system, component i. A recognition of the need for and an ability
or process to meet desired needs to engage in life-long learning
d. An ability to function on multi- j. A knowledge of contemporary issues
disciplinary teams
e. An ability to identify, formulate, and k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and
solve engineering problems modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
f. An understanding of professional and l. Begin list of any other outcomes unique to
ethical responsibility the program.
ME143 Course Syllabus Fall 2019
CLASS FORMAT: This course follows a lecture format. Assignments will be both
individual and group. Groups will be approximately 4 people, and pre-assigned by the instructor.
Students are responsible for reading the assigned material prior to the scheduled class. Class
participation is required and part of the course grading. Students are encouraged to actively
participate and to ask questions freely. Students will be expected to present their work
Quizzes/Exams .................... 40%
Homework Assignments ..... 10%
Computer assignments ........ 30%
Term Vehicle Design Project.. 10%
Final Exam ......................... 10%
Exams and assignments will be graded balancing the procedure used and the correctness of your
answer on an equal basis. Presentation and organization of your assignments will also be considered
in grading. There will be Quizzes approximately one to two weeks apart, including the last week of
class. Quizzes and final exam will be closed book exams. If there is a discrepancy in grading, you
have two weeks from the date you received it to bring up for discussion. After that period grades
are final. Projects are due on the last day of class. Work turned in after the deadlines will not be
computed in your final grade. If there is a discrepancy in grading, you have two weeks from the date
you received it to have it reviewed. Do do not expect a change simply because it ie reviewed but
rather on the merit of your work. After that period, all grades are final. Homework, computer
assignments will have deadlines and Final Projects are due on the last day of class. Work turned in
after that will not be computed in your final grade. An incomplete will not be assigned unless an
agreement with student has been outlined for course completion prior to the date grades are due. The
student should not rely only on class notes. It is expected that you study independently the assigned
reading assignments and homework following the schedule. Students are responsible for ALL
material presented in class. This includes any announcements, changes or clarifications made in
class as well as the due dates.
As the semester goes on and you realize "things" are not going well for you in this class or you
become frustrated with the computer, be aware of the policy on drops and incomplete. To drop the
ME143 Course Syllabus Fall 2019
class you must meet deadlines and an incomplete is rarely granted and cannot be used to "bail out"
of the class.
There will be quizzes and exams. These will be announced to cover specific topics of the course.
The final exam will be administered in accordance with the University scheduled time. Make-up
exams require the permission of the instructor prior to the day of the exam.
Regular attendance is expected. Note that a portion of your grade is based on class participation and
self-initiative. Professional contribution is a goal of this course.
Other important dates are available from the University Academic Calendar web site.
Students with Disabilities: The California State University provides upon request appropriate
academic adjustments for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the
Office of the Dean of Students or the College of Engineering Director of Students with Disabilities.
Class Web Sites and Student Privacy: Web-based, password-protected class sites are associated
with all academic courses taught at The University. Syllabi, handouts, assignments and other
resources are types of information that may be available within these sites. Site activities could
include exchanging e-mail, engaging in class discussions and chats, and exchanging files. In
addition, electronic class rosters will be a component of the sites. Students who do not want their
names included in these electronic class rosters must restrict their directory information in the
Office of the Registrar.
The Measurement and Evaluation Center forms for the College of Engineering will be used during
the last week of class to evaluate the course and the instructor.
ME143 Course Syllabus Fall 2019
• You are the only one responsible for your success in learning, not the Professor, not the
Department, not the University.
• CSUS is a high level educational institution and fosters a professional environment.
However discipline problems or attempts to disrupt any aspect of the course, or influence
other students to do the same will not be allowed.
• Assignments are to be individual unless assigned as a group. The honor code is to prevail
in all assignments. Copying assignments or exams will at the very least, result in zeroes
assigned to ALL involved.
• It is the Mechanical Engineering Department's policy to remove from the major students
who copy an exam or to expel them from the university. Copying or deleting
unauthorized disk files will have the same effect. Logging onto somebody else's account
is not permitted.
• Students are expected to answer questions on any of the work they hand in and proof they
have done the work themselves.
• Students are encouraged to make constructive suggestions to the instructor about any
aspect of the course. Please feel welcome to come and see the Professor.
• Students are encouraged also to suggest projects, particular engineering problems or
research topics of interest to the whole class.
• The Professor will assist students and conduct the in class as follows:
Encourage free pursuit of learning by students.
Students will be guided by the Professor, but the learning process is the
responsibility of the students themselves.
Students are evaluated solely on an academic basis.
Provide timely and relevant feedback to students
Report incidents of student plagiarism and cheating to the Campus Judicial
Follow campus procedures in dealing with disruptive student behavior.
Resolve complaints. If students are unhappy with any aspect of the course, they
must meet with the professor and attempt to resolve the issue between them. If
they are not able to resolve the issue, students can address their concerns with the
department chair. No complains will be processed or documents received by the
Department or administrative offices in the College without the knowledge of the
Professor and after an attempt has been made to resolve the issue. Otherwise, such
actions constitute backstabbing of Professors, which are unethical at a University
level and may carry disciplinary actions.
Implement accommodation for students authorized by Services to Students with
Disabilities (SSWD) and/or discuss concerns only with SSWD.
Accommodate reasonable student absences for religious observances.
ME143 Course Syllabus Fall 2019
8. Drive train dynamics, vehicle performance
Steering mechanisms analysis
Steering Mechanisms. Two and three-dimensional and design
9. analysis. Mechanics of Vehicle Terrain interaction. Working Model 2D,
Vehicle Collisions. Accident dynamic analysis and Computer models for the
10. reconstruction. Fundamental laws of motion, energy and calculations of impact forces.
momentum Forces and Moments 2D and 3D Two and Three Dimensional
computer models of real
vehicle collisions.
ME143 Course Syllabus Fall 2019
12. Finite Element Modeling (FEA) and failure analysis Stress, deformation
calculations. SYMWISE4D
13. Handling Characteristics of off Road Vehicles Individual Groups Vehicle
14. Motorcycle dynamics Groups and Individual Vehicle
Design Project
15. Introduction to Aerospace Vehicles. Space Shuttle,
Space Station
. Final Exams