Listening Practice - Introverts

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Listening Practice Listening: C1

Introverts – redressing the balance

Listen to a talk about social psychology to practise and improve your listening skills.

Before listening
Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the exercises.

Preparation task
Match the definitions (a–h) with the vocabulary (1–8).

Vocabulary Definition
1. …… an introvert a. a characteristic
2. …… an extrovert b. used to describe a person who is charming and attractive
3. …… charismatic c. a person who enjoys spending time alone more than being
4. …… a trait with other people
5. …… in the spotlight d. an outgoing, sociable person
6. …… to bond e. the centre of attention
7. …… to tone down f. deep thought
8. …… contemplation g. to form a relationship with other people
h. to make quieter or less obvious


Task 1
Write the phrases in the correct group.

are well suited to the way we

get the best grades in school like group collaboration
teach and work nowadays

are usually charming and persuasive are seen as a problem at school

prefer days in the wilderness can be very creative like giving instructions

Introverts Extroverts

© 2019 British Council

Task 2
Are the sentences true or false?

1. We usually underestimate introverts when we think of great leaders. True False
2. Introverts only become leaders because something external makes them True False
feel they should.
3. Thinking of good ideas is easier when you’re not interacting with other True False
4. Creative subjects at school are best taught using group projects. True False
5. Introverts need to be more like extroverts if they want to get good True False
6. Open-plan offices are designed for extroverts. True False
7. We should encourage all children to work alone sometimes. True False
8. We should encourage extroverts to work like introverts and vice versa. True False

Are you more of an extrovert or an introvert?

© 2019 British Council

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