History of English Language

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Mary Madelene B. Armenta

“Develop a passion for learning. If
you do, you will never cease to
grow.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo
The English Language

Like any language, English has a complex (1100-1500)

and layered history. The concept of this Middle English

language being passed down from generation The Norman kings and the
to generation. It is also changing as time pass aristocratic class spoke a dialect of
by. English belongs to the Indo-European Old French as Anglo-Norman.
group of languages. The history can be At the time, only peasants and people
divided into three periods: Old English, Middle who were working used the English
English, and Modern English. language.
People in this era adopted French
culture and also the French language.
The language they used was not
Old English (500-1100 AD) Germanic but French.
This resulted in an enormous
They occupied the biggest part of the borrowing of French words into
country and brought Germanic civilization, English vocabulary. Some borrowed
often called Anglo-Saxon. words are country, salvation, virgin,
The Celts were the original citizen of Britain miracle, savory, battle, navy, charity,
before the invasion of the tribes. After the etc.
occupation, Celts were pushed out of
England into Scotland, Wales, Cornwell,
and Ireland. Modern English (1500-present)
The language spoken by the people who
settled in Britain eventually came to be This era is considered the most
known as Englisc, from which the words significant period in the history of the
"England" and "English" are derived. English language due to the
Has a four dialects: Northumbrian, Mercian, Renaissance, the revival and rebirth of
Kentish, and West Saxon. knowledge.
The language adopted numerous words Aside from the Latin language, Greek
from Latin, the representative language of provides some words like skeleton,
the church, during the sixth century. Some anonymous, catastrophe, etc.
examples are abbot, alter, hymn, candle, Publishing books became noticeable,
nun, pope, etc. and text written in English was more
During the ninth to the eleventh century, popular than Latin books.
Norwegian and Danish Vikings influenced The first dictionary of English was
the English language. Many words published in 1604.
beginning with 'sc' and 'sk' were entered By the late 20th century, English
into the English language during that era. became a native language by more
Some examples are score, scorch, skill, sky, than 350 million people.
etc. This language became the most
One of the famous literary works in this era widely taught foreign language and
is Beowulf. also the most used in this era.

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