Display TFT SPI ST7735

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This is an example on how to use the 1.8" TFT 128x160 SPI ST7735 display using the
Adafruit library.

ST7735 TFT SPI display pins for Arduino Uno/Nano:

* LED = 3.3V
* SCK = 13
* SDA = 11
* A0 = 8
* RESET = 9
* CS = 10
* VCC = 5V

Another version marked as KMR-1.8 SPI:

This version only supports 3.3V logic so put a level shifter for all I/O pins, or a
2.2k resistor between
the display and arduino, and a 3.3k resistor to ground to create a simple voltage
divider to produce a 3V output.
* LED- = GND
* LED+ = 15Ω resistor to 5V
* CS = 10
* SCL = 13
* SDA = 11
* A0 = 8
* RESET = 9
* VCC = 5V or 3.3V (the display has it's own 3.3V regulator)

Hardware SPI Pins:

* Arduino Uno SCK=13, SDA=11
* Arduino Nano SCK=13, SDA=11
* Arduino Due SCK=76, SDA=75
* Arduino Mega SCK=52, SDA=51

SPI pin names can be confusing. These are the alternative names for the SPI pins:
MOSI = DIN = R/W = SDO = DI = SI = MTSR = SDA = D1 = SDI
CS = CE = RS = SS
DC = A0 = DO = DOUT = SO = MRST
SCLK = CLK = E = SCK = SCL = D0

Libraries needed:

Reference page for GFX Library:


Color is expressed in 16 bit with Hexadecimal value.

To select a particular color, go here and copy the "Hexadecimal 16 bit color depth

Common colors:
* BLACK 0x0000
* BLUE 0x001F
* RED 0xF800
* GREEN 0x07E0
* CYAN 0x07FF

A way to select a color is to write: "ST7735_BLACK", or "ST7735_BLUE", etc.

Or just write the code for the color. Either way, it works.

List of custom fonts:


Note about custom font:

* Text background color is not supported for custom fonts. For these reason you
would need to draw a filled
rectangle before drawing the text. But this would cause the text to flicker, so
I don't recommend using custom fonts
for components that refresh continuously.
* Using custom fonts slows down the arduino loop, so the refresh rate is lesser
than using the standard font.

Sketch made by: InterlinkKnight

Last modification: 01/11/2018

#include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Include core graphics library

#include <Adafruit_ST7735.h> // Include Adafruit_ST7735 library to drive the

// Declare pins for the display:

#define TFT_CS 10
#define TFT_RST 9 // You can also connect this to the Arduino reset in which
case, set this #define pin to -1!
#define TFT_DC 8
// The rest of the pins are pre-selected as the default hardware SPI for Arduino
Uno (SCK = 13 and SDA = 11)

// Create display:
Adafruit_ST7735 tft = Adafruit_ST7735(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_RST);

#include <Fonts/FreeSerif18pt7b.h> // Add a custom font

int Variable1; // Create a variable to have something dynamic to show on the

void setup() // Start of setup

// Display setup:

// Use this initializer if you're using a 1.8" TFT

tft.initR(INITR_BLACKTAB); // Initialize a ST7735S chip, black tab

tft.fillScreen(ST7735_BLACK); // Fill screen with black

//tft.setRotation(0); // Set orientation of the display. Values are from 0 to 3.

If not declared, orientation would be 0,
// which is portrait mode.

tft.setTextWrap(false); // By default, long lines of text are set to

automatically “wrap” back to the leftmost column.
// To override this behavior (so text will run off the
right side of the display - useful for
// scrolling marquee effects), use setTextWrap(false).
The normal wrapping behavior is restored
// with setTextWrap(true).

// We are going to print on the display everything that is static on the setup,
to leave the loop free for dynamic elements:

// Write to the display the text "Hello":

tft.setCursor(0, 0); // Set position (x,y)
tft.setTextColor(ST7735_WHITE); // Set color of text. First is the color of text
and after is color of background
tft.setTextSize(3); // Set text size. Goes from 0 (the smallest) to 20 (very
tft.println("CTRL"); // Print a text or value

// Start using a custom font:

tft.setFont(&FreeSerif18pt7b); // Set a custom font
tft.setTextSize(0); // Set text size. We are using custom font so you should
always set text size as 0

// Write to the display the text "World":

tft.setCursor(0, 50); // Set position (x,y)
tft.setTextColor(ST7735_RED); // Set color of text. We are using custom font so
there is no background color supported
tft.println("LIT BMS"); // Print a text or value

// Stop using a custom font:

tft.setFont(); // Reset to standard font, to stop using any custom font
previously set
// Draw rectangle:
tft.drawRect(0, 60, 60, 30, ST7735_CYAN); // Draw rectangle
// It draws from the location to down-

// Draw rounded rectangle:

tft.drawRoundRect(68, 60, 60, 30, 10, ST7735_CYAN); // Draw rounded rectangle
// It draws from the
location to down-right

// Draw triangle:
tft.drawTriangle(60,120, 70,94, 80,120, ST7735_YELLOW); // Draw triangle

// Draw filled triangle:

tft.fillTriangle(100,120, 110,94, 120,120, ST7735_CYAN); // Draw filled
triangle (x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,color)

// Draw line:
tft.drawLine(0, 125, 127, 125, ST7735_CYAN); // Draw line (x0,y0,x1,y1,color)

// Draw circle:
tft.drawCircle(15, 144, 14, ST7735_GREEN); // Draw circle (x,y,radius,color)

// Draw a filled circle:

tft.fillCircle(60, 144, 14, ST7735_BLUE); // Draw circle (x,y,radius,color)

// Draw rounded rectangle and fill:

tft.fillRoundRect(88, 130, 40, 27, 5, 0xF81B); // Draw rounded filled rectangle

} // End of setup

void loop() // Start of loop


Variable1++; // Increase variable by 1

if(Variable1 > 150) // If Variable1 is greater than 150
Variable1 = 0; // Set Variable1 to 0
// Convert Variable1 into a string, so we can change the text alignment to the
// It can be also used to add or remove decimal numbers.
char string[10]; // Create a character array of 10 characters
// Convert float to a string:
dtostrf(Variable1, 3, 0, string); // (<variable>,<amount of digits we are going
to use>,<amount of decimal digits>,<string name>)

// We are going to print on the display everything that is dynamic on the loop,
to refresh continuously:

// Write to the display the Variable1 with left text alignment:

tft.setCursor(13, 67); // Set position (x,y)
tft.setTextColor(ST7735_YELLOW, ST7735_BLACK); // Set color of text. First is
the color of text and after is color of background
tft.setTextSize(2); // Set text size. Goes from 0 (the smallest) to 20 (very
tft.println(Variable1); // Print a text or value

// There is a problem when we go, for example, from 100 to 99 because it doesn't
automatically write a background on
// the last digit we are not longer refreshing. We need to check how many digits
are and fill the space remaining.
if(Variable1 < 10) // If Variable1 is less than 10...
// Fill the other digit with background color:
tft.fillRect(23, 67, 12, 18, ST7735_BLACK); // Draw filled rectangle
if(Variable1 < 100) // If Variable1 is less than 100...
// Fill the other digit with background color:
tft.fillRect(36, 67, 12, 18, ST7735_BLACK); // Draw filled rectangle

// Write to the display the string with right text alignment:

tft.setCursor(81, 67); // Set position (x,y)
tft.setTextColor(ST7735_GREEN, ST7735_BLACK); // Set color of text. First is the
color of text and after is color of background
tft.setTextSize(2); // Set text size. Goes from 0 (the smallest) to 20 (very
tft.println(string); // Print a text or value
// We are going to write the Variable1 with a custom text, so you can see the

// Draw a black square in the background to "clear" the previous text:

// This is because we are going to use a custom font, and that doesn't support
brackground color.
// We are basically printing our own background. This will cause flickering,
tft.fillRect(0, 90, 55, 34, ST7735_BLACK); // Draw filled rectangle

// Start using a custom font:

tft.setFont(&FreeSerif18pt7b); // Set a custom font
tft.setTextSize(0); // Set text size. We are using custom font so you should
always set text size as 0

// Write to the display the Variable1:

tft.setCursor(0, 120); // Set position (x,y)
tft.setTextColor(ST7735_MAGENTA); // Set color of text. We are using custom font
so there is no background color supported
tft.println(Variable1); // Print a text or value

// Stop using a custom font:

tft.setFont(); // Reset to standard font, to stop using any custom font
previously set

} // End of loop

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