Human Soil-Transmitted Helminths and Lung Infections: A Guide Review For Respiratory Therapists
Human Soil-Transmitted Helminths and Lung Infections: A Guide Review For Respiratory Therapists
Human Soil-Transmitted Helminths and Lung Infections: A Guide Review For Respiratory Therapists
Human Soil-transmitted Helminths and Lung Infections:
A Guide Review for Respiratory Therapists
3.3. Pathology and Clinical Aspects 4.2. Life Cycle and Modes of Infection
First, cutaneous dermatitis is caused during larval skin penetra- The females of parasitic generations in infected final hosts inhab-
tion. A red itchy papule is formed at the site of each penetration, iting the mucosa of the duodenum or the jejunum lay eggs by
the so-called “ground itch,” Scratching leads to secondary bacterial parthenogenesis. These eggs grow promptly and hatch to become
infection and formation of pustules. In rare cases, in heavy infections rhabditiform larvae (R-form) then pass in the stool. If the patient
with extensive lesions the patients suffer from creeping eruption [33]. suffers from constipation or immunodeficiency, unpassed out
R-form become infective filariform larvae (F-form), which invade
Filariform larvae that break through the pulmonary capillaries
the intestinal walls leading to internal autoinfection. Rarely
can cause bronchitis and bronchopneumonia. Larvae migration
in unclean persons, the larvae may penetrate the perianal skin
through pulmonary tissue may cause Loeffler syndrome, with
leading to external autoinfection. Both types of autoinfection
fever, cough, wheezing, dyspnea, and hemoptysis [34]. Ingestion of
enable persistent infection for several years without any extrin-
a high number of larvae causes Wakana syndrome, which is char-
sic exposure [48,54]. Meanwhile, under favorable conditions in
acterized by eosinophilia and symptoms such as pneumonitis [26].
soil, R-form passed in stool will continue the free living life cycle
Adult worms inhabit the small intestine, mainly the upper part forming both male and female adult worms. Female worms then
of the jejunum, biting the intestinal wall and sucking the mucosa lay eggs, which mature and give rise exclusively to female R-form,
with the cutting plates (N. americanus) or ventral teeth (A. duode then become infective F-form. These can infect humans both per-
nale). Symptoms are associated with continuous blood loss, intes- cutaneously (by penetration of the skin of the foot) and orally
tinal inflammation, and mucosa necrosis. The patient may suffer (by ingestion) [55,56], then enter the bloodstream and proceed to
from abdominal pain, diarrhea, fecal occult blood, and occasionally the heart and thereafter to the lung. The larvae migrate from the
melena. In continuous blood loss in heavy infected cases, the patient alveoli to the trachea, esophagus, stomach, then the mucosa of
suffers from severe iron deficiency, anemia with fatigue, short the small intestine, mainly in the duodenum, where they mature
breath, headache, koilonychia, and rarely allotriophagy [35–40]. to female adult worms.
Parasite Mode of infection Clinical presentation Radiological features Laboratory tests Treatment
Ascaris Ingestion of larvated Eosinophilic pneumonia, Transient nodular or diffuse Stool: adult worms Mebendazole
lumbricoides eggs in contami- cough, wheeze, dyspnea, pulmonary infiltrates, basal and eggs and
nated food or drink hemoptysis opacities, spontaneous Pulmonary: larvae albendazole
(fecal–oral) pneumothorax Blood: eosinophilia
Hookworm L3 larval skin Eosinophilic pneumonia, Bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, Stool: eggs and larvae Mebendazole
penetration (and cough, wheeze, dyspnea transient pulmonary infiltrates, Pulmonary: larvae and
oral route in case of transient nonsegmental areas Blood: eosinophilia albendazole
A. duodenale) of consolidation
Strongyloides L3 larval skin Eosinophilic pneumonia, chest Bronchopneumonia, pulmonary Stool or duodenal Ivermectin and
stercoralis penetration pain, fever, cough, wheeze, infiltrates, miliary nodules, specimens: larvae albendazole
dyspnea, hyperinfection airspace opacities ARDS in Pulmonary: larvae
syndrome, ARDS, intra- severe disease, rarely Blood: eosinophilia
alveolar hemorrhage granulomatous changes
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