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Stabilized differential relay SPAD 346 C

1MRS 750398-MBG
Issued: July 1998
Status: Updated
Version: C/29.01.2003
Data subject to change without notice

Features • Integrated three-phase differential relay, • Fifth harmonic restraint for prevention of
three-phase overcurrent relay and multi- unwanted relay operations at transformer
configurable earth-fault relay overexcitation. The fifth harmonic restraint
can be aborted if the ratio of the fifth har-
• Alarm channels activated by normally open
monic and the basic frequency component
or normally closed contact
rises too high at dangerous overvoltages
• Stabilized differential relay module provid-
• Wide CT ratio correction range: accurate
ing winding short-circuit and interturn fault
correction through digital setting
protection for two-winding power trans-
formers and generator-transformer units, • No interposing current transformers
and interwinding short-circuit protection for needed for the protection of two-winding
generators power transformers: numerical vector
group matching on HV and LV side
• Earth-fault relay module providing protec-
tion for transformer HV and LV side accord- • Four heavy-duty output relays for circuit
ing to the principle selected: stabilized breaker tripping and five output relays for
differential current principle, high-imped- signalling
ance principle, residual current principle or
• Five programmable external control inputs
neutral current principle
intended for alarm and trip signals from gas
• Three-stage overcurrent module providing relays, oil temperature sensors and other
protection for power transformers and gen- sensors of transformer auxiliary devices
erators and two-stage back-up earth-fault
• Integrated circuit-breaker failure protection
with adjustable operate time
• Short operate time even at partial satura-
• Differential relay and earth-fault relay mod-
tion of the current transformers
ules provided with integrated disturbance
• Operation characteristic of differential relay recorder functions for analog and digital
module easily adapted for different applica- signals: signals to be used for triggering
tions selectable
• Stabilized against unwanted operations at • Sensitive phase current and phase angle
faults occurring outside the protected area displays facilitate checking of energizing
and at transformer inrush currents circuit connections and vector group
• Second harmonic restraint for prevention of
unwanted relay operations at transformer • High immunity to electrical and electromag-
inrush currents netic interference allows the relay to be
used in severe environments

Stabilized differential relay SPAD 346 C
1MRS 750398-MBG

• High availability and system reliability due • Member of the SPACOM product family
to continuous supervision of hardware and and ABB’s Substation Automation system
• CE marking according to the EC directive
• Powerful software supports relay parame- for EMC
terization and reading of measured and
recorded values and event data

Application The stabilized differential relay SPAD 346 C is supplied from the same direction, and for
is designed for protecting two-winding power the protection of compensating chokes and
transformers and generator-transformer units short cable lines.
against winding short-circuit, interturn fault,
earth fault and short circuit, and generators No interposing transformers are needed for
and motors against interwinding faults and the protection of two-winding power trans-
pole short circuit. In addition, the relay can be formers, as the relay allows the vector group
used for the protection of three-winding matching, the elimination of the zero-
power transformers, provided 75% of the sequence component of the phase currents
short circuit power to the power transformer and the CT ratio corrections to be carried out

Design The feeder protection relay is provided with The circuit-breaker failure protection unit is
six energizing inputs for phase currents and activated by the main trip signal of the other
inputs for residual or neutral currents. The protection units and it provides a second trip
relay is also equipped with nine output relays signal to be routed to a back-up circuit
for CB control, signalling, etc. breaker if the main CB fails to operate.

The differential relay consists of three protec- The differential relay module also incorpo-
tion relay modules, i.e. a differential relay rates a digital disturbance recorder module.
module, an earth-fault relay module and a The module continuously monitors the object
combined overcurrent and earth-fault relay protected and stores pre- and post-fault net-
module. The modules are withdrawable as are work information, which can be used for
the power supply module and the I/O relay post-fault analysis.
module located behind the system front
Earth-fault relay module
Differential relay module The earth-fault relay module measures the
SPCD 3D53 neutral current and/or residual current on both
The differential relay module includes three sides of the object protected. The earth-fault
protection units, i.e. a stabilized differential protection can be implemented by four differ-
current unit, an instantaneous differential cur- ent principles, i.e. the high-impedance princi-
rent unit and a circuit-breaker failure protec- ple, the numerical stabilized differential
tion unit. In addition, the module contains a current principle, the residual overcurrent
disturbance recorder unit. principle or the neutral overcurrent principle.
Both sides of the object can be protected
The stabilized differential current unit consti- independent of each other, which means that
tutes the main differential protection. The the protection principle on one side does not
unit is provided with second and third har- have to be the same as that of the other side.
monic restraint, selectable transformer vector
group, zero-sequence current elimination, The circuit-breaker failure protection unit is
numerical correction of CT ratios and flexible activated by the main trip signal of the pro-
configuration of tripping, blocking and con- tection units and it provides a second trip sig-
trol signals. nal to be routed to a back-up circuit breaker if
the main CB fails to operate.
The instantaneous, non-stabilized differential
current unit functions as an ultra-fast protec- The earth-fault relay module also incorpo-
tion unit with an operate time less than 30 ms rates a digital disturbance recorder module.
at heavy faults. The module continuously monitors the object

Stabilized differential relay SPAD 346 C
1MRS 750398-MBG

protected and stores pre- and post-fault net- relay to the SPA bus via an optional bus con-
work information, which can be used for nection module. Two bus connection module
post-fault analysis. types are available: SPA-ZC 17 and SPA-
ZC 21. The former can be powered from the
host relay and from a separate power source
Combined overcurrent and at the same time, while the latter is powered
earth-fault relay module from the host relay via the D-type connector.
The combined overcurrent and earth-fault
module includes four protection units, i.e. an Output relays and circuit
overcurrent unit, an earth-fault unit, a phase breaker control
discontinuity unit and a circuit-breaker failure The feeder protection relay is provided with
protection unit. nine output auxiliary relays, four of which are
heavy-duty output relays for the direct control
The three-phase overcurrent unit comprises of the circuit breaker. Single-pole or double-
three overcurrent stages, i.e. a low-set stage pole circuit breaker control can be used. One
I>, a high-set stage I>> and a super high-set of the five signalling relays is permanently
stage I>>>. The low-set stage can be given allocated for the self-supervision system. The
definite time characteristic or inverse time function of the other four relays can be
characteristic while the high-set stage and the defined by the user.
super high-set stage have a definite time char-
acteristic. Self-supervision
The relay incorporates a sophisticated self-
The non-directional earth-fault unit com- supervision system with auto-diagnosis,
prises two protection stages, i.e. a low-set which increases the availability of the relay
stage I0> and a high-set stage I0>>. The low- and the reliability of the system. The self-
set stage can be given definite time character- supervision system continuously monitors the
istic or inverse time characteristic while the hardware and the software of the relay. The
high-set stage has a definite time characteris- system also supervises the operation of the
tic. auxiliary supply module and the voltages
generated by the module.
The phase discontinuity protection unit mea-
sures the phase unbalance and has a definite
time characteristic. Auxiliary supply voltage
The auxiliary supply of the relay is obtained
The circuit-breaker failure protection unit is from an internal plug-in type power supply
activated by the main trip signal of the pro- module. Two auxiliary power module ver-
tection units and it provides a second trip sig- sions are available: type SPGU 240A1 for the
nal to be routed to a back-up circuit breaker if supply voltage range 80…265 V ac/dc and
the main CB fails to operate. type SPGU 48B2 for the supply voltage range
18…80 V dc. The power supply module
forms the internal voltages required by the
Data communication protection relay and the I/O module.
The feeder protection relay is equipped with a
serial communication port on the rear panel.
The serial port is used for connecting the

Stabilized differential relay SPAD 346 C
1MRS 750398-MBG


Terminals X0/1-3, 4-6, 7-9, X0/1-2, 4-5, 7-8,
X0/13-15, 16-18, X0/13-14, 16-17,
X0/19-21, 25-27 X0/19-20, 25-26,
X0/37-39 X0/37-38
Rated current In 1A 5A
Thermal current continuously 4A 20 A
withstand for 10 s 25 A 100 A
for 1 s 100 A 500 A
Dynamic current Half-wave value 250 A 1250 A
Input impedance <100 mΩ <20 mΩ
Rated frequency fn, according to order 50 Hz or 60 Hz

Type of contact Tripping Signalling
Terminals X1/11-12-13-14 X2/7-8, 9-10
X1/15-16-17-18 X2/11-12-13
X2/3-4, 5-6 X2/14-15
Rated voltage 250 V ac/dc
Thermal withstand Carry continuously 5A 5A
capability Make and carry for 0.5 s 30 A 10 A
Make and carry for 3 s 15 A 8A
Breaking capacity for dc, 220 V dc 1A 0.15 A
when the signal circuit 110 V dc 3A 0.25 A
time constant
48 V dc 5A 1A
L/R ≤ 40 ms, at the
signalling voltage levels
Contact material AgCdO2

Terminals X1/1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8,
Control voltage Operative range 18…265 V dc or
80…265 V ac
Current drain of activated control input 2…20 mA
Active state of input Input active when energized
Input active when non-energized

Terminal numbers X2/1-2
Type of module Rated voltages Un SPGU 240A1 110/120/230/240 V ac
110/125/220 V dc
SPGU 48B2 24/48/60 V ac
Operative range SPGU 240A1 80…265 V ac/dc
SPGU 48B2 18…80 V dc
Power consumption under quiescent ~10 W
under operating ~15 W

Stabilized differential relay SPAD 346 C
1MRS 750398-MBG

Selectable rated frequency fn 16 2/3…60 Hz
CT ratio correction range on power transformer HV side I1/In 0.40…1.50
CT ratio correction range on power transformer LV side I2/In 0.40…1.50
Stabilized differential current stage 3∆I>
Basic start ratio P/In 5…50%
Starting ratio setting S 10…50%
Second turning point I2tp/In of characteristic curve 1.0…3.0
Harmonics blocking ratio Id2f/Id1f 7…20%
Harmonics blocking ratio Id5f/Id1f 10…50%
Harmonics deblocking ratio Id5f/Id1f 10…50%
Operate time (including heavy-duty output relays at currents 1.5…4 × <50 ms
operate value
at currents above 4 × <45 ms
operate value
Operation accuracy ±4% of set value or
±2% × In
Instantaneous differential current stage 3∆I>>
Start ratio Id/In>> 5…30
Operate time (including heavy-duty output relays at ratios in the range of <35 ms
1.1…2.6 × Id/In>>
at ratios above 2.6 × <30 ms
Operation accuracy ±4% of set value of 2% ×
Circuit-breaker failure protection
Operate time 0.1…1.0 s
Integrated disturbance recorder
Recording length 38 cycles
Recording memory capacity 1 recording = 38 cycles
Sampling frequency 40 samples/cycle
Signals to be recorded 6 analog signals
11 digital signals
Triggering when the selected digital is activated
when the selected digital resets
Length of recording preceding triggering 0…38 cycles

Selectable rated frequency fn 16 2/3…60 Hz
Stabilized differential relay principle
Basic start ratio on HV side P1/In 5…50%
Operate time on HV side t01> 0.03…100 s
Basic start ratio on LV side P2/In 5…50%
Operate time setting on LV side t02> 0.03…100 s
Correction range of HV side neutral connection CT ratio I01/In 0.40…1.50
Setting of minimum ratio of HV side neutral current and residual current of 0…20%
phase currents I01/∑I1
Correction range of LV side neutral connection CT ratio I02/In 0.40…1.50
Setting of minimum ratio of LV side neutral current and residual current of 0…20%
phase currents I02/∑I2
Second harmonics restraint ratio I2f/I1f of HV side neutral current I01 10…50%
Second harmonics restraint ratio I2f/I1f of LV side neutral current I02 10…50%
Correction range of HV side phase CT ratio I1/In 0.40…1.50
Correction range of HV side phase CT ratio I2/In 0.40…1.50
Operate time at minimum delay (including heavy-duty output relays) 30…40 ms

Stabilized differential relay SPAD 346 C
1MRS 750398-MBG

Technical data (cont’d) 7DEOH(DUWKIDXOWUHOD\PRGXOH63&''

Operation accuracy ±4% of set value or
±2% of In
Principle based on calculated residual current
Basic start ratio P 1/In on HV side 5…50%
Operate time t01> on HV side 0.03…100 s
Basic start ratio P 2/In on LV side 5…50%
Operate time setting t02> on LV side 0.03…100 s
Correction range of HV side phase CT ratio I1/In 0.40…1.50
Correction range of HV side phase CT ratio I2/In 0.40…1.50
Operate time at minimum delay (including heavy-duty output relays) 30…40 ms
Operation accuracy ±4% of set value or
±2% of In
Principle based on measured residual current or neutral current
Basic start ratio P 1/In on HV side 5…50%
Operate time t01> on HV side 0.03…100 s
Basic start ratio P 2/In on LV side 5…50%
Operate time setting t02> on LV side 0.03…100 s
Correction range of HV side neutral connection CT ratio I01/In 0.40…1.50
Correction range of LV side neutral connection CT ratio I02/In 0.40…1.50
Second harmonics restraint ratio I2f/I1f of HV side neutral current I01 10…50%
Second harmonics restraint ratio I2f/I1f of LV side neutral current I02 10…50%
Operate time at minimum delay (including heavy-duty output relays) 30…40 ms
Operation accuracy ±4% of set value or
±2% of In
Restricted earth-fault principle (high-impedance type earth-fault protection)
Basic start ratio P 1/In on HV side 5…50%
Operate time t01> on HV side 0.03…100 s
Basic start ratio P 2/In on LV side 5…50%
Operate time setting t02> on LV side 0.03…100 s
Correction range of HV side neutral connection CT ratio I01/In 0.40…1.50
Correction range of LV side neutral connection CT ratio I02/In 0.40…1.50
Operate time at minimum delay (including heavy-duty output relays) 30…40 ms
Operation accuracy ±4% of set value or
±2% of In
Circuit-breaker failure protection
Operate time 0.1…1.0 s
Integrated disturbance recorder
Recording length 30 cycles
Recording memory capacity 1 recording = 30 cycles
Sampling frequency 40 samples/cycle
Signals to be recorded 8 analog signals
12 digital signals
Triggering when the selected digital is activated
when the selected digital resets
Length of recording preceding triggering 0…30 cycles

Stabilized differential relay SPAD 346 C
1MRS 750398-MBG

Features Stage I> Stage I>> Stage I>>>
Start current at definite time 0.5…5.0 × In 0.5…40.0 × In and 0.5…40.0 × In and
∞ ∞
at inverse time 0.5…2.5 × In – –
Start time, typically 70 ms 40 ms 40 ms
Operate time at definite time 0.05…300 s 0.04…300 s 0.04…30 s
Time/current characteristic at inverse Extremely inverse – –
time mode Very inverse
Normal inverse
Long-time inverse
RI type inverse
RXIDG type
Time multiplier k 0.05…1.0 – –
Reset time, typically 40 ms 40 ms 40 ms
Retardation time <30 ms
Reset ratio, typically 0.96
Operate time accuracy at definite time ±2% of set value or ±25 ms
Accuracy class index E at inverse time 5 – –
Operation accuracy ±3% of set value ±3% of set value ±3% of set value

Features Stage I0> Stage I0>> Stage ∆I>
Start current 0.1…0.8 × In 0.1…10.0 × In and 10…100% and ∞

Start time, typically 70 ms 50 ms 150 ms
Operate time at definite time 0.05…300 s 0.05…300 s 1…300 s
Time/current characteristic at inverse Extremely inverse – –
time mode Very inverse
Normal inverse
Long-time inverse
RI type inverse
RXIDG type
Time multiplier k 0.05…1.0 – –
Reset time, typically 40 ms 40 ms 80 ms
Retardation time <30 ms <30 ms –
Reset ratio, typically 0.96 0.96 0.90
Operate time accuracy at definite time ±2% of set value or ±25 ms
Accuracy class index E at inverse time 5 – –
Operation accuracy ±3% of set value ±3% of set value ±1 unit ±3% of set

Stabilized differential relay SPAD 346 C
1MRS 750398-MBG

Technical data (cont’d) 7DEOH'DWDFRPPXQLFDWLRQ

Transmission mode Fibre-optic serial bus
Data code ASCII
Data transfer rate, selectable 4800 or 9600 Bd
Electrical/optical bus connection module powered for plastic core cables SPA-ZC 21BB
from the host relay for glass fibre cables SPA-ZC 21MM
Electrical/optical bus connection module powered for plastic core cables SPA-ZC 17BB
from the host relay or from an external power source for glass fibre cables SPA-ZC 17MM

Test voltages Dielectric test voltage (IEC 255-5) 2 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min
Impulse test voltage (IEC 255-5) 5 kV, 1.2/50 µs, 0.5 J
Insulation resistance (IEC 255-5) >100 MΩ, 500 V dc
Interference tests High frequency disturbance test 2.5 kV, 1 MHz
(IEC 255-22-1), common mode
High frequency disturbance test 1.0 kV, 1 MHz
(IEC 255-22-1), differential mode
Electrostatic discharge (IEC 255- 8 kV
22-2 and IEC 801-2, class III), air
Electrostatic discharge (IEC 255- 6 kV
22-2 and IEC 801-2, class III),
contact discharge
Fast transients (IEC 255-22-4, 4 kV
class III and IEC 801-4, level IV),
power supply inputs
Fast transients (IEC 255-22-4, 2 kV
class III and IEC 801-4, level IV),
other inputs
Environmental conditions Service temperature range -10…+55°C
Long term damp heat withstand <95%, +40°C, 56 d/a
(IEC 68-2-3)
Temperature influence 0.1%/°C
Damp heat test (IEC 68-2-30) 93…95%, +55°C, 6 cycles
Transport and storage -40…+70°C
temperature range (IEC 68-2-8)
Degree of protection by enclosure IP 54
of flush mounting relay case (IEC
Weight of fully equipped relay ~6 kg

Stabilized differential relay SPAD 346 C
1MRS 750398-MBG

Block diagram

P2 P1 P1 P2


S2 S1 S1
Rx Tx
S1 P1 P1 S1

S2 S2
P2 P2

+ (~)
- (~)

































X2/17 IRF
IRF X2/18
U6 +

SPAD 346 C Y/∆ U1 IRF SS1
SS2 X2/11
Y/∆ SS3 X2/12
BS1 3∆I> SS4 SS2 X2/13
BS2 TS1 +
U4 3∆I>> TS2
X1/1 TS3 X2/9
BS4 X2/10
X1/2 BS1 BS5 I/O +

X1/3 U2 IRF X2/7

SS1 X2/8
X1/4 BS2 SS4
SS2 +
X1/5 BS1 ∆I 01 > SS4 X2/5
X1/6 BS3 ∆I 02 > TS1
BS3 TS2 +
X1/7 TS3
U3 IRF +
X1/10 BS5 SS2 X1/15
3I> SS3 X1/16
BS1 I SS4 X1/17
BS2 TS1 X1/18
∆I> TS2 TS3 +
TS4 X1/11
I/O X1/12
TS4 +

Fig. 1 Block diagram and sample connection diagram

Stabilized differential relay SPAD 346 C
1MRS 750398-MBG

Mounting and Flush mounting

dimensions 293
226 259 34 214 ±1
30 229

139 ±1
162 Panel



Fig. 2 Flush-mounting relay case (dimensions in mm)

Semi-flush mounting
a b

Raising frame a b
SPA-ZX 301 219 74
SPA-ZX 302 179 114
SPA-ZX 303 139 154
Fig. 3 Semi-flush mounting relay case (dimensions in mm)

Mounting in 19 inch cabinets Projecting mounting

and frames When projecting mounting is preferred, a
An ancillary mounting plate, height 4U relay case type SPA-ZX 317 is used. The
(~177 mm), is recommended to be used when relay case for projecting mounting is pro-
the protection relays are to be mounted in 19 vided with front connectors.
inch frames or cabinets. The ancillary mount-
ing plate type SPA-ZX 304 accommodates
two size 300 relays and type SPA-ZX 305 one
size 300 relay.

+0,4 242 306
482,6 –0 (19")
177 –0 (4U)



197 98


Fig. 4 Mounting cabinets and frames as well as projecting mounting (dimensions in mm)

Stabilized differential relay SPAD 346 C
1MRS 750398-MBG

Ordering information Ordering example
1. Type designation and quantity SPAD 346 C, 5 pieces
2. Order number RS 621 002-AA
3. Rated values In=5 A, fn=50 Hz
4. Auxiliary voltage Uaux =110 V dc
5. Accessories -
6. Special requirements -

Stabilized differential relay SPAD 346 C_
SPAD 346 C complete RS 621 002-AA, CA, DA, FA
SPAD 346 C1, incl. modules SPCD 3D53 and RS 621 003-AA, CA, DA, FA
SPAD 346 C2, incl. modules SPCD 3D53 and RS 621 004-AA, CA, DA, FA
SPAD 346 C3, incl. module SPCD 3D53 RS 621 005-AA, CA, DA, FA
SPAD 346 C4, incl. modules SPCD 2D55 and RS 621 006-AA, CA, DA, FA
SPAD 346 C5, incl. module SPCD 2D55 RS 621 007-AA, CA, DA, FA
SPAD 346 C6, incl. module SPCJ 4D28 RS 621 008-AA, CA, DA, FA
The last two letters of the order number indicate the AA equals fn = 50 Hz and Uaux = 80…265 V ac/dc
rated frequency fn and the auxiliary voltage Uaux of CA equals fn = 50 Hz and Uaux = 18…80 V dc
the relay as follows:
DA equals fn = 60 Hz and Uaux = 80…265 V ac/dc
FA equals fn = 60 Hz and Uaux = 18…80 V dc

Stabilized differential relay SPAD 346 C_ including a test adapter type RTXP18
SPAD 346 C complete RS 621 202-AA, CA, DA, FA
SPAD 346 C1, incl. modules SPCD 3D53 and RS 621 203-AA, CA, DA, FA
SPAD 346 C2, incl. modules SPCD 3D53 and RS 621 204-AA, CA, DA, FA
SPAD 346 C3, incl. module SPCD 3D53 RS 621 205-AA, CA, DA, FA
SPAD 346 C4, incl. modules SPCD 2D55 and RS 621 206-AA, CA, DA, FA
SPAD 346 C5, incl. module SPCD 2D55 RS 621 207-AA, CA, DA, FA
SPAD 346 C6, incl. module SPCJ 4D28 RS 621 208-AA, CA, DA, FA
The last two letters of the order number indicate the AA equals fn = 50 Hz and Uaux = 80…265 V ac/dc
rated frequency fn and the auxiliary voltage Uaux of CA equals fn = 50 Hz and Uaux = 18…80 V dc
the relay as follows: DA equals fn = 60 Hz and Uaux = 80…265 V ac/dc
FA equals fn = 60 Hz and Uaux = 18…80 V dc

Colour brochure “Stabilized differential relay 1MRS 750022-MDS EN
SPAD 346 C”
User’s manual and technical description “Stabilized 1MRS 750096-MUM EN
differential relay SPAD 346 C”

Substation Automation
P.O. Box 699
FIN-65101 Vaasa, Finland
Tel +358 10 22 11
Fax +358 10 224 1094

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