1MRK506013-BEN-A-En REL 316 4 Numerical Line Protection
1MRK506013-BEN-A-En REL 316 4 Numerical Line Protection
1MRK506013-BEN-A-En REL 316 4 Numerical Line Protection
Page 1 Issued: February 2002 Changed: since December 1999 Data subject to change without notice
Application MV and HV systems with distance or longitudinal differential protection as main protection as well as combined in a terminal Overhead lines, cables and transformer feeders. Distance protection Overcurrent or underimpedance starters with polygonal characteristic Five distance zones with polygonal impedance characteristic for forwards and reverse measurement Definite time-overcurrent back-up protection (short-zone protection) V.t. supervision Power swing blocking System logic - switch-onto-fault - overreach zone Teleprotection The carrier-aided schemes include: - permissive underreaching transfer tripping - permissive overreaching transfer tripping - blocking scheme with echo and transient blocking functions Load-compensated measurement
- fixed reactance slope - reactance slope dependent on load value and direction (ZHV<) Parallel line compensation Phase-selective tripping for single and three-pole autoreclosure Four independent, user-selectable setting groups Suitable for application with CVTs acc. to IEC 44-5. Longitudinal differential protection Independent measurement per phase Single-phase tripping (add. FUPLA logic available) Fast operation (typically 25 ms) Optical fibre data exchange between terminal equipment at 64 kBit/s Provision for transmitting 8 binary signals, e.g. for direct transfer tripping or blocking Continuous supervision of protection signal communication Provision for a power transformer in the zone of protection - phase compensation without interposing c.ts - inrush restraint function.
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Features (contd)
Earth fault protection Sensitive earth fault protection for ungrounded systems and systems with Petersen coils Directional comparison function for detecting high-resistance faults in neutral earthing systems Inverse time-overcurrent function with four characteristics according to B.S. 142. Current and voltage functions Definite time-overcurrent function with inrush detection Inverse time-overcurrent function with four characteristics according to B.S. 142 and one characteristic identical to the zerosequence relay type RXIDG Directional inverse and definite time overcurrent protection Definite time-overvoltage and undervoltage function Thermal overload function. Control and monitoring functions Single and three-phase multi-shot autoreclosure Synchrocheck Breaker-failure protection Metering Real and apparent power measurement 2 different measuring functions of voltage, current and frequency Fault location Sequence of events records Disturbance recorder Run-time supervision. Distance protection for high-voltage lines (<ZHV) (Identification code SN100 and SN300) Application 220 kV and 380 kV high-voltage lines in grids with grounded star-points Overhead lines and cables
Distance protection All six fault loops are measured simultaneously (6 systems) allowing the fast detection of evolving faults also in the case of double-circuit lines Fast operation, minimum 21 ms and typically 25 ms, see isochrones below Suitable for application with CVTs according to IEC 44-5 Polygonal underimpedance starter with stability against load encroachment Distance measurement with polygonal operating characteristic Two selectable criteria for the differentiation of short-circuits with or without earth. Improved detection of the earth fault with application of I2 compared with I0 The three distance zones responsible for the protection of the line are measured simultaneously and operate without delay - 1 underreaching zone - 1 overreaching zone for comparison schemes - 1 reverse measuring zone for comparison schemes (echo and tripping logic at weak infeed, stabilization for double lines, resp. transmission of the blocking order for blocking systems) Load compensation of the reach of the first underreaching distance zone in order to avoid a possible overreach on the load exporting line-side even for high-resistance faults and double-end infeed Two time-delayed overreaching back-up zones Delayed back-up operation by the underimpedance starter, directional or nondirectional V.t. supervision Back-up overcurrent function The phase selection can be set directional and limited to the effective range of the overreach zone providing improved phase selection for single-pole autoreclosing
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Elimination of possible overreach in case of resistive phase-to-phase-to-earth faults Improved performance under high SIR Power swing blocking independent from the operating characteristic and from the place of installation of the distance relay System logic and carrier logic: - automatic switch-onto-fault protection - overreach zone, effective for all types of fault or for single-phase faults only, controlled by the autoreclosure function and current starter via external input or automatically in case of failure of the PLC channel - underreaching permissive transfer tripping with or without voltage criterion at weak infeed - overerreaching permissive transfer tripping with echo and tripping logic at weak infeed - overreaching system with blocking signal - stabilization of the overreaching systems at change of energy direction on parallel lines The distance protection function may be applied for capacitive voltage transformers Back-up protection* Non-directional overcurrent protection with definite time delay and/or inverse time Directional earth fault protection with signal comparison for selective detection of very high-resistance earth faults Multi-activation facility of the available function. * also available in the distance protection function. Process supervision Sequence of events recorder (with fault indication) Disturbance recorder with analogue and binary channels.
Functions for programming by the user Logic (AND, OR and S/R flip-flop) Timer/integrator. Application-specific ancillary functions (optional) Graphical engineering of a logic to user specifications (CAP316). An editor and code compiler are used to generate data, which is loaded into the equipment via the HMI. This software allows signals from all functions to be interconnected and the realization of new functionalities if necessary. Self-supervision Continuous self-supervision and diagnosis Test equipment for quantitative testing available Continuous supervision of the optical fibre link for the longitudinal differential function Plausibility check of the three-phase current and voltage inputs. Operational control Multi-lingual menu-based operator program CAP2/316 based on Windows Four independent, user-selectable parameter sets able to be activated via binary input can be stored in REL316*4 Multi-activation and allocation of functions. Serial interfaces Frontplate interface for local connection of a personal computer Back plane interface for remote communication with a station control system: 7LON, IEC 60870-5-103, MVB (part of IEC 61375), SPA Back plane interface for process bus: MVB (part of IEC 61375). Installation REL316*4 is suitable for semi-flush or surface mounting or installation in a rack.
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The fully numerical protection terminal REL316*4 is a compact line terminal. It is designed to provide high-speed selective protection in distribution, MV and HV transmission systems. It can be applied at all power system voltages and in solidly earthed, lowimpedance grounded or ungrounded systems or in systems equipped with arc suppression (Petersen) coils. REL316*4 can be used on overhead lines and cables, long feeders, short feeders, parallel circuit lines, heavily loaded lines, lines with weak infeeds and on short zone lines. It detects all kinds of faults including close three-phase faults, cross-country faults, evolving faults and high-resistance ground faults. The distance function for high-voltage lines (<ZHV) essentially has identical starting and measuring characteristics. The differences refer to their speciality for these lines. With regard to their settings this is especially noticeable during phase selection and the adaption to source-to-line impedance conditions. The relay detects evolving faults and follow-up faults. Also at follow-up faults between parallel lines, the probability of successful single-phase autoreclosure on
both systems increases significantly. The reason for this is the limited phase selection within the reach. Distance and longitudinal differential protection combined in one terminal allows a better protection concept. For example, distance protection as a backup in addition to the traditional overcurrent backup in case of a communication failure. Another application may be longitudinal differential protection for transformer protection with distance protection as a backup. REL316*4 also takes account of power swings and changes of energy direction. A switch-onto-fault condition is tripped instantaneously. The demands on c.t and v.t. performance are moderate and the relays response is uninfluenced by their characteristics. The distance protection function and the directional comparison function for high-resistance earth faults can communicate with the opposite end of the line by all the usual communication media as well as by the integrated direct optical connection used for the longitudinal differential protection. The communication between the terminals of the phase-segragated longitudinal differential protection can be performed using the integrated or separate optical fibre link.
Auto-reclosure for 1 breaker scheme
Three pole tripping and auto-reclosing
Fig. 1
Auto-reclosing for 1 breaker scheme (line - line diameter), three pole application
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The promoted solution for 1 breaker scheme with three pole tripping and auto-reclosing is shown in Figure 1. - 21 Distance Protection: REL316*4 SN100 - 87 Line differential Protection: REL316*4 SP100 - 79/25 Autorecloser/Synchrocheck: REL316*4 SD050 or REC316*4.
Fig. 2
Auto-reclosing for 1 breaker scheme (line - line diameter), single pole application
The promoted solution for 1 breaker scheme with single pole tripping and auto-reclosing is shown in Figure 2. - 21 Distance Protection: REL316*4 SN100, T141 - 87 Line differential Protection: REL316*4 SP100, T129 - 79/25 Autorecloser/Synchrocheck: REL316*4 SD050, T142 or REC316*4, T142. In these figures two lines are connected to one diameter. Each line is protected by two REL316*4 relays. For the line on the left, the main relay is a distance protection relay (SN100), while the back-up relay is a line differential relay (SP100). The line on the right is protected with two distance protection relays (SN100). The auto-reclosure functionality is achieved by one RE.316*4 relay per breaker (e.g. REL316*4 SD050). For a single-pole application, the distance protection relay (SN100) is loaded with the supplementary FUPLA logic T141, the line differential relay (SP100) with the logic T129 and the autorecloser (e.g. SD050) with the logic T142. The auto-reclosure functions used for the bus breakers A and C are set as Masters and the one for the centre breaker B as Follower. Coordination is required between the auto-reclosure functions. A synchrocheck function is also loaded in each relay to permit 3 pole auto-reclosing. Each line protection relay starts both bus and centre breakers for the concerned line. After a successful reclosure of the bus breaker, the centre breaker will be reclosed after a supplementary time delay. Should the bus CB autorecloser relay not be successful in its reclosing attempt, the centre CB auto-recloser is blocked. If the bus CB is open or its autorecloser relay is not ready or out of service, the centre CB auto-recloser will reclose the centre breaker after its own dead time without any supplementary time delay.
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The REL316*4 belongs to the generation of fully numerical line protection terminals, i.e. analogue to digital conversion of the input variables takes place immediately after the input transformers and all further processing of the resulting numerical signals is performed by microprocessors and controlled by programs. Standard interfaces enable REL316*4 to communicate with other control systems. Provision is thus made for the exchange of data such as reactionless reporting of binary states, events, measurements and protection parameters or the activation of a different set of settings by higher level control systems. Because of its compact design, the very few hardware units it needs, its modular software and the integrated continuous self-diagnosis and supervision functions, REL316*4 ideally fulfils the users expectations of a modern protection terminal at a cost-effective price. The AVAILABILITY of a terminal, i.e. the ratio between its mean operating time in ser-
vice without failure and its total life, is most certainly the most important characteristic required of protection equipment. As a consequence of the continuous supervision of its functions, this quotient in the case of REL316*4 is typically always close to 1. The menu-based HMI (human machine interface) and the REL316*4 small size makes the tasks of connection, configuration and setting simple. A maximum of FLEXIBILITY, i.e. the ability to adapt the protection for application in a particular power system or to coordinate with, or replace units in an existing protection scheme, is provided in REL316*4 by ancillary software functions and the assignment of input and output signals via the HMI. REL316*4s RELIABILITY, SELECTIVITY and STABILITY are backed by decades of experience in the protection of lines and feeders in transmission and distribution systems. Numerical processing ensures consistent ACCURACY and SENSITIVITY throughout its operational life. input transformer unit can accommodate a maximum of nine input transformers (voltage-, protection current- or measuring transformer). Every analog variable is passed through a first order R/C low-pass filter on the main CPU unit to eliminate what is referred to as the aliasing effect and to suppress HF interferences (Fig. 4). They are then sampled 12 times per period and converted to digital signals. The analog/digital conversion is performed by a 16 Bit converter. A powerful digital signal processor (DSP) carries out part of the digital filtering and makes sure that the data for the protection algorithms are available in the memory to the main processor.
The hardware concept for the REL316*4 line protection equipment comprises four different plug-in units, a connecting mother PCB and housing (Fig. 3): analog input unit central processing unit 1 to 4 binary input/output units power supply unit connecting mother PCB housing with connection terminals. In the analog input unit an input transformer provides the electrical and static isolation between the analogue input variables and the internal electronic circuits and adjusts the signals to a suitable level for processing. The
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Fibre optical connections for line differential protection and binary signal transmission
Trip Outputs Trip Trip Outputs I/O Trip Sign. Outputs I /Ports O Sign. Outputs Outputs I Ports /O Sign. Outputs I /Ports O Sign. Outputs Bin. Ports Outputs Bin. Inputs Bin. Inputs Bin. Inputs Inputs FLASH EPROM
CPU 486
Power Supply
Remote I/O Remote I/OTrip Outputs Trip Remote I/O Sign. Outputs Trip Outputs Sign. Outputs Bin. Outputs Sign.Inputs Bin. Outputs Inputs Bin. Inputs
Process bus
RS Serial 232 Controller RS Serial 232 Controller
SPA / IEC870-5-103
Fig. 3
The processor core essentially comprises the main microprocessor (Intel 80486) for the protection algorithms and dual-ported memories (DPMs) for communication between the A/D converters and the main processor. The main processor performs the protection algorithms and controls the local HMI and the interfaces to the station control system. Binary signals from the main processor are relayed to the corresponding inputs of the I/O unit and thus control the auxiliary output relays and the light emitting diode (LED) signals. The main processor unit is equipped with an RS232C serial interface via which among other things the protection settings are made, events are read and the data from the disturbance recorder memory are transferred to a local or remote PC. On this main processor unit there are two PCC slots and one RS232C interface. These serial interfaces provide remote communication to the station monitoring system (SMS) and station control system (SCS) as well as to the remote I/Os.
REL316*4 can have one to four binary I/O units each. These units are available in three versions: a) two tripping relays with two heavy-duty contacts, 8 opto-coupler inputs and 6 signalling relays Type 316DB61. b) two tripping relays with two heavy-duty contacts, 4 opto-coupler inputs and 10 signalling relays Type 316DB62. c) 14 opto-coupler inputs and 8 signalling relays Type 316DB63. When ordering REL316*4 with more than 2 I/O units casing size N2 must be selected. According to whether one or two I/O units are fitted, there are either 8 LED's or 16 LEDs visible on the front of the REL316*4.
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Both analogue and binary input signals are conditioned before being processed by the main processor: As described under hardware above, the analogue signals pass through the sequence input transformers, shunt, low-pass filter (anti-aliasing filter), multiplexer and A/ D converter stages and DSP. In their digital
form, they are then separated by numerical filters into real and apparent components before being applied to the main processor. Binary signals from the opto-coupler inputs go straight to the main processor. The actual processing of the signals in relation to the protection algorithms and logic then takes place.
Fig. 4
Data Flow
The graphical programming language used in the tool CAP316 makes CAP316 a powerful and user-friendly engineering tool for the engineering of the control and protection units RE.216/316*4. It is similar to IEC 1131. CAP316 permits the function blocks representing the application to be directly translated into an application program (FUPLA) capable of running on the processors of the control and protection units RE.316*4. The program packet contains an extensive library of function blocks. Up to 8 projects (FUPLAs created with CAP316) are able to run simultaneously on a RE.316*4.
List of functions Binary functions: AND ASSB B23 B24 BINEXTIN BINEXOUT
Shift register Counter Downwards counter OR gate RS flip-flop Skip segment T flip-flop with reset Monostable constant Monostable constant short, long Monostable constant with interrupt Monostable constant with interrupt short, long Off delay Off delay short, long On delay On delay short, long Exclusive OR gate Absolute value Adder/subtracter Long integer adder/subtractor
AND gate Assign binary 2-out-of-3 selector 2-out-of-4 selector External binary input External binary output
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Adder/multiplier Integer to long integer converter Long integer to BC converter Long integer to integer converter Long integer to percent converter Percentage to long integer converter Divider Long integer divider Linear function Polynomial function Filter Integrator Factor multiplier Limiter
Load shedding function Maximum value detector Minimum value detector Multiplier Long integer multiplier Percent negator Pack binary signals into integer Differentiator Delayed approximation Square root Percent switch Lower limit threshold Upper limit threshold Time multiplier Unpack binary signals from an integer.
4 & 5 &
1 &
2 >=1
6 =1
Part of FUPLA application (Q0) : control and interlocking logic for three objects Q0, Q1, Q2. B_DRIVE is a macro based on binary function blocks.
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The library of function modules for REL316*4 includes a variety of protection and ancillary functions from which the user can choose according to relay version (see Ordering data). Within the constraints of the available processing capacity, the same function may be included several times. Four parameter sets may be selected via binary inputs. The individual functions are described below.
Distance protection
A v.t. supervision function is also included which monitors the zero-sequence component (U0 I0) and/or the negative-sequence component (U2 I2), the latter being of advantage in ungrounded systems or systems with poor grounding. An independent overcurrent backup measurement is provided which becomes a short-zone scheme as soon as the feeder isolator is opened. When the backup overcurrent measurement picks up, the distance relay is enabled in spite of any blocking signals (e.g. v.t. supervision or power swing blocking) which may be active. The power swing blocking feature included in the distance function is based on the evaluation of the variation of U cosj. This principle of detecting power swings is entirely independent of the operating characteristic and location of the distance relay. It covers the range 0.2 to 8 Hz.
The distance protection function can have either overcurrent or underimpedance starters. They are equally suitable for use in solidly grounded, ungrounded or impedance grounded systems. In the case of ungrounded and impedance grounded systems, all the relays in the system have to have identically set phase-preference logics to maintain selectivity for cross-country faults. The following phase-preference schemes are available: RTS RST TSR TRS SRT STR RTSR TRST acyclic (R before T before S) acyclic (R before S before T) acyclic (T before S before R) acyclic (T before R before S) acyclic (S before R before T) acyclic (S before T before R) cyclic (R bef. T, T bef. S, S bef. R) cyclic (T bef. R, R bef. S, S bef. T).
The relay detects ground faults on the basis of the neutral current and/or neutral voltage. Distance measurement is performed in the first, overreach and reverse zones simultaneously. Every zone has a wide completely independent setting range and an independent setting for the direction of measurement. Four directional zones are provided, the last of which can also be configured to be non-directional. Overreach and reverse measuring zones are for use in transfer tripping schemes. The distance measuring characteristic is a polygon with a slightly inclined reactance line which has proved to be an optimum in practice. Where the voltage measured by the relay for a fault is too low, the inclusion of a healthy phase voltage as reference, respectively the use of a memory feature (close three-phase faults) ensures the integrity of the directional decision. The mutual impedance on parallel circuit lines can be compensated by correspondingly setting the zero-sequence compensation factor (k0) or by taking account of the neutral current of the parallel circuit.
Fig. 5
The tripping logic can be configured for all the usual transfer tripping schemes such as: overreaching (for auto-reclosure with or without communications channel) permissive underreaching transfer tripping (including weak infeed logic)
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Functions (contd)
permissive overreaching transfer tripping (with echo tripping in the case of a weak infeed and blocking logic for change of energy direction) blocking scheme (with blocking logic for change of energy direction). The tripping logic provides access for the user to disable or enable a variety of functions such as the type communications channel, the switch-onto-fault logic, the overreaching zone, the v.t. supervision logic and whether tripping by the function should be single or three-phase. The distance protection function (<ZHV) is especially suited for 220 kV and 380 kV lines.
Distance protection for high-voltage lines
The setting parameters for not effectively earthed networks have been omitted and a few new ones added, especially in connection with an improved phase selection. The operating times for the "HV distance" function are shown in the form of isochrones. (see Section 'High-voltage distance protection function operating times'). All other functions remain unchanged.
Longitudinal differential protection
The longitudinal differential protection function included with REL316*4 is suitable for the protection of overhead lines cables transformer feeders. It operates according to the proven transformer protection algorithm used in RET316*4 and exhibits the same outstanding characteristics with respect to through-fault stability and minimum c.t. performance. The scheme is phase-selective and takes full advantage of the high data transfer rate of 64 kBit/s possible with an optical fibre link to sample the analogue input variables at both ends of the line and transfer the corresponding values to the opposite station without almost any delay.
The "HV distance" function essentially has identical starting and measuring characteristics and the same setting parameters as the standard "distance" function.
Fig. 6
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Functions (contd)
Fig. 7
Tripping takes place should the comparison of the values in the terminal stations result in a differential current ID above a given level (see operating characteristic in Fig. 6). The self-supervision function of the optical fibre link operates at such a speed that an additional enabling signal is not necessary. Interposing c.ts are not needed where the protected unit includes a power transformer (Fig. 7). The settings for the protection are made using a convenient control program running on a personal computer. Provision is made for transmitting other signals via the optical fibre link in addition to those of the longitudinal differential function. These might be intertripping signals to the remote station generated by other internal protection functions or applied to the terminals binary inputs by some other external terminal. A ground fault comparison scheme can thus operate via the same optical fibre link. When the terminal equipment in one station is being tested, the equipment in the other station can be remotely blocked. When the longitudinal protection function is in use, a maximum of six analogue inputs is available, e.g. three current and three voltage measurements for main and backup protections and for the disturbance recorder. Following analogue to digital conversion, the signals branch in two directions. All six go to the main processor for evaluation for the local protection functions and the three corresponding to the local phase currents are additionally converted to light signals by an optical modem for transmission to the opposite sta-
tion where they are evaluated in relation to the local current signals. Similarly the currents measured and digitized in the remote station are transferred to the local station and evaluated. A digital signal processor (DSP) ensures that the sampling and coordination of the signals in the two stations and also the transmission between the stations is properly synchronized. Thus there are two current signals available for the longitudinal differential comparison of each phase in both stations. Comparison is performed in the main processor according to the proven algorithm mentioned above. As previously explained, the longitudinal differential function operates in conjunction with an optical fibre link between the stations at the ends of the transmission line. The signals are transmitted by a LED diode with a wavelength of 1300 nm and are coupled by a Type FC optical connector. Depending on the attenuation of the of the optical cable used, distances of up to 28 km can be covered. Repeaters have to be used for longer distances which in the case of FOX 6 Plus or Fox 20 enable transmission over distances up to 120 km (Fig. 8). In REL316*4 units for longitudinal differential applications, the standard distance protection function can also be activated. The operation for single-pole autoreclosure is foreseen with the T129 logic. The other standard software of the line protection terminal is uninfluenced. Other optional functions from the software library are also provided (see table of codes).
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Fig. 8
Optical fibre link (OFL) using communications system Type FOX with a data transfer rate of 2 MBit/s
The autoreclosure function included in REL316*4 permits up to four three-phase reclosure cycles to be carried out, each with an independently adjustable dead time for fast and slow autoreclosure. Where single-phase reclosure is being applied, the first reclosure is the single-phase one and the others are three-phase. The autoreclosure function can also be loaded several times in the same parameter set. This function also contains an integrated additional logic (FUPLA). This allows a customerspecific AR functionality. Both these possibilities have been used for the CH standard AR. Two AR functions are loaded for this: the first function with additional logic serves as fast autoreclosure and the second function as slow autoreclosure. The integrated autoreclosure function for high-voltage lines (REL316*4/SN300) is employed on lines without local protection redundancy. A separate autoreclosure unit is especially suitable for lines with redundant protection. This unit enables practically all conventional and all modern line protection relays suitable for single-phase tripping to be connected to one system.
The synchrocheck function determines the difference between the amplitudes, phaseangles and frequencies of two voltage vectors. Checks are also included to detect a dead line or busbar.
Thermal overload
The thermal overload function can be used for either cables or overhead lines. It is equipped with alarm and tripping stages and has a wide setting range for adjusting the time constant to match that of the protected unit.
Definite time voltage function
The voltage function can be set to operate on overvoltage or undervoltage with a definite time delay. Either single or three-phase measurements can be performed.
Definite time current function
The current function can be set to operate on overcurrent or undercurrent with a definite time delay. Either single or three-phase measurements can be performed.
Inverse time overcurrent function
The operating time of the inverse time overcurrent function reduces as the fault current increases and it can therefore achieve shorter operating times for fault locations closer to the source. Four different characteristics according to British Standard 142 designated normal inverse, very inverse, extremely inverse and long time inverse but with an extended setting range are provided. The function can be configured for single-phase mea-
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Functions (contd)
surement or a combined three-phase measurement with detection of the highest phase current.
Directional overcurrent protection
Frequency function
The directional overcurrent protection function is available either with inverse time or definite time overcurrent characteristic. This function comprises a voltage memory for faults close to the relay location. The function response after the memory time has elapsed can be selected (trip or block).
Inverse time ground fault overcurrent function
The frequency function is based on the measurement of one voltage. This function is able to be configured as maximum or minimum function and is applied as protection function and for load shedding. By multiple configuration of this function almost any number of stages can be realized.
Rate-of-change of frequency
The inverse time ground fault overcurrent function monitors the neutral current of the system which is either measured via a neutral current input transformer or derived internally in the terminal from the three phase currents. Four different characteristics according to British Standard 142 designated normal inverse, very inverse, extremely inverse and long time inverse but with an extended setting range are provided.
Directional ground fault function for ungrounded systems or systems with Petersen coils
This function offers alternatively an enabling by absolute frequency. It contains an undervoltage blocking facility. Repeated configuration of this function ensures a multi-step setup.
Both measuring functions measure the singlephase rms values of voltage, current, frequency, real power and apparent power for display on the local HMI or transfer to the station control system. A choice can be made between phase-to-neutral and phase-to-phase voltages.
Ancillary functions
The sensitive ground fault protection function for ungrounded systems and systems with Petersen coils can be set for either forwards or reverse measurement. The characteristic angle is set to 90 (U0 I0 sinj) in ungrounded systems and to 0 or 180 (U0 I0 cosj) for systems with Petersen coils. The neutral current is always used for measurement in the case of systems with Petersen coils, but in ungrounded systems its use is determined by the value of the capacitive current and measurement is performed by a core-balance c.t. to achieve the required sensitivity.
Directional ground fault function for grounded systems
Ancillary functions such as a logic and a delay/integrator enable the user to create logical combinations of signals and pick-up and reset delays. A run-time supervision feature enables checking the opening and closing of all kinds of breakers (circuit-breakers, isolators, ground switches...). Failure of a breaker to open or close within an adjustable time results in the creation of a corresponding signal for further processing.
Plausibility check
The current and voltage plausibility functions facilitate the detection of system asymmetries, e.g. in the secondary circuits of c.ts and v.ts.
Sequence of events recorder
A sensitive directional ground fault function based on the measurement of neutral current and voltage is provided for the detection of high-resistance ground faults in solidly or low-resistance grounded systems. The scheme operates either in a permissive or blocking mode and can be used in conjunction with an inverse time ground fault overcurrent function. In both cases the neutral current and voltage can be derived either externally or internally.
The event recorder function provides capacity for up to 256 binary signals including time marker with a resolution in the order of milliseconds and gives the distance to a fault expressed as a percentage of a specified reference reactance, e.g. the reactance of the protected line.
Disturbance recorder
The disturbance recorder monitors up to 9 analogue inputs, up to 16 binary inputs and internal results of protection functions. The capacity for recording disturbances depends on the duration of a disturbance as deter-
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mined by its pre-disturbance history and the duration of the disturbance itself. The total recording time is approximately 5 s.
Human Machine Interface (HMI) - CAP2/316
Any desired protection function can be selected from the software library of all released protection functions by means of the dragand-drop feature.
For local communication with REL316*4, there is the setting software CAP2/316 available which is based on Windows. This software runs under the following operating systems: Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000. This optimal programming tool is available for engineering, testing, commissioning and operation. The software can be used either ON-LINE or OFF-LINE and furthermore contains a DEMO mode.
Built-in HMI
The front HMI unit serves primarily for the signalling of actual events, measurands and diagnostic data. Settings are not displayed. Features: Measurand display - Amplitude, angle, frequency of analogue channels - Functional measurands - Binary signals Event list Operating instructions For each protection function a tripping characteristic is displayed. Apart from the basic understanding of the protection functions, the graphical display of these functions also makes the setting of the parameters clearer. Disturbance recorder information Distance to fault indication Diagnostic information Acknowledgment functions - Resetting LEDs - Resetting latched outputs - Event erasing - Warmstart.
Remote communication
REL316*4 is able to communicate with a station monitoring and evaluation system (SMS) or a station control system (SCS) via an optical fibre link. The corresponding serial interface permits events, measurements, disturbance recorder data and protection settings to be read and sets of parameter settings to be switched.
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Functions (contd)
Using the LON bus permits in addition the exchange of binary information between the individual bay controllers, e.g. signals for station interlocking.
Remote in- and outputs (RIO580)
The program execution itself is monitored by a watchdog function for each processor. An important advantage of the extensive selfdiagnosis and supervision functions is that periodic routine maintenance and testing are reduced. The optical fibre link is also supervised on terminal equipped with the longitudinal differential function. For this purpose test data are transmitted in addition to the protection signals to test the integrity of the communications channel. The supervision function also detects the failure of the auxiliary supply in one terminal station. In the event that the optical fibre link should fail, the back-up protection functions remain operational.
Supporting software
Using the process bus type MVB remote inand output units (500RIO11) can be connected to the RE.316*4 terminals. The input and output channels can be extended to a large number by using RIO580 remote input/output system. Installing 500RIO11 I/O close to the process reduces the wiring dramatically, since they are accessible via fibre optic link from the RE.316*4 terminals. Analog signals can also be connected to the system via the 500AXM11 from the RIO580 family: DC current 4...20 mA 0...20 mA -20...20 mA 0...10 V -10...10 V
DC voltage
The operator program facilitates configuration and setting of the protection, listing parameters, reading events and listing the various internal diagnostic data. The evaluation programs REVAL and WINEVE (MS Windows/Windows NT) are available for viewing and evaluating the disturbances stored by the disturbance recorder. Where the disturbance data are transferred via the communications system to the disturbance recorder evaluation station, the file transfer program EVECOM (MS Windows/Windows NT) is also used. The program XSCON is available for conversion of the RE.316*4 disturbance recorder data to ABBs test set XS92b format. This offers reproduction of electrical quantities recorded during a fault.
RE.316*4s self-diagnosis and supervision functions ensure maximum availability not only of the protection terminal itself, but also of the power system it is protecting. Hardware failures are immediately signalled by an alarm contact. In particular, the external and internal auxiliary supplies are continuously supervised. The correct function and tolerance of the A/D converter are tested by cyclically converting two reference voltages. Special algorithms regularly check the processors memories (background functions). A watchdog supervises the execution of the programs.
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Max. operating voltage Continuous rating Make and carry for 0.5 s Surge for 30 ms Making power at 110 V DC Breaking current for L/R = 40 ms at U <50 V DC at U <120 V DC at U <250 V DC
The user can assign tripping and signalling contacts to protection functions
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<20 W
<22 W <27 W <32 W <37 W 7.5 W 1.5 W 2.5 W >2 days (typ. 1 month)
Fast transient test Electrostatic discharge test (ESD) Immunity to magnetic interference at power system frequencies Radio frequency interference test (RFI)
300 A/m; 1000 A/m; 50/60 Hz 0.15-80 MHz, 80% amplitude modulated 10 V, Cl. 3 80-1000 MHz, 80% amplitude modulated 10 V/m, Cl. 3 900 MHz, puls modulated 10 V/m, Cl. 3 Cl. A
* Reduced values apply for repeat tests according to IEC publication 255-5, Clauses 6.6 and 8.6.
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21 ms 25 ms 4 ms in addition
Page 22
High-voltage distance protection function operating times (Versions SN 100 and SN 300)
Single phase fault (min)
1 0.8 ZF/ZL ZF/ZL 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.1 1 10 SIR (ZS/ZL) 100 1000
22ms 25ms
0.4 0.2 0
10 SIR (ZS/ZL)
Page 23
Settings: Basic setting Pick-up ratio Restraint criterion Typical operating time (incl. tripping relay) Pick-up accuracy of g Condition for resetting Communications link to the remote station Data transfer rate Optical fibre conductors Max. attenuation of link Optical connectors Operating wavelength Max. permissible transmission time per direction Range MM SM Long distance range using FOX20 g = 0.1 to 0.5 IN in steps of 0.1 IN v = 0.25 / 0.5 b = 1.25 to 5 in steps of 0.25 25 ms 5% IN (at fN)
ID <0.8 setting for g
Two optical fibre connectors for transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) 64 kBit/s multi-mode MM (50/25 mm) single-mode SM (9/125 mm) MM 18 dB, SM 14 dB Type FC 1300 nm 11.5 ms at fN = 50 Hz 9.5 ms at fN = 60 Hz <18 km (1 dB/km incl. splice) <28 km (0.5 dB/km incl. splice) <87 km (0.5 dB/km incl. splice for SM, 1300 nm) <124 km (0.35 dB/km incl. splice for SM, 1550 nm)
Settings: 1st. reclosure none 1P fault - 1P reclosure 1P fault - 3P reclosure 1P/3P fault - 3P reclosure 1P/3P fault - 1P/3P reclosure
Page 24
none two reclosure cycles three reclosure cycles four reclosure cycles 0.05 to 300 s 0.05 to 300 s 0.05 to 300 s 0.05 to 300 s 0.05 to 300 s 0.05 to 300 s 0.05 to 300 s 0.1 to 300 s All settings in steps of 0.01 s
Single-phase dead time Three-phase dead time Dead time extension by ext. signal Dead times for 2nd., 3rd. and 4th. reclosures Fault duration time Reclaim time Blocking time Single and three-phase discrimination times
Settings: Max. voltage difference Max. phase difference Max. frequency difference Min. voltage Max. voltage Supervision time Resetting time Accuracy Voltage difference Phase difference Frequency difference 0.05 to 0.4 UN in steps of 0.05 UN 5 to 80 in steps of 5 0.05 to 0.4 Hz in steps of 0.05 Hz 0.6 to 1 UN in steps of 0.05 UN 0.1 to 1 UN in steps of 0.05 UN 0.05 to 5 s in steps of 0.05 s 0 to 1 s in steps of 0.05 s for 0.9 to 1.1 fN 5% UN 5 0.05 Hz
Settings: Base current IB Alarm stage Tripping stage Thermal time constant Accuracy of the thermal image 0.5 to 2.5 IN in steps of 0.01 IN 50 to 200% JN in steps of 1% JN 50 to 200% J N in steps of 1% J N 2 to 500 min in steps of 0.1 min 5% JN (at fN) with protection c.t.'s 2% J N (at fN) with metering c.t.'s
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Settings: Pick-up current Delay Accuracy of the pick-up setting (at fN) Reset ratio overcurrent undercurrent Max. operating time without intentional delay Inrush restraint pick-up setting reset ratio 0.02 to 20 IN in steps of 0.01 IN 0.02 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s 5% >94% (for max. function) <106% (for min. function) 60 ms optional 0.1 I2h/I1h 0.8
Settings: Pick-up voltage Delay Accuracy of the pick-up setting (at fN) Reset ratio (U 0.1 UN) overvoltage undervoltage Max. operating time without intentional delay 0.01 to 2.0 UN in steps of 0.002 UN 0.02 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s 2% or 0.005 UN >96% (for max. function) <104% (for min. function) 60 ms
Inverse time characteristic (acc. to B.S. 142 with extended setting range) normal inverse very inverse extremely inverse long time inverse or RXIDG characteristic Settings: Number of phases Base current IB Pick-up current Istart Min. time setting tmin k1 setting Accuracy classes for the operating time according to British Standard 142 RXIDG characteristic Reset ratio
t = k1 / ((I/IB)C- 1) c = 0.02 c=1 c=2 c=1 t = 5.8 - 1.35 In (I/IB) 1 or 3 0.04 to 2.5 IN in steps of 0.01 IN 1 to 4 IB in steps of 0.01 IB 0 to 10 s in steps of 0.1 s 0.01 to 200 s in steps of 0.01 s E 5.0 4% (1 - I/80 IB) >94%
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Inverse time characteristic (acc. to B.S. 142 with extended setting range) normal inverse very inverse extremely inverse long time inverse or RXIDG characteristic Settings: Number of phases Base current IB Pick-up current Istart Min. time setting tmin k1 setting Accuracy classes for the operating time according to British Standard 142 RXIDG characteristic Reset ratio
t = k1 / ((I/IB)C - 1) c = 0.02 c=1 c=2 c=1 t = 5.8 - 1.35 In (I/IB) 1 or 3 0.04 to 2.5 IN in steps of 0.01 IN 1 to 4 IB in steps of 0.01 IB 0 to 10 s in steps of 0.1 s 0.01 to 200 s in steps of 0.01 s E 5.0 4% (1 - I/80 IB) >94%
Settings: Current Angle Delay tWait Memory duration Accuracy of pick-up setting (at fN) Reset ratio Accuracy of angle measurement (at 0.94 to 1.06 fN) Voltage input range Voltage memory range Accuracy of angle measurement at voltage memory Frequency dependence of angle measurement at voltage memory Max. Response time without delay 0.02 to 20 IN in steps of 0.01 IN -180 to +180 in steps of 15 0.02 s to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s 0.02 s to 20 s in steps of 0.01 s 0.2 s to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s 5% or 0.02 IN >94% 5 0.005 to 2 UN <0.005 UN 20 0.5/Hz 60 ms
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Settings: Current I-Start Angle Inverse time characteristic (acc. to B.S. 142 with extended setting range) normal inverse very inverse extremely inverse long-time earth fault k1-setting t-min IB-value tWait Memory duration Accuracy of pick-up setting (at fN) Reset ratio Accuracy of angle measurement (at 0.94 to 1.06 fN) Accuracy class of the operating time acc. to British Standard 142 Voltage input range Voltage memory range Accuracy of angle measurement at voltage memory Frequency dependence of angle measurement at voltage memory Max. Response time without delay 14 IB in steps of 0.01 IB -180+180 in steps of 15 t = k1 / ((I/IB)C- 1) c = 0,02 c=1 c=2 c=1 0.01 to 200 s in steps of 0.01 s 0 to 10 s in steps of 0.1 s 0.04 to 2.5 IN in steps of 0.01 IN 0.02 s to 20 s in steps of 0.01 s 0.2 s to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s 5% >94% 5 E 10 0.005 to 2 UN <0.005 UN 20 0.5/Hz 60 ms
Table 22: Directional ground fault function for ungrounded systems and systems with Petersen coils (32N)
Determination of real or apparent power from neutral current and voltage Settings: Pick-up power Reference value of the power SN Characteristic angle Phase error compensation of current input Delay Reset ratio Accuracy of the pick-up setting 0.005 to 0.1 SN in steps of 0.001 SN 0.5 to 2.5 UN IN in steps of 0.001 UN IN -180 to +180 in steps of 0.01 -5 to +5 in steps of 0.01 0.05 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s 30 to 95% in steps of 1% 10% of setting or 2% UN IN (for protection c.t.s) 3% of setting or 0.5% UN IN (for core-balance c.t.s) 70 ms
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Table 23: Directional ground fault function for grounded systems (67N)
Detection of high-resistance ground faults Current enabling setting 3I0 Direction determined on basis of neutral variables (derived externally or internally) Permissive or blocking directional comparison scheme Echo logic for weak infeeds Logic for change of energy direction
Settings: Current pick-up setting Voltage pick-up setting Characteristic angle Delay Accuracy of the current pick-up setting 0.1 to 1.0 IN in steps of 0.01 IN 0.003 to 1 UN in steps of 0.001 UN -90 to +90 in steps of 5 0 to 1 s in steps of 0.001 s 10% of setting
Settings: Phase-angle Reference value of the power SN Refer to Table 33 for accuracy. -180 to +180 in steps of 0.1 0.2 to 2.5 SN in steps of 0.001 SN
Settings: Angle Reference value for power t1-Interval Scale factor of power Max. impulse frequency Min. impulse duration Accuracy of time interval See Table 33 for accuracy -180 to +180 in steps of 0.1 0.2 to 2.5 SN in steps of 0.001 SN 1 min., 2 min., 5 min., 10 min., 15 min., 20 min., 30 min., 60 min. or 120 min. 0.0001 to 1 25 Hz 10 ms 100 ms
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Settings: Power pick-up Characteristic angle Delay Phase error compensation Rated power SN Reset ratio Accuracy of the pick-up setting -0.1 to 1.2 SN in steps of 0.005 SN -180 to +180 in steps of 5 0.05 to 60 s in steps of 0.01 s -5 to +5 in steps of 0.1 0.5 to 2.5 UN IN in steps of 0.001 UN IN 30% to 170% in steps of 1% 10% of setting or 2% UN IN (for protection c.t.s) 3% of setting or 0.5% UN IN (for core-balance c.t.s) 70 ms
Page 30
Data format Dynamic range Resolution Settings: Recording periods Pre-event Event Post-event
Ancillary functions
Table 29: Logic
Logic for 4 binary inputs with the following 3 configurations: 1. OR gate 2. AND gate 3. Bistable flip-flop with 2 set and 2 reset inputs (both OR gates), resetting takes priority All configurations have an additional blocking input. Provision for inverting all inputs.
0.05 to 1.00 IN in steps of 0.05 IN -2.00 to +2.00 in steps of 0.01 0.1 to 60 s in steps of 0.1 s
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Voltage plausibility settings: Pick-up differential for sum of internal summation voltage or between internal and external summation voltages Amplitude compensation for summation v.t. Delay
0.05 to 1.2 UN in steps of 0.05 UN - 2.00 to +2.00 in steps of 0.01 0.1 to 60 s in steps of 0.1 s
Table 33: Accuracy of the metering function UIfPQ and three-phase measuring module (including input voltage and input current c.t.)
Input variable Accuracy Conditions
Core balance c.t.s with error compensation Voltage Current Real power 0.5% UN 0.5% IN 0.5% SN
Protection c.t.s without error compensation 1% UN 2% IN 3% SN 0.2 to 1.2 UN f = fN 0.2 to 1.2 IN f = fN 0.2 to 1.2 SN 0.2 to 1.2 UN 0.2 to 1.2 IN f = fN S = SN, f = fN 0.9 to 1,1 fN 0.8 to 1,2 UN
3% SN 0.03 0.1% fN
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Connection diagram
Fig. 9
Typical wiring diagram of REL316*4 in size N1 casing with two input/output units 316DB62
Page 33
Please specify: Quantity Ordering number ADE code + key The following basic versions can be ordered: Stand alone units REL316*4 with built-in HMI (see table below) HESG448750M0001
Relay ID code
A*B0U*K01E*I*F0J0 Q0V0R0W0Y*N*M* A*B0U*K01E*I*F0J0 Q0V0R0W0Y*N*M* A*B0U*K03E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M* A*B0U*K03E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M* A*B*U*K04E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M* A*B*U*K04E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M* A*B*U*K09E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M* A*B0U*K03E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M* A*B0U*K05E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M* A*B0U*K05E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M*
Order No. HESG448750M0001
SA010 T*** SA100 T*** SE010 T*** SE100 T*** SG100 T*** SH100 T*** SH300 T*** SK100 T*** SK300 T*** SL100 T*** SM100 T*** SM300 T*** SA020 T*** SC020 T*** SC050 T*** SD020 T*** SD050 T*** SG020 T*** SH020 T*** SH050 T*** SP100 T*** SP200 T*** SP300 T*** SP400 T*** SP400 T*** SP400 T*** SP500 T*** SN100 T*** SN300 T*** SN300 T***
A*B0U*K05E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M* A*B0U*K08E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M* A*B0U*K01E*I*F0J0 Q0V0R0W0Y*N*M* A*B0U*K03E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M* A*B0U*K05E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M* A*B0U*K03E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M* A*B0U*K05E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M* A*B*U*K04E*I*F0J0 Q0V0R0W0Y*N*M* A*B*U*K04E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M* A*B*U*K09E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y* N*M* A*B0U*K16E*I*F*J*Q*V*R*W*Y*N*M* A*B0U*K16E*I*F*J*Q*V*R*W*Y*N*M* A*B*U*K17E*I*F*J*Q*V*R*W*Y*N*M* A*B0U0K15E*I*F*J* Q*V*R*W*Y*N*M* A*B0U*K16E*I*F*J*Q*V*R*W*Y*N*M* A*B*U*K17E*I*F*J*Q*V*R*W*Y*N*M* A*B0U*K16E*I*F*J*Q*V*R*W*Y*N*M* A*B0U*K05E*I*F*J*Q*V*R*W*Y*N2M* A*B0U*K05E*I*F*J*Q*V*R*W*Y*N2M* A*B0U*K08E*I*F*J*Q*V*R*W*Y*N2M*
T0129 is to be ordered additionally in case that single-pole autoreclosure for line differential protection is required.
Page 34
Ordering (contd)
* <Z <ZHV E/Fungnd E/Fgnd AR SC Long. diff. BST Basic SW OCDT OCDT Dir OCDT Inv Dir VTDT TH Power OCInv Ucheck Icheck UlfPQ MeasMod Delay Logic FUPLA DRec l0inv BFP RTS required sub-code in Table 35 distance protection high-voltage distance protection direction ground fault function for ungrounded systems or systems with Petersen coils direction ground fault function for grounded systems auto-reclosure synchrocheck longitudinal differential function binary signal transmission Basic software including the following functions: definite time-overcurrent directional definite time overcurrent protection directional inverse time overcurrent protection definite time voltage function thermal overload power function inverse definite minimum time-overcurrent voltage plausibility current plausibility metering three-phase measuring module delay/integrator AND gate, OR gate or bistable flip-flop project-specific logic disturbance recorder inverse time ground fault overcurrent function breaker-failure protection run-time supervision
All the functions of the basic versions can be applied in any combination providing the maximum capacity of the processor and the number of analogue channels is not exceeded. The basic versions with the longitudinal differential function include the additional 316EA62 board and another back plate.
Page 35
A0 A1 A2 A5 B0 B1 B2 B5 C0 C1 C2 C5 D0 D1 D2 D5 U0 U1 U2 K01
none 1A 2A 5A none 1A 2A 5A none 1A 2A 5A none 1A 2A 5A none 100 V AC 200 V AC 3 VTs (3ph star Code U-) 3 CTs (3ph Code A-) 3 VTs (3ph star Code U-) 3 CTs (3ph Code A-) 1 CT (1ph Code A-) 1 CT (1ph Code A-) 3 VTs (3ph star Code U-) 1 VT (1ph Code U-) 3 CTs (3ph Code A-) 1 CT (1ph Code A-) 1 MT (1ph Code B-) 3 VTs (3ph star Code U-) 1 VT (1ph Code U-) 3 CTs (3ph Code A-) 1 CT (1ph Code A-) 1 CT (1ph Code A-) 3 VTs (3ph star Code U-) 1 VT (1ph Code U-) 1 VT (1ph Code U-) 3 CTs (3ph Code A-) 1 CT (1ph Code A-) 3 VTs (3ph star Code U-) 1 VT (1ph Code U-) 1 VT (1ph Code U-) 3 CTs (3ph Code A-) 1 MT (1ph Code B-) 3 CTs (3ph Code A-) 3 not defined 3 remote CTs 3 CTs (3ph Code A-) 3 VTs (3ph star Code U-) 3 remote CTs
rated current
rated current
rated current
rated current
rated voltage
VT, CT and MT combination in input transformer unit type 316GW61 CT = current transformer VT = voltage transformer MT = metering transformer K01 to K14: without differential function K15 to K20: with differential function
Page 36
Ordering (contd)
3 CTs (3ph Code A-) 1 VT (1ph Code U-) 1 VT (1ph Code U-) 1 MT (1ph Code B-) 3 remote CTs 8 optocoupler 6 signal. relays 2 command relays 8 LED's 4 optocoupler 10 signal. relays 2 command relays 8 LED's 14 optocoupler 8 signal. relays 8 LED's 82 to 312 V DC 36 to 75 V DC 18 to 36 V DC 175 to 312 V DC none 8 optocoupler 6 signal. relays 2 command relays 8 LED's 4 optocoupler 10 signal. relays 2 command relays 8 LED's 14 optocoupler 8 signal. relays 8 LED's none 82 to 312 V DC 36 to 75 V DC 18 to 36 V DC 175 to 312 V DC none 8 optocoupler 6 signal. relays 2 command relays 4 optocoupler 10 signal. relays 2 command relays 14 optocoupler 8 signal. relays none 82 to 312 V DC 36 to 75 V DC 18 to 36 V DC 175 to 312 V DC
optical link to the remote station 1. binary input/output unit Type 316DB61 see previous table
1.binary input/output unit Type 316DB63 1. binary input/output unit optocoupler input voltage state
I3 I4 I5 I9 F0 F1
2. binary input/output unit Type 316DB63 2. binary input/output unit optocoupler input voltage state
J0 J3 J4 J5 J9 Q0 Q1
3. binary input/output unit Type 316DB61 3. binary input/output unit Type 316DB62 3. binary input/output unit Type 316DB63 3. binary input/output unit optocoupler input voltage
Q3 VV0 V3 V4 V5 V9
Page 37
R0 R1
none 8 optocoupler 6 signal. relays 2 command relays 4 optocoupler 10 signal. relays 2 command relays 14 optocoupler 8 signal. relays none 82 to 312 V DC 36 to 75 V DC 18 to 36 V DC 175 to 312 V DC no comm. protocol SPA IEC 60870-5-103 LON MVB (part of IEC 61375) casing width 225.2 mm casing width 271 mm Semi-flush mounting Surface mounting, standard terminals basic versions REL316*4 without differential function basic versions REL316*4 with differential function order not acc. to Data Sheet without FUPLA logic FUPLA logic Customer-specific logic x = version of the FUPLA logic Defined by ABB Switzerland Ltd Different versions of functions 4. binary input/output unit Type 316DB61 4. binary input/output unit Type 316DB62 4. binary input/output unit Type 316DB63 4. binary input/output unit optocoupler input voltage state see previous table
R3 WW0 W3 W4 W5 W9 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y41) N1 N2 M1 M51) SA000 to SO990 SP000 to SQ990 SZ990 TT0000 T0001x to T9999x T0129x
see previous table Order M1 and separate assembly kit for 19" rack mounting see previous table
Logic for single-phase autoreclosure for line differential protection Logic for single-phase autoreclosure for the distance protection with a 1-breaker scheme Logic for single-phase autoreclosure for a reclosure unit with a 1-breaker scheme FUPLA logic written by others
MVB interface (for interbay or process bus) not applicable for surface-mounted version.
The order number has been defined for the basic version as above and the required accessories can be ordered according to the following Table.
Page 38
Ordering (contd)
Table 36: Accessories
Assembly kits
Item Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 19"-mounting plate for hinged frames, light-beige for use with: 1 REL316*4 (size 1 casing) 2 REL316*4 (size 1 casing) 1 REL316*4 (size 2 casing) 1 REL316*4 and 1 test socket block XX93, Test adapter and accessories: Semi-flush test socket block for Item 4 Test kit including 19" mounting plate to fit 1 REL316*4 in a hinged frame Test kit1 for semi-flush panel mounting Test kit1 for surface mounting Test socket block for surface mounting Connecting cable XX93/XS92b for use with Items 5 and 9 Test plug with 4 mm terminals for use with test set 316TSS01 Connecting cable for XS92b with 4 mm terminals for use with test plug RTXH24 1 REL316*4 size 1, surface mounting kit 1 REL316*4 size 2, surface mounting kit
Order No. HESG324310P1 HESG324310P2 HESG324351P1 HESG324310P3 XX93/HESG112823R1 316TSS01/HESG448342R1 316TSS01/HESG448342R3 316TSS01/HESG448342R11 XX93/HESG112823R2 YX91-4/HESG216587R4 RTXH24/RK926016-AA YX91-7/HESG216587R7 HESG448532R0001 HESG448532R0002
A test kit Type 316TSS01 comprises: - casing for semi-flush or surface mounting - test socket block RTXP24. Protocol LON MVB MVB Connector ST (bajonet) ST (bajonet) ST (bajonet) Optical fibre* G/G G/G G/G Gauge ** 62,5/125 62,5/125 62,5/125 Order No. HESG 448614R0001 HESG 448735R0231 HESG 448735R0232
Type For interbay bus: PCCLON1 SET 500PCC02 For process bus: 500PCC02 Type 316BM61b 316BM61b 316BM61b
Type CAP2/316
Description Installation CD
Order No. 1MRB380084-R1 Order No. 3-Disk 3-Disk English/German English/German 1MRK000078-A 1MRK000078-D Basic version Full version Order No.
Page 39
Dimensioned drawings
Fig. 10
Page 40
Fig. 11
Page 41
Fig. 12
Surface mounting, casing able to swing to the left, rear connections. Size N1 casing
Page 42
Fig. 13
Surface mounting, casing able to swing to the left, rear connections. Size N2 casing.
Page 43
Example of an Order
Rated current 1 A, rated voltage 100 V AC 3 phase voltages, 3 phase currents, 1 neutral current 110 V DC aux. supply 4 heavy duty relays (3 tripping, 1 CB closing), 20 signalling relays 8 opto-coupler inputs (110 V DC) 1 relay for 19" rack mounting Distance protection function (Z starters with provision for all transfer tripping schemes) Auto-reclosure Communication with the station control system (e.g. LON) Operator program on CD. The corresponding order is as follows: 1 REL316*4, HESG448750M0001 110 V DC aux. supply Opto-coupler input voltage 110 V DC Rated current 1 A
Rated voltage 100 V AC 1 mounting kit HESG324310P1 1 electro-optical converter HESG448267R401 1 CD RE.216 / RE.316*4 1MRB260030M0001 1 PC connecting cable (if not already available) 1MRB380084-R1. Alternatively, the relay ID code may be given instead. In this case the order would be: 1 REL316*4, A1B0U1K03E2I3F2 J3Y1N1M1SK100T0 1 mounting kit HESG324310P1 1 CD RE.216 / RE.316*4 1MRB260030M0001 1 electro-optical converter HESG448267R401 1 PC connecting cable (if not already available) 1MRB380084-R1. Relay ID codes are marked on all relays. The significance of the sub-codes can be seen from Table 35. be transmitted via the same communications channel. Provision shall be made for the combination with a distance protection scheme, a directional ground fault scheme and back-up functions. The protection functions shall be in the form of software such that additional or different functions, i.e. power swing blocking, sensitive ground fault, overcurrent, thermal overload, single or three-phase auto-reclosure, application-specific logics etc., can be readily implemented without changes to the existing hardware. All configuration and setting operations shall be made using a menu-based operator program running on a PC connected locally to the terminal for the purpose. The assignment of input and output signals to the protection functions shall be possible largely without restrictions. An event recorder with fault locator function shall be provided. The data exchange between the control system and the station control system shall be ensured via a communication interface. The data connection itself shall be able to be designed with fibre optic conductors.
Example of a specification
Numerical line protection terminal with extensive self-supervision of the internal functions and A/D conversion of all input variables. The terminal shall be suitable for the protection of single and double-circuit lines and cables in solidly or low-impedance grounded systems, ungrounded systems and systems with Petersen coils. It shall be capable of detecting all kinds of power system faults including close three-phase faults, cross-country faults (in ungrounded systems or systems with Petersen coils), evolving faults and high-resistance ground faults. Due account shall be taken of power swings and changes in the direction of energy flow. The distance protection terminal shall have at least three distance zones with independent settings and in addition zones of measurement for all the usual transfer tripping schemes. Provision shall be made for compensating the mutual impedance in the case of parallel circuit lines using the neutral current of the parallel circuit to obtain a correct setting. The integrity of the v.t. circuit shall be supervised. The longitudinal differential protection terminal shall measure the three phases independently and permit other protection signals to
Page 44
Operating instructions REL316*4 (printed) Operating instructions REL316*4 (CD) Operating instructions Testing program using XS92b CAP316 Technical Data sheet Test Set XS92b Data sheet REL316*4 Reference list Current transformer requirements - Description SigTOOL Data sheet RIO580 Data sheet
1MRB520050-Uen 1MRB260030M0001 CH-ES 86-11.52 E 1MRB520167-Ben 1MRB520006-Ben 1MRB520212-Ren CH-ES 45-12.30 E 1MRB520158-Ben 1MRB520176-Ben
The operating instructions are available in English or German (please state when ordering).