Comparation of The Slotless Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) and Slotted BLDC Using 2D Modeling
Comparation of The Slotless Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) and Slotted BLDC Using 2D Modeling
Comparation of The Slotless Brushless DC Motor (BLDC) and Slotted BLDC Using 2D Modeling
Keywords—BLDC; slotted; slotless; torque; power; ripple B. Mathematical Modeling of the BLDC motor
torque The nonlinear magneto-static field in an electric machine
can be defined by the following Maxwell’s equations [3] :
In the past five years, BLDC motors are commonly used than
B = µH (2)
other motor because the efficiency of BLDC motors are higher
compared to brushed dc motors. In its development, BLDC The magnetic vector potential A is defined in equation 3.
motor have many configurations. Each configuration has its
B= ×A (3)
own advantages and disadvantages. One of the configurations
are slotted and slotless BLDC motor. A slotless BLDC is a where A is the axial component of the magnetic vector
BLDC without stator core. Slotless BLDC motor is used to potential, ν is the reluctivity of the material and J is the current
remove cogging torque of the BLDC motor. Cogging torque is density.
an unwanted phenomenon in electrical machines, as a product The mathematical model of a BLDC motor prototype can
of reluctance variations between stator tooth and rotor be represented as:[4]
magnetic poles [1]. As slotless BLDC motors also have many
disadvantages, thus the characteristic of slotted and slotless (4)
BLDC motors must be described to choose the best type of
BLDC motors for certain applications. This research was done where ν is the reluctivity of the material, J is the applied
to study the characteristics of slotted and slotless BLDC motor source current density, Jm is the equivalent current density of
by using 2D finite element simulation. the permanent magnet, ω is the angular frequency, and σ is the
conductivity of the material.
A. Brushless DC motor
This research was done by using finite element model.
Brushless DC motor is a DC motor without brush Specifications of the brushless DC motor for this research are
component. The switching of polarization is done by using shown in the table 1. Slotless BLDC motors are BLDC motors
electrical switching. Fig 1 shows the cross section of a BLDC without steel materials or magnetic material as slots of BLDC
motor [2]. Permanent magnets are used as moving parts and stators. Slotted BLDC motor used steel materials as slots of
stator is the static parts. stators. Both BLDC motors are similar in geometry.
Table 1. Specification of BLDC motors
Slotted Slotless
Number of poles 4 4
Number of slots 24 24
Magnet type NdFe35 NdFe35
Fig. 4. Magnetic fields in slotted stator BLDC
Slot materials Steel Aluminum
Torque produced was also influenced by a magnetic flux
density of the slotted BLDC and slotless BLDC motors.
Slotted BLDC motor had higher magnetic flux density than
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION slotless BLDC motor. The higher magnetic flux density of
The discussions in this paper are focused on torque and slotted BLDC motors was caused by the type of its material.
speed, power, ripple torque, and losses. Slotted BLDC motors used steel material which can turn into a
magnet when the current passed the coils. Figure 5 and 6 show
A. Torque, Power, and Speed magnetic flux density of slotless BLDC motor and slotted
BLDC motor.
Torque produced by slotted BLDC and slotless BLDC
motors are be shown at figure 2. Shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4 are
the magnetic flux of the BLDC motors. It shows that slotted
BLDC motor produced higher torque than the slotless one, as
the magnetic fields produced in slotted BLDC motor was
higher than in slotless BLDC motor.
C o reles s BLDC
30 C o red BLDC
Fig. 5. Magnetic flux density of slotted BLDC motor
Torque (Nm)
0 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000
Sp eed (R pm)
XYPlot 1 ws-1
300.00 CurveInfo
2000 CoggingTorque
cored BLDC Setup1: Performance
CoggingTorque [mNewtonMeter]
Power (watt)
400 0.00 125.00 250.00 375.00
Moving1.Torque [NewtonMeter]
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3.00 LPDP; contact number: PRJ – 933/LPDP/2014, date 17th r
august 2014”.
0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00
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Name X Y Torque core1000rpm
51.00 16.0654 20.5833 CurveInfo [2] L.X. Chang, Permanent Magnet DC Motor Drives and Controls. John
m2 18.6572 17.1815
Wiley & Sons Singapore Pte. Ltd, 2012.
20.00 [3] N.H. Phyu. Numerical Analysis of Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor
m2 using Coupled Systems. National University of singapore, 2004.
Moving1.Torque [NewtonMeter]
[4] T. H. Kim, S. H. Lee, and W. M. Kim. "Design and characteristic
analysis of high speed slotless permanent magnet sychoronous motor for
surgical hand-piece." Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2014 IEEE
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0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00