Dy CSTE/RE/KKK Acting For and On Behalf of The President of India Invites E-Tenders Against Tender No RE-KKK-Tele-OT-57 Closing
Dy CSTE/RE/KKK Acting For and On Behalf of The President of India Invites E-Tenders Against Tender No RE-KKK-Tele-OT-57 Closing
Dy CSTE/RE/KKK Acting For and On Behalf of The President of India Invites E-Tenders Against Tender No RE-KKK-Tele-OT-57 Closing
Tender No: RE-KKK-Tele-OT-57 Closing Date/Time: 08/07/2022 14:00
Dy CSTE/RE/KKK acting for and on behalf of The President of India invites E-Tenders against Tender No RE-KKK-Tele-OT-57 Closing
Date/Time 08/07/2022 14:00 Hrs. Bidders will be able to submit their original/revised bids upto closing date and time only. Manual offers
are not allowed against this tender, and any such manual offer received shall be ignored.
S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding Unit
Schedule A1A-Chapter No.I 18348.69
Please see Item Breakup for details. 14490.00 26.63 18348.69
Description:- Preparation of Cable route plan.
S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding Unit
Schedule A1B-Chapter No.II 9063038.89
Please see Item Breakup for details. 7700118.00 17.70 9063038.89
Description:- Cable Laying and cable drum Transportation
S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding Unit
Schedule A1C-Chapter No.III 532047.08
Please see Item Breakup for details. 438657.00 21.29 532047.08
Description:- Jointing and termination of cables.
S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding Unit
Schedule A1D-Chapter No.IV 145439.17
Please see Item Breakup for details. 121564.00 19.64 145439.17
Description:- Wiring, testing, Installation, and commissioning of equipments including OFC equipments.
S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding Unit
Schedule A1E-Chapter No.V 2750090.48
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2339507.00 17.55 2750090.48
Description:- Supply of equipments including OFC equipments.
S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding Unit
Schedule A2A-NON-SOR 27903.00
Please see Item Breakup for details. 27903.00 AT Par 27903.00
Description:- NON-SOR
S.No. Item Code Item Qty Qty Unit Unit Rate Basic Value Escl.(%) Amount Bidding Unit
Schedule A2B-NON SOR OTHERS 2408562.48
Please see Item Breakup for details. 2408562.48 AT Par 2408562.48
Description:- NS-OTHERS
5 021130 Supply & fixing of perforated G.I. Pipe of 80mm/75 mm Metre 150.00 1269.00 190350.00
outer/ internal dia as per arrangement shown in Drg No.
CORE/S&T/ALD/SK/589/2007 on Girder bridges more than
6 metre and up to 12 metres for protection of OFC O R 6
quad cable separately (with one intermediate support)
(Required HDPE pipe shall be procured through seperate
item of contract by Railway and supplied to contractor for
execution of works in case OFC to be laid )
6 021160 Supply & fixing of perforated G.I. Pipe of 80mm/75 mm Metre 100.00 1269.00 126900.00
outer/ internal dia as per arrangement shown in Drg No.
CORE/S&T/ALD/SK/578/04 on Culverts (pipe box) with
high flood level varying from 6 meter to 12 meter for
protection of OFC OR 6 quad cable separately (Required
HDPE pipe shall be procured through seperate item of
co n tr a ct by Railway and supplied to contractor for
execution of works in case OFC to be laid in work)
7 021170 Supply & fixing of perforated G.I. Pipe of 80mm/75 mm Metre 100.00 1912.00 191200.00
outer/ internal dia as per arrangement shown in Drg No.
CORE/S&T/ALD/SK/578/04 on Culverts (pipe box) with
high flood level up to 6 metres for protection of OFC OR 6
quad cable separately (with no intermediate support)
(Required HDPE pipe shall be procured through seperate
item of contract by Railway and supplied to contractor for
execution of works)
8 021180 Supply & fixing of RCC Pipe of 150 mm internal dia as per Metre 100.00 754.00 75400.00
arrangement shown in Drg No. CORE/S&T/ALD/SK/576/04
at belows Culverts and water logged area varying from 6
meter to 12 meter in RCC pipe for protection of OFC
and/or 6 quad cable (Required HDPE pipe shall be
procured through seperate item of contract by Railway and
supplied to contractor for execution of works in case OFC
to be laid in work)
9 021190 Trenching and refilling of trenches at places under track Metre 100.00 148.00 14800.00
and road. Level crossing gate, cutting near FP as per Drg
No. CORE/S&T/ALD/SK/572/04
10 021200 Trenching /cutting , reffiling & cement concreating on Metre 300.00 279.00 83700.00
plateform as decided by Railway Engineer
11 021210 Supply & laying of RCC pipe of 150 mm dia, 2 meter at Metre 100.00 399.00 39900.00
places under track and road. Level crossing gate,
plateforms near FP for protection of OFC & 6 quad or OFC
or 6 quad cable / PIJF cable to be laid
12 021240 Chase cutting 500 mm deep in hard rocky area as per Drg Metre 500.00 300.00 150000.00
No.CORE/S&T/ALD/SK/579/04 per metre.
13 021250 Execution of trench less horizontal boring (HDD) work Metre 2500.00 1352.00 3380000.00
(boring size up to 125 mm) up to a depth of minimum 1.00
mtr from the ground level at location, as per direction of
engineer in charge. This includes supply & laying of DWC
HDPE pipe as per specification No. IS 14930 part II or
latest of 120 mm OD/103 mm ID). This includes all
accessories and tools required to do the trenchless
horizontal boring.
14 021260 Supply of 50 mm dia HDPE DWC pipe along with fittings & Metre 150.00 414.00 62100.00
fixing of same at stations, cabins and other buildings with
fixing materials as per drawing
no.RE/S&T/ALD/SK/495/2000 and making necessary entry
arrangements duly approved by engineer incharge as per
requirement.This includes all accessories and tools
required to do the works.
15 021270 Blowing / drawing of OFC cable in the HDPE pipe duct and Kilometre 20.00 8256.00 165120.00
in protective works already provided.
16 021280 Laying of HDPE duct in the trenches and in the protective Kilometre 20.00 5950.00 119000.00
works already provided including in HDD portion and
supply pulling of Nylone rope through it at diffident places
as per direction of engineer in charge or site engineer.
17 021290 Laying of 6 quad cable / derivation cable /PIJF cable in the Kilometre 22.00 4504.00 99088.00
trenches and in the protective works already provided at
different places as per direction of engineer in charge or
site engineer.
18 021300 Loading, unloading and transportation of cable drums of Drum- 13000.00 27.00 351000.00
OFC from Railway depot to the site of work. Measurement Km
for the purpose of payment shall be Railway Track Kms
19 021310 Loading, unloading and transportation of cable drums of 6 Drum- 15000.00 18.00 270000.00
quad cable & derivation cable from Railway depot to the Km
site of work. Measurement for the purpose of payment
shall be Railway Track Kms
Total 7700118.00
Schedule Schedule A1C-Chapter No.III
Item- 3 Jointing and termination of cables.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 031020 Supply and fixing of 20 pair C.T. Box and termination of Numbers 30.00 1971.00 59130.00
cable as per Tech. Spcn Section III, Chapter IX and as per
details given in jointing schedule approved by the
2 031050 Supply of of OFC joint closure as per Tech. spec. given in Numbers 10.00 8805.00 88050.00
Section III Chapter IX and its installation, splicing of OFC
after testing of all fibres as per specifications, drawings and
stipulations of tender documents as detailed in section III
chapter VI as per cable route plan. This includes provision
of pit & all needed materials for splicing of OFC &
installation of joint closures .
3 031060 Supply of Thermo shrink jointing kit as per Spec. given in Numbers 15.00 2789.00 41835.00
Section III Chapter IX & its installation for 6 quad cable for
straight through joints and derivation joints for L C gate,
pump house etc. where V F Transformers are not
4 031070 Supply of Thermo shrink jointing kit as per Spec. given in Numbers 15.00 3242.00 48630.00
Section III Chapter IX & its installation for 6 quad cable for
derivation/ termination joints with V F Transformers .(VF
Transformer shall be procured against SOR Item No.
00520 and issued to contractor for execution of work.)
5 031090 Supply, installation of 50 pair Krone termination box as per Numbers 4.00 2461.00 9844.00
specifications, drawings and stipulations of tender
documents. This includes all materials required for fixing
including salwood /hylem board in cable hut and hardware
required for fixing. This also includes termination of all
cables and other associated works.
6 031100 Supply and Installation of Fibre distribution management Numbers 8.00 23896.00 191168.00
system including accessories complete as per RDSO
specification No. RDSO/SPN/TC/037-2000 (Rev 2) suitable
for termination of two nos 24 fibre OFC at Repeater station
/ cable hut in 19"rack and splicing of fibre with pig tail cable
as per specification. This includes testing of OFC cable (
All items required for execution of work shall be supplied
by the contractor).
Total 438657.00
Schedule Schedule A1D-Chapter No.IV
Item- 4 Wiring, testing, Installation, and commissioning of equipments including OFC equipments.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 041010 Wiring, testing, installation & commissioning of control Numbers 1.00 1272.00 1272.00
room HQ equipment for controller,s use operated on 48
volt DC. (This includes supply of all materials for execution
of work such as PVC casing & caping, fixing materials
10/20 pair indoor PVC cable, wiring & masonary works
except control room HQ equipment which will be procured
by Railway against other SOR item & issued to contractor
for execution).
2 041020 Wiring, testing & installation of Test room equipment on Numbers 1.00 1272.00 1272.00
19" rack. (This includes supply of all materials for
execution of work such as PVC casing & caping, fixing
materials 10/20 pair indoor PVC cable, wiring & masonary
works except Test room equipment which will be procured
by Railway against other SOR item & issued to contractor
for execution).
3 041030 Installation, wiring, testing & commissioning of way side Numbers 4.00 2394.00 9576.00
equipments on the rack per station wise. (This includes
supply of all materials for execution of work except way
side equipments which will be procured by Railway against
other SOR item & issued to contractor for execution).
4 041050 Installation of DTMF /way side Telephone in all stations, Set 8.00 981.00 7848.00
SP, SSP and TSS. This includes supply & fixing of DP, PVC
Channel, Telephone bracket and laying/ termination of
switch board cable.
5 041080 Installation and commissioning of Primary digital drop Numbers 4.00 6870.00 27480.00
insert Multiplexer with all accessories and power supply
connection, surge and lightning protection arrangement,
racks including indoor Krone box, ladder etc in cable hut
including wiring of all the equipments up to Krone / C.T.
Box of out-door quad / derivation cables.
6 041090 Supply, installation and commissioning of earthing Numbers 4.00 17265.00 69060.00
arrangement (ring earth) as per the technical supplement
(Section III, Chapter VIII) at each location of OFC
7 041100 Installation, wiring and commissioning of battery chargers Numbers 4.00 1264.00 5056.00
& charging and installation of low maintenance lead acid
cells on wooden (Sal) rack at each station as per para 5.2
of Sec III, chapter VII of tender document.
Total 121564.00
Schedule Schedule A1E-Chapter No.V
Item- 5 Supply of equipments including OFC equipments.
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 051010 Supply of control room equipment operated on 48 V DC, Numbers 2.00 130535.00 261070.00
with three digit 7 segment LED display and way station
calling facility up to 80 stations by pressing push button
along with 20 local Telephone calling facility with
microphone speaker and handset along with remote
patching equipment capacity as per RDSO specification
No. RDSO/SPN /TC/66 /2007 with ammendment-2,
including latest amendment.
2 051020 Supply of Test room equipment with 19" Rack mounting 48 Numbers 2.00 132077.00 264154.00
V DC operated directly interface with OFC 4wire circuit as
per RDSO specification no. RDSO/SPN/TC/66/2007 with
ammendment-2, including latest amendment.
3 051030 Supply of way station control equipment as per RDSO Numbers 8.00 63600.00 508800.00
specification No. RDSO/SPN/TC/66/07 with amendment 2
including latest amendment with necessary mounting
arrangement on composite rack or on wall as decided by
site engineer. It shall be 48 VDC operated provide to give
connect to at least four station Telephone and have a
facility to give more connections by using 3 way amplifier.
4 051050 Supply of push button telephone Pulse /Tone switchable Numbers 8.00 477.00 3816.00
Telephone set with Redial, Mute, Pause, Flash Tone/
Pulse Facility as per TEC spec No.GR/TEL-02/04 Sept 02
with amendment 2 including latest amendment.
5 051110 Supply of 2MB programmable primary digital drop insert Numbers 6.00 139557.00 837342.00
multiplexer with conference facility as per technical
specifications IRS:TC-68-2012 with latest amendments,
with other stipulations of tender document, fully wired for
30 channels complete with power supply unit, remote
control supervision facility & all other accessories,
installation material, technical manuals etc. The MUX shall
be equipped for 16 E&M VF circuits, 4 data circuits of
64kbps, 6 hot line/ subscriber interface circuits and 4
Exchange interface circuits and one V.24 low data
interface card for SCADA. The equipment shall be RDSO
approved on opening of bid
6 051120 Supply of surge suppressor for all the 30 circuits derived Numbers 4.00 7195.00 28780.00
from primary MUX,s (Z-protection) complete as per
technical specifications and other stipulations of tender
7 051130 Supply of maintenance portable terminals including Numbers 1.00 73539.00 73539.00
associated software as per technical specifications and
other stipulations of tender document complete with all
accessories. It should be possible to plug in the
maintenance portable terminal at any of the stations to be
programmed for any network element from any location of
network and read the full status of any element in the
network from maintenance portable terminal.
8 051140 Supply of covered racks complete with all fittings and Numbers 4.00 29590.00 118360.00
accessories for housing SDH equipments, primary MUXs,
using krone module and other equipments like runway
ladders etc., completely wired and equipped for all
channels as per technical specifications and other
stipulations of tender document. It should be possible to
lock all the equipments with only order wire telephone
remaining outside the rack.
9 051150 Supply of SMPS based battery charger for telecom use of Numbers 4.00 49089.00 196356.00
230V AC/ 48V DC, 25 Amp capacities. This shall be
consisting of 3 modules of 12.5 Amps each in 2+1
configuration with automatic switching between the
modules as per RDSO spec No. RDSO/SPN/TL/23/99 (Ver.
III) with latest amendment (as on date of opening of
technical bid).
10 051180 Supply of 24 fiber straight joint closure (SJC) complete with Numbers 10.00 1945.00 19450.00
all accessories as per DOT spec G/OJC-01/01 of Aug 92
with latest amendment.
11 051200 V F Transformers (1 Quad/2T) as per Tech spcn. Given in Numbers 30.00 928.00 27840.00
Section III, chapter IX.
Total 2339507.00
Schedule Schedule A2A-NON-SOR
Item- 1 NON-SOR
S No. Item Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 041110 Supply and fixing of earth pipe at places as advised by the Numbers 12.00 2325.25 27903.00
Engineer. This includes laying of earth lead wire and
connecting to earth electrode and to the equipments. (
Earthing to be done as per RDSO drg. No. TCA-565 (Adv)
with latest amendments as detailed in Section III chapter
Total 27903.00
Schedule Schedule A2B-NON SOR OTHERS
General Instructions
This tender complies with Public Procurement Policy (Make in India) Order 2017, dated 15/06/2017, issued by
Department of Industrial Promotion and Policy, Ministry of Commerce, circulated vide Railway Board letter no.
2015/RS(G)/779/5 dated 03/08/2017 and 27/12/2017 and amendments/ revisions thereof.
As a Tender Inviting Authority, the undersigned has ensured that the issue of this tender does not violate provisions of
GFR regarding procurement through GeM.
Designation : Dy.CSTE