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Challenges Faced by The Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences Students in Online La Concepcion College S.Y 2021-2022

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Challenges Faced By The Grade 11 humanities

And Social Sciences Students In Online

la Concepcion college

S.Y 2021-2022


Kheart John P. Gesolgon

Kirby Templado

Marvin Tagbilaran

Meilyn Canaber

Ronjarlo Villamar Narra

Sheiyna Mae Baleta


CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY We,hereby certify that this research is our work and

that ,to the best of our knowledge and understanding, it contains no material previously

written or published by another person or group,not any material which has been

accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma from university or institution of

higher learning , except where due acknowledgement is made thereof. furthermore, we

declare that the intellectual contact of this research is the product of our work although

we received assistance from others on the manner of the organization, present

language, and style

prepared by prepared by Kheart John P. Gesolgon,Kirby Templado,Marvin

Tagbilaran,Meilyn Canaber,Ronjarlo Villamar Narra.Sheiyna Mae Baleta. have been

EXAMINED and PASSED for Final Oral Defense


Panel Of Examiners


Panel Of Examiners


Panel Of Examiners



Research Project Advise


We would like to acknowledge the students who struggle with writing their academic


To every groupmate who made the research easy and possible to do.

We, the researchers, would like to thank the experts who were involved in the

validation letter for this Research.

We, the researchers would like to honor Ms. Nelyn Vicente, our practical research

teacher for guiding us up to this point.

We, the researchers would also like to thank the cooperative selected respondents.

Lastly, we, the researchers would love to give thanks to our loved ones for giving their

full support and love, which motivated us into finishing this


Many of the students finds that writing an academic papers are difficult work to do.

An example of this is if the particular topic given to the students is broad. Therefore, this

study aims to assess more of the common problems in writing academic papers of

Grade 11 students in La Concepcion College academic year 2021 to 2022 including giving

solutions on how to do academic papers in an easy way.

Grade 11 students at La Concepcion College in academic year 2021 to 2022 were the

respondents. The researchers conducted an interview with open ended questions to

collect the objective responds of the respondents.



TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………………………………………I




TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………….……………………V


A. Books…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………

B. Studies………………………………………………………………………….………………………...

C. Electronic Sources…………………………………………………………………………………….



I. The Problem and it’s Background

Background of the Study…………………………………………………………………....

Statement of the Problem…………………………….…………………………………...

Scope Limitations…………………………………………………….………………………...


Significance of the Study………………………………….………………………………....

Definition of Terms………………………………………..……………………………….....



The research study is titled "The Challenges Faced by the Selected Grade 11

Humanities and Social Sciences Students in Online Class Learning Amidst the Pandemic

in La Concepcion College, S.Y 2021–2022." The researcher aims to know what the

challenges and struggles are in Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences online classes

in the midst of a pandemic. In order to answer the research problem, the researcher will

conduct a Google Form survey to answer the research problem using purposive
sampling as their method of choosing the participants. The research question entails an

in-depth kind of interview where the question will be answered in an open-ended

manner by the participants. To further understand, "online classes or learning is one

form of flexible learning widely used right now. Online classes in the Philippines are

courses held on the internet. Because of the pandemic,


mobile learning is the way to go to continue learning. Either the student attends an

online class or a modular style, "according to Child Hope Philippines. According to Farah

Lalani and Cathy Li, "COVID-19 has resulted in schools being closed all across the world."

Globally, over 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom. As a result, education has

changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is

undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Research suggests that online learning

has been shown to increase retention of information and take less time, meaning the

changes coronavirus has caused might be here to stay. " Due to the COVID-19 pandemic,

schools around the world have been shut down for safety reasons. The pandemic forced

everyone to go into lockdown to prevent the fast spread of the virus. That is the reason

the government implemented "online class learning" for the safety of the children and

to reduce the casualties of the virus. To address the research study titled "The

Challenges Faced by Selected Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences Students in

Online Class Learning Amidst the Pandemic at La Concepcion College," the researchers

will conduct a survey to gather data for the chosen participants.


This study was aimeds to determine the potential challenges faced by selected grade 11

humss students in La Conception College Specifically, it aimed to answer the following:

1.what's the demographic profile of the responds?

1.1NAME (optional)





2.How does pandemic especially affect Student education

3. What are the challenges and struggles that the students encountered during online

class learning?

4.How online class affect the student academic performance


his Study will take place in La Concepcian College, kayspian Campus, located in

Baranggy Kaypian,San jose del monte bulacan, Grade-11 student 2021-2022 under the

academic Strand of Humanities and social Science “HUMSS11-A” are the target

respondents focusing On Online lerners/online class.Using the standard formula, and

the sample size was taken out of the total Population of 62 in Class of HUMSS11-A.

Therefore, the respodent are delimited to 12 as based on the communication It’s main

purpose is to determine The Hardship of the student in online learning


1.-Enhance the quality of learning and teaching

2.-Meet the learning style or needs of student

3.-Improve the efficiency and effectiveness

4.-Improve user-accessibility and time flexibility to engage learning in the learning



This study will be undertaken to find the common problems encountered in

writing academic papers of selected Grade 11 Students of La Concepcion College

Academic Year 2021-2022. Benefiting in the study are the various sectors and

individuals as follows

The Students

This study will help motivate students in writing their own academic papers as

they will be given an idea of what kinds of problem they’ll encounter when it comes to

writing their academic papers, it will also give them and awareness about these

common types of problems that they’ll encounter which could help them develop

different methods for them to avoid these problems

The Teachers

This research would be beneficial to teachers, specially those who are assisting

and teaching students about writing academic papers, this study will provide them

awareness about these common problems which would help teachers generate ideas

for which can help them teach students different methods of avoiding these problems,

it can also help them in dealing with students facing these issues who asked them for

help or assistance in writing academic papers

The Parents

This study will benefit parents who are assisting their children in writing their

academic in understanding the different problems their children when writing them. It

can help parents formulate solutions for which they can best assist their children in their

academic papers

School Administration

The school administration would benefit from this study by giving them insight into

the effectiveness of their programs when it comes to helping and teaching students

about writing academic papers. The school administration would also be given

awareness about the problems students of their institution face when it comes to

writing academic papers.

The Researchers

With this study it will help to those new researchers and make this will easy to

them yo compromise this research


Administration- a performer of executive duties management worked in the

administration of school academic papers

Craft – means to make a different types of essays

Complex – means complicated that is not easy to understand or explain

Crucial- important decision or course of action. To develop the propert level

Formulate- is to create a strategy or come up with a plan or idea to solve a problem and

assist students in their academic research paper.

Methods- many ways of procedure or process for attaining to avoid these academic

papers problem

numerous- is amounting to a large number uncertain to find identification and solutions

Simplistic- simple or simplified students can write their academic papers

Unfortunately- is defined as sadly or regrettably. Because majority of students still fail to

develop their writing skills




This chapter contains a review of related literature based on the researchers'

thorough and in-depth search, which helped to identify the challenges faced by

humanities and social sciences students. The information gathered will be used in this

chapter to aid the readers' understanding of the research.

Local Literature

While the literature outlines a number of benefits of blended learning,

policymakers must identify the constraints and challenges that students face in order to

ensure that their online learning experience is not harmed. Understanding these

roadblocks can aid academic institutions in developing rules that will assist students

advance and improve their online learning experience. During the period when the

entire Luzon region was placed under the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) in

response to the COVID-19 epidemic, this study was done to determine the obstacles

faced by computer students at one private university in the Philippines. To find out

about students' experiences with online learning, a survey was conducted using MS

Forms Pro. The study was conducted between March 16 and March 18, 2020, and had

300 replies. The top three impediments and challenges faced by students, according to

descriptive statistics, are: 1. the difficulty in defining subjects or talks with teachers, 2.

the lack of a study or work area for online activities, and 3. inability to participate in

online activities due to a poor Internet connection. It can be inferred that neither

students nor faculty members were entirely equipped to participate in full-fledged

online learning. More importantly, in an online learning environment, some faculty

members may have failed to adapt to the needs of students. While the study's primary

data came primarily from students, understanding the perspective of faculty members

in terms of their encounters with their students would be a fantastic addition. Their

thoughts could assist validate survey results and identify other impediments that were

not included in the study. (Fabito et al., 2020)

Foreign literature

The COVID-19 epidemic has had a significant impact on higher education systems

in Russia and around the world, requiring curriculum to be converted to an online

format, which is a problem for all participants in the educational process. The current

study examines the introduction of online learning in the context of the COVID-19

pandemic in Russian higher education, as well as the obstacles faced by university

teachers in determining their preparation for online learning during this time. A study

was done at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University to solve the

aforementioned difficulties. Systematic structural analysis, synthesis, work with research

papers, generalization of experience and experimental work, observation, surveys, and

other scientific and pedagogical research methods were used, with 87 university

teachers asked to respond to several sets of questions describing their online teaching

experience after the launch of online education amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The

analysis of the responses revealed the following main challenges faced by university

teachers: computer literacy, the university's electronic environment and support,

academic staff readiness, and students' readiness for online learning, with the latter two

being the most significant impediments to the efficient implementation of the online

education process. The majority of respondents also stated that a teacher's

methodological work in a digital educational environment is different from traditional

teaching approaches. As a result, psychological, technological, methodological, and

teacher professional development programs are critical to minimizing the negative

effects of rapid educational changes and ensuring effective online education. (Nadezhda

et al.,2020)

The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic by the World

Health Organization on March 11, 2020. It may follow the influenza pandemic of 1918 in

magnitude which affected about one-third of the world population and killed 50 million.

To date, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that

causes COVID-19 disease, has affected 213 countries and territories around the world

with 14 million cases and half a million deaths (WHO, 2020). Control efforts worldwide

led to travel bans and restrictions. In the Philippines, President Rodrigo

Duterte placed the entire Luzon archipelago on enhanced community
1. What is the 1. The researchers
demographic profile quarantine on March 16, 2020 (Official Gazette, 2020). would determine
of the students in the students’
terms of: demographic
1.1. Age PROCESS: profile and
1.2.Gender information, the
1.3.Strand • Facebook researchers
Messenger would also be
Interviews able to tell the
2. What are the academic papers
academic papers students’ do for
students do? compliance,
3. What are the determine the
common problems common
encountered by
students in writing
encountered in
academic papers?
writing these
4. Why do students
engage with error in papers and
writing academic reasons why they
Research Methodology


This chapter contains a review of related literature based on the researchers'

thorough and in-depth search, which helped to identify the challenges faced by

humanities and social sciences students. The information gathered will be used in this

chapter to aid the readers' understanding of the research.

Research Design

This study is a qualitative type of research that involves gathering and analyzing

non-numerical data to gain a better understanding of ideas,beliefs or experience. This

research is also to generate new insights, into a problem and make new solutions to the

existing issue. Furthermore, this is case study research design that is approach to gather

new information for this long time study.It also been defined as in-depth, systematic

also this is fill the gaps of the previous study about the challenges of the students in ther

online learning and to end this problem with this research outcomes.

Sampling Technique
The researchers decide that the the number of respondents are 7 random

students of HUMM-11A.Here are included strand and section that will take as

responded are only HUMSS-A

Selected by the researchers is RANDOM SAMPLING because though the Random

method, The researchers Randomly selected to be the respondents for thw study. The

researcher decide to select their friends and acquaintaces from our section and have

them respondents thought Messenger and IGN

Research Instrument

To elicit information in qualitative researchers used unstructured web interview

with the help of Facebook and Messenger. The questionnaire has closed and open-

ended questions and parted in 5 section, which includes the Profile information,

identifying what are the academic papers they usually encounter, the interaction with

the academic papers identifying what are the problems they encountered in writing

academic papers, what are the reasons why they encounter these problems and what

attempts made to improve by students. The researchers used this type and method of

interviewing, aside from it is recommended by the research adviser and approved by 2

other teachers, it is also orgnized, effective for collecting detailed responses and gives

you a better view in understanding the problem.

Research Interview/Questionnaire

A. Personal Information
1. What is your name? (Optional)

2. What is your age?

3. What is your strand?

B. Common problems faced by the students in writing academic papers

4.How does pandemic especially affect Student education

5. What are the challenges and struggles that the students encountered during online

class learning?

6.How online class affect the student academic performance

C. Solving The Problem

7. How do you resolve those problems?

8. How can you improve your writing in academic papers?

Data Gathering Procedure

After the instrumentation validation, the researchers will allot time and effort in

developing interview questions to serve their intended respondents from the selected 7

Senior High School students of La Conception College. The researchers will find

respondents aligned with their judgment, and they will send the questionnaire through

the method of web interview using Facebook messenger that will serve as a tool to

gather data. The researchers use the purposive sampling method in selecting

respondents that will aid the research problem. The study and its purpose will be
explained before the researchers conduct and send the interview questionnaire. The

researchers will analyze the data collected from this research instrument to Challenges

Faced by The Grade 11 humanities And Social Sciences Students in Online. They will

offer the best and robust solution to vanish gender stereotyping in any strand.

Ethical Consideration

The data to be collected through Facebook Messenger Interview calls that will be

produced by selected grade 11 students of La Concepcion College from the Senior High

School Division will not be exposed to any person, group, media or any other public field

other than the researchers as for the protection of the respondents’ privacy, anonymity,

confidentiality and trust, as well as in compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 in

accordance to the protection of the fundamental human right to privacy of

communication. The researchers will write to the school principal, the head of the

Senior High School Division, and the respondents’ class advisers seeking permission to

conduct interviews with students under their supervision through Facebook Messenger

Calls, The former will coordinate with the class advisers and different subject teachers to

have their permission and consent and allow the selected students to participate in the

interview which will be conducted by the researchers in the appointed time given by the

latter. The respondents will be informed of the purpose of the research and will be

made aware of their ability to freely refuse to participate in the interview or to willingly

comply with the questions provided by the researchers. The researchers will make sure

that they will properly cite related information that is not later than 2016 and would

only cite related information from 2017 onwards.

Data Analysis

This survey uses content analysis to analyze the data collected from selected

respondents. This survey presents documented information through conversational

screenshots between respondents and selected respondents. A brief analysis and

description is provided to match the screenshot of each conversation presented.

Nevertheless, the selected respondents will be asked for their consent. This allows

researchers to record the conversation as the document used in this study. This was

done to prevent violations of the Data Protection Act 2012. The main advantage of

content analysis is that it simplifies the data collected while providing results. In

addition, content analysis can be attributed to achieving research goals, as this method

relies on the questions asked by the respondents. The questions were developed to

achieve the main specific purpose of the study.

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