Navstation User's Guide
Navstation User's Guide
Navstation User's Guide
User Manual
User Manual
Table of Contents
WELCOME ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.1 User Manual Overview ................................................................................................................................ 10
1.2 Typographical Conventions ......................................................................................................................... 10
1.3 Software Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................. 10
2 NAVSTATION OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................. 12
2.1 Turning NAVTOR NavStation On/Off ....................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Desktop ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
2.3 Main Window .............................................................................................................................................. 14
2.4 Menu ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
2.5 Panels........................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.6 Application Status........................................................................................................................................ 19
2.6.1 Application information .......................................................................................................................... 19
2.6.2 ADP update report and certificate ........................................................................................................... 20
2.6.3 Log files .................................................................................................................................................. 20
3 NAVIGATION DATA .......................................................................................................................................... 21
3.1 Installing Data ............................................................................................................................................. 21
3.2 Objects under Mouse/Finger Pointer ........................................................................................................... 21
3.3 Chart Legend ............................................................................................................................................... 23
4 CHARTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 25
4.1 Resizing Chart Views .................................................................................................................................. 25
4.2 Zooming the Chart View ............................................................................................................................. 25
4.2.1 Scale bar .................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.2.2 Zoom options .......................................................................................................................................... 26
4.3 Scrolling the Chart View ............................................................................................................................. 28
4.3.1 Position indicator .................................................................................................................................... 28
4.3.2 Scroll options .......................................................................................................................................... 28
4.4 Go to Position .............................................................................................................................................. 29
4.5 ERBL ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.6 Touch Screen Lock ...................................................................................................................................... 32
4.7 Sibling Chart View Frame ........................................................................................................................... 33
5 ROUTE PLANNING ............................................................................................................................................. 34
5.1 Creating a New Route.................................................................................................................................. 34
5.2 Plotting Waypoints ...................................................................................................................................... 35
5.3 Saving Changes to a Route .......................................................................................................................... 38
5.4 Canceling Changes to a Route ..................................................................................................................... 39
5.5 Displaying a Route ...................................................................................................................................... 39
5.6 Moving Chart to a Route ............................................................................................................................. 40
5.7 Safety Check of a Route .............................................................................................................................. 41
5.7.1 Checking the route .................................................................................................................................. 41
5.7.2 Viewing safety check results ................................................................................................................... 43
5.8 Editing Route Waypoints............................................................................................................................. 45
5.8.1 Moving waypoints ................................................................................................................................... 45
5.8.2 Adding route waypoints .......................................................................................................................... 47
5.8.3 Deleting route waypoints ........................................................................................................................ 48
5.8.4 Editing waypoint attributes ..................................................................................................................... 50
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User Manual
Congratulations on purchasing NAVTOR NavStation, a comprehensive
advanced navigation planning system. NavStation is designed to assist
mariners in performing all essential navigation tasks including route
planning, keeping chart data up to date, and providing safety of navigation.
Please take some time to read this user manual to become familiar with
NAVTOR NavStation.
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1 Introduction
1.1 User Manual Overview
This user manual describes all basic NavStation functions.
Before you start working with NavStation, make sure the following
software is installed on your computer:
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2 NavStation Overview
2.1 Turning NAVTOR NavStation On/Off
To start NavStation:
To exit NavStation:
1. Press the Close button in the Title bar: the confirmation window
2. Confirm the operation by pressing OK: the application closes.
2.2 Desktop
NAVTOR NavStation Desktop shows all features implemented in the
application. Features you can use are blue; features that are not available
right now are black.
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• Title bar – displays the application title and the full title of the open
panel if any, contains the Minimize, Restore/Maximize and Close
• Chart view 1, Chart view 2 – two independent chart view
windows, you can scroll and scale them independently, by default
the Main window shows both chart view windows; Chart view 1 is
the main chart view window; Chart view 2 can be hidden if
necessary by using the Single screen button in the Main window
• Menu – displays the application control buttons (Hide menu,
Desktop, Single screen/Dual screen, Full screen), available
application features and the system buttons (Manual, Configure,
• Position indicator – displays coordinates (latitude and longitude)
of the mouse/finger pointer in the chart views.
• Touch screen lock button – locks touch screen to prevent from
accidental actions.
• Zoom buttons – use the zoom buttons to zoom the chart view in or
out and to open the list of preset scales.
• Scale bar - each chart view has a scale bar in the lower-right
corner of the chart view window.
• Sibling chart view frame – frames the area currently displayed in
the sibling chart view.
2. To display the menu, press the Show menu button: the menu
3. To hide the Title bar, press the Full screen button in the
lower-right corner of the Main window menu: the Title bar
4. To return the Title bar, press the Normal screen button: the
Title bar reappears.
3. You can hide or display zoom buttons, position indicator, scale bar,
sibling chart view frame, and touch screen lock button.
4. To hide a user interface element, set its switch to the off position.
5. To display a user interface element, set its switch to the on position.
6. To set measurement units for the scale bar, select an option in the
drop-down list.
7. To indicate that the chart should be centered to inserted waypoints,
set the Center chart to inserted waypoint switch to the on
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2.4 Menu
The NavStation menu is located under the chart views.
Figure 5 Menu
The Menu displays the Hide menu button, the Desktop button, and
features from Shortcuts, while other available features and application
control and system buttons are hidden. To expand all available features and
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• Open the user manual: press the Manual button. You can also
open the user manual from the Desktop.
• Access chart view tools: press the Tools button. The following
tools are available: ERBL1, ERBL2.
2.5 Panels
You can open panels either from the NAVTOR NavStation Desktop or from
the Main Window Menu.
To open a panel:
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1. Open the Desktop and press the Status button: the Status
panel opens.
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1. Open the Desktop and press the Status button: the Status panel
1. Open the Desktop and press the Status button: the Status panel
2. To access log files, press the Open logs
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3 Navigation Data
Navigation chart data comes as geospatial databases distributed over
Internet or on portable data storage devices. The data is official ENC
geodatabases protected with S-63 data protection scheme.
Make sure you have NavBox properly installed and configured before you
start using NavStation.
1. Right-click the object in the chart view and select the Object info
option in the pop-up menu: the Object information panel opens.
2. For touch screen: tap the chart and hold for several seconds until
the circle appears around the position at the screen and the pop-up
menu opens. Select the Object info option: the Object
information panel opens.
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Close button.
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4. To view the detailed chart legend, select the chart: the list of details
or Close button.
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4 Charts
4.1 Resizing Chart Views
1. To enlarge the left chart view, drag the border between the chart
views to the right.
2. To enlarge the right chart view, drag the border between the chart
views to the left.
1. To display the scale bar, open the Configure panel by pressing the
1. To zoom the chart view in, rotate the mouse wheel forward.
2. To zoom the chart view out, rotate the mouse wheel backward.
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2. To zoom the chart view out, press the Zoom out button.
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4.4 Go to Position
Use the Go to position function to scroll the chart view to a specified
position and to scale it to a specified scale.
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4.5 ERBL
ERBL is the electronic range and bearing line. You can use two ERBL tools
1. Press the Tools button in the Main window menu and tick the
ERBL1 check box: the ERBL1 tool is activated.
2. To set the ERBL1 origin, right-click/tap and hold the position on the
chart and select the Set ERBL1 origin option in the pop-up menu
that opens: the ERBL1 center moves to the specified position.
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3. To fix the ERBL1, right-click/ tap and hold the position where you
want to fix it and select the Fix ERBL1 option in the pop-up menu
that opens: the ERBL1 range is fixed in the chart view.
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3. To hide the Sibling chart view frame, open the Configure panel,
select the UI option and set the Sibling chart view frame switch
to the off position.
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5 Route Planning
With the Route Planning function, you can plot routes in the chart view,
edit routes, compare several routes, export and import routes.
2. Enter a route name to the Enter a new route name dialog and
press the OK button to create the route. To cancel the operation,
press Cancel.
3. The new route is created and is open for editing: now you can start
plotting waypoints.
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To plot a waypoint:
2. To plot a waypoint in the chart view, select a point where you want
to plot the waypoint in the chart, left-click or tap it: the waypoint is
plotted in the chart view and is added to the Waypoints list.
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3. To plot a waypoint using the Waypoints table, press the Add new
waypoint button: the Waypoint attributes panel opens.
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The chart view can automatically focus on waypoints when you select them in
the Waypoints list. This option is controlled with the Focus selected
waypoint policy setting (Configure → UI). If you set the None option, the
chart view does not focus on selected waypoints; if you set the Last option,
the chart view focuses on the last selected waypoint and its leg; if you set the
All option, the chart view focuses on all selected waypoints and their legs.
To specify north or south for latitude and east or west for longitude,
enter ‘N’ for north, ‘S’ for south, ‘E’ for east and ‘W’ for west.
• Planned speed – Planned speed on the leg between this and next
• Remarks – Enter any remarks you need.
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2. Press No: the route editing panel closes and the list of routes opens,
the changes to the route are cancelled.
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The chart view can automatically focus on the route. This option is
controlled with the Focus selected route policy setting (Configure
→ UI). If you set the None option, the chart view does not focus on
the route; if you set the Last option, the chart view focuses on the
last selected route; if you set the All option, the chart view focuses
on all selected routes.
3. To hide a route, deselect it: the route is removed from the chart
Expand button.
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The chart view can automatically focus on the route. This option is
controlled with the Focus selected route policy setting (Configure →
UI). If you set the None option, the chart view does not focus on the route;
if you set the Last option, the chart view focuses on the last selected route;
if you set the All option, the chart view focuses on all selected routes.
1. Open the route in the edit mode: create a new route or expand
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4. Press OK: the safety check mode turns on . Route legs being
checked are highlighted with purple color. If you are checking a
newly created route, new route legs are checked when plotted. If
you are checking an existing route, the whole route is checked.
5. Upon completion of the safety check, route legs are marked with
colors: yellow color means that there are only warnings detected on
this leg; red color means that there are alarms detected on this leg;
no color means that there are no warnings or alarms detected on
this leg.
6. Upon completion of the safety check, all found alarms and warnings
are highlighted with yellow contours in the chart view, area objects
with alarms are filled with red color. The list of the alarms and
warnings is created.
7. To exit the safety check mode, press the Check button in the
header of the route panel again and confirm the operation: the
safety check mode is off.
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1. When in the safety check mode, all alarms and warnings found on
the route are added to the alarms and warnings list.
Figure 38 Route safety check: list of route legs with alarms and warnings detected
3. The panel with the alarms and warnings list opens. The list has
alarms and warnings listed for each leg. To view dangers and
cautions for a leg, select the leg in the Route leg drop-down list.
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highlight button.
6. To filter alerts to be indicated, use the alerts filter: press the Alerts
filter button and select alerts you want indicated and deselect
alerts you do not want indicated in the Alerts graphical indication
filter window that opens. To close the window, press its Close
7. To close the alarms and warnings panel and to return to editing the
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1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and
3. While moving the waypoint to the new position bearing and distance
from the previous waypoint to the selected one are displayed near
the mouse pointer.
4. To change coordinates of a waypoint in the waypoints list, open the
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5. You can also select a waypoint in the chart view. To do so, right-
click/touch and hold the waypoint in the chart view: the pop-up
menu appears. Select the Select WP option: the Waypoint
attributes panel opens.
the Back button. Press the Save button: the changes are
7. To return to the Route Planning panel with the list of all routes,
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1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and
If you left-click or tap not on a route leg, the new waypoint is added
to the end of the route and becomes the last waypoint.
3. To add a new waypoint in the waypoints list, press the Add new
waypoint button at the end of waypoints list: the new waypoint is
created with the same parameters as the previous waypoint and the
waypoint attributes panel opens.
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5. To save the changes, press the Back button and return to the
route editing panel.
1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and
delete, press the Delete button and confirm the operation: the
waypoints are deleted from the list and from the chart view. The
route is redrawn.
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7. To save the changes, press the Back button and return to the
route editing panel.
10. To cancel the changes, press the Back button in route editing
panel: the confirmation dialog opens asking if you want to save the
route. Press No: the changes are cancelled, and you return to the
Route Planning panel.
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1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and
4. You can also select a waypoint in the chart view. To do so, right-
click/touch and hold the waypoint in the chart view: the pop-up
menu appears. Select the Select WP option: the Waypoint
attributes panel opens.
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5. Enter new values to the corresponding fields and save the changes.
6. To move to the previous waypoint attributes without returning to
the Back button. Press the Save button: the changes are
9. To return to the Route Planning panel with the list of all routes,
10. To cancel the changes, press the Back button in route editing
panel: the confirmation dialog opens asking if you want to save the
route. Press No: the changes are cancelled, and you return to the
Route Planning panel.
To specify north or south for latitude and east or west for longitude,
enter ‘N’ for north, ‘S’ for south, ‘E’ for east and ‘W’ for west.
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1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and
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Figure 50 Waypoint reference: selecting the reference object in the chart view
4. Select the reference object in the list: the reference object is added
to the list of references and a line of position connecting the
waypoint and the object is plotted in the chart view. The reference
object name, distance and true bearing are displayed on the line.
6. You can also add reference objects while the information panel is
8. To save the changes, press the Back button: you return to the
waypoints list. Then press the Save button: the changes are
9. To return to the routes list after saving the changes, press the Back
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1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and
3. You can add a new reference object, edit or delete existing objects.
7. To save the changes, press the Back button : you return to the
waypoints list. Then press the Save button : the changes are
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8. To return to the routes list after saving the changes, press the Back
1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and
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4. To save the changes, press the Back button : you return to the
waypoints list. Then press the Save button : the changes are
5. To return to the routes list after saving the changes, press the Back
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Expand button: the information tab of the line opens. You can
change the distance in the PI distance field, the length in the
PI length field, the coordinates in the PI Latitude and
PI Longitude fields, and the name of the line in the PI name field.
Figure 58 Waypoint parallel indexing: the information panel of a parallel index line
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7. To save the changes, press the Back button : you return to the
waypoints list. Then press the Save button : the changes are
8. To return to the routes list after saving the changes, press the Back
fix tab: you return to the waypoints list. Then press the Back
button and select No in the confirmation dialog: the changes are
discarded, and you return to the routes list.
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4. To save the changes, press the Back button : you return to the
waypoints list. Then press the Save button : the changes are
5. To return to the routes list after saving the changes, press the Back
1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and
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7. To save the changes, press the Back button : you return to the
waypoints list. Then press the Save button : the changes are
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8. To return to the routes list after saving the changes, press the Back
fix tab: you return to the waypoints list. Then press the Back
button and select No in the confirmation dialog: the changes are
discarded, and you return to the routes list.
1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and
Expand .
4. Waypoint bunch editing panel opens with attributes available for
bunch editing.
5. Enter new values to the corresponding fields and save the changes.
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the Back button. Press the Save button: the changes are
7. To return to the Route Planning panel with the list of all routes,
• XTD Port – Deviation to port from the route leg between this and
next waypoints;
• XTD Starboard – Deviation to starboard from the route leg
between this and next waypoints;
• Turning radius – Turning radius in the waypoint;
• Leg type – Type of the leg geometry: great circle line or rhumb
line. Select an option in the Leg type drop-down list.
• Passage type – Type of the passage: Undefined, Ocean, Coastal,
Pilotage/fairway/channel options are available. Select an option in
the Pilotage type drop-down list.
• Minimum speed – minimum speed in the waypoint; used for
automatic calculation of planned speed: a warning appears if the
calculated planned speed is less than the specified minimum speed.
• Maximum speed – maximum speed in the waypoint; used for
automatic calculation of planned speed: a warning appears if the
calculated planned speed is more than the specified maximum
• Planned speed – Planned speed on the leg between this and next
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2. To undo a last change, press the Undo button: the last change
is undone.
3. You can undo ten last changes.
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Expand button.
3. Press the Edit button to switch to the edit mode: the waypoints
list opens.
7. To cancel the changes, press the Back button before you press
the Save button: the confirmation dialog opens asking if you want
to save the route. Press No: the changes are cancelled and you
return to the Route Planning panel.
Expand button.
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4. Enter a name and press OK: a new route is created from the
specified existing route with waypoints ordered in reverse. The new
route is opened for editing.
To copy a route:
Expand button.
If a route has a passage plan that hasn’t been approved yet, the
copied route will also have a copy of this passage plan.
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To rename a route:
Expand button.
10. To save the changes, press the Save button: the changes are
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To delete a route:
13. Open the Route planning panel : the list of available routes
is displayed.
14. Expand options of the route you want to delete by pressing its
Expand button.
16. Press OK: the route is deleted. To cancel the operation, press
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17. To delete several routes, select the routes you want to delete,
18. Open the Route planning panel : the list of available routes is
19. If you have previously deleted a route, the Bin tab is displayed in
the panel: switch to the tab to open the list of deleted routes.
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23. Open the Route Planning panel: the list of available routes
is displayed.
24. Press the Import button in the header of the panel: the
Import route dialog opens.
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25. Select the input route format in the formats drop-down list
26. Find and select the route file you want to import and press the
Open button: the route is imported and added to the routes list.
• JRC (*.rtn)
• Telko (*.lst)
• Furuno (*.txt)
• Transas (*.rt3)
• Maris (*.rtu)
• Kelvin Hughes 1816 (*.route)
• Kelvin Hughes 2144 (*.route)
• CIRM (*.rtz)
Expand button.
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3. Press the Export route button of the route you want to export:
the Export route dialog opens.
4. Specify the location where you want to save the route file.
5. Specify the file name in the File name field.
6. Select the output route format in the Save as type list.
7. Press the Save button: the route file is saved to the selected
Expand button.
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4. Press the Send button: the Send route to dialog opens with the
list of all available siblings.
5. Select a sibling to send the route to and press OK: the route is sent
to the selected sibling.
6. When a route from a sibling system comes to your system, a
notification appears asking if you want to accept the route.
7. Press OK to accept the route, or Cancel to reject the route. If
accepted the route is added to your list of available routes.
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6 Passage Planning
With the Passage planning function, you can plot and edit routes and
create passage plans for these routes. You can use one route to create as
many passage plans as you need.
First, you create and edit a passage plan, and then you approve it. Approved
passage plans are closed for editing.
the editing mode: expand the route options and press the
Edit button.
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6. If an approved passage plan exists for the specified route, the Copy
from approved passage plan dialog opens with the list of
approved passage plans for the route.
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1. Switch to the Passage plan tab: the Passage plan tab with
departure and arrival settings and the document window with
passage plan documents opens.
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Some passage plan fields fill in automatically with information you provide
when plotting the route and information retrieved from ADP databases.
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1. Expand the route options and press the Passage plan button:
the route opens in the editing mode with the current Passage plan
2. Or open the route with the passage plan you want to edit in the
editing mode: expand the route options and press the Edit
button. Then switch to the Passage plan tab: the current passage
plan opens.
3. Edit the passage plan.
4. To delete the current passage plan, press the Delete passage
Save button.
6. To turn off the route editing mode and to return to the list of routes,
8. Press No: the changes are discarded and the route editing mode is
turned off.
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1. Open the route with the passage plan you want to edit in the editing
mode: expand the route options and press the Edit button.
2. Switch to the Passage plan tab: the tab with the departure and
arrival settings and the document window with passage plan
documents open.
3. Go to page 2 of the passage plan: the PASSAGE PLAN, Part A
section opens with the waypoints table.
4. Enter values of water depth in a waypoint in the W.Depth column:
the initial UKC is calculated as a difference of the specified water
depth in the waypoint and the static draught. The value of the static
draught is the Deepest draught – the maximum value of Departure
Draught FWD, AFT and Arrival Draught FWD, Aft specified in the
initial Departure and Arrival parameters section.
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5. The initial UKC is displayed in the Initial UKC (W. Depth – Static
draught) column.
You cannot edit the W.Depth field of a waypoint if the Under keel
clearance determination function is activated for this waypoint.
In such case water depth in the waypoint is specified in the UKC
determination page.
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To determine UKC:
1. Open the route in the editing mode: expand the route options and
3. To create a UKC sheet, press the Add button: the Squat &
UKC Calculations sheet opens with editable fields colored blue. In
You cannot enter static draught values for departure and arrival
waypoints. Static draught for these waypoints is taken from the
Departure / Arrival sections of the Passage plan panel. The
deepest specified draught value is used.
5. To close the Squat & UKC Calculations sheet, press the Edit
button in the Under Keel Clearance (UKC) Calculation section:
the Squat & UKC Calculations sheet is saved and added to the
passage plan.
6. To open the Squat & UKC Calculations sheet for editing, press the
9. To save the changes, press the Back button: you return to the
waypoints list. Then press the Save button: the changes are
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1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and
3. Waypoint parameters are divided into three tabs: Route with route
related parameters, Schedule with schedule related parameters,
and Passage plan with passage plan related parameters.
4. Switch to the Route tab.
5. You can also select a waypoint in the chart view. To do so, right-
click/touch and hold the waypoint in the chart view: the pop-up
menu appears. Select the Select WP option: the Waypoint
attributes panel opens.
6. Enter new values to the corresponding fields and save the changes.
7. To move to the previous waypoint attributes without returning to
the Back button. Press the Save button: the changes are
10. To return to the Passage Planning panel with the list of all
11. To cancel the changes, press the Back button in route editing
panel: the confirmation dialog opens asking if you want to save the
route. Press No: the changes are cancelled, and you return to the
Passage Planning panel.
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To specify north or south for latitude and east or west for longitude,
enter ‘N’ for north, ‘S’ for south, ‘E’ for east and ‘W’ for west.
If you change one of the schedule parameters for a waypoint, the application
recalculates schedule parameters for all other waypoints of the passage to
satisfy the specified conditions.
You can fix ETA, ETD and planned speed values if you don’t want them
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1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and
3. Waypoint parameters are divided into three tabs: Route with route
related parameters, Schedule with schedule related parameters,
and Passage plan with passage plan related parameters.
4. Switch to the Schedule tab.
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5. You can also select a waypoint in the chart view. To do so, right-
click/touch and hold the waypoint in the chart view: the pop-up
menu appears. Select the Select WP option: the Waypoint
attributes panel opens.
6. Enter new values to the corresponding fields and save the changes.
7. To move to the previous waypoint attributes without returning to
the Back button. Press the Save button: the changes are
10. To return to the Passage Planning panel with the list of all
11. To cancel the changes, press the Back button in route editing
panel: the confirmation dialog opens asking if you want to save the
route. Press No: the changes are cancelled, and you return to the
Passage Planning panel.
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• Planned speed – Planned speed on the leg between this and next
waypoints; if you want to fix the value of the planned speed so that
the application cannot change it when recalculating route schedule
parameters, check the Fixed speed check box.
• ETA – Estimated time of arrival to the waypoint; if you want to fix
the value of the ETA so that the application cannot change it when
automatically recalculating route schedule parameters, check the
Fixed ETA check box and enter the value in the ETA field that
becomes editable. If the value you are trying to enter in the Fixed
ETA field is inconsistent with fixed ETD values of the previous or the
current waypoint (for example, the ETA is less than the previous
ETD), the schedule cannot be calculated, and a notice about
inconsistent input values appears.
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1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and
3. Waypoint parameters are divided into three tabs: Route with route
related parameters, Schedule with schedule related parameters,
and Passage plan with passage plan related parameters.
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the Back button. Press the Save button: the changes are
10. To return to the Passage Planning panel with the list of all
11. To cancel the changes, press the Back button in route editing
panel: the confirmation dialog opens asking if you want to save the
route. Press No: the changes are cancelled, and you return to the
Passage Planning panel.
• Passage type – Type of the passage on the leg to use for UKC
calculation (Undefined, Ocean, Coastal and Pilotage/fairway/channel
options are available in the drop-down list). If the Undefined option
is selected, NavStation considers that the leg type is ‘pilotage’.
• Commencement/End of sea passage – Indicates if the waypoint
is the first or the last point of the passage; if none, select
• Pilot embarkation/disembarkation – Indicates if a pilot embarks
or disembarks in the waypoint; if not, select Undefined.
• Security level – Security level of the passage according to the ISPS
code classification; three levels are available. Check the
corresponding check box.
• Safety contour – Safety contour on the leg.
• Safety depth – Safety depth on the leg.
• Shallow contour – Shallow contour on the leg.
• Deep contour – Deep contour on the leg.
• Report to – Authority to report to in the waypoint.
• Report ch. – Report channel.
• Under Keel Clearance (UKC) Calculation – Adds a page with
UKC calculation in the waypoint to passage plan based on this route.
For more details, see chapter 6.5.2 Under keel clearance
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1. Open the route with the passage plan you want to approve in the
editing mode: expand the route options and press the Edit
2. Switch to the Passage plan tab: the tab with the departure and
arrival settings and the document window with passage plan
documents open.
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6. Enter a name of the new route and press OK: a new route is
created by copying the selected route together with a copy of the
passage plan.
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5. Press the Print button and indicate if you want to print UKC
calculation pages in the dialog that opens: the documents are
converted to the PDF format and opened in your default PDF reader.
Print the documents using the PDF reader printing options.
5. Press the Delete button in the header of the panel and confirm
the operation: the passage plan is moved to the bin.
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4. To find a passage plan you need, use the Search passage plan
function at the bottom of the panel: enter the route name or the
departure time.
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you are entering. To clear the search, press the Clear button in
the Search passage plan field.
4. Expand the options of the passage plan by pressing its Expand
button and select the Deactivate option: the deactivation
parameters dialog opens.
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5. Press Yes to cancel the passage plan: the passage plan is cancelled.
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5. Select the new speed order in the Speed order drop-down list.
6. Enter the time of change in the Actual time of change field.
7. Press Confirm to confirm the new speed order.
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7 User Layers
With the User Layers function, you can create your own chart layers and
populate them with your own chart objects.
1. Open the User Layers panel: press the User Layers button
in the desktop or in the menu at the bottom of the main window.
2. Press the Add button in the header of the panel: the dialog
opens where you can enter a name and a description of the layer.
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3. Enter the name of the layer to the Name field and the description of
the layer to the Description field and press OK: the new user layer
is created and added to the list of user layers. The list shows the
name, the description, and the visibility status of the layer.
4. Now you can show and hide the layer, add user objects to the layer,
or delete it.
status is ‘Hidden’ .
1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the
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1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the
3. Select the user layer that you want to delete: the Delete
button appears in the header of the panel.
4. Press the Delete button and confirm the operation: the user layer is
moved to the bin. You can choose to permanently delete the layer
from the bin or to restore it.
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1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the
3. Find the layer you want to restore. You can use the Search
function: start entering the name or description of the layer you
need in the Search field at the bottom of the panel: the function
filters out the layers with symbols you are entering. To clear the
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1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the
3. Find the layer you want to delete permanently. You can use the
Search function: start entering the name or description of the layer
you need in the Search field at the bottom of the panel: the
function filters out the layers with symbols you are entering. To
clear the search, press the Clear button that appears in the
Search field.
4. To permanently delete a user layer, select it in the list, press the
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1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the
3. Press the layer’s Expand button: the Layer Objects List panel
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4. Press the Info icon to the right of the layer’s name: the Layer
Information panel opens with the following information about the
layer: name of the layer, description of the layer, version of the
layer, date and time when the layer was created, name of the
creator, date and time of the last update of the layer.
1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the
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6. To save the object, press the Save button in the header of the
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Clear button. You can enter a value in the range from 999 to
19 999 999. If you enter a value less than the value of Scale max,
the latter is set to the same value. To turn the use of this setting
on/off, use the Config → Chart portrayal settings → Scale min
• Attached image – attached image file. To attach an image file,
press the Attach button, select the file in the Select attachment
file dialog, and press Open: the file is attached. To remove an
attached file, press the Remove button and confirm the operation.
To view the attached file, open the Object information panel
(right-click the object in the chart and select the Object Info
option), find the object in the objects list and press the image
icon: the image opens. See available file formats in the Select
attachment file dialog.
• Attached document – attached document file. To attach a
document file, press the Attach button, select the file in the Select
attachment file dialog, and press Open: the file is attached. To
remove an attached file, press the Remove button and confirm the
operation. To view the attached file, open the Object information
panel (right-click the object in the chart and select the Object Info
option), find the object in the objects list and press the document
icon: the image opens. See available file formats in the Select
attachment file dialog.
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• Latitude – latitude of the object. You can plot the object or object
nodes directly in the chart by left-clicking in the required position;
or enter values in the Latitude field: double-click the field to
activate it and enter the value.
• Longitude – longitude of the object. You can plot the object or
object nodes directly in the chart by left-clicking in the required
position; or enter a value in the Longitude field: double-click the
field to activate it and enter the value.
• Line style – style for the line display (solid, short dash, and long
dash options are available).
• Color – color of the line object.
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• Category – category of the clearing line (NMT – not more than, NLT
– not less than, and undefined options are available).
1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the
3. Press the layer’s Expand button: the Layer Objects List panel
opens with the list of all user objects.
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4. Find the object you want to edit. You can use the Search function:
start entering the object name in the Search objects field at the
bottom of the panel. The Search function filters out objects with
symbols you are entering in their names. To clear the search, clear
the Search objects field.
6. To switch to the edit mode, press the Edit button in the header
of the panel: the Edit object panel opens.
1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the
2. Find the layer you need. You can use the Search function: start
entering the name or description of the layer you need in the
Search field at the bottom of the panel: the function filters out the
layers with symbols you are entering. To clear the search, press the
3. Press the layer’s Expand button: the Layer Objects List panel
opens with the list of all user objects.
4. Find the object you want to delete. You can use the Search
function: start entering the object name in the Search objects field
at the bottom of the panel. The Search function filters out objects
with symbols you are entering in their names. To clear the search,
clear the Search objects field.
5. Select the object you want to delete, press the Delete button
that appears in the header of the panel and confirm the operation:
the object is deleted.
1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the
3. Press the layer’s Expand button: the Layer Objects List panel
opens with the list of all user objects.
4. Find the object you need. You can use the Search function: start
entering the object name in the Search objects field at the bottom
of the panel. The Search function filters out objects with symbols
you are entering in their names. To clear the search, clear the
Search objects field.
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8. You can also use the Object Information function. To do so, right-
click the object in the chart view and select the Object Info option
in the pop-up menu that appears: the Object information panel
opens with the list of all objects under the mouse pointer. Find your
user object in the list and select it: the properties table opens where
you can view the values.
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8 Weather Forecast
8.1 Downloading Weather Forecasts
NavStation can receive weather forecasts from two sources: weather
forecasts purchased in NavTracker are downloaded automatically over the
NavBox; weather forecasts can also be imported to NavStation by the
2. Press Yes to display the weather forecast in the chart view and
close the notification.
3. Press No to close the notification without displaying the forecast.
4. Received weather forecasts are added to the NAVTOR weather
forecasts list in the Select Weather Forecasts → NAVTOR
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6. Press Yes to display the weather forecast in the chart view and
close the notification or No to just close the notification.
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5. To select several forecasts in the Imported panel, use the left mouse
button + CTRL or SHIFT buttons.
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• Air pressure
• Wind
• Wave
• Swell
• Ocean currents
• Ice
− Ice cover – ice data are displayed with area symbols (filling).
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• Weather fronts
• Tropical cyclones
• Air temperature
• Total precipitation
• Visibility
• Icebergs
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You can select to display a weather feature using all options available for this
feature at the same time.
You cannot turn off all options, one of the options stays selected.
You cannot select display options with filling areas with colors for more than
one weather product. If you select this option for one product and then select
this option for another, the filling option of the first product turns off.
Using this function, you can see how weather will change with time.
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Weather Overlay
2. Press the Legend button in
the header of the panel: the
Legend panel opens.
3. To view the legend for a
weather product, expand the
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If the Weather specific display option is on, chart display changes as soon
as you open the Weather Display tab.
The chart display returns to its regular state when you turn the Weather
Display function off: press the Close button under the Weather Overlay
button in the Menu below the chart view or slide the button out of its
position in the Menu.
1. Turn the option on: open the Configure panel by pressing the
3. Now, when you open the Weather Display panel, chart display
changes to weather specific display.
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4. With the Weather Display panel active, you can customize chart
display. To do so, open the Configure → Chart objects panel: it
has the Weather Display header.
5. Select the display mode you need in the Display mode drop-down
6. Indicate if specific chart objects should be displayed with Weather
Display on, using chart object switches available for the selected
display mode.
7. Settings are applied immediately.
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Time series graphs can be drawn for the following weather products:
• Air pressure
• Wind
• Wave
• Swell
• Ocean currents
• Air temperature
• Total precipitation
• Visibility
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5. Switch to the Products tab and select weather features for which
you want to draw a time series.
6. If there are weather data for the specified weather products for this
point, the Time series panel opens with a graph showing how the
weather feature changes in this point with time.
7. Graphs for all weather features are drawn in the same panel. To
remove a graph for a feature, deselect the feature in the Products
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9. To plot time series for the reversed route, press the Reverse
10. Specify the estimated date and time of departure for the route in
the Departure (UTC) field.
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11. Switch to the Products tab and select weather features for which
you want to draw a time series.
Figure 131 Weather time series for a route: selecting weather products
12. If there are weather data for the specified weather products for
this route, the Time series panel opens with a graph showing how
the weather feature changes along the route with time.
Figure 132 Weather time series for a route: time series graph
13. Graphs for all weather products are drawn in the same panel. To
remove a graph for a product, deselect the product.
14. To view the plot legend, press the Legend button in the
header of the panel. To close the legend, press the Legend button
one more time.
15. To scroll the chart view to the current position of the own ship on
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• Time line – drag the time line slider to see weather data changing
in time in the chart view. For time series along a route, the slider
also moves the vessel symbol to its estimated position at the
selected time. To scroll the chart view to the current position of the
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• Wind
• Wave
• Swell
• Ocean currents
3. Then press the Report button in the header of the panel: the
Generate weather time series report dialog opens. Here you can
limit period of the report to be printed.
4. Specify the start date and time of the report in the Starting at
5. Select the period the report should cover in the Covering x day(s)
drop-down list.
6. Press OK: the report is saved to a PDF file and opens in your default
PDF reader. Print the report using the printing function of the PDF
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Clear button.
6. After you have selected a route for Figure 139 OSR communications:
optimization, the Send to WNI selecting a route
button becomes active. Press the
Send to WNI button: the NVI form opens where you can fill
required optimization parameters.
1. Open the Passage planning panel, find the route you need and
Figure 140 OSR communications: Send route to WNI OSR using route options
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3. The NVI form can also be launched with the To WNI button
available in the route editing panel. Open the Passage planning
panel, find the route you need, press its Expand button: the
route options are displayed.
4. Press the Edit button: the route editing panel opens. Press the
To WNI button in its header: the NVI form opens where you can fill
required optimization parameters and send it to WNI.
Figure 141 OSR communications: Send route to WNI OSR from the Route editing panel:
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The waypoints of your route will be attached to the NVI after you press the
Send NVI button. You will not see them. If you need to edit them further,
you must cancel the NVI, go back to your route and edit it in the Passage
planning panel.
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If you have already sent an optimization request, the application will use
some of its parameter values for the next request.
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• Calm Sea Speed – Vessel speed at calm sea. Select the field and
enter a value. By default, the value from Config → Passage
planning → Planned speed is set.
• Masters Intended RPM Setting – RPM value the master intends
to use. Select the field and enter a value. By default, no value is set.
• Min/Max RPM – Minimum and maximum possible RPM values.
Select the field and enter a value. By default, the value from the
previous request is set.
• Unusable RPM Range 1 – RPM range not to be used. Select the
field and enter a value. By default, the value from the previous
request is set.
• Unusable RPM Range 2 – RPM range not to be used. Select the
field and enter a value. By default, the value from the previous
request is set.
• Ultra Slow RPM Range – Ultra slow RPM range. Select the field
and enter a value. By default, no value is set.
• Min/Max MCR – Minimum and maximum possible MCR values.
Select the field and enter a value. By default, the value from the
previous request is set.
• Unusable MCR Range 1 – MCR range not to be used. Select the
field and enter a value. By default, the value from the previous
request is set.
• Unusable MCR Range 2 – MCR range not to be used. Select the
field and enter a value. By default, the value from the previous
request is set.
• Scrubber Equipped – Indicates if the scrubber is installed. Select
the field: the checkbox appears. It has two values: Yes, No. Click
the checkbox to change its values until it has the value you need. By
default, the value from the previous request is set.
• Fuel To Use In Open Ocean – Fuel to use in open ocean. Select
the field, open the drop-down list, and select a fuel value. By
default, the value from the previous request is set.
• Fuel To Use In ECA – Fuel to use in ECAs. Select the field, open
the drop-down list, and select a fuel value. By default, the value
from the previous request is set.
• Ship Master Name – Name of the ship master. Select the field and
enter a value. By default, no value is set.
• Remark – Remarks. Select the field and enter a value. By default,
no value is set.
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As you sail along the route, you send periodic reports (NOON and
other reports) to Weathernews informing them about your current
situation. In response, Weathernews send adjusted voyage plans
(VP) to you. The WNI operator sends the adjusted voyage plans
(VP) with the agreed frequency or whenever the operator
considers that there is a need to update the voyage plan.
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You can view the details or delete NVIs and VPs in the OSR
communications tab.
1. Open the OSR panel from the Desktop or from the Main Menu
and switch to the OSR communications tab.
2. The OSR communications tab displays the list of all sent requests
(NVI) and received responses (VP) with general information: type of
OSR communication (NVI or VP); status (Sent or Received); date
and time (UTC) of the communication.
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press the Delete button in the header of the panel and confirm
the operation: the communication is deleted.
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You can view brief information about all suggested routes in the VP details
panel as well as detailed information about each suggested route.
To view VP details:
1. Open the OSR panel from the Desktop or from the Main Menu
and switch to the OSR communications tab.
2. The OSR communications tab displays the list of all sent requests
(NVI) and received responses (VP).
3. Select a VP you want to view: VP information panel opens at the
lower part of the Main window. It has a table with all the suggested
routes and some essential information about the routes.
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1. Open the OSR panel from the Desktop or from the Main Menu
and switch to the OSR communications tab.
2. The OSR communications tab displays the list of all sent requests
(NVI) and received responses (VP).
3. Select the VP with the route you want to view: VP information panel
opens at the lower part of the Main window. It has a table with all
the suggested routes.
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5. The suggested route details table contains main waypoints (WP) and
simulated waypoints (DR). Main waypoints (WP) are key waypoints
of the route, where some essential voyage events, such as a change
in heading, speed, or RPM, take place. Simulated waypoints are
waypoints inserted to route legs for every three hours of the voyage
to give more details on weather conditions change.
6. To hide simulated waypoints in the table, set the Show simulated
waypoints switch to the Off position. To display simulated
waypoints, set the switch to the On position. Note that even if
simulated waypoints are hidden in the table, they are still displayed
in the chart view.
7. Waypoints can have the following statuses: SOSP – start of sea
passage; Report – a report has been received in this waypoint;
Past – the waypoint has been passed; PPS – an Inmarsat С
position has been polled in this waypoint; NOON – a noon report
has been received in this waypoint; EOSP – end of sea passage.
8. You can save the suggested route as a regular route to your route
database. Press the Save to Routes button, enter a route name,
and press OK: the route is saved. Now you can find it in the
Passage planning panel and edit it as a regular route.
Only the main waypoints that have not been passed yet are saved
to the new route.
Figure 148 OSR display: suggested routes display in the chart view
already passed .
• Main route waypoints with weather data – Main route
waypoints with weather data are displayed as circles with a date,
weather display elements, and a short weather description (wave
direction, wave height, wave period, current speed). Red for
waypoints to be passed; grey for waypoints already passed.
Figure 149 OSR display: main WP with weather data (not past, past)
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Figure 150 OSR display: simulated route WP with weather data (not past and past)
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1. Open the OSR panel from the Desktop or from the Main Menu
and switch to the OSR communications tab.
2. The OSR communications tab displays the list of all sent requests
(NVI) and received responses (VP).
3. Select the intended route: open the drop-down list with all available
routes at the bottom of the tab and select the route.
4. Press the Send intended route button: the information about the
intended route is sent to WNI.
Weather data are usually limited to 15 days. If the voyage along the route
you want to simulate exceeds 15 days, the simulation has a higher degree
of uncertainty. In such a case, the application gives a warning so that you
are aware of the situation.
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If you set speed as input, Route Simulation will calculate RPM you should
keep in order to reach the specified speed considering the weather forecast.
If you set RPM as input, Route Simulation will calculate speed you will get
according to the specified RPM and weather forecast. If you set ETA as input,
Route Simulation will calculate speed and RPM you need to meet the
specified ETA. Route Simulation also calculates fuel oil consumption. You
can set a combination of RPM, speed, and ETA.
After running the simulation function, you can play the simulated route in the
chart view using the play bar and view simulation plots.
To simulate a voyage:
1. Open the OSR panel from the Desktop or from the Main Menu
and switch to the Route simulation tab.
2. The Route simulation tab displays parameters of the route to
simulate. If no route is selected, the tab is empty.
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3. At the lower part of the Main window, the Simulation results panel
opens: it displays simulation results after you run the Route
simulation function.
Figure 157 OSR Route simulation tab and simulation results panel
4. Select the route you want to simulate in the drop-down list at the
bottom of the Route simulation tab: route parameters are
displayed in the tab and the Simulate button becomes active.
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Figure 162 OSR Route simulation: setting RPM for multiple waypoints
10. To clear the Route simulation tab and the Simulation results
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The Simulation route tab displays simulation results for the route and for
each waypoint. Below you can find the list of simulation parameters the tab
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• Time (Set) – Date and time of passing the WP set by the user.
• Time (Sim) – Date and time of passing the WP calculated by the
Simulation function.
• GC/RL – Type of the leg between this and next WP (GC – great
circle, RL – rhumb line).
• Dist – Distance between this and next WP.
• SOG (Set) – SOG on the leg between this and next WP set by the
• SOG (Sim) – SOG on the leg between this and next WP calculated
by the Simulation function.
• RPM (Set) – RPM on the leg between this and next WP set by the
• RPM (Sim) – RPM on the leg between this and next WP calculated
by the Simulation function.
• FOC (Sim) – Fuel oil consumption on the leg between this and next
WP calculated by the Simulation function.
• Course – Course on the leg between this and next WP set by the
• Wind dir – Wind direction in the WP taken from the active weather
• Wind spd – Wind speed in the WP taken from the active weather
• Wave hgt – Wave height in the WP taken from the active weather
• Wave dir – Wave direction in the WP taken from the active weather
• Wave per – Wave period in the WP taken from the active weather
• Swell hgt – Swell height in the WP taken from the active weather
• Swell dir – Swell direction in the WP taken from the active weather
• Swell per – Swell period in the WP taken from the active weather
• Current spd – Current speed in the WP taken from the active
weather forecast.
• Current dir – Current direction in the WP taken from the active
weather forecast.
• Lat – Latitude of the waypoint.
• Lon – Longitude of the waypoint.
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1. Open the OSR panel from the Desktop or from the Main Menu
and switch to the Route simulation tab.
2. Select a route to simulate, specify required parameters, press the
Simulate button to run simulation: simulation results are displayed
in the Simulation results panel.
3. At the top of the panel, there is the Simulation play bar.
4. Drag the slider: the current position symbol moves from one
waypoint to another in the chart view, weather parameters change
accordingly, the waypoint with current position symbol is highlighted
in the results table.
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1. Open the OSR panel from the Desktop or from the Main Menu
and switch to the Route simulation tab.
2. Select a route to simulate, specify required parameters, press the
Simulate button to run simulation: simulation results are displayed
in the Simulation results panel.
3. Switch to the Simulation plots tab: you can see simulation
parameters plots.
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3. Select the route you want to simulate in the drop-down list at the
bottom of the Route simulation tab: route parameters are
displayed in the tab and the Simulate button becomes active.
4. Set the estimated time of departure: double-click the Time field of
the first waypoint to make it editable, enter a value and press
5. Run the simulation. Press the Simulate button: simulation results
are displayed in the simulation results panel and the route is
displayed in the chart view.
6. To change route simulation parameters (RPM, SOG or ETA) for a
waypoint, double-click the corresponding field in the Simulation tab
to make it editable, enter a new value, and press ENTER. Run a
new simulation with the modified parameters.
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click, left-click and drag) in the Simulation tab: the Edit icon
appears in the header of the table.
8. Press the Edit icon of the parameter you want to edit (RPM or
SOG): the edit panel opens. Enter a new value and press the Back
arrow: the new value is set to all selected waypoints. Run a new
simulation with the modified parameters.
9. To clear the Route simulation tab and the Simulation results
10. Now you can explore the simulation results as described in the
chapters above.
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11 Admiralty Products
NavStation provides access to Admiralty Products installed and registered
on your computer. Admiralty Products or Admiralty Digital Publications (ADP)
is a digital version of the paper ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications. ADP is
widely accepted as meeting SOLAS carriage requirements for nautical
reference guides and contains the same information as their paper
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If you need to refer to the user manual while working with any Admiralty
Product panel, press the Help button in the right corner of the panel‘s
header. The user manual opens at the section describing this particular
Admiralty Product.
Tides and streams are displayed at large scales. If you cannot see tide and
stream symbols, try to enlarge the chart.
If display of tides and streams information is turned on, you can see the
information in the Admiralty Total Tide panel and in the chart view.
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11. To turn the display of tidal information on, open the Admiralty
Total Tide panel from the Desktop or from the Main window
menu: you can see the list of areas in alphabetical order. To see the
whole list of areas, scroll down the list.
12. If you close the panel using its Back button, tides and
streams are still displayed in the chart view, and the Admiralty
Total Tide button in the features menu at the bottom of the screen
is marked with a blue border indicating that the display of tides and
streams is on.
13. To turn off the display of tidal information, slide the Admiralty
Total Tide button up from the main menu or press the Close
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3. You can set the current prediction time by pressing the Predict for
now button. The application updates the date and time in the
4. Use the Six hours back , One hour back , Six hours
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The types of ports and their symbols are shown in the Legend in the header
of the panel.
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Harmonic and non-harmonic streams are shown in the chart view with the
same symbol without indication of their types.
To select a port:
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4. Find the port you need and select it in the list: the Tide Prediction
Info panel opens where the tidal height graph, the HWLW table,
and the tidal height table are available.
5. To find the port, use the search field at the bottom of the panel.
Enter the unique number or the name of the port in the field: the
Search results panel opens showing the list of all matches. Select
the port to open the Prediction Info panel.
6. To select a port in the chart view, find the port on the chart, right-
click it and select the Tidal station xxx option: the Tide
Prediction Info panel opens where the tidal height graph, the
HWLW table, and the tidal height table are available.
1. The graph opens by default when you select a tide and open the
Tide Prediction Info table. To open the graph if another tab is
displayed, press the Graph button.
2. The vertical axis displays tidal heights in meters; the horizontal axis
displays time of prediction.
3. To change the period of time that is displayed, select an option in
the Duration drop-down list. If you select a period of several days,
the horizontal axis also displays dates for which predictions were
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2. HWLW tables provide data for seven days beginning with the
current day.
3. Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the panel to see all information in
this table.
4. For some ports, only partial data is available – these ports may only
display either the time or the height of the tidal event because the
full data is not available to reliably calculate the pair of values.
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2. The Tidal Height table provides data for seven days beginning with
the current day.
3. Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the panel to see all information in
this table.
4. To specify the interval between predictions, select a value in the
Interval between predictions drop-down list in the upper-right
corner of the panel.
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2. The tabs of the window depend upon the type of the port it belongs
to and (in the case of ports) whether there is full or partial data
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• High Water / Low Water – The tab gives values for the different
extreme tide events that occur.
• Tidal Height Table – The tab provides a breakdown of the tidal
heights at different intervals.
• Tidal Levels – The tab shows information about the tidal levels and
the mean sea level experienced at a port.
• Local Port Information – The tab provides information about the
local port.
• Clearance – The tab provides information on the minimum and
maximum tidal heights that will allow safe passage.
• Safe Water – The tab shows predicted safe water periods for the
next 30 days following the prediction time.
• High Water – The tab provides information on the high tides during
the 30 days following the prediction time
• Tidal Extremes – The tab provides information on the minimum
and maximum tidal heights across a calendar year.
• Tidal Range – The tab shows the largest daily tidal range and the
percent of springs for each of the next 7 days following the
prediction time.
• Moon – The tab shows the state of the sun and the moon for the
selected port at the prediction time.
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To select a stream:
1. Open the Admiralty Total Tide panel : the list of all Admiralty
areas in alphabetical order is displayed.
2. Scroll down the list and select the necessary area: the area panel
opens with the list of ports and streams of this area ordered by their
unique numbers.
3. Find the stream you need and select it in the list: the Stream
Prediction Info panel opens with the stream vector diagram and
the stream rates t02able.
4. To find the stream, use the search field at the bottom of the panel.
Enter the unique number or the name of the stream in the field: the
Search results panel opens showing the list of all matches. Select
the stream to open the Stream Prediction Info panel.
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5. To select a stream in the chart view, find the stream on the chart
and right-click it: the Stream Prediction Info panel opens with the
stream vector diagram and the stream rate tables.
1. The diagram opens by default when you select a stream and open
the Stream Prediction Info table. To open the diagram if another
tab is displayed, press the Stream button.
2. The arrow inside the diagram represents the stream: it indicates the
direction of the stream on the dial; the size of the arrow
corresponds to the speed of the stream.
3. The speed and direction of the stream are also indicated on the
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2. The Stream Rates table provides data for seven days beginning
with the current day.
3. To specify the interval between predictions, select a value in the
Interval between predictions drop-down list.
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• Stream – The tab provides details on the rate and direction of the
stream at the present prediction time.
• Diamond – The tab shows information on the rate and direction of
the stream.
• Rates – The tab provides a breakdown of the stream rates.
• Moon – The tab shows the state of the sun and the moon for the
selected port at the prediction time.
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2. If you close the panel using its Back button, lights are still
displayed in the chart view, and the Admiralty Digital List of
Lights button in the Features menu at the bottom of the screen is
marked with a blue border indicating that the display of lights is on.
3. To turn off the display of lights, slide the Admiralty Total List of
Lights button up from the main menu or press the Close button
below it: the button becomes inactive and lights disappear from the
chart view.
The list of lights is organized in a hierarchical format. The lights are split into
nine Admiralty Digital List of Lights license areas (Mobile Oil, Gas and Drilling
Platforms are not normally listed), then arranged by volume, then by
geographical location, then by the context that the light is in. Lights are
ascribed to a coastal state purely to indicate to the mariner where to look for
the feature.
To select a light:
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4. Select the geographical location you need: the list of sea areas
5. Select the sea area you need: the list of countries opens.
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8. Select the light you need: the Light Info panel opens.
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10. You can find the light you need using the location name or any
other markers, e.g. the name of the city. Enter the name in the
Search field at the bottom of the ADLL panel: the Search results
panel opens showing the list of all lights at this location. Select the
necessary light: the Light Info panel opens.
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11. To select a light in the chart view, find the light in the chart view,
right-click it and select the Light option in the pop-up
menu: the Light Info panel opens.
12. In case you need to return to the previous level of the ADLL panel
press the Back button in the header of the panel. In case you
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• Light – the section with a full description of the light's location and
the name along with the position and illustration of the light with the
abbreviation of the light characteristics. This section opens by
default when you select a light and open the Light Prediction
Window pressing the More information button. In order to see all
information about the light scroll down the table in this section.
• Characteristics – the section with a graphical representation of the
light sequences that are exhibited by the light sequence.The
information is shown as the abbreviation of the light sequence and
the explanation of this sequence with the indication of the light
periods. Also there is the indication of the elevation of the light and
the nominal range of each light color of the sequence.
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• Details – the section with the details of the light (the location, the
type of the light, the light character) and the light sequence. In case
the light has additional properties, they are mentioned at this
section as well together with their characteristics and details. In
order to see the whole information use the scroll bars at the bottom
of the section and on the right side of the section. The information is
shown with the indication of the week number and the year (e.g.
Week 47/15). In case the light has been changed the table shows
the previous versions as well.
• Notes – The section where you can add any custom information you
wish to store about the light. You can see this information next time
you open this window.
• Moon – The moon section indicates the state of the sun and the
moon for the selected location at the current system time. The
picture is an approximation as to how the moon will look if it is
visible. Next to this is a list of the next four moon phases.
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2. If you close the panel using its Back button, the radio signal
symbols are still displayed in the chart view, and the Admiralty
Digital List of Radio Signal vol.2 button in the features menu at
the bottom of the screen is marked with a blue border indicating
that the display of radio signals is on.
3. To turn off the display of radio signals, slide the Admiralty Total
Radio Signals vol.2 button from the main menu or press the Close
button below it: the button becomes inactive and the radio
signal symbols disappear from the chart view.
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To select a station:
2. Select the signal area/country you need: the list of all stations with
the name of the station and its coordinates opens.
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3. Select the station you need, the Station Information panel opens.
The panel has the General information section and sections with
information on the signal systems installed on the station (AIS,
4. You can filter stations by the types of signal systems the stations
have: select required filter options above the stations list. To select
all options, set the All option; to deselect all options clear the All
5. In case you need to return to the previous level of the panel press
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7. To select a station in the chart view, find the station on the chart,
right-click it and select the Station Name option in the pop-up
menu: the Station Information panel opens.
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You can browse the window the same way as in the original Admiralty
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2. If you close the panel using its Back button, service locations
are still displayed in the chart view, and the Admiralty Digital
Radio Signals Vol.6 button in the Features menu at the bottom of
the screen is marked with a blue border indicating that the display
of service locations is on.
3. To turn off the display of service locations, slide the Admiralty
Digital Radio Signals Vol.6 button up from the main menu or
press the Close button below it: the button becomes inactive
and areas and symbols disappear from the chart view.
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5. To find the required service location, you can also use the Search
field. Enter the service location name, the name of the country or
the port name in the Search field at the bottom of the ADRS6
panel: the Search results panel opens showing the list of all
matches. Select the necessary station, the Service Location
Information panel opens.
Figure 214 ADRS6: selecting service location using the Search field
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6. To select a service location in the chart view, find the location on the
chart, right-click it and select the Service location name option in
the pop-up menu: the Service Location Information panel opens
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You can browse the window the same way as in the original Admiralty
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To select a station:
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2. Select the country you need: the list of all stations with the name of
the station, its type and its coordinates opens.
3. Select the station you need, the Station Information panel opens.
The panel has the General information section and provides
access to full information from the original ADRS database.
4. You can filter stations by their types: select required filter options
above the stations list. To select all options, set the All option; to
deselect all options clear the All option.
5. In case you need to return to the previous level of the panel press
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6. To find the necessary station, you can also use the Search field.
Enter the station name or a part of the name in the Search field at
the bottom of the ADRS panel: the Search results panel opens
showing the list of all matches. Select the station you need, the
Station Information panel opens.
7. To select a station in the chart view, find the station on the chart,
right-click it and select the Station Name option in the pop-up
menu: the Station Information panel opens.
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To select a NavArea:
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You can browse the window the same way as in the original Admiralty
You can find and download Admiralty e-NP Reader on the site of The United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office:
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User Manual
When you first open the e-NP catalog in NavStation, the application sends a
registration request. After that your local computer receives a key allowing
deciphering and opening certified e-NP publications. This can take up to 24
hours. In case you don’t get access to e-NP publications after 24 hours,
please contact support.
2. The header of the panel displays the last update date of the
Admiralty e-NP catalogue and validity date of Admiralty e-NP
press the EULA button: the EULA opens in your default PDF
5. The list of e-NP book displays the following short information about
a book: catalogue number, title, certificate status, year of
publication, publication availability status.
6. The following pictograms can be used to indicate the e-NP status:
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6. You can also scroll to a e-NP area from the Admiralty e-NP panel
with the list of e-NP publications. To do so, select the e-NP you want
to scroll to: the chart view is scrolled to display the e-NP area and
the area is highlighted.
7. To select a e-NP in the chart view, scroll to the e-NP area in the
chart view, right-click it and select the Object info option in the
pop-up menu that appears: the Object information panel opens.
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8. Expand the Other section: the e-NP under the mouse pointer is
Figure 236 e-NP: Object information panel with e-NP’s under mouse pointer
9. Select the e-NP: the e-NP information panel opens with detailed
information on the e-NP.
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Launch the AENP Offline Viewer from the Start menu or from the desktop
of your computer.
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To search e-publications:
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5. Open a publication from the Search list: the Viewer has its Search
function active searching the word/phrase you have entered. You
can browse the search results.
6. To clear the Search field, press the Clear button at the right
end of the field.
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With the Viewer, you can view the structure of the publication, find a phrase
in the publication, browse through the publication, zoom the publication in
and out as well as use other tools of the Viewer for more comfortable
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3. Press the Find in Document button in the tool bar: the search
bar opens with search controls.
4. Enter the phrase to find in the Find in document field: the Viewer
finds all occurrences of this word/phrase in the document.
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5. To go from one occurrence to the other, use the Find the previous
occurrence of the phrase and Find the next occurrence of
the phrase buttons. The current occurrence is highlighted and
its number out of overall number of found matches is shown in the
last field of the search bar .
6. To highlight all matches, check the Highlight all checkbox.
7. To match the case of the search phrase, set the Match case
8. To match whole words, check the Whole words checkbox.
1. You can scroll the publication using the mouse wheel: scroll forward
to move to previous pages; scroll backward to move to next pages.
2. You can use the Previous page and the Next page buttons in the
tool bar: press the Previous page button to go one page back;
press the Next page button to go one page forward.
3. To go to a specific page, enter its number in the Page field and
press ENTER.
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4. To go to the first page, open the Tools menu and select the Go to
First Page option.
5. To go to the last page, open the Tools menu and select the Go to
Last Page option.
1. You can zoom publication pages using the mouse wheel together
with the CTRL button: press and hold the CTRL button and scroll
the mouse wheel forward to zoom the page in; press and hold the
CTRL button and scroll the mouse wheel backward to zoom the
page out.
2. You can use the Zoom tool of the Viewer in the tool bar . Press the
Zoom out button to zoom the page out; press the Zoom in
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3. You can select a predefined scale in the Zoom tool. Left-click in the
Scale field of the Zoom tool: the list of predefined scales opens.
Select a scale option you need: the page is scaled according to the
selected option.
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With the Annotationeer you can add free text and insert sticky notes,
shapes, or freehand drawings with the pencil tool. You can also use
highlighters, underlines, strikethroughs, and more.
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6. To view the comment, move the mouse pointer over the annotation:
the comment appears.
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• Sticky Note – Activate the tool and stick the note where you
need it in the document: the comment input form opens. Enter a
comment and press Save: the comment is saved, and the Sticky
Note tool is deactivated. To move the sticky note to a different
position, drag and drop it. Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options
are available for the Sticky Note annotation. You can modify the
following properties: foreground color.
• Drawing – Activate the tool and draw freely in the document.
Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options are available for the
Drawing annotation. You can modify the following properties:
foreground color, line width.
• Line – Activate the tool and plot the line in the document: you
can either drag the line or plot the beginning and end points. To
change the line in the document, deactivate the Line tool, select the
line in the document, drag one of the nodes that appear when you
select the line; you can also move the whole line to a different
position. Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options are available for
the Line annotation. You can modify the following properties:
foreground color, line width.
• Arrow – Activate the tool and plot the arrow in the document:
drag the arrow from the beginning to the end point. To change the
arrow in the document, deactivate the Arrow tool, select the arrow
in the document, drag one of the nodes that appear when you select
the arrow; you can also move the whole arrow to a different
position. Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options are available for
the Arrow annotation. You can modify the following properties:
foreground color, line width.
• Polyline – Activate the tool, then start plotting a polyline in the
document, to finish the polyline and to deactivate the tool, right-
click and select the Complete option. To change the polyline in the
document, deactivate the Polyline tool, select the polyline in the
document, drag the nodes that appear when you select the polyline
to new positions; you can also move the whole polyline to a
different position. Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options are
available for the Polyline annotation. You can modify the following
properties: foreground color, line width.
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• Circle Fill – Activate the tool and plot the round highlight area
in the document: drag the area from top to bottom or from bottom
to top. To change the highlight area in the document, deactivate the
Circle Fill tool, select the area in the document, drag the nodes
that appear when you select the area to required positions; you can
also move the whole area to a different position. Edit, Reply,
Delete, Properties options are available for the Circle Fill
annotation. You can modify the following properties: background
color, opacity.
• Circle Stroke – Activate the tool and plot the round area in the
document: drag the area from top to bottom or from bottom to top.
To change the area in the document, deactivate the Circle Stroke
tool, select the area in the document, drag the nodes that appear
when you select the area to required positions; you can also move
the whole area to a different position. Edit, Reply, Delete,
Properties options are available for the Circle Stroke annotation.
You can modify the following properties: foreground color, line
• Stamp – Activate the tool and select a stamp in the drop-down
list, then stamp it in the document: the stamp is plotted, and the
Stamp tool is deactivated. To change the stamp in the document,
select it in the document, drag the nodes that appear when you
select the stamp to required positions; you can also move the whole
stamp to a different position. Edit, Reply, Delete options are
available for the Stamp annotation.
• Screenshot – Activate the tool and select a screenshot area in
the document: a screenshot is saved.
• Capture Page – Activate the tool and select a page to capture
in the document: a screenshot is saved.
• Digital Signature – Activate the tool and select a saved
signature or add a new one, then plot the signature in the
document. To change the signature in the document, select it in the
document, drag the nodes that appear when you select the
signature to required positions; you can also move the whole
signature to a different position. To add a new signature, select the
ADD NEW option, create a signature in the signature editing
window, press the Just Use button to use the signature one time or
the Save & Use button to save the signature and to use it further.
Delete option are available for the Digital Signature annotation.
• Save All Annotations – Press to save all annotations.
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13 Services
13.1 AIS
NavStation receives AIS (Automatic Identification System) information and
displays tracked AIS targets in the chart view.
1. Open the AIS panel: the list of tracked AIS targets is displayed.
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3. Enter the latitude of the own vessel to the Latitude field and the
longitude to the Longitude field and press OK: the symbol of the
1. To turn the display of AIS information on, open the AIS panel:
the panel displays the list of tracked AIS targets with brief
information; target symbols appear in the chart view.
2. If you close the panel using its Back button, the targets are
still displayed in the chart view, and the AIS button in the features
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3. To turn off the display of AIS information, slide the AIS button up
from the main window menu or press the Close button below
the AIS button: the button becomes inactive and AIS targets
disappear from the chart view.
Display of AIS targets in the chart view depends on AIS settings specified in
the Configure → AIS panel.
1. Open the AIS panel: the panel displays the list of tracked AIS
targets with brief information.
2. Find the target you want to go to in the chart view and select it: the
chart view is scrolled to display the target; the selected target is
1. Open the AIS panel: the panel displays the list of tracked AIS
targets with brief information.
2. Press the Reset past track button in the header of the panel:
old past tracks disappear, and new past tracks start drawing.
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1. Open the AIS panel: the panel displays the list of tracked AIS
targets with brief information.
2. You can order tracked AIS targets by name, MMSI, IMO number,
distance to target, CPA, or TCPA. To do so, open the Ordered by
drop-down list and select a required option.
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If AIS information of the own vessel is received, the own vessel always stays
in the first position of the AIS targets list.
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• Type of ship and cargo type – type of ship and cargo type of the
• EPFD type – type of the target’s electronic position fixing device;
• Maximum draft in meters – maximum possible draft of the
• Dimension from CCRP to Bow – distance from the target’s CCRP
to its bow;
• Dimension from CCRP to Stern – distance from the target’s CCRP
to its stern;
• Dimension from CCRP to Port – distance from the target’s CCRP
to its port side;
• Dimension from CCRP to Starboard – distance from the target’s
CCRP to its starboard side.
• Repeat count – repeat count of the target;
• VTS-generated target – specifies if the target is VTS-generated.
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Isolated danger
Safe water
Special mark
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Isolated danger
Safe water
Special mark
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AIS targets are not displayed if they are filtered using the AIS target filter
(Configure → AIS → Filter).
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4. Select the navigation area whose warnings you want to view: the
panel opens with the list of all warnings effective for the selected
area. For each warning, its ID and location are displayed.
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8. You can print the navigation warning text. To do so, press the
Report button, specify print settings in the Print dialog that opens
and press the Print button.
9. To close the Information panel, press its Back button.
10. To close the Navarea navigation warnings panel, press the
NAVAREA button in the Main window menu: the panel disappears
from the screen, while the NavArea service remains active. The blue
from the main window menu or press the Close button below
the NAVAREA button: the panel closes and NavArea symbols
disappear from the chart view.
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3. Select the navigation area whose warnings you want to report: the
panel opens with the list of all warnings effective for the selected
area. For each warning, its ID and location are displayed.
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4. You can also see the Environmental Regulations panel at the left
side of the screen and the Zone Info and Zone Approaches
panels at the bottom of the screen.
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9. To scroll the chart view to the own ship, press the Go to ship
button in the header of the panel.
You can also change position of the own ship symbol in the chart view. To do
so, left-click in the chart view: the symbol of the own ship moves to the
selected position.
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6. After setting the parameters, the own ship symbol appears at the
starting waypoint of the route.
7. To scroll the chart view to the current own ship position, press the
Go to ship button in the header of the panel.
8. To move the own ship along the route and see environmental
warnings for a specified time and position on the route, drag the
time slider along the route timeline: position of the own ship and
environmental warnings, as well as approaching zones change
9. To change the route timeline scale, select a scale option. To display
two days on the timeline, select the 2d option; to display 7 days,
select the 7d option, to display 15 days, select the 15d option.
10. You can also specify the time mark step of the route timeline. To
do so, select an option in the time mark step drop-down list. 1-, 3-,
6-, 12- and 24-hour step options are available.
Regulations in the list are marked to show how strict they are.
• – Not permitted
• – Permitted
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• – International regulations
• – Regional regulations
• – Local regulations
• – Port regulations
To view regulations:
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Filtered environmental regulation areas only disappear from the chart view.
Even when hidden, the Environmental regulations function uses the areas.
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Filtered environmental regulation areas only disappear from the chart view.
Even when hidden, the Environmental regulations function uses the areas.
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You can specify an approaching zones prediction range and the application
will show the zones you are approaching only when the own ship is within
the specified prediction range.
You can also set up approaching zone alarms: specify time to go to a zone
and the application will highlight the zone in the Approaching zone(s)
table with orange when the own ship is within the specified time from the
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3. To set up alarm conditions for special zones, tick the checkbox near
the corresponding zone and enter a time value in minutes to the
time field: the application highlights the zones with time to go (TTG)
less than the specified values with orange color.
4. The list of zones you have entered is displayed in the You are in
zone(s) table at the bottom of the chart view.
5. The list of zones you are approaching is displayed in the
Approaching zone(s) table at the bottom of the chart view. This
table also displays distance to go to the zones in the DTG column
and time to go in the TTG column.
Figure 286 Environmental regulations: You are in zone(s) and Approaching zone(s) tables
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2. Select the Route option under the warnings list: the Report
button appears in the header of the panel.
3. Select a route in the available routes drop-down list.
4. If you want to use the route in the reverse order, check the
Reverse checkbox.
5. Enter the departure date and time to the Departure (UTC) field.
6. Then press the Report button: the report is saved to a PDF file
and opens in your default PDF reader. Print the report using the
printing function of the PDF reader.
7. The report shows environmental regulations and their restriction
Environmental regulations that you have filtered out are not included in the
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The following abbreviations are used in the legend and in the filter:
• SA – Special Areas
• ECA – Emission Control Areas
• PSSA – Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas
• NDZ – No-Discharge Zone
• NMS – National Marine Sanctuary
• WHS – World Heritage Site
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14 System Setup
You can access system settings from NavStation Desktop and from the
Main Window menu.
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• Safety depth – Value set by the mariner – e.g. the ship's draft plus
under keel clearance – that is used by NavStation to portray
soundings as black if they are equal to or more shallow than the
value and grey if they are deeper.
• Color mode
− Select the “One shade” mode to have all depth areas filled with
one color;
− Select the “Two shades” mode to have two depth areas filled
with two colors: unsafe water (from the 0 meter contour to the
safety contour) and safe water (from the safety contour and
− Select the “Four shades” mode to have four depth areas filled
with four colors: very shallow area (from the 0 meter contour to
the shallow contour), medium shallow area (from the shallow
contour to the safety contour), medium deep area (from the
safety contour to the deep contour), and very deep area (from
the deep contour and deeper).
Figure 291 Color mode Figure 292 Color mode Figure 293 Color mode
“One shade” “Two shades” “Four shades”
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• Shallow pattern – Fills the shallow area from the coast line to the
safety contour with a special pattern.
Figure 296 S52 portrayal style Figure 297 INT1 portrayal style
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Figure 302 Paper chart symbols Figure 303 Paper chart symbols
On Off
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danger symbol .
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Figure 308 Base display type Figure 309 Standard display Figure 310 Full display type
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To find out the category of the zone of confidence, open the Object
information panel with a right-click in the chart view, open the chart
legend and find the “Quality of data” parameter.
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14.2.6 Texts
Objects from this group are always displayed in the Full display mode, and
are always hidden in the Base and Standard display mode. They can only
be customized in the Custom display mode.
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Figure 343 All other texts on Figure 344 All other texts off
• Mariner’s text – Text related to mariners’ objects.
• Route leg bearing – Bearing indication on route legs.
If you cannot display some text, make sure that chart objects to
which the text belongs are displayed.
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• Safe hazards shown– You can hide or display hazardous objects that
are not dangerous to the own vessel.
Figure 347 Safe hazards Figure 348 Safe hazards shown off
shown on
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• Safe depths shown– You can hide or display soundings that are not
dangerous to the own vessel (deeper than the specified safety depth).
Figure 349 Safe depths shown on Figure 350 Safe depths shown off
When the property is off and inactive seasonal objects are displayed
in the chart view, an indicator appears in the upper-right corner of
the chart view saying: “Seasonal objects displayed. Information
displayed may be incorrect for the present date and time”.
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3. Objects are grouped into Base, Standard, Other, and Texts display
groups: to switch between the display groups, select the group you
need at the top of the panel.
4. To expand a group of objects, press the arrow next to the group
name. To collapse, press the arrow once more.
5. To add an object or a group of objects to display, tick its check box.
6. To remove an object or a group of objects from display clear its
check box.
7. To apply changes, press the Apply and OK buttons.
8. To cancel the operation, press the Cancel button.
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1. Go to Configure by pressing
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1. Go to Configure by pressing
Position of the true scale symbol of the own ship is defined by the
ship’s heading.
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1. Go to Configure by pressing
Figure 361 Velocity vector over ground and velocity vector through water (vector length = 10 min, time
mark step = 1 min)
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2. To display the past track, set the Past track switch to the On
3. To specify the length of the past track, select a value in the Past
track length drop-down list.
4. To display time labels on the past track, switch the Past track time
labels to the On position.
5. To specify the step of time labels, select a value in the Past track
time labels step drop-down list.
6. To reset the past track and to start drawing it all over again, press
the Reset past track button: the old past track disappears, and a
new past track starts drawing.
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A dangerous target alert triggers in each case: if CPA and TCPA of the target
are equal to or less than the specified values, and if the distance to the own
vessel is equal to or less than the specified value.
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The target is considered dangerous when both its actual CPA and
TCPA are equal or less than the specified configuration parameters.
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Along with the velocity vector, you can display a path prediction vector (or
path predictor). Path predictor is based on speed over ground (SOG), course
over ground (COG) and rate of turn.
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3. To display the velocity vector, set the Velocity vector switch to the
on position.
Figure 366 Velocity vector (vector length = 12 min, time mark step = 1 min)
Figure 367 Path predictor and Velocity vector (vector length = 5 min)
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3. To display the past track, set the Past track switch to the on
4. To specify the length of the past track, select a value in the Past
track length drop-down list.
5. To specify the step of time marks, select a value in the Past track
time mark step drop-down list.
6. To reset the past track and to start drawing it all over again, press
the Reset targets past track button: the old past track
disappears, and a new past track starts drawing.
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If at least one filter is set, a notice appears in the notices area in the
chart view notifying that “Not all of AIS targets are visible.”
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3. To display AIS symbols as true scale symbols, set the True scale
outline switch to the on position.
4. Now, at a large scale AIS symbols are displayed as true-scale
5. To display AIS symbol as point symbols at all scales, set the True
scale outline switch to the off position.
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Danger range circle: when an AIS target is within this circle, it is dangerous.
The ranges of the circles are set in the Configure → AIS → Configuration
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3. Press the Add button in the Own fleet section: the Enter
MMSI dialog opens.
4. Enter the MMSI of the target and press OK: the specified target is
added to the list of own targets and is highlighted blue in the chart
5. To delete an own target, select it in the list, press the Delete button
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With default value settings, you can specify a set of default values that the
application will use when creating a new route.
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All parameters can be specified individually for each waypoint when plotting
a route.
With default value settings, you can specify a set of default values that the
application will use when creating a new passage plan.
With data collection settings you can specify ranges for picking NAVTEX,
NAVAREA, AIO T&P, and tide information. You can also indicate if you want
the application to pick up water depths at waypoints automatically and
specify the depth limit for this.
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4. To save new values press the Save button: the values are
saved, value fields become non-editable, the Save button changes
to Edit .
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• Echo sounder alarm level – to turn the alarm on, set the switch
to the ON position and enter a depth limit in meters for triggering
the alarm in the value field that appears. To turn the alarm off, set
the switch to the OFF position.
The UKC calculation parameters (Minimal UKC limit, Minimal UKC limit
relative to draught, Initial UKC calculation limit, Initial UKC calculation limit
relative to draught) should be specified for each passage type: ocean
passage, coastal passage, and pilotage/fairway/channel.
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A picking range for NAVTEX, NAVAREA, AIO T&P, and tide information
is an area with the specified range around a route leg.
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You can also manage the ports database without using the passage planning
function. You can add new ports to the ports database, edit existing ports,
delete ports.
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2. To add a new port, press the New port button: the port
parameters panel opens.
3. To save the new port to the database, fill in the parameter values,
press the Save button and confirm the operation: the port is
added to the ports database. To cancel the operation, press the
Cancel button.
4. To edit a route, select it in the routes list and press the Edit
button: the port parameters panel opens.
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6. To delete a port from the ports database, select the port in the list,
press the Delete button and confirm the operation: the port is
7. To search a port in the ports list, use the search port name function:
start entering the port name in the Search port name field in the
header of the panel: ports that have the combination of letters you
are entering are displayed in the list.
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NavBox offline sync tool synchronizes network NavBox data with local
NavBox. Use this tool for the Mooring Assistant mode when network
NavBox is unavailable.
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To activate/deactivate Annotationeer:
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NavStation has a REST connection timeout property where you can specify
connection timeout. The property is to be used for debugging.
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Glossary Application assists the mariner in
routine radio communications, receiving
Activated AIS target and providing weather reports and
A target activated for the display of safety information, pollution and
additional graphically presented quarantine reporting, seeking
information (for example, heading line, Telemedical Assistance Services (TMAS)
velocity vector, etc.) and provides detailed procedures in the
event of a distress or SAR incident.
Admiralty Products
Aids to Navigation
The United Kingdom Hydrographic
Office (UKHO) applications with the An Aid to Navigation is any device
databases of lights, tides/streams, radio external to a vessel specifically intended
signals worldwide. to assist navigators in determining their
position or safe course, or to warn them
Admiralty TotalTide (ATT) of dangers or obstructions to
Application provides instant tidal height navigation.
and stream predictions. It shows a list AIS
of all the ports and streams that are
currently available worldwide. See Automatic Identification System.
Admiralty Digital List of Lights ARPA
Application provides light and fog signal See Automatic Radar Plotting Aid.
information worldwide. Automatic Identification System
Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals (AIS)
vol 2 AIS provides a means of broadcasting
Application provides a range of digitally navigation information
regularly updated and compliant, digital including ship
positional and timekeeping references. position/speed/heading/dimension/nam
Easy-to-use and clearly displayed, it e/destination/ROT, aids to navigation,
aids mariners’ calculations of positions base station reports and more. Created
and times worldwide, to help ensure by the IMO and sanctioned by the U.S.
ships are at the right place at the right Coast Guard for ship monitoring and
time. collision avoidance. It is used by ship
traffic monitoring and control locations
Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals throughout the world to improve
vol 6 situational awareness and help prevent
Application provides maritime radio collisions at sea.
communications information for pilot Automatic Radar Plotting Aid
services, vessel traffic services and port (ARPA)
operations worldwide.
The functionality entailing the detection
Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals of moving targets and calculating their
vol 1,3,4,5 speed and course. Used to
automatically detect radar targets and
output to other devices, ARPA is a
collision avoidance system.
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Plotted line on which own ship is located Lower Low Water (LLW)
determined by observation or The lowest of the low waters (or single
measurement of the range or bearing to low water) of any specified tidal day
an aid to navigation or other charted due to the declinational effects of the
element. Moon and Sun.
Log Magnetic Variation
A record of the ship’s movements and a The degree to which the magnetic north
place for manual text entries. differs from the true north. This data is
Longitude available from the Current Chart
The designation for angles measuring
how far West or how far East a position MARPOL
is. Value range is from 180ºE to 180ºW. International Convention for the
Values of longitude are represented Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973
with the Greek letter phi (φ). as modified by the Protocol of 1978.
LOP ("MARPOL" is short for marine
pollution and 73/78 short for the years
See Line of Position. 1973 and 1978.)
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Microwave pulses used to detect objects A rhumb line of sufficient length will
(usually metallic) based on wave usually tend to spiral around the earth
reflection. towards a pole forming a loxodrome.
Such spiraling rhumb lines will form a
Radio Technical Commission for logarithmic spiral on a polar
Maritime Services (RTCM) stereographic projection.
In the United States, the Federal ROT
Communications Commission (FCC) and
U.S. Coast Guard use RTCM standards See Rate of Turn.
to specify radar systems, Emergency
Position Indicating Radio Beacons and
the basic version of Digital Selective
Calling (DSC) radios.
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XTE Zoom
See Cross Track Error. To change the apparent scale of a chart
in the chart view.
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danger symbol...........................................280 full display mode ....................................... 282
day mode .................................................324
deep contour .............................................275 G
delete weather forecast ..............................122
deleting user layers ....................................107 go to position ..............................................29
deleting user layers permanently .................109 GPU support settings.................................. 329
desktop ..................................................... 12
display mode I
base .....................................................282
custom ..................................................294 importing routes ..........................................70
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