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Navstation User's Guide

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User Manual
User Manual

Table of Contents
WELCOME ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 10
1.1 User Manual Overview ................................................................................................................................ 10
1.2 Typographical Conventions ......................................................................................................................... 10
1.3 Software Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................. 10
2 NAVSTATION OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................. 12
2.1 Turning NAVTOR NavStation On/Off ....................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Desktop ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
2.3 Main Window .............................................................................................................................................. 14
2.4 Menu ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
2.5 Panels........................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.6 Application Status........................................................................................................................................ 19
2.6.1 Application information .......................................................................................................................... 19
2.6.2 ADP update report and certificate ........................................................................................................... 20
2.6.3 Log files .................................................................................................................................................. 20
3 NAVIGATION DATA .......................................................................................................................................... 21
3.1 Installing Data ............................................................................................................................................. 21
3.2 Objects under Mouse/Finger Pointer ........................................................................................................... 21
3.3 Chart Legend ............................................................................................................................................... 23
4 CHARTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 25
4.1 Resizing Chart Views .................................................................................................................................. 25
4.2 Zooming the Chart View ............................................................................................................................. 25
4.2.1 Scale bar .................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.2.2 Zoom options .......................................................................................................................................... 26
4.3 Scrolling the Chart View ............................................................................................................................. 28
4.3.1 Position indicator .................................................................................................................................... 28
4.3.2 Scroll options .......................................................................................................................................... 28
4.4 Go to Position .............................................................................................................................................. 29
4.5 ERBL ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.6 Touch Screen Lock ...................................................................................................................................... 32
4.7 Sibling Chart View Frame ........................................................................................................................... 33
5 ROUTE PLANNING ............................................................................................................................................. 34
5.1 Creating a New Route.................................................................................................................................. 34
5.2 Plotting Waypoints ...................................................................................................................................... 35
5.3 Saving Changes to a Route .......................................................................................................................... 38
5.4 Canceling Changes to a Route ..................................................................................................................... 39
5.5 Displaying a Route ...................................................................................................................................... 39
5.6 Moving Chart to a Route ............................................................................................................................. 40
5.7 Safety Check of a Route .............................................................................................................................. 41
5.7.1 Checking the route .................................................................................................................................. 41
5.7.2 Viewing safety check results ................................................................................................................... 43
5.8 Editing Route Waypoints............................................................................................................................. 45
5.8.1 Moving waypoints ................................................................................................................................... 45
5.8.2 Adding route waypoints .......................................................................................................................... 47
5.8.3 Deleting route waypoints ........................................................................................................................ 48
5.8.4 Editing waypoint attributes ..................................................................................................................... 50
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5.8.5 Adding waypoint references.................................................................................................................... 52

5.8.6 Editing waypoint references .................................................................................................................... 55
5.8.7 Plotting parallel index lines ..................................................................................................................... 56
5.8.8 Editing parallel index lines ...................................................................................................................... 58
5.8.9 Adding action points ............................................................................................................................... 59
5.8.10 Editing action points ........................................................................................................................... 60
5.8.11 Bunch editing waypoints..................................................................................................................... 62
5.8.12 Undoing last changes to a route .......................................................................................................... 64
5.9 Reversing a Route ........................................................................................................................................ 65
5.10 Copying a Route .......................................................................................................................................... 66
5.11 Renaming a Route ....................................................................................................................................... 67
5.12 Appending a Route ...................................................................................................................................... 67
5.13 Deleting Routes ........................................................................................................................................... 68
5.14 Restoring Deleted Routes ............................................................................................................................ 69
5.15 Importing Routes ......................................................................................................................................... 70
5.16 Exporting Routes ......................................................................................................................................... 71
5.17 Sending Routes to Sibling Systems ............................................................................................................. 72
6 PASSAGE PLANNING ......................................................................................................................................... 74
6.1 Creating a Passage Plan ............................................................................................................................... 74
6.2 Filling in a Passage Plan .............................................................................................................................. 76
6.2.1 How to fill in a passage plan ................................................................................................................... 76
6.2.2 Passage plan details ................................................................................................................................. 78
6.3 Saving a Passage Plan.................................................................................................................................. 80
6.4 Editing a Passage Plan ................................................................................................................................. 81
6.5 Under Keel Clearance .................................................................................................................................. 82
6.5.1 Filling in UKC section ............................................................................................................................ 82
6.5.2 Under keel clearance determination ........................................................................................................ 84
6.5.3 UKC determination algorithm ................................................................................................................. 86
6.6 Passage Waypoints Editing.......................................................................................................................... 87
6.6.1 Route parameters ..................................................................................................................................... 87
6.6.2 Schedule parameters ................................................................................................................................ 89
6.6.3 Passage plan parameters .......................................................................................................................... 93
6.7 Approving a Passage Plan ........................................................................................................................... 96
6.8 Copying an Approved Passage Plan ............................................................................................................ 97
6.9 Printing an Approved Passage Plan ............................................................................................................. 98
6.10 Deleting an Approved Passage Plan ............................................................................................................ 98
6.10.1 Deleting a passage plan....................................................................................................................... 98
6.10.2 Restoring a deleted passage plan ........................................................................................................ 99
6.10.3 Permanently deleting a passage plan ................................................................................................ 100
6.11 Activating and Deactivating Passage Plans ............................................................................................... 100
6.11.1 Activating passage plans ................................................................................................................... 100
6.11.2 Deactivating passage plans ............................................................................................................... 102
6.11.3 Cancelling passage plans .................................................................................................................. 103
6.11.4 Changing speed order ....................................................................................................................... 104
7 USER LAYERS ................................................................................................................................................. 105
7.1 Creating User Layers ................................................................................................................................. 105
7.2 Displaying User Layers ............................................................................................................................. 106
7.3 Deleting User Layers ................................................................................................................................. 107
7.3.1 Deleting a user layer.............................................................................................................................. 107

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7.3.2 Restoring a deleted user layer ............................................................................................................... 108

7.3.3 Permanently deleting a user layer ......................................................................................................... 109
7.4 Viewing User Layer Information ............................................................................................................... 110
7.5 Adding User Objects ................................................................................................................................. 111
7.5.1 Adding an object ................................................................................................................................... 111
7.5.2 General Object Parameters .................................................................................................................... 113
7.5.3 Note Parameters .................................................................................................................................... 114
7.5.4 Point Parameters.................................................................................................................................... 114
7.5.5 Line Parameters ..................................................................................................................................... 114
7.5.6 Polygon Parameters ............................................................................................................................... 114
7.5.7 Circle Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 115
7.5.8 Clearing Line Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 115
7.6 Editing User Objects .................................................................................................................................. 115
7.6.1 Edit mode .............................................................................................................................................. 115
7.6.2 Editing parameters, position, and geometry .......................................................................................... 116
7.6.3 Deleting user objects ............................................................................................................................. 116
7.7 Viewing User Object Info.......................................................................................................................... 117
8 WEATHER FORECAST...................................................................................................................................... 119
8.1 Downloading Weather Forecasts ............................................................................................................... 119
8.1.1 Receiving weather forecasts from NavBox ........................................................................................... 119
8.1.2 Importing weather forecasts from file ................................................................................................... 120
8.2 Deleting Weather Forecasts ....................................................................................................................... 122
8.3 Weather Display ........................................................................................................................................ 123
8.3.1 Displaying weather forecasts................................................................................................................. 123
8.3.2 Animating weather forecasts ................................................................................................................. 127
8.3.3 Weather under mouse pointer................................................................................................................ 128
8.3.4 Weather display legend ......................................................................................................................... 128
8.3.5 Weather specific display ....................................................................................................................... 129
9 WEATHER TIME SERIES .................................................................................................................................. 131
9.1 Time Series for a Point .............................................................................................................................. 132
9.2 Time Series for a Route ............................................................................................................................. 134
9.3 Time Series Graph Description ................................................................................................................. 137
9.4 Time Series Graph Configuration .............................................................................................................. 138
9.5 Time Series Alarm Zones .......................................................................................................................... 139
9.6 Polar Diagram ............................................................................................................................................ 140
9.7 Time Series Report .................................................................................................................................... 141
10 OPTIMIZED SHIP ROUTING .............................................................................................................................. 142
10.1 Sending OSR Request to Weathernews ..................................................................................................... 142
10.2 OSR Request: Next Voyage Information (NVI) Form .............................................................................. 145
10.3 OSR Request Parameters ........................................................................................................................... 146
10.4 Receiving OSR Response (VP) ................................................................................................................. 149
10.5 Browsing OSR Communications ............................................................................................................... 150
10.6 Viewing OSR Route Alternatives .............................................................................................................. 152
10.6.1 Viewing VP details ........................................................................................................................... 152
10.6.2 Viewing suggested route details ....................................................................................................... 154
10.6.3 Suggested route display .................................................................................................................... 156
10.7 Sending Intended Route............................................................................................................................. 159
10.8 Route Simulation ....................................................................................................................................... 159
10.8.1 Simulating a voyage.......................................................................................................................... 160

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10.8.2 Simulation results ............................................................................................................................. 164

10.8.3 Playing simulation ............................................................................................................................ 166
10.8.4 Simulation plots ................................................................................................................................ 167
10.8.5 Route simulation without OSR ......................................................................................................... 168
11 ADMIRALTY PRODUCTS .................................................................................................................................. 170
11.1 Admiralty Total Tide ................................................................................................................................. 171
11.1.1 Tides and streams display ................................................................................................................. 171
11.1.2 Prediction time settings ..................................................................................................................... 173
11.1.3 Port types .......................................................................................................................................... 174
11.1.4 Stream types...................................................................................................................................... 175
11.1.5 Selecting a port ................................................................................................................................. 175
11.1.6 Tidal height graph ............................................................................................................................. 177
11.1.7 High water/ Low water table............................................................................................................. 178
11.1.8 Tidal height table .............................................................................................................................. 179
11.1.9 Tide full information ......................................................................................................................... 180
11.1.10 Selecting a stream ............................................................................................................................. 182
11.1.11 Stream vector diagram ...................................................................................................................... 183
11.1.12 Stream rates ...................................................................................................................................... 184
11.1.13 Stream full information ..................................................................................................................... 185
11.2 Admiralty Digital List of Lights ................................................................................................................ 186
11.2.1 Admiralty Digital List of Lights display ........................................................................................... 186
11.2.2 Selecting a light ................................................................................................................................ 187
11.2.3 Light general information ................................................................................................................. 192
11.2.4 Light details ...................................................................................................................................... 193
11.2.5 Light full information ....................................................................................................................... 194
11.3 Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.2 .......................................................................................... 196
11.3.1 Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.2 display ..................................................................... 196
11.3.2 Types of signal stations..................................................................................................................... 197
11.3.3 Selecting a station ............................................................................................................................. 198
11.3.4 Station general information............................................................................................................... 200
11.3.5 Station AIS information .................................................................................................................... 201
11.3.6 Station RACON information ............................................................................................................ 201
11.3.7 Station DGPS information ................................................................................................................ 202
11.3.8 Station full information ..................................................................................................................... 203
11.4 Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signal Vol.6 ............................................................................................ 204
11.4.1 Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.6 display ..................................................................... 204
11.4.2 Selecting a service location ............................................................................................................... 205
11.4.3 Service location general information ................................................................................................ 208
11.4.4 Service location details ..................................................................................................................... 209
11.4.5 Service location full information ...................................................................................................... 209
11.5 Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signal Vol.1,3,4,5 ................................................................................... 210
11.5.1 Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signal Vol.1,3,4,5 display ............................................................. 210
11.5.2 Types of stations ............................................................................................................................... 211
11.5.3 Selecting a station ............................................................................................................................. 211
11.5.4 Selecting a NavArea ......................................................................................................................... 214
11.5.5 Station general information............................................................................................................... 215
11.5.6 Station full information ..................................................................................................................... 216
11.6 Admiralty e-Nautical Publications............................................................................................................. 216
11.6.1 Browsing e-NP catalogue ................................................................................................................. 217

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11.6.2 Viewing e-NP information ................................................................................................................ 220

11.6.3 Reading an e-NP publication ............................................................................................................ 223
11.6.4 Offline Admiralty e-NP viewer ........................................................................................................ 223
12 ELECTRONIC PUBLICATIONS BOOKSHELF ....................................................................................................... 224
12.1 Browsing Bookshelf .................................................................................................................................. 224
12.2 Searching e-Publications ........................................................................................................................... 227
12.3 Reading e-Publications .............................................................................................................................. 229
12.3.1 Viewing publication structure ........................................................................................................... 229
12.3.2 Searching publications ...................................................................................................................... 230
12.3.3 Browsing publications ...................................................................................................................... 231
12.3.4 Zooming publication pages ............................................................................................................... 232
12.3.1 Additional tools and settings ............................................................................................................. 233
12.4 Adding comments to e-Publications .......................................................................................................... 235
12.4.1 Using Annotationeer tools ................................................................................................................ 236
12.4.2 Available Annotationeer tools .......................................................................................................... 238
13 SERVICES ........................................................................................................................................................ 244
13.1 AIS............................................................................................................................................................. 244
13.1.1 Specifying own position ................................................................................................................... 244
13.1.2 Displaying AIS information .............................................................................................................. 245
13.1.3 Scrolling chart view to AIS targets ................................................................................................... 246
13.1.4 Resetting AIS target past track ......................................................................................................... 246
13.1.5 Viewing AIS information ................................................................................................................. 247
13.1.6 AIS full information.......................................................................................................................... 249
13.1.7 AIS symbols...................................................................................................................................... 250
13.2 NavArea Navigation Warnings .................................................................................................................. 254
13.2.1 Viewing navigation warnings ........................................................................................................... 254
13.2.2 Selecting navigation warnings in the chart view............................................................................... 257
13.2.3 Navigation warnings report............................................................................................................... 257
13.3 Environmental Regulations ....................................................................................................................... 259
13.3.1 Starting/closing Environmental Regulations..................................................................................... 259
13.3.2 Environmental regulations for a point .............................................................................................. 261
13.3.3 Environmental regulations for a route .............................................................................................. 263
13.3.4 Viewing environmental regulations .................................................................................................. 264
13.3.5 Searching environmental regulations ................................................................................................ 267
13.3.6 Filtering environmental chart objects ............................................................................................... 268
13.3.7 Filtering environmental regulations .................................................................................................. 269
13.3.8 Time and distance to special zones ................................................................................................... 270
13.3.9 Environmental regulations report ..................................................................................................... 272
13.3.10 Chart legend ...................................................................................................................................... 273
14 SYSTEM SETUP ............................................................................................................................................... 274
14.1 Chart portrayal Settings ............................................................................................................................. 274
14.1.1 Depth display setup ........................................................................................................................... 274
14.1.2 Portrayal style ................................................................................................................................... 277
14.1.3 Chart symbol size.............................................................................................................................. 278
14.1.4 Symbolized boundaries ..................................................................................................................... 278
14.1.5 Paper chart symbols .......................................................................................................................... 279
14.1.6 Danger symbol .................................................................................................................................. 280
14.1.7 Scale min .......................................................................................................................................... 280
14.1.8 Full light lines ................................................................................................................................... 281

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14.2 Chart Object Settings ................................................................................................................................. 282

14.2.1 Display mode .................................................................................................................................... 282
14.2.2 Chart objects set-up .......................................................................................................................... 284
14.2.3 Customizable Base chart objects ...................................................................................................... 285
14.2.4 Customizable Standard chart objects ................................................................................................ 285
14.2.5 Customizable Other chart objects ..................................................................................................... 286
14.2.6 Texts ................................................................................................................................................. 290
14.2.7 Safe hazards ...................................................................................................................................... 292
14.2.8 More customizable objects ............................................................................................................... 293
14.2.9 Customizing display . ....................................................................................................................... 294
14.3 Vessel Particulars Setup ............................................................................................................................ 295
14.3.1 Vessel registration information ......................................................................................................... 295
14.3.2 Consistent common reference point .................................................................................................. 296
14.3.3 Vessel dimensions............................................................................................................................. 297
14.4 Layers Setup .............................................................................................................................................. 298
14.5 Own Ship Setup ......................................................................................................................................... 299
14.5.1 True scale outline .............................................................................................................................. 299
14.5.2 Velocity vector.................................................................................................................................. 300
14.5.3 Path predictor .................................................................................................................................... 301
14.5.4 Past track ........................................................................................................................................... 302
14.6 AIS Setup................................................................................................................................................... 303
14.6.1 Lost target removal timeout .............................................................................................................. 303
14.6.2 Activated target ................................................................................................................................. 304
14.6.3 Dangerous target ............................................................................................................................... 304
14.6.4 Velocity vector and path predictor .................................................................................................... 306
14.6.5 Past track ........................................................................................................................................... 308
14.6.6 AIS targets filter................................................................................................................................ 309
14.6.7 True scale outline .............................................................................................................................. 311
14.6.8 Heading line and turn indicator ......................................................................................................... 312
14.6.9 Activation and danger range circles .................................................................................................. 313
14.6.10 Target label display ........................................................................................................................... 313
14.6.11 Specifying own targets...................................................................................................................... 314
14.7 Route Planning Setup ................................................................................................................................ 315
14.8 Passage Planning Setup ............................................................................................................................. 316
14.8.1 Passage plan default values ............................................................................................................... 317
14.8.2 Data collection .................................................................................................................................. 321
14.9 Ports Database ........................................................................................................................................... 322
14.10 System Setup ............................................................................................................................................. 324
14.10.1 Day/Night mode................................................................................................................................ 324
14.10.2 On-screen keyboard .......................................................................................................................... 325
14.10.3 Custom chart resolution .................................................................................................................... 325
14.10.4 Custom user interface scale .............................................................................................................. 326
14.10.5 NavBox settings ................................................................................................................................ 327
14.10.6 System performance ......................................................................................................................... 328
14.10.7 Annotationeer in e-Publications Reader ........................................................................................... 328
14.10.8 GPU support ..................................................................................................................................... 329
14.10.9 REST connection timeout ................................................................................................................. 329
14.11 User Interface Set-up ................................................................................................................................. 330
14.12 Units, Date and Time Set-up ..................................................................................................................... 332

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GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................................................... 334

INDEX ............................................................................................................................................................................ 348

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User Manual

Congratulations on purchasing NAVTOR NavStation, a comprehensive
advanced navigation planning system. NavStation is designed to assist
mariners in performing all essential navigation tasks including route
planning, keeping chart data up to date, and providing safety of navigation.

Please take some time to read this user manual to become familiar with
NAVTOR NavStation.

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User Manual

1 Introduction
1.1 User Manual Overview
This user manual describes all basic NavStation functions.

It consists of 11 chapters, each describing a specific set of functions. You can

read the chapters in any order.

1.2 Typographical Conventions

Formatting Type of information Example
Bold Items you must select, Press the New button.
such as menu options,
command buttons, or
other interface elements.
Monospace Names of commands, The license file is located
files, and directories. in the C:/ directory.
CAPITALS Names of keys on the SHIFT, CTRL, ALT
Indicates a procedure
To do smth: described step by step. To do smth:
Step 1.
Step 2.
Indicates a list of options
The following The following options
available on a panel or a
options are are available:
available: • Option 1
• Option 2
Indicates additional
NOTE important information NOTE
about an item being

1.3 Software Prerequisites

Before you start working with NavStation, make sure the following
software is installed on your computer:

• NAVTOR NavBox – Install and register NavBox so that

NavStation is able to use chart data stored on NavBox.
• Admiralty TotalTide – Install and register Admiralty TotalTide for
NavStation to be able to use the Admiralty TotalTide database to
provide the tides and tidal streams prediction information.

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• Admiralty Digital List of Lights – Install and register Admiralty

Digital List of Lights for NavStation to be able to use the Lights
database to provide light and fog signal information for more than
70,000 unique light structures worldwide.
• Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.2 – Install and
register Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.2 for NavStation
to be able to use the radio signals database to provide a range of
regularly updated and compliant, digital positional and timekeeping
• Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.6 – Install and
register Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.6 for NavStation
to be able to use the radio signals database to provide the radio
communication information for pilot services, vessel traffic services
and port operations worldwide.
• Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.1,3,4,5- Install and
register Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.1,3,4,5 for
NavStation to be able to use the radio signals database to provide
information about Maritime Radio and Meteorological Observation
Stations, Maritime Safety Information Services and GDMSS (Global
Maritime Distress and Safety Systems).
• Admiralty e-NP Reader – Install and register Admiralty e-NP
Reader for NavStation to be able to open Admiralty Electronic
Nautical Publications.

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2 NavStation Overview
2.1 Turning NAVTOR NavStation On/Off

To start NavStation:

1. Go to Start → NAVTOR NavStation: the application opens.

2. The first window you see is the NAVTOR NavStation Desktop with
all available features.

To exit NavStation:

1. Press the Close button in the Title bar: the confirmation window
2. Confirm the operation by pressing OK: the application closes.

2.2 Desktop
NAVTOR NavStation Desktop shows all features implemented in the
application. Features you can use are blue; features that are not available
right now are black.

Figure 1 NavStation Desktop

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The following features are supported by NavStation:

• Publications – access to navigational publications (ATT/Admiralty

Total Tide, ADLL/Admiralty Digital List of Lights, ADRS2/Admiralty
Digital List of Radio Signals vol.2, ADRS6/Admiralty Digital List of
Radio Signals vol.6, ADRS/Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals
vol.1,3,4,5, e-NP/Admiralty e-NP Reader, e-Pub library);
• Routes – Route Planning or Passage Planning (appears only on
subscription, includes Route Planning);
• Weather – access to weather services: Weather Overlay, Weather
Time Series, Optimized Ship Routing.
• Services – AIS information (Automatic Identification System);
NavArea navigation warnings, MARPOL manager, Manoeuvering
Assistant application.
• System – User Manual, Status (application information), Configure
(configuration settings, system setup).

To add features to Shortcuts :

1. Select a feature you want to add to Shortcuts and drag it to the

Shortcuts column.
2. The feature is added to Shortcuts and is now available from the
Main window menu.

Figure 2 My Shortcuts in the Main window menu

3. To remove a feature from Shortcuts, drag it out from the

Shortcuts column at the NAVTOR NavStation Desktop.

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To switch to the Main window:

1. Close the Desktop by pressing its Back button in the upper-

left corner: the Main window opens.
2. Or select a feature you want to use: the Main window opens with
the panel of the selected feature open.
3. To open the Main window with only chart views, press the Show

charts button at the Desktop: the Main window opens

showing the chart views and the menu only.

2.3 Main Window

Below is the Main window of NavStation.

Figure 3 Main window

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The Main window has the following basic features:

• Title bar – displays the application title and the full title of the open
panel if any, contains the Minimize, Restore/Maximize and Close
• Chart view 1, Chart view 2 – two independent chart view
windows, you can scroll and scale them independently, by default
the Main window shows both chart view windows; Chart view 1 is
the main chart view window; Chart view 2 can be hidden if
necessary by using the Single screen button in the Main window
• Menu – displays the application control buttons (Hide menu,
Desktop, Single screen/Dual screen, Full screen), available
application features and the system buttons (Manual, Configure,
• Position indicator – displays coordinates (latitude and longitude)
of the mouse/finger pointer in the chart views.
• Touch screen lock button – locks touch screen to prevent from
accidental actions.
• Zoom buttons – use the zoom buttons to zoom the chart view in or
out and to open the list of preset scales.
• Scale bar - each chart view has a scale bar in the lower-right
corner of the chart view window.
• Sibling chart view frame – frames the area currently displayed in
the sibling chart view.

To switch to the full screen mode:

1. Press the Hide menu button: the menu hides.

2. To display the menu, press the Show menu button: the menu

3. To hide the Title bar, press the Full screen button in the
lower-right corner of the Main window menu: the Title bar

4. To return the Title bar, press the Normal screen button: the
Title bar reappears.

To resize chart views:

1. Drag the border between Chart view 1 and Chart view 2.

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To switch to the single screen mode:

1. Press the Single screen button in the lower-right corner of the

Main window menu: the main window shows only one chart view
window on the screen – Chart view 1.

2. To return to the dual screen mode, press the Dual screen

button in the lower-right corner of the Main window menu: Chart
view 2 window reappears.

To set up user interface elements:

1. Open configuration by pressing the Configure button.

2. Select the UI option: available user interface settings are displayed.

Figure 4 Main window settings

3. You can hide or display zoom buttons, position indicator, scale bar,
sibling chart view frame, and touch screen lock button.
4. To hide a user interface element, set its switch to the off position.
5. To display a user interface element, set its switch to the on position.
6. To set measurement units for the scale bar, select an option in the
drop-down list.
7. To indicate that the chart should be centered to inserted waypoints,
set the Center chart to inserted waypoint switch to the on

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2.4 Menu
The NavStation menu is located under the chart views.

Figure 5 Menu

The Menu displays the Hide menu button, the Desktop button, and
features from Shortcuts, while other available features and application
control and system buttons are hidden. To expand all available features and

buttons press the Expand button.

Figure 6 Expanded menu

To collapse the features, press the Collapse button.

From the Menu you can do the following:

• Hide the menu: press the Hide menu button.

• Return to the Desktop: press the Desktop button.

• Open a panel: press a panel’s button of the required application

• Switch to the Single screen mode: press the Single screen


• Hide the Title bar: press the Full screen button.

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• Open the user manual: press the Manual button. You can also
open the user manual from the Desktop.

• Open the Configure panel: press the Configure button. You

can also open the Configure panel from the Desktop.

• Access chart view tools: press the Tools button. The following
tools are available: ERBL1, ERBL2.

2.5 Panels
You can open panels either from the NAVTOR NavStation Desktop or from
the Main Window Menu.

To open a panel:

1. Press the panel’s button either in the

Desktop or in the Menu.


If you cannot see the button you

need in the menu, it means that the
feature is either unavailable or is
not added to Shortcuts and is

2. If you open a panel from the Desktop,

the Desktop is closed and the Main
window opens with the selected panel
displayed at the left side of the Main
3. If you open a panel from the menu, the
panel opens at the left side of the Main

4. To hide a panel, press the Back

button of the panel in the upper-left Figure 7 Panel options
corner or press the panel’s button in
the menu.

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5. To open user’s manual at the description of the panel’s function,

press the Help button.

6. To close the panel and exit from the panel’s function, slide the
panel’s button up from the menu or press the Close button below if


Panels have a fixed size and cannot be resized or moved.

2.6 Application Status

To view information about the application, to access log files and to check
Admiralty publications status, go to the Status panel.

2.6.1 Application information

To view application information:

1. Open the Desktop and press the Status button: the Status
panel opens.

Figure 8 Application status

2. Information about the application includes the current version of the

application, the name of the chart database, the version of NavBox,
the version of ADP, and the hostname of the NavBox.

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3. To print the information, press the Print status

button: the Print preview window

opens. Press the Print button and confirm the operation to

print the report.

4. To close the Print preview window, press its Back button.

5. To close the Status window, press its Back button.

2.6.2 ADP update report and certificate

To view information about ADP update report and certificate:

1. Open the Desktop and press the Status button: the Status panel

2. Press the ADP status report button:

the Print preview window opens with the summary on ADP
3. To print the summary, press the Print button and confirm the

4. To close the Print preview window, press its Back button.

5. To close the Status window, press its Back button.

2.6.3 Log files

To access log files:

1. Open the Desktop and press the Status button: the Status panel
2. To access log files, press the Open logs

button: the folder with log files opens.

3. To close the Status window, press its Back button.

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3 Navigation Data
Navigation chart data comes as geospatial databases distributed over
Internet or on portable data storage devices. The data is official ENC
geodatabases protected with S-63 data protection scheme.

ENC data installed to NavStation is converted to the system ENC format

(SENC). For SENC protection, the same S-63 scheme is used as for the ENC.

3.1 Installing Data

NavStation installs navigational data from NAVTOR NavBox automatically.


Make sure you have NavBox properly installed and configured before you
start using NavStation.

3.2 Objects under Mouse/Finger Pointer

To get information about objects in the chart, use the Object Information

To get information about an object on the chart:

1. Right-click the object in the chart view and select the Object info
option in the pop-up menu: the Object information panel opens.
2. For touch screen: tap the chart and hold for several seconds until
the circle appears around the position at the screen and the pop-up
menu opens. Select the Object info option: the Object
information panel opens.

Figure 9 Object info

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3. The Object information panel displays information about objects

under the mouse or finger pointer: it shows latitude and longitude of
the mouse/finger pointer and the list of chart objects at this position
with object parameters.

Figure 10 Object information panel

4. To highlight an object on the chart, press the Go to button of

the object: the object is highlighted on the chart.

5. To clear the highlight, press the Clear highlight button that

appears in the header of the panel.
6. To open detailed information about an object, find and select it in
the chart objects list.

Figure 11 Chart information panel, detailed information of a selected object

7. To return to the objects list, press the Back button.

8. If an object has additional information as a *.TXT file, a Book

button appears in the object’s line: press the button to view the text
information in a separate window. To close the text information

window, press the Close button.

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9. If an object has additional information as an image, a Picture

button appears in the object’s line: press the button to view the
image in a separate window. To close the image window, press the

Close button.

10. To close the Object information panel, press its Back

button or Close button.

3.3 Chart Legend

To get information about charts displayed in the chart view, use the Chart
Information function.

To view the chart legend:

1. Right-click in the chart view and

select the Chart info option in the
pop-up menu that opens: the Chart
information panel opens.
2. For touch screen: tap in the chart
and hold for several seconds until
the circle appears around the
Figure 12 Chart info
position at the screen and the pop-
up menu opens. Select the Chart
info option: the Chart information panel opens.
3. The Chart information panel displays information about charts
under the mouse/finger pointer. It shows the coordinates of the
mouse/finger pointer and information about the chart itself (in most
cases only one chart can be under the mouse/finger pointer at a

Figure 13 Chart information panel

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4. To view the detailed chart legend, select the chart: the list of details

Figure 14 Chart information, detailed chart legend

5. To close the Chart information panel, press its Back button

or Close button.

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4 Charts
4.1 Resizing Chart Views

To resize chart views:

1. To enlarge the left chart view, drag the border between the chart
views to the right.
2. To enlarge the right chart view, drag the border between the chart
views to the left.

4.2 Zooming the Chart View

4.2.1 Scale bar

Scale bar displays the current scale of the chart view. You can display the
scale bar in nautical miles or in kilometers as well as hide it using user
interface settings.

To hide/display the scale bar:

1. To display the scale bar, open the Configure panel by pressing the

Configure button and select the UI option: user interface

settings open.

Figure 15 User interface settings

2. Set the Scale bar switch to the on position.

3. To specify measurement units for the scale bar, select an option in
the Scale bar drop-down list.
4. To hide the scale bar, set the Scale bar switch to the off position.
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4.2.2 Zoom options

You can zoom the chart views in or out using the following options: mouse
wheel, touch screen gestures, zoom buttons.

To zoom the chart using the mouse:

1. To zoom the chart view in, rotate the mouse wheel forward.
2. To zoom the chart view out, rotate the mouse wheel backward.

To zoom the chart using touch screen gestures:

1. To zoom the chart view in, use the “spread” gesture.

2. To zoom the chart view out, use the “pinch” gesture.

To zoom the chart using zoom buttons:

1. Display the zoom buttons: open the Configure panel by pressing

the Configure button and select the UI option: user interface

settings open.Set the Zoom buttons switch to the on position: the
zoom buttons appear in the chart view.

Figure 16 Zoom buttons

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2. To zoom the chart view out, press the Zoom out button.

3. To zoom the chart view in, press the Zoom in button.

4. To select a preset scale, press the Zoom button and select an

option in the drop-down list that opens.

Figure 17 Preset scale list

5. To hide the zoom buttons, open the Configure panel by pressing

the Configure button and select the UI option: user interface

settings open.Set the Zoom buttons switch to the off position: the
zoom buttons are removed from the chart view.

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4.3 Scrolling the Chart View

4.3.1 Position indicator

Position indicator displays the current position of the mouse pointer in the
chart view. You can hide or display the position indicator using user interface
settings. A single position indicator is displayed for both chart views.

To hide/display the position indicator:

1. Open the Configure panel by pressing the Configure button

and select the UI option: user interface settings open.
2. Set the Position indicator switch to the on position: the position
indicator appears in the chart view.

Figure 18 Position indicator

3. To hide the position indicator, set the Position indicator switch to

the off position.

4.3.2 Scroll options

You can scroll the chart views using the mouse wheel or touch screen

To scroll the chart using the mouse/touch screen gestures:

1. Press the left mouse button and drag the chart.

2. Drag the chart with your finger.

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4.4 Go to Position
Use the Go to position function to scroll the chart view to a specified
position and to scale it to a specified scale.

To use the Go to position function:

1. Press the Position indicator: the Go to position dialog opens.

Figure 19 Charts: Go to position dialog

2. Enter the latitude of the position to go to in the Latitude field.

3. Enter the longitude of the position to go to in the Longitude field.
4. Enter the scale to zoom the chart view to in the Scale field.
5. Press OK: the Go to position dialog closes, the chart view is
scrolled to display the specified position in the center of the screen
at the specified scale.

6. To cancel the operation, press the Close button: the Go to

position dialog closes without scrolling and zooming the chart view
and without the indication of the position.

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4.5 ERBL
ERBL is the electronic range and bearing line. You can use two ERBL tools

To use the ERBL function:

1. Press the Tools button in the Main window menu and tick the
ERBL1 check box: the ERBL1 tool is activated.

Figure 20 Charts: ERBL indication

2. To set the ERBL1 origin, right-click/tap and hold the position on the
chart and select the Set ERBL1 origin option in the pop-up menu
that opens: the ERBL1 center moves to the specified position.

Figure 21 Charts: set ERBL origin

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3. To fix the ERBL1, right-click/ tap and hold the position where you
want to fix it and select the Fix ERBL1 option in the pop-up menu
that opens: the ERBL1 range is fixed in the chart view.

Figure 22 Chart: fix ERBL

4. To set a new ERBL1 origin, right-click/tap and hold the position

where you want to move the ERBL, and select the Set ERBL1
origin option in the pop-up-menu that opens: the center of ERBL1
moves to the new position.
5. To activate the second ERBL, press the Tools button and tick the
ERBL2 check box: ERBL2 is activated.
6. To set the ERBL2 origin, right-click/tap and hold the position on the
chart and select the Set ERBL2 origin option in the pop-up menu
that opens: the ERBL2 center moves to the specified position.
7. To fix the ERBL2, right-click/tap and hold the position where you
want to fix it and select the Fix ERBL2 option in the pop-up menu
that opens: the ERBL2 range is fixed in the chart view.
8. To hide an ERBL, open the Tools menu and clear the corresponding
EBRL check box.
9. To deactivate the ERBL tool altogether, slide the Tool button up
from the menu or press the Close button that appears below the
Tool button.

Figure 23 Chart: deactivate ERBL

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4.6 Touch Screen Lock

You can lock the touch screen to prevent accidental actions using the Touch
screen lock function.

To use the Touch screen lock function:

1. Display the Touch screen lock

button: Open the Configure panel by

pressing the Configure button

and select the UI option: user
interface settings open.
2. Set the Touch screen lock button
switch to the on position: the Touch
screen lock button appears in the
chart view.
3. To lock the touch screen, press the
Figure 24 Chart: Touch screen
lock button
4. To unlock the touch screen, press the
button once more.
5. To hide the Touch screen lock button, open the Configure panel,
select the UI option and set the Touch screen lock button switch
to the off position.

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4.7 Sibling Chart View Frame

When using dual screen, you can turn on the display of the Sibling chart
view frame indicating the part of the chart currently open in the other chart

To use the Sibling chart view frame function:

1. Open the Configure panel by pressing the Configure button

and select the UI option: user interface settings open.
2. Set the Sibling chart view frame switch to the on position: the
sibling chart view frame appears in the chart view.

Figure 25 Charts: Sibling frame indicator

3. To hide the Sibling chart view frame, open the Configure panel,
select the UI option and set the Sibling chart view frame switch
to the off position.

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5 Route Planning
With the Route Planning function, you can plot routes in the chart view,
edit routes, compare several routes, export and import routes.

5.1 Creating a New Route

To create a new route:

1. Open the Route Planning panel by pressing the Route Planning

button either at the Desktop or in the Menu, and press the

New button in the header of the Route Planning panel.

Figure 26 Route planning: creating a new route

2. Enter a route name to the Enter a new route name dialog and
press the OK button to create the route. To cancel the operation,
press Cancel.

Figure 27 Route planning: entering a name for the new route

3. The new route is created and is open for editing: now you can start
plotting waypoints.

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5.2 Plotting Waypoints

To plot a waypoint:

1. Make sure the route is open for editing.

Figure 28 Route planning: route editing panel

2. To plot a waypoint in the chart view, select a point where you want
to plot the waypoint in the chart, left-click or tap it: the waypoint is
plotted in the chart view and is added to the Waypoints list.

Figure 29 Route planning: plotting a waypoint

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3. To plot a waypoint using the Waypoints table, press the Add new
waypoint button: the Waypoint attributes panel opens.

Figure 30 Route planning: Waypoint attributes panel

4. Enter attributes of the waypoint to the corresponding fields.

5. To move to the previous waypoint attributes without returning to

Waypoints list, press the Prev button.

6. To move to the next waypoint attributes without returning to

Waypoints list, press the Next button.

7. To delete the waypoint, press the Delete button in the upper-

right corner of the Waypoint attributes panel and confirm the
8. To save the waypoint and return to route editing, press the Back

button in the upper-left corner of the panel: the Waypoint

attributes panel is closed, the waypoint is added both to the
waypoints list and to the chart view.

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The chart view can automatically focus on waypoints when you select them in
the Waypoints list. This option is controlled with the Focus selected
waypoint policy setting (Configure → UI). If you set the None option, the
chart view does not focus on selected waypoints; if you set the Last option,
the chart view focuses on the last selected waypoint and its leg; if you set the
All option, the chart view focuses on all selected waypoints and their legs.

Waypoint has the following parameters:

• Waypoint name – Name of the waypoint;

• Latitude – Latitude of the waypoint;
• Longitude – Longitude of the waypoint;


To specify north or south for latitude and east or west for longitude,
enter ‘N’ for north, ‘S’ for south, ‘E’ for east and ‘W’ for west.

• Turning radius – Turning radius in the waypoint;

• XTD Port – Deviation to port from the route leg between this and
next waypoints;
• XTD Starboard – Deviation to starboard from the route leg
between this and next waypoints;
• Leg type – Type of the leg geometry: great circle line or rhumb


To set a leg geometry type, select it in the drop-down list.

• Planned speed – Planned speed on the leg between this and next
• Remarks – Enter any remarks you need.

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5.3 Saving Changes to a Route

To save changes to a route:

1. After editing a route, press the Save button in the header of

the route editing panel to save the changes.

Figure 31 Route planning: saving waypoints of the route

2. Changes to the route are saved.

3. The saved route is added to the list of routes in the Route Planning
panel with the indication of its name and the distance in NM.

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5.4 Canceling Changes to a Route

To cancel changes to a route:

1. If you want to cancel changes to a route, press the Back

button of the route editing panel: a confirmation dialog opens.

Figure 32 Route planning: route saving confirmation

2. Press No: the route editing panel closes and the list of routes opens,
the changes to the route are cancelled.

5.5 Displaying a Route

To display a route in the chart view:

1. Open the Route Planning panel: the list of available routes is

2. To display a route in the chart view, select it in the list: the route is
displayed in the chart view. If you select multiple routes, they are
all displayed in the chart view.

Figure 33 Route planning: Displaying or hiding routes

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The chart view can automatically focus on the route. This option is
controlled with the Focus selected route policy setting (Configure
→ UI). If you set the None option, the chart view does not focus on
the route; if you set the Last option, the chart view focuses on the
last selected route; if you set the All option, the chart view focuses
on all selected routes.

3. To hide a route, deselect it: the route is removed from the chart

5.6 Moving Chart to a Route

To move the chart view to a route:

1. Open the Route planning panel: the list of available routes is

2. Expand options of the route you want to scroll to by pressing the

Expand button.

3. Press the Go to button: the chart view is moved to display the

route. The route display turns on even if it was off.

Figure 34 Route planning: Move to route

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The chart view can automatically focus on the route. This option is
controlled with the Focus selected route policy setting (Configure →
UI). If you set the None option, the chart view does not focus on the route;
if you set the Last option, the chart view focuses on the last selected route;
if you set the All option, the chart view focuses on all selected routes.

5.7 Safety Check of a Route

The Safety check function checks if a specified route crosses any dangerous

5.7.1 Checking the route

To check a route for alarms and warnings:

1. Open the route in the edit mode: create a new route or expand

options of an existing route and press the Edit button.

2. The panel of the specified route opens with the list of waypoints of
the route.

Figure 35 Route safety check: safety check

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3. Press the Check button: the confirmation dialog opens.

Figure 36 Route safety check: safety check confirmation dialog

4. Press OK: the safety check mode turns on . Route legs being
checked are highlighted with purple color. If you are checking a
newly created route, new route legs are checked when plotted. If
you are checking an existing route, the whole route is checked.
5. Upon completion of the safety check, route legs are marked with
colors: yellow color means that there are only warnings detected on
this leg; red color means that there are alarms detected on this leg;
no color means that there are no warnings or alarms detected on
this leg.

Figure 37 Route safety check: safety check colors

6. Upon completion of the safety check, all found alarms and warnings
are highlighted with yellow contours in the chart view, area objects
with alarms are filled with red color. The list of the alarms and
warnings is created.
7. To exit the safety check mode, press the Check button in the
header of the route panel again and confirm the operation: the
safety check mode is off.

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5.7.2 Viewing safety check results

To view safety check results:

1. When in the safety check mode, all alarms and warnings found on
the route are added to the alarms and warnings list.

2. To open the list of alarms and warnings, press the Result

button that appears in the upper-right corner of the chart view.

Figure 38 Route safety check: list of route legs with alarms and warnings detected

3. The panel with the alarms and warnings list opens. The list has
alarms and warnings listed for each leg. To view dangers and
cautions for a leg, select the leg in the Route leg drop-down list.

Figure 39 Route safety check: dangers and cautions list

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4. To view detailed information about a dangerous object, select it in

the list: the panel with object information opens. To close it, press
the Close button.

Figure 40 Route safety check: dangerous object details

5. To scroll the chart view to a dangerous object, press its go to

button: the chart view is scrolled to display the object in the center
and the object is highlighted. To clear the highlight, press the Clear

highlight button.
6. To filter alerts to be indicated, use the alerts filter: press the Alerts

filter button and select alerts you want indicated and deselect
alerts you do not want indicated in the Alerts graphical indication
filter window that opens. To close the window, press its Close

Figure 41 Route safety check: Alerts graphical indication filter

7. To close the alarms and warnings panel and to return to editing the

route, press its Back button.

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5.8 Editing Route Waypoints

5.8.1 Moving waypoints

To move waypoints of a route:

1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and

press the Edit button.

2. To change coordinates of a waypoint in the chart view, left-click/tap
the waypoint, move it to a new location and left-click/tap the
location to release the waypoint: the waypoint is fixed in the new
position and its coordinates are updated in the waypoints list.

Figure 42 Route planning: selecting a WP in the chart view

3. While moving the waypoint to the new position bearing and distance
from the previous waypoint to the selected one are displayed near
the mouse pointer.
4. To change coordinates of a waypoint in the waypoints list, open the

Waypoint attributes panel: press the waypoint’s Expand

button and select the Edit option. In the Waypoint attributes

panel, switch to the Route tab and enter new latitude and longitude
to the Latitude and Longitude fields: the waypoint is moved to the
new position in the chart view.

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5. You can also select a waypoint in the chart view. To do so, right-
click/touch and hold the waypoint in the chart view: the pop-up
menu appears. Select the Select WP option: the Waypoint
attributes panel opens.

Figure 43 Route planning: selecting a WP in the chart view

6. To save the changes, return to the route editing panel by pressing

the Back button. Press the Save button: the changes are
7. To return to the Route Planning panel with the list of all routes,

press the Back button.

8. To cancel the changes, press the Back button in route editing

panel: the confirmation dialog opens asking if you want to save the
route. Press No: the changes are cancelled, and you return to the
Route Planning panel.

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5.8.2 Adding route waypoints

To add a waypoint to a route:

1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and

press the Edit button.

2. To add a waypoint in the chart view: move the mouse pointer to the
position on a leg where you want to insert a waypoint and left-
click/tap there: the new waypoint is plotted in the chart view and
added to the waypoints list. The added waypoint has the same
parameters as the waypoint before it.

Figure 44 Route planning: adding a waypoint in the chart view


If you left-click or tap not on a route leg, the new waypoint is added
to the end of the route and becomes the last waypoint.

3. To add a new waypoint in the waypoints list, press the Add new
waypoint button at the end of waypoints list: the new waypoint is
created with the same parameters as the previous waypoint and the
waypoint attributes panel opens.

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4. Enter the waypoint latitude and longitude as well as other

parameters to the fields of the panel: the waypoint is positioned in
the chart view according to the specified parameters.


You cannot insert a waypoint between two existing waypoints in the

list. You can only add a waypoint to the end of the route.

5. To save the changes, press the Back button and return to the
route editing panel.

6. Press the Save button: the changes are saved.

7. To cancel adding the new waypoint, press the Delete waypoint

button in the Waypoint attributes panel and confirm the

operation: the new waypoint is deleted, and you return to the route
editing panel.

5.8.3 Deleting route waypoints

To delete a waypoint of a route:

1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and

press the Edit button.

2. Select a waypoint to delete: the Delete button appears in the

header of the panel.
3. Press the Delete button: the confirmation dialog opens.
4. Press OK to delete the waypoint: the waypoint is deleted from the
list and from the chart view. The route is redrawn. To cancel the
operation, press Cancel.
5. To delete several waypoints, select all the waypoints you want to

delete, press the Delete button and confirm the operation: the
waypoints are deleted from the list and from the chart view. The
route is redrawn.

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To select several waypoints, you can use the following options:

• Shift + Left-click
• Ctrl + Left-click
• Left-click, hold and drag the selection

6. To delete a waypoint in the chart view, right-click/touch and hold

the waypoint: the pop-up menu appears. Select the Delete WP
option and confirm the operation: the waypoint is deleted from the
list and from the chart view. The route is redrawn.

Figure 45 Route planning: deleting a waypoint in the chart view

7. To save the changes, press the Back button and return to the
route editing panel.

8. Press the Save button: the changes are saved.

9. To return to the Route Planning panel with the list of all routes,

press the Back button.

10. To cancel the changes, press the Back button in route editing
panel: the confirmation dialog opens asking if you want to save the
route. Press No: the changes are cancelled, and you return to the
Route Planning panel.

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5.8.4 Editing waypoint attributes

To edit waypoint attributes:

1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and

press the Edit button.

2. Open the Waypoint attributes panel: press the waypoint’s Expand

button and select the Edit option.

Figure 46 Route planning: opening Waypoint attributes panel

3. The Waypoint attributes panel opens.

Figure 47 Route planning: Waypoint attributes panel

4. You can also select a waypoint in the chart view. To do so, right-
click/touch and hold the waypoint in the chart view: the pop-up
menu appears. Select the Select WP option: the Waypoint
attributes panel opens.

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Figure 48 Route planning: selecting a WP in the chart view

5. Enter new values to the corresponding fields and save the changes.
6. To move to the previous waypoint attributes without returning to

Waypoints list, press the Prev button.

7. To move to the next waypoint attributes without returning to

Waypoints list, press the Next button.

8. To save the changes, return to the route editing panel by pressing

the Back button. Press the Save button: the changes are
9. To return to the Route Planning panel with the list of all routes,

press the Back button.

10. To cancel the changes, press the Back button in route editing
panel: the confirmation dialog opens asking if you want to save the
route. Press No: the changes are cancelled, and you return to the
Route Planning panel.

Waypoint has the following parameters:

• Waypoint name – Name of the waypoint;

• Latitude – Latitude of the waypoint;
• Longitude – Longitude of the waypoint;


To specify north or south for latitude and east or west for longitude,
enter ‘N’ for north, ‘S’ for south, ‘E’ for east and ‘W’ for west.
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User Manual

• Turning radius – Turning radius in the waypoint;

• XTD Port – Deviation to port from the route leg between this and
next waypoints;
• XTD Starboard – Deviation to starboard from the route leg
between this and next waypoints;
• Leg type – Type of the leg geometry: great circle line or rhumb
line. Select a leg geometry option in the Leg type drop-down list.
• Planned speed – Planned speed on the leg between this and next
• Remarks – Enter any remarks you need.

5.8.5 Adding waypoint references

When a passage plan is created for a route, waypoints of the route have
additional parameters. You can specify landmarks and parallel indexing for
each waypoint.

The reference values you specify are automatically added to the

corresponding sections of the passage plan.

To specify waypoint references:

1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and

press the Edit button.

2. Find the waypoint for which you want to specify references, press its

Expand button and select the Pos ref option: the

Position references panel opens.

Figure 49 Waypoint reference: Position references panel

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3. To specify a reference, left-click/touch the reference object in the

chart view: the pop-up menu opens with the list of objects under
the mouse pointer/finger.

Figure 50 Waypoint reference: selecting the reference object in the chart view

4. Select the reference object in the list: the reference object is added
to the list of references and a line of position connecting the
waypoint and the object is plotted in the chart view. The reference
object name, distance and true bearing are displayed on the line.

Figure 51 Waypoint reference: line of position to the reference object

5. When a reference object is added, its information panel opens where

you can adjust its position in the Latitude and Longitude fields
and specify a name in the Name field. The distance to the reference
object is calculated automatically and displayed in the Distance

Figure 52 Waypoint reference: entering Position fix information

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6. You can also add reference objects while the information panel is

7. To exit the information panel, press the Back button: you

return to the Position references tab with the list of all reference
objects for the waypoint.

Figure 53 Waypoint reference: the list of reference objects to a waypoint

8. To save the changes, press the Back button: you return to the

waypoints list. Then press the Save button: the changes are
9. To return to the routes list after saving the changes, press the Back


10. To cancel the changes, press the Back button in the

Position fix tab: you return to the waypoints list. Then press the

Back button and select No in the confirmation dialog: the

changes are canceled, and you return to the routes list.

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5.8.6 Editing waypoint references

To edit waypoint references:

1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and

press the Edit button.

2. Find the waypoint for which you want to edit references, press its

Expand button and select the Pos ref option: the

Position references panel opens with the list of reference objects.

Figure 54 Waypoint reference: the list of reference objects to a waypoint

3. You can add a new reference object, edit or delete existing objects.

4. To edit a reference object, press its Expand button: the

information tab of the reference object opens. You can change the
coordinates and the name of the object.

5. To return to the list of reference objects, press the Back

6. To delete a reference object, select it in the list, press the Delete

button, and confirm the operation: the object is deleted from

the list and from the chart view.

7. To save the changes, press the Back button : you return to the

waypoints list. Then press the Save button : the changes are

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8. To return to the routes list after saving the changes, press the Back


9. To discard the changes, press the Back button in the Position

fix tab: you return to the waypoints list. Then press the Back

button and select No in the confirmation dialog: the changes

are discarded, and you return to the routes list.

5.8.7 Plotting parallel index lines

To plot parallel index lines:

1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and

press the Edit button.

2. Find the waypoint for which you want to plot parallel index lines,

press its Expand button and select the PI option: the

Parallel indexing panel opens.

Figure 55 Waypoint parallel indexing: Parallel indexing panel

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3. To plot an index line, left-click/touch the position in the chart view

where you want to plot the index line: the index line is plotted in
this position with the name, distance and bearing indicated and
added to the list of index lines.

Figure 56 Waypoint parallel indexing: Parallel index line

4. To save the changes, press the Back button : you return to the

waypoints list. Then press the Save button : the changes are
5. To return to the routes list after saving the changes, press the Back


6. To discard the changes, press the Back button in the Position

fix tab: you return to the waypoints list. Then press the Back

button and select No in the confirmation dialog: the changes

are discarded and you return to the routes list.

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5.8.8 Editing parallel index lines

To edit parallel index lines:

1. Open the route in the edit mode:

expand the route options and

press the Edit button.

2. Find the waypoint for which you
want to edit parallel index lines,

press its Expand button and

select the PI option: the

Parallel indexing panel opens
with the list of available parallel
index lines. Figure 57 Waypoint parallel indexing:
3. You can add a new parallel index the list of parallel index lines for a
line, edit or delete existing lines. waypoint
4. To edit an index line, press its

Expand button: the information tab of the line opens. You can
change the distance in the PI distance field, the length in the
PI length field, the coordinates in the PI Latitude and
PI Longitude fields, and the name of the line in the PI name field.

Figure 58 Waypoint parallel indexing: the information panel of a parallel index line

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5. To return to the list of index lines, press the Back button.

6. To delete an index line, select it in the list, press the Delete

button, and confirm the operation: the line is deleted from the list
and from the chart view.

7. To save the changes, press the Back button : you return to the

waypoints list. Then press the Save button : the changes are
8. To return to the routes list after saving the changes, press the Back


9. To discard the changes, press the Back button in the Position

fix tab: you return to the waypoints list. Then press the Back
button and select No in the confirmation dialog: the changes are
discarded, and you return to the routes list.

5.8.9 Adding action points

An action point is a point on the route where some action is planned. You can
create an action point and then the navigation application will give an alarm
within specified distance before or after the action point is passed.

To add an action point:

1. Open the route in the edit

mode: expand the route

options and press the Edit

2. Find the waypoint for which
you want to add an action

point, press its Expand

button and select the Action

option: the Action points

panel opens. Figure 59 Action points panel

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3. To plot an action point, left-click/touch the position in the chart view

where you want to plot it: the action point is plotted in this position
and added to the list of action points.

Figure 60 Waypoint parallel indexing: Parallel index line

4. To save the changes, press the Back button : you return to the

waypoints list. Then press the Save button : the changes are
5. To return to the routes list after saving the changes, press the Back


6. To discard the changes, press the Back button in the Position

fix tab: you return to the waypoints list. Then press the Back

button and select No in the confirmation dialog: the changes

are discarded, and you return to the routes list.

5.8.10 Editing action points

To edit an action point:

1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and

press the Edit button.

2. Find the waypoint whose action points you want to edit, press its

Expand button and select the Action option: the Action

points panel opens with the list of all action points of the waypoint.
3. You can add a new action point, edit, or delete existing action

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4. To edit an action point, press its Expand button: the

information tab of the point opens. You can change the name in the
Name field, the coordinates in the Latitude and Longitude fields,
action point radius in the Radius field, select a required action in
the Required Action drop-down list, add or edit description of the
action in the Required Action description field.

Figure 61 Waypoint action points: the information panel of an action point

5. To return to the list of action points, press the Back button.

6. To delete an action point, select it in the list, press the Delete

button, and confirm the operation: the point is deleted from the list
and from the chart view.

7. To save the changes, press the Back button : you return to the

waypoints list. Then press the Save button : the changes are

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8. To return to the routes list after saving the changes, press the Back


9. To discard the changes, press the Back button in the Position

fix tab: you return to the waypoints list. Then press the Back
button and select No in the confirmation dialog: the changes are
discarded, and you return to the routes list.

5.8.11 Bunch editing waypoints

You can edit attributes of several waypoints at the same time.

To edit waypoint attributes:

1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and

press the Edit button.

2. Select several waypoints: CTRL + left-click; SHIFT + left-click; left-
click, hold and drag.
3. Open the Waypoint attributes panel: press the waypoint’s

Expand .
4. Waypoint bunch editing panel opens with attributes available for
bunch editing.

Figure 62 Route planning: bunch editing waypoints

5. Enter new values to the corresponding fields and save the changes.
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6. To save the changes, return to the route editing panel by pressing

the Back button. Press the Save button: the changes are
7. To return to the Route Planning panel with the list of all routes,

press the Back button.

8. To cancel the changes, press the Back button in route editing

panel: the confirmation dialog opens asking if you want to save the
route. Press No: the changes are cancelled, and you return to the
Route Planning panel.

The following waypoint attributes are available for bunch editing:

• XTD Port – Deviation to port from the route leg between this and
next waypoints;
• XTD Starboard – Deviation to starboard from the route leg
between this and next waypoints;
• Turning radius – Turning radius in the waypoint;
• Leg type – Type of the leg geometry: great circle line or rhumb
line. Select an option in the Leg type drop-down list.
• Passage type – Type of the passage: Undefined, Ocean, Coastal,
Pilotage/fairway/channel options are available. Select an option in
the Pilotage type drop-down list.
• Minimum speed – minimum speed in the waypoint; used for
automatic calculation of planned speed: a warning appears if the
calculated planned speed is less than the specified minimum speed.
• Maximum speed – maximum speed in the waypoint; used for
automatic calculation of planned speed: a warning appears if the
calculated planned speed is more than the specified maximum
• Planned speed – Planned speed on the leg between this and next

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5.8.12 Undoing last changes to a route

To undo last changes to a route:

1. After some changes have been introduced to a route, the Undo

button appears.

Figure 63 Route planning: undoing a last change

2. To undo a last change, press the Undo button: the last change
is undone.
3. You can undo ten last changes.

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5.9 Reversing a Route

Two options to reverse a route are provided: you can reverse the order of
waypoints in an existing route or create a new route by copying and
reversing an existing route.

To reverse waypoints of an existing route:

1. Open the Route planning panel: the list of available routes is

2. Expand options of the route you want to reverse by pressing the

Expand button.

3. Press the Edit button to switch to the edit mode: the waypoints
list opens.

4. Press the Reverse button: the waypoints are reordered in


5. Press the Save button: the changes are saved.

6. To return to the Route Planning panel with the list of all routes,

press the Back button.

7. To cancel the changes, press the Back button before you press
the Save button: the confirmation dialog opens asking if you want
to save the route. Press No: the changes are cancelled and you
return to the Route Planning panel.

To reverse an existing route by copying:

1. Open the Route planning panel: the list of available routes is

2. Expand options of the route you want to reverse by pressing the

Expand button.

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3. Press the Reverse button: the route copy dialog opens.

Figure 64 Route planning: reverse route by copying

4. Enter a name and press OK: a new route is created from the
specified existing route with waypoints ordered in reverse. The new
route is opened for editing.

5.10 Copying a Route

To copy a route:

1. Open the Route planning panel: the list of available routes is

2. Expand options of the route you want to copy by pressing the

Expand button.

3. Press the Copy button: the route copy dialog opens.

Figure 65 Route planning: copy route dialog

4. Enter a new route name.

5. Press OK: the route is copied and added to the routes list. Now you
can make changes to this new route. The route is opened for


If a route has a passage plan that hasn’t been approved yet, the
copied route will also have a copy of this passage plan.

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5.11 Renaming a Route

To rename a route:

1. Open the Route planning panel: the list of available routes is

2. Expand options of the route you want to rename by pressing the

Expand button.

3. Press the Rename route button: the route rename dialog


Figure 66 Route planning: rename route dialog

4. Enter a new route name.

5. Press OK: the route is renamed.

5.12 Appending a Route

To append one route to another:

6. Open the Route planning panel: the list of available routes is

7. Select two routes you want to append.
8. Expand options of the route to which you want to append another

route by pressing the Expand button of this route.

9. Press the Append button: the selected route is appended to

this route and the joined route is opened for editing.

10. To save the changes, press the Save button: the changes are

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11. To return to the Route planning panel, press the Back


12. To cancel appending routes, press the Back button before

you press the Save button and select No to saving the route: the
joined route is not saved and you return to the Route planning

5.13 Deleting Routes

To delete a route:

13. Open the Route planning panel : the list of available routes
is displayed.
14. Expand options of the route you want to delete by pressing its

Expand button.

15. Press the Delete button: the confirmation dialog opens.

Figure 67 Route planning: delete route confirmation

16. Press OK: the route is deleted. To cancel the operation, press

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17. To delete several routes, select the routes you want to delete,

press the Delete button in the header of the Route Planning

panel and confirm the operation: all selected routes are deleted.

Figure 68 Route planning: deleting several routes

5.14 Restoring Deleted Routes

Deleted routes are moved to the Bin. You can restore routes from the bin or
delete them permanently.

To restore/permanently delete a deleted route:

18. Open the Route planning panel : the list of available routes is
19. If you have previously deleted a route, the Bin tab is displayed in
the panel: switch to the tab to open the list of deleted routes.

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20. To restore a deleted route,

find the route and select it: the

Permanently delete and

Restore buttons appear in

the header of the panel.
21. Press the Restore button and
confirm the operation: the route
is restored and moved back to
the list of available routes.
22. To delete the selected route
permanently, press the
Permanently delete button
and confirm the operation: the
route is permanently deleted.
Figure 69 Route planning: restoring
5.15 Importing Routes deleted routes

To import a route from a file:

23. Open the Route Planning panel: the list of available routes
is displayed.

24. Press the Import button in the header of the panel: the
Import route dialog opens.

Figure 70 Route planning: Route import dialog

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25. Select the input route format in the formats drop-down list
26. Find and select the route file you want to import and press the
Open button: the route is imported and added to the routes list.


If a route with the same name as an imported one already exists,

you are prompted to rename the imported route.

The following route formats are available for import/export:

• JRC (*.rtn)
• Telko (*.lst)
• Furuno (*.txt)
• Transas (*.rt3)
• Maris (*.rtu)
• Kelvin Hughes 1816 (*.route)
• Kelvin Hughes 2144 (*.route)
• CIRM (*.rtz)

5.16 Exporting Routes

To export a route to a file:

1. Open the Route Planning panel: the list of available routes is

2. Expand options of the route you want to export by pressing its

Expand button.

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3. Press the Export route button of the route you want to export:
the Export route dialog opens.

Figure 71 Route planning: Route export dialog

4. Specify the location where you want to save the route file.
5. Specify the file name in the File name field.
6. Select the output route format in the Save as type list.
7. Press the Save button: the route file is saved to the selected

5.17 Sending Routes to Sibling Systems

NavStation provides a function allowing sending routes to sibling
NavStation systems over the NavBox.


The Sending to siblings function is only available on subscription.

To send a route to a sibling system:

1. Open the Route Planning panel: the list of available routes is

2. Expand options of the route you want to export by pressing its

Expand button.
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3. If you are subscribed to the Sending to siblings function, the route

options include the Send option.

Figure 72 Route planning: sending route to a sibling system

4. Press the Send button: the Send route to dialog opens with the
list of all available siblings.

Figure 73 Route planning: selecting a sibling to send the route to

5. Select a sibling to send the route to and press OK: the route is sent
to the selected sibling.
6. When a route from a sibling system comes to your system, a
notification appears asking if you want to accept the route.
7. Press OK to accept the route, or Cancel to reject the route. If
accepted the route is added to your list of available routes.

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6 Passage Planning
With the Passage planning function, you can plot and edit routes and
create passage plans for these routes. You can use one route to create as
many passage plans as you need.

First, you create and edit a passage plan, and then you approve it. Approved
passage plans are closed for editing.


The Passage planning function is only available on subscription.

The Passage planning function replaces the Route planning function:
route planning functinality becomes part of passage planning.
For information on route planning, see chapter 5, Route Planning.

6.1 Creating a Passage Plan

To create a passage plan for a route:

1. Open the Passage planning panel by pressing the Passage

planning button either at the Desktop or in the Menu.

2. Find the route you want to create a passage plan for and open it in

the editing mode: expand the route options and press the

Edit button.

3. Press the New passage plan button : the confirmation dialog

4. Press OK to confirm the operation.

Figure 74 Passage planning: new passage plan confirmation

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5. Dialog prompting you to verify vessel configuration opens. To close

it, press OK. To open vessel configuration parameters, press the
Open config button. To forbid showing the message again, tick the
Never show this message again check box.

Figure 75 Passage planning: verify vessel parameters

6. If an approved passage plan exists for the specified route, the Copy
from approved passage plan dialog opens with the list of
approved passage plans for the route.

Figure 76 Passage planning: create by copying

7. To create a new passage plan by copying, select a passage plan to

copy in the list, and press Yes.
8. A new passage plan is created: the route opens in the edit mode
with the new passage plan added to the Passage plan tab.

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6.2 Filling in a Passage Plan

After creating a passage plan, fill in available passage plan documents.

6.2.1 How to fill in a passage plan

To fill in a passage plan:

1. Switch to the Passage plan tab: the Passage plan tab with
departure and arrival settings and the document window with
passage plan documents opens.

Figure 77 Passage planning: passage plan panel

2. Specify departure parameters in the Departure section: the

specified departure parameters are entered to the corresponding
fields of the passage plan documents.
3. Specify arrival parameters in the Arrival section: the specified
arrival parameters are entered to the corresponding fields of the
passage plan documents.
4. Enter other passage plan information to the passage plan
5. To browse through available passage plan documents, use the

back and forward arrows below the document window.

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6. To zoom the documents in or out, use the Zoom in and

Zoom out buttons, or select a predefined scale in the scale

drop-down list below the document window.

7. To print the passage plan documents, press the Print button in

the header of the panel: the documents are converted to the PDF
format and opened in a PDF reader. Print the documents using the
PDF reader printing options.

The following initial departure and arrival parameters are available:

• From –departure port.

• To – arrival port.
• Time (UTC) – departure/arrival date and UTC time: specify
departure date and time in the Departure section, and NavStation
will calculate date and time of arrival.
• Time zone –select the time zone to be used to calculate the local
departure/arrival time in the drop-down list.
• Daylight saving – tick the check box if daylight saving should be
• Draught FWD – forward draught in meters.
• Draught AFT – aft draught in meters.
• Displacement – Displacement of the vessel at departure/arrival.
Used to calculate the block coefficient.
• Mean draught – Mean draught at departure/arrival, calculated as a
mean of the specified forward and aft draught values.
• Trim – trim of the vessel at departure/arrival; calculated
• Block coeff. (Cb) – block coefficient of the vessel at
departure/arrival; calculated automatically.

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6.2.2 Passage plan details

A passage plan consists of five main pages. If UKC calculation was made in
specific waypoints of the route, UKC calculation pages are added to the
passage plan.

Some passage plan fields fill in automatically with information you provide
when plotting the route and information retrieved from ADP databases.

You can enter data to the fields highlighted in light blue.

The following information is provided in page 1:

• General information – general information about the vessel,

general information about the route.
• Tidal information – tidal information for departure/arrival port on
the day of departure/arrival. Includes time for high water, time for
low water and rise. To disable using ATT, tick the Not use ATT
check box. A closest tidal station within a specified range is picked
for departure/arrival ports.
• Voyage specifications – information on commencement/end of
sea passage on the route. Waypoints where the sea passage
commences and ends are specified. For the passage plan to fill in
this section, set the Commencement/End of sea passage
property of corresponding waypoints while editing the route.
• Departure port information – information on the departure port.
• Arrival port information – information on the arrival port.
• Database update information – information on update dates of
databases used for the passage plan.
• EMERGENCY ANCHORAGES – information on emergency

The following information is provided in page 2 and 3 (Part A, Part B):

• General information – general information about the vessel and

the route.
• WP information – detailed information about each waypoint. Filled
in automatically with information provided while editing the route.
For the Under Keel Clearance calculations section to fill in, create
a UKC calculation page for waypoints where required.

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The following information is provided in pages 4 and on:

• General information – general information about the vessel and

the route (name of the vessel, name of the route, name of the
• ENC Cells – list of ENC cells for each leg of the route.
• T&P Notices – T&P notices in force for each leg of the route.
• ADLL Area – ADLL areas for each leg of the route. Retrieved from
the ADLL database.
• ADRS2 Area – ADRS2 areas for each leg of the route. Retrieved
from the ADRS2 database.
• ADRS6 Area – ADRS6 areas for each leg of the route. Retrieved
from the ADRS6 database.
• ADRS1345 Area – ADRS1345 areas for each leg of the route.
Retrieved from the ADRS1345 database.
• ATT Area – ATT areas for each leg of the route. Retrieved from the
ATT database.
• e-NP Sailing Directions – e-NP sailing directions for each leg of
the route. Retrieved from the e-NP database.
• NAVTEX – NAVTEX stations in a specified range from a route leg for
each leg of the route. Also provided are IDs of messages supported
by the stations.
• Navarea Warnings – IDs of Navarea warnings in a specified range
from a route leg for each leg of the route.
• Reporting – report information: report to authority and reporting
channel or telephone number.

The following information is provided in the last page:

• General information – general information about the vessel and

the route (name of the vessel, name of the route, name of the
voyage, departure date and time).
• Additional notes – type in any notes.

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6.3 Saving a Passage Plan

After filling in passage plan documents, save the passage plan.

To save a passage plan:

1. To save a passage plan, press the Save button at the top of

the Passage planning panel: the passage plan is saved.
2. To turn off the route editing mode and to return to the list of routes,

press the Back button.

3. The route with a saved but not approved passage plan is marked

with a Passage plan icon.

Figure 78 Passage plan: route with an editable passage plan

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6.4 Editing a Passage Plan

After creating and saving a passage plan, you can edit it before approval.

To edit a passage plan:

1. Expand the route options and press the Passage plan button:
the route opens in the editing mode with the current Passage plan
2. Or open the route with the passage plan you want to edit in the

editing mode: expand the route options and press the Edit
button. Then switch to the Passage plan tab: the current passage
plan opens.
3. Edit the passage plan.
4. To delete the current passage plan, press the Delete passage

plan button and confirm the operation.

5. After introducing all changes, save the passage plan by pressing the

Save button.
6. To turn off the route editing mode and to return to the list of routes,

press the Back button.

7. To exit without saving changes, press the Back button in the

upper-left corner of the panel: the confirmation dialog opens asking
if you want to save changes to the route.

Figure 79 Passage plan: saving confirmation dialog

8. Press No: the changes are discarded and the route editing mode is
turned off.

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6.5 Under Keel Clearance

NavStation passage plan contains an under keel clearance (UKC) section,
where UKC in each waypoint of the route is calculated based on the vessel’s
draught and the water depth in waypoints. This UKC calculation is a basic
one. Use this option if you do not need precise UKC calculation.

For precise UKC calculation in a waypoint, use the waypoint’s UKC

Determination function. You can find it in the tab with parameters of the

6.5.1 Filling in UKC section

To fill in the UKC section:

1. Open the route with the passage plan you want to edit in the editing

mode: expand the route options and press the Edit button.
2. Switch to the Passage plan tab: the tab with the departure and
arrival settings and the document window with passage plan
documents open.
3. Go to page 2 of the passage plan: the PASSAGE PLAN, Part A
section opens with the waypoints table.
4. Enter values of water depth in a waypoint in the W.Depth column:
the initial UKC is calculated as a difference of the specified water
depth in the waypoint and the static draught. The value of the static
draught is the Deepest draught – the maximum value of Departure
Draught FWD, AFT and Arrival Draught FWD, Aft specified in the
initial Departure and Arrival parameters section.

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5. The initial UKC is displayed in the Initial UKC (W. Depth – Static
draught) column.

Figure 80 Passage plan: UKC calculation


You cannot edit the W.Depth field of a waypoint if the Under keel
clearance determination function is activated for this waypoint.
In such case water depth in the waypoint is specified in the UKC
determination page.

6. If an initial UKC is less than the UKC calculation limit specified in

vessel settings (Configure → Passage planning → Default values), it
is highlighted in red. If an initial UKC is more that the UKC
calculation limit, it is highlighted in green.
7. UKC calculated using the Under keel clearance determination
function is automatically entered to the Full UKC column. If it is
less than the Minimal UKC limit specified in vessel settings, it is
highlighted in red. If the Under keel clearance determination
page is not created, no value is displayed in the Full UKC column
for the waypoint.

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6.5.2 Under keel clearance determination

With the UKC determination function of waypoints, you can calculate precise
values of UKC.

To determine UKC:

1. Open the route in the editing mode: expand the route options and

press the Edit button.

2. Find the waypoint you want to specify UKC for and open it for

editing by pressing its Expand button, then switch to the

Passage plan tab: the waypoint has the Under Keel Clearance
(UKC) Calculation section at the bottom of the panel.

3. To create a UKC sheet, press the Add button: the Squat &
UKC Calculations sheet opens with editable fields colored blue. In

addition, the Edit and Delete buttons appear in the

Under Keel Clearance (UKC) Calculation section.

Figure 81 Passage plan: Squat and UKC Calculations form

4. Enter required values: the UKC is calculated automatically. Minimum

requirements for calculation are Depth Chart datum at and Static
draught values.
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You cannot enter static draught values for departure and arrival
waypoints. Static draught for these waypoints is taken from the
Departure / Arrival sections of the Passage plan panel. The
deepest specified draught value is used.

5. To close the Squat & UKC Calculations sheet, press the Edit
button in the Under Keel Clearance (UKC) Calculation section:
the Squat & UKC Calculations sheet is saved and added to the
passage plan.
6. To open the Squat & UKC Calculations sheet for editing, press the

Edit button in the Under Keel Clearance (UKC) Calculation

7. To delete the Squat & UKC Calculations sheet, press the Delete

button in the Under Keel Clearance (UKC) Calculation

section and confirm the operation.
8. To zoom the Squat & UKC Calculations sheet, use the

Zoom in and Zoom out buttons under the sheet; or

select a predefined scale in the scales drop-down list.

9. To save the changes, press the Back button: you return to the

waypoints list. Then press the Save button: the changes are

10. To return to the routes list, press the Back button.

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6.5.3 UKC determination algorithm

The application uses the following procedure to calculate UKC in a


1. Depth Actual is calculated in the Water level (depth) section

using Chart Depth values and corrections you enter in the
Corrections section.
2. Squat and Dynamic draught are calculated in the SQUAT section.
3. Default Static draught is set to the Deepest draught (the
deepest value of Departure Draught FWD, AFT and Arrival Draught
FWD, Aft specified in the initial Departure and Arrival parameters
4. Squat is calculated using one of the two available formulas:
2×CB×V2/100 (Confined) or CB×V2/100 (Open), where CB is for Block
coefficient, V is for velocity. Select the formula option in the drop-
down list at the top of the right column.
5. Dynamic draught is calculated as the sum of Static draught and
6. UKC is calculated as the difference between Depth Actual and
Dynamic draught.
7. Then the calculated UKC is compared to the Minimum UKC
required by Company: if the UKC is more than or equal to the
Minimum UKC, the Is the Company minimum UKC fulfilled
value is set to YES; if the UKC is less than the Minimum UKC, the
value is set to NO.
8. The value of the Minimum UKC required by Company depends
on the option selected when specifying default Passage planning
parameters (see chapter 14.8.1, Passage plan default values). If the
Minimal UKC default property is set to By m (absolute value), the
Minimum UKC required by Company value equals to the value
set in default parameters. If the Minimal UKC default property is
set to Percentage (relative value), the Minimum UKC required
by Company value is calculated as a percent of Static draught or
Dynamic draught (this depends on which option is set for the UKC
calc. (%) base default property).

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6.6 Passage Waypoints Editing

When a route has a non-approved passage plan attached to it, additional
parameters are available for editing for waypoints. These parameters are
schedule and passage plan parameters.

6.6.1 Route parameters

To edit route waypoint parameters:

1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and

press the Edit button.

2. Open the Waypoint attributes panel: press the waypoint’s

Expand button and select the Edit option.

Figure 82 Passage planning: opening Waypoint attributes panel

3. Waypoint parameters are divided into three tabs: Route with route
related parameters, Schedule with schedule related parameters,
and Passage plan with passage plan related parameters.
4. Switch to the Route tab.

Figure 83 Passage planning: route related WP parameters

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5. You can also select a waypoint in the chart view. To do so, right-
click/touch and hold the waypoint in the chart view: the pop-up
menu appears. Select the Select WP option: the Waypoint
attributes panel opens.

Figure 84 Passage planning: selecting a WP in the chart view

6. Enter new values to the corresponding fields and save the changes.
7. To move to the previous waypoint attributes without returning to

Waypoints list, press the Prev button.

8. To move to the next waypoint attributes without returning to

Waypoints list, press the Next button.

9. To save the changes, return to the route editing panel by pressing

the Back button. Press the Save button: the changes are
10. To return to the Passage Planning panel with the list of all

routes, press the Back button.

11. To cancel the changes, press the Back button in route editing
panel: the confirmation dialog opens asking if you want to save the
route. Press No: the changes are cancelled, and you return to the
Passage Planning panel.

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Waypoint has the following route related parameters:

• Waypoint name – Name of the waypoint;

• Latitude – Latitude of the waypoint;
• Longitude – Longitude of the waypoint;


To specify north or south for latitude and east or west for longitude,
enter ‘N’ for north, ‘S’ for south, ‘E’ for east and ‘W’ for west.

• Turning radius – Turning radius in the waypoint;

• XTD Port – Deviation to port from the route leg between this and
next waypoints;
• XTD Starboard – Deviation to starboard from the route leg
between this and next waypoints;
• Leg type – Type of the leg geometry: great circle line or rhumb
line. Select an option in the Leg type drop-down list.
• Remarks – Enter a remark.

6.6.2 Schedule parameters

The Schedule function recalculates schedule parameters of all waypoints of
the passage to meet schedule requirements you specify for passage

Schedule parameters are estimated time of arrival (ETA) to a waypoint,

estimated time of departure (ETD) from a waypoint, planned speed between

If you change one of the schedule parameters for a waypoint, the application
recalculates schedule parameters for all other waypoints of the passage to
satisfy the specified conditions.

You can fix ETA, ETD and planned speed values if you don’t want them

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To edit schedule waypoint parameters:

1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and

press the Edit button.

2. Open the Waypoint attributes panel: press the waypoint’s

Expand button and select the Edit option.

Figure 85 Passage planning: opening Waypoint parameters panel

3. Waypoint parameters are divided into three tabs: Route with route
related parameters, Schedule with schedule related parameters,
and Passage plan with passage plan related parameters.
4. Switch to the Schedule tab.

Figure 86 Route planning: schedule related WP parameters

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5. You can also select a waypoint in the chart view. To do so, right-
click/touch and hold the waypoint in the chart view: the pop-up
menu appears. Select the Select WP option: the Waypoint
attributes panel opens.

Figure 87 Passage planning: selecting a WP in the chart view

6. Enter new values to the corresponding fields and save the changes.
7. To move to the previous waypoint attributes without returning to

Waypoints list, press the Prev button.

8. To move to the next waypoint attributes without returning to

Waypoints list, press the Next button.

9. To save the changes, return to the route editing panel by pressing

the Back button. Press the Save button: the changes are
10. To return to the Passage Planning panel with the list of all

routes, press the Back button.

11. To cancel the changes, press the Back button in route editing
panel: the confirmation dialog opens asking if you want to save the
route. Press No: the changes are cancelled, and you return to the
Passage Planning panel.

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Waypoint has the following schedule related parameters:

• Planned speed – Planned speed on the leg between this and next
waypoints; if you want to fix the value of the planned speed so that
the application cannot change it when recalculating route schedule
parameters, check the Fixed speed check box.
• ETA – Estimated time of arrival to the waypoint; if you want to fix
the value of the ETA so that the application cannot change it when
automatically recalculating route schedule parameters, check the
Fixed ETA check box and enter the value in the ETA field that
becomes editable. If the value you are trying to enter in the Fixed
ETA field is inconsistent with fixed ETD values of the previous or the
current waypoint (for example, the ETA is less than the previous
ETD), the schedule cannot be calculated, and a notice about
inconsistent input values appears.

Figure 88 Passage planning: inconsistent ETA/ETD value

• Stay – Time of stay in the waypoint.

• ETD – Estimated time of departure from the waypoint; if you want
to fix the value of the ETD so that the application cannot change it
when automatically picking route schedule parameters, check the
Fixed ETD check box and enter the value in the ETD field that
becomes editable. If the value you are trying to enter in the Fixed
ETD field is inconsistent with fixed ETA values of the previous or the
current waypoint (for example, the ETD is less than the ETA), the
schedule cannot be calculated, and a notice about inconsistent input
values appears.
• Time zone – Time zone to use in the waypoint.

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• Minimum speed – minimum speed in the waypoint; if the

automatically calculated planned speed is less than the specified
minimum speed, the schedule cannot be calculated, and a notice
about inconsistent input values appears.

Figure 89 Passage planning: inconsistent input value

• Maximum speed – maximum speed in the waypoint; if the

automatically calculated planned speed is more than the specified
maximum speed, the schedule cannot be calculated, and a notice
about inconsistent input values appears.
• Note – enter a note if necessary.

6.6.3 Passage plan parameters

To edit passage plan waypoint parameters:

1. Open the route in the edit mode: expand the route options and

press the Edit button.

2. Open the Waypoint attributes panel: press the waypoint’s

Expand button and select the Edit option.

Figure 90 Passage planning: opening Waypoint parameters panel

3. Waypoint parameters are divided into three tabs: Route with route
related parameters, Schedule with schedule related parameters,
and Passage plan with passage plan related parameters.

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4. Switch to the Passage plan tab.

Figure 91 Route planning: passage plan related WP parameters

5. You can also select a waypoint in the

chart view. To do so, right-
click/touch and hold the waypoint in
the chart view: the pop-up menu
appears. Select the Select WP
option: the Waypoint attributes
panel opens.
6. Enter new values to the
corresponding fields and save the Figure 92 Passage planning:
changes. selecting a WP in the chart view
7. To move to the previous waypoint

attributes without returning to Waypoints list, press the Prev

8. To move to the next waypoint attributes without returning to

Waypoints list, press the Next button.

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9. To save the changes, return to the route editing panel by pressing

the Back button. Press the Save button: the changes are
10. To return to the Passage Planning panel with the list of all

routes, press the Back button.

11. To cancel the changes, press the Back button in route editing
panel: the confirmation dialog opens asking if you want to save the
route. Press No: the changes are cancelled, and you return to the
Passage Planning panel.

Waypoint has the following passage plan related parameters:

• Passage type – Type of the passage on the leg to use for UKC
calculation (Undefined, Ocean, Coastal and Pilotage/fairway/channel
options are available in the drop-down list). If the Undefined option
is selected, NavStation considers that the leg type is ‘pilotage’.
• Commencement/End of sea passage – Indicates if the waypoint
is the first or the last point of the passage; if none, select
• Pilot embarkation/disembarkation – Indicates if a pilot embarks
or disembarks in the waypoint; if not, select Undefined.
• Security level – Security level of the passage according to the ISPS
code classification; three levels are available. Check the
corresponding check box.
• Safety contour – Safety contour on the leg.
• Safety depth – Safety depth on the leg.
• Shallow contour – Shallow contour on the leg.
• Deep contour – Deep contour on the leg.
• Report to – Authority to report to in the waypoint.
• Report ch. – Report channel.
• Under Keel Clearance (UKC) Calculation – Adds a page with
UKC calculation in the waypoint to passage plan based on this route.
For more details, see chapter 6.5.2 Under keel clearance

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6.7 Approving a Passage Plan

After you have completely prepared a passage plan, you can approve it.


After a passage plan has been approved, it cannot be edited.

To approve a passage plan:

1. Open the route with the passage plan you want to approve in the

editing mode: expand the route options and press the Edit
2. Switch to the Passage plan tab: the tab with the departure and
arrival settings and the document window with passage plan
documents open.

3. Press the Approve button and confirm the operation: the

passage plan is approved and added to the Approved passage
plans list, the route editing mode is closed.
4. To view the passage plan, switch to the Approved passage plans
tab and select the passage plan: the passage plan window opens
where you can browse through the documents.
5. To find a passage plan you need, use the Search function at the
bottom of the panel: enter the route name to the Route name field
or departure time span to the From departure time and To
departure time fields.

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6.8 Copying an Approved Passage Plan

To copy an approved passage plan:

1. Open the Passage planning panel by pressing the Passage plan

button either at the Desktop or in the Menu.

2. Switch to the Approved passage plans tab.
3. Find the passage plan you want to
copy and select it: available
passage plan operations appear in
the header of the panel.
4. To find a passage plan you need,
use the Search passage plan
function at the bottom of the
panel: start entering the route
name and the Search function
filters out the routes with names
containing the characters you are
entering. To clear the search, Figure 93 Passage plan: operations

press the Clear button in the

Search passage plan field.

5. To copy a selected passage plan, press the Copy button: the

Enter a new route name dialog opens.

Figure 94 Passage plan: copying a passage plan

6. Enter a name of the new route and press OK: a new route is
created by copying the selected route together with a copy of the
passage plan.


The copied passage plan requires approval.

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6.9 Printing an Approved Passage Plan

To print an approved passage plan:

1. Open the Passage planning panel by pressing the Passage plan

button either at the Desktop or in the Menu.

2. Switch to the Approved passage plans tab.
3. Find the passage plan you want to print and select it: available
passage plan operations appear in the header of the panel.
4. To find a passage plan you need, use the Search passage plan
function at the bottom of the panel: start entering the route name
and the Search function filters out the routes with names
containing the characters you are entering. To clear the search,

press the Clear button in the Search passage plan field.

5. Press the Print button and indicate if you want to print UKC
calculation pages in the dialog that opens: the documents are
converted to the PDF format and opened in your default PDF reader.
Print the documents using the PDF reader printing options.

6.10 Deleting an Approved Passage Plan

6.10.1 Deleting a passage plan

To delete an approved passage plan:

1. Open the Passage planning panel by pressing the Passage plan

button either at the Desktop or in the Menu.

2. Switch to the Approved passage plans tab.
3. Find the passage plan you want to delete and select it: available
passage plan operations appear in the header of the panel.
4. To find a passage plan you need, use the Search passage plan
function at the bottom of the panel: start entering the route name
and the Search function filters out the routes with names
containing the characters you are entering. To clear the search,

press the Clear button in the Search passage plan field.

5. Press the Delete button in the header of the panel and confirm
the operation: the passage plan is moved to the bin.

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6.10.2 Restoring a deleted passage plan

Deleted passage plans are moved to the bin. You can restore deleted
passage plans or delete them permanently.

To restore a deleted passage plan:

1. Open the Passage planning panel by pressing the Passage plan

button either at the Desktop or in the Menu.

2. Switch to the Bin tab and select the Deleted passage plans option
in the drop-down list in the header of the panel: the list of all
approved passage plans that have been deleted opens.
3. Find the passage plan you want to restore and select it: available
passage plan operations appear in the header of the panel.

Figure 95 Passage plan: operations with deleted passage plans

4. To find a passage plan you need, use the Search passage plan
function at the bottom of the panel: enter the route name or the
departure time.

5. To restore a selected passage plan, press the Restore button

and confirm the operation: the passage plan is restored and moved
back to the Approved passage plans list.

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6.10.3 Permanently deleting a passage plan

To delete a passage plan permanently:

1. Open the Passage planning panel by pressing the Passage plan

button either at the Desktop or in the Menu.

2. Switch to the Bin tab and select the Deleted passage plans option
in the drop-down list in the header of the panel: the list of all
approved passage plans that have been deleted opens.
3. Find the passage plan you want to delete permanently and select it:
available passage plan operations appear in the header of the panel.
4. To find a passage plan you need, use the Search passage plan
function at the bottom of the panel: enter the route name or the
departure time.
5. To permanently delete a selected passage plan, press the

Permanently delete button and confirm the operation: the

passage plan is permanently deleted.

6.11 Activating and Deactivating Passage Plans

If you are working with NavFleet and you have established interaction
between NavFleet and NavStation, you can activate and deactivate
passage plans in NavStation.

6.11.1 Activating passage plans

To activate an approved passage plan:

1. Open the Passage planning panel by pressing the Passage plan

button either at the Desktop or in the Menu.

2. Switch to the Approved passage plans tab.
3. Find the passage plan you want to activate. To find a passage plan
you need, use the Search passage plan function at the bottom of
the panel: start entering the route name and the Search function
filters out the routes with names containing the characters you are

entering. To clear the search, press the Clear button in the

Search passage plan field.

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4. Expand the options of the passage plan by pressing its Expand

button and select the Activate option: the activation parameters
dialog opens.

Figure 96 Passage plan: approved passage plan options

5. Enter the actual time of departure to the Actual time of departure


Figure 97 Passage plan: activation dialog

6. Select a loading condition in the Loading condition drop-down list.

7. Select the speed order in the Speed order drop-down list.
8. After setting all parameters, press the Activate button: the passage

plan is activated. The Activated icon is displayed to the right

of the plan’s name.

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6.11.2 Deactivating passage plans

If an active passage is completed, that is the vessel has arrived at its
destination, or aborted, if, for example, the passage plan has changed,
deactivate the passage.

To deactivate a passage plan:

1. Open the Passage planning panel by pressing the Passage plan

button either at the Desktop or in the Menu.

2. Switch to the Approved passage plans tab.
3. Find the passage plan you want to deactivate. To find a passage
plan you need, use the Search passage plan function at the
bottom of the panel: start entering the route name and the Search
function filters out the routes with names containing the characters

you are entering. To clear the search, press the Clear button in
the Search passage plan field.
4. Expand the options of the passage plan by pressing its Expand
button and select the Deactivate option: the deactivation
parameters dialog opens.

Figure 98 Passage plan: deactivation dialog

5. Select a reason for deactivation in the Reason for deactivation

drop-down list.
6. If the reason is Completed, enter the actual time of arrival to the
Actual time of arrival field.
7. After setting all parameters, press the Deactivate button: the
passage plan is deactivated.

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6.11.3 Cancelling passage plans

If you want an active passage to be unavailable in NavFleet, cancel it in

To cancel a passage plan:

1. Open the Passage planning panel by pressing the Passage plan

button either at the Desktop or in the Menu.

2. Switch to the Approved passage plans tab.
3. Find the passage plan you want to cancel. To find a passage plan
you need, use the Search passage plan function at the bottom of
the panel: start entering the route name and the Search function
filters out the routes with names containing the characters you are

entering. To clear the search, press the Clear button in the

Search passage plan field.
4. Expand the options of the passage plan by pressing its Expand
button and select the Cancel option: the cancel confirmation dialog

Figure 99 Passage plan: cancel confirmation dialog

5. Press Yes to cancel the passage plan: the passage plan is cancelled.

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6.11.4 Changing speed order

If the speed order during a passage has changed, make this change in the
application, too. You can only change the speed order if the passage plan is

To change the speed order:

1. Open the Passage planning panel by pressing the Passage plan

button either at the Desktop or in the Menu.

2. Switch to the Approved passage plans tab.
3. Find the passage plan you want to cancel. To find a passage plan
you need, use the Search passage plan function at the bottom of
the panel: start entering the route name and the Search function
filters out the routes with names containing the characters you are

entering. To clear the search, press the Clear button in the

Search passage plan field.
4. Expand the options of the passage plan by pressing its Expand
button and select the Speed option: the speed order change dialog

Figure 100 Passage plan: speed order change dialog

5. Select the new speed order in the Speed order drop-down list.
6. Enter the time of change in the Actual time of change field.
7. Press Confirm to confirm the new speed order.

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7 User Layers
With the User Layers function, you can create your own chart layers and
populate them with your own chart objects.

7.1 Creating User Layers

To create a user layer:

1. Open the User Layers panel: press the User Layers button
in the desktop or in the menu at the bottom of the main window.

Figure 101 User Layers: User layers panel

2. Press the Add button in the header of the panel: the dialog
opens where you can enter a name and a description of the layer.

Figure 102 User layers: add layer dialog

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3. Enter the name of the layer to the Name field and the description of
the layer to the Description field and press OK: the new user layer
is created and added to the list of user layers. The list shows the
name, the description, and the visibility status of the layer.

Figure 103 User Layers: list of created user layers

4. Now you can show and hide the layer, add user objects to the layer,
or delete it.

7.2 Displaying User Layers

When you add a new layer, it is not displayed in the chart view: its display

status is ‘Hidden’ .

To show/hide a user layer:

1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the

User Layers button in the desktop or in the menu at the

bottom of the main window.
2. Find the layer you want to display or hide. You can use the Search
function: start entering the name or description of the layer you
need in the Search field at the bottom of the panel: the function
filters out the layers with symbols you are entering. To clear the

search, press the Clear button that appears in the Search


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3. To display a hidden layer, press the Display status icon on the

left from the layer name: the layer is displayed, the Display status
icon changes to ‘Displayed,’ and you can see user objects added to
the layer in the chart view.

4. To hide a displayed layer, press the Display status icon on the

left from the layer name: the layer is hidden, the Display status
icon changes to ‘Hidden,’ and you cannot see user objects added to
the layer in the chart view.

7.3 Deleting User Layers

You can delete user layers. When deleted, user layers move to the bin and
stay there until you permanently delete them or restore them back.

7.3.1 Deleting a user layer

To delete a user layer:

1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the

User Layers button in the desktop or in the menu at the

bottom of the main window.
2. Find the layer you want to delete. You can use the Search function:
start entering the name or description of the layer you need in the
Search field at the bottom of the panel: the function filters out the
layers with symbols you are entering. To clear the search, press the

Clear button that appears in the Search field.

3. Select the user layer that you want to delete: the Delete
button appears in the header of the panel.
4. Press the Delete button and confirm the operation: the user layer is
moved to the bin. You can choose to permanently delete the layer
from the bin or to restore it.

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7.3.2 Restoring a deleted user layer

To restore a user layer from the bin:

1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the

User Layers button in the desktop or in the menu at the

bottom of the main window.
2. Switch to the Bin tab: it displays the list of deleted user layers.

Figure 104 User Layers: Bin tab

3. Find the layer you want to restore. You can use the Search
function: start entering the name or description of the layer you
need in the Search field at the bottom of the panel: the function
filters out the layers with symbols you are entering. To clear the

search, press the Clear button that appears in the Search

4. To restore a deleted user layer, select it in the list, press the

Restore button that appears in the header of the panel and

confirm the operation: the user layer is restored and moved to the
User Layers list.

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7.3.3 Permanently deleting a user layer

To permanently delete a user layer from the bin:

1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the

User Layers button in the desktop or in the menu at the

bottom of the main window.
2. Switch to the Bin tab: it displays the list of deleted user layers.

Figure 105 User Layers: Bin tab

3. Find the layer you want to delete permanently. You can use the
Search function: start entering the name or description of the layer
you need in the Search field at the bottom of the panel: the
function filters out the layers with symbols you are entering. To

clear the search, press the Clear button that appears in the
Search field.
4. To permanently delete a user layer, select it in the list, press the

Clear button that appears in the header of the panel and

confirm the operation: the user layer is permanently deleted.

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7.4 Viewing User Layer Information

To view information about a user layer:

1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the

User Layers button in the desktop or in the menu at the

bottom of the main window.
2. Find the layer you need. You can use the Search function: start
entering the name or description of the layer you need in the
Search field at the bottom of the panel: the function filters out the
layers with symbols you are entering. To clear the search, press the

Clear button that appears in the Search field.

3. Press the layer’s Expand button: the Layer Objects List panel

Figure 106 User Layers: Layer Objects List panel

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4. Press the Info icon to the right of the layer’s name: the Layer
Information panel opens with the following information about the
layer: name of the layer, description of the layer, version of the
layer, date and time when the layer was created, name of the
creator, date and time of the last update of the layer.

Figure 107 User Layers: Layer Information panel

7.5 Adding User Objects

You can add such user objects as notes, points, lines, polygons, circles and
clearing lines to the user layers.

7.5.1 Adding an object

To add an object to a user layer:

1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the

User Layers button in the desktop or in the menu at the

bottom of the main window.

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2. Find the layer you need. You can

use the Search function: start
entering the name or description of
the layer you need in the Search
field at the bottom of the panel: the
function filters out the layers with
symbols you are entering. To clear

the search, press the Clear

button that appears in the Search

3. Press the layer’s Expand

button: the Layer Objects List
panel opens.
4. To add an object, press the object’s
button at the bottom of the panel:
the Edit Object panel opens where
you can specify properties of the
object. Figure 108 User Layers: Edit object
5. You can plot the object directly in panel
the chart view by left-clicking in the
specified position or enter its
coordinates in the Latitude and Longitude fields of the Edit
Object panel.

6. To save the object, press the Save button in the header of the

7. To scroll the chart view to the object, press the Go to button in

the header of the panel.
8. To exit the Edit Object panel and return to the Layer Objects list

panel, press the Back button.

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7.5.2 General Object Parameters

All user objects have the following parameters:

• Name – name of the object (mandatory parameter).

• Description – description of the object.
• Depth – depth of the object.
• Danger highlight – danger highlight category (undefined, alarm,
warning, and caution options are available).
• Scale max – the object is displayed in the chart at scales less than
the specified scale max value. To clear the field, press the Clear

button. You can enter a value in the range from 999 to

19 999 999. If you enter a value larger than the value of Scale
min, the latter is set to the same value.
• Scale min – the object is displayed in the chart at scales larger
than the specified scale min value. To clear the field, press the

Clear button. You can enter a value in the range from 999 to
19 999 999. If you enter a value less than the value of Scale max,
the latter is set to the same value. To turn the use of this setting
on/off, use the Config → Chart portrayal settings → Scale min
• Attached image – attached image file. To attach an image file,
press the Attach button, select the file in the Select attachment
file dialog, and press Open: the file is attached. To remove an
attached file, press the Remove button and confirm the operation.
To view the attached file, open the Object information panel
(right-click the object in the chart and select the Object Info

option), find the object in the objects list and press the image
icon: the image opens. See available file formats in the Select
attachment file dialog.
• Attached document – attached document file. To attach a
document file, press the Attach button, select the file in the Select
attachment file dialog, and press Open: the file is attached. To
remove an attached file, press the Remove button and confirm the
operation. To view the attached file, open the Object information
panel (right-click the object in the chart and select the Object Info
option), find the object in the objects list and press the document

icon: the image opens. See available file formats in the Select
attachment file dialog.

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• Latitude – latitude of the object. You can plot the object or object
nodes directly in the chart by left-clicking in the required position;
or enter values in the Latitude field: double-click the field to
activate it and enter the value.
• Longitude – longitude of the object. You can plot the object or
object nodes directly in the chart by left-clicking in the required
position; or enter a value in the Longitude field: double-click the
field to activate it and enter the value.

7.5.3 Note Parameters

A Note object has the following specific parameters:

• Category – category of the note (information, caution, and

undefined options are available).

7.5.4 Point Parameters

A Point object has the following specific parameters:

• Symbol – symbol to be used to display the point (caution, diamond,

triangle, and cross options are available).
• Color – color of the point object.

7.5.5 Line Parameters

A Line object has the following specific parameters:

• Line style – style for the line display (solid, short dash, and long
dash options are available).
• Color – color of the line object.

7.5.6 Polygon Parameters

A Polygon object has the following specific parameters:

• Color – color of the polygon border and fill.

• Line style – style for the polygon border display (solid, short dash,
and long dash options are available).
• Fill style – style for the polygon fill (filled, diagonal hatch, and
crosshatch style options are available).
• Fill opacity – opacity of the polygon fill (50%, transparent, and
opaque options are available).

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7.5.7 Circle Parameters

A Circle object has the following specific parameters:

• Color – color of the circle border and fill.

• Line style – style for the circle border display (solid, short dash,
and long dash options are available).
• Fill style – style for the circle fill (filled, diagonal hatch, and
crosshatch style options are available).
• Fill opacity – opacity of the polygon fill (50%, transparent, and
opaque options are available).
• Latitude – latitude of the circle center.
• Longitude – longitude of the circle center.
• Radius – radius of the circle. When you start plotting a circle, with
the first left-click, you plot the circle center; and with the second
left-click, you specify the circle radius.

7.5.8 Clearing Line Parameters

A Clearing line object has the following specific parameters:

• Category – category of the clearing line (NMT – not more than, NLT
– not less than, and undefined options are available).

7.6 Editing User Objects

7.6.1 Edit mode

To open a user object in the edit mode:

1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the

User Layers button in the desktop or in the menu at the

bottom of the main window.
2. Find the layer you need. You can use the Search function: start
entering the name or description of the layer you need in the
Search field at the bottom of the panel: the function filters out the
layers with symbols you are entering. To clear the search, press the

Clear button that appears in the Search field.

3. Press the layer’s Expand button: the Layer Objects List panel
opens with the list of all user objects.

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4. Find the object you want to edit. You can use the Search function:
start entering the object name in the Search objects field at the
bottom of the panel. The Search function filters out objects with
symbols you are entering in their names. To clear the search, clear
the Search objects field.

5. Press the object’s Expand button: the Objects Information

panel opens with the object information.

6. To switch to the edit mode, press the Edit button in the header
of the panel: the Edit object panel opens.

7.6.2 Editing parameters, position, and geometry

To edit user object parameters:

1. Switch to the object edit mode as described above.

2. Set new values to the object parameters.
3. To move the object or object nodes, enter new values to the
Latitude and Longitude fields.
4. You can move the object or object nodes right in the chart view. To
do so, left-click the node to select it, move it to the new position,
and left-click to plot it there.
5. To enter a new node to a line or polygon object, move the mouse
pointer to the position on the line where you want a new node and
left-click there: the new node is plotted.

6. To remove an object node, press its Delete button in the

Latitude and Longitude table.

7. To discard changes, press the Discard button that appears in

the header of the panel after you start changing parameter values.

8. To save changes, press the Save button that appears in the

header of the panel after you start changing parameter values.

7.6.3 Deleting user objects

To delete a user object:

1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the

User Layers button in the desktop or in the menu at the

bottom of the main window.
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2. Find the layer you need. You can use the Search function: start
entering the name or description of the layer you need in the
Search field at the bottom of the panel: the function filters out the
layers with symbols you are entering. To clear the search, press the

Clear button that appears in the Search field.

3. Press the layer’s Expand button: the Layer Objects List panel
opens with the list of all user objects.
4. Find the object you want to delete. You can use the Search
function: start entering the object name in the Search objects field
at the bottom of the panel. The Search function filters out objects
with symbols you are entering in their names. To clear the search,
clear the Search objects field.

5. Select the object you want to delete, press the Delete button
that appears in the header of the panel and confirm the operation:
the object is deleted.

7.7 Viewing User Object Info

To view information of a user object:

1. Open the User Layers panel with the list of user layers: press the

User Layers button in the desktop or in the menu at the

bottom of the main window.
2. Find the layer you need. You can use the Search function: start
entering the name or description of the layer you need in the
Search field at the bottom of the panel: the function filters out the
layers with symbols you are entering. To clear the search, press the

Clear button that appears in the Search field.

3. Press the layer’s Expand button: the Layer Objects List panel
opens with the list of all user objects.
4. Find the object you need. You can use the Search function: start
entering the object name in the Search objects field at the bottom
of the panel. The Search function filters out objects with symbols
you are entering in their names. To clear the search, clear the
Search objects field.

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5. Press the object’s Expand button: the Objects Information

panel opens with the list of all object’s properties.
6. To scroll the chart to the object, press the Go to button at the
header of the panel.
7. You can also access the object’s information from the chart. To do
so, right-click the object, find the user layer you need in the pop-up
menu that appears; expand the layer and select the object you
need: the Objects Information panel opens with the list of all
object’s properties.

Figure 109 User Layers: view object information

8. You can also use the Object Information function. To do so, right-
click the object in the chart view and select the Object Info option
in the pop-up menu that appears: the Object information panel
opens with the list of all objects under the mouse pointer. Find your
user object in the list and select it: the properties table opens where
you can view the values.


The Object Information function is the only way to access

attachments that you added to your user objects. To view the

attachment file, press the image or the document icon in

the properties table of the object.

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8 Weather Forecast
8.1 Downloading Weather Forecasts
NavStation can receive weather forecasts from two sources: weather
forecasts purchased in NavTracker are downloaded automatically over the
NavBox; weather forecasts can also be imported to NavStation by the

8.1.1 Receiving weather forecasts from NavBox

Weather forecasts purchased in NavTracker come to NavStation over the

To receive weather forecasts:

1. When a new forecast comes, a notification appears saying that a

new weather forecast has been received.

Figure 110 Weather: New weather forecast received notification

2. Press Yes to display the weather forecast in the chart view and
close the notification.
3. Press No to close the notification without displaying the forecast.
4. Received weather forecasts are added to the NAVTOR weather
forecasts list in the Select Weather Forecasts → NAVTOR

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5. To see details of a forecast, press its Expand button, the

Details panel opens. It shows the list of requested weather
products, the validity period, and the coordinates of the
geographical area the forecast covers.

Figure 111 Weather: weather forecast details

8.1.2 Importing weather forecasts from file

You can import weather forecasts from a file. NavStation supports the GRIB
and netCDF formats. For the netCDF format, you can add only currents and
ice data in regular grids.

To add a weather forecast from a file:

1. Open the Weather display

panel by pressing the

Weather Overlay button.

2. Press the Select button to

open the Select Weather
Forecasts panel and switch to
the Imported tab.

3. Press the Import button,

the Select forecast file dialog
4. Select the file and press the
Open button: import starts.
The forecast appears in the
Figure 112 Weather: importing
Imported list in yellow letters
and a progress bar is forecasts from file

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5. After the forecast has been loaded, it becomes white in the

Imported weather forecasts list and a notification appears saying
that a new weather forecast has been imported.

Figure 113 Weather: New weather forecast imported notification

6. Press Yes to display the weather forecast in the chart view and
close the notification or No to just close the notification.

7. To see details of a forecast, press its Expand button, the

Details panel opens. It shows the list of requested weather
products, the validity period and the coordinates of the geographical
area the forecast covers.

Figure 114 Weather: weather forecast details

8. To return to the Weather Display panel, press the Back


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8.2 Deleting Weather Forecasts

To delete weather forecasts:

1. Open the Weather display

panel by pressing the

Weather Overlay button.

2. Press the Open delete page

button in the header of the

Weather Display panel: the
Delete Weather Forecasts
panel opens with the list of all
received and imported weather
3. Received weather forecasts are
listed in the NAVTOR tab;
imported weather forecasts are Figure 115 WeatherDelete Weather
listed in the Imported tab.
Forecasts panel
4. To delete a weather forecast,

select it in the forecasts list, press the Delete button that

appears in the header of the panel and confirm the operation: the
forecast is deleted.
5. You can delete several weather forecasts. To do so, select the
forecasts you want to delete: use the left mouse button + CTRL or

SHIFT buttons. Then press the Delete button that appears in

the header of the panel and confirm the operation: the forecasts are
6. If you delete forecasts received over NavBox, the forecasts are
deleted both from NavStation and from NavBox.
7. If you delete imported forecasts, the forecasts are only deleted from

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8.3 Weather Display

8.3.1 Displaying weather forecasts

To display weather forecasts:

1. Select weather forecasts to display: open the Weather display

panel, press the Select button to open the Select Weather
Forecasts panel.
2. Weather forecasts received over the NavBox are listed in the
NAVTOR tab: you can select only one forecast to display from this
3. Imported weather forecasts are listed in the Imported tab: you can
select several weather forecasts to display from this tab.
4. To display a weather forecast, select it in the list.

Figure 116 Weather: selecting a forecast to display

5. To select several forecasts in the Imported panel, use the left mouse
button + CTRL or SHIFT buttons.

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6. Return to the Weather Display panel

by pressing the Back button: the

date from which the displayed forecast is
valid and the date when the displayed
forecast is received are indicated in the
header of the panel, and weather
products available for the displayed
forecast are listed below.

7. Select weather products to display. Once

a product is selected, it is displayed in
the chart view.
8. Set display options for weather products:
expand the feature’s options by pressing Figure 117 Weather: active

its Expand button and select weather forecast information

required options.

Figure 118 Weather: Weather feature display options

9. The weather parameters are displayed according to your selection,

the Play weather panel opens at the bottom of the screen.

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The following options are available for weather product display:

• Air pressure

− MSLP (Mean Sea Level Pressure) – Mean sea level pressure is

displayed, hPa.

• Wind

− Arrows – wind speed and direction are displayed with point

symbols (arrows).
− Beaufort filling – wind speed and direction are displayed with
area symbols (Beaufort filling).

• Wave

− Height – wave height is displayed.

− Direction – wave direction is displayed.

• Swell

− Height – swell height is displayed.

− Direction – swell direction is displayed.

• Ocean currents

− Arrows – ocean currents are displayed with point symbols

− Contours – ocean currents are displayed with line symbols
− Filling – ocean currents are displayed with area symbols (filling).

• Ice

− Ice cover – ice data are displayed with area symbols (filling).

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• Weather fronts

− Fronts – weather fronts are displayed with line symbols.

• Tropical cyclones

− Tropical cyclones – tropical cyclones are displayed with line


• Air temperature

− Contours – air temperature is displayed with line symbols

− Filling – air temperature is displayed with area symbols (filling).

• Sea surface temperature

− Contours – sea surface temperature is displayed with line

symbols (isolines).
− Filling – sea surface temperature is displayed with area symbols

• Total precipitation

− Contours – total precipitation is displayed with line symbols

− Filling – total precipitation is displayed with area symbols

• Visibility

− Contours – visibility is displayed with line symbols (isolines).

− Filling – visibility is displayed with area symbols (filling).

• Icebergs

− Positions – icebergs are displayed with point symbols showing

positions of icebergs.

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You can select to display a weather feature using all options available for this
feature at the same time.
You cannot turn off all options, one of the options stays selected.
You cannot select display options with filling areas with colors for more than
one weather product. If you select this option for one product and then select
this option for another, the filling option of the first product turns off.

8.3.2 Animating weather forecasts

When you are viewing a weather forecast you can animate it using the Play
weather panel that opens at the bottom of the screen.

Using this function, you can see how weather will change with time.

To animate weather forecasts:

1. Display a weather forecast (see chapter 8.3.1, Displaying weather

2. The Play weather panel opens at the bottom of the screen:
displayed weather products are presented as colored lines on the
Play weather line. The color of the product line corresponds to the
color of the circle displayed near the product in the products list.
The product lines appear on the Play weather line at the date
when they become available in the selected forecast.
3. To animate weather in the chart view, select the weather display
period in the lower-right corner the Play weather panel and drag

the Play slider along the timeline: weather displayed in the

chart view changes as you drag the slider.

Figure 119 Weather: Play weather panel

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8.3.3 Weather under mouse pointer

You can view values of weather parameters in a point in the chart view.

To view weather under the mouse pointer:

1. Right-click in the chart view where you

want to check weather parameter values:
the pop-up menu opens displaying the
2. If weather parameters are displayed with
point symbols and you right-click on a
Figure 120 Weather: weather
symbol, exact values in the selected
under mouse pointer
point are displayed.
3. If weather parameters are displayed as
areas, parameter intervals for the selected area are displayed.

Figure 121 Weather: weather under mouse pointer, area display

8.3.4 Weather display legend

To open the weather display legend:

1. Open the Weather display

panel by pressing the

Weather Overlay
2. Press the Legend button in
the header of the panel: the
Legend panel opens.
3. To view the legend for a
weather product, expand the

Figure 122 Weather: Weather display legend

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8.3.5 Weather specific display

You can use specific weather display for more readable display of weather
forecasts in the chart view.

If the Weather specific display option is on, chart display changes as soon
as you open the Weather Display tab.

The chart display returns to its regular state when you turn the Weather
Display function off: press the Close button under the Weather Overlay
button in the Menu below the chart view or slide the button out of its
position in the Menu.

To use the weather specific display option:

1. Turn the option on: open the Configure panel by pressing the

Configure button in the Desktop or in the Menu.

2. Then open the Chart objects panel and set the Use
Weather/MARPOL specific display switch to the on position.

Figure 123 Weather: Use Weather specific display switch

3. Now, when you open the Weather Display panel, chart display
changes to weather specific display.

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4. With the Weather Display panel active, you can customize chart
display. To do so, open the Configure → Chart objects panel: it
has the Weather Display header.

Figure 124 Weather: customizing Weather Display

5. Select the display mode you need in the Display mode drop-down
6. Indicate if specific chart objects should be displayed with Weather
Display on, using chart object switches available for the selected
display mode.
7. Settings are applied immediately.

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9 Weather Time Series

Weather time series function allows drawing weather feature graphs showing
how the feature changes in time. You can draw a time series for a point or
for a route.


To draw time series, the currently active weather forecast is used.

Time series graphs can be drawn for the following weather products:

• Air pressure

• Wind

• Wave

• Swell

• Ocean currents

• Air temperature

• Sea surface temperature

• Total precipitation

• Visibility

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9.1 Time Series for a Point

To draw a time series graph for a point:

1. Open the Weather Time Series panel and switch to the

Details tab.

Figure 125 Weather time series: Weather Time Series panel

2. Select the Point option.

3. Select a point you want a time series for. To do so, left-click a

position in the chart view: a point symbol is plotted and

coordinates of the selected point are displayed in the panel.

4. To scroll the chart view to the point, press the Go to button.

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5. Switch to the Products tab and select weather features for which
you want to draw a time series.

Figure 126 Weather time series: selecting weather products

6. If there are weather data for the specified weather products for this
point, the Time series panel opens with a graph showing how the
weather feature changes in this point with time.

Figure 127 Weather time series: Air Pressure graph

7. Graphs for all weather features are drawn in the same panel. To
remove a graph for a feature, deselect the feature in the Products

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8. To view the graph legend, press the Legend button in the

header of the panel. To close the legend, press the Legend button
one more time.

Figure 128 Weather time series: graph legend

9.2 Time Series for a Route

Time series for a route graph shows weather in the estimated position of the
own vessel at a specified time.

To draw a time series graph for a route:

1. Open the Weather Time Series

panel and switch to the Details tab.
2. Select the Route option: route controls
3. Select the route for which you want
weather time series in the drop-down
route list where all available routes are
listed: the route opens in the edit mode.
Here you can add, delete, and move
waypoints of the route and edit planned
speed on the leg.
4. To add a waypoint, move the mouse
pointer to a position on the leg where
you want to add a waypoint and left-
click there: the new waypoint is plotted
and added to the Waypoints table.

Figure 129 Weather time series

for a route: Details tab

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5. To delete a waypoint, find it in the waypoints table, press its Delete

button and confirm the operation: the waypoint is deleted from

the chart view and from the Waypoints table. To delete a waypoint
in the chart view, right-click the waypoint and select the Delete
waypoint? option in the pop-up menu that opens: the waypoint is
deleted from the chart view and from the Waypoints table.

Figure 130 Weather time series for a route: deleting a waypoint

6. To move a waypoint, specify new latitude and longitude in the

Waypoints table: the waypoint is moved to the new coordinates.
To move a waypoint in the chart view, left-click the waypoint to
capture it, move the waypoint to the new position, left-click to plot
it there: the waypoint is plotted in the new position and its
coordinates are updated in the Waypoints table.
7. To edit planned speed on the waypoint’s leg, edit the speed value of
the waypoint in the Planned Spd column of the Waypoints table.

8. To save changes to the route, press the Save button.

9. To plot time series for the reversed route, press the Reverse
10. Specify the estimated date and time of departure for the route in
the Departure (UTC) field.

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11. Switch to the Products tab and select weather features for which
you want to draw a time series.

Figure 131 Weather time series for a route: selecting weather products

12. If there are weather data for the specified weather products for
this route, the Time series panel opens with a graph showing how
the weather feature changes along the route with time.

Figure 132 Weather time series for a route: time series graph

13. Graphs for all weather products are drawn in the same panel. To
remove a graph for a product, deselect the product.

14. To view the plot legend, press the Legend button in the
header of the panel. To close the legend, press the Legend button
one more time.
15. To scroll the chart view to the current position of the own ship on

the route, press the Go to button.

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9.3 Time Series Graph Description

Time series graph has the following elements:

Figure 133 Weather time series: main elements

• Time line – drag the time line slider to see weather data changing
in time in the chart view. For time series along a route, the slider
also moves the vessel symbol to its estimated position at the
selected time. To scroll the chart view to the current position of the

symbol, press the Go to button.

• Time perpendicular – A perpendicular line is drawn from the slider
to the graph: the intersection of the perpendicular with the graph
indicates the weather product value at the specified time.
• Weather product axis – weather product values.
• Time series graph – graphical representation of the weather
product change in time; points on the graph are weather product
values available from the received forecast; other positions on the
graph are approximated.
• Time period options – specify a time period scale: how many days
should fit into the graph; 2 days, 7 days, and 15 days options are
available. If the overall weather forecast period is shorter than the
selected period, the whole weather forecast period is shown on the

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9.4 Time Series Graph Configuration

You can set up the appearance of the time series graph.

To set up the time series graph:

1. Open the Weather Time Series


2. Press the Config icon in the

header of the panel: the graph
settings panel opens.
3. To turn a setting on, set its switch
to the on position and press OK:
the setting is applied to the graph.
4. To turn a setting off, set its switch
Figure 134 Weather time series:
to the off position and press OK:
graph settings
the setting is applied to the graph.

The following settings are available for axes:

• Merge visible weather data with the same measurement

units into a single data range – if on, ranges of weather features
with the same measurement units are merged into a single data
• Use a single axis for weather data with the same
measurement units – if on, a single axis is used for weather
features with the same measurement units. Is only available when
the previous setting is on.
• Show alarm conditions along corresponding axes – alarm
condition values are highlighted on corresponding axes.

The following settings are available for curves:

• Show direction arrows – if on, direction arrows are displayed for

weather features with direction values.
• Show message when no weather data found – if on, a message
is displayed if no weather data are available for a specified time or

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9.5 Time Series Alarm Zones

You can specify alarm zones for some weather features: if the feature value
is more than the specified alarm value, the part of the time series graph
where this happens is highlighted with red color.

To specify time series alarms:

1. Open the Weather Time Series panel and switch to the

Details tab.
2. To specify the wind alarm, tick the Wind checkbox: the field
appears where you should set an alarm value of the wind speed.
3. To specify the wave alarm, tick the Wave checkbox: the field
appears where you should set an alarm value of the wave height.
4. Now when you draw a time series graph for wind or for waves, parts
of the graph with values higher than specified are highlighted with
orange color for wind and with red color for wave.

Figure 135 Weather time series: alarm conditions

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9.6 Polar Diagram

You can see weather conditions for a point or for a current position on a
route on a polar diagram.

To open the polar diagram:

1. Open the Weather Time Series panel .

2. Press the Polar diagram button: the Polar diagram panel


Figure 136 Weather time series: Polar diagram

3. The Polar diagram displays directions of displayed weather

products on the polar graph and the products’ values in the circles
near the graph and in the table below the graph.
4. If no weather products are displayed, the Polar diagram is empty.
5. When you move the Time slider on the Time series panel, the
Polar diagram changes accordingly.
6. If values of weather products fall into specified Alarm zones, these
values are displayed in the corresponding color (orange for wind,
red for wave).
7. To close the diagram and to return to the Weather Time Series

panel, press its Back button.

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9.7 Time Series Report

You can print a time series report.

Time series report can include the following weather products:

• Wind

• Wave

• Swell

• Ocean currents

To create and print a time series report:

1. Open the Weather Time Series panel .

2. If you want a weather time series report for a point, select the
Point option and select the point in the chart view. If you want a
weather time series report for a route, select the Route option and
select the route in the available routes drop-down list.

3. Then press the Report button in the header of the panel: the
Generate weather time series report dialog opens. Here you can
limit period of the report to be printed.

Figure 137 Weather time series: report set-up dialog

4. Specify the start date and time of the report in the Starting at
5. Select the period the report should cover in the Covering x day(s)
drop-down list.
6. Press OK: the report is saved to a PDF file and opens in your default
PDF reader. Print the report using the printing function of the PDF
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10 Optimized Ship Routing

The Optimized Ship Routing (OSR) function helps facilitate and automate
communications between the onboard team and Weathernews operators.
With the OSR function, you can seamlessly simulate and send your route
directly to a Weathernews Inc. center (WNI) and receive back optimized
route options (VP).


The OSR is a subscription service. Subscribe to the service before you

can start using it.

10.1 Sending OSR Request to Weathernews

The first step to get a route optimized is sending an optimization request to
Weathernews through a Next Voyage Information
(NVI) form available in NavStation.

There are two ways to launch the NVI form and

send it along with the route to be optimized: from
the OSR panel and from the Passage plan panel.
See the two procedures below.

To send an optimization request from the

OSR panel:

1. Open the OSR panel from the

Desktop or the Main Menu and ensure
you are in the OSR communications
tab. Figure 138 OSR
2. The OSR communications tab displays communications tab
the list of all sent requests (NVI) and
received responses (VP).

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3. Select a route to send for

optimization: open the drop-down list
with all available routes at the bottom
of the tab and select the route.
4. To display the selected route in the

chart view, press the Go to

5. To clear the route selection, press the

Clear button.
6. After you have selected a route for Figure 139 OSR communications:
optimization, the Send to WNI selecting a route
button becomes active. Press the
Send to WNI button: the NVI form opens where you can fill
required optimization parameters.

To send an optimization request from the Passage planning panel:

1. Open the Passage planning panel, find the route you need and

press its Expand button: the route options are displayed.

2. Press the To WNI button: the NVI form opens where you can fill in
the required optimization parameters and send the form to WNI.

Figure 140 OSR communications: Send route to WNI OSR using route options

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3. The NVI form can also be launched with the To WNI button
available in the route editing panel. Open the Passage planning

panel, find the route you need, press its Expand button: the
route options are displayed.

4. Press the Edit button: the route editing panel opens. Press the
To WNI button in its header: the NVI form opens where you can fill
required optimization parameters and send it to WNI.

Figure 141 OSR communications: Send route to WNI OSR from the Route editing panel:

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10.2 OSR Request: Next Voyage Information (NVI) Form

Once the NVI opens, you have to fill it out. Fill in optimization request
parameters (at least, the mandatory ones highlighted in orange): the Send
NVI button becomes active. Press the Send NVI button: the request is sent.

Figure 142 OSR communications: Route optimization request (NVI)


If the route you are sending has no waypoints indicated as “Commencement

of sea passage” and “End of sea passage,” the application rejects sending it.
Go to the Passage planning panel, open the route for editing, select a start
waypoint, and set it as “Commencement of sea passage.” Then select an end
waypoint and set it as “End of sea passage.” For more details, see chapter
6.6.3, Passage plan parameters.


The waypoints of your route will be attached to the NVI after you press the
Send NVI button. You will not see them. If you need to edit them further,
you must cancel the NVI, go back to your route and edit it in the Passage
planning panel.

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10.3 OSR Request Parameters

To send a request for route optimization, fill in the request parameters form.
Some parameters are mandatory, and the Send NVI button stays
unavailable until they are filled. These parameters are highlighted in orange.

If you have already sent an optimization request, the application will use
some of its parameter values for the next request.

The following OSR request parameters are available:

• Intended Route – The name of the route you selected.

• Voyage Number – Mandatory parameter. Select the field and enter
a value. By default, no value is set.
• Loading Condition – Indicates if the vessel is loaded or not. Select
the field, open the drop-down list, and select a loading option. By
default, the Ballast option is set.
• Departure Port Name – Mandatory parameter. Name of the
departure port. Select the field and enter a value. By default, the
value is taken from the Passage plan of the selected route.
• Commencement of Sea Passage Name – Name of the waypoint
specified as “Commencement of Sea Passage.” Select the field and
enter a value. By default, the value is taken from the waypoint
• Commencement of Sea Passage Position – Coordinates of the
waypoint specified as “Commencement of Sea Passage.” Select the
field and enter a value. By default, the value is taken from the
waypoint parameters.
• ETD (COSP) – Mandatory parameter. Estimated time of departure
from the waypoint specified as “Commencement of Sea Passage.”
Select the field and enter a value. By default, the value is taken
from the Passage plan of the selected route.
• Destination Port Name – Name of the destination port. Select the
field and enter a value. By default, the value is taken from the
Passage plan of the selected route.
• End of Sea Passage Name – Mandatory parameter. Name of the
waypoint specified as “End of Sea Passage.” Select the field and
enter a value. By default, the value is taken from the waypoint
• End of Sea Passage Position – Coordinates of the waypoint
specified as “End of Sea Passage.” Select the field and enter a value.
By default, the value is taken from the waypoint parameters.

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• ETA (EOSP) – Estimated time of arrival to the waypoint specified as

“End of Sea Passage.” By default, the value is taken from the
Passage plan of the selected route.
• Request Arrival Time Margin (min.) – Arrival time margin in
minutes. Select the field and enter a value. By default, no value is
• Arrival Time Margin Reason – Reason for requesting arrival time
margin. Select the field and enter a value. By default, no value is
• Nature of Cargo Primary – The type of primary cargo. Select the
field, open the drop-down field, and select a value. By default, the
NO CARGO value is set.
• Primary On Deck Cargo – Indicates if the primary cargo is
positioned on an open deck or not. Select the field, open the drop-
down list, and select a value. Three options are available: Not set,
Cargo is loaded on open deck, Cargo is not on open deck
(might be inside of closed hatch). By default, no value is set.
• Nature of Cargo Secondary – The type of secondary cargo. Select
the field, open the drop-down field, and select a value. By default,
the NO CARGO value is set.
• Secondary On Deck Cargo – Indicates if the secondary cargo is
positioned on an open deck or not. Select the field, open the drop-
down list, and select a value. Three options are available: Not set,
Cargo is loaded on open deck, Cargo is not on open deck
(might be inside of closed hatch). By default, no value is set.
• Nature of Cargo Undefined – Select the field and enter a value.
• Expected Departure Draft Fore (m) – Fore draft expected at
departure. Select the field and enter a value. By default, the mean
draught from Config → Vessel particulars → Mean draught is
• Expected Departure Draft Aft (m)– Aft draft expected at
departure. Select the field and enter a value. By default, the mean
draught from Config → Vessel particulars → Mean draught is
• GM (m) – Metacentric height. Select the field and enter a value. By
default, no value is set.
• Can Sail In Winter Zone – Indicates if the vessel can sail in the
winter zone. Select the field: the checkbox appears. It has three
values: Not set, Yes, No. Click the checkbox to change its values
until it has the value you need. By default, no value is set.

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• Calm Sea Speed – Vessel speed at calm sea. Select the field and
enter a value. By default, the value from Config → Passage
planning → Planned speed is set.
• Masters Intended RPM Setting – RPM value the master intends
to use. Select the field and enter a value. By default, no value is set.
• Min/Max RPM – Minimum and maximum possible RPM values.
Select the field and enter a value. By default, the value from the
previous request is set.
• Unusable RPM Range 1 – RPM range not to be used. Select the
field and enter a value. By default, the value from the previous
request is set.
• Unusable RPM Range 2 – RPM range not to be used. Select the
field and enter a value. By default, the value from the previous
request is set.
• Ultra Slow RPM Range – Ultra slow RPM range. Select the field
and enter a value. By default, no value is set.
• Min/Max MCR – Minimum and maximum possible MCR values.
Select the field and enter a value. By default, the value from the
previous request is set.
• Unusable MCR Range 1 – MCR range not to be used. Select the
field and enter a value. By default, the value from the previous
request is set.
• Unusable MCR Range 2 – MCR range not to be used. Select the
field and enter a value. By default, the value from the previous
request is set.
• Scrubber Equipped – Indicates if the scrubber is installed. Select
the field: the checkbox appears. It has two values: Yes, No. Click
the checkbox to change its values until it has the value you need. By
default, the value from the previous request is set.
• Fuel To Use In Open Ocean – Fuel to use in open ocean. Select
the field, open the drop-down list, and select a fuel value. By
default, the value from the previous request is set.
• Fuel To Use In ECA – Fuel to use in ECAs. Select the field, open
the drop-down list, and select a fuel value. By default, the value
from the previous request is set.
• Ship Master Name – Name of the ship master. Select the field and
enter a value. By default, no value is set.
• Remark – Remarks. Select the field and enter a value. By default,
no value is set.

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10.4 Receiving OSR Response (VP)

As a response to an OSR WNI request, you will receive a Voyage Plan (VP)
with route optimization options. It always has one recommended route along
with alternatives whenever it is possible.

To receive a route optimization response:

1. When a route optimization response comes, a notification appears

informing you about this.

Figure 143 OSR communications: a new WNI OSR VP is received

2. Press the OK button to acknowledge the message: the message is

closed, and the VP is added to the OSR communications tab
where the requests (NVIs) and previous responses (VPs) are listed.


As you sail along the route, you send periodic reports (NOON and
other reports) to Weathernews informing them about your current
situation. In response, Weathernews send adjusted voyage plans
(VP) to you. The WNI operator sends the adjusted voyage plans
(VP) with the agreed frequency or whenever the operator
considers that there is a need to update the voyage plan.

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10.5 Browsing OSR Communications

All OSR Weathernews requests (NVIs) and responses (VPs) are listed in the
OSR communications tab of the OSR panel.

You can view the details or delete NVIs and VPs in the OSR
communications tab.

To browse the NVIs and VPs list:

1. Open the OSR panel from the Desktop or from the Main Menu
and switch to the OSR communications tab.
2. The OSR communications tab displays the list of all sent requests
(NVI) and received responses (VP) with general information: type of
OSR communication (NVI or VP); status (Sent or Received); date
and time (UTC) of the communication.

Figure 144 OSR communications tab

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3. To view details of a communication, select it in the list: the

information panel opens at the lower part of the Main window.

Figure 145 OSR communications: sent NVI details

4. To delete a communication, select it in the communications list,

press the Delete button in the header of the panel and confirm
the operation: the communication is deleted.


If you delete a VP communication, you will lose all route

optimization options it contains.

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10.6 Viewing OSR Route Alternatives

When possible, WNI sends OSR route alternatives in a VP in response to an
OSR request (NVI). One of the suggested routes is indicated as a
recommended route, and the others are alternative.

You can view brief information about all suggested routes in the VP details
panel as well as detailed information about each suggested route.

10.6.1 Viewing VP details

To view VP details:

1. Open the OSR panel from the Desktop or from the Main Menu
and switch to the OSR communications tab.
2. The OSR communications tab displays the list of all sent requests
(NVI) and received responses (VP).
3. Select a VP you want to view: VP information panel opens at the
lower part of the Main window. It has a table with all the suggested
routes and some essential information about the routes.

Figure 146 OSR: received VP details

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4. All suggested routes are displayed in the chart view.

5. Some waypoints have weather data attached to them. Currently,
wind, significant wave, and current data can be displayed in


To avoid cluttering, weather data are displayed in the chart view

only for the start and end waypoints, and for waypoints with ETD
of 0:00 UTC.

6. To hide/show wind data, clear/set the Wind checkbox in the header

of the panel.
7. To hide/ show significant wave data, clear/set the Significant
wave checkbox in the header of the panel.
8. To hide/ show current data, clear/set the Current checkbox in the
header of the panel.

9. To hide/show a suggested route, press the Show indicator of

the route.

10. To open details of a suggested route, press the Expand arrow

of the route.

The following route information is available:

• Show – Indicates if the suggested route is displayed in the

chart view or hidden .

• Route type – Recommended for the recommended route,
Alternative for other routes. Routes with the Recommended type
are red in the chart view; routes with the Alternate type are orange
in the chart view.
• ETA – Estimated time of arrival to the End of Sea Passage waypoint.
• Distance – Overall distance of the route.
• Time used – Overall time of voyage along the route.
• Total FOC – Total fuel oil consumption.
• Average RPM – Average RPM on the route.
• Average speed (good weather) – Average speed at good
weather on the route.

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10.6.2 Viewing suggested route details

To view suggested route details:

1. Open the OSR panel from the Desktop or from the Main Menu
and switch to the OSR communications tab.
2. The OSR communications tab displays the list of all sent requests
(NVI) and received responses (VP).
3. Select the VP with the route you want to view: VP information panel
opens at the lower part of the Main window. It has a table with all
the suggested routes.

4. Press the Expand arrow of the suggested route you want to

view: the route details panel opens. The chart view scrolls to the
selected route and only the selected route is displayed in the chart
view, and the other suggested routes are hidden.

Figure 147 OSR: suggested route details

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5. The suggested route details table contains main waypoints (WP) and
simulated waypoints (DR). Main waypoints (WP) are key waypoints
of the route, where some essential voyage events, such as a change
in heading, speed, or RPM, take place. Simulated waypoints are
waypoints inserted to route legs for every three hours of the voyage
to give more details on weather conditions change.
6. To hide simulated waypoints in the table, set the Show simulated
waypoints switch to the Off position. To display simulated
waypoints, set the switch to the On position. Note that even if
simulated waypoints are hidden in the table, they are still displayed
in the chart view.
7. Waypoints can have the following statuses: SOSP – start of sea
passage; Report – a report has been received in this waypoint;
Past – the waypoint has been passed; PPS – an Inmarsat С
position has been polled in this waypoint; NOON – a noon report
has been received in this waypoint; EOSP – end of sea passage.
8. You can save the suggested route as a regular route to your route
database. Press the Save to Routes button, enter a route name,
and press OK: the route is saved. Now you can find it in the
Passage planning panel and edit it as a regular route.


Only the main waypoints that have not been passed yet are saved
to the new route.

The following route information is available:

• Waypoint – Name of the waypoint. WP – waypoint of the original

route; DR – waypoint of the suggested route.
• GC/RL – Type of the leg between this and next waypoints. GC –
great circle; RL – rhumb line.
• Time – Time of going through the waypoint.
• RPM – RPM on the leg between this and next waypoints.
• FOC – FOC on the leg between this and next waypoints.
• Wind dir – Wind direction in the waypoint.
• Wind spd – Wind speed in the waypoint.
• Wave hgt – Wave height in the waypoint.
• Wave dir – Wave direction in the waypoint.
• Wave per – Wave period in the waypoint.
• Current spd – Current speed in the waypoint.
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• Current dir – Current direction in the waypoint.

• Lat – Latitude of the waypoint.
• Lon – Longitude of the waypoint.

10.6.3 Suggested route display

Suggested routes have the following display elements:

Figure 148 OSR display: suggested routes display in the chart view

• Color – The suggested route with the Recommended type is red;

other suggested routes with the Alternate type are orange.
• Main route waypoints – Original route waypoints are displayed as

circles: red for waypoints to be passed ; grey for waypoints

already passed .
• Main route waypoints with weather data – Main route
waypoints with weather data are displayed as circles with a date,
weather display elements, and a short weather description (wave
direction, wave height, wave period, current speed). Red for
waypoints to be passed; grey for waypoints already passed.

Figure 149 OSR display: main WP with weather data (not past, past)

• Simulated waypoints without weather data – Simulated

waypoints without weather data are displayed as points: red for

waypoints to be passed ; grey for waypoints already passed

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• Simulated waypoints with weather data – Simulated waypoints

with weather data are displayed as squares with a date, weather
display elements, and a short weather description (wave direction,
wave height, wave period, current speed). Red for waypoints to be
passed; grey for waypoints already passed.

Figure 150 OSR display: simulated route WP with weather data (not past and past)

• Date – A number over a waypoint with weather data is the date

(without the month or the year) of the weather forecast.
• Wind symbol – Wind symbol shows wind direction and wind speed.

Figure 151 OSR display: wind symbol

• Wave symbol – Wave symbol (blue arrow) shows wave direction.

Figure 152 OSR display: wave symbol and information

• Current symbol – Current symbol (green arrow) shows current


Figure 153 OSR display: current symbol and information

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• Weather description – Weather description displays wave

direction, wave height, wave period, current speed.


If you turn off display of weather elements in OSR

communications → VP details panel, they stay hidden when you
open the suggested route details panel.

• Ship symbol – A ship symbol is displayed on the route. The date

and time displayed near the ship symbol are the time of going
through the waypoint. Left-click a waypoint in the chart view: the
ship symbol moves to the waypoint, and the time changes
accordingly. The waypoint where the ship symbol is now is
highlighted in the waypoints table. You can select a waypoint in the
table: the ship symbol moves to this waypoint in the chart view.

Figure 154 OSR: ship symbol

• Waypoint tooltip – Move the mouse pointer to a waypoint in the

chart view: a tooltip appears with short information about the
waypoint (latitude, longitude, ETD).

Figure 155 OSR: waypoint tooltip

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10.7 Sending Intended Route

After you have selected the route to navigate, send the information about
the intended route to WNI.

To send the intended route to WNI:

1. Open the OSR panel from the Desktop or from the Main Menu
and switch to the OSR communications tab.
2. The OSR communications tab displays the list of all sent requests
(NVI) and received responses (VP).
3. Select the intended route: open the drop-down list with all available
routes at the bottom of the tab and select the route.
4. Press the Send intended route button: the information about the
intended route is sent to WNI.

10.8 Route Simulation

The Route Simulation function is part of the OSR function. You can use
Route Simulation to simulate voyage parameters such as fuel oil
consumption, RPM or speed: input the combination of voyage parameters
you want to keep, and the Route Simulation function will calculate other
parameters to meet your requirements. Route Simulation also uses the
weather forecast you have set as active in the Weather Overlay panel for
voyage parameters calculation.


Weather data are usually limited to 15 days. If the voyage along the route
you want to simulate exceeds 15 days, the simulation has a higher degree
of uncertainty. In such a case, the application gives a warning so that you
are aware of the situation.

Figure 156 Simulation exceeding 15 days warning

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If you set speed as input, Route Simulation will calculate RPM you should
keep in order to reach the specified speed considering the weather forecast.
If you set RPM as input, Route Simulation will calculate speed you will get
according to the specified RPM and weather forecast. If you set ETA as input,
Route Simulation will calculate speed and RPM you need to meet the
specified ETA. Route Simulation also calculates fuel oil consumption. You
can set a combination of RPM, speed, and ETA.

If no weather parameters are available, Route Simulation only uses voyage

parameters set by the user.

After running the simulation function, you can play the simulated route in the
chart view using the play bar and view simulation plots.

10.8.1 Simulating a voyage

To simulate a voyage:

1. Open the OSR panel from the Desktop or from the Main Menu
and switch to the Route simulation tab.
2. The Route simulation tab displays parameters of the route to
simulate. If no route is selected, the tab is empty.

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3. At the lower part of the Main window, the Simulation results panel
opens: it displays simulation results after you run the Route
simulation function.

Figure 157 OSR Route simulation tab and simulation results panel

4. Select the route you want to simulate in the drop-down list at the
bottom of the Route simulation tab: route parameters are
displayed in the tab and the Simulate button becomes active.

Figure 158 OSR Route simulation: selecting a route

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5. Set the estimated time of departure: double-click the Time field of

the first waypoint to make it editable, enter a value and press
6. Run the simulation. Press the Simulate button: simulation results
are displayed in the simulation results panel and the route is
displayed in the chart view.

Figure 159 OSR Route simulation: simulation results panel

7. To change route simulation parameters (RPM, SOG or ETA) for a

waypoint, double-click the corresponding field in the Simulation tab
to make it editable, enter a new value, and press ENTER. Run a
new simulation with the modified parameters.

Figure 160 OSR Route simulation: setting RPM for a waypoint

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8. To change route simulation

parameters (RPM or SOG) for a
group of waypoints, select the
waypoints (SHIFT + left-click,
CTRL + left-click, left-click and drag)

in the Simulation tab: the Edit

icon appears in the header of the

9. Press the Edit icon of the

parameter you want to edit (RPM or
SOG): the edit panel opens. Enter a

new value and press the Back

arrow: the new value is set to all Figure 161 OSR Route simulation:
selected waypoints. Run a new selecting multiple waypoints
simulation with the modified

Figure 162 OSR Route simulation: setting RPM for multiple waypoints

10. To clear the Route simulation tab and the Simulation results

panel, press the Clear button.


When you select a route for simulation, the application downloads

SOG for waypoints from the selected route. You can run the
Simulation function to simulate RPM and fuel consumption.

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10.8.2 Simulation results

Simulation results are displayed in the Simulation results panel after you
have run the Simulation function. The Simulation results panel has a play
bar to play the voyage along the simulated route in the chart view and two
tabs: Simulated route and Simulation plots.

The Simulation route tab displays simulation results for the route and for
each waypoint. Below you can find the list of simulation parameters the tab

The Route Simulation function adds simulated waypoints to the route. It

plots these waypoints every three hours. The simulated waypoints are called
DR in the Simulation results table. To hide the DR waypoints set the
Show simulated waypoints switch to the Off position; to show the DR
waypoints, set the switch to the On position.

The following route parameters are available:

• ETA (Set) – Estimated time of arrival set by the user.

• ETA (Sim) – Estimated time of arrival calculated by the
Simulation function.
• Dist – Route distance.
• TTG (Set) – Time to go from the start to end point of the route set
by the user.
• TTG (Sim) – Time to go from the start to end point of the route
calculated by the Simulation function.
• Total FOC (Sim) – Total fuel oil consumption calculated by the
Simulation function.
• Avrg RPM (Set) – Average RPM on the voyage calculated with
values set by the user.
• Avrg RPM (Sim) – Average RPM on the voyage calculated with
values set by the Simulation function.
• Avrg SOG (Set) – Average SOG on the voyage calculated with
values set by the user.
• Avrg SOG (Sim) – Average SOG on the voyage calculated with
values set by the Simulation function.

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The following waypoint parameters are available:

• Time (Set) – Date and time of passing the WP set by the user.
• Time (Sim) – Date and time of passing the WP calculated by the
Simulation function.
• GC/RL – Type of the leg between this and next WP (GC – great
circle, RL – rhumb line).
• Dist – Distance between this and next WP.
• SOG (Set) – SOG on the leg between this and next WP set by the
• SOG (Sim) – SOG on the leg between this and next WP calculated
by the Simulation function.
• RPM (Set) – RPM on the leg between this and next WP set by the
• RPM (Sim) – RPM on the leg between this and next WP calculated
by the Simulation function.
• FOC (Sim) – Fuel oil consumption on the leg between this and next
WP calculated by the Simulation function.
• Course – Course on the leg between this and next WP set by the
• Wind dir – Wind direction in the WP taken from the active weather
• Wind spd – Wind speed in the WP taken from the active weather
• Wave hgt – Wave height in the WP taken from the active weather
• Wave dir – Wave direction in the WP taken from the active weather
• Wave per – Wave period in the WP taken from the active weather
• Swell hgt – Swell height in the WP taken from the active weather
• Swell dir – Swell direction in the WP taken from the active weather
• Swell per – Swell period in the WP taken from the active weather
• Current spd – Current speed in the WP taken from the active
weather forecast.
• Current dir – Current direction in the WP taken from the active
weather forecast.
• Lat – Latitude of the waypoint.
• Lon – Longitude of the waypoint.
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10.8.3 Playing simulation

After you have run the Simulation function, simulation results are displayed
in the Simulation results panel. The panel has the Simulation play bar:
drag the slider along the play bar to play the voyage along the simulated
route in the chart view.

To play the voyage in the chart view:

1. Open the OSR panel from the Desktop or from the Main Menu
and switch to the Route simulation tab.
2. Select a route to simulate, specify required parameters, press the
Simulate button to run simulation: simulation results are displayed
in the Simulation results panel.
3. At the top of the panel, there is the Simulation play bar.

4. Drag the slider: the current position symbol moves from one
waypoint to another in the chart view, weather parameters change
accordingly, the waypoint with current position symbol is highlighted
in the results table.

Figure 163 OSR Route simulation: playing simulation

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10.8.4 Simulation plots

Route simulation results are also displayed as plots. You can view the
simulation plots in the Simulation plots tab of the Simulation results

To view simulation plots:

1. Open the OSR panel from the Desktop or from the Main Menu
and switch to the Route simulation tab.
2. Select a route to simulate, specify required parameters, press the
Simulate button to run simulation: simulation results are displayed
in the Simulation results panel.
3. Switch to the Simulation plots tab: you can see simulation
parameters plots.

Figure 164 OSR Route simulation: simulation plots

4. Vertical axis shows simulation parameter values. Horizontal axis

shows date and time.
5. The plots legend is at the top of the Simulation plots tab.

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10.8.5 Route simulation without OSR

Beginning with NavStation version 6.1, you can use the Route Simulation
function even if you are not subscribed to OSR.

To use Route Simulation without OSR:

1. Open the Route simulation panel from the Desktop or from

the Main Menu.

2. Configure route simulation: press the Config button in the

header of the panel and specify ship model parameters in the Ship
model parameters dialog that opens. Enter and select required
parameters and press OK.

Figure 165 Route simulation: Ship model parameters dialog

3. Select the route you want to simulate in the drop-down list at the
bottom of the Route simulation tab: route parameters are
displayed in the tab and the Simulate button becomes active.
4. Set the estimated time of departure: double-click the Time field of
the first waypoint to make it editable, enter a value and press
5. Run the simulation. Press the Simulate button: simulation results
are displayed in the simulation results panel and the route is
displayed in the chart view.
6. To change route simulation parameters (RPM, SOG or ETA) for a
waypoint, double-click the corresponding field in the Simulation tab
to make it editable, enter a new value, and press ENTER. Run a
new simulation with the modified parameters.

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7. To change route simulation parameters (RPM or SOG) for a group of

waypoints, select the waypoints (SHIFT + left-click, CTRL + left-

click, left-click and drag) in the Simulation tab: the Edit icon
appears in the header of the table.

8. Press the Edit icon of the parameter you want to edit (RPM or
SOG): the edit panel opens. Enter a new value and press the Back

arrow: the new value is set to all selected waypoints. Run a new
simulation with the modified parameters.
9. To clear the Route simulation tab and the Simulation results

panel, press the Clear button.


When you select a route for simulation, the application downloads

SOG for waypoints from the selected route. You can run the
Simulation function to simulate RPM and fuel consumption.

10. Now you can explore the simulation results as described in the
chapters above.

You can configure the following simulation parameters:

• Power at MCR – Power of the engine at MCR, kW.

• RPM at MCR – RPM of the engine at MCR.
• Speed at MCR – speed of the vessel at MCR, measurement units
are set in Config → Units, date and time → Vessel speed.
• DWT – deadweight of the vessel, t.
• Draft Fore – draft at the fore, measurement units are set in Config
→ Units, date and time → Depth.
• Draft Aft – draft at the aft, measurement units are set in Config →
Units, date and time → Depth.
• Summer draft – summer draft of the vessel, measurement units
are set in Config → Units, date and time → Depth.
• Type of ship – select a type of the vessel in the drop-down list;
Container, PCTC, and Other options are available.

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11 Admiralty Products
NavStation provides access to Admiralty Products installed and registered
on your computer. Admiralty Products or Admiralty Digital Publications (ADP)
is a digital version of the paper ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications. ADP is
widely accepted as meeting SOLAS carriage requirements for nautical
reference guides and contains the same information as their paper

You can launch the following Admiralty Product panels from


• Admiralty Total Tide (ATT) – Provides tidal height and stream

predictions worldwide.
• Admiralty Digital List of Lights (ADLL) – Provides light and fog
signal information for more than 70,000 light structures worldwide.
• Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.2 (ADRS 2) –
Provides a range of regularly updated and compliant, digital
positional and timekeeping references.
• Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.6 (ADRS 6) –
Provides up-to-date maritime radio communications information for
pilot services, vessel traffic services and port operations worldwide.
• Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.1,3,4,5 (ADRS) –
Provides information about Maritime Radio and Meteorological
Observation Stations, Maritime Safety Information Services and
GDMSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety Systems)
• Admiralty e-NP Reader – provides viewing digital versions of
paper Admiralty Nautical Publications.

To open an Admiralty Product:

1. Select the product’s icon in NavStation Desktop or in the Main

window menu at the bottom of the screen: NavStation opens the
selected Admiralty Product panel.
2. If the product’s icon is grey, the product is not available.

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If you need to refer to the user manual while working with any Admiralty

Product panel, press the Help button in the right corner of the panel‘s
header. The user manual opens at the section describing this particular
Admiralty Product.

11.1 Admiralty Total Tide

NavStation provides tidal information based on the Admiralty Total Tide
database. Admiralty Total Tide provides instant tidal height and stream
predictions for the world's commercial shipping routes. It allows making tidal
height predictions for more than 7,000 ports and 3,000 tidal stream stations
worldwide. It shows a list of all ports and streams that are currently available
in Admiralty Total Tide.


To be able to use Admiralty Total Tide in NavStation, make sure the

Admiralty Total Tide application is installed on your computer and the license
is activated.

11.1.1 Tides and streams display


Tides and streams are displayed at large scales. If you cannot see tide and
stream symbols, try to enlarge the chart.

If display of tides and streams information is turned on, you can see the
information in the Admiralty Total Tide panel and in the chart view.

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To turn the display of tidal information on/off:

11. To turn the display of tidal information on, open the Admiralty

Total Tide panel from the Desktop or from the Main window
menu: you can see the list of areas in alphabetical order. To see the
whole list of areas, scroll down the list.

Figure 166 ATT: Admiralty Total Tide panel

12. If you close the panel using its Back button, tides and
streams are still displayed in the chart view, and the Admiralty
Total Tide button in the features menu at the bottom of the screen
is marked with a blue border indicating that the display of tides and
streams is on.
13. To turn off the display of tidal information, slide the Admiralty

Total Tide button up from the main menu or press the Close

button below: the button becomes inactive and tides and

streams disappear from the chart view.

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11.1.2 Prediction time settings

You can change the prediction time any moment while working with the
Admiralty Total Tide panel.

To change the prediction time:

1. Press the Prediction time button in the header of the

Admiralty Total Tide panel: the Prediction time settings table
2. By default, the table shows the current UTC time and date. Change
the date and time using the date and time fields.

Figure 167 ATT: prediction time settings

3. You can set the current prediction time by pressing the Predict for

now button. The application updates the date and time in the

4. Use the Six hours back , One hour back , Six hours

forward , One hour forward buttons to select the

necessary prediction time.
5. If any table or panel with the tidal information are opened,
information in these tables and panels is updated as you change the
prediction time.
6. To close the Prediction time settings table, press the Prediction
time button.

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11.1.3 Port types

Within Admiralty Total Tide there are several different types of Ports.
These ports differ in the methods that are used for collecting and predicting
tidal information for them.

The types of ports and their symbols are shown in the Legend in the header
of the panel.

To open the Legend:

7. Press the Legend button in the header of the panel.

8. The Legend table appears showing types of port and their symbols.
9. To close the legend, press the Legend button again.

Figure 168 ATT: Legend Panel: Port Types

The following port types are available:

• Standard ports – These are ports where the tidal predictions

are calculated from a set of harmonic constants. They can be used
as the source of information for non-harmonic secondary ports in
which case they are referred to as the reference port.
• Secondary ports – These ports also have an associated set of
harmonic constants from which to calculate the tidal predictions.
However, the observations made to collect this information
generally were not as extensive as with standard ports and so the
tidal predictions are of secondary quality.
• Secondary ports (non-harmonic) – These ports do not have
any harmonic constants, instead their tidal predictions are
calculated by taking the prediction for a reference port and applying
time and height differences.

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11.1.4 Stream types

There are two different types of stream represented within Admiralty
TotalTide. A stream can be either harmonic or non-harmonic.

• Harmonic streams – These streams have their own harmonic

constants from which the maximum ebb/flood and times of these
events can be calculated.
• Non-harmonic streams – These streams do not have any
harmonic constants associated with them. Their values are
calculated relative to the high/low water times of a reference port.


Harmonic and non-harmonic streams are shown in the chart view with the
same symbol without indication of their types.

11.1.5 Selecting a port

To see prediction information for a tide in a port, select the port.

To select a port:

1. Open the Admiralty Total Tide

panel : the list of all Admiralty

areas in alphabetical order is
2. Scroll down the list and select the
necessary area: the area panel
opens with the list of ports and
streams of this area ordered by
their unique numbers.
3. For each port and stream its unique
number, coordinates and
port/stream type symbol are

Figure 169 ATT: Admiralty area list

of ports/streams

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4. Find the port you need and select it in the list: the Tide Prediction
Info panel opens where the tidal height graph, the HWLW table,
and the tidal height table are available.

Figure 170 ATT: selecting a tide

5. To find the port, use the search field at the bottom of the panel.
Enter the unique number or the name of the port in the field: the
Search results panel opens showing the list of all matches. Select
the port to open the Prediction Info panel.
6. To select a port in the chart view, find the port on the chart, right-
click it and select the Tidal station xxx option: the Tide
Prediction Info panel opens where the tidal height graph, the
HWLW table, and the tidal height table are available.

Figure 171 ATT: selecting a tide in the chart view

7. To close the Tide Prediction Info panel, press its Back

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11.1.6 Tidal height graph

The tidal height graph provides a graphical representation of the tidal height
predictions for a period of time.

To use the tidal height graph:

1. The graph opens by default when you select a tide and open the
Tide Prediction Info table. To open the graph if another tab is
displayed, press the Graph button.

Figure 172 ATT: Tidal height graph

2. The vertical axis displays tidal heights in meters; the horizontal axis
displays time of prediction.
3. To change the period of time that is displayed, select an option in
the Duration drop-down list. If you select a period of several days,
the horizontal axis also displays dates for which predictions were

Figure 173 ATT: selecting graph period

4. To specify a daylight saving time, select a value in the DST drop-

down list.

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5. To display the tidal height at an exact date and time of prediction,

drag the time line slider along the horizontal axis to the left or to
the right: values will change accordingly.

Figure 174 ATT: exact tidal height

11.1.7 High water/ Low water table

The High Water/Low Water prediction table gives values for the different
extreme tide events that occur.

To use the HWLW table:

1. To open the table, press the HWLW button.

Figure 175 ATT: High water / Low water table

2. HWLW tables provide data for seven days beginning with the
current day.
3. Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the panel to see all information in
this table.
4. For some ports, only partial data is available – these ports may only
display either the time or the height of the tidal event because the
full data is not available to reliably calculate the pair of values.

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11.1.8 Tidal height table

The Tidal Height table provides a breakdown of the tidal heights at different

To use the Tidal Height table:

1. To open the table, press the Heights button.

Figure 176 Admiralty Total Tide: Tidal heights table

2. The Tidal Height table provides data for seven days beginning with
the current day.
3. Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the panel to see all information in
this table.
4. To specify the interval between predictions, select a value in the
Interval between predictions drop-down list in the upper-right
corner of the panel.

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11.1.9 Tide full information

NavStation provides the option of accessing full tide prediction information
directly from the Admiralty Total Tide database.

To access full tide prediction information:

1. To open the full information window, press the More information

button: the application opens the tide information window from the
Admiralty Total Tide database.

Figure 177 ATT: tide information window (More information)

2. The tabs of the window depend upon the type of the port it belongs
to and (in the case of ports) whether there is full or partial data

The tide information window holds the following tabs:

• Tidal Height Graph – The tab provides a graphical representation

of the tidal height predictions for a period of time. You can change
the length of time that is displayed using the dropdown box in the
lower-right corner of the window. If you move your mouse over the
graph, then a label will be displayed showing the time and the
height for that particular time on the graph. The graph also shows
the hours of sunlight, twilight and nighttime using darkened bars on
the background of the graph.

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• High Water / Low Water – The tab gives values for the different
extreme tide events that occur.
• Tidal Height Table – The tab provides a breakdown of the tidal
heights at different intervals.
• Tidal Levels – The tab shows information about the tidal levels and
the mean sea level experienced at a port.
• Local Port Information – The tab provides information about the
local port.
• Clearance – The tab provides information on the minimum and
maximum tidal heights that will allow safe passage.
• Safe Water – The tab shows predicted safe water periods for the
next 30 days following the prediction time.
• High Water – The tab provides information on the high tides during
the 30 days following the prediction time
• Tidal Extremes – The tab provides information on the minimum
and maximum tidal heights across a calendar year.
• Tidal Range – The tab shows the largest daily tidal range and the
percent of springs for each of the next 7 days following the
prediction time.
• Moon – The tab shows the state of the sun and the moon for the
selected port at the prediction time.

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11.1.10 Selecting a stream

To see prediction information for a stream, select the stream.

To select a stream:

1. Open the Admiralty Total Tide panel : the list of all Admiralty
areas in alphabetical order is displayed.
2. Scroll down the list and select the necessary area: the area panel
opens with the list of ports and streams of this area ordered by their
unique numbers.
3. Find the stream you need and select it in the list: the Stream
Prediction Info panel opens with the stream vector diagram and
the stream rates t02able.

Figure 178 ATT: selecting a stream

4. To find the stream, use the search field at the bottom of the panel.
Enter the unique number or the name of the stream in the field: the
Search results panel opens showing the list of all matches. Select
the stream to open the Stream Prediction Info panel.

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5. To select a stream in the chart view, find the stream on the chart
and right-click it: the Stream Prediction Info panel opens with the
stream vector diagram and the stream rate tables.

Figure 179 ATT: selecting a stream in the chart view

6. To close the Stream Prediction Info panel, press its Back


11.1.11 Stream vector diagram

The stream vector diagram provides details on the rate and direction of the
stream at the present prediction time.

To use the stream vector diagram:

1. The diagram opens by default when you select a stream and open
the Stream Prediction Info table. To open the diagram if another
tab is displayed, press the Stream button.

Figure 180 ATT: Stream vector diagram

2. The arrow inside the diagram represents the stream: it indicates the
direction of the stream on the dial; the size of the arrow
corresponds to the speed of the stream.
3. The speed and direction of the stream are also indicated on the

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11.1.12 Stream rates

The stream rates table provides a breakdown of the stream rates at different

To use the stream rates table:

1. To open the table, press the Rates button.

Figure 181 ATT: Stream rates table

2. The Stream Rates table provides data for seven days beginning
with the current day.
3. To specify the interval between predictions, select a value in the
Interval between predictions drop-down list.

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11.1.13 Stream full information

NavStation provides the option of accessing full stream prediction
information directly from the Admiralty Total Tide database.

To open the stream full information window:

1. To open the stream full information window, press the More

information button: the application shows full information about
the stream from the Admiralty Total Tide database.

Figure 182 ATT: stream full information window (More information)

2. The sections of the stream full information window that are

displayed depend upon the type of station it belongs to and whether
there is full or partial data available.

The stream full information window holds the following tabs:

• Stream – The tab provides details on the rate and direction of the
stream at the present prediction time.
• Diamond – The tab shows information on the rate and direction of
the stream.
• Rates – The tab provides a breakdown of the stream rates.
• Moon – The tab shows the state of the sun and the moon for the
selected port at the prediction time.

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11.2 Admiralty Digital List of Lights

NavStation provides essential navigational light and fog signal information
for more than 70,000 unique light structures including lighthouses,
lightships, lit floating marks and fog signals worldwide based on the
Admiralty Digital List of Lights database.


To be able to use Admiralty Digital List of Lights in NavStation, make sure

the Admiralty Digital List of Lights application is installed on your computer
and the license is activated.

11.2.1 Admiralty Digital List of Lights display

If display of the list of lights is turned on, you can see the information in the
Admiralty Digital List of Lights (ADLL) panel and in the chart views.

To turn the display of the list of lights information on/off:

1. To turn the display of list of lights information on, open the

Admiralty Digital List of Lights panel from the Desktop or

from the Main window menu: you can see the list of Admiralty
Digital List of Lights areas (ADLL areas) as well as light symbols
in the chart view.

Figure 183 ADLL: the Admiralty Digital List of Lights panel

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2. If you close the panel using its Back button, lights are still
displayed in the chart view, and the Admiralty Digital List of
Lights button in the Features menu at the bottom of the screen is
marked with a blue border indicating that the display of lights is on.
3. To turn off the display of lights, slide the Admiralty Total List of
Lights button up from the main menu or press the Close button
below it: the button becomes inactive and lights disappear from the
chart view.


The list of lights is organized in a hierarchical format. The lights are split into
nine Admiralty Digital List of Lights license areas (Mobile Oil, Gas and Drilling
Platforms are not normally listed), then arranged by volume, then by
geographical location, then by the context that the light is in. Lights are
ascribed to a coastal state purely to indicate to the mariner where to look for
the feature.

11.2.2 Selecting a light

To select a light:

1. Open the Admiralty Digital List of Lights panel: the list of

ADLL license areas opens.

Figure 184 ADLL: license areas

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2. Select the area you need: the list of volumes opens.

Figure 185 ADLL: license area volumes

3. Select the volume you need: the list of geographical locations


Figure 186 ADLL: geographical locations in a volume

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4. Select the geographical location you need: the list of sea areas

Figure 187 ADLL: sea areas

5. Select the sea area you need: the list of countries opens.

Figure 188 ADLL: countries

6. Select the country you need: the list of locations opens.

Figure 189 ADLL: locations

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7. Select the location you need: the list of lights opens.

Figure 190 ADLL: list of lights

8. Select the light you need: the Light Info panel opens.

Figure 191 ADLL: Light Info panel

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9. If you know the unique number of the light (the international

number), enter the number or a part of it in the Search field at the
bottom of the ADLL panel: the Search results panel opens
showing the list of all matches. Select the necessary light: the Light
Info panel opens.

Figure 192 ADLL: searching by unique light number

10. You can find the light you need using the location name or any
other markers, e.g. the name of the city. Enter the name in the
Search field at the bottom of the ADLL panel: the Search results
panel opens showing the list of all lights at this location. Select the
necessary light: the Light Info panel opens.

Figure 193 ADLL: searching by location

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11. To select a light in the chart view, find the light in the chart view,
right-click it and select the Light No.xxx option in the pop-up
menu: the Light Info panel opens.

Figure 194 ADLL: selecting a light in the chart view

12. In case you need to return to the previous level of the ADLL panel

press the Back button in the header of the panel. In case you

need to return to the list of Admiralty areas press the Home

button: the list of Admiralty areas opens.

11.2.3 Light general information

The Light section with general information about the light opens by default
when you select the light. To open the Light section if another section is
displayed, press the Light button.

Figure 195 ADLL: general information about a light

The following general information is available:

• Location and Name – Description of the light location (the ADLL

area, the light volume, the sea, the sea area, the country, the place
name). The names of lights having a range of 15 miles or over are
in bold; those of light-vessels in ITALIC CAPITALS and those of all
other floating lights in italics.

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• Light significance – The importance of the light. The light types

are minor (range of less than 10M), important/significant (range of
10M or more) and major (range of 15M or more).
• Range – The approximate range of the light in sea miles or
• Location – The coordinates of the light (latitude and longitude).
• Corrected to – the date (dd.mm.yy) when the light information
was last updated.

11.2.4 Light details

To open the Details section press the Details button. The Details section
shows the information about the place where the light is located,
characteristics of the light (sequence of colors) and the elevation of the light.
In case the light has additional properties (fog signal, RACON, AIS, etc.), the
information of these properties is added to the section as well.

Figure 196 ADLL: light details table

The following light details are available:

• Location – The place name and the characteristics of this place.

• Characteristics – Information describing the Characteristics and
intensity of the light. The information is presented in abbreviation
and interpretation of the light sequence (the light class, the flare
colors, periods of flare).
• Elevation – The approximate elevation of the light in meters or
feet, the vertical distance between the focal plane of the light and
the level of Mean High Water Springs or Mean Higher High Water,
whichever is given in ADMIRALTY Tide Tables. Charted elevations of
lights are sometimes referred to Mean Sea Level but the height
datum is always clearly annotated on all ADMIRALTY Charts. For
vertical lights e.g. 2 F R(vert), the elevation listed is for the
uppermost light.

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11.2.5 Light full information

To open the full information window, press the More information button:
the application opens the light information window from the original
Admiralty Digital List of Lights database.

Figure 197 ADLL: light full information window

The light information window holds the following tabs:

• Light – the section with a full description of the light's location and
the name along with the position and illustration of the light with the
abbreviation of the light characteristics. This section opens by
default when you select a light and open the Light Prediction
Window pressing the More information button. In order to see all
information about the light scroll down the table in this section.
• Characteristics – the section with a graphical representation of the
light sequences that are exhibited by the light sequence.The
information is shown as the abbreviation of the light sequence and
the explanation of this sequence with the indication of the light
periods. Also there is the indication of the elevation of the light and
the nominal range of each light color of the sequence.

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• Details – the section with the details of the light (the location, the
type of the light, the light character) and the light sequence. In case
the light has additional properties, they are mentioned at this
section as well together with their characteristics and details. In
order to see the whole information use the scroll bars at the bottom
of the section and on the right side of the section. The information is
shown with the indication of the week number and the year (e.g.
Week 47/15). In case the light has been changed the table shows
the previous versions as well.
• Notes – The section where you can add any custom information you
wish to store about the light. You can see this information next time
you open this window.
• Moon – The moon section indicates the state of the sun and the
moon for the selected location at the current system time. The
picture is an approximation as to how the moon will look if it is
visible. Next to this is a list of the next four moon phases.

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11.3 Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.2

NavStation provides information based on the Admiralty Digital List of Radio
Signals Vol.2 database. The application provides a range of regularly updated
and compliant, digital positional and timekeeping references. Easy-to-use
and clearly displayed, it helps to calculate positions and times worldwide, to
help ensure ships are at the right place at the right time.

The application shows position and information about the various

Navigational Aids (RACONs, Radio Direction-Finding, AIS and DGPS stations)
and Time Signal Stations.


To be able to use Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.2 in NavStation,

make sure the Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.2 application is
installed to your computer and the license is activated.

11.3.1 Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.2 display

If display of the list of radio signals is turned on, you can see the information
in the Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.2 panel (ADRS 2
panel) and in the chart view.

To turn the display of the list of radio signals on/off:

1. To turn the display of the list of radio

signals on, open the Admiralty
Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.2

panel from the Desktop or from

the Main window menu: you can see
the list of signal areas/countries in
alphabetical order as well as symbols
in the chart views.

Figure 198 ADRS2: list of signal


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2. If you close the panel using its Back button, the radio signal
symbols are still displayed in the chart view, and the Admiralty
Digital List of Radio Signal vol.2 button in the features menu at
the bottom of the screen is marked with a blue border indicating
that the display of radio signals is on.
3. To turn off the display of radio signals, slide the Admiralty Total
Radio Signals vol.2 button from the main menu or press the Close

button below it: the button becomes inactive and the radio
signal symbols disappear from the chart view.

11.3.2 Types of signal stations

The following types of signal stations are available:

• NavAid/AtoN station– the navigational aid station/Aids to

Navigation/radio aids to navigation –the station with various signal
systems such as:

− / AIS/Automatic Identification System – the

Automatic Identification System (AIS), an autonomous and
continuous broadcast system operating in the VHF maritime
mobile band. AIS operates on two dedicated VHF FM radio
frequencies-AIS1 (Ch 87B - 161·975 MHz) and AIS2 (Ch 88B -
162·025 MHz). It can be of Real, Virtual or Base types.

− RACON/Radar beacon – the beacon system with the radar

transponder used to mark maritime navigational hazards.

− DGPS – the station with differential GPS services

− RDF–the radio-direction finding system, the device for

finding the direction, or bearing, to a radio source.
− The combination of systems ( RACON+AIS system,

RACON+AIS base system, AIS base+DGPS system,

RACON+AIS base system, AIS+DGPS system)

• Time Signal station – the time signal radio broadcast station.

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11.3.3 Selecting a station

To select a station:

1. Open the Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.2

panel from the Desktop or from the Main window menu: you see
the list of signal areas/countries in alphabetical order.

Figure 199 ADRS2: list of radio signal areas

2. Select the signal area/country you need: the list of all stations with
the name of the station and its coordinates opens.

Figure 200 ADRS2: list of radio signal stations

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User Manual

3. Select the station you need, the Station Information panel opens.
The panel has the General information section and sections with
information on the signal systems installed on the station (AIS,

Figure 201 ADRS2: Station Information panel

4. You can filter stations by the types of signal systems the stations
have: select required filter options above the stations list. To select
all options, set the All option; to deselect all options clear the All
5. In case you need to return to the previous level of the panel press

the Back button in the header of the panel.

6. To find the necessary station, you can also use the Search field.
Enter the station name or a part of the name in the Search field at
the bottom of the ADRS2 panel: the Search results panel opens
showing the list of all matches. Select the station you need, the
Station Information panel opens.

Figure 202 ADRS2: searching a station using the Search field

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User Manual

7. To select a station in the chart view, find the station on the chart,
right-click it and select the Station Name option in the pop-up
menu: the Station Information panel opens.

Figure 203 ADRS2: selecting a station in the chart view

11.3.4 Station general information

The General information section with general information about the station
opens by default when you select the station. To open the General
information section if another section is displayed, press the General
information button.

Figure 204 ADRS2: general information about a station

The following general information is available:

• Name – the name of the station.

• Signal address – the geographical position of the station.
• Signal area – the geographical area/country.
• Signal type – the type of the station.
• Corrected to – the date (dd.mm.yy) when the station information
was last updated.

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11.3.5 Station AIS information

If the station has an AIS signal system installed, the station information
panel has an AIS section with information about the system. To open the
section, press the AIS button.

Figure 205 ADRS2: AIS information

The AIS section shows the following information:

• MMSI –Maritime Mobile Service Identity number of the station.

• Type – the type of the system (Real, Virtual, Base or Unknown).
• Transmitted message type – the message type in numbers and
details of this type.

11.3.6 Station RACON information

If the station has a RACON signal system installed, the station information
panel has a RACON section with information about the system. To open the
section, press the RACON button.

Figure 206 ADRS2: RACON information

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User Manual

The RACON section shows the following information:

• Frequency – the frequency band the beacon uses in cm (3 cm for

S-band/3 GHz, 10 cm for X-band/9 GHz).
• Sector – working beacon bearing (direction) in degrees.
• Sweep – sweep period of the beacon in seconds. Racon sweep
periods of some 60-120 sec are typical.
• Range – the nominal beacon range seen on radar display in nautical
• Morse – a Morse character identifying the beacon.
• Flash – the beacon response signal in in nautical miles.
• Number – the 5-digit number of the station.

11.3.7 Station DGPS information

If the station has a DGPS signal system installed, the station information
panel has a DGPS section with information about the system. To open the
section, press the DGPS button.

Figure 207 ADRS2: DGPS information

The DGPS section shows the following information:

• Tx Frequency – transmitting frequency a beacon uses in kHz. The

frequencies allocated are in the range of 283.5 - 325.0 KHz.
• Rx rate – the rate the signal is transmitted at in bits per second
(100 or 200 bps).
• Reference station – identification number of the reference station
of IALA (International Association of Lighthouse Authorities).
• Transmit station – broadcast identification number of the
transmitting station of IALA.

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• Range – nominal range of signal in nautical miles.

• Integrity monitoring – presence of warning from reference
• Transmitted message type – the message type in numbers and
the details of this type.

11.3.8 Station full information

To open the full information window, press the More information button:
the application opens the station information window from the original
Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.2 database.

You can browse the window the same way as in the original Admiralty

Figure 208 ADRS2: full information

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User Manual

11.4 Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signal Vol.6

NavStation provides maritime radio communications information for pilot
services, vessel traffic services and port operations based on the Admiralty
Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.6 database. The application contains
essential maritime radio communications information for 3,600 service
locations worldwide.


To be able to use Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.6 in NavStation,

make sure the Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.6 application is
installed to your computer and the license is activated.

11.4.1 Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.6 display

If display of the list of service locations is turned on, you can see the
information in the Admiralty Digital Radio Signals Vol.6 panel (ADRS6
panel) and in the chart view.

To turn the display of the list of service locations on/off:

1. To turn the display of the list of service locations information on,

open the Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.6 panel

from the Desktop or from the Main window menu: you can see
the list of service areas as well as service areas and symbols of
service locations in the chart view.

Figure 209 ADRS6: list of service areas

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User Manual

2. If you close the panel using its Back button, service locations
are still displayed in the chart view, and the Admiralty Digital
Radio Signals Vol.6 button in the Features menu at the bottom of
the screen is marked with a blue border indicating that the display
of service locations is on.
3. To turn off the display of service locations, slide the Admiralty
Digital Radio Signals Vol.6 button up from the main menu or

press the Close button below it: the button becomes inactive
and areas and symbols disappear from the chart view.

11.4.2 Selecting a service location

To select a service location:

1. Open the Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.6

panel from the Desktop or from the Main window menu: you can
see the list of service areas.

Figure 210 ADRS6: service areas

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2. Select the necessary area: the list of geographical areas opens.

Figure 211 ADRS6: geographical areas

3. Select the necessary geographical area: the list of service locations


Figure 212 ADRS6: service locations

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4. Select the necessary service location, the Service Location

Information panel opens. The panel has the General information
and Details section and provides access to full information about
the service location from the original Admiralty Digital List of Radio
Signals Vol.6 database.

Figure 213 ADRS6: service location information panel

5. To find the required service location, you can also use the Search
field. Enter the service location name, the name of the country or
the port name in the Search field at the bottom of the ADRS6
panel: the Search results panel opens showing the list of all
matches. Select the necessary station, the Service Location
Information panel opens.

Figure 214 ADRS6: selecting service location using the Search field

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User Manual

6. To select a service location in the chart view, find the location on the
chart, right-click it and select the Service location name option in
the pop-up menu: the Service Location Information panel opens

Figure 215 ADRS6: selecting a service location in the chart view

11.4.3 Service location general information

The General information section with general information about the service
location opens by default when you select the location. To open the General
information section if another section is displayed, press the General
information button.

Figure 216 ADRS6: general information about a service location

The following general information is available:

• Name – name of the service location and its geographical position.

• Address – address of the service location.
• Signal type – type of the signal (Service location).
• Corrected to – the date when the service location information was
last updated.

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11.4.4 Service location details

The Details section shows information about all services at this location:
HOURS, PROCEDURE, etc. To open the Details section, press the Details

Figure 217 ADRS6: service location details

11.4.5 Service location full information

To open the full information window, press the More information button:
the application opens the service location information window from the
original Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.6 database.

You can browse the window the same way as in the original Admiralty

Figure 218 ADRS6: service location full information window

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11.5 Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signal Vol.1,3,4,5

NavStation provides information based on the Admiralty Digital List of Radio
Signals Vol.1,3,4,5 database including receiving and providing weather
reports and safety information, pollution and quarantine reporting, seeking
Telemedical Assistance Services (TMAS) and provides detailed procedures in
the event of a distress or SAR incident.

It contains information on Maritime Radio Stations, Maritime Safety

Information Services, Meteorological Observation Stations, Global Maritime
Distress and Safety Systems (GMDSS)


To be able to use Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.1,3,4,5 in

NavStation, make sure the Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.1,3,4,5
application is installed to your computer and the license is activated.

11.5.1 Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signal Vol.1,3,4,5 display

If display of the list of stations is turned on, you can see the information in
the Admiralty Digital Radio Signals Vol.1,3,4,5 panel (ADRS panel) and
in the chart view.

To turn the display of the list of stations on/off:

1. To turn the display of the list of

stations on, open the Admiralty
Digital List of Radio Signals

Vol.1,3,4,5 panel from the

Desktop or from the Main window
menu: you can see the list of station
areas and symbols of station areas and
stations in the chart view.
2. If you close the panel using its Back

button, station areas and stations

s are still displayed in the chart view,
and the Admiralty Digital Radio
Signals Vol.1,3,4,5 button in the
Figure 219 ADRS: list of areas
Features menu at the bottom of the
screen is marked with a blue border
indicating that the display of service locations is on.
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User Manual

3. To turn off the display of stations, slide the Admiralty Digital

Radio Signals Vol.1,3,4,5 button up from the main menu or press
the Close button below: the button becomes inactive and areas and
symbols disappear from the chart view.

11.5.2 Types of stations

The following types of stations are available:

• – e-NP WMO stations

• – other WMO stations
• – radio fax stations
• – NAVTEX stations
• – Navigational areas
• – search and rescue stations
• – radio stations
• – TMAS emergency contact stations

11.5.3 Selecting a station

To select a station:

1. Open the Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.1,3,4,5

panel from the Desktop or from the Main window menu:

you see the list of countries in alphabetical order.

Figure 220 ADRS: list of countries

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2. Select the country you need: the list of all stations with the name of
the station, its type and its coordinates opens.

Figure 221 ADRS: list of stations

3. Select the station you need, the Station Information panel opens.
The panel has the General information section and provides
access to full information from the original ADRS database.

Figure 222 ADRS: Station Information panel

4. You can filter stations by their types: select required filter options
above the stations list. To select all options, set the All option; to
deselect all options clear the All option.
5. In case you need to return to the previous level of the panel press

the Back button in the header of the panel.

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User Manual

6. To find the necessary station, you can also use the Search field.
Enter the station name or a part of the name in the Search field at
the bottom of the ADRS panel: the Search results panel opens
showing the list of all matches. Select the station you need, the
Station Information panel opens.

Figure 223 ADRS: searching a station using the Search field

7. To select a station in the chart view, find the station on the chart,
right-click it and select the Station Name option in the pop-up
menu: the Station Information panel opens.

Figure 224 ADRS: selecting a station in the chart view

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User Manual

11.5.4 Selecting a NavArea

To select a NavArea:

1. Open the Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.1,3,4,5

panel from the Desktop or from the Main window menu:

you see the list of countries in alphabetical order. The first entry in
the list is NavArea.
2. Select the NavArea entry: the list of available NavAreas opens.

Figure 225 ADRS: list of NavAreas

3. Select the NavArea you need, the NavArea Information panel

opens. The panel has the General information section and
provides access to full information from the original ADRS database.

Figure 226 ADRS: NavArea Information panel

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11.5.5 Station general information

The General information section with general information about the station
opens by default when you select the station. To open the General
information section if another section is displayed, press the General
information button.

Figure 227 ADRS: general information about a station

The following general information is available:

• Name – the name of the station.

• Country – country the station belongs to (for WMO stations only).
• Geographic area – the geographic area the station belongs to.
• Index – index of the station (for WMO stations only).
• Elevation – elevation of the station (for WMO stations only).
• Has E-NP reference – indicates if the station has an E-NP
reference (for WMO stations only).
• Elevation is approximate – indicates if the elevation value is
approximate (for WMO stations only).
• Elevation type – type of elevation (for WMO stations only).
• Signal type – the type of the station.
• Corrected to – the date (dd.mm.yy) when the station information
was last updated.

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11.5.6 Station full information

To open the full information window, press the More information button:
the application opens the station information window from the original
Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals Vol.1,3,4,5 database.

You can browse the window the same way as in the original Admiralty

Figure 228 ADRS: full information

11.6 Admiralty e-Nautical Publications

NavStation provides access to the catalogue of Admiralty e-Nautical
Publications. You can browse the catalogue in NavStation and open
publications in Admiralty e-NP Reader that NavStation launches.

To be able to read e-NP publications, you need to install Admiralty e-NP

Reader and get certificates for publications you need.


You can find and download Admiralty e-NP Reader on the site of The United
Kingdom Hydrographic Office: http://www.ukho.gov.uk.

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User Manual

11.6.1 Browsing e-NP catalogue


When you first open the e-NP catalog in NavStation, the application sends a
registration request. After that your local computer receives a key allowing
deciphering and opening certified e-NP publications. This can take up to 24
hours. In case you don’t get access to e-NP publications after 24 hours,
please contact support.

To browse the e-NP catalogue:

1. Open the Admiralty e-Nautical Publications panel from the

Desktop or from the Main window menu: the panel has the list of
e-NP publications and the chart view displays e-NP areas.

Figure 229 e-NP: e-NP panel

2. The header of the panel displays the last update date of the
Admiralty e-NP catalogue and validity date of Admiralty e-NP

3. To view the Admiralty e-NP certificate, press the Certificate

button: the certificate opens.
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User Manual

4. To view the End-user License Agreement for Admiralty Service,

press the EULA button: the EULA opens in your default PDF
5. The list of e-NP book displays the following short information about
a book: catalogue number, title, certificate status, year of
publication, publication availability status.
6. The following pictograms can be used to indicate the e-NP status:

a) – a certificate for the e-NP is available, its expire date is

displayed in the e-NP’s short information;

b) – no certificate for the e-NP is available;

c) – the e-NP is available;

d) – the e-NP is downloaded in the catalogue, but is

unavailable due to the absence of a certificate;

e) – the e-NP is not downloaded in the catalogue.

7. To filter the catalogue by permits, open the Permits filter drop-
down list and select a required option. All permits, Valid permits,
Expired permits, Not subscribed options are available.

Figure 230 e-NP: filter catalogue by permits

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User Manual

8. To filter the catalogue by books, open the Books filter drop-down

list and select a required option. All books, Available books,
Missing books options are available.

Figure 231 e-NP: filter catalogue by books

9. To search the catalogue for a publication, enter a search word in the

Search field: all found results are displayed in the panel. To exit the
Search mode, press the Close button in the Search field. You can
search publications by their catalogue numbers, titles, and years of

Figure 232 e-NP: search catalogue for a publication

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User Manual

11.6.2 Viewing e-NP information

To view information on e-NP books:

1. Open the Admiralty e-Nautical Publications panel from the

Desktop or from the Main window menu: the panel has the list of
e-NP publications and the chart view displays e-NP areas.

2. To view information on a e-NP book, press its Options button:

the e-NP information panel opens with detailed information on the
selected e-NP.

Figure 233 e-NP: detailed information on a selected e-NP

3. The following information is available: catalogue number, title,

status, edition, publication file information, last update date, permit

4. To close the e-NP information panel, press its Back button.

5. To scroll the chart view to a e-NP area, press the Show

publication on chart button: the

chart is scrolled to display the e-NP area and the area is highlighted.

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User Manual

6. You can also scroll to a e-NP area from the Admiralty e-NP panel
with the list of e-NP publications. To do so, select the e-NP you want
to scroll to: the chart view is scrolled to display the e-NP area and
the area is highlighted.

Figure 234 e-NP: scroll the chart view to display a publication

7. To select a e-NP in the chart view, scroll to the e-NP area in the
chart view, right-click it and select the Object info option in the
pop-up menu that appears: the Object information panel opens.

Figure 235 e-NP: selecting a e-NP area in the chart view

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User Manual

8. Expand the Other section: the e-NP under the mouse pointer is

Figure 236 e-NP: Object information panel with e-NP’s under mouse pointer

9. Select the e-NP: the e-NP information panel opens with detailed
information on the e-NP.

Figure 237 e-NP: detailed information


You cannot open the publication in Admiralty e-NP Reader from

the Object information panel.

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User Manual

11.6.3 Reading an e-NP publication

To read e-NP publications:

1. Open the Admiralty e-Nautical Publications panel from the

Desktop or from the Main window menu: the panel has the list of
e-NP publications and the chart view displays e-NP areas.
2. Find the publication you need.

3. Press its Book pictogram: the publication opens in Admiralty

e-NP Reader.

Figure 238 e-NP: launching Admiralty e-NP Reader

11.6.4 Offline Admiralty e-NP viewer

In case you have no internet connection, but you need access to Admiralty
Publications, you can use the AENP Offline Viewer. This application is
installed together with NavStation and reads data from your NavStick.
Make sure to keep your NavStick synchronized with NavBox.

Launch the AENP Offline Viewer from the Start menu or from the desktop
of your computer.

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User Manual

12 Electronic Publications Bookshelf

NavStation has now the Electronic Publications Bookshelf function. Using it,
you can view e-publications you have purchased. The publications are
downloaded automatically over the NavBox. To purchase e-publications,
contact NAVTOR: customerservice@navtor.com.


The e-Publications Bookshelf is a subscription service. Subscribe to the

service before you can start using it.

12.1 Browsing Bookshelf

The e-Publications bookshelf displays all e-publications you have purchased.

To browse the e-publications bookshelf:

1. Open the e-Publications panel from the Desktop or from

the Main window menu: the panel has the list of available e-

Figure 239 e-Publications bookshelf

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User Manual

2. The bookshelf has three tabs: Bookshelf with all downloaded

publications, Favorites with favorite publications, Search where
you can search a specific publication or a word or phrase within all
3. You can display publications as thumbnails or as a list. To display
publications as thumbnails, open the drop-down list in the upper-
right corner of the panel and select the Thumbnails
option: downloaded publications are displayed as thumbnails with
publication names under the thumbnail.

Figure 240 e-Publications bookshelf: thumbnails

4. To display publications as a list, open the drop-down list in the

upper-right corner of the panel and select the List
option: downloaded publications are displayed as a list. The
following information about a publication is provided in the list:
name, code, edition date, notice, supplement.

Figure 241 e-Publications bookshelf: list

5. To add a publication to favorites, press the Favorite icon of the

publication: it becomes solid white and the publication is added

to the Favorite list. To remove a publication from favorites, press

the Favorite icon of the publication again: it becomes hollow

and the publication is removed from the Favorite list.

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User Manual

6. To open a publication for reading, press it’s Open icon: the

publication opens in a separate viewer window, which you can move
independently of the NavStation main screen.

7. If a publication has supplements, a Supplement icon is

displayed near the publication. Press the icon to open the list of

supplements. To open a supplement, press its Open icon. To

return to the Bookshelf, press the Bookshelf button.

Figure 242 e-Publications bookshelf: supplements list

8. If a publication has a newer edition, a Notice icon appears. You

can contact NAVTOR customer service to purchase the new edition
of the publication.

9. To open the user manual for instructions, press the Help

button in the upper-right corner of the panel.

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User Manual

12.2 Searching e-Publications

To find an e-publication or a word/phrase inside a publication, use the
Search function of the e-Publications Bookshelf.

To search e-publications:

1. Open the e-Publications panel from the Desktop or from

the Main window menu: the panel has the list of available e-
2. Switch to the Search tab.

Figure 243 e-Publications bookshelf: Search function

3. Start entering a word or a phrase you want to find in the Search

field: when you enter the whole word/phrase, publications appear
that contain this word/phrase in their title or in their content.
4. You can also search publications by their IMO codes.

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User Manual

5. Open a publication from the Search list: the Viewer has its Search
function active searching the word/phrase you have entered. You
can browse the search results.

Figure 244 e-Publications bookshelf: Search function in Viewer

6. To clear the Search field, press the Clear button at the right
end of the field.

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User Manual

12.3 Reading e-Publications

To open and to read e-publications from the Bookshelf, a special Viewer is

With the Viewer, you can view the structure of the publication, find a phrase
in the publication, browse through the publication, zoom the publication in
and out as well as use other tools of the Viewer for more comfortable

12.3.1 Viewing publication structure

To view the structure of the publication:

1. Open the e-Publications panel from the Desktop or from

the Main window menu: the panel has the list of available e-

2. Open a publication for reading. To do so, press its Open icon:

the Viewer window opens. You can move the window independently
of the NavStation main window.

Figure 245 e-Publications bookshelf: Viewer window

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User Manual

3. To view the structure of the publication, open the sidebar of the

Viewer: press the Toggle sidebar button in the upper-left
corner of the window.
4. To view thumbnails of the publication pages, press the Show
thumbnails button.
5. To view the outline of the publication, press the Show document
outline button.
6. To view attachments to the publication, press the Show
attachments button.
7. To hide the sidebar, press the Toggle sidebar button.

12.3.2 Searching publications

To find a phrase in the document, use the Search function of the viewer.

To find a phrase in the publication:

1. Open the e-Publications panel from the Desktop or from

the Main window menu: the panel has the list of available e-

2. Open a publication for reading. To do so, press its Open icon:

the Viewer window opens.

3. Press the Find in Document button in the tool bar: the search
bar opens with search controls.
4. Enter the phrase to find in the Find in document field: the Viewer
finds all occurrences of this word/phrase in the document.

Figure 246 e-Publications bookshelf: Viewer search controls

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User Manual

5. To go from one occurrence to the other, use the Find the previous
occurrence of the phrase and Find the next occurrence of
the phrase buttons. The current occurrence is highlighted and
its number out of overall number of found matches is shown in the
last field of the search bar .
6. To highlight all matches, check the Highlight all checkbox.
7. To match the case of the search phrase, set the Match case
8. To match whole words, check the Whole words checkbox.

9. To hide the Search bar, press the Find in Document button.

12.3.3 Browsing publications

To browse pages of the publication, you can use the mouse or browse
options of the Viewer.

To browse pages of the publication:

1. You can scroll the publication using the mouse wheel: scroll forward
to move to previous pages; scroll backward to move to next pages.
2. You can use the Previous page and the Next page buttons in the
tool bar: press the Previous page button to go one page back;
press the Next page button to go one page forward.
3. To go to a specific page, enter its number in the Page field and
press ENTER.

Figure 247 e-Publications bookshelf: go to page

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User Manual

4. To go to the first page, open the Tools menu and select the Go to
First Page option.

Figure 248 e-Publications bookshelf: go to first page

5. To go to the last page, open the Tools menu and select the Go to
Last Page option.

12.3.4 Zooming publication pages

To zoom pages of the publication, you can use the mouse or zoom options of
the Viewer. The current scale of the page is displayed in the Zoom tool in

the tool bar .

To zoom pages of the publication:

1. You can zoom publication pages using the mouse wheel together
with the CTRL button: press and hold the CTRL button and scroll
the mouse wheel forward to zoom the page in; press and hold the
CTRL button and scroll the mouse wheel backward to zoom the
page out.
2. You can use the Zoom tool of the Viewer in the tool bar . Press the

Zoom out button to zoom the page out; press the Zoom in

button to zoom the page in.

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User Manual

3. You can select a predefined scale in the Zoom tool. Left-click in the
Scale field of the Zoom tool: the list of predefined scales opens.
Select a scale option you need: the page is scaled according to the
selected option.

Figure 249 e-Publications bookshelf: zoom options

12.3.1 Additional tools and settings

The Viewer offers additional tools and settings for better reading experience.

To use additional tools:

1. Open a publication for reading and press the Tools button in

the right end of the toolbar to open the drop-down list with
additional tools and settings.

Figure 250 e-Publications bookshelf: additional tools and settings

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User Manual

2. Select the Go to First Page option to go to the first page of the

publication. Select the Go to Last Page option to go to the last
page of the publication.
3. Select the Rotate Clockwise option, to rotate pages of the
publication 90 degrees clockwise. Select the Rotate
Counterclockwise option, to rotate pages of the publication 90
degrees counterclockwise.
4. Select the Text Selection Tool option if you want to use the mouse
pointer to select text (left-click and hold the left mouse button to
select text). Select the Hand Tool option if you want to use the
mouse pointer to scroll the publication (left-click and hold the left
mouse button to scroll the page).
5. Select the Vertical Scrolling option if you want to scroll the
publication up and down. Select the Horizontal Scrolling option if
you want to scroll the publication from left to right (press and hold
SHIFT). Select the Wrapped Scrolling option if you want to
display pages in rows and columns and scroll both vertically and
6. Select the No Spreads option to view one page only. Select the
Odd Spreads option to view two pages the odd one first and the
even one next. Select the Even Spreads option to view two pages
the even one first and the odd one next.
7. Select the Document Properties option to view properties of the
document. When you select this option, the Properties window
opens. To close the Properties window, press the Close button at
the bottom of the window.

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User Manual

12.4 Adding comments to e-Publications

NavStation provides you with a tool to add your comments to e-Publications.
This is an inbuilt editing application called Annotationeer.

With the Annotationeer you can add free text and insert sticky notes,
shapes, or freehand drawings with the pencil tool. You can also use
highlighters, underlines, strikethroughs, and more.

To activate the use of Annotationeer, go to Configure → System and set

the Use Annotationeer in e-Publications Reader switch to the on
position. This way, when you open an e-Publication for viewing, you will have
the Annotationeer toolbar in the Viewer window.

Figure 251 e-Publications bookshelf: annotations toolbar

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User Manual

12.4.1 Using Annotationeer tools

The Annotationeer offers a number of tools with which you can highlight
important parts of an e-publication.

To use Annotationeer tools:

1. Select a tool you want to use in the toolbar.

2. Apply the tool in the e-publication.
3. Deselect the tool in the toolbar.
4. Now you can modify the annotation you have added. You can add a
comment, reply to a comment, change properties of the annotation,
delete the annotation. These options are available in the pop-up
menu that opens when you right-click the annotation.

Figure 252 e-Publications bookshelf: annotation options pop-up menu

5. To add or to edit a comment, right-click the annotation and select

the Edit option in the pop-up menu that opens: the comment
window opens with your username and the current date. Enter a
comment and press Save: the comment is saved.

Figure 253 e-Publications bookshelf: edit comment

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User Manual

6. To view the comment, move the mouse pointer over the annotation:
the comment appears.

Figure 254 e-Publications bookshelf: view comment

7. To reply to a comment, right-click the annotation and select the

Reply option in the pop-up menu that opens: the discussion window
opens with available replies. Enter a reply and press Save: the reply
is saved to the discussion.

Figure 255 e-Publications bookshelf: add reply

8. To view the discussion, right-click the annotation and select the

Reply option in the pop-up menu that opens: the discussion window
opens with available replies.
9. To edit a reply, right-click the
annotation and select the Reply
option in the pop-up menu that
opens: the discussion window opens
with available replies. Press the
EDIT button of the reply you want
to edit, edit the reply in the edit
window and press Save to save the
changes. To delete a reply, press its
DELETE button.

Figure 256 e-Publications

bookshelf: edit reply

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User Manual

10. To change properties of an annotation, right-click the annotation

and select the Properties option in the pop-up menu that opens:
the properties window opens with available properties (Foreground
color, Background color, Line width, Opacity, etc.). Change the
required property and close the properties window: the new value is
applied to the property right away. You can also just double-click
the annotation to open the properties window.

Figure 257 e-Publications bookshelf: edit properties

11. To delete an annotation, right-click the annotation and select the

Delete option in the pop-up menu that opens: the annotation is

12.4.2 Available Annotationeer tools

The following Annotation tools are available:

• Background Color – Sets up a default background color for

other tools using color. Select the Background color tool: the
Select Color window opens. You can select a preset color, pick
color from the screen, pick color in the color palette, specify the
exact color by setting its hue, saturation and value combination or
the red, green, blue combination, specify the color using its HTML

Figure 258 e-Publications bookshelf: Select Color window

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User Manual

• Foreground Color – Sets up a default foreground color for

other tools using color. Select the Foreground color tool: the
Select Color window opens. You can select a preset color, pick
color from the screen, pick color in the color palette, specify the
exact color by setting its hue, saturation and value combination or
the red, green, blue combination, specify the color using its HTML
• Free Text – Activate the tool and print text anywhere in the
document, you can enter up to 20 characters. The text you enter is
displayed as a comment when you move the mouse pointer over the
annotation. Reply, Delete and Properties options are available for
the Free Text annotation. You can modify the following properties:
text, font size, background color, foreground color.

Figure 259 e-Publications bookshelf: Free Text properties

• Text Highlight – Activate the tool and select text to highlight

it. Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options are available for the
Text Highlight annotation. You can modify the following
properties: background color, opacity.

Figure 260 e-Publications bookshelf: Text Highlight properties

• Text Underline – Activate the tool and select text to underline

it. Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options are available for the
Text Underline annotation. You can modify the following
properties: foreground color.

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User Manual

• Text Strikethrough – Activate the tool and select text to strike

it through. Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options are available
for the Text Strikethrough annotation. You can modify the
following properties: foreground color.
• Text Select Mode – Activate the tool to be able to select text in
the document.
• Enable Hand Tool – Activate the tool to be able to scroll the
document up/down and left/right by holding the right mouse button
and dragging the document.
• Measure Distance – Activate the tool, then plot and drag a
measurement arrow in the document: the measurement arrow is a
two-pointed arrow with the distance value. To change the
measurement arrow in the document, deactivate the Measure
Distance tool, select the arrow in the document, drag one of the
nodes that appear when you select the arrow; you can also move
the whole arrow to a different position. Reply, Delete, Properties
options are available for the Measure Distance annotation. You
can modify the following properties: foreground color, measurement
type (inches, centimeters, millimeters).

Figure 261 e-Publications bookshelf: Measure Distance properties

• Measure Area – Activate the tool, then start plotting an area in

the document, to close the area, right-click and select the
Complete option: the area is plotted and the Measure Area tools
is deactivated, the measurement value is displayed as comment
when you move the mouse pointer over the plotted area. To change
the measurement area in the document, deactivate the Measure
Area tool, select the area in the document, drag one of the nodes
that appear when you select the arrow; you can also move the
whole area to a different position. Reply, Delete, Properties
options are available for the Measure Area annotation. You can
modify the following properties: foreground color, measurement
type (inches, centimeters, millimeters), line width.

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User Manual

• Sticky Note – Activate the tool and stick the note where you
need it in the document: the comment input form opens. Enter a
comment and press Save: the comment is saved, and the Sticky
Note tool is deactivated. To move the sticky note to a different
position, drag and drop it. Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options
are available for the Sticky Note annotation. You can modify the
following properties: foreground color.
• Drawing – Activate the tool and draw freely in the document.
Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options are available for the
Drawing annotation. You can modify the following properties:
foreground color, line width.
• Line – Activate the tool and plot the line in the document: you
can either drag the line or plot the beginning and end points. To
change the line in the document, deactivate the Line tool, select the
line in the document, drag one of the nodes that appear when you
select the line; you can also move the whole line to a different
position. Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options are available for
the Line annotation. You can modify the following properties:
foreground color, line width.
• Arrow – Activate the tool and plot the arrow in the document:
drag the arrow from the beginning to the end point. To change the
arrow in the document, deactivate the Arrow tool, select the arrow
in the document, drag one of the nodes that appear when you select
the arrow; you can also move the whole arrow to a different
position. Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options are available for
the Arrow annotation. You can modify the following properties:
foreground color, line width.
• Polyline – Activate the tool, then start plotting a polyline in the
document, to finish the polyline and to deactivate the tool, right-
click and select the Complete option. To change the polyline in the
document, deactivate the Polyline tool, select the polyline in the
document, drag the nodes that appear when you select the polyline
to new positions; you can also move the whole polyline to a
different position. Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options are
available for the Polyline annotation. You can modify the following
properties: foreground color, line width.

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User Manual

• Polygon – Activate the tool, then start plotting a polygon in the

document, to close the polygon and to deactivate the tool, right-
click and select the Complete option. To change the polygon in the
document, deactivate the Polygon tool, select the polygon in the
document, drag the nodes that appear when you select the polygon
to new positions; you can also move the whole polygon to a
different position. Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options are
available for the Polygon annotation. You can modify the following
properties: foreground color, line width.
• Cloud – Cloud is a polygon with cloudlike border. Activate the
tool, then start plotting a cloud in the document, to close the cloud
and to deactivate the tool, right-click and select the Complete
option. To change the cloud in the document, deactivate the Cloud
tool, select the cloud in the document, drag the nodes that appear
when you select the cloud to new positions; you can also move the
whole cloud to a different position. Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties
options are available for the Cloud annotation. You can modify the
following properties: foreground color, line width.
• Highlight – Activate the tool and plot the highlight area in the
document: drag the area from one corner to the other from top to
bottom or from bottom to top. To change the highlight area in the
document, deactivate the Highlight tool, select the area in the
document, drag the nodes that appear when you select the area to
required positions; you can also move the whole area to a different
position. Screenshot, Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options are
available for the Highlight annotation. You can modify the following
properties: background color, opacity.
• Box – Activate the tool and plot the box area in the document:
drag the area from one corner to the other from top to bottom or
from bottom to top. To change the box area in the document,
deactivate the Box tool, select the area in the document, drag the
nodes that appear when you select the area to required positions;
you can also move the whole area to a different position.
Screenshot, Edit, Reply, Delete, Properties options are available
for the Box annotation. You can modify the following properties:
background color, opacity.

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User Manual

• Circle Fill – Activate the tool and plot the round highlight area
in the document: drag the area from top to bottom or from bottom
to top. To change the highlight area in the document, deactivate the
Circle Fill tool, select the area in the document, drag the nodes
that appear when you select the area to required positions; you can
also move the whole area to a different position. Edit, Reply,
Delete, Properties options are available for the Circle Fill
annotation. You can modify the following properties: background
color, opacity.
• Circle Stroke – Activate the tool and plot the round area in the
document: drag the area from top to bottom or from bottom to top.
To change the area in the document, deactivate the Circle Stroke
tool, select the area in the document, drag the nodes that appear
when you select the area to required positions; you can also move
the whole area to a different position. Edit, Reply, Delete,
Properties options are available for the Circle Stroke annotation.
You can modify the following properties: foreground color, line
• Stamp – Activate the tool and select a stamp in the drop-down
list, then stamp it in the document: the stamp is plotted, and the
Stamp tool is deactivated. To change the stamp in the document,
select it in the document, drag the nodes that appear when you
select the stamp to required positions; you can also move the whole
stamp to a different position. Edit, Reply, Delete options are
available for the Stamp annotation.
• Screenshot – Activate the tool and select a screenshot area in
the document: a screenshot is saved.
• Capture Page – Activate the tool and select a page to capture
in the document: a screenshot is saved.
• Digital Signature – Activate the tool and select a saved
signature or add a new one, then plot the signature in the
document. To change the signature in the document, select it in the
document, drag the nodes that appear when you select the
signature to required positions; you can also move the whole
signature to a different position. To add a new signature, select the
ADD NEW option, create a signature in the signature editing
window, press the Just Use button to use the signature one time or
the Save & Use button to save the signature and to use it further.
Delete option are available for the Digital Signature annotation.
• Save All Annotations – Press to save all annotations.
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13 Services
13.1 AIS
NavStation receives AIS (Automatic Identification System) information and
displays tracked AIS targets in the chart view.

13.1.1 Specifying own position

Specify the location of your own vessel to start working with the AIS
function. NavStation will calculate distances and bearings to tracked AIS
targets from the specified location.

To specify the location of your own vessel:

1. Open the AIS panel: the list of tracked AIS targets is displayed.

Figure 262 AIS targets list

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2. Press the My location button in the header of the panel: the

My location dialog opens.

Figure 263 AIS targets: My location dialog

3. Enter the latitude of the own vessel to the Latitude field and the
longitude to the Longitude field and press OK: the symbol of the

own vessel appears in the chart view in the specified position.

4. You can also use the position from the AIS transponder of the own
vessel (VDO message). To do so, check the Use position from
own AIS transponder check box: the symbol of the own vessel

appears in the chart view in the position of the own AIS


13.1.2 Displaying AIS information

If display of AIS information is turned on, you can see tracked targets in the
AIS panel and in the chart view.

To turn the display of AIS information on/off:

1. To turn the display of AIS information on, open the AIS panel:
the panel displays the list of tracked AIS targets with brief
information; target symbols appear in the chart view.

2. If you close the panel using its Back button, the targets are
still displayed in the chart view, and the AIS button in the features

menu at the bottom of the screen is marked with a blue border

indicating that the display of AIS targets is on.

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3. To turn off the display of AIS information, slide the AIS button up

from the main window menu or press the Close button below

the AIS button: the button becomes inactive and AIS targets
disappear from the chart view.


Display of AIS targets in the chart view depends on AIS settings specified in
the Configure → AIS panel.

13.1.3 Scrolling chart view to AIS targets

To scroll the chart view to a specified AIS target:

1. Open the AIS panel: the panel displays the list of tracked AIS
targets with brief information.
2. Find the target you want to go to in the chart view and select it: the
chart view is scrolled to display the target; the selected target is

marked with an orange border .

13.1.4 Resetting AIS target past track

To reset past track of AIS targets:

1. Open the AIS panel: the panel displays the list of tracked AIS
targets with brief information.

2. Press the Reset past track button in the header of the panel:
old past tracks disappear, and new past tracks start drawing.


To turn on the display of AIS target past tracks, go to Configure → AIS →

Past track and set the Past track switch to the on position.

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13.1.5 Viewing AIS information

To view information about tracked AIS targets:

1. Open the AIS panel: the panel displays the list of tracked AIS
targets with brief information.

Figure 264 AIS targets list

2. You can order tracked AIS targets by name, MMSI, IMO number,
distance to target, CPA, or TCPA. To do so, open the Ordered by
drop-down list and select a required option.

Figure 265 AIS ordering options

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If AIS information of the own vessel is received, the own vessel always stays
in the first position of the AIS targets list.

3. To view full information of an AIS target, press its Expand

button: the target information panel opens. Scroll down to view all

Figure 266 AIS target full information

4. To scroll the chart view to the target, press the Go to button in

the header of the panel.

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5. There is another way to view full information of an AIS target: right

click the target in the chart view and select the AIS target option in
the pop-up menu that opens.

Figure 267 AIS pop-up menu

6. The target information panel opens. Scroll down to view all


13.1.6 AIS full information

Full information contains the following data:

• MMSI number – Maritime Mobile Service Identity of the target;

• Name – name of the target;
• Calculated CPA – calculated distance to the closest point of
• Calculated TCPA – calculated time to the closest point of
• Distance to target – distance to the target from the specified own
• True bearing to target – true bearing to the target from the
specified own position;
• COG – course over ground of the target;
• SOG – speed over ground of the target;
• AIS target type – type of the target if available;
• Position – latitude and longitude of the target;
• Navigational status – navigational status of the target;
• Rate of turn – rate of turn of the target;
• Heading – heading of the target;
• Position accuracy is High flag – accuracy of the target position;
• IMO number – International Maritime Organization number of the
• Call sign – call sign of the target;

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• Type of ship and cargo type – type of ship and cargo type of the
• EPFD type – type of the target’s electronic position fixing device;
• Maximum draft in meters – maximum possible draft of the
• Dimension from CCRP to Bow – distance from the target’s CCRP
to its bow;
• Dimension from CCRP to Stern – distance from the target’s CCRP
to its stern;
• Dimension from CCRP to Port – distance from the target’s CCRP
to its port side;
• Dimension from CCRP to Starboard – distance from the target’s
CCRP to its starboard side.
• Repeat count – repeat count of the target;
• VTS-generated target – specifies if the target is VTS-generated.

13.1.7 AIS symbols

The table below represents AIS symbols used in NavStation to display AIS
targets depending on their type and presence of the target signal.

Symbol name and description Signal Image

AIS Targets
Sleeping target Yes
A target symbol indicating the presence
and orientation of an object equipped
with an AIS in a certain location.
Active target Yes
A symbol representing the automatic or
manual activation of a sleeping target
for the display of additional graphically
presented information, including a
vector (speed and course over ground),
the heading, and ROT or direction of
turn indicator (if available) to display
actual initiated course changes.
Dangerous target Yes
A symbol representing an AIS target
(activated or not) which has
approached the own ship closer than
the specified distance to the dangerous
Lost target No
A symbol representing the last valid
position of an AIS target before
reception of data was interrupted.

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Symbol name and description Signal Image

AIS Aids to Navigation (AtoN) – Physical
Active ATON on position Yes
A basic symbol representing an active
ATON on position.
Active ATON on position (ATON Yes
symbols depending on purpose)
Purpose of ATONs is indicated only if
they are selected.

Emergency wreck mark

North cardinal mark

East cardinal mark

South cardinal mark

West cardinal mark

Port hand mark

Starboard hand mark

Isolated danger

Safe water

Special mark

Active ATON off position Yes

A symbol representing an active ATON
out of position.
Active ATON with failed lights Yes
A symbol representing an active ATON
with failed lights.

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Symbol name and description Signal Image

Active ATON with failed Racon Yes
A symbol representing an active ATON
with failed Racon.
Lost ATON No
A symbol representing the last valid
position of an ATON before reception of
data was interrupted.
Missing ATON Yes
A charted ATON is absent.

AIS Aids to Navigation (AtoN) – Virtual

Active ATON on position Yes
A symbol representing an active ATON
on position.
Active ATON on position (ATON Yes
symbols depending on purpose)
Emergency wreck mark

North cardinal mark

East cardinal mark

South cardinal mark

West cardinal mark

Port hand mark

Starboard hand mark

Isolated danger

Safe water

Special mark

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Symbol name and description Signal Image

Lost ATON No
A symbol representing the last valid
position of an ATON before reception of
data was interrupted.
AIS Search and Rescue Transmitters (AIS SART)
Active AIS SART Yes
A symbol representing an active AIS
A symbol representing the last valid
position of an AIS SART before
reception of data was interrupted.
AIS Search and Rescue Aircrafts
Active AIS SAR Aircraft Yes
A symbol representing an active AIS
SAR Aircraft.
Lost AIS SAR Aircraft No
A symbol representing the last valid
position of an AIS SAR Aircraft.
AIS Base Stations
Active AIS Base Station Yes
A symbol representing an active AIS
Base station.
Lost AIS Base Station No
A symbol representing the last valid
position of an AIS Base station.


AIS targets are not displayed if they are filtered using the AIS target filter
(Configure → AIS → Filter).

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13.2 NavArea Navigation Warnings

With NavStation you can receive and view NavArea navigation warnings.
NavStation loads and updates warnings automatically from your NavBox.


The NavArea Navigation Warnings service requires subscription.

13.2.1 Viewing navigation warnings

To view NavArea Navigation Warnings:

1. Open the NavArea Navigation Warnings panel: press the

NAVAREA button from the Desktop or from the Main

window menu.
2. The NavArea Navigation Warnings panel opens with the list of all
available navigational areas and NavArea Warning symbols appear

in the chart view . Scroll the list to view all NavAreas.

3. The header of the panel displays the date when navigational
warnings have been last updated.

Figure 268 NavArea Navigation Warning panel

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4. Select the navigation area whose warnings you want to view: the
panel opens with the list of all warnings effective for the selected
area. For each warning, its ID and location are displayed.

Figure 269 Selected NavArea warnings list

5. To view detailed information about a warning, select it: the chart

view is scrolled to display the warning in the center and the
Information panel of the selected warning opens.


If a navigation warning has a cancellation date and this date has

passed, the warning is listed in the warnings list, but it is not
displayed in the chart view.

Figure 270 Information panel of a selected NavArea warning

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6. The General information section of the panel displays warning ID,

location, warning status, and subarea reference of the warning.
7. The Details section of the panel displays the full text of the
navigation warning.

Figure 271 Details of a selected warning

8. You can print the navigation warning text. To do so, press the
Report button, specify print settings in the Print dialog that opens
and press the Print button.
9. To close the Information panel, press its Back button.
10. To close the Navarea navigation warnings panel, press the
NAVAREA button in the Main window menu: the panel disappears
from the screen, while the NavArea service remains active. The blue

frame around the NAVAREA button indicates this .

11. To deactivate the NavArea service, slide the NAVAREA button up

from the main window menu or press the Close button below
the NAVAREA button: the panel closes and NavArea symbols
disappear from the chart view.

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13.2.2 Selecting navigation warnings in the chart view

You can also access information of a navigation warning from the chart view.

To access NavArea Navigation Warnings from the chart view:

1. Right-click/ touch and hold a navigation warning symbol: the pop-up

menu opens
2. Select the Navigation warning option in the pop-up menu.

Figure 272 Selecting a navigation warning in the chart view

3. The NavArea navigation warnings panel and the Information

panel open.

13.2.3 Navigation warnings report

You can create a report with navigation warnings for a selected NavArea and
print it.

To create and print a navigation warnings report:

1. Open the NavArea Navigation Warnings panel: press the

NAVAREA button from the Desktop or from the Main

window menu.
2. The NavArea Navigation Warnings panel opens with the list of all
available navigational areas and NavArea Warning symbols appear

in the chart view . Scroll the list to view all NavAreas.

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3. Select the navigation area whose warnings you want to report: the
panel opens with the list of all warnings effective for the selected
area. For each warning, its ID and location are displayed.

Figure 273 Selected Navarea warnings list

4. To create a navigation warnings report, press the Report

button: the report is saved as a PDF file and opens in your default
PDF reader.
5. Print the report using the PDF reader printing function.

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13.3 Environmental Regulations

The Environmental Regulations function assists vessels in complying with
environmental regulations.

With the Environmental Regulations function, you can:

• Gain access to a comprehensive database of international, national,

regional, and port environmental regulations.
• View the environmental regulation objects and areas displayed in the
chart view.
• Receive warnings when your vessel is entering or is approaching an
environmental regulation object.
• Receive distance and time to the territorial waters, Special Areas (SAs),
PSSAs and ECAs.
• View rules and regulations on which warnings are based.

13.3.1 Starting/closing Environmental Regulations

To start/close Environmental Regulations:

1. Open the Environmental Regulations panel: press the

Environmental Regulations button from the Desktop or

from the Main window menu.
2. When you start the Environmental Regulations function, a
disclaimer appears. Read it and press OK.
3. When you start the Environmental Regulations function, the
chart display changes to environmental regulations specific display
and environmental regulations geodatabase objects appear in the
chart view.

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4. You can also see the Environmental Regulations panel at the left
side of the screen and the Zone Info and Zone Approaches
panels at the bottom of the screen.

Figure 274 Environmental regulations geodatabase display

5. To hide the Environmental Regulations panels, press the Back

arrow in the upper-left corner of the panel or the

Environmental Regulations button in the Main window

menu: the panels slide apart and you can have a better view of the
chart with environmental regulations information.
6. To display the panels again, press the Environmental Regulations

button in the Main window menu: the panels reappear.

7. To close the Environmental regulations function, press the Close

button under the Environmental regulations button in

the Main window menu or slide the button out of its position:
Environmental regulations panels close, environmental
regulations information is removed from the chart view, the chart
display returns to its normal state.

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13.3.2 Environmental regulations for a point

The Environmental Regulations function can display regulations for a
point (a current position of the own ship) or for a route. If you select the
Point option, you can specify coordinates of the own ship, its course and
speed, and the function displays environmental regulations effective within
the specified prediction zone along the specified course.

To use the Point option:

1. Open the Environmental regulations panel: press the

Environmental regulations button from the Desktop or

from the Main window menu.
2. Select the Point option under the regulations list.
3. Enter the latitude of the own ship to the Latitude field and the
longitude to the Longitude field.

Figure 275 Environmental regulations: setting parameters for a point

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User Manual

4. Enter the course to the Course field.

5. Enter the speed to the Speed field.
6. Enter the prediction range to the Approaching zones prediction
range field: information about zones the own ship is approaching
will be displayed in the Approaching zone(s) panel when the own
ship is inside the specified range from the zones. The prediction
range is measured from the current position of the own ship along
its course.
7. To use the position of the own ship coming from external sensors

(VDO sentence is used), press the From sensors button in the

header of the panel: the position from the sensors appears in the
Latitude and Longitude fields.
8. After setting the parameters, the own ship appears in the specified
coordinates in the chart view and the list of environmental
regulations is updated to display regulations effective for the
position of the own ship.

Figure 276 Environmental regulations: symbol of the own ship

9. To scroll the chart view to the own ship, press the Go to ship
button in the header of the panel.


You can also change position of the own ship symbol in the chart view. To do
so, left-click in the chart view: the symbol of the own ship moves to the
selected position.

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13.3.3 Environmental regulations for a route

The Environmental Regulations function can display regulations for a
point or for a route. If you select the Route option, you can select a route,
reverse it, if necessary, specify departure date and time, and the function
lists regulations effective for the current position of the own ship on the
route as you move it along the route timeline.

To use the Route option:

1. Open the Environmental regulations panel: press the

Environmental regulations button from the Desktop or

from the Main window menu.
2. Select the Route option under the warnings list: route parameters
appear below, and the route timeline is displayed under the You
are in zone(s) and Approaching zone(s) panels.

Figure 277 Environmental regulations: setting parameters for a route

3. Select a route in the available routes drop-down list.

4. If you want to use the route in the reverse order, check the
Reverse checkbox.
5. Enter the departure date and time to the Departure (UTC) field.

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6. After setting the parameters, the own ship symbol appears at the
starting waypoint of the route.

Figure 278 Environmental regulations: symbol of the own ship

7. To scroll the chart view to the current own ship position, press the
Go to ship button in the header of the panel.
8. To move the own ship along the route and see environmental
warnings for a specified time and position on the route, drag the
time slider along the route timeline: position of the own ship and
environmental warnings, as well as approaching zones change
9. To change the route timeline scale, select a scale option. To display
two days on the timeline, select the 2d option; to display 7 days,
select the 7d option, to display 15 days, select the 15d option.
10. You can also specify the time mark step of the route timeline. To
do so, select an option in the time mark step drop-down list. 1-, 3-,
6-, 12- and 24-hour step options are available.

13.3.4 Viewing environmental regulations

Environmental Regulations function provides the list of environmental
regulations effective for the current position of the own ship.

Regulations in the list are marked to show how strict they are.

The following levels are used:

• – Not permitted

• – Permitted with caution

• – Permitted

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Environmental regulations can be international, regional, local, and related to

a port.

The following icons are used:

• – International regulations

• – Regional regulations

• – Local regulations

• – Port regulations


The Environmental Regulations function displays regulations for the current

position of your own ship and a specified prediction zone along the ship’s
course. Make sure, you have specified correct own ship parameters.

To view regulations:

1. Open the Environmental Regulations panel: press the

Environmental Regulations button from the Desktop or

from the Main window menu. Warnings are displayed in the
Simplified and in the Detailed tabs.
2. The Simplified tab displays the list of current warnings in a
simplified form, the warnings are grouped into subgroups. To
expand warnings of a subgroup, press the Expand button of the

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User Manual

3. The Detailed tab displays all current warnings expanded.

Figure 279 Environmental regulations: Figure 280 Environmental regulations:

Simplified tab Detailed tab

4. To filter regulations displayed in the list, use the Environmental

regulations filter: switch to the Filter tab and select categories of
regulations to be displayed in the regulations list in the
Environmental regulations section (see chapter 13.3.7, Filtering
environmental regulations).
5. To view the text of a regulation, select it in the Simplified tab or in
the Detailed tab: the Rule Details window opens. To close the rule
window, press its Close button in the upper-right corner.

Figure 281 Environmental regulations: Rule details window

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13.3.5 Searching environmental regulations

Use the Search function for more targeted search for environmental
regulations. The Search function is implemented as a free text search, so
you can use any keywords, and the function will search for all regulations
that have the specified keywords in their texts

To search for Environmental regulations:

1. Open the Environmental

regulations panel: press the
Environmental regulations

button from the Desktop or

from the Main window menu.
2. Switch to the Search tab: here you
can search all available regulations.
3. Enter a keyword to the Keyword

field and press the Search

button: search results are displayed
below. To open the Rule details
window, select a regulation in the
4. To filter search results, set required
filters (International, National, Figure 282 Environmental
Regional, Port) under the regulations: search function
Keyword field and press the
Search button again. The search
results are filtered and displayed below.


The Search function searches the whole Environmental regulations database,

not only the regulations selected for the current position of the own ship.
Filters selected in the Filter tab, Environmental regulations section, apply
to the search results.

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13.3.6 Filtering environmental chart objects

For better view of Environmental regulation objects in the chart view, you
can filter out those objects you don’t want to display.

To filter Environmental regulation chart objects:

1. Open the Environmental

regulations panel: press the
Environmental regulations

button from the Desktop or

from the Main window menu.
2. Switch to the Filter tab and expand
the Environmental chart objects
section: here you can filter MARPOL
objects to be displayed.
3. To hide a group of objects, clear its
4. To display a group of objects, tick
its checkbox.
5. To display/hide all MARPOL objects
tick/clear the MARPOL objects
Figure 283 Environmental
regulations: Environmental chart
objects filter


Filtered environmental regulation areas only disappear from the chart view.
Even when hidden, the Environmental regulations function uses the areas.

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13.3.7 Filtering environmental regulations

The application lists all environmental regulation effective for the current
position of the own ship. You can filter out the regulations you don’t need. To
do so, use the Environmental regulations filter.

To filter Environmental regulations:

1. Open the Environmental

regulations panel: press the
Environmental regulations

button from the Desktop or

from the Main window menu.
2. Switch to the Filter tab and expand
the Environmental regulations
section: here you can filter
environmental regulations to be
displayed in the Simplified and
Detailed lists.
3. To hide a group of objects, clear its
4. To display a group of objects, tick
its checkbox.
5. To display/hide all MARPOL objects
Figure 284 Environmental
tick/clear the MARPOL objects
regulations: Environmental chart
objects filter


Filtered environmental regulation areas only disappear from the chart view.
Even when hidden, the Environmental regulations function uses the areas.

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13.3.8 Time and distance to special zones

The Environmental Regulations function provides information about
special zones with restrictions concerning discharge of polluting substances
you have entered or are approaching. You can view the list of the zones and
time and distance to the zones. The information is based on the parameters
of the own ship you have provided.

You can specify an approaching zones prediction range and the application
will show the zones you are approaching only when the own ship is within
the specified prediction range.

You can also set up approaching zone alarms: specify time to go to a zone
and the application will highlight the zone in the Approaching zone(s)
table with orange when the own ship is within the specified time from the

To use the special zone warnings function:

1. Open the Environmental

Regulations panel: press the
Environmental Regulations

button from the Desktop or

from the Main window menu.
Alerts are displayed in the
Simplified and in the Detailed
2. Enter the prediction range to the
Approaching zones prediction
range field: information about
zones the own ship is approaching
will be displayed in the Figure 285 Environmental
Approaching zone(s) panel when regulations: approaching zone
the own ship is inside the specified prediction range and time
range from the zones. The
prediction range is measured from
the current position of the own ship along its course.

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3. To set up alarm conditions for special zones, tick the checkbox near
the corresponding zone and enter a time value in minutes to the
time field: the application highlights the zones with time to go (TTG)
less than the specified values with orange color.


Approaching zones only appear in the Approaching zone(s)

table if the distance to go (DTG) to the zone is less than the
specified approaching zones prediction range. If the zone is not in
the table, the time alarm does not apply to it.

4. The list of zones you have entered is displayed in the You are in
zone(s) table at the bottom of the chart view.
5. The list of zones you are approaching is displayed in the
Approaching zone(s) table at the bottom of the chart view. This
table also displays distance to go to the zones in the DTG column
and time to go in the TTG column.

Figure 286 Environmental regulations: You are in zone(s) and Approaching zone(s) tables

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13.3.9 Environmental regulations report

You can print an environmental regulations report for a route.

To create and print an environmental regulations report for a route:

1. Open the Environmental Regulations panel: press the

Environmental Regulations button from the Desktop or

from the Main window menu.

2. Select the Route option under the warnings list: the Report
button appears in the header of the panel.
3. Select a route in the available routes drop-down list.
4. If you want to use the route in the reverse order, check the
Reverse checkbox.
5. Enter the departure date and time to the Departure (UTC) field.

6. Then press the Report button: the report is saved to a PDF file
and opens in your default PDF reader. Print the report using the
printing function of the PDF reader.
7. The report shows environmental regulations and their restriction

level (Not permitted , Permitted with caution , Permitted )

for each hour of the route.


Environmental regulations that you have filtered out are not included in the

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13.3.10 Chart legend

To view Environmental regulations legend:

1. Open the Environmental regulations panel: press the

Environmental regulations button from the Desktop or

from the Main window menu.
2. Switch to the Legend tab: here you can view chart symbols used to
display Environmental regulations objects.

Figure 287 Environmental regulations: Legend tab

The following abbreviations are used in the legend and in the filter:

• SA – Special Areas
• ECA – Emission Control Areas
• PSSA – Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas
• NDZ – No-Discharge Zone
• NMS – National Marine Sanctuary
• WHS – World Heritage Site

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14 System Setup
You can access system settings from NavStation Desktop and from the
Main Window menu.

To open system settings, press the Configure button at the

NavStation Desktop or in the Main Window menu.

14.1 Chart portrayal Settings

14.1.1 Depth display setup

For safety reasons NavStation provides the possibility to set up portrayal of
depths and depth areas so that it is more informative visually.

To set depth portrayal settings:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Chart portrayal settings option: the Chart portrayal
settings panel opens.

Figure 288 Configure: Chart portrayal settings

2. Set a value to the required setting.

3. The new setting is applied immediately.

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The following depth portrayal settings are available:

• Shallow contour – Value set by the mariner and used by

NavStation to distinguish on the display between medium shallow
(from the shallow to the safety contour) and very shallow (from the
shallow to the 0 meter contour) waters if the “Four shades” color
mode is on.
• Safety contour – Value set by the mariner that is used by
NavStation to select a “safety contour” from among the depth
contours available in the SENC that is equal to or deeper than the

Figure 289 Safety contour is set to 10 meters


Safety contour to be used during operation is set by NavStation

based on the value set by the mariner. It is a contour equal to the
specified value or deeper than it if no equal depth contour is
Safety contour demarks the boundary between “safe-water” and
shallow water with an extra wide.

• Deep contour – Value set by the mariner and used by NavStation

to distinguish on the display between medium deep (from the safety
to the deep contour) and very deep (deeper than the deep contour)
waters if the “Four shades” color mode is on.

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• Safety depth – Value set by the mariner – e.g. the ship's draft plus
under keel clearance – that is used by NavStation to portray
soundings as black if they are equal to or more shallow than the
value and grey if they are deeper.

Figure 290 Safety depth is set to 6 meters

• Color mode

− Select the “One shade” mode to have all depth areas filled with
one color;
− Select the “Two shades” mode to have two depth areas filled
with two colors: unsafe water (from the 0 meter contour to the
safety contour) and safe water (from the safety contour and
− Select the “Four shades” mode to have four depth areas filled
with four colors: very shallow area (from the 0 meter contour to
the shallow contour), medium shallow area (from the shallow
contour to the safety contour), medium deep area (from the
safety contour to the deep contour), and very deep area (from
the deep contour and deeper).

Figure 291 Color mode Figure 292 Color mode Figure 293 Color mode
“One shade” “Two shades” “Four shades”

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• Shallow pattern – Fills the shallow area from the coast line to the
safety contour with a special pattern.

Figure 294 Shallow pattern off Figure 295 Shallow pattern on

14.1.2 Portrayal style

Along with the S52 portrayal style, NavStation provides the INT1 portrayal
style where chart symbols are displayed as it is required in the Symbols and
Abbreviations Used on Admiralty Charts publication.

To select a portrayal style:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Chart portrayal settings option: the Chart portrayal
settings panel opens.
2. Select a value in the Portrayal style drop-down list.
3. The new setting is applied immediately.

Figure 296 S52 portrayal style Figure 297 INT1 portrayal style

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14.1.3 Chart symbol size

In NavStation, you can select the size of chart symbols. Five options are
available: extra small, small, medium, large, and extra-large.

To select a chart symbol size:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Chart portrayal settings option: the Chart portrayal
settings panel opens.
2. Select a value in the Chart symbol size drop-down list.
3. The new setting is applied immediately.

Figure 298 Extra-large symbol Figure 299 Extra small symbol

size size

14.1.4 Symbolized boundaries

NavStation provides the option of turning symbolized boundaries off and
display plain boundary lines instead.

Available only for the S52 portrayal style.

To turn symbolized boundaries on/off:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Chart portrayal settings option: the Chart portrayal
settings panel opens.
2. To turn symbolized boundaries on, set the Symbolized boundaries
switch to the on position.

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3. To turn symbolized boundaries off, set the Symbolized

boundaries switch to the off position.
4. The new setting is applied immediately.

Figure 300 Symbolized Figure 301 Symbolized boundaries

boundaries On Off

14.1.5 Paper chart symbols

In NavStation, you can use paper chart symbols for navigation aids instead
of simplified symbols.

Available only for the S52 portrayal style.

To turn paper chart symbols on/off:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Chart portrayal settings option: the Chart portrayal
settings panel opens.
2. To turn paper chart symbols on, set the Paper chart symbols
switch to the on position.
3. To turn paper chart symbols off, set the Paper chart symbols
switch to the off position.
4. The new setting is applied immediately.

Figure 302 Paper chart symbols Figure 303 Paper chart symbols
On Off

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14.1.6 Danger symbol

In NavStation, you can replace symbols of dangerous objects with a special

danger symbol .

To turn the display of danger symbol on/off:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Chart portrayal settings option: the Chart portrayal
settings panel opens.
2. To turn danger symbol on, set the Danger symbol switch to the on
3. To turn danger symbol off, set the Danger symbol switch to the off
4. The new setting is applied immediately.

Figure 304 Danger symbol On Figure 305 Danger symbol Off

14.1.7 Scale min

In NavStation, you can select to use the scale minimum attribute of chart
objects to hide or display them at specified scales.

To turn the use of the scale min attribute on/off:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Chart portrayal settings option: the Chart portrayal
settings panel opens.
2. To turn the use of the scale min attribute on, set the Scale min
switch to the on position.
3. To turn the use of the scale min attribute off, set the Scale min
switch to the off position.
4. The new setting is applied immediately.

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14.1.8 Full light lines

NavStation provides the option of turning on the display of light sector legs
in real length.

To turn the display of light sector legs in real length on/off:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Chart portrayal settings option: the Chart portrayal
settings panel opens.
2. To turn full light lines on, set the Full light lines switch to the on
3. To turn full light lines off, set the Full light lines switch to the off
4. The new setting is applied immediately.

Figure 306 Full light lines off

Figure 307 Full light lines on

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14.2 Chart Object Settings

14.2.1 Display mode

NavStation provides the option of selecting a display mode to have a
required level of detail applied to the chart objects. There are three preset
display modes available: Base, Standard, Full, and Custom.

The following preset display modes are available:

• Base – The Base display is that part of the Standard Display

which should be permanently retained on the display. It consists of
coastline (high water); own ship's safety contour, to be selected by
the mariner; indication of isolated underwater dangers of depths
less than the safety contour which lie within the safe waters defined
by the safety contour; indication of isolated dangers which lie within
the safe water defined by the safety contour such as bridges,
overhead wires, etc., and including buoys and beacons whether or
not these are being used as aids to navigation; traffic routing
systems; scale, range, orientation and display-mode; units of depth
and height.
• Standard – The Standard display is the default display mode
used by NavStation. The Standard display consists of the Base
display; drying line; indication of fixed and floating aids to
navigation; boundaries of fairways, channels, etc.; visual and radar
conspicuous features; prohibited and restricted areas; chart scale
boundaries; indication of cautionary notes.
• Full – The Full display shows the chart information in full., the Full
display type has no mandatory chart presentation parameters.
• Custom – The Custom display shows the chart information in full,
but it also allows hiding/displaying all object types provided in the
Chart objects panel.

Figure 308 Base display type Figure 309 Standard display Figure 310 Full display type

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To select a preset display mode:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Chart object option: the Chart objects panel opens.
2. Select a required display mode in the Display mode drop-down list.
Four display modes are available: Base, Standard, Full., and

Figure 311 Configure → Chart objects, Display mode

3. The new setting value is applied immediately.

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14.2.2 Chart objects set-up

NavStation allows displaying/hiding some types of chart objects. For preset
display modes (Base, Standard, Full), a limited number of object types to
customize is available. For the Custom display mode, all object types
provided in the Chart objects panel are available.

To display or hide a group of chart objects:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Chart objects option: the Chart objects panel opens.

Figure 312 Chart objects

2. To display objects of a specified type, set its switch to the on

3. To hide objects of a specified type, set its switch to the off position.
4. The new setting value is applied immediately.

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14.2.3 Customizable Base chart objects

Objects from this group are always displayed in the Base, Standard and
Full display mode, and can only be hidden in the Custom display mode.

Chart objects included in the Base display:

• Non-official boundary – Boundary of non-official charts.

Figure 313 Non-official Figure 314 Non-official

boundary on boundary off

14.2.4 Customizable Standard chart objects

Objects from this group are always displayed in the Standard and Full
display mode, and are always hidden in the Base display mode. They can
only be customized in the Custom display mode.

Chart objects included in the Standard display:

• Over-scaled data indicator – A special pattern (vertical stripes)
applied to the chart or to the part of it that is over-scaled (the chart
display scale is twice its original scale).

Figure 315 Over-scaled data Figure 316 Over-scaled data

indicator on indicator off

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• Chart boundary – Boundary of adjacent datasets.

Figure 317 Chart boundary Figure 318 Chart boundary

on off
• Unknown -- Displays/hides objects of unknown code or with unknown

14.2.5 Customizable Other chart objects

Objects from this group are always displayed in the Full display mode, and
are always hidden in the Base and Standard display mode. They can only
be customized in the Custom display mode.

Chart objects included in the Full display:

• Accuracy – A special symbol indicating the accuracy of the electronic

The accuracy symbols correspond to so-called confidence zones. There

are six categories of the confidence zones. The categories are defined by
the quality of survey; in particular by the positional accuracy, the depth
accuracy, the seafloor coverage and typical survey characteristics. The
categories are the following (in brackets the position accuracy is given as
an example): A1 (5m), A2 (20m), B (50m), C (500m), D (worse than
500m) and U (data not assessed).

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To find out the category of the zone of confidence, open the Object
information panel with a right-click in the chart view, open the chart
legend and find the “Quality of data” parameter.

Figure 319 Quality of data Figure 320 Quality of data

indicator on indicator off
• Highlight info – A special symbol indicating that a chart object has
some additional information encoded. To access the information, open
the Object information panel with a right-click on the object with the
information indicator and view the “Information” attribute.

Figure 321 Highlight info on Figure 322 Highlight info off

• Highlight document – A special symbol indicating that a chart object
has some additional information encoded as a separate file. To access the
information, open the Object information panel with a right-click on
the object with the document indicator and view the “Textual description”
or “Picture” attribute.
• Contour labels– Displays/hides labels on all depth contours except the
safety contour.

Figure 323 Contour labels on Figure 324 Contour labels off

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• Safety contour labels– Displays/hides labels on the safety contour.

Figure 325 Safety contour Figure 326 Safety contour

labels on labels off
• Spot soundings – Spot soundings.

Figure 327 Spot soundings on Figure 328 Spot soundings off

• Depth contours – All depth contours.

Figure 329 Depth contours on Figure 330 Depth contours


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• Seabed – Nature of seabed, springs, sea weed, fish havens, fishing

stakes, non-dangerous rocks, wrecks, and obstructions.

Figure 331 Seabed on Figure 332 Seabed off

• Cables, pipelines – Submarine cables and pipelines.

Figure 333 Cables, pipelines Figure 334 Cables, pipelines

on off
• Port features – Harbor types, customs check points, distance marks,
berthing facilities, berth numbers, mooring facilities, gates, dry docks,
cranes, gridirons.

Figure 335 Port features on Figure 336 Port features off

• Magnetic variation – An area object containing information about
magnetic variation in a geographical area.
• Administrative areas – continental shelf, harbor areas, free port areas,
customs zones, fishery zones, contiguous zones, exclusive economic
zones, national territorial areas, territorial seas, territorial sea baselines,
administration areas.

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14.2.6 Texts
Objects from this group are always displayed in the Full display mode, and
are always hidden in the Base and Standard display mode. They can only
be customized in the Custom display mode.

Chart objects that can be displayed/hidden:

• Important texts – Texts with the category “important”: vertical
clearance of bridges, overhead cables, pipes or conveyors, bearing of
navigational lines, recommended routes, deep water route centerline
lines, recommended tracks, names and communications channels of
radio calling-in points.

Figure 337 Important texts Figure 338 Important texts

on off
• Names – Names of geographical objects such as countries, cities,
islands, and so on. Names or numbers of buoys, beacons, day marks,
light vessels, floating lights, offshore platforms.

Figure 339 Names on Figure 340 Names off

• National language – Displays/hides names in national language.

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• Light description – Light characteristics displayed near the lights.

Figure 341 Light description Figure 342 Light description

on off
• All other text – Notes on chart data or nautical publications, nature of
seabed, values of magnetic variation and swept depths, heights of islets
and land features, berth numbers.

Figure 343 All other texts on Figure 344 All other texts off
• Mariner’s text – Text related to mariners’ objects.
• Route leg bearing – Bearing indication on route legs.


If you cannot display some text, make sure that chart objects to
which the text belongs are displayed.

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14.2.7 Safe hazards

Objects from this group are always hidden in the Base display mode, and
can be customized in Standard, Full and Custom display type modes.

Chart objects that can be displayed/hidden:

• Shallow water dangers – The danger symbol can be used to highlight
isolated dangerous objects which lie in unsafe shallow waters between
the safety contour and the drying line.

Figure 345 Shallow water Figure 346 Shallow water

dangers on dangers off


In the Standard display mode, dangers in shallow waters are not

displayed by default. However, if you turn this option on, the ‘safe’
dangerous objects appear in the chart and are displayed as isolated
danger symbols.
This option is provided If you are forced to navigate in waters
shallower than the safety contour shown on the display.

• Safe hazards shown– You can hide or display hazardous objects that
are not dangerous to the own vessel.

Figure 347 Safe hazards Figure 348 Safe hazards shown off
shown on

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• Safe depths shown– You can hide or display soundings that are not
dangerous to the own vessel (deeper than the specified safety depth).

Figure 349 Safe depths shown on Figure 350 Safe depths shown off

14.2.8 More customizable objects

Objects from this group can be customized in all display modes.

Chart objects that can be displayed/hidden:

• Date dependent objects – Seasonal objects are objects that are active
only at specific periods during the year. The ECDIS allows them to be
hidden during periods when these objects are inactive, and to be
displayed only when they are active. To do so, set the Date dependent
objects setting to the on position.


When the property is off and inactive seasonal objects are displayed
in the chart view, an indicator appears in the upper-right corner of
the chart view saying: “Seasonal objects displayed. Information
displayed may be incorrect for the present date and time”.

• Highlight date dependent – Shows a special symbol indicating date

dependent objects.

Figure 351 Highlight date Figure 352 Highlight date

dependent on dependent off

• Lat/Lon grid – Latitudes and longitudes grid.

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14.2.9 Customizing display .

You can customize chart display and select to display or hide any type of
chart objects when in the Custom display mode.

To customize chart display:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Chart objects option: the Chart objects panel opens.
2. Press the Customize display button: the Customize display
dialog opens.

Figure 353 Customize display dialog

3. Objects are grouped into Base, Standard, Other, and Texts display
groups: to switch between the display groups, select the group you
need at the top of the panel.
4. To expand a group of objects, press the arrow next to the group
name. To collapse, press the arrow once more.
5. To add an object or a group of objects to display, tick its check box.
6. To remove an object or a group of objects from display clear its
check box.
7. To apply changes, press the Apply and OK buttons.
8. To cancel the operation, press the Cancel button.

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14.3 Vessel Particulars Setup

14.3.1 Vessel registration information

The application reads vessel registration information such as the name of the
vessel, IMO number, call sign and MMSI of the vessel from NavBox. You can
also specify the owner of the vessel, vessel type, flag and gross tonnage in
the Vessel particulars configuration window.

The vessel registration information is automatically filled in new passage


To view vessel’s registration information:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Vessel particulars option: the Vessel particulars panel

Figure 354 Vessel particulars: draft and height

2. Set registration information of the vessel in the corresponding fields.

3. The application reads other registration information from your
4. New setting values are applied immediately.

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The following vessel registration information is available:

• Owner – name of the vessel’s owner.

• Ship name – name of the own vessel.
• IMO number – IMO number of the own vessel.
• Call sign – call sign of the own vessel.
• MMSI – Maritime Mobile Service Identity of the own vessel.
• Vessel type – type of the own vessel.
• Flag – flag of the own vessel.
• Gross tonnage – gross tonnage of the own vessel.

14.3.2 Consistent common reference point

Position of all sensors is defined relative to the position of the common
reference point (CCRP). Position of the CCRP is also the starting point of the
vessel’s velocity vectors and past track.

To specify the CCRP:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Vessel particulars option: the Vessel particulars panel

Figure 355 Vessel particulars: common reference point

2. Set the vessel’s CCRP parameters.

3. New setting values are applied immediately.

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The following parameters can be set:

• A – distance between the CCRP and the bow;

• B – distance between the CCRP and the stern;
• C – distance between the CCRP and the port side;
• D – distance between the CCRP and the starboard side.

14.3.3 Vessel dimensions

Many safety functions of NavStation are based on the vessel’s dimensions
that include length, beam, LPP (length between perpendiculars), mast
height, maximum draught.

To specify vessel’s dimensions:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Vessel particulars option: the Vessel particulars panel
2. The application calculates the length and the beam of the vessel
based on CCRP parameters you have specified.
3. Set other vessel’s dimensions.
4. New setting values are applied immediately.

The following vessel dimensions are used:

• Length (LOA) – length of the own vessel; calculated based on

specified CCRP parameters.
• Beam – beam of the own vessel; calculated based on specified
CCRP parameters.
• LPP – length between perpendiculars of the own vessel.
• Height Over All (HOA) – maximum height of the own vessel.
• Maximum draught – maximum draught of the own vessel.

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14.4 Layers Setup

Additional chart information layers are available in NavStation. You can hide
and display these layers.

To hide/display an additional chart layer:

1. Go to Configure by pressing

the Configure button

and select the Layers option:
the Layers panel opens.
2. To display a layer, set its
switch to the on position.
3. To hide a layer, set its switch
to the off position.
4. The new setting values are
applied immediately.
Figure 356 Configure → Layers

The following chart information layers are available:

• Admiralty information overlay (AIO) – displays Admiralty

information in the chart view.
• Navtex information overlay – displays Navtex information in the
chart view.
• MRS reporting overlay – displays MRS reporting information in
the chart view.
• Time zone layer – displays time zone information in the chart

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14.5 Own Ship Setup

14.5.1 True scale outline

At a large scale, the own ship can be displayed as a true scale symbol based
on dimensions derived from the position of the conning station specified in
the Configure → Vessel particulars tab.

To display the own ship symbol as a true scale symbol:

1. Go to Configure by pressing

the Configure button

and select the Own ship
option: the Own ship panel
2. To display the own ship
symbol as a true scale
symbol, set the True scale
outline switch to the On
3. Now, at a large scale, the
ship’s symbol will be
displayed as a true-scale Figure 357 Configure → Own ship
4. To display the own ship symbol as a point symbol at all scales, set
the True scale outline switch to the Off position.


Position of the true scale symbol of the own ship is defined by the
ship’s heading.

Figure 358 True scale own Figure 359 Point own

ship symbol ship symbol

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14.5.2 Velocity vector

Velocity vector of the vessel is a vector predicting position of the vessel in a
specified period based on the current speed and course. Two velocity vectors
are available: Velocity vector over ground based on speed over ground and
course over ground, and Velocity vector through water based on speed
through water and heading.

To display and set up velocity vectors:

1. Go to Configure by pressing

the Configure button

and select the Own ship
option: the Own ship panel
2. To display the velocity vector
over ground, set the Velocity
vector over ground switch
to the On position.
3. To display the velocity vector
through water, set the
Velocity vector through
water switch to the On Figure 360 Configure → Own ship →
Velocity vectors
4. To specify the length of both
velocity vectors, select a
value in the Velocity vector length drop-down list.
5. To specify the time mark step for both velocity vectors, select a
value in the Velocity vector time mark step drop-down list.

Figure 361 Velocity vector over ground and velocity vector through water (vector length = 10 min, time
mark step = 1 min)

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14.5.3 Path predictor

Along with the velocity vectors you can display a path prediction vector (or
path predictor). Path predictor is based on speed over ground, course over
ground and rate of turn.


Path predictor is only available if information about the vessel’s rate

of turn is coming to the application from external sensors.

To display and set up path predictor:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Own ship option: the Own ship panel opens.
2. To display the path predictor, set the Path predictor switch to the
On position.
3. The length of the path predictor is the same as
set for velocity vectors in the Velocity vector
length field.
4. No time step marks are available for the path
5. To hide the path predictor, set the Path Figure 362 Path
predictor switch to the Off position.
predictor (vector
length = 10 min)

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14.5.4 Past track

To monitor own ship’s track over time, use the Past track function.

To display and set up past track:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Own ship option: the Own ship panel opens.

Figure 363 Configure → Own ship → Past track

2. To display the past track, set the Past track switch to the On
3. To specify the length of the past track, select a value in the Past
track length drop-down list.
4. To display time labels on the past track, switch the Past track time
labels to the On position.
5. To specify the step of time labels, select a value in the Past track
time labels step drop-down list.
6. To reset the past track and to start drawing it all over again, press
the Reset past track button: the old past track disappears, and a
new past track starts drawing.

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14.6 AIS Setup

14.6.1 Lost target removal timeout

You can specify when a lost AIS target should be removed from the chart

To specify the lost target removal timeout:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the AIS option: the AIS panel opens.
2. Expand the Configuration section: AIS configuration parameters

Figure 364 AIS Configuration

3. Specify the timeout period in the Lost target removed timeout

field, seconds.
4. The setting is applied immediately.

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14.6.2 Activated target

A tracked AIS target is activated when it reaches a specified distance from
the own position. An activated AIS target means that additional graphical
information such as the target’s name and heading line is displayed in the
chart view, as well as more information is available in the full information
table of the target.

To specify the activation distance:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the AIS option: the AIS panel opens.
2. Expand the Configuration section: AIS configuration parameters
3. Specify the distance to the own position in the Target is activated
when distance to own vessel ≤ field.
4. You can enable or disable the target activation alert. To enable the
alert, set the switch to the right of the Target is activated when
distance to own vessel ≤ field to the On position; to disable the
alert, set the switch to the Off position.
5. The setting is applied immediately.


To display the activation limit in the chart view, go to Configure →

AIS → Other and switch the Activation range circle option on.

14.6.3 Dangerous target

To specify when a tracked AIS target should be considered dangerous, set a
dangerous distance between the target and the own vessel or a dangerous
combination of CPA and TCPA to the own vessel.


A dangerous target alert triggers in each case: if CPA and TCPA of the target
are equal to or less than the specified values, and if the distance to the own
vessel is equal to or less than the specified value.

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To specify the dangerous target parameters:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the AIS option: the AIS panel opens.
2. Expand the Configuration section: AIS configuration parameters
3. Specify the distance to the own vessel in the Target is dangerous
when distance to own vessel ≤ field.
4. You can enable or disable the dangerous distance alert. To enable
the alert, set the switch to the right of the Target is dangerous
when distance to own vessel ≤ field to the On position; to
disable the alert, set the switch to the Off position.
5. Specify the CPA to the own vessel in the Target is dangerous
when CPA ≤ field.
6. Specify the TCPA to the own vessel in the Target is dangerous
when TCPA ≤ field.


The target is considered dangerous when both its actual CPA and
TCPA are equal or less than the specified configuration parameters.

7. The settings are applied immediately.


To display the dangerous target limit in the chart view (distance

between the target and the own vessel), go to Configure → AIS →
Other and switch the Danger range circle option on.

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14.6.4 Velocity vector and path predictor

Velocity vector of an AIS target is a vector predicting position of the target in
a specified period of time based on the current speed and course. The
target’s speed and course over ground (SOG and COG) are used.

Along with the velocity vector, you can display a path prediction vector (or
path predictor). Path predictor is based on speed over ground (SOG), course
over ground (COG) and rate of turn.

To display and set up the velocity vector and path predictor:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the AIS option: the AIS panel opens.
2. Expand the Velocity vector section: velocity vector and path
predictor parameters open.

Figure 365 AIS display settings: velocity vector

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3. To display the velocity vector, set the Velocity vector switch to the
on position.

Figure 366 Velocity vector (vector length = 12 min, time mark step = 1 min)

4. To specify the length of the velocity vector, select a value in the

Velocity vector length drop-down list.
5. To display time marks on the velocity vector, set the Velocity
vector time marks switch to the on position.
6. To specify the time mark step for the velocity vector, select a value
in the Velocity vector time mark step drop-down list.
7. To display the path predictor, set the Path predictor switch to the
on position.

Figure 367 Path predictor and Velocity vector (vector length = 5 min)

8. No time step marks are available for the path predictor.

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14.6.5 Past track

To monitor track of AIS targets over time, use the Past track function.

To display and set up past track:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the AIS option: the AIS panel opens.
2. Expand the Past track section: past track parameters open.

Figure 368 AIS display settings: past track

3. To display the past track, set the Past track switch to the on
4. To specify the length of the past track, select a value in the Past
track length drop-down list.
5. To specify the step of time marks, select a value in the Past track
time mark step drop-down list.
6. To reset the past track and to start drawing it all over again, press
the Reset targets past track button: the old past track
disappears, and a new past track starts drawing.

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14.6.6 AIS targets filter

With the AIS targets filter, you can filter display of AIS targets by type and
set up display of sleeping targets (targets outside the specified activation
and danger ranges).


If at least one filter is set, a notice appears in the notices area in the
chart view notifying that “Not all of AIS targets are visible.”

To filter AIS targets display:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the AIS option: the AIS panel opens.
2. Expand the Filter section: filter parameters open.

Figure 369 AIS target filters

3. To display AIS targets of a specific type, set the corresponding

switch to the on position.
4. To hide AIS targets of a specific type, set the corresponding switch
to the Off position.

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To set up display of sleeping targets:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the AIS option: the AIS panel opens.
2. Expand the Filter section: filter parameters open.
3. To show sleeping targets, set the Show sleeping targets switch to
the on position.
4. To hide sleeping targets further from the own vessel than a specified
value, set the Hide sleeping targets further than switch to the
on position and enter a distance value to the field that becomes
5. To hide sleeping targets with the distance between the own vessel
and the target in the CPA greater than a specified value, set the
CPA (hide sleeping targets further than) switch to the on
position and enter a distance value to the field that becomes
6. To hide sleeping targets with the TCPA greater than a specified
value, set the TCPA (hide sleeping targets further than) switch
to the on position and enter a time value into the field that becomes
7. To show sleeping targets of class A, set the Show sleeping targets
of class A switch to the on position.
8. To show sleeping targets of class B, set the Show sleeping targets
of class B switch to the on position.

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14.6.7 True scale outline

At a large scale, AIS targets can be displayed as true scale symbols based on
dimensions coming from the targets in AIS messages.

To display AIS symbols as true scale symbols:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the AIS option: the AIS panel opens.
2. Expand the Other section: other AIS parameters open.

Figure 370 AIS target other display parameters

3. To display AIS symbols as true scale symbols, set the True scale
outline switch to the on position.
4. Now, at a large scale AIS symbols are displayed as true-scale
5. To display AIS symbol as point symbols at all scales, set the True
scale outline switch to the off position.

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Orientation of the true scale symbol of an AIS target is defined by

the target’s heading.

Figure 371 True scale AIS Figure 372 Point AIS

target symbol target symbol

14.6.8 Heading line and turn indicator

To demonstrate the heading of an AIS target, heading line is used. To
demonstrate that an AIS target is turning, the turn indicator is used pointing
in the direction of the turn.

To display the heading line and the turn indicator:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure

button and select the AIS option: the AIS panel
2. Expand the Other section: other AIS parameters
Figure 373 AIS
3. To display the heading line, set the Heading line
heading line and
switch to the on position.
turn indicator
4. To display the turn indicator, set the Heading line
turn indicator switch to the on position.
5. To hide the heading line and the turn indicator, set the switches to
the off position.

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14.6.9 Activation and danger range circles

Activation range circle: when an AIS target is within this circle, it is

Danger range circle: when an AIS target is within this circle, it is dangerous.

The ranges of the circles are set in the Configure → AIS → Configuration

To turn on the display of the circles:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the AIS option: the AIS panel opens.
2. Expand the Other section: other AIS parameters open.
3. To display the activation range circle, set the Activation range
circle switch to the on position.
4. To display the danger range circle, set the Danger range circle
switch to the on position.
5. To hide the ranges, set their switches to the off position.

14.6.10 Target label display

You can choose to display or hide labels of AIS targets in the chart view.

To turn on the display of target labels:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the AIS option: the AIS panel opens.
2. Expand the Other section: other AIS parameters open.
3. To display the labels, set the Target label switch to the on
4. To hide the labels, set the Target label switch to the Off position.

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14.6.11 Specifying own targets

NavStation implements a functionality allowing specified AIS targets to be
highlighted on the screen.

To specify own targets:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the AIS option: the AIS panel opens.
2. Expand the Other section: other AIS parameters open.

3. Press the Add button in the Own fleet section: the Enter
MMSI dialog opens.

Figure 374 AIS configuration: adding a new own fleet item

4. Enter the MMSI of the target and press OK: the specified target is
added to the list of own targets and is highlighted blue in the chart
5. To delete an own target, select it in the list, press the Delete button

that appears in the header of the Own fleet section, and

confirm the operation: the target is deleted from the own targets list
and the highlight is cleared.

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14.7 Route Planning Setup

By default, NavStation offers the Route planning function. In case you
subscribe to Passage planning, route planning functionality is included in
the Passage planning function.

With default value settings, you can specify a set of default values that the
application will use when creating a new route.

To specify default values for route planning parameters:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Route planning option: the Route planning panel opens.

Figure 375 Vessel particulars: route planning parameters

2. Set default route planning parameters.

3. New setting values are applied immediately.

The following parameters can be set:

• Turn radius – default turn radius in a waypoint in nautical miles;

• XTD port – default deviation from the center line to port in nautical
• XTD starboard – default deviation from the center line to starboard
in nautical miles;

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• Planned speed – default planned speed on the leg in knots;

• Minimum speed – default minimum speed on the leg in knots; if
planned speed on a leg is less than the specified minimum speed, a
warning appears;
• Maximum speed – default maximum speed on the leg in knots; if
planned speed on a leg is more than the specified maximum speed,
a warning appears.


All parameters can be specified individually for each waypoint when plotting
a route.

14.8 Passage Planning Setup

Passage planning settings include default value settings and data collection

With default value settings, you can specify a set of default values that the
application will use when creating a new passage plan.

With data collection settings you can specify ranges for picking NAVTEX,
NAVAREA, AIO T&P, and tide information. You can also indicate if you want
the application to pick up water depths at waypoints automatically and
specify the depth limit for this.

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14.8.1 Passage plan default values


Available default values can vary depending on the passage planning

template currently used by the Application.

To set up default values for passage plan parameters:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button, select the

Passage planning option and switch to the Default values tab:
the Default values tab opens with available passage planning
parameters displayed as a table.

Figure 376 Passage planning settings: Default values tab

2. To make default values editable, press the Edit button in

the upper-right corner of the tab: all value fields become editable,

the Edit button changes to Save .

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3. Set values to parameters as required.

4. To save new values press the Save button: the values are
saved, value fields become non-editable, the Save button changes

to Edit .

The following parameters can be set:

• Default passage type – default type of the passage; Ocean,

Coastal, Pilotage/fairway/channel, and Alongside options are
available. Select an option in the Default passage type drop-down
list. Default setting values for the selected passage type will be
• Security level – security level of the passage according to the ISPS
code classification; three levels are available. Select an option in the
Security level drop-down list.
• UKC calc. (%) base – base for UKC calculation. UKC can be
calculated based on “Static” or “Dynamic” draft. Select an option in
the UKC calc. (%) base drop-down list. This setting is only used
for the Minimal UKC property, if it is set to the Percentage option.
• UKC formula to be used – indicates which formula to use for UKC
calculation, Barras formula, Barras equation or both. Select an
option in the UKC formula to be used drop-down list.
• Min Overhead clearance – indicates the minimum possible
overhead clearance. Enter a value in the field.
• WP numbering – indicates the number of the first waypoint of the
route: it can be “WP0” or “WP1”. Select an option in the WP
numbering drop-down list.
• XTD Port/XTD Starboard –cross-track distance Port of the route
legs and Starboard of the route legs.
• Turning radius – turning radius, NM.
• Planned speed – planned speed, kn.
• Min speed/Max speed – minimum and maximum speed between
waypoints, kn. The value is used for automatic scheduling: if the
calculated speed between waypoints is less than the specified
minimum speed or more than the specified maximum speed, a
warning is given (the calculated value is highlighted in red).

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• Auto water depth picking – enable this property to pick water

depth automatically. To pick water depth by depth area, select the
By depth area option. To pick water depth by spot soundings,
select the By spot soundings option. You can specify the
shallowest depth for picking water depths in the Shallowest field: if
the charted depth at the waypoint is less than the specified value,
the depth is not picked up.
• Minimal UKC – minimal under keel clearance in meters or in
percent of maximum draught. To specify the value in meters, select
the By m option in the drop-down list and enter a value in the value
field. To specify the value in percent of maximum draught, select
the Percentage option and enter a value in the value field.

Figure 377 Passage planning settings: Minimal UKC options

• Initial UKC calculation limit – initial under keel clearance

calculation limit in meters on in percent of the maximum draught.
To specify the value in meters, check the meters option and enter a
value in the field that becomes active. To specify the value in
percent of maximum draught, check the percent option and enter a
value in the field that becomes active.

Figure 378 Passage planning settings: Initial UKC calculation limit

• Safety contour/Safety depth – safety contour and safety depth.

• Shallow contour – shallow contour.
• Anti-Grounding, Look ahead – the Anti-Grounding and Look-
ahead range, NM.
• CPA/TCPA – CPA in NM and TCPA in min.

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• Echo sounder alarm level – to turn the alarm on, set the switch
to the ON position and enter a depth limit in meters for triggering
the alarm in the value field that appears. To turn the alarm off, set
the switch to the OFF position.

Figure 379 Passage planning settings: Echo sounder alarm level

• Navigational watch level – the level of navigational watch.

• Max interval between pos fix – maximum interval between
position fixes, minutes.
• Pos fix method – position fix method at the waypoint. The
following options are available: VB – Visual Bearing; PI – Parallel
Indexing; R – Radar Fix; CO – Celestial Observation; GPS – GPS
Positioning Device.


The UKC calculation parameters (Minimal UKC limit, Minimal UKC limit
relative to draught, Initial UKC calculation limit, Initial UKC calculation limit
relative to draught) should be specified for each passage type: ocean
passage, coastal passage, and pilotage/fairway/channel.


All parameters can be specified individually for each passage plan.

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14.8.2 Data collection

To specify data collection parameters:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button, select the

Passage planning option, and switch to the Data collection tab:
the Data collection tab opens with data collection settings.

Figure 380 Passage planning settings: Data collection tab

2. Enter a NAVTEX picking range to the NAVTEX picking range field.

3. Enter a NAVAREA warnings picking range to the NAVAREA
warnings picking range field.
4. Enter a picking range for AIO T&P information to the AIO T&P
picking range field.
5. Enter a picking range for tide information to the Tide information
picking range field.


A picking range for NAVTEX, NAVAREA, AIO T&P, and tide information
is an area with the specified range around a route leg.

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14.9 Ports Database

NavStation keeps a ports database. Ports and port information that you
enter when filling in passage planning documents are added to this database.
Next time you want to use a previously used port, you can select it and its
information is automatically added to the passage planning documents.

You can also manage the ports database without using the passage planning
function. You can add new ports to the ports database, edit existing ports,
delete ports.

To manage the ports database:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Ports option: the Ports panel opens.

Figure 381 Ports database panel

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2. To add a new port, press the New port button: the port
parameters panel opens.

Figure 382 Ports database: adding a new port

3. To save the new port to the database, fill in the parameter values,

press the Save button and confirm the operation: the port is
added to the ports database. To cancel the operation, press the

Cancel button.

4. To edit a route, select it in the routes list and press the Edit
button: the port parameters panel opens.

5. Edit required parameters. To save the changes, press the Save

button and confirm the operation: the changes are saved. To cancel

the operation, press the Cancel button.

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6. To delete a port from the ports database, select the port in the list,

press the Delete button and confirm the operation: the port is
7. To search a port in the ports list, use the search port name function:
start entering the port name in the Search port name field in the
header of the panel: ports that have the combination of letters you
are entering are displayed in the list.

14.10 System Setup

14.10.1 Day/Night mode

Switching between the Day, the Dusk, and the Night mode provides better
display for light and dark times of the day.

To switch between the Day and Night modes:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the System option: system set-up parameters open.
2. Select the Day, Dusk or Night mode in the Day/Night mode
drop-down list.
3. The new setting value is applied immediately.

Figure 383 System set-up: Day/Night mode

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14.10.2 On-screen keyboard

You can enable on-screen keyboard: the keyboard will appear every time
you enter an editable field.

To enable/disable the on-screen keyboard:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the System option: system set-up parameters open.
2. Set the On-screen keyboard switch to the on position.
3. Now, the on-screen keyboard will appear every time you enter an
editable field.

14.10.3 Custom chart resolution

You can specify a custom chart resolution.

To specify a custom chart resolution:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the System option: system set-up parameters open.
2. Set the Custom chart resolution switch to the on position: chart
resolution settings appear.

Figure 384 System set-up: Custom chart resolution

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3. Enter a screen diagonal size to the Screen diagonal field

4. Specify a resolution value in the Resolution field using the plus
and the minus buttons.
5. Press the Apply button and restart NavStation to apply new
6. To reset the resolution to default values, press the Reset button:
values in the Screen diagonal and Resolution fields will be reset
to default. Press the Apply button and restart NavStation to apply
reset values.

14.10.4 Custom user interface scale

You can specify a custom user interface scale.

To specify a custom user interface scale:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the System option: system set-up parameters open.
2. Set the Custom UI scale switch to the on position: user interface
scale settings appear.

Figure 385 System set-up: Custom UI scale

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3. Enter a scale factor to the Scale factor field

4. Press the Apply button and restart NavStation to apply new
5. To reset the resolution to default values, press the Reset button:
the Scale factor field will be reset to default. Press the Apply
button and restart NavStation to apply reset values.

14.10.5 NavBox settings

With system setup settings, you can activate the NavBox offline sync tool
and specify if the application should use shared folder on NavBox.

NavBox offline sync tool synchronizes network NavBox data with local
NavBox. Use this tool for the Mooring Assistant mode when network
NavBox is unavailable.

The Use shared folder on NavBox setting activates connection to NavBox

if it supports shared access.

To change NavBox system settings:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the System option: system set-up parameters open.
2. To activate the NavBox offline sync tool, set the Activate NavBox
offline sync tool switch to the on position.
3. To deactivate the NavBox offline sync tool, set the Activate
NavBox offline sync tool switch to the off position.
4. To use the shared folder on NavBox, set the Use shared folder on
NavBox switch to the on position and restart the application.
5. To use the private folder on NavBox, set the Use shared folder
on NavBox switch to the off position and restart the application.

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14.10.6 System performance

You can activate collecting system performance data so that in case of
performance issues with the application you could send them to NAVTOR
support team for investigation.

To start collecting system performance data:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the System option: system set-up parameters open.
2. To activate collecting system performance data, set the System
performance switch to the on position.
3. To deactivate collecting system performance data, set the System
performance switch to the off position.

14.10.7 Annotationeer in e-Publications Reader

You can activate the use of Annotationeer in e-Publications Reader.
Annotationeer is an application you can use to make notes in e-

To activate/deactivate Annotationeer:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the System option: system set-up parameters open.
2. To activate Annotationeer, set the Use Annotationeer in e-
Publications Reader switch to the on position.
3. To deactivate Annotationeer, set the Use Annotationeer in e-
Publications Reader switch to the off position.

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14.10.8 GPU support

Now, NavStation uses OpenGL for graphics. Previously it was GPU. If you
experience any problems with graphical display, you can try and switch back
to GPU.

To turn the use of GPU on/off:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the System option: system set-up parameters open.
2. To turn the use of GPU in the main chart view on, set the Use GPU
in main chart view switch to the on position.
3. To turn the use of GPU in the main chart view off, set the Use GPU
in main chart view switch to the off position.
4. To turn the use of GPU in the second chart view on, set the Use
GPU in second chart view switch to the on position.
5. To turn the use of GPU in the second chart view off, set the Use
GPU in second chart view switch to the off position.

14.10.9 REST connection timeout

Beginning with NavStation 6.0, new interface for interaction with NavBox is
introduced: REST instead of SOAP. The REST interface has a higher reliability
and is more secure.

NavStation has a REST connection timeout property where you can specify
connection timeout. The property is to be used for debugging.

To specify the REST connection timeout:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the System option: system set-up parameters open.
2. Enter a value in seconds to the REST connection timeout field.

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14.11 User Interface Set-up

You can hide or display such user interface elements as zoom buttons,
position indicator, scale bar, sibling chart view frame, and touch screen lock

To hide/display user interface elements:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the UI option: user interface set-up options open.

Figure 386 User interface set-up options

2. To display a user interface element, set its switch to the on position.

3. To hide a user interface element, set its switch to the off position.
4. The settings are applied immediately.

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The following parameters can be set:

• Zoom buttons – hides/displays zoom buttons.

• Position indicator – hides/displays the position indicator.
• Scale bar – hides/displays the scale bar. Scale bar uses
measurement units set in Units, Date and time – Distance and
Short distance settings as well as centimeters and inches for
extra-large scales.
• Sibling chart view frame – hides/displays the sibling chart view
• Touch screen lock button – hides/displays the touch screen lock
• Center chart to inserted waypoint – centers the chart view to a
new waypoint when plotting a route.
• Fade non-editing routes – specifies display of routes in the route
edit mode, if you have selected multiple routes, but edit only one of
them. If the property is on, the selected routes that are not being
edited are faded (displayed in black, whereas the edited route is
orange). If the property is off, both the route that is being edited
and other selected routes are displayed the same (orange).
• Focus selected route policy – specifies reaction of the application
when user selects routes. None: the chart does not focus on any
selected route; Last: the chart focuses on the last selected route;
All: the chart focuses on all selected routes.
• Focus selected waypoint policy – specifies reaction of the
application when user selects waypoints. None: the chart does not
focus on any selected waypoint; Last: the chart focuses on the last
selected waypoint and its leg; All: the chart focuses on all selected
waypoints and their legs.
• LAT/LON decimal minutes format – specifies the number of
decimal minutes when displaying LAT and LON values.

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14.12 Units, Date and Time Set-up

Using the Units, Date and time set-up you can set measurement units for
distances, horizontal and vertical measurements, for depths, for vessel
speed, and for wind speed; specify your Time zone and daylight saving time;
if necessary, switch on the use of time correction from GPS or from your
system; and select the date display format.

To set up units, date and time parameters:

1. Go to Configure by pressing the Configure button and select

the Units, Date & time option: units and date and time set-up
parameters open.

Figure 387 Units, Date and time setup parameters

2. Select a required setting option.

3. The new setting value applies immediately.

The following measurement units and parameters can be set:

• Distance – Select a measurement unit for distances. Nautical miles

and kilometers are available.
• Short distance – Select a measurement unit for short distances.
The Nautical miles, feet and meters options are available if
Distance is set to Nautical miles. Only the meters option is
available if Distance is set to kilometers.

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Short distance is a distance less than 0,10NM if the Distance setting

is set to ‘NM’; and less than 0,10 km, if the Distance setting is set
to ‘km’.

• Horizontal measurements – Select a measurement unit for

horizontal measurements. Centimeters, meters, and feet are
• Vertical measurements – Select a measurement unit for vertical
measurements. Centimeters, meters, and kilometers are available.
• Depth – Select a measurement unit for depths. Feet and meters are
• Vessel speed – Select a measurement unit for vessel speed. Knots
and kilometers per hour are available.
• Wind speed – Select a measurement unit for wind speed. Meters
per second, knots, kilometers per hour, and Beaufort scale units are
• Time zone – Select a time offset from the UTC time.
• Daylight saving time – set the switch to the on position to use
daylight saving time.
• Use correction from GPS – set the switch to the on position to
use correction from GPS.
• System time correction – set the switch to the on position to
use time correction from the system.
• Choose date format – select a date display format.
• World clock face – select digital or analog world clock face to use
in the Time zone layer for UTC and Local time display.

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Glossary Application assists the mariner in
routine radio communications, receiving
Activated AIS target and providing weather reports and
A target activated for the display of safety information, pollution and
additional graphically presented quarantine reporting, seeking
information (for example, heading line, Telemedical Assistance Services (TMAS)
velocity vector, etc.) and provides detailed procedures in the
event of a distress or SAR incident.
Admiralty Products
Aids to Navigation
The United Kingdom Hydrographic
Office (UKHO) applications with the An Aid to Navigation is any device
databases of lights, tides/streams, radio external to a vessel specifically intended
signals worldwide. to assist navigators in determining their
position or safe course, or to warn them
Admiralty TotalTide (ATT) of dangers or obstructions to
Application provides instant tidal height navigation.
and stream predictions. It shows a list AIS
of all the ports and streams that are
currently available worldwide. See Automatic Identification System.
Admiralty Digital List of Lights ARPA
Application provides light and fog signal See Automatic Radar Plotting Aid.
information worldwide. Automatic Identification System
Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals (AIS)
vol 2 AIS provides a means of broadcasting
Application provides a range of digitally navigation information
regularly updated and compliant, digital including ship
positional and timekeeping references. position/speed/heading/dimension/nam
Easy-to-use and clearly displayed, it e/destination/ROT, aids to navigation,
aids mariners’ calculations of positions base station reports and more. Created
and times worldwide, to help ensure by the IMO and sanctioned by the U.S.
ships are at the right place at the right Coast Guard for ship monitoring and
time. collision avoidance. It is used by ship
traffic monitoring and control locations
Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals throughout the world to improve
vol 6 situational awareness and help prevent
Application provides maritime radio collisions at sea.
communications information for pilot Automatic Radar Plotting Aid
services, vessel traffic services and port (ARPA)
operations worldwide.
The functionality entailing the detection
Admiralty Digital List of Radio Signals of moving targets and calculating their
vol 1,3,4,5 speed and course. Used to
automatically detect radar targets and
output to other devices, ARPA is a
collision avoidance system.
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Autopilot Bearing Waypoint to Waypoint

A self-steering device which attaches to
a ship’s steering mechanism to control Bearing from the current waypoint to
the ship’s bearing. the next waypoint.
Azimuth Bookmark
Azimuth of a body is the arc of the A saved combination of chart selection,
horizon intercepted between the north zoom level and position on the chart.
or south point and the foot of the Created with the Set Bookmark
vertical circle passing through the body. command, it may be returned to at any
It is reckoned in degrees from either time with the Go to Bookmark
the north or south point clockwise command.
entirely around the Horizon. (source:
Our Restless Tides).
The front of a ship
Broadcast Notice to Mariner (BNM)
The line from which the territorial sea is
measured is the low-water line along See Local Notice to Mariners (LNM)
the coast as marked on large-scale BWW
charts officially recognized by the
coastal state. See Bearing Waypoint to Waypoint

Bathymetric Cartesian Coordinates

Measurement of the depth, contours Also known as "Rectangular

and slopes of the floor of a body of Coordinates". A two-dimensional plane
water (sea, lake, ocean or river), contains an x-axis and a y-axis.
obtained through topographic charting. Negative x coordinates lay to the left of
the y-axis and positive x-coordinates to
Beam the right. Negative y coordinates lay
Ship width. below the x-axis and positive above the
Bearing (BRG)
The angle between the direction of the
boat and the reference direction Nautical term for maps used in nautical
expressed in degrees, with a notation of navigation that show the depth of
True or Magnetic Variation (T or M). waters as well as land boundaries and
Due north corresponds to 0 degrees, other obstructions. Charts may be
east to 90, south to 180 and west to paper or electronic and electronic charts
270. For compass bearings, the may be of raster or vector type.
reference direction is magnetic north. Chart License
For true bearings the reference
direction is true north. Chart Licenses unlock a Chart region.
Each license is made up of 16 digits laid
Bearing from Ship to Cursor out in the following convention: 1234-
This data is an aid in route making and 1234-1234-1234
planning. Bearing from ship to cursor is
expressed in degrees, with a notation of
True or Magnetic Variation.

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Closest Point of Approach (CPA) Cross Track Distance (XTD)

Predicted closest point a maneuvering The distance of a perpendicular line
boat will get relative to any target, drawn from the ship to an active route
moving or otherwise, located at a point leg. Determines how much the ship is
on the relative movement line straying from the course of a Route.
perpendicular to the reference ship. The
minimum horizontal distance between
two crafts during a close proximity See Course to Steer
encounter. Current
COG The flow of water characterized by
See Course Over Ground. direction and speed. Current speed and
direction may change with the tide.
COM Port
See also Ebb Current and Flood Current.
The interface through which the
application can communicate with Dangerous Target
peripherals. Visual series support 32 Tracked radar or reported AIS target
COM Ports. with a predicted CPA and TCPA that
Contiguous zone violates values preset by the user. This
target is marked by a “dangerous
The contiguous zone is a band of water
target” symbol
extending from the outer edge of the
territorial sea to up to 24 nautical miles Data Sentence
(44.4 km; 27.6 mi) from the baseline, The unit of information sent between
within which a state can exert limited peripherals and the application,
control for the purpose of preventing or conforming to the NMEA 0183
punishing "infringement of its customs, specification.
fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and
regulations within its territory or Dead-reckoned Position
territorial sea". DR position extrapolated from the last
Course accepted position update, based on
present course and speed.
The direction a boat is being steered.
Dead Reckoning
Course Over Ground (COG)
A method of navigation where known
Is the track of the ship over the ground values (position, course, speed, time
and is based on position changes. and distance to travel) are used to
Course to Steer (CTS) calculate unknown values. Values such
as set and drift can also be
Course to steer to get to the active
wheel over line point from the current
position. Depth
CPA In the application, depth is water depth
relative to the keel.
See Closest Point of Approach

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User Manual

Deviation DPTH (Depth)

Changes in the magnetic field due to See Depth
the ferrous composition of surrounding
objects affecting the measured direction
of magnetic north. Deviation is See Dead Reckoning
measured as the angular difference in Draft
direction between the actual magnetic
heading and the compass heading. The extent to which a boat protrudes
into water. The draft of a boat may vary
DGPS (Differential GPS) due to changes in weight and changes
A network of 60 radio beacons in in water salinity.
conjunction with a GPS that sends Drift
correction information used to reduce
positional error to the 1-3 meter range. The cumulative effect of wind and
current on the ship.
Digital Selective Calling (DSC)
A type of VHF radio that allows boats to
contact other, similarly equipped boats See Digital Selective Calling
using that boat’s MMSI Number. DSC DTA
allows two radios to communicate
selectively with each other while See Distance to Arrival
excluding other receivers from using the DWOL
signal. DSC can report position
information. See Distance to Wheel-over Line
Ebb Current (Ebb)
Display Base
Level of information which cannot be Movement of tidal current away from
removed from the display, consisting of shore or down a tidal river or estuary.
information which is required at all ECA
times in all geographic areas and all
See Emission Control Areas
circumstances. It is not intended to be
sufficient for safe navigation. Echo Sounder
Display Scale See Sounder.
Ratio between a distance on the display Electronic Chart Display and
and a distance on the ground, Information System (ECDIS)
normalized and expressed as, for A hardware/software/data marine
example 1:10 000. navigation system that meets the
Distance to Arrival (DTA) specifications of the International
Hydrographic Organization (IHO). An
The distance from the current position
ECDIS is the only electronic system
of the own vessel to the end of the
allowed to replace paper charts under
the International Convention for the
Distance to Wheel-over Line (DWOL) Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).
Distance from the current position of
the own vessel to the wheel-over line of
the active route leg.

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User Manual

Electronic Chart System (ECS) e-NP Reader

A system comprised of: navigation Admiralty electronic nautical
software, navigation data, system publications Reader provides possibility
hardware. to see e-book versions of nautical
An ECS is any combination of hardware
and software that displays marine EP
charts electronically. The term ECS is
See Estimated Position.
used specifically when ECDIS
specifications are not met by the Estimated Position
software/hardware system. Position of own ship determined by the
Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC) common intersection of two LOPs.
An electronic data file containing Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)
information that could be used to The calculated arrival time to the end of
display a chart. The ENC contains all the the route, assuming no change in
chart information necessary for safe present course and speed or weather
navigation and may contain conditions. This time is based on
supplementary information in addition computer clock time. For greatest
to that contained in the paper chart (for accuracy, make sure computer clock is
example sailing directions) which may synchronized with real time.
be considered necessary for safe
navigation. Exclusive economic zone
Emission Control Areas (ECAs) An exclusive economic zone extends
from the outer limit of the territorial sea
Emission Control Areas (ECAs) are sea to a maximum of 200 nautical miles
areas in which stricter controls were (370.4 km; 230.2 mi) from the
established to minimize airborne territorial sea baseline, thus it includes
emissions (SOx, NOx, ODS, VOC) from the contiguous zone.[3] A coastal
ships as defined by Annex VI[2] of the nation has control of all economic
1997 MARPOL Protocol which came into resources within its exclusive economic
effect in May 2005. Annex VI contains zone, including fishing, mining, oil
provisions for two sets of emission and exploration, and any pollution of those
fuel quality requirements regarding SOx resources. However, it cannot prohibit
and PM, or NOx, a global requirement passage or loitering above, on, or under
and more stringent controls in special the surface of the sea that is in
Emission Control Areas (ECA). These compliance with the laws and
regulations stemmed from concerns regulations adopted by the coastal
about the contribution of the shipping State in accordance with the provisions
industry to "local and global air of the UN Convention, within that
pollution and environmental problems." portion of its exclusive economic zone
By July 2010 a revised more stringent beyond its territorial sea.
Annex VI was enforced with significantly
tightened emissions limits. Fish Finder
See Sounder.

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User Manual

Fix GRIB (Gridded Binary)

Position of own ship determined, A general purpose, bit-oriented data
without reference to any former exchange format, GRIB is an efficient
position, by the common intersection of vehicle for transmitting large volumes
three or more LOPs. of gridded data over high-speed
telecommunication lines using modern
Flood Current (Flood)
protocols. GRIB weather communicates
The movement of tidal current up the large weather data files efficiently.
shore or up a tidal river or estuary.
Heading (HDG)
The direction the ship is oriented.
To establish the relationship between
High Water (HW)
page coordinates on a planar map and
real-world coordinates. The maximum height reached by a
rising tide.
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Higher High Water (HHW)
A worldwide radio-navigation system
developed by the US Department of The highest of the high water (or single
Defense. In addition to military high water) of any specified tidal day
purposes it is widely used in marine, due to the declinational effects of the
terrestrial navigation and location based Mood and the Sun.
services. Uses stationary satellites or a
Higher Low Water (HLW)
surface signal to locate the ship with a
very high degree of accuracy. The term The highest of the low water of any
GPS is frequently used to refer to GPS specified tidal day do to the
receivers. declinational effects of the Moon and
the Sun.
Internal waters
See Global Positioning System.
Waters landward of the baseline are
Great Circle
defined as internal waters, over which
A Great Circle is the shortest distance the state has complete sovereignty: not
between two points on a spheroid. A even innocent passage is allowed. Lakes
great circle is formed at the edge of a and rivers are considered internal
plane crossing through the center of a waters. All "archipelagic waters" within
sphere. Unlike Rhumb Lines, great the outermost islands of an archipelagic
circles generally do not have constant state such as Indonesia or
bearing (the equator and the meridians the Philippines are also considered
are prominent exceptions). internal waters, and are treated the
same with the exception that innocent
Greenwich Meridian
passage through them must be allowed.
See Prime Meridian. However, archipelagic states may
designate certain sea lanes through
these waters.

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User Manual

International Hydrographic LORAN (LOng Range Aid to

Organization (IHO) Navigation)
An organization that provides the LORAN is a terrestrial-based navigation
specifications for what qualifies as an system using the time interval between
ECDIS. radio signals to determine the position
of the receiver. LORAN was popular with
Knot (kn)
marine navigation prior to the existence
A speed unit of one international of GPS. The current version of LORAN in
nautical mile (18520.0 meters or use is LORAN-C. LORAN fails under
6,076.11549 international feet) per different conditions than GPS, arguably
hour. making it a complementary radio-
Latitude navigation system.

The designation for angles measuring Lost Target

how far north or how far south a Tracked radar or reported AIS target for
position is. Value range is from 90ºS to which the system is no longer receiving
0º at the equator to 90ºN. Latitude valid position data. The target is
values are represented by the Greek represented by a “lost target” symbol.
letter lambda (λ).
Low Water
The minimum height reached by a
Any object’s position, expressed in falling tide.
Latitude and Longitude.
Lower High Water (LHW)
The lowest of the high waters of any
The segment of a route between two specified tidal day due to the
waypoints. declinational effects of the Moon and
Line of Position the Sun.

Plotted line on which own ship is located Lower Low Water (LLW)
determined by observation or The lowest of the low waters (or single
measurement of the range or bearing to low water) of any specified tidal day
an aid to navigation or other charted due to the declinational effects of the
element. Moon and Sun.
Log Magnetic Variation
A record of the ship’s movements and a The degree to which the magnetic north
place for manual text entries. differs from the true north. This data is
Longitude available from the Current Chart
The designation for angles measuring
how far West or how far East a position MARPOL
is. Value range is from 180ºE to 180ºW. International Convention for the
Values of longitude are represented Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973
with the Greek letter phi (φ). as modified by the Protocol of 1978.
LOP ("MARPOL" is short for marine
pollution and 73/78 short for the years
See Line of Position. 1973 and 1978.)

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Man Overboard (MOB) Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW)

Mark that can be placed on a digital A tidal datum. The average of the lower
chart to indicate emergency location. low water height of each tidal day
The application will track that location observed over the National Tidal Datum
to aid in returning the boat to MOB Epoch.
Mercator Projection
Maritime Mobile Service Identity
The Mercator projection is a conformal
projection devised by Gerhardus
MMSI Numbers are a series of nine Mercator in 1569. Similar to a
digits transmitted over a DSC radio path cylindrical projection in that the
in order to uniquely identify ship horizontal and vertical distances are
stations, ship earth stations, coast stretched towards the poles. Unlike the
stations, coast earth stations and group cylindrical projection the vertical and
calls. These identities can be used by horizontal stretching of the chart
telephone and telex subscribers preserves shape and direction. Due to
connected to the general increasing distortion towards the poles
telecommunications network principally Mercator charts are not very useful for
to call ships automatically. representing cartographic information
towards the poles.
Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR)
Lines of latitude and longitude are
It is the maximum power output engine
straight lines on the Mercator
can produce while running continuously
at safe limits and conditions. It is
specified on the engine nameplate and On Mercator charts, rhumb lines can be
in the Technical File of the marine diesel drawn as straight lines because the
engine. Important engine parameters Mercator projection preserves bearing.
such as specific fuel consumption,
engine performance etc. are derived
using %dwt rating of the engine. See Maritime Mobile Service Identity.
Mean High Water (MHW) MOB
A tidal datum. The average of the See Man Overboard.
higher high water heights observed National Marine Electronics
over the National Tidal Datum Epoch. Association (NMEA)
Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) This organization has determined a
A tidal datum. The average of all the standard, 0183, to which all data
high water heights of each tidal day transmission to and from marine
observed over the National Tidal Datum peripherals must conform. The NMEA
Epoch. issues standards for interfacing marine
electronics devices. Pronounced "nee-
Mean Low Water (MLW)
ma". Not to be confused with NEMA
A tidal datum. The average of all the (National Electrical Manufacturers
low water heights observed over the Association).
National Tidal Datum Epoch.

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User Manual

Computers directly connected to NMEA NOAA (National Oceanic and

producing devices (GPS, heading Atmospheric Administration)
sensor, etc.) receive raw NMEA data.
NOAA is a federal agency focused on
This data conforms to the NMEA 0183
the conditions of the oceans and the
(3.01) specification.
atmosphere. NOAA supplies navigation
See also NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000. chart information for the coastal U.S.
and the Great Lakes region.
National Marine Sanctuaries (NMS)
No-Discharge Zone (NDZ)
National marine sanctuaries are
protected waters that include habitats An NDZ is an area in which both treated
such as rocky reefs, kelp forests, deep- and untreated sewage discharges from
sea canyons, and underwater vessels are prohibited. Within NDZ
archeological sites. boundaries, vessel operators are
required to retain their sewage
discharges onboard for discharge at sea
See No-Discharge Zone. (beyond three miles from shore) or
NMEA onshore at a pump-out facility.

See National Marine Electronics Overscale

Association. Display of the chart information at a
NMEA 0183 display scale larger than the compilation
scale. Overscaling may arise from
NMEA 0183 defines the electrical deliberate overscaling by the mariner,
interface and data protocol for or from automatic overscaling by the
communications between marine application in compiling a display when
instrumentation. Many times referred to the data included is at various scales.
as "NMEA" in the context of marine
instrumentation communications. Pan

NMEA 2000 To move the view window over the

chart. (Also called Scrolling).
This standard contains the requirements
for a serial data communications Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas
network to inter-connect marine (PSSA)
electronic equipment on ships. It is A Particularly Sensitive Sea Area
multi-master and self-configuring and (PSSA) is an area that needs special
there is no central network controller. protection through action by IMO
Equipment designed to this standard because of its significance for
will have the ability to share data, recognized ecological or socio-economic
including commands and status with or scientific reasons and which may be
other compatible equipment over a vulnerable to damage by international
single channel. (Source: maritime activities. The criteria for the
http://www.nmea.org/pub/2000/) identification of particularly sensitive
NMS sea areas and the criteria for the
designation of special areas are not
See National Marine Sanctuaries. mutually exclusive. In many cases a
Particularly Sensitive Sea Area may be
identified within a Special Area and vice

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User Manual

Past Track Range

An onscreen and/or logged record of a The distance between two specified
ship’s previous movements. points, usually the ship and a mark.
Polyconic Projection Range from Ship to Cursor
The polyconic projection involves The distance between the ship icon and
projecting the surface of the Earth onto the cursor.
a series of cones situated with their
Raster Chart
apexes over the poles.
Charts where the chart information is
stored as a rasterized image. Examples
Port designates the left side of a boat as are raster charts are Raster Plus (RPL),
seen standing on the deck facing BSB and GeoTIFF. Rasters are the
toward the bow. Port side is indicated scanned images of the original paper
with a red light. chart.
Prediction Vector Rate of Turn (ROT)
A vector displayed in front of the vessel The speed at which heading is
showing where the boat will be after a changing.
specified period of time, assuming no
Rhumb Line
intervening heading or speed changes.
A Rhumb Line is a line of constant
Prime Meridian
bearing. Unlike great circles, rhumb
The meridian of longitude that passes lines are usually not the shortest path
through the original site of the Royal between two points on a sphere. Part of
Observatory in Greenwich and used as the utility of rhumb lines is that they
the origin of Longitude. Also known as can be drawn as straight lines on
the Greenwich Meridian. Mercator projections. Rhumb lines have
the advantage of being easy to navigate
because they follow a constant bearing.
See Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas. The parallels of the earth are examples
RADAR (RAdio Distancing And of rhumb lines. Rhumb lines are
Ranging) undefined values at the poles.

Microwave pulses used to detect objects A rhumb line of sufficient length will
(usually metallic) based on wave usually tend to spiral around the earth
reflection. towards a pole forming a loxodrome.
Such spiraling rhumb lines will form a
Radio Technical Commission for logarithmic spiral on a polar
Maritime Services (RTCM) stereographic projection.
In the United States, the Federal ROT
Communications Commission (FCC) and
U.S. Coast Guard use RTCM standards See Rate of Turn.
to specify radar systems, Emergency
Position Indicating Radio Beacons and
the basic version of Digital Selective
Calling (DSC) radios.

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User Manual

Route Sleeping AIS Target

Desired path of travel, created on a AIS target indicating the presence of a
chart or grid and consisting of starting, vessel equipped with AIS in a certain
ending and any number of interim location. The target is represented by a
waypoints. The ECDIS can instruct a “sleeping target” symbol indicating the
properly connected autopilot to steer vessel’s orientation. No additional
along the path of a Route. information is presented until the AIS
target is activated.
See Special Areas.
See Speed Over Ground.
Sonar (SOund Navigation And
See Zoom.
The usage of ultrasonic pulses to detect
To move different parts of a long list submersed objects by their reflection.
into view, using the arrow buttons or
Sounder (also known as Fish Finder
scroll bar. In addition, scroll is often
or Echo Sounder)
used as a synonym for pan.
A Sounder uses ultrasonic pulses to
Selected Target
detect the distance to the sea floor,
Target selected manually or calculating the time interval between
automatically for the display of detailed signal transmission and the detected
alphanumeric data, information and text reflected signal.
in a separate user dialogue area. The
Source Scale
target is represented by a “selected
target” symbol. The original scale of a paper chart from
which an electronic chart is derived.
Special Areas (SA)
See System Electronic Navigational
Chart. MARPOL defines certain sea areas
as "special areas" in which, for technical
reasons relating to their
The cumulative effect of wind and oceanographical and ecological
current on the direction of a ship. condition and to their sea traffic, the
Slack Water (Slack) adoption of special mandatory methods
for the prevention of sea pollution is
The state of a tidal current when its required. Under the Convention, these
speed is hear zero, especially the special areas are provided with a higher
moment when a current changes level of protection than other areas of
direction and its speed is zero. the sea.
Speed Over Ground (SOG)
SOG is the actual, fixed, geographic
speed of a ship over the earth’s surface.
It is essentially the Speed Through
Water (STW), plus the cumulative effect
of wind and current.

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User Manual

Speed Through Water (STW) Territorial sea

STW is the relative speed of the vessel A state's territorial sea extends up to 12
over water surface. See also Speed nautical miles (22.2 km; 13.8 mi) from
Over Ground (SOG). its baseline. If this would overlap with
another state's territorial sea, the
border is taken as the median point
Starboard designates the right side of between the states' baselines, unless
the boat as seen standing on the deck the states in question agree otherwise.
facing toward the bow. Starboard side A state can also choose to claim a
is indicated with a green light. smaller territorial sea.
Standard Display Tidal Currents
Level of information that should be Tidal currents (a horizontal motion) are
shown when a chart is first displayed. a result of the rise and fall of the water
The level of the information it provides level due to tides (a vertical motion).
for route planning or route monitoring The effects of tidal currents on the
may be modified by the user according movement of water in and out of bays
to the user's needs. and harbors can be substantial.
Stern See Neap Tides.
The rear of a ship. Tide
STW The change in ocean levels due to
See Speed Through Water. gravitational influences external to the
Earth. Formulas for calculating tides can
System Electronic Navigational be found in tide and current tables
Chart (SENC) provided by NOAA and the British
A database in the manufacturer’s Admiralty.
internal format, resulting from the Time to Closest Point of Approach
lossless transformation of the entire (TCPA)
ENC contents and updates. It is this
database that is actually accessed by This is the time remaining until the
the application for the display closest point of approach of a target.
generation and other navigational Time to Arrival (TTA)
functions, and is the equivalent of an
The amount of time estimated until the
up-to-date paper chart. The SENC may
ship reaches the end of route, assuming
also contain information added by the
no intervening change in course or
mariner and information from other
speed. Displayed in hours and minutes.
Time to Go (TTG)
The amount of time estimated until the
In nautical terminology, a target is
ship reaches an active waypoint,
generally an obstacle or object in or
assuming no intervening change in
near the water to avoid for the purpose
course or speed. Displayed in hours and
of safe navigation.
See Time to Closest Point of Approach.
See Time to Arrival
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User Manual

TTG Vertical Datum

See Time to Go. For marine applications, a base
elevation used as a reference from
Universal Transverse Mercator
which to reckon heights or depths. It is
Projection (UTM)
called a tidal datum when defined in
UTM is similar to the Mercator terms of a certain phase of the tide.
projection except the projecting cylinder Tidal datums are local datums and
is mapped transverse to the meridians should not be extended into areas
and the Mercator projection used is a which have differing hydrographic
secant variation where the map scale to characteristics without substantiating
nominal scale is 0.9996. measurements. In order that they may
The UTM segments the earth into 60 six be recovered when needed, such
degrees of longitude wide zones where datums are referenced to fixed points
the cylinder is oriented along the known as bench marks. (Source: Our
central meridian of a zone. The zones Restless Tides).
extend from 84ºN to 80ºS. The sixty VRM
zones start 180 degrees east and
See Variable Range Marker.
proceed eastward. The usage of zones
allows the UTM projection to be used Waypoint
over the entirety of the Earth while
A set of coordinates that identify a point
minimizing distortion towards the poles.
in physical space. The ship, when
User-added Electronic Chart following a route, steers by successive
Information waypoints.
Electronic chart information manually WDir (Wind Direction)
entered by the user for presentation
The direction from which the wind blows
(for example, navigational notes, safety
across the earth’s surface with respect
zones of interest, local notices to
to north.
mariners, etc.)
Variable Range Marker (VRM)
See World Heritage Site.
Term describing a circle around the
boat. When enabled, the VRM can be World Heritage Site (WHS)
manually manipulated to change the A landmark or area, selected by
radius. the United Nations Educational,
Variation Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) for having cultural, historical,
Also known as Magnetic Variation and
scientific or other form of significance,
Declination. The angular difference in
which is legally protected by
direction between true north and
international treaties. The sites are
magnetic north.
judged to be important for the collective
Vector Chart and preservative interests of humanity.
A chart where chart information is WP, WPT
stored in terms of points, lines and
See Waypoint
polygons. NCX and TX-97 charts are
vector chart formats. WSpd (Wind Speed)
The speed of the wind.
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XTE Zoom
See Cross Track Error. To change the apparent scale of a chart
in the chart view.

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User Manual


tidal height table .................................... 179

tide full information ................................ 180
activate NavBox offline sync tool ..................327 ADRS ....................................................... 210
adding user objects ....................................111 ADRS2 ..................................................... 196
ADLL ........................................................186 ADRS6 ..................................................... 204
admiralty digital list of lights AIS
display ..................................................186 full information ...................................... 249
light details ............................................193 own position .......................................... 244
light full information ...............................194 reset past track...................................... 246
light general information .........................192 scroll to targets ...................................... 246
selecting a light ......................................187 symbols ................................................ 250
admiralty digital list of radio signals vol.1,3,4,5 targets display ....................................... 245
display ..................................................210 view information .................................... 247
full information.......................................216 AIS setup
general information ................................215 activated target ..................................... 304
selecting a NavArea ................................214 activation range ..................................... 313
selecting a station ..................................211 danger range ......................................... 313
types of stations .....................................211 dangerous target.................................... 304
admiralty digital list of radio signals vol.2 filter ..................................................... 309
AIS information ......................................201 heading line........................................... 312
DGPS information ...................................202 lost target removal timeout ..................... 303
display ..................................................196 own targets ........................................... 314
full information.......................................203 past track.............................................. 308
general information ................................200 path predictor ........................................ 306
RACON information .................................201 sleeping targets display .......................... 310
selecting a station ..................................198 target label............................................ 313
types of signal stations............................197 true scale outline ................................... 311
admiralty digital list of radio signals vol.6 turn indicator ......................................... 312
details ...................................................209 velocity vector ....................................... 306
display ..................................................204 Annotationeer in e-Publications Reader......... 328
full information.......................................209 application status ........................................19
general information ................................208 ADP status ..............................................20
selecting a service location ......................205 application information .............................19
Admiralty e-Nautical Publications .................216 log files ...................................................20
Admiralty Products .....................................170 ATT .......................................................... 171
admiralty total tide
display ..................................................171 B
HWLW table ...........................................178
port types..............................................174 base display mode ..................................... 282
prediction time settings ...........................173
selecting a port ......................................175 C
selecting a stream ..................................182
stream full information ............................185 chart display
stream rates ..........................................184 accuracy ............................................... 286
stream types..........................................175 administrative areas ............................... 289
stream vector ........................................183 all other text.......................................... 291
tidal height graph ...................................177 cables, pipelines..................................... 289
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User Manual

chart boundary.......................................286 full ....................................................... 282

contour labels ........................................287 standard ............................................... 282
date dependent objects ...........................293 display weather forecast ............................. 123
depth contours .......................................288 displaying user layers ................................. 106
highlight date dependent .........................293 download weather forecast ......................... 119
highlight document .................................287 dusk mode ................................................ 324
highlight info..........................................287
important texts ......................................290 E
lat/lon grid ............................................293
light description......................................291 editing user objects ................................... 115
magnetic variation ..................................289 e-NP ........................................................ 216
mariner’s text ........................................291 browse catalogue ................................... 217
names...................................................290 read e-NP .............................................. 223
national language ...................................290 view e-NP info ....................................... 220
non-official boundary ..............................285 Environmental regulations
over-scaled data indicator .......................285 chart legend .......................................... 273
port features ..........................................289 filter chart objects .................................. 268
route leg bearing ....................................291 filter regulations ..................................... 269
safe depths shown ..................................293 point..................................................... 261
safe hazards shown ................................292 route .................................................... 263
safety contour labels ...............................288 search .................................................. 267
seabed ..................................................289 start/close ............................................. 259
shallow water dangers ............................292 time and distance to special zones ........... 270
spot soundings .......................................288 viewing ................................................. 264
unknown ...............................................286 e-Pubs Bookshelf
chart layers browse.................................................. 224
setup ....................................................298 favorite ................................................. 225
chart legend ............................................... 23 search .................................................. 227
chart symbol size .......................................278 e-Pubs Bookshelf Annotations ..................... 235
charts how to use ............................................ 236
resize chart view ..................................... 25 tools ..................................................... 238
scroll...................................................... 28 e-Pubs Bookshelf Viewer............................. 229
zoom ..................................................... 25 browsing publications ............................. 231
color mode ................................................276 publication structure ............................... 229
configure ..................................................274 searching publications............................. 230
creating user layers....................................105 tools and settings ................................... 233
custom chart resolution ..............................325 zooming ................................................ 232
custom display mode ..................................294 ERBL ..........................................................30
custom user interface scale .........................326 exporting routes ..........................................71

danger symbol...........................................280 full display mode ....................................... 282
day mode .................................................324
deep contour .............................................275 G
delete weather forecast ..............................122
deleting user layers ....................................107 go to position ..............................................29
deleting user layers permanently .................109 GPU support settings.................................. 329
desktop ..................................................... 12
display mode I
base .....................................................282
custom ..................................................294 importing routes ..........................................70

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User Manual

installing data ............................................. 21 creating ..................................................74

INT1 portrayal style ...................................277 deactivating passage plans ...................... 102
deleting ..................................................98
L editing ....................................................81
filling in...................................................76
light lines full.............................................281 permanently deleting a passage plan ........ 100
printing ...................................................98
M restoring deleted ......................................99
main window .............................................. 14 schedule .................................................89
menu ........................................................ 17 under keel clearance.................................82
under keel clearance determination ............84
N waypoint passage plan parameters .............93
waypoint route parameters ........................87
NavArea waypoint schedule parameters ...................89
report ...................................................257 passage plan settings
select warnings on chart ..........................257 AIO T&P picking range ............................ 321
view warnings ........................................254
default values ........................................ 317
NAVAREA picking range ..............................316 NAVAREA picking range .......................... 321
NAVTEX picking range ................................316 NAVTEX picking range............................. 321
night mode ...............................................324 pick water depth automatically ................ 321
tide info picking range ............................ 321
O portrayal settings ...................................... 274
color mode ............................................ 276
object information ....................................... 21
danger symbol ....................................... 280
objects under mouse/finger pointer ............... 21
deep contour ......................................... 275
on-screen keyboard ...................................325
full light lines ......................................... 281
optimized ship routing
paper chart symbols ............................... 279
browsing communications ........................150
portrayal style ....................................... 277
intended route .......................................159
safety contour ....................................... 275
NVI form ...............................................145
safety depth .......................................... 276
receiving response (VP) ...........................149
scale min .............................................. 280
request form ..........................................145
shallow contour...................................... 275
request parameters ................................146
shallow pattern ...................................... 277
sending request (NVI) .............................142
symbol size ........................................... 278
suggested route details ...........................154
symbolized boundaries ............................ 278
suggested route display...........................156
portrayal style
VP details ..............................................152
INT1 ..................................................... 277
own ship setup
S52 ...................................................... 277
past track ..............................................302
ports database .......................................... 322
path predictor ........................................301
prerequisites ...............................................10
true scale outline ....................................299
velocity vector .......................................300
P receiving weather forecasts from NavBox ..... 119
restoring user layers .................................. 108
panels ....................................................... 18
route planning
paper chart symbols ...................................279
action points ............................................59
passage plan .............................................. 74
adding route waypoints .............................47
activating passage plans..........................100
append a route ........................................67
approving ............................................... 96
bunch editing waypoints............................62
copying .................................................. 97
canceling changes ....................................39
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User Manual

copy a route ........................................... 66 Annotationeer in e-Publications Reader ..... 328

creating a new route ................................ 34 custom chart resolution........................... 325
cross track distance ................. 37, 52, 63, 89 custom user interface scale ..................... 326
delete routes .......................................... 68 day mode .............................................. 324
deleting route waypoints .......................... 48 dusk mode ............................................ 324
displaying a route .................................... 39 GPU support .......................................... 329
editing route waypoints ............................ 45 night mode ............................................ 324
editing waypoint attributes ....................... 50 on-screen keyboard ................................ 325
exporting................................................ 71 REST connection timeout ........................ 329
import .................................................... 70 system performance ............................... 328
move to a route ...................................... 40 use shared folder on NavBox ................... 327
moving waypoints.................................... 45
plotting waypoints ................................... 35 T
renaming a route ..................................... 67
restoring deleted routes ........................... 69 terminating NAVTOR NavStation ....................12
reverse a route ....................................... 65 tide information picking range ..................... 316
safety check ........................................... 41 touch screen lock.........................................32
saving changes ....................................... 38 Typographical conventions ............................10
sending to siblings ................................... 72
undoing changes ..................................... 64 U
waypoint parallel indexing ........................ 56
waypoint references ................................. 52 units, date and time set-up ......................... 332
XTD ....................................... 37, 52, 63, 89 use shared folder on NavBox ....................... 327
route planning setup ..................................315 user interface set-up
route simulation position indicator.................................... 330
playing simulation ..................................166 scale bar ............................................... 330
simulating voyage ..................................160 sibling chart view frame .......................... 330
simulation plots ......................................167 touch screen lock button ......................... 330
simulation results ...................................164 zoom buttons ........................................ 330
simulation without OSR ...........................168 user layers
adding objects ....................................... 111
create a layer ........................................ 105
delete a layer ........................................ 107
S52 portrayal style .....................................277 delete a layer permanently ...................... 109
safe depths shown .....................................293 display a layer ....................................... 106
safe hazards shown ....................................292 editing objects ....................................... 115
safety contour ...........................................275 layer information .................................... 110
safety depth ..............................................276 restore a layer ....................................... 108
scale min ..................................................280 viewing objects ...................................... 117
sending routes to siblings ............................ 72
shallow contour .........................................275 V
shallow pattern ..........................................277
Shortcuts ................................................... 13 vessel particulars
sibling chart view frame ............................... 33 consistent common reference point .......... 296
sleeping targets display ..............................310 dimensions ............................................ 297
software prerequisites ................................. 10 registration information........................... 295
standard display mode................................282 viewing user layer information .................... 110
starting NAVTOR NavStation......................... 12 viewing user objects .................................. 117
symbolized boundaries ...............................278
system performance ...................................328 W
system setup.............................................274
activate NavBox offline sync tool ..............327 weather forecast

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User Manual

animate.................................................127 weather time series

delete ...................................................122 alarm conditions .................................... 139
display ..................................................123 for a point ............................................. 132
display legend ........................................128 for a route ............................................. 134
download...............................................119 graph ................................................... 137
importing from file ..................................120 graph configuration ................................ 138
receiving from NavBox ............................119 polar diagram ........................................ 140
weather specific display ...........................129 report ................................................... 141
weather under mouse pointer ..................128

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