BSMT Act 2 - Set A Answer Key

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Shipboard Training Enhancement (BSMT)

Assessment No. 2

Weeks 2 & 3 – Compass Error, Charts and Publications

Control No. W2A2-001A

LETTER of your choice in BLOCK LETTERS. TIME LIMIT: 1 hour

1. What device is used for measuring or maintaining orientation that is based on the principles of physics?

A. Autopilot
B. Gyroscope
C. Gyrocompass
D. Magnetic compass

2. Which of the following is NOT according to the gyroscope principle?

A. It has to have as much material (weight) near the rim as practicable.

B. It has to run at high speeds.
C. It has to be well-balanced.
D. It encounters high friction.

3. Which of the following terms refers to the difference between true north and magnetic north?

A. Compass error
B. Variation
C. Azimuth
D. Zenith

4. Which of the following is a north-seeking navigation equipment that spins at a very high velocity, and its spin
axis remains aligned with terrestrial meridians?

A. Pelorus
B. Azimuth circle
C. Gyro compass
D. Magnetic compass

5. Which of the following refers to the tendency of any rotating body to maintain the direction of its plane of
rotation in space and the direction of its axis in space?

A. Gyroscopic inertia
B. Gyroscope rotation
C. Gyroscopic precession
D. All of the above

6. Which of the following is NOT correct for a gyrocompass in finding the true north?

A. It must be made to stay on the plane of the meridian.

B. It must be made to remain both horizontal and vertical.
C. It must stay in its position once it reaches it regardless of what the vessel on which it is mounted does
or where it goes on the earth.
D. None of the above

7. How do great circles appear in gnomonic projection?

A. Concave
B. Curved
C. Convex
D. Straight

 2022 ConnectEd Educational Consultancy and Support Services, Inc. All rights reserved.
Shipboard Training Enhancement (BSMT)
Assessment No. 2

Weeks 2 & 3 – Compass Error, Charts and Publications

8. Which of the following does NOT conform with the disadvantages of gnomonic projection?

A. It is not orthomorphic, so the true shapes are presented only near the region of tangency.
B. Distortion is tolerable within 1,000 miles of the point of tangency.
C. Distance and direction cannot be measured directly.
D. Rhumb lines cannot be drawn as straight lines.

9. Which of the following has the surface of a sphere is developed on a cylinder tangent along the equator?

A. Conic projection
B. Mercator projection
C. Gnomonic projection
D. Cylindrical projection

10. In chart classification, what chart conforms with the scale of 1:50,000 to 1:150,000?

A. Sailing chart
B. Harbor chart
C. Coastal chart
D. General chart

11. In a navigational chart published by UKHO, where would you find the chart number?

A. In the most convenient place so that no essential navigational information is obscured

B. Outside the bottom right hand and top left-hand corner of the chart
C. Outside the bottom border of the chart in the middle
D. Under the title of the chart

12. In a navigational chart published by UKHO, where would you find the date of publication?

A. In the most convenient place so that no essential navigational information is obscured

B. Outside the bottom border of the chart in the middle
C. In the thumb-level on the reverse of the chart
D. Under the title of the chart

13. In a navigational chart published by UKHO, which of the following does not conform with the information
provided by small correction in Notice to Mariners?

A. It appears outside the bottom left-hand corner of the chart.

B. It gives essential information for navigation published in Admiralty Notice to Mariners.
C. It provides information of secondary importance which is added to the chart plates by bracketed
D. The datum shift, indicating the amount by which a position obtained from satellite navigation
system, should be moved to agree with the chart.

14. In a navigational chart published by UKHO, where would you find the scale of the chart?

A. In the most convenient place so that no essential navigational information is obscured

B. Outside the bottom right-hand and top left-hand corner of the chart
C. Under the title of the chart
D. Beneath the title

15. Which of the following chart classification is for navigation and anchorage in harbor and small waterways?

A. Sailing chart
B. Harbor chart
C. Coastal chart
D. General chart

 2022 ConnectEd Educational Consultancy and Support Services, Inc. All rights reserved.
Shipboard Training Enhancement (BSMT)
Assessment No. 2

Weeks 2 & 3 – Compass Error, Charts and Publications

16. Which of the following chart classification is suitable for entering or leaving bays and harbor of considerable
width and when in transit in large inland waters?

A. Sailing chart
B. Harbor chart
C. Coastal chart
D. General chart

17. In obtaining the speed error when a gyrocompass is installed, how is the error named if heading northerly?

A. Westerly for ships on southerly headings

B. Westerly for ships on northerly headings
C. Easterly for ships on southerly headings
D. Easterly for ships on northerly headings

18. Which of the following is FALSE about sailing charts?

A. It is smaller than 1:500,000.

B. It is used for planning, fixing position at sea.
C. It is used for plotting dead reckoning on long voyage.
D. Only principal navigational light, outer buoy, landmarks are shown.

19. In which publication will you find information on wind, weather, current and ice hazard?

A. The Mariner’s Handbook

B. Admiralty Sailing Directions
C. Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals
D. Admiralty Ocean Passages for the World

20. Which of the following publications is also known as the Pilot Book?

A. The Mariner’s Handbook

B. Admiralty Distance Tables
C. Admiralty Sailing Directions
D. Admiralty List of Radio Signals

21. What is the scale of the chart which is used for coastwise navigation outlying reefs and shoal?

A. Larger than 1:50,000

B. 1:50,000 to 1:150,000
C. 1:150,000 to 1:600,000
D. Smaller than 1:600,000

22. If the gyro spins at a very high velocity, in what latitude does a gyro compass become doubtful?

A. In horse latitudes
B. In middle latitudes
C. In latitude above 70 degrees
D. In latitudes above 85 degrees

For numbers 23-25, solve the following problems. Show your solution on your answer sheet. Use additional
sheets if necessary.

23. In Latitude 15° N, Longitude 150° W, the star Polaris was observed 351° by standard compass when the big
dipper’s tail star was vertically above the pole that is, bearing true North. The variation in the vicinity is 11°E.
Find the compass error and deviation.

 2022 ConnectEd Educational Consultancy and Support Services, Inc. All rights reserved.
Shipboard Training Enhancement (BSMT)
Assessment No. 2

Weeks 2 & 3 – Compass Error, Charts and Publications


True Azimuth 360°

Compass Bearing 351°
Compass error 9°E
Variation 11°E
Deviation 2°W

24. From the given information, True Azimuth = 360°, Compass Bearing = 351°, Compass error = 9°E, Variation =
11°E and Deviation = 2°W. If the ship were heading 250 by standard compass, what will be her true heading?


Compass Heading 250°

Compass error 9°E
True Heading 259°

25. On 07 Sept 2021, a vessel in route to Hokkaido Japan had observed a RACON with a compass bearing of
185°, if the variation of the locality is 04°12’W, on the year 2009 with an annual increase of 2’, and the
deviation is 010°E. Find the true bearing of the leading light.

Solution: Year 2021 Variation: 4°12 ‘W

Year 2009 24’
12 x 2’ annual increase = 24’ 4° 36’w or 4.6W

Compass bearing = 185°

Deviation = 10°E
Magnetic Bearing= 195°
Corrected variation= 4.6W
True Bearing = 190.4°

 2022 ConnectEd Educational Consultancy and Support Services, Inc. All rights reserved.

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