Osman and Orhan: The Ottoman State To 1481: The Age of Expansion
Osman and Orhan: The Ottoman State To 1481: The Age of Expansion
Osman and Orhan: The Ottoman State To 1481: The Age of Expansion
grew to be one of the most powerful states in the world during the 15th and 16th
centuries. The Ottoman period spanned more than 600 years and came to an end only
in 1922, when it was replaced by the Turkish Republic and various successor states in
southeastern Europe and the Middle East. At its height the empire encompassed most
of southeastern Europe to the gates of Vienna, including present-day Hungary, the
Balkan region, Greece, and parts of Ukraine; portions of the Middle East now
occupied by Iraq, Syria, Israel, and Egypt; North Africa as far west as Algeria; and
large parts of the Arabian Peninsula. The term Ottoman is a dynastic appellation
derived from Osman I (Arabic: ʿUthmān), the nomadic Turkmen chief who founded
both the dynasty and the empire about 1300.
Ottoman Empire, empire created by Turkish tribes in Anatolia (Asia Minor) that
grew to be one of the most powerful states in the world during the 15th and 16th
centuries. The Ottoman period spanned more than 600 years and came to an end only
in 1922, when it was replaced by the Turkish Republic and various successor states in
southeastern Europe and the Middle East. At its height the empire encompassed most
of southeastern Europe to the gates of Vienna, including present-day Hungary, the
Balkan region, Greece, and parts of Ukraine; portions of the Middle East now
occupied by Iraq, Syria, Israel, and Egypt; North Africa as far west as Algeria; and
large parts of the Arabian Peninsula. The term Ottoman is a dynastic appellation
derived from Osman I (Arabic: ʿUthmān), the nomadic Turkmen chief who founded
both the dynasty and the empire about 1300.
Ottoman Empire, empire created by Turkish tribes in Anatolia (Asia Minor) that
grew to be one of the most powerful states in the world during the 15th and 16th
centuries. The Ottoman period spanned more than 600 years and came to an end only
in 1922, when it was replaced by the Turkish Republic and various successor states in
southeastern Europe and the Middle East. At its height the empire encompassed most
of southeastern Europe to the gates of Vienna, including present-day Hungary, the
Balkan region, Greece, and parts of Ukraine; portions of the Middle East now
occupied by Iraq, Syria, Israel, and Egypt; North Africa as far west as Algeria; and
large parts of the Arabian Peninsula. The term Ottoman is a dynastic appellation
derived from Osman I (Arabic: ʿUthmān), the nomadic Turkmen chief who founded
both the dynasty and the empire about 1300.