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Definition of a turbo machine

 We classify as turbo machines all those devices in which energy is transferred either to, or from, a continuously
flowing fluid by the dynamic action of one or more moving blade rows.

 The word turbo or turbinis is of Latin origin and implies that which spins or whirls around. Essentially, a rotating
blade row, a rotor or an impeller changes the stagnation enthalpy of the fluid moving through it by either doing
positive or negative work, depending upon the effect required of the machine.

 These enthalpy changes are intimately linked with the pressure changes occurring simultaneously in the fluid.

 The definition of a turbo machine as stated above, is rather too general for the purposes of this book as it embraces
open turbo machines such as propellers, wind turbines and enshrouded fans, all of which influence the state of a not
readily quantifiable flow of a fluid.

 The subject fluid mechanics, thermodynamics of turbo machinery, therefore, is limited to machines enclosed by a
closely fitting casing or shroud through which a readily measurable quantity of fluid passes in unit time.

 The subject of open turbo machines is covered by the classic text of Glauert (1959) or by Duncan et al. (1970), the
elementary treatment of propellers by general fluid mechanics textbooks such as Streeter and Wylie (1979) or
Massey (1979), and the important, still developing subject of wind turbines, by Freris (1990).

 Two main categories of turbo machine are identified: firstly, those which absorb power to increase the fluid
pressure or head (ducted fans, compressors and pumps); secondly, those that produce power by expanding fluid to
a lower pressure or head (hydraulic, steam and gas turbines).
 Figure shows, in a simple diagrammatic form, a selection of the many different varieties of turbo machine
encountered in practice. The reason that so many different types of either pump (compressor) or turbine are in use
is because of the almost infinite range of service requirements.
 Generally speaking, for a given set of operating requirements there is one type of pump or turbine best suited to
provide optimum conditions of operation. This point is discussed more fully in the section of this chapter concerned
with specific speed.

 Turbo machines are further categorised according to the nature of the flow path through the passages of the rotor.
When the path of the through-flow is wholly or mainly parallel to the axis of rotation, the device is termed an axial

flow turbo machine

 Figure (a) and (e) when the path of the through-flow is wholly or mainly in a plane perpendicular to the rotation
axis, the device is termed a radial flow turbo machine (e.g. Figure (c)). Mixed flow turbo machines are widely used.

 The term mixed flow in this context refers to the direction of the through-flow at rotor outlet when both radial and
axial velocity components are present in significant amounts. Figure (b) shows a mixed flow pump and Figure (d) a
mixed flow hydraulic turbine.

 One further category should be mentioned. All turbo machines can be classified as either impulse or reaction
machines according to whether pressure changes are absent or present respectively in the flow through the rotor.
 In an impulse machine all the pressure change takes place in one or more nozzles, the fluid being directed onto the
rotor. The Pelton wheel, Figure (f), is an example of an impulse turbine.

 The main purpose of this book is to examine, through the laws of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, the means
by which the energy transfer is achieved in the chief types of turbo machine, together with the differing behaviour
of individual types in operation.

 Methods of analysing the flow processes differ depending upon the geometrical configuration of the machine, on
whether the fluid can be regarded as incompressible or not and whether the machine absorbs or produces work.

 As far as possible, a unified treatment is adopted so that machines having similar configurations and function are
considered together.


The liquid comes out in the form of a jet from the outlet of the nozzle, which is fitted to a pipe
through which the liquid is flowing under pressure. This force is obtain from Newton’s second law of
motion or from impulse momentum equation. Thus impact of jet means force exerted by the jet on a
plate which may be stationary or moving.

1. Force exerted by the jet on a stationary plate when

a) Plate is vertical to the jet,
b) Plate is inclined to the jet,
c) Plate is curved.
2. Force exerted by the jet on a moving plate, when
a) Plate is vertical to the jet,
b) Plate is inclined to the jet,
c) Plate is curved
3. Force exerted by the jet on Hinged plate


Consider a jet of water coming out from the nozzle, strikes a flat vertical plate as shown in figure.

Let V = velocity of the jet, d = diameter of the jet, a = area of cross section of the jet =

Initial velocity in the direction of X axis = V

Final velocity in the direction of X axis = 0

Initial velocity in the Direction of Y axis = 0

Final velocity in the Direction of Y axis = 0

F = Rate of change of momentum in the direction of force

Fx =

Fy = 0

Consider a jet of water coming out from the nozzle, strikes an inclined flat plate as shown in figure.

V = velocity of the jet in the direction of x, a = area of cross section of the jet

Initial velocity in the direction of X axis = V

Final velocity in the direction of X axis = 0

Initial velocity in the Direction of Y axis = V

Final velocity in the Direction of Y axis = 0

Mass of water per second =

Fx =

Fy =


(A) At the Centre


Initial velocity in the direction of X axis = V

Final velocity in the direction of X axis = - V

Initial velocity in the Direction of Y axis = 0

Final velocity in the Direction of Y axis = V

Fx =

Fy =
(B)At one end tangential when the plate is symmetrical

Initial velocity in the direction of X axis = V

Final velocity in the direction of X axis = - V

Initial velocity in the Direction of Y axis = V

Final velocity in the Direction of Y axis = V

Fx =

Fy = 0

(c) At one end tangentially when the plate is unsymmetrical


Initial velocity in the direction of X axis = V

Final velocity in the direction of X axis = - V

Initial velocity in the Direction of Y axis = V

Final velocity in the Direction of Y axis = V

`Fx =

Fy =


X = distance of the centre of jet from hinge O,

W = weight of plate acting at centre of gravity of the plate.

1. Force due to jet of water, normal to the plate,

Fn =
2. Weight of the plate, W

V = velocity of jet (absolute)

a = Area of cross section of the jet,
u = Velocity of flat plate.

Mass of water per second =

Initial velocity in the direction of X axis = [V – u]

Final velocity in the direction of X axis = 0

Initial velocity in the Direction of Y axis = 0

Final velocity in the Direction of Y axis = 0

Fx =

Fy = 0


Initial velocity in the direction of X axis = [V-u]
Final velocity in the direction of X axis = 0

Initial velocity in the Direction of Y axis = [V-u]


Final velocity in the Direction of Y axis = 0

Fx =

Fy =



Initial velocity in the direction of X axis = [V- u]

Final velocity in the direction of X axis = - [V- u]

Initial velocity in the Direction of Y axis = 0

Final velocity in the Direction of Y axis = [V- u]

Fx =

Fy =




V1 = Velocity of jet at inlet

U1 = velocity of plate at inlet

Vr1 = Relative velocity of jet and plate at inlet

Vw1 = velocity of whirl at inlet

Vf1 = velocity of flow at inlet

V2 = Velocity of jet at outlet

U2 = velocity of plate at outlet

Vr2 = Relative velocity of jet and plate at outlet

Vw2 = velocity of whirl at outlet

Vf2 = velocity of flow at outlet


Force exerted by the jet in the direction of motion

Fx = aVr1 [Vw1 ± Vw2]

When is acute angle

Fx = aVr1 [Vw1 + Vw2]

When is obtuse angle

Fx = aVr1 [Vw1 - Vw2]

When is right angle

Fx = aVr1 [Vw1]


= aVr1 [Vw1 ± Vw2] X u


= [Vw1 ± Vw2] X u Nm/N


= [Vw1 ± Vw2] X u Nm/N


V = velocity of jet (absolute)

a = Area of cross section of the jet,
u = Velocity of vane.

Mass of water per second =

Initial velocity in the direction of X axis = [V – u]

Final velocity in the direction of X axis = 0

Initial velocity in the Direction of Y axis = 0

Final velocity in the Direction of Y axis = 0

Fx =

Fy = 0

Kinetic energy of jet per second


Efficiency =

Condition for maximum efficiency,

Maximum Efficiency = 0.5 = 50 %


R1 = Radius of Wheel at inlet of the vane,

R2 = Radius of Wheel at outlet of the vane,

The mass of water striking per second for a series of vanes = aV1
Momentum of water striking the Vanes in tangential direction per second = aV1 x Vw1

Vw1= V1

Similarly Momentum of water at outlet per second = - aV1 x Vw2

Vw2= V2

Angular Momentum at Inlet = Momentum at Inlet x Radius at Inlet

= aV1 x Vw1 x R1

Angular Momentum at outlet = Momentum at outlet x Radius at outlet

= - aV1 x Vw2 x R2

Torque exerted by the water on the wheel,

T = rate of change of angular Momentum

= [Initial angular momentum per second – final angular momentum per second]

= aV1 x Vw1 x R1 – (- aV1 x Vw2 x R2)

= aV1 [Vw1 x R1 + Vw2 R2] PT
Work done per second on the wheel = Torque x Angular Velocity = T x

= aV1 [Vw1 x R1 + Vw2 R2] x

= aV1 [Vw1 x U1 + Vw2 U2] ( , )

If the angle is an obtuse angle in the figure then the work done per second will be given as

= aV1 [Vw1 x U1 - Vw2 U2]

The general expression for the work done per second on the wheel

= aV1 [Vw1 x U1 ± Vw2 U2]

If the discharge is radial at outlet, then = 90° and work done becomes

= aV1 [Vw1 x U1]


Efficiency =
1. A jet of water having a velocity of 20 m/s strikes a curved vane, which is moving with a velocity of 10 m/s. The jet
makes an angle of 20° with the direction of motion of vane at inlet and leaves at an angle of 130° to the direction of
motion of vane an outlet. Calculate :
(i) Vane angles, so that the water enters and leaves the vane without shock.
(ii) Work done per second per unit weight of water striking the vane per second

Given: Vf1 = 6.84 m/s

V1 = 20 m/s
u1 = 10 m/s
Vw1 = 18.794 m/s
= 20°
= 180° – 130° = 50° -

u1 = u2 = 37° 52.5’

Vr1 = Vr2 =
To Find:
Vr1 = Vr2 = 11.14 m/s

b. From outlet Velocity triangle
=? PT Applying sine rule
W.D per unit weight =?
y = 180 – = 130°

x = 43°26’

x+y+ = 180°

= 6°33’

c. Work done per unit weight:

Vw2 = 1.067 m/s

a. From inlet velocity triangle W.D =

= W.D = 20.24 Nm/N

2. A jet of water having a velocity of 40 m/s strikes a curved vane, which is moving with a velocity of 20
m/s. The jet makes an angle of 30° with the direction of motion of vane at inlet and leaves at an angle of
90° to the direction of motion of vane outlet. Draw the velocity triangles at inlet and outlet determine the
vane angles at inlet and outlet so that the water enters and leaves the vane without shock.
Given: = 30°
V1 = 40 m/s
= 180° – 90° = 90°
u1 = 20 m/s
u1 = u2
Vr1 = Vr2 d. From inlet velocity triangle

To Find:
Vf1 = 20 m/s

Vw1 = 34.64 m/s


= 53° 47.4’

Vr1 = Vr2 = 24.78 m/s

e. From outlet Velocity triangle

PT = 36° 10’
3. A jet of water of diameter 50 mm, having a velocity of 20 m/s strikes a curved vane which is moving with a
velocity of 10 m/s in the direction of the jet. The jet leaves the vane of an angle of 60° to the direction of
motion of vane at outlet. Determine:
(i) The force exerted by the jet on the vane in the direction of motion

(ii) Work done per second of the jet



d = 0.05 m

V1 = 20 m/s

u1 = 10 m/s

= 0°

= 180° – 60° = 120°

u1 = u2

Vr1 = Vr2

To Find: From inlet velocity triangle

Force exerted by the jet =? Vr1 = V1 – u1 = 10 m/s

W.D per second =? Vw1 = V1 = 20 m/s

Solution: Vr2 = Vr1 = 10 m/s

From outlet velocity triangle

Vw2 = 5 m/s
a. Force exerted by the jet:
x = 60° FX = aVr1 -
FX = 294.45 N
x + 60 + = 180°
b. Work done per second:
= 60°
W.D = aVr1 - xu
- W.D = 2944.5 Nm/s

4. A jet of water having a velocity of 15 m/s strikes a curved vane which is moving with a velocity of 5 m/s. The
vane symmetrical and is so shaped that the jet is deflected through 120°. Find the angle of the jet at inlet of the
vane so that there is no shock. What is the absolute velocity of the jet at outlet in magnitude and direction and
work done per unit weight of water? Assume the vane to be smooth.

Given: From inlet velocity triangle

V1 = 20 m/s Applying sine rule

u1 = 10 m/s
PT =

p = 180° - 30° = 150°

= 180° – 120° = 60°
q = 9.596°
= 30°
p+q+ = 180°
= 30°
= 20 24’
u1 = u2, Vr1 = Vr2

Applying sine rule

To Find:

=? =
V2 =?
Vr1 = Vr2 = 10.46 m/s
From outlet velocity triangle
W.D per unit weight =?

Solution: = Vw2 = 4.06 m/s

= , Vf2 = 5.23 m/s

V2 = (V2f2 + V2w2) = 6.62 m/s

= 52°10’
= 180 – = 127°50’

Work done per unit weight:

W.D =

W.D = 9.225 Nm/N

5. A jet of water moving at 12 m/s impinges on vane shaped to deflect the jet through 120° when stationary. If the
vane is moving at 5 m/s, find the angle of the jet so that there is no shock at inlet. What is the absolute velocity of
the jet at exit in magnitude and direction and the work done per second per unit weight of water striking per
second? Assume that the vane is smooth.

Given: From inlet velocity triangle

V1 = 12 m/s Applying sine rule

u1 = 5 m/s

p = 180° - 30° = 150°

= 180° – 120° = 60°
q = 12.02°
= 30°
p+q+ = 180°
= 30°
= 17 59’
u1 = u2, Vr1 = Vr2

To Find: Applying sine rule

=? =

V2 =? PT Vr1 = Vr2 = 7.41 m/s
From outlet velocity triangle
W.D per unit weight =?

Solution: = Vw2 = 1.417 m/s


= , Vf2 = 3.705 m/s


V2 = (V2f2 + V2w2) = 3.96 m/s


= 69°4.2’
= 180 – = 110°55.8’

Work done per unit weight:

W.D =

W.D = 6.537 Nm/N

6. A jet of water having a velocity of 15 m/s, strikes a curved vane which is moving with a velocity of 5 m/s in the
same direction as that of jet at inlet. The vane is so shaped that the jet is deflected through 135°. The diameter
of jet is 100 mm. Assuming the vane to be smooth, find: (i) Force exerted by the jet on the vane in the direction of
motion,(ii)Power exerted on the vane,(iii) Efficiency of the vane.

Given: = 180° – 135° = 45°

V1 = 15 m/s = 45°
u1 = 5 m/s u1 = u2, Vr1 = Vr2
To Find: From inlet velocity triangle

Force exerted by the jet =? Vr1 = V1 – u1 = 10 m/s

Power exerted by the vane =? Vw1 = V1 = 15 m/s

Efficiency of the vane =? Vr2 = Vr1 = 10 m/s

Solution: From outlet velocity triangle

Vw2 = 2.07 m/s

a. Force exerted by the jet
FX = aVr1
FX = 1340.6 N
b. Power of the vane

P= = 6.703 kW

c. Efficiency:

PT Efficiency =

W.D = aVr1 x u = 6703

K.E = V13
K.E = 13253.6 Nm/s
Efficiency = 50.5 %

7. A jet of water having a velocity of 35 m/s impinges on a series of vanes moving with a velocity of 20 m/s. The jet
makes an angle of 30° to the direction of motion of vanes when entering and leaves at an angle of 120°. Draw

the velocity triangles and find: (a) the angles of vane tips so that water enters and leaves without shock, (b) the
work done per unit weight of water entering the vanes (c) the efficiency
Given: Solution:

V1 = 35 m/s

u1 = 20 m/s

= 30°

= 180° – 120° = 60°

u1 = u2

Vr1 = Vr2

To Find:


=? From inlet velocity triangle

W.D per unit weight =?

Efficiency of the vane =?
Vf1 = 17.50 m/s x = 58.75°

= x+y+ = 180°

Vw1 = 30.31 m/s = 1.25°

Work done per unit weight:

- =
= 60° Vw2 = 0.24 m/s
W.D =
= W.D = 62.28 Nm/N

Vr1 = Vr2 = 20.25 m/s Efficiency:

From outlet Velocity triangle

Efficiency =
Applying sine rule K.E = ------ (per unit weight m =
= K.E = 62.43
Efficiency = 99.74 %
y = 180 – = 120°

8. A jet of water having a velocity of 30 m/s strikes a series of radial curved vanes mounted on a wheel which is
rotating at 200 r.p.m. The jet makes an angle of 20° with tangent to the wheel at inlet and leaves the wheel with a
velocity of 5 m/s at an angle of 130° to the tangent to the wheel at outlet. Water is flowing outward in radial

direction. The outer and inner radii of the wheel are 0.5 m and 0.25 m respectively. Determine : (a) vane angle at
inlet and outlet (b) work done per unit weight of water (c) efficiency of the wheel

Given: u2 = R2 = 5.235 m/s

V1 = 30 m/s

N = 200 r.p.m Refer diagram in above problem

= 20.94 rad/s V2 is given so easy to find data in velocity triangles

= 20° From inlet velocity triangle

= 30° 4.2’
= 180° – 130° = 50° From outlet Velocity triangle
= 24° 23’
V2 = 5 m/s Work done per unit weight:
R1 = 0.5 m 2 2
W.D = --------- (radial)
R2 = 0.25 m
W.D = 31.8 Nm/N
To Find: Efficiency:

=? Efficiency =
K.E = ------ (per unit weight m =
W.D per unit weight =? 1/g)
K.E = 45.87
Efficiency of the vane =?
Efficiency = 69.32 %
u1 = R1 = 10.47 m/s
UNIT – 2

Pelton Wheel

Pelton wheel is well suited for operating under high heads. A pelton turbine has one or more nozzles
discharging jets of water which strike a series of buckets mounted on the periphery of a circular disc. The
runner consists of a circular disc with a number of buckets evenly spaced round its periphery. The buckets have
a shape of a double semi-ellipsoidal
which is the maximum angle possible without the return jet interfering with the next bucket.
Pelton wheels are easier to fabricate and are relatively cheaper. The turbines are in general, not
subjected to the cavitations effect. The turbines have access to working parts so that the maintenance or repairs
can be affected in a shorter time.
Traditionally, micro hydro pelton wheels were always single jet because of the complexity and the cost
of flow control governing of more than one jet.
Advantages of multi-jet:
 Higher rotational speed
 Smaller runner
 Less chance of blockage
Disadvantages of multi-jet:
 Possibility of jet interference on incorrectly designed systems
 Complexity of manifolds


1. Nozzle and Flow regulating arrangement (spear)

2. Runner and buckets(vanes)
3. Casing
4. Breaking jet

Maximum Efficiency = ....u =

Francis Turbine
Francis turbine is a mixed flow type, in which water enters the runner radially at its outer periphery and
leaves axially at its centre. Fig.5.6 illustrates the Francis turbine. The runner blades are profiled in a complex
manner and the casing is scrolled to distribute water around the entire perimeter of the runner. The water from
the penstock enters a scroll case which completely surrounds the runner. The purpose of the scroll case is to
provide an even distribution of water around the circumference of the turbine runner, maintaining an
approximately constant velocity for the water so distributed. The function of guide vane is to regulate the
quantity of water supplied to the runner and to direct water on to the runner at an angle appropriate design. A
draft tube is a pipe or passage of gradually increasing cross sectional area which connects the runner exit to the
tail race.

Description of main parts
Francis turbine consists mainly of the following parts
a) Spiral or scroll casing
b) Guide mechanism
c) Runner and turbine main shaft

d) Draft tube

Spiral casing of scroll casing


The casing of the francis turbine is designed in a spiral form with a gradually increasing area. The advantages of
this design are

i) Smooth and even distribution of water around the runner.

ii) Loss of head due to the formation of eddies is avoided.
iii) Efficiency of flow of water to the turbine is increased.

o In big units stay vanes are provided which direct and water to the guide vanes.
o The casing is also provided with inspection holes and pressure gauge connection.
o The selection of material for the casing depends upon the head of water to be supplied

For a head – up to 30 metres – concrete is used.

For a head – from 30 to 60 metres – welded rolled steel plates are used.

For a head of above 90 metres – cast steel is used.

Guide mechanism

The guide vanes of wicket gates are fixed between two rings. This arrangement is in the form of a
wheel and called guide wheel. Each vane can be rotated about its pivot centre.

The opening between the vanes can be increased or decreased by adjusting the guide wheel. The guide
wheel is adjusted by the regulating shaft which is operated by a governor.

The guide mechanism provides the required quantity of water to the runner depending upon the load conditions.
The guide vanes are in general made of cast steel.
Runner and turbine main shaft

The flow in the runner of a modern Francis turbine is partly radial and partly axial. The runners may be
classified as

i) Slow ii) Medium iii) Fast

The runner may be cast in one piece or made of separate steel plates welded together. The runners are
made of CI for small output, cast steel or stainless steel or bronze for large output. The runner blades should be
carefully finished with high degree of accuracy.

The runner may be keyed to the shaft which may be vertical or horizontal. The shaft is made of steel
and is forged it is provided with a collar for transmitting the axial thrust.

Draft tube

The water after doing work on the runner passes on to the tail race through a tube called draft tube. It is
made of riveted steel plate or pipe or a concrete tunner. The cross – section of the tube increases gradually
towards the outlet. The draft tube connects the runner exit to the tail race. This tube should be drowned
approximately 1 metre below the tail race water level.
Working Principles of Francis Turbine

The water is admitted to the runner through guide vanes or wicket gates. The opening between the vanes
can be adjusted to vary the quantity of water admitted to the turbine. This is done to suit the load conditions.

The water enters the runner with a low velocity but with a considerable pressure. As the water flows
over the vanes the pressure head is gradually converted into velocity head. This kinetic energy is utilized in
rotating the wheel. Thus the hydraulic energy is converted into mechanical energy. The outgoing water enters
the tail race after passing through the draft tube. The draft tube enlarges gradually and the enlarged end is
submerged deeply in the tail race water. Due to this arrangement a suction head is created at the exit of the

Losses in Francis Turbines


Work done per second on the runner per second will be = Vw1U1]

Work done per second per unit weight of water striking/s = [Vw1U1]

Hydraulic Efficiency will be given by =

Kaplan Turbine

It is an axial flow turbine which is suitable for relatively low heads. It will be seen that the main
components of Kaplan turbine such as scroll casing, guide vanes, and the draft tube are similar to those of a
Francis turbine.
This type of turbine evolved from the need to generate power from much lower pressure heads than are
normally employed with the Francis turbine. To satisfy large power demands very large volume flow rates
need to be accommodated in the Kaplan turbine, i.e. the product QHE i s large. The overall flow configuration
is from radial to axial. Figure 9.16 is a part sectional view of a Kaplan turbine in which the flow enters from a
volute into the inlet guide vanes which impart a degree of swirl to the flow determined by the needs of the
runner. The flow leaving the guide vanes is forced by the shape of the passage into an axial direction and the
swirl becomes essentially a free vortex.
The vanes of the runner are similar to those of an axial-flow turbine rotor but designed with a
twist suitable for the free-vortex flow at entry and an axial flow at outlet. Because of the very high
torque that must be transmitted and the large length of the blades, strength considerations impose the need
for large blade chords.
As a result, pitch/chord ratios of 1.0 to 1.5 are commonly used by manufacturers and,
consequently, the number of blades is small, usually 4, 5 or 6. The Kaplan turbine incorporates one
essential feature not found in other turbine rotors and that is the setting of the stagger angle can be
At part load operation the setting angle of the runner vanes is adjusted automatically by a servo
mechanism to maintain optimum efficiency conditions. This adjustment requires a complementary adjustment
of the inlet guide vane stagger angle in order to maintain an absolute axial flow at exit from the runner.
Basic equations
Most of the equations presented for the Francis turbine also apply to the Kaplan (or propeller)
turbine, apart from the treatment of the runner. Figure 9.17 shows the velocity triangles and part section of
a Kaplan turbine drawn for the mid-blade height. At exit from the runner the flow is shown leaving the runner
without a whirl velocity, i.e. c 3 D 0 and constant axial velocity.
The theory of free-vortex flows was expounded in Chapter 6 and the main results as they apply to an
incompressible fluid are given here. The runner blades will have a fairly high degree of twist, the amount
depending upon the strength of the circulation function K and the magnitude of the axial velocity. Just
upstream of the runner the flow is assumed to be a free-vortex and the velocity components are


Performance Characteristics of Reaction Turbine

It is not always possible in practice, although desirable, to run a machine at its maximum efficiency due
to changes in operating parameters. Therefore, it becomes important to know the performance of the machine
under conditions for which the efficiency is less than the maximum. It is more useful to plot the basic
dimensionless performance parameters is derived earlier from the similarity principles of fluid machines. Thus
one set of curves, as shown in Fig. 31.1, is applicable not just to the conditions of the test, but to any machine in
the same homologous series under any altered conditions.
Performance characteristics of a reaction turbine (in dimensionless parameters)

Below figure is one of the typical plots where variation in efficiency of different reaction turbines with
the rated power is shown.

Characteristic Curves
The turbines are generally designed to work at particular values of H, Q, P, N and o which are known
as the designed conditions. It is essential to determine exact behaviour of the turbines under the varying
conditions by carrying out tests either on the actual turbines or on their small scale models. The results of these

tests are usually graphically represented and the resulting curves are known as characteristic curves.

 -constant head characteristic curves


 -constant speed characteristic curves

 -constant efficiency characteristic curves

In order to obtain constant head characteristics curves the tests are performed on the turbine by maintaining
a constant head and a constant gate opening and the speed is varied by changing the load on the turbine. A series
of values of N are thus obtained and corresponding to each value of N, discharge Q and the output power P are
measured. A series of such tests are performed by varying the gate opening, the head being maintained constant
at the previous value. From the data of the tests the values of Qu, Pu, nu and o are computed for each gate
opening. Then with Nu as abscissa the values of Qu, Pu and o for each gate opening are plotted. The curves
thus obtained for pelton wheel and the reaction turbines for four different gate openings are shown in Fig.

Governing Mechanism of Turbines

Usually hydraulic turbines are coupled to the generators. The power output of the generator is actually
the load on the turbine. When the load changes the speed or the turbine also change.

The governing of a turbine is the operation by which the speed of the turbine is kept constant by controlling the
discharge irrespective of the fluctuations of load on the turbine.

Functions of governor
The main functions of a governor are

i) Noticing the speed variations quickly.

ii) Operating the different components rapidly and effectively.
iii) Controlling the discharge to maintain constant speed.
iv) Matching the speed of the turbine and generator.
v) Setting the amount of load to the turbine unit.
vi) To alert the operator under extreme conditions.


Fig Shows governing mechanism of a pelton wheel. It consists of a spring loaded

centrifugal or pendulum. This governor is driven by the turbine main shaft by a belt.

As the speed increases, the balls of the governor moves outward and as speed falls the balls move inwards. The
pendulum operates a small control valve and the spear is operated by a servomotor.


If the load decreases the speed of the turbine will increases. As the speed increases, the pendulum starts moving
faster. This causes an upward movement of the sleeve attached to the governor. As the control valve is moved in
the upward, direction, high pressure oil is admitted to the left hand side of the servomotor piston. This causes
the spear to move deep into the nozzle hole reducing the discharge of water directed towards the vanes. Now the
oil from the right hand end of the servomotor cylinder is returned to the oil sump.

When the load on the turbine increases, the main level moves upward. This pulls the piston of the control valve
upward. Now oil under pressure enters the right hand side of the servo – motor piston. The piston moves to the
left and the spear also moves to the left and there is an increase in flow through nozzle. The increased discharge
increases the output and the normal speed is maintained.
Draft Tube:

 The draft tube is pipe of gradually increasing area which connects the outlet of the runner to the tail race.
 It is used for discharging water from the exit of the turbine to the tail race.
 This pipe of gradually increasing area is called draft tube.
 One end of the draft tube is connected to the outlet of the runner while the other end is sub-merged below the level of
water in the tail race.

Functions of Draft Tube:

 It permits a negative head to be established at the outlet of the runner and thereby increase the net head on the
 The turbine may be placed above the tail race without any loss of net head and hence turbine may be inspected
 It converts a large proportion of the kinetic energy (V22/ 2g) rejected at the outlet of the turbine into useful pressure
 Without the draft tube the kinetic energy rejected at the outlet of the turbine will go waste to the tail race.
 Hence by using draft tube net head on the turbine increases.
 The turbine develops more power and also the efficiency of the turbine increases.
 If the reaction turbine is not fitted with a draft tube, the pressure at the outlet is equal to the atmospheric pressure.

Types of Draft Tube:

Conical Draft Tubes
Simple elbow Tubes
 Elbow Draft tubes with circular inlet and rectangular outlet.
 Moody’s bell mouthed tube

Draft Tube Theory:

Consider a capital draft-tube as shown in figure
Hs = vertical height of draft tube above the tail race.
Y= distance of bottom of draft tube from tail race.
Applying Bernoulli’s equation to inlet (section 1-1) and outlet (section 2-2) of the draft tube and taking section 2-2 as
datum line, we get
+ + (H s + y) = + + 0 + hf ---------- (1)

Where hf = loss of energy between sections 1-1 and 2-2.

But = Atmospheric pressure head + y

= +y

Substituting this value in equation (1), we get

+ + (Hs + y) = +y+ + hf

= – H s- - -
Efficiency of Draft Tube:
The efficiency of draft tube is defined as the ratio of actual conversation of kinetic head into pressure head in
the draft tube to the kinetic head at the inlet of the draft tube.

- -
d =

1. A water turbine has a velocity of 6 m/s at the entrance to the draft tube and a velocity of 1.2 m/s at the exit. For
friction losses of 0.1 m and tail water 5 m below the entrance to the draft-tube, find the pressure head at the
Velocity at inlet (V1) = 6 m/s
Velocity at outlet (V2) = 1.2 m/s
Friction loss (hf) = 0.1 m
Hs = 5 m
To find:
Pressure Head at entrance =?

Atmospheric pressure (Pa = 1.0135 bar = 1.0135 x 105 N/m2)
PT = 10.3 m

= – H s- - -

= - 6.6616 m

2. A conical draft tube having diameter at the top as 2.0 m and pressure head at 7m of water(vacuum), discharge
water at the outlet with a velocity 0f 1.2 m/s at the rate of 25 m3/s. If atmospheric pressure head is 10.3 m of

water and losses between the inlet and outlet of the draft-tubes are negligible, find the length of draft-tube
immersed in water. Total length of tube is 5 m.
Diameter at top, D1 = 2 m
Pressure head = 7m (vacuum) = 10.3 – 7 = 3.3 m (abs)
Velocity at outlet, V2 =1.2 m/s
Q = 25 m3/s
Hf = negligible
Total length of the tube = 5 m
= 10.3 m
To find:
Length of the tube immersed in water (y) =?
Q = A1V1
V1 = 7.957 m/s

= – H s- - -

Hs = 3.8464m
Y = total length – Hs = 5 – 3.8464 = 1.1536m
3. A conical draft tube having inlet and outlet diameter 1 m and 1.5 m discharges water at outlet with a velocity
of 2.5 m/s. The total length of the draft tube is 6 m and 1.2 m of the length of the draft tube is immersed in water.
If the atmospheric pressure head is 10.3 m of water and loss of head due to friction in the draft tube is equal to
0.2 x velocity head at outlet of the tube, find: (i) pressure head at inlet,(ii) efficiency of the draft tube.
Diameter at inlet (D1) = 1.0 m
Diameter at outlet (D2) = 1.5 m
Velocity at outlet (V2) = 2.5 m/s
Total length of tube, Hs + y = 6 m
y = 1.2 m
Hs = 4.80 m
= 10.3 m
Loss of head due to friction (hf) = 0.2 x velocity of head at outlet
= 0.2 x = 0.0637 m

To find:

Pressure Head at entrance =?

d =? PT
Q = A2V2

A2 = x D22
Q = 4.4178 m3/s

Q = A1V1

A1 = x D12

V1 = 5.625 m/s

(i) Pressure head at inlet

= – H s- - -

= 4.27 m (abs)
(ii) Efficiency of draft tube

- -
d =

d = 76.3 %
Pelton Wheel
 Work done by the jet per second = aV1 [Vw1 ± Vw2] X u

 Runner power =

 Water power =

 Kinetic energy = V13

 Hydraulic Efficiency = =

 Velocity of jet at inlet is given by V1 = Cv ,H=

CV = Co-efficient of velocity = 0.98 or 0.99

 Gross head Hg =hf + H

 Gross Head Hg = hf + H + head lost in nozzle -------(if nozzle loss consider)

 Head lost in nozzle = ( – 1)

 Efficiency of nozzle = (Hg – hf)/ Hg
 Velocity of wheel is given by (u) = Cu ,

Cu = speed ratio = 0.43 to 0.48


o u = u1 = u 2 =

 Jet ratio(m) = D/d

D = pitch diameter, d = jet diameter

 Number of buckets(Z) = 15 +

 No of jet =

Q = total discharge, q = discharge by single jet

 Mechanical Efficiency = m=

 Volumetric Efficiency = v=

 Overall efficiency = o=

o= mx h

 Vr1 = Vr2
1. A pelton wheel has a mean bucket speed of 10 meters per second with a jet of water flowing at the rate 700
litres/s under a head of 30 meters. The buckets deflect jet through an angle of 160°. Calculate the power given by
water to the runner and the hydraulic efficiency of the turbine. Assume co-efficient of velocity as 0.98.

Given: V1 = CV = 23.77 m/s

u = u1 = u2 = 10 m/s From inlet velocity triangle

Q = 700 litres/s = 0.7 m3/s Vr1 = V1 – u1 = 13.77 m/s

H = 30 m Vw1 = V1 = 23.77 m/s

=180° – 160° = 20° From outlet velocity triangle

CV = 0.98 Vr2 = Vr1 = 13.77 m/s

To find: =
Runner power =?
Vw2 = 2.94 m/s
h =?
a. Runner Power

Runner power =
PT Q = aV1 = 0.7 m3/s

R.P = 186.97 kW
b. Hydraulic Efficiency

h =

h = 94.54 %

2. A Pelton wheel is to be designed for the following specification: shaft power = 11,772; Head = 380 meters; Speed =
750 R.p.m; Overall efficiency = 86 %; Jet diameter is not to exceed one-sixth of the wheel diameter. Determine: (i)
the wheel diameter, (ii) the number of jets required, and (iii) diameter of the jet. Take Cv1 = 0.985 and Cu1 = 0.45.

Given: To find:

S.P = 11,772 kW Wheel Diameter (D) =?

H = 380 m Jet Diameter (d) =?

No of Jets =?
N =750 r.p.m
o = 0.86

d = 1/6 D

CV = 0.985

Cu = 0.45
c. No of jets
q = Area of jet x velocity of jet = 1.818 m3/s
V1 = CV = 85.05 m/s
u = u1 =u2 = Cu = 38.85 m/s o = 0.86 =

a. The wheel Diameter W.P = 13688 kW

u = u 1 = u2 = Water power = , where,

W = g = 1000 x 9.81
D = 0.989 m
Q = 3.672 m3/s
b. Jet Diameter
d = 1/6 D No of jet = = 2 jets
d= 0.165 m
3. The penstocks supply water from a reservoir to the pelton wheel with a gross head of 500m. One third of the
gross head is lost in friction in the penstock. The rate of flow of water through the nozzle fitted at the end of the
penstock is 2.0m3/s. The angle of deflection of the jet is 165°. Determine the power given by the water to the
runner and also hydraulic efficiency of the pelton wheel. Take speed ratio = 0.45 and C V = 1.0.


Hg = 500 m
PT V1 = CV = 80.86 m/s

hf = = 166.7 m u = u1 =u2 = Cu = 36.387 m/s


Net head H = Hg – hf = 333.30 m From inlet velocity triangle

Q = 2.0 m3/s Vr1 = V1 – u1 = 44.473 m/s


Vw1 = V1 = 80.86 m/s

=180° – 165° = 15°

From outlet velocity triangle

Speed ration Cu =0.45
Vr2 = Vr1 = 44.473 m/s
Co-efficient of velocity CV = 1.0

To find: =

Runner power =? Vw2 = 6.57 m/s

h =? a. Runner Power
Runner power =

Q = aV1 = 2.0 m3/s

R.P = 6362.63 kW

b. Hydraulic Efficiency

h =

h = 97.31 %
4. A Pelton wheel is having a mean bucket diameter of 1 m and is running at 1000 r.p.m. The net head on the Pelton
wheel is 700 m. If the side clearance angle is 15° and discharge through nozzle is 0.1m3/s, find: (i) power
available at the nozzle, and (ii) Hydraulic efficiency of the turbine.
Given: V1 = CV = 117.19 m/s

D = 1.0 m
u = u 1 = u2 = = 52.36 m/s
N = 1000 r.p.m
From inlet velocity triangle
H = 700 m
Vr1 = V1 – u1 = 64.83 m/s
= 15°
Vw1 = V1 = 117.19 m/s
Q = 0.1 m3/s
From outlet velocity triangle
CV = 1 ------ (not given)
Vr2 = Vr1 = 64.83 m/s
To find:

Power available at nozzle =? =

h =? Vw2 = 10.26 m/s

PT a. Power available at nozzle

Water power = , where,

W = g = 1000 x 9.81

W.P = 686.7 kW

b. Hydraulic Efficiency

h =

h = 98.18 %

5. A Pelton wheel is working under a gross head of 400 m. The water is supplied through penstock of diameter 1 m
and length 4 km from reservoir to the Pelton wheel. The co-efficient of friction for the penstock is given as 0.008.
The jet of water of diameter 150mm strikes the buckets of the wheel and gets deflected through an angle of 165°.
The relative velocity of the water at outlet is reduced by 15% due to friction between inside surface of the bucket
and water. If the velocity of the buckets is 0.45 times the jet velocity at inlet and mechanical efficiency as 85 %
determine: (i) power given to the runner, (ii) shaft power (iii) hydraulic efficiency and overall efficiency.
Hg = 400 m To find:
D = 1.0 m
L = 4000 m Runner power =?
f = 0.008
d = 0.15 m Shaft power =?
=180° – 165° = 15°
h =?
Vr2 = 0.85 Vr1
u = 0.45 x jet velocity
m= 0.85
Solution: Vr1 = V1 – u1 = 47.21 m/s

Vw1 = V1 = 85.83 m/s

From outlet velocity triangle

Vr2 = 0.85Vr1 = 40.13 m/s

Vw2 = 0.143 m/s

a = x d2 = 0.01767 m2
Let, V = velocity of penstock
V1 = Velocity of jet of water a. Runner Power
Using continuity equation

Area of penstock x V* = Area of jet x V1 Runner power =

x D2 x V* = x d2 x V1 R.P = 5033.54 kW
V* = 0.0225V1 -------- (1)
b. Shaft Power

Gross head Hg =hf + H
PT m

400 = + -------- (2)

Shaft power = 4278.5 kW
Sub (1) in (2), we get c. Hydraulic Efficiency
V1 = 85.83 m/s
h =
u = 0.45 x jet velocity = 38.62 m/s
= 90.14 %

From inlet velocity triangle


6. A Pelton wheel nozzle, for which CV = 0.97, is 400m below the water surface of a lake. The jet diameter is 80
mm, the pipe diameter is 0.6 m, its length is 4 km and f = 0.032 in the formula hf = fLV2/ 2g x d. The buckets,
deflects the jet through 165° and they run at 0.48 times the jet speed, bucket friction reducing the relative velocity
at outlet by 15% of relative velocity at inlet. Mechanical efficiency = 90%. Find the flow rate and the shaft power
developed by the turbine.
Given: Solution:
CV = 0.97
Hg = 400 m
d = 0.08 m
D = 0.6 m
L = 4000 m
f = 0.032
=180° – 165° = 15°
u = 0.48 x jet speed
Vr2 = 0.85Vr1
m = 0.90
To find:
Flow rate (Q) =? Let, V* = velocity of penstock
V1 = Velocity of jet of water
Shaft power =?
Using continuity equation From outlet velocity triangle
Area of penstock x V* = Area of jet x V1 Vr2 = 0.85Vr1 = 36.898 m/s

x D2 x V* = x d2 x V1 =

V* = 0.0177V1 -------- (1) Vw2 = - 4.42 m/s

Gross Head (Hg) = hf + H + head lost in nozzle
a = x d2 = 0.0050265 m2

400 = + + ( – 1) --------- (2) a. Flow rate

Sub (1) in (2), we get Q =a V1 = 0.419 m3/s

V1 = 83.47 m/s b. Shaft Power:

u = 0.48 x jet velocity = 40.06 m/s

From inlet velocity triangle

Vr1 = V1 – u1 = 43.41 m/s Runner power =

Vw1 = V1 = 83.47 m/s R.P = 1326.865 kW
S.P = 1326.865 x 0.90 = 1194.18 kW
7. A 137 mm diameter jet of water issuing from a nozzle impinges on the buckets. The head available at the nozzle is
400m. Assuming CV = 0.97, speed ratio as 0.46, and reduction in relative velocity while passing through buckets as
15%, find: (i) the force exerted by the jet on buckets in tangential direction, (ii) the power developed.
d = 0.137 m
=180° – 165° = 15° From inlet velocity triangle

H = 400 m
Vr1 = V1 – u1 = 45.18 m/s
CV = 0.97

Cu = 0.46 Vw1 = V1 = 85.93 m/s

Vr2 = 0.85 Vr1
To find: From outlet velocity triangle
Force Exerted =?
Vr2 = 0.85Vr1 = 38.40 m/s
Runner power =?
Vw2 = -3.658 m/s

a. Force exerted

FX =
= 104206 N
b. Runner Power

Runner power =

V1 = CV = 85.93 m/s R.P = 4246.4 kW

u = u1 =u2 = Cu = 40.75 m/s
8. Two jets strike the buckets of a Pelton wheel, which is having shaft power at 15450 kW. The diameter of each jet is
given as 200 mm. If the net head on the turbine is 400 m. find the overall efficiency of the turbine. Take CV = 1.0.

Given: Solution:

No of jets = 2 V1 = CV = 88.58 m/s

S.P = 15450 kW Discharge of each jet (q) = a x V1 = 2.78 m3/s

d = 0.20 m Total Discharge (Q) = 2 x q = 5.56 m3/s

H = 400 m
Water power = , where,
CV = 1.0
W = g = 1000 x 9.81
To Find: W.P = 21817.44 kW
Overall efficiency = o =? o = 70.8 %

9. The water available for a Pelton wheel is 4 cumec and the total head from the reservoir to the nozzle is 250m. The
turbine has two runners with two jets per runner. All the four jets have the same diameters. The pipe line is 3000 m
long. The efficiency of power transmission through the pipe line and the nozzle is 91% and efficiency of each runner

is 90%. The velocity co-efficient of each nozzle is 0.975 and co-efficient of friction ‘4f’ for the pipe is 0.0045.
Determine: (i) The power developed by the turbine (ii) The diameter of the jet, and (iii) The diameter of the pipe line.

PT Kinetic energy =
Q = a V1 = 4 cumec = 4 m3/s
= 8486.44 x 103 Nm
Hg = 250 m
W.D by the jet = 0.90 x K.E = 7637.8 x 103 Nm
No of jets = 2 x 2 = 4
Power developed = W.D/ 1000 = 7637 kW
L =3000 m

b. Diameter of the jet

Efficiency of pipeline or nozzle = 0.91 No of jets = Q/q
q = 1.0 m3/s

Efficiency of runner or h = 0.90

CV= 0.975 q= x d2 x V1
4f = 0.0045 d = 0.14 m
c. Diameter of pipe line
To Find:

Power developed =? Q = A x V*
4 = x D2 x V*
D =?
V* =5.09/D2 ------- (1)
d =?

Solution: hf =
Efficiency of nozzle = (Hg – hf)/ Hg
22.5 =
hf = 22.5 m
22.5 =
Net Head H = Hg – hf = 227.5 m
D5 = 0.7933
V1 = CV = 65.14 m/s D = (0.7933)1/5 = 0.995 m

a. Power developed

Hydraulic Efficiency =
10. The following data is related to Pelton wheel: Head at the base of the nozzle = 80 m; Diameter of the jet = 100
mm; Discharge of the nozzle – 0.30 m3/s; Power at the shaft = 206 kW; Power absorbed in mechanical resistance =
4.5 kW; Determine (i) Power lost in nozzle and (ii) Power lost due to hydraulic resistance in the runner.

Given: Q =a V1
H = 80 m V1 = 38.197 m/s
d = 0.1 m Power at the nozzle
Q = 0.30 m3/s
Water power = , where,
S.P = 206 kW
Power absorbed in mechanical resistance = 5.5 kW W = g = 1000 x 9.81

To Find: W.P = 235.44 kW

Power lost in nozzle =? Power at the jet = K.E/ 1000

Power lost due to hydraulic resistance =? Kinetic energy =

Solution: Power at the jet = 218.85 kW
a. Power lost in nozzle
Power at the Nozzle = Power at the jet + Power lost in nozzle
Power lost in nozzle = 16.59 kW

b. Power lost due to hydraulic resistance: PT
Power at the jet = Power at the shaft + Power absorbed in mechanical resistance + Power lost
in hydraulic resistance
Power lost in hydraulic resistance = 8.35 kW
Design of Pelton Wheel:

Design of Pelton wheel means the following data is to be determined


 Diameter of the jet(d)

 Diameter of the wheel(D)

 Width of the buckets which is = 5 x d

 Depth of the buckets which is = 1.2 x d
 Number of buckets on the wheel
Size of the buckets means the width and the depth of the buckets

11. A Pelton wheel is to be designed for a head of 60m when running at 200 r.p.m. The Pelton wheel develops 95.6475
kW shaft Power. The velocity of the buckets = 0.45 times the velocity of the jet, overall efficiency = 0.85 and co-
efficient of the velocity is equal to 0.98.

Given To Find

H =60 m Diameter of the jet (d) =?

Diameter of the wheel (D) =?
N = 200 r.p.m Width of the buckets which is =?
Depth of the buckets which is =?
S.P = 95.6475 kW Number of buckets on the wheel =?
u = 0.45 x jet velocity Solution:
a. Diameter of jet (d) :
o = 0.85
o = 0.85
CV = 0.98
W.P = 81.3 kW
b. Diameter of wheel:
Water power = , where,
u1 = 0.45 x V1 = 15.13 m/s
u = u 1 = u2 =
W = g = 1000 x 9.81
D = 1.44 m
Q = 0.1912 m3/s
c. Width of the buckets:
V1 = CV = 33.62 m/s Width of the buckets which is = 5 x d = 0.425 m
d. Depth of the buckets:
Q = A V1
Q = x d2 x V1 Depth of the buckets which is = 1.2 x d = 0.102 m

d = 0.085 m e. No of buckets:

(Z) = 15 + = 24

12. The three Pelton turbine is required to generate 10,000 kW under a net head of 400 m. the blade angle at outlet is
15° and the reduction in the relative velocity while passing over the blade is 5%, If the overall efficiency of the
wheel is 80 %, Cv = 0.98 and speed ratio = 0.46, then find: (i) the diameter of the jet, (ii) total flow in m3/s and (iii)
the force exerted by a jet on the buckets. If the jet ratio is not less than 10, find the speed of the wheel for a
frequency of 50 hertz/sec and the corresponding wheel diameter.

Given: c. Force exerted by a jet on the wheel
No of jets = 3 u1 = Cu = 40.75 m/s
S.P = 10000 kW
PT From inlet velocity triangle
H = 400 m
= 15° Vr1 = V1 – u1 = 46.25 m/s
Vr2 = 0.95 Vr1
o = 0.80 Vw1 = V1 = 87 m/s
CV = 0.98
From outlet velocity triangle
Cu = 0.46

f = 50 hertz/sec Vr2 = 0.95Vr1 = 44 m/s

= 10

To Find: =
d =?
Q =? Vw2 = 1.75 m/s
FX =?
N =? FX =
D =? = 94.075 KN
Solution: d. Wheel diameter and speed
a. Discharge: = 10
o = 0.80 D = 1.25 m
W.P = 8000 kW u = u 1 = u2 =
N = 620 r.p.m
Water power = , where, Now using the relation
N = (60 x f) / p
W = g = 1000 x 9.81 p = 4.85
Q = 3.18 m3/s Take the next whole no, p = 5
b. Diameter of jet: N = (60 x f) / p
V1 = CV = 87 m/s N = 600 r.p.m
Q = A V1
u = u 1 = u2 =
Q = x d2 x V1
D = 1.3 m
d = 0.125 m



Centrifugal pumps are classified as rotodynamic type of pumps in which dynamic pressure is developed
which enables the lifting of liquids from a lower to a higher level. The basic principle on which a centrifugal works
is that when a certain mass of liquid is made to rotate by an external force, it is thrown away from the central axis
of rotation and a centrifugal head is impressed which enable it to rise to a higher level. Now, if more liquid is
constantly made available at the centre of rotation, a continuous supply of liquid at a higher level may be ensured.
Since in these pumps the lifting of the liquid is due to centrifugal action, these pumps are called 'centrifugal pumps'

Advantages of centrifugal pumps over reciprocating pumps

The main advantage of a centrifugal pump is that its discharging capacity is very much greater than a
reciprocating pump which can handle relatively small quantity of liquid only. A centrifugal pump can be operated
at very high speeds without any danger of separation and cavitation. The maintenance cost of a centrifugal pump is
low and only periodical check up is sufficient. But for a reciprocating pump the maintenance cost is high because
the parts such as valves etc., may need frequent replacement.

Centrifugal pump

The centrifugal pump acts as a reversed of an inward radial flow reaction turbine. This means that the flow
in centrifugal pumps is in the radial outward directions. The centrifugal pump works on the principle of forced
vortex flow which means that when a certain mass of liquid is rotated by an external torque, the rise is pressure
head of the rotation liquid takes place. The rise in pressure head at any point of the rotating liquid is proportional to
the square of tangential velocity of the liquid at that point
(i.e., rise in pressure head = v2/2g or 2r2 / 2g)

This at the outlet of the impeller where radius is more, the rise in pressure head will be more and the liquid

will be discharged at the outlet with a high pressure head. Due to this high pressure head, the liquid can be lifted to

a high level.

Classification of Centrifugal Pumps

a) Single stage
b) Multi stage
Component Parts of a Centrifugal Pump

The main component parts of a centrifugal pump are:

 impeller
 casing
 suction pipe
 delivery pipe
1. Impeller

The rotating part of a centrifugal pump is called ‘impeller’. It consists of a series of backward curved
vanes. The impeller is mounted on a shaft which is connected to the shaft of an electric motor.

2. Casing

The casing of a centrifugal pump is similar to the casing of a reaction turbine. It is an air – tight passage
surrounding the impeller and is designed in such a way that the kinetic energy of the water discharged at the outlet
of the impeller is converted into pressure energy before the water leaves the casing and enters the delivery pipe.
The following three types of the casings are commonly adopted:
a) Volute casing
b) Vortex casing
c) Casing with guide blades.

a) Volute casing

Shows the volute casing which surrounds the impeller. It is of spiral type in which area of flow increases
gradually. The increase in area of flow decreases the velocity of flow. The decrease in velocity increases the

pressure of the water flowing through the casing. It has been observed that in case of volute casing, the efficiency
of the pump increases slightly as a large amount of energy is lost due to the formation of eddies in this type of

b) Vortex casing
If a circular chamber is introduced between the casing and the impeller, the casing is known as Vortex
casing. By introducing the circular chamber, the loss of energy due to the formation of eddies is reduced to a

considerable extent. Thus the efficiency of the pump is more than the efficiency when only volute casing is
c) Casing with guide blades

This casing is in which the impeller is surrounded by a series of guide blades mounted on a ring which is
known as diffuser. The guide vanes are designed in which a way that the water from the impeller enters the guide
vanes without stock. Also the area of the guide vanes increases, thus reducing the velocity of flow through guide
vanes and consequently increasing the pressure of water. The water from the guide vanes then passes through the
surrounding casing which is in most of the cases concentric with the impeller.

3. Suction pipe with a foot – valve and a strainer

A pipe whose one end is connected to the inlet of the pump and other end dips into water in a sump is
known as suction pipe. A foot valve which is a non – return valve or one – way type of valve is fitted at the lower
end of the suction pipe. The foot valve opens only in the upward direction. A strainer is also fitted at the lower end
of the suction pipe.

4. Delivery pipe

A pipe whose one end is connected to the outlet of the pump and other end delivers the water at a required
height is known as delivery pipe.

Work done by the Impeller
The expression of the work done by the impeller of a centrifugal pump on the liquid flowing through it
may be derived in the same way as for a turbine. The liquid enters the impeller at its centre and leaves at its
periphery. Fig.6.2 shows a portion of the impeller of a centrifugal pump with one vane and the velocity triangles at
the inlet and outlet tips of the vane. V is absolute velocity of liquid, u is tangential velocity of the impeller, Vr is
relative velocity of liquid, Vf is velocity of flow of liquid, and Vw is velocity of whirl of the liquid at the entrance to
the impeller. Similarly V1, u1, Vr1, Vf1 and Vw1 represent their counterparts at the exit point of the impeller.

Velocity triangle of an impeller vane


Where W kg of liquid per second passes through the impeller since the liquid enters the

Performance of Pumps- Characteristic Curves

A pump is usually designed for one speed, flow rate and head in actual practice, the operation may be at
some other condition of head on flow rate, and for the changed conditions, the behaviour of the pump may be quite
different. Therefore, in order to predict the behaviour and performance of a pump under varying conditions, tests
are performed and the results of the tests are plotted. The curves thus obtained are known as the characteristic
curves of the pump. The following three types of characteristic curves are usually prepared for the centrifugal
(a) Main and operating characteristics.
(b) Constant efficiency or Muschel curves.
(c) Constant head and constant discharge curves.
During operation a pump is normally required to run at a constant speed, which is its designed speed, (same
as the speed of the driving motor). As such that particular set of main characteristics which corresponds to the
designed speed is mostly used in the operations of a pump and is, therefore, known as the operating characteristics.
A typical set of such characteristics of a pump is shown in Fig.

Main characteristics of centrifugal pump

Operating characteristics of centrifugal pump

Reciprocating Pump

The pump is the hydraulic machines which convert the mechanical energy into hydraulic energy, which is
mainly in the form of pressure energy. If the mechanical energy is converted into hydraulic energy, by means of
centrifugal force acting on the liquid, the pump is known as centrifugal pump. But if the mechanical energy is
converted into hydraulic energy (or pressure energy) by sucking the liquid into a cylinder in which a piston is
reciprocating (moving backwards and forwards), which exerts the thrust on the liquid and increases its hydraulic
energy (pressure energy), the pump is known as reciprocating pump.

Classification of Reciprocation Pumps

The reciprocating pumps may be classified as:

1. According to the water being in contact with one side or both sides of the piston

2. According to the number of cylinders provided.

If the water is in contact with one side of the piston, the pump is known as single – acting. On the other
hand, if the water is in contact with both sides of the piston, the pump is called double – acting. Hence,
classification according to the contact of water is:

i) Single- acting pump ii) Double – acting pump.

According to the number of cylinder provided, the pumps are classified as:

i) Single cylinder pump ii) Double cylinder pump

iii) Triple cylinder pump

Working Principle of a Reciprocating Pump

The following are the main parts of a reciprocating pump.

1. A cylinder with a piston, piston rod, connecting rod and a crank
2. Suction pipe
3. Delivery pipe

4. Suction valve
5. Delivery valve
Shows a single action reciprocation pump, which consists of a piston which moves forwards and backwards

in a close fitting cylinder. The movement of the piston is connecting the piston road to crank by means of a
connecting rod. The crank is rotated by means of an electric motor. Suction and delivery pipes with suction valve
and delivery valve are connected to the cylinder. The suction and delivery valves are one way valves or non –
return valves, which allow the water to flow in one direction only. Suction valve allows water from suction pipe to
the cylinder which delivery valve allows water from cylinder to delivery pipe only.

When crank starts rotating, the piston moves top and pro in the cylinder. When crank is at A, the piston is
at the extreme left position in the cylinder. As the crank is rotating from A to C, (i.e., from θ = 0 to θ = 180 degree),
the piston is moving towards right in the cylinder. The movement of the piston towards right creates a partial
vacuum in the cylinder. But on the surface of the liquid in the sump atmospheric pressure is acting, which is more
than the pressure inside the cylinder. Thus the liquid if forced in the suction pipe from the sump. This liquid opens
the suction valve and enters the cylinder.

When crank is rotating from C to A (i.e., from θ = 180 degree to θ = 360 degree), the piston from its extreme
right position starts moving towards left in the cylinder. The movement of the piston towards left increases the
pressure of the liquid inside the cylinder more than atmospheric pressure. Hence suction valve closes and delivery
valve closes and delivery valve opens. The liquid is forced into the delivery pipe and is raised to a required height.
Air vessels

An air vessel is a closed chamber containing compressed air in the top portion and liquid (or water) at the
bottom of the chamber. At the base of the chamber there is an opening through which the liquid (or water) may
flow into the vessel or out from the vessel. When the liquid enters the air vessel, the air gets compressed further and
when the liquid flows out the vessel, the air will expand in the chamber.

An air vessel is fitted to the suction pipe and to the delivery pipe at a point close to the cylinder of a single –
acting reciprocating pump:

i) To obtain a continuous supply of liquid at a uniform rate

ii) To save a considerable amount of work in overcoming the frictional
Resistance in the suction and delivery pipes

iii) To run the pump at a high speed without separation.


The single acting reciprocating to which air vessels are fitted to the suction and delivery pipes. The air
vessels act like an intermediate reservoir. During the first half of the suction stroke, the piston moves with

acceleration, which means the velocity of water in the suction pipe is more than the mean velocity and hence the
discharge of water entering the cylinder will be more than the mean discharge. This excess quantity of water will be
supplied from the air vessel to the cylinder in such a way that the velocity in the suction pipe below the air vessel is
equal to mean velocity of flow. During the second half of the suction pipe is less than the mean velocity of flow.
Thus the discharge entering the cylinder will be less than the mean discharge. The velocity of water in the suction
pipe due to air vessel is equal to mean velocity of flow and discharge required in cylinder is less than the mean
discharge. Thus the excess water flowing in suction pipe will be stored in to air vessel, which will be supplied
during the first half of the next suction stroke.

When the air vessel if fitted to the delivery pipe, during the first half of delivery stroke the piston moves
with acceleration and forces the water into the delivery pipe with a velocity more than the mean velocity. The
quantity of water in excess of the mean discharge will flow into the air vessel. This will compress the air inside the
vessel. During the second half of the delivery stroke, the piston moves with retardation and the velocity of water in
the delivery pipe will be less than the mean velocity. The water already stored into the air vessel will start flowing
into the delivery pipe and the velocity of flow in the delivery pipe beyond the point to which air vessel is fitted will
become equal to the mean velocity. Hence the rate of flow of water in the delivery pipe will be uniform.
Ideal and Actual Indicator Diagram
The indicator diagram for a reciprocating pump is defined as the graph between the pressure head in the
cylinder and the distance traveled by piston from inner dead centre for one complete revolution of the crank. As the
maximum distance traveled by the piston is equal to the stroke length and hence the indicator diagram is a graph
between pressure head and stroke length of the piston for one complete revolution. The pressure head is taken as
ordinate and stroke length as abscissa.

Ideal indicator diagram

The graph between pressure head in the cylinder and stroke length of the piston for one complete
revolution of the crank under ideal conditions is known as ideal indicator diagram. Shows the ideal indicator
diagram, in which line EF represents the atmospheric pressure head equal to 10.3 of water.

Let Hatm = Atmospheric pressure head = 10.3 m of water

L = Length of the stroke

hs = Suction head, and

hd = Delivery head.


During suction stroke, the pressure head in the cylinder is constant and equal to suction (h s), which is below
the atmospheric pressure head (Hatm) by a height of hs.

The pressure head during suction stroke is represented by a horizontal line AB which is below the line EF by a
height of ‘hs’.

During delivery stroke, the pressure head in the cylinder is constant and equal to delivery head (h d), which
is above the atmospheric head by a height of (hd). Thus, the pressure head during delivery stroke is represented by a
horizontal line CD which is above the line EF by a height of h d. thus, for one complete revolution of the crank, the
pressure head in the cylinder is represented by the diagram A – B – C – D.

Now, we know that the done by the pump per second

= p × g × ALN / 60 × (hs + hd)

= K × L (hs + hd)

[where K = pgAN / 60 = Constant]

=∞ L × (hs + hd) … (i)

But from figure, area of indicator diagram

= AB × BC = AB × (BF + FC) = L × (hs + hd)

Substituting this value in equation (i), we get

Work done by pump ∞ Area of indicator diagram

Effect of acceleration in suction and delivery pipes on indicator diagram

The pressure head due to acceleration in the suction pipe is given by

has = 1s / g × A / as ω2rcosθ

When θ = 0˚. Cosθ = 1, and has = 1s / g × A / as ω2r

When θ = 90˚, cosθ = 0, and has = 0

When θ = 180˚, cosθ = -1 and has = - 1s / g × A / as ω2r
Thus, the pressure head inside the cylinder during suction stroke will not be equal to ‘hs’ as was the case
for ideal indicator diagram, but it will be equal to the sum of ‘hs’ and ‘has’. As the beginning of suction stroke θ =
0˚, ‘has’ is + ve and hence the pressure head in the cylinder will be (hs + hd) below the atmospheric pressure head.
At the middle of suction stroke θ = 90˚ and has = 0 and hence pressure head in the cylinder will be hs below the
atmospheric pressure head. All the end of suction stroke, θ = 180˚ and h as is –ve and hence the pressure head in the
cylinder will be (hs - hd) below the atmospheric pressure head. For suction stroke, the indicator diagram will be

shown by A ‘GB’. Also the area of A’ AG = Area of BGB’.


Similarly, the indicator diagram for the delivery stroke can be drawn. At the beginning of delivery stroke,
had is + ve and hence the pressure head in the cylinder will be (hd + had) above the atmospheric pressure head. At the
middle of the delivery stroke, had = 0 and hence pressure head in the cylinder is equal hd above the atmospheric
pressure head. At the end of the delivery stroke, hd is –ve and hence pressure in the cylinder will be (hd + had) above
the atmospheric pressure head. And thus the indicator diagram for delivery stroke is represented by the line C’HD’.
Also the are of CC’H = Area of DD’H.

From figure, it is now clear that due to acceleration is suction and delivery pipe, the indicator diagram has changed
from ABCD to A’B’C’D’. But the area of indicator diagram ABCD = Area A’B’C’D’. Now from equation (s.22),
work done, by pump is proportional to the area of indicator diagram. Hence the work had done by the pump on the
water remains same.
1. The internal and external diameters of the centrifugal pump are 200mm and 400mm respectively. The pump is
running at 1200 r.p.m. The vane angles of the impeller at inlet and outlet are 20° and 30° respectively. The water
enters the impeller radially and velocity of flow is constant. Determine the work done by the impeller per unit
weight of water.
u2 = = 25.13 m/s
D1 = 0.2 m
D2 = 0.4 m
From Inlet Velocity triangle
N = 1200 r.p.m
= 20°
= 30°
Vf1 = Vf2 Vf1 = 4.57 m/s
To Find:
W.D per unit weight =? From outlet Velocity triangle
Vf1 = Vf2 = 4.57 m/s


Vw2 = 17.215 m/s
Work done per unit weight:

W.D =
W.D = 44.1 Nm/N
u1 = = 12.56 m/s

2. A centrifugal pump is to be discharge 0.118m3/s at a speed of 1450 r.p.m. against a head of 25 m. The impeller
diameter is 250mm, its width at outlet is 50mm and manometric efficiency is 75 %. Determine the vane angle at
outer periphery of the impeller.

Given: Q = D2B2Vf2
Q = 0.118 m3/s
N = 1450 r.p.m Vf2 = 3.0 m/s
Hm = 25 m
D2 = 0.25 m
B2 = 0.05 m
man = 0.75

To find:



u2 = = 18.98 m/s

man = =

Vw2 = 17.23 m/s
= 59° 44’
3. A centrifugal pump delivers water against a net head of 14.5 m and a design speed of 1000 r.p.m. The vanes are
curved back to an angle of 30° with the periphery. The impeller diameter is 300 mm and outlet width is 50mm.
determine the discharge of the pump if manometric efficiency is 95 %.
Hm = 14.5 m
N = 1000 r.p.m
= 30°
D2 = 0.3 m
B2 = 0.05 m
man = 0.95
To Find:
Q =?

u2 = = 15.70 m/s =

man = Vf2 = 3.556 m/s

Q = D2B2Vf2
Vw2 = 9.54 m/s

Q = 0.1675 m3/s
4. A centrifugal pump having outer diameter equal to two times the inner diameter and running at 1000 r.p.m works
against a total head of 40m. The velocity of flow through the impeller is constant and equal to 2.5 m/s. the vanes are
set back at an angle of 40° at outlet. If the outer diameter of the impeller is 500mm and width at outlet is 50mm,
determine: (i) vane angle at inlet (ii) work done by the impeller on water per second and (iii) manometric efficiency.
u2 = = 26.18 m/s
D2 = 2 x D1
N = 1000 r.p.m
Q = D2B2Vf2 = 0.1963 m3/s

Hm = 40 m
Vf1 = Vf2 = 2.5 m/s From Inlet Velocity triangle

= 40°
D2 = 0.5 m =
B2 = 0.05 m
To Find: = 10° 48’
W.D per second =? From outlet Velocity triangle
man =?
Solution: Vf1 = Vf2 = 2.5 m/s


Vw2 = 23.2 m/s

Work done per second:

W.D per second = Q Vw2 u2 = 119227.9 Nm/s

Manometric efficiency:

D1 = 0.25 m man = = 64.4 %

u1 = = 13.09 m/s
5. A centrifugal pump discharge 0.15m3/s of water against a head of 12.5 m, the speed of the impeller being 600
r.p.m. The outer and inner diameters of impeller are 500 mm and 250 mm respectively and the vanes are bent back
at 35 ° the tangent at exit. If the area of flow remains 0.07 m2 from inlet to outlet, calculate: (i) Manometric
efficiency of the pump (ii) vane angle at inlet (iii) loss of head at inlet to impeller when the discharge is reduced by
40% without changing the speed.
Given: From outlet Velocity triangle
Q = 0.15 m /s
Hm = 12.5 m =
N = 600 r.p.m –
D2 = 0.5 m Vw2 = 12.64 m/s
D1 = 0.25 m
= 35° a. Manometric efficiency:
A1 = A2 = 0.07 m2
To find: man = = 61.8%
man =?
=? b. Vane angle at inlet:
Loss of head at inlet when discharge is reduced From Inlet Velocity triangle
by 40% =?
Q = A1Vf1 = 15°12’

Vf1 = Vf2 = 2.14 m/s c. Loss of head at inlet when discharge is reduced by
PT 40%
u1 = = 7.85 m/s
Discharge is reduced by 40%. Hence the new
u2 = = 15.70 m/s discharge is given by

Q* = 0.6 Q = 0.09 m3/s

Q* = A x Vf1*

Vf1* = 1.284 m/s



‘u1* = 4.808 m/s

Head loss at inlet = = 0.5 m

6. The outer diameter of an impeller of the centrifugal pump is 400 mm and outlet widths is 50mm. the pump is
running at 800 r.p.m. and working against a total head of 15m. The vanes angle at outlet is 40° and manometric
efficiency is 75 %. Determine: (i) velocity of flow at outlet (ii) velocity of water leaving the vane (iii) angle made
by the absolute velocity at outlet with the direction of motion at outlet (iv) Discharge

Given: man = 0.75

D2 = 0.4 m To Find:

B2 = 0.05m Vf2 =?

N = 800 r.p.m V2 =?

Hm =15 m =?

= 40° Q =?
Solution: From outlet Velocity triangle

u2 = = 16.75 m/s =

= Vf2 = 4.23 m/s


Vw2 = 11.71 m/s
= 19° 48’

V2 = 12.45 m/s

Q = D2B2Vf2 = 0.265 m3/s

7. A centrifugal pump is running at 1000 r.p.m. The outlet vane angle of the impeller is 45 ° and velocity of flow at
outlet is 2.5 m/s. The discharge through the pump is 200liters/s where the pump working against a total head of
20 m. if the manometric efficiency of the pump is 80%. Determine (i) the diameter of the impeller and (ii) the
width of the impeller at outlet.
man =
N =1000 r.p.m

= 45° Vw2 x u2 = 245.25 -------- (1)


Vf2 = 2.5 m/s =


Q = 200 liters/s = 0.2 m /s

u2 – Vw2 = 2.5 -------- (2)
Hm = 20 m
Substitute equation (1) in (2)
man = 0.80
u2 = 16.96 or – 14.46 ------- (Negative value
To find: not possible)

D2 =? u2 =
B2 =?
D2 = 0.324 m
Q = D2B2Vf2

B2 = 0.0786 m
8. A centrifugal pump has a following dimension: inlet radius = 80mm; outlet radius = 160mm; width of the
impeller at inlet = 50 mm; ß1= 0.45 radians; ß2= 0.25 radians; width of the impeller at outlet = 50 mm. assuming
shock less entry determine the discharge and the head developed by the pump when the impeller rotates at
Given: u1 = x R1 = 7.2 m/s
R1 = 0.08 m
R2 = 0.16 m u2 = x R2 = 14.4 m/s
B1 = 0.05 m
From Inlet Velocity triangle
B2 = 0.05 m
1= = 0.45 radians = 0.45 x = 25.78°
Vf1 = 3.478 m/s
2= = 0.25 radians = 0.25 x = 14.32° a. Discharge:
= 90 rad/s
Q = D1B1Vf1 = 0.0874 m3/s
To find:
b. Head Developed:
Discharge (Q) =? Q = D2B2Vf2
Head (Hm) =? Vf2 = 1.7387 m/s

Solution: =

PT Vw2 = 7.951 m/s

Hm =
Hm = 11.142 m

9. The internal and external diameter of the centrifugal pump which is running at 1000 r.p.m. is 200mm and 400mm
respectively. The discharge through the pump is 0.04m3/s and velocity of flow is constant and equal to 2.0m/s. the
diameter of the suction and delivery pipes are 150mm and 100mm respectively and suction and delivery heads are

6 m and 30m of water respectively. If the outlet vane angle is 45° and the power required to drive the pump is
16.186 kW, determine: (i) the vane angle of the impeller at inlet (ii) the overall efficiency of the pump (iii)
manometric efficiency of the pump.
N = 1000 r.p.m
D1 = 0.2 m
D2 = 0.4 m
Q = 0.04 m3/s
Vf1 = Vf2 = 2.0 m/s
DS = 0.15 m
Dd = 0.10 m
hS = 6 m
hd = 30 m
= 45°
P = 16.186 kW
u1 = = 10.47 m/s
To Find:
o =? u2 = = 20.94 m/s
man =?
Solution: a. From Inlet Velocity triangle
Hm = 25.06 m
Water power = , where,
= 10° 48’

b. Overall efficiency W = g = 1000 x 9.81

W.P = 9.833 kW
Q = ASVS = AdVd
o= = 60.74 %
AS = DS2 = 0.01767 m2
c. Manometric efficiency:
Ad = Dd2 = 0.007853 m 2


VS = 2.26 m/s
Vw2 = 18.94 m/s
Vd = 5.09 m/s

Hm = hS + hd + - = = 61.98 %

10. Find the power required to drive a centrifugal pump which delivers 0.04m3/s of water to a height of 20m through a

15 cm diameter pipe and 100m long. The overall efficiency of the pump is 70% and co-efficient of friction ‘f’ = 0.15
in the formula hf = . PT
Given: hf = hfs + hfd = .
Q = 0.04 m /s
= 10.41 m
HS = hs +hd = 20 m
D = DS = Dd = o.15 m Hm = hS + hd + hfs + hfd +

L = LS + Ld = 100 m = 30.67 m
o= 0.70

Water power = , where,

f = 0.15

To Find: W = g = 1000 x 9.81

Shaft Power =?
Solution: W.P = 12.03 kW
Q = ASVS = AdVd
VS = Vd = 2.26 m/s
S.P = 17.19 kW

11. Find the rise in pressure in the impeller of a centrifugal pump through which water is flowing at a rate of 0.01m 3/s.
the internal and external diameters of the impeller ate 15cm and 30cm respectively. The widths of the impeller at
inlet and outlet are 1.2cm and 0.6cm. The pump is running at 1500 r.p.m. the water enters the impeller radially at
inlet and impeller vane angle at outlet is 45°. Neglect losses through the impeller.
Given: = 45°
Q = 0.01 m3/s
To Find:
D1 = 0.15 m
D2 = 0.30 m Pressure Raise =?
B1 = 0.012m
Solution: Q = D1B1Vf1
B2 = 0.006 m
N = 1500 r.p.m Vf1 = 1.768 m/s
Q = D2B2Vf2
Pressure raise = [Vf12 + u22 - Vf22 cosec2 ]
Vf2 = 1.768 m/s
= 28.13 m
u2 = = 23.56 m/s
12. The diameters of an impeller of a centrifugal pump at inlet and outlet are 30cm and 60cm respectively. Determine
the minimum starting speed of the pump if its works against a head of 30m.

u1 = = 0.0157 N
D1 = 0.30 m
u2 = = 0.03141 N
D2 = 0.60 m

Hm = 30 m Equations for minimum speed

To Find: - = Hm
Minimum starting speed (N) =?
N = 891.8 r.p.m

13. The diameters of an impeller of a centrifugal pump at inlet and outlet are 30cm and 60cm respectively. The
velocity of flow at outlet is 2.0 m/s and the vanes are set back at an angle of 45° at outlet. Determine the
minimum starting speed of the pump if the manometric efficiency is 70 %.
D1 = 0.30 m –
D2 = 0.60 m
Vf2 = 2.0 m/s Vw2 = u2 – 2 = 0.03141 N – 2 ------ (1)
= 45°
man =

man = 0.70

Minimum Starting speed (N) =? Hm = 0.07135(0.03141 N – 2) 0.03141 N


Equations for minimum speed

u1 = = 0.0157 N - = Hm

u2 = = 0.03141 N N = 137.22 r.p.m

14. A centrifugal pump with 1.2 diameter runs at 200 r.p.m and pumps 1880 liters/s, the average lift being 6m.The
angle which the vane makes at exit with tangent to the impeller is 26° and the radial velocity of flow is 2.5 m/s.
determine the manometric efficiency and the least speed to start pumping against a head of 6m, the inner diameter
of the impeller being 0.6m.
Given: To Find:
D2 = 1.2 m Manometric efficiency =?
N =200 r.p.m
Q = 1880 liters/s = 1.88 m3/s Minimum Speed =?
Hm = 6 m
Vf2 = 2.5 m/s
= 26° a. Manometric efficiency:
D1 = 0.6 m
u2 = = 12.56 m/s
= u1 = = 0.03141 N

Vw2 = 7.43 m/s u2 = = 0.06283 N

man = - = Hm

= 63 % N = 200 r.p.m

b. Least speed to start the pump:

15. A three stage centrifugal pump has impeller 40cm in diameter and 2cm wide at outlet. The vanes are curved back at
outlet at 45° and reduce the circumferential area by 10 %. The manometric efficiency is 90 % and the overall
efficiency is 80 %. Determine the head generated by the pump when running at 1000 r.p.m. delivering 50 liters per
second. What should be the shaft horse power ?
n=3 –
D2 = 0.40 m
B2 = 0.02 m Vw2 = 18.73 m/s

= 45° a. Head generated by the pump:
Reduction in area at outlet = 10% = 0.1 PT
man = 0.90 man =

o = 0.80 Hm = 35.98 m
N = 1000 r.p.m Total head generated by the pump = n x Hm
Q = 0.05 m3/s = 3 x 35.98 = 107.94 m
To Find: b. Shaft Power:
Head generated by the pump =?
Water power = , where,
Shaft Power =?

Area of flow at outlet = 0.9 D2B2 = 0.02262 m2 W = g = 1000 x 9.81
Vf2 = Q/A2 = 2.21 m/s

W.P = 52.94 kW

u2 = = 20.94 m/s o=

S.P = 66.175 kW

16. A four stage centrifugal pump has four identical impellers, keep to the same shaft. The shaft running at 400 r.p.m.
and the total manometric head developed by the multistage pump is 40m. The discharge through the pump is
0.2m3/s. the vanes of each impeller having outlet angle as 45°. If the width and diameter of each impeller at outlet
is 5cm and 60cm respectively, find the manometric efficiency.
Given: Q = D2B2Vf2
n =4
N = 400 r.p.m Vf2 = 2.122 m/s
Total head = 40 m
For each stage Hm = 10 m =

Q = 0.2 m /s
= 45° Vw2 = 10.438 m/s
D2 = 0.60 m
B2 = 0.05 m man =
To Find:
u2 = = 12.56 m/s = 74.82 %
Fluid system

Hydraulic press

 The hydraulic press is a device used for lifting heavy weights by the application of a much smaller force.
 It is based on Pascal’s law, which states that the intensity of pressure in a static fluid is transmitted equally
in all direction


 It consists of two cylinders of different diameter.
 One of the cylinders is of large diameter and contains a ram.
 The other cylinder is of smaller diameter and contains a plunger.
 The two cylinders connected by pipe.
 The cylinder and pipe contain a liquid through which pressure is transmitted.


When a small force F is applied on the plunger in the downward direction,

 A pressure is produced on the liquid in contact with the plunger.

 This pressure is equally transmitted equally in all direction and acts on the ram in the upward direction.
 The heavier weight placed on the ram is then lifted up.
W = Weight to be lifted
F = force applied on the plunger
A =Area of ram
a = area of plunger
p = pressure intensity produced by force F

= =

Pressure intensity of ram (p) =

Equating the pressure intensity, =

W= xA
Hydraulic accumulator

 The hydraulic accumulator is device used for storing the energy of the liquid in the form of pressure
energy, which may be supplied for any sudden or intermittent requirement.
 In case of hydraulic lift or hydraulic crane, a large amount of energy is required when lift or crane is
moving upward.
 This energy is supplied from accumulator.

 It consists of fixed vertical cylinder containing a sliding ram.
 A heavy weight is placed on the ram.
 The inlet of the cylinder connected to the pump.
 The outlet of the cylinder is connected to the machine


 The ram is at the lowermost position in the beginning.

 The pump supplies water under pressure continuously.
 If the water under pressure is not required by the machine, the water under pressure will be stored in the
 This will raise the ram on which a heavy weight is placed.
 When the ram is at uppermost position, the cylinder is full of water and accumulator is stored the
maximum amount of pressure energy.
 When they require a large amount of energy, the hydraulic accumulator will supply this energy and ram
will move in downward direction.
Capacity of the accumulator
 It is defined as the maximum amount of hydraulic energy stored in the accumulator.
Weight = P x A
Capacity = P x A x L
Where, p = intensity pressure, A = area of the sliding ram, L = stroke or lift of the ram.
Volume = A x L
Hydraulic intensifier
 The device which is used to increase the intensity of pressure of water by means of hydraulic energy
available from large amount of water at a low pressure is called hydraulic intensifier.
 Such a device is needed when the hydraulic machines such as hydraulic press requires water at very high
pressure which cannot be obtained from the main supply directly.

 It consists of fixed ram through which the water, under a high pressure, flows to the machine.
 A hollow inverted sliding cylinder, containing water under high pressure, is mounted over the fixed ram.

 The inverted sliding cylinder is surrounded by another fixed inverted cylinder which contains water from

the main supply at a low pressure.

 A large quantity of water at low pressure from supply enters the inverted fixed cylinder.
 The weight of this water pressures the sliding cylinder in the downward direction.
 The water in the sliding cylinder gets compressed due to the downward movement of the sliding cylinder
and its pressure is thus increased.
 The high pressure water is forced out of the sliding cylinder through the fixed ram, to the machine.
p = intensity of pressure of water supply to the fixed cylinder
A = external area of the sliding cylinder
a = area of the end of the fixed ram
P* = intensity of pressure of water in the sliding cylinder

Force exerted by low pressure water = p x A

Force exerted by high pressure water = P * x a

Equating the force,

p x A = P* x a
Hydraulic Ram

 The hydraulic ram is a pump which raises water without any external power for its operation.
 When large quantity of water is available at small height, a small quantity of water is raised to a greater
height with the help of hydraulic ram.
 It works under the principle of hydraulic hammer.


 It consists of supply tank which large quantity of water is available at small height.
 A supply pipe connected in between the supply tank and the chamber
 Inlet valve is at the end of the supply pipe
 Delivery pipe is connected to the chamber having a small quantity of water at a greater height.

When the inlet valve fitted to the supply pipe is opened, water flows from supply tank to chamber, which has
two valves B and C.
 The valve B is called waste valve and valve C is called delivery valve. The valve C is fitted to the air vessel.
 As the water is coming into the chamber from supply tank, the level of water raises in the chamber and waste

valve B moving upward.

 A stage comes, when the waste valve B suddenly closes.

 This sudden closure of waste valve creates high pressure inside the chamber. This high pressure opens the
delivery valve C.
 The water from the chamber enters the air vessel and compresses the air inside the air vessel.
 This compressed air exerts force on the air vessel and small quantity of water is raised to greater height.
 When the water in the chamber loses its momentum, the waste valve B opens in downward direction and the
flow of water from supply tank starts flowing to the chamber and cycle will be repeated.
W = weight of water is flowing per second into the chamber
w = weight of water raised per second
h = height of water in the supply tank above the chamber
H = height of water raised from the chamber.
Energy supplied by the supply tank to ram = W x h
Energy delivered by the ram = w x H

D’ Aubuisson’s Efficiency = =

Rankine Efficiency = =
Where q = discharge of delivery pipe
Q = discharge through supply pipe
Hydraulic Lift
The hydraulic lift is a device used for carrying passenger or goods from one floor to another in multi-
storeyed building. The hydraulic lifts are two types, namely
a. Direct acting hydraulic lift
b. Suspended hydraulic lift

a. Direct acting hydraulic lift b. Suspended hydraulic lift

PT Construction:
 It consists of cage, which is suspended from a wire
 A jigger consisting of fixed cylinder, a sliding ram
and a set of two pulley blocks is provided at the

Construction: foot
 It consists of a ram, sliding in fixed cylinder.  One of the pulley blocks is movable and other is

 At the top of the sliding ram, cage is fitted. fixed.

Working:  Movable pulley is connected at the end of the
 The liquid under pressure flows into the fixed sliding ram.
cylinder. Working:
 This liquid exerts force on the sliding ram, which  When water under high pressure is admitted into
moves vertically up and thus raises the cage to the the fixed cylinder of the jigger, the sliding ram is
required height. forced to move towards left.
 The cage is moving down by removing the  Thus increase the distance between two pulley
liquid from the fixed cylinder blocks.
 The wire rope connected to the cage is pulled and
cage is lifted.
 When the water is taken away from the cylinder the
cage is down, due decrease the distance from the
two pulleys.
Hydraulic crane:
 Hydraulic crane is a device, used for raising or transferring heavy loads.
 It is widely used in workshop, ware house and dock sidings.

 It consists of mast, tie, jib, guide pulley and a jigger.
 The jib and tie are attached to the mast.
 The jigger which consists of a movable ram sliding in the fixed cylinder is used for lifting or lowering the

heavy loads.
 One end of the ram is contact with water and the other end is connected to a set of movable pulley block.

 Another pulley block is called the fixed pulley block is attached to the fixed cylinder, is not having any
 The wire rope, one end is connected to movable pulley, other is connected to hook through fixed pulley and
guide pulley.

 The water under high pressure is admitted into the cylinder of the jigger.
 This water forces the sliding ram to move vertically up.
 Due to the movement of the ram in the vertical up direction, the movable pulley block attached to the ram
also moves upward.
 This increases the distance between two pulley blocks and hence the wire passing over the guide pulley is
pulled by the jigger. This raises the load attached to the hook.
Fluid or Hydraulic coupling
 It is device used for transmitting power from driving shaft to driven shaft with the help of fluid.
 There is no mechanical connection between two shafts.

 It consists of radial pump impeller mounted on the driving shaft A and radial flow reaction turbine mounted

on the driven shaft B.
 Both the impeller and runner are in identical shape and they together form a casing which is completely
enclosed and filled with oil.
 In the beginning, both the shafts A and B are at rest. When the driving shaft A is rotated, the oil starts
moving from the inner radius to the outer radius of the pump impeller.
 The pressure energy and kinetic energy of the oil get increases at the outer radius of the pump impeller.


This oil of increased energy enters the runner of the reaction turbine at the outer radius of the turbine runner
and flows inwardly to the inner radius of the turbine runner.

 The oil, while flowing through the runner, transfers its energy to the blades of the runner and makes the
runner to rotate.
 The oil, from the runner flows back to the pump impeller, thus having a continuous circulation.

Efficiency of the fluid coupling =

Power at any shaft =

Let NA = speed of shaft A,

NB = speed of shaft B,
TA = Torque at shaft A,
TB = Torque at shaft B.
Efficiency = (NB x TB) / (NA x TA)
TA = TB (torque transmitted is same)
Efficiency = NB / NA
Slip = (NA – NB) / NA
Hydraulic Torque Converter

 It is a device used for transmitting increased torque at the driven shaft.

 The torque transmitted at the driven shaft may be more or less than the torque available at the driving shaft.
 The torque at the driven shaft may be increased about five times the torque available at the driving shaft with
an efficiency of 90 %.



 It consists of driving shaft and driven shaft.

 Stationary guide vanes, pump impeller and turbine impeller


 The power at any shaft is proportional to the product of the torque and the speed of the shaft.
 Hence if torque at the driven shaft is to be increased, the corresponding value of the speed at the same shaft
should be decreased.
 The speed of the driven shaft is decreased by decreasing the velocity of the oil, which is allowed to flow
from the pump impeller to the turbine runner and then through stationary guide vane.
 Due to decrease in speed at the driven shaft, the torque increases
The Air Lift Pump:

 The air lift pump is a device which is used for lifting water from well or sump by using compressed air.
 The compress air is made to mix with water. The density of the mixture of air and water is reduced.
 The density of the mixture is much less than that of pure water. Hence a very small column of pure water can
balance a very long column of air water mixture.
 Thus is the principle on which the airlift pump works.

 It consists of delivery pipe having air water mixture.

Pure water was in a fixed tank, compressed air at inlet pipe and water at outlet pipe.


 The compressed air is introduced through one or more nozzles at the foot of the delivery pipe, which is fixed
in the well from which water is to be lifted.

 In the delivery pipe, a mixture of air and water is formed.

 The density of air water mixtures becomes very less as compared to the density of pure water.
 Hence a small column of pure water will balance a very long column of air water mixture.
 This air water mixture will be discharged out of delivery pipe. The flow will continue as long as there is
supply of compressed air.


 The air lift pump is not having any moving parts below water level and hence there are no chances of
suspended solid particles damaging the pump.
 This pump can raise more water through a bore hole of given diameter than any other pump


 The efficiency of the pump is low only 20 to 40 %.

 The discharge is minimum compared to other pump.

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