NSTP2 FinalExam

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Republic of the Philippines


Gen Santos Ave. Central BicutanTaguig


07:30am – 10:30am AY 2021 – 2022


TEST I MUTIPLE CHOICE, ( 2 pts etc. ),,, choose the correct answer; “Write only the
Letter” in the space provided )

1. B Economic development refers to the ability of a country to improve the social

welfare of the people?

2. D In the project implementation part, the proof of action taken during the project
is placed. Which of the following is a proff of action?
a. Receipts of project materials purchase
b. Letter to the barangay
c. Only A and B.
d. Picture

3. D Which of the following is not included in the Location of the project?

a. Address of the location
b. Brief description of the community
c. Location map
d. Names of the barangay officials

4. D It tells you that the input into the works is appropriate in terms of the output?
a. impact b. usefulness c. effectiveness d. Efficiency

5. A In your tree plannting projects, which of the following can be done to

a. All of the choices b. Your parents and teachers
c. people in the community d. Your group members

6. A This refers to the comparison of actual project impacts agaisnt the agreed
strategic plans?
a. evaluation b. monitoring c. reporting d. documentation
7. C What is the current program the government is doing towards tree planting?
a. Reforestation campain b. Clean and green drive c. national greening
program d. National tree planting program

8. D Joining a small gathering or umpukan can be associated in the process of?

a. Community assessment b. Entering the community
b. Community profilling d. Community integration

9. B In a group of students conducting a project, it is most imperative to have?

a. An assistant leader b. A good leader c . a uniform
d. all male memebers

10. A A good leader is a good follower, is an example of?

a. Leading by a good example b. Favoring some of group members
c. doing all the responsibilities d. Assigning all the task to its group

11. D Community immersion is also known as ?

a. Community engagement b. Community advocacy
c. community simulation d. Community integration

12. C This project aims to build a nurture environment. This is an example?

a. proposals b. appendics
c. objectives d. objections

13. C What process in the community immersion will you do for the site selection?
a. Entering the community b. Community assessment c. pre-immersion
d. Community integration

14. C Does the overpopulation serve as one of the driving factors of unemployment?
a. No because those unemployment people are lazy
b. No because, it is not related to each other
c. Yes, because there is scarcity of jobs for everybody
d. maybe

15. A What is the major cause of Pollution of water, air, and land?
a. Improper waste disposal
b. Gas emission
c. Use of plastic
d. deforestation

TES T II ESSAY Discuss and explaine the Following;

( 10 pts etc)
1. Why do we need study NSTP?
 The National Service Training Program, or NSTP, is significant to me as a student
because it allows me to learn a variety of lessons that will help me grow as a person in
relation to my community. Students learn how to be efficient and well-disciplined thanks to
this training. The principles of self-improvement, performance, and community
involvement are well-taught in NSTP courses. The NSTP law's primary objective is to uphold
young participation in nation-building. The youth are given the ability to lead and volunteer
in their communities or the military.
The National Service Training Program, or NSTP, is essential to a college's curriculum
because it fosters a sense of patriotism in our young people. Additionally, it teaches children to
be responsible, socially conscious citizens. We need to learn on how we can help our
community by learning NSTP. Students learn how to be efficient and well-disciplined thanks to
this training. The principles of self-improvement, performance, and community involvement are
well-taught in NSTP courses. The NSTP law's primary objective is to uphold young participation
in nation-building.

2. Why NSTP in the Philippines is mandatory, and why foreign students exempted?
 NSTP is a legal requirement for all Filipino students or Republic of the Philippines citizens,
just as military or civic duty for one's country is a legal requirement for the majority of
other people. As a kind of initial readiness for Citizen's military training that would be
useful in case the country engages in a war or foreign invasion, NSTP was the most recent
update to the obligatory Citizen's Military Service established on The National Defense Act
of 1935, the foreign students are not required because only Filipino citizens are required to
take this not the foreigners.

3. How does NSTP help in fulfilling the youths role in nation building ?
 The NSTP law's main goal is to enhance young participation in nation-building. As a result, it
tries to motivate young people to join the military, become civic leaders, and/or serve in
other volunteer capacities that could make them available to the country in times of need.
It fulfills the role of youths by its main objective is to train and teach students to acquire
various principles that will be helpful in the development of their life and the
community.This program helps us how to be a good citizen who values service and

4. As an NSTP student, what are the three best ways you can help to be frontliners,
barangay officials etc?
 As a student the three best ways to help the frontliners during this pandemic are first is I
will follow the rules and regulations that the government conduct to avoid contacts with
others second is be respectful towards them and show kindness to them and lastly,
support them as what they are doing.

5. Explain the benefits and difficulties of the National Service Training?

 The benefits of NSTP is to help the youth to be develop their physical, moral, spiritual,
intellectual and social well-being. The difficulties is implementation issues reveal material
and equipment shortages, and budget allocations, and students and faculty members
involved in community immersion need to rely on their own resources in addition to
indifference and local government passiveness.

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