Early Time Air Fireball Model For Near Surface Energy Release

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Nuclear Science and Engineering

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Early Time Air Fireball Model for Near Surface

Energy Release

G. C. Pomraning

To cite this article: G. C. Pomraning (1974) Early Time Air Fireball Model for Near Surface Energy
Release, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 53:2, 220-225, DOI: 10.13182/NSE74-A23345

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Early Time Air Fireball Model for Near
Surface Energy Release

G. C. Pomraning
Science Applications, Inc., P. O. Box 2351, LaJolla, California 92037
Received September 24, 1973

A model is developed which gives the r a d i u s and t e m p e r a t u r e as a function of

t i m e f o r the f i r e b a l l which f o r m s following the r e l e a s e of a l a r g e amount of x - r a y
e n e r g y in the a t m o s p h e r e . The p r e s e n c e of the ground is accounted f o r in the case
of a n e a r s u r f a c e r e l e a s e of energy. Typical n u m e r i c a l r e s u l t s a r e given.

I. INTRODUCTION ture. Of course, in reality these two phases a r e

not distinct but smoothly blend from one to
It is well known that an intense source of x rays another. In our work, we assume two distinct
released locally in the atmosphere leads to a so- phases and this simplification allows the con-
called " f i r e b a l l , " i.e., a relatively well-defined struction of a relatively straightforward model.
volume of air which is highly ionized. A definitive Section II of this paper formulates the burnout
calculation of the volume and temperature of the model for a source in an infinite sea of air, while
fireball region as a function of time is a quite Sec. Ill gives the necessary modifications to the
complex r a d i a t i v e t r a n s f e r problem. In this model to account for an air-ground interface
paper, we present a simplified model of the f i r e - intersecting the fireball. Section IV discusses the
ball growth which has proved quite useful in diffusion phase of fireball growth, and Sec. V gives
parametric studies. a numerical example of the results the model
The classic works by Brode 1 and Glasstone 2 provides.
discuss the underlying physics leading to the
formation of a fireball. We r e s t r i c t our discussion II. BURNOUT IN INFINITE AIR
in this paper to those points which elucidate the
assumptions in the model to be presented. We envision a point source of x rays of total
The growth of a fireball proceeds in roughly strength or yield Y with a time dependence given
two phases: (a) the burnout phase, followed by by f(t), normalized according to
(b) a radiation diffusion phase. During burnout,
the temperature of the fireball is sensibly constant /o°° dtfit) = 1 . (1)
in time, and the fireball radius is roughly a linear
function of time. The diffusion phase begins when In this section, we take this source to be embedded
the source of x rays is no longer of sufficient in an infinite sea of uniform-density air.
strength to maintain the burnout temperature. We assume that during the burnout phase of the
During this phase, the fireball grows much more fireball growth the source x rays a r e absorbed and
slowly and cools down from the burnout tempera- heat the air within the fireball to a temperature
TB (the burnout temperature), and that no heating
above this temperature occurs. This is tanta-
H. L. BRODE, "Review of Nuclear Weapons E f -
mount to the assumption that the opacity of air is
f e c t s , " Annual Review of Nuclear Science, Vol. 20,
E. SEGRE, Ed., Annual Reviews, Inc., P a l o Alto, Cali- very small at temperatures greater than TB. We
fornia (1970). also assume that the opacity is very large for
S. GLASSTONE, The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, temperatures less than TB. This means that an
U.S. Government Printing Office (1962). expanding spherical region at a uniform tempera-
t u r e TB, i.e., the fireball, will develop a s the Equation (6) states that the time r a t e of change of
source x r a y s a r e emitted. Finally, we assume a the thermal radiation is due to emission [the posi-
small residual opacity K is extant at the burnout tive t e r m on the right side of Eq. (6)] and absorp-
temperature TB. The fact that K is nonzero tion (the negative term). The solution of Eq. (6)
implies that a t h e r m a l radiation field will build up is, making use of Eq. (5),
in the fireball region. These assumptions con-
cerning the air opacity a r e a reasonable idealiza- | ttR3Et = pKcaTg J* dt'^irR3(t')
tion of the actual a i r opacity.
Let R = R(t) be the fireball radius a s a function x exp[-p/cc(f - *')] . (7)
of time. We p e r f o r m an energy balance on an
element dR for a time dt, assuming the streaming Finally, we consider the streaming radiation.
(source) radiation is responsible for the a i r burn- Since at the burnout temperature TB the air
out at the edge of the fireball. We have opacity (K) is nonzero, the burned-out a i r will
radiate and attempt to cool. We assume the
4 t i R 2 c E s d t = 4 nR2QdR + 4tt R2EsdR , (2) streaming radiation will be absorbed by the a i r a s
it radiates to maintain its temperature. We p e r -
where f o r m an energy balance at some radius r in the
c = speed of light interior of the fireball. This gives

Es = streaming energy density at the edge of

47tt2Es cdt\r - Airr^Es cdt\r+dr = -4vr2drdEs .
the fireball
Q = energy density required to heat the air to
the burnout t e m p e r a t u r e . The left side of Eq. (8) is the net streaming r a d i a -
tion into the differential shell dr in a time dt, and
The left side of Eq. (2) is the energy impinging on
the right side is the streaming radiation absorbed
the edge of the fireball in a time dt, which must
(note that dEs is negative). Equation (8) gives the
equal the energy required to burn out the spherical
shell of thickness dR (the f i r s t t e r m on the right
side) and the streaming radiation in the shell (the d { A c )
second term). Solving Eq. (2) for dR/dt, we find ^ - 4ffr 2 f i . (9)

Now, to maintain the air at the burnout t e m p e r a -

dt (U/c)+4TTR2Q ' W/
ture, the r a t e of absorption of streaming energy
where we have defined must equal the net rate of emission of thermal
energy. Thus, we have
U = 4tTR2EsC . (4)
- ^ = c ( a T £ - E ) , (10)
We note that at early times 4TTR2Q is negligibly P K t

small compared with U/c, and Eq. (3) predicts a

fireball growth with the radius increasing at the and Eq. (9) becomes
speed of light. This is the expected physical
d ( ^ E s c ) __ _ ^ p K c { a n _ E r ) ( n )
r e s u l t for a point source of energy. The boundary
condition on Eq. (3) is that the fireball has a zero
initial radius; that is, The boundary condition on Eq. (11) is
R (0) = 0 . (5) 4irr2Es(r,t)cTTjYf(t) . (12)
We now consider the buildup of thermal radia-
Equation (12) is just the energy conservation con-
tion in the burnout sphere. If we a s s u m e the
sphere to be optically thin, then we can ignore dition for an a r b i t r a r i l y small sphere surrounding
spatial gradients and write the r a t e equation for the source.
the volume a s a whole. We have We write Eq. (11) a s

^ ( l ^ i T r ) = p / c c | VR'ICNI -ER) ,(6)

J: [lTrr2Es(r,t)c] = -4*r2S(t) , (13)

where where we have defined

ET = thermal radiation density S(t) = pKc[aT% -ET(t)] . (14)

p = air density Now, r in Eq. (13) is a path-length variable and t

is the associated time at which the radiation under
a = radiation constant. consideration is at the path-length position r .
Hence in Eq. (13), The numerical solution continues until

t = *ref + - , (15) U = 47rft Es c = 0 (30)

where £ref is any fixed r e f e r e n c e time. Let us set

ft(fact) | 7TR3(Q+ET)
^ref — t a (16)
where fact is the actual time of interest. Thus, Eq. Y f dt'f(t')
(13) r e a d s
The physical meaning of Eq. (30) is that the
streaming radiation is entirely absorbed before it
r e a c h e s the edge of the fireball. The physical
meaning of Eq. (31) is that the energy emitted by
= -4trr s(t-^^j , (17) the source is just sufficient to maintain the a i r at
a t e m p e r a t u r e TB together with the thermal r a d i a -
where we have dropped the subscript on 4ct. Inte- tion field which has built up.
gration of Eq. (17) f r o m r = 0 to r = ft yields A quantity which is often useful in the i n t e r p r e -
tation of r e s u l t s is the effective t e m p e r a t u r e of
4 T r R 2 E s ( R , t ) c = 4TTr2Es (r,t - |r=0 the thermal radiation field, defined by the r e l a -
- s: d r ^ S (t - B j Z ) , (18) aTtu = Er (32)

or, using Eq. (12),

4irft 2 Es (R,t) c
We now modify the r e s u l t s of Sec. II to include
. V - * i l ) .(19) the influence of the ground. The fireball will
remain spherical until its radius equals h, the
It is Es (ft, t) that is denoted by simply Es in Eq. height of the energy r e l e a s e above the ground. At
(2). later times, we a s s u m e the fireball is a truncated
We s u m m a r i z e the three pertinent equations to sphere, truncated by the air-ground interface.
be solved for the fireball radius, t h e r m a l radiation At such a time when ft > h, we have the
density, and streaming radiation density a s a schematic shown in Fig. 1. Let us compute the
function of time. These a r e [see Eqs. (3), (7), and volume of various regions of this sphere. We
(19)] have for all three regions the obvious r e s u l t
dR _ U
^abc = \ irr3 (33)
2 K
dt ~ ( u / c ) + 477ft (? '

Et = p K ™ T » ff dt'R3(t') exp[-pKc{t - f)] (21)

U = Y f ( t - | ) - 4 7 r f * d r r 2 S (t - , (22)

where [see Eqs. (4) and (14)]

U = 47TR2 Esc (23)

S = pKc[aTg - Et] (24)
In general, these equations must be solved
numerically, with starting conditions
ft(0) = 0 (25)
ET( 0) = 0 (26)

S(0) = pncaT& (27)

U( 0) = Yf( 0) (28)
dR (0)/dt = c (29) Fig. 1. The geometry of the fireball.
The volume of regions A and B is given by The significance of Eqs. (44) and (45) has been
discussed previously.
FAB = f*R dyux2 = £R dyHR2 - / ) (34)
v;AB (35)
Following the end of burnout, we assume that
The volume of region A alone is given by further fireball growth takes place by a diffusion
process. At the end of burnout, the material and
(36) thermal radiation field are, in general, not in
equilibrium, and we formulate the diffusion p r o -
VA = I IRRZ(R +h) . (37) cess to take this into account. We assume that the
diffusion growth of the fireball is described by the
Now, we assume that the yield directed into one-dimensional spherical equation, but we shall
segment B is not absorbed in the air, but is account for the intersection of the fireball with the
entirely absorbed in the ground and then entirely ground.
reradiated back into the fireball, all in zero time. In spherical geometry, the energy conservation
This energy is then available to increase the size equation is
of the fireball in the air. We account for this by
increasing the yield. We let ! ( c „ r + £ T + * s ) + l (r2F) 6 (r)
dr 471T 2
Yf(t) - Yf(t)d(t) , (38) (46)
where d(t) is the enhancement factor given by the where
ratio of 4TT to the solid angle associated with
region A. Thus, we have cv = air heat capacity (assumed constant)
F = radiative flux
d(t) = VABC 2R
VK R +k 6(r) = Dirac delta function indicating that the
Of course, Eq. (39) holds only for R > h. For source of radiation is at the center of
R ^ h, we have d{t) = 1. the sphere.
The burnout equations in the presence of a To obtain diffusion theory, we assume the radi-
ground then become [see Eqs. (20) through (31)] ative flux is proportional to the gradient of the
dR _ U thermal radiation energy density (see, e.g., Pom-
(40) raning 3 ); in particular, we write
dt ~ (u/C) +4?tR2Q
c\(T) 3Er
F = - (47)
Et = EMail j* dt>VAB(t>) e x p [ - p K c ( t - t')] (41) 3 dr
where \(T) is the air mean f r e e path which, as in-
U = Y d ( t - § ) f ( t - l ) dicated, depends on temperature. We further
assume that \(T) has the classic cubic tempera-
ture dependence; that is,
- 4 7 , (42)
X(T) = , (48)
with U and S still defined by Eqs. (23) and (24) and

where X, a constant, is the a i r mean f r e e path at
U R R < h , TB, the burnout temperature. Use of Eqs. (47) and
Vh* = \ /, .sx (43) (48) in Eq. (46) yields
R > h

In writing Eq. (41), we have replaced f- vR 3 in Eq.

(21) with VAB, the actual fireball volume. The . Yf(t) 6(r) (49)
burnout phase of the fireball growth is over when 47rr

U = 4tTR2EsC = 0 (44) Finally, we assume

or Ef eaT' (50)
VAB(Q + E T )
= 1 (45) 3
G. C. POMRANING, Radiation Hydrodynamics, Per-
dt ' f i t ' ) gamon P r e s s , Oxford (1973).
where e is allowed to depend on time but not Equations (55) and (59) a r e the first two spatial
space, [if e were also allowed to depend on space, moments of the diffusion equation.
Eq. (50) could be considered a definition for e.j The interaction between the material and radia-
Equation (50) allows us to write tion is handled by assuming that T, ER, and ES
satisfy equilibration equations of the type
.3 M l _ { a e T l ) = 4 ^ { t , E t ) ; (51)
3r 7 9r
YT ( AB T) = PKC ( ^ J y A B (ER + ES - a r 4 )
and use of Eq. (51) in Eq. (49) gives the diffusion
equation (60)

l ( c v T + E T + E s ) ^
pl[r2l (r
^ >] it (Fab ^ = P*c (t)3 ^ - Er) (61)
f(t)6(r) ±(VABES) = - P K c ( l f ) VABES + Yf(t) . (62)
+ Y (52)
The sum of Eqs. (60), (61), and (62) is just Eq.
To proceed further, we form the f i r s t two (55), the conservation equation. We consider Eqs.
spatial moments of Eq. (52). Integration over all (59) through (62) as four equations for the four
volume yields unknowns VAB, T, ET, and ES. These equations
are solved numerically with the starting condi-
fQ°° dr4nr2(cvT +ET +ES) = Yf(t) . (53) tions on the four dependent variables correspond-
ing to the conditions at the end of burnout. As
We now assume T, ET, and ES to be space inde- before, it is often illuminating to define an effec-
pendent within the fireball and zero elsewhere. tive temperature for the thermal radiation field by
This gives the relationship

-i | j ITR3(CvT +ET + £ s ) j = Yf(t) . (54) ATTA = ER . (63)

We recognize j irR 3 a s the volume of a sphere, and V. A NUMERICAL EXAMPLE

we interpret this volume as the fireball volume,
VAB [see Eq. (43)]. Thus, Eq. (54) becomes A computer code has been written to solve
numerically the equations developed in this paper.
This code typically runs in a matter of seconds on
[7 A B (cvT +ET +ES)] = Yf(t) . (55)
a large machine such as the UNIVAC 1108 or the
Equation (55) is, of course, just the conservation CDC 6600. An example of r e s u l t s the model p r o -
equation. Similarly, multiplying Eq. (52) by r3 and vides is given in Figs. 2, 3, and 4. These r e s u l t s
integrating over all space, we obtain correspond to a source function f(t) given by
(g + /3) exp[ojt - to)]
| J;r3DR(CvT +ET +ES) =^ r d r T 3
E T , M = § (64)
21 N j3 + a exp [(a + 0)(t - £<>)]
where the right side of Eq. (56) resulted from two
integrations by parts. Again assuming T, Er, and
Es constant in space within the fireball and zero
elsewhere yields
2 3
\±[R*(cvT+ET+Es)] i r ,
2—%R T ET . (57) Burnout Complete
at t = 1.87 x 10"7 sec
For a sphere, we have

R (58)
- f f i "

and if we interpret the volume in Eq. (58) as FAB ,

the actual fireball volume, Eq. (57) becomes

Time (sec)
XVlgT3ET . (59) Fig. 2. The fireball radius.
400- <D 400 -
>0) Burnout Complete o Burnout Complete
at t = 1.87 x 10"7 sec a at t = 1.87 x 10"7 sec
? 300 ^ <u 300-
CL o
200- "O 200

100 _j ' 11 • 11 100 • • • 1 1 1 • 1I
10 -7
-9 -7
10" 10" 10'1-6 10 10" 10 10'1-6
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Fig. 3. T h e a i r t e m p e r a t u r e within the f i r e b a l l . Fig. 4. T h e r a d i a t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e within the f i r e b a l l .

where a, /3, and t0 a r e p a r a m e t e r s characteristic Q = 4.96 x 1011 erg/cm 3 ; burnout temperature

of the distribution. The quantity N is a normali- TB = 400 eV; residual opacity of air above burnout
zation constant to ensure a unit integral [see Eq. temperature K = 0.23 cm 2 /g; absorption mean f r e e
(1)]. This function has the following properties: path of a i r at burnout temperature X = 50 m; and
heat capacity of air cv = 1.24 x 109 erg/(cm 3 eV).
1. It r i s e s like exp(af) for small t.
As indicated in the figures, the burnout phase
2. It falls like exp(-/3f) for large t. of the fireball growth ended at a time of 1.87 x
10"7 sec in this example. It can also be seen that
3. It has a single maximum at t = t0.
at late times, during the diffusion phase of the
4. f{t0) = 1/1V. fireball formation, the radiation and material tend
toward equilibrium; that is, the air temperature
For the example reported here, the values and effective radiation temperature tend to come
a = 13 = 6 x 10"9 sec and t0 = 6 x 10"8 sec were together, a s one would expect.
used. The total source strength used was Y =
4 x 1015 cal at a release height of 1 m. Air of
standard density, p = 1.293 x 10"3 g/cm 3 , was ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
assumed. The additional air p a r a m e t e r s used
T h i s w o r k was s u p p o r t e d by the U.S. G o v e r n m e n t
were 4 a s follows: air burnout energy density
u n d e r c o n t r a c t DNA001-73-C-0012. The a u t h o r would
a l s o like to acknowledge K. D. P y a t t , whose unpublished
K. D. P Y A T T , P r i v a t e Communication (1972). work p r o v i d e d the i m p e t u s f o r the model d e s c r i b e d h e r e .

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