Early Time Air Fireball Model For Near Surface Energy Release
Early Time Air Fireball Model For Near Surface Energy Release
Early Time Air Fireball Model For Near Surface Energy Release
G. C. Pomraning
To cite this article: G. C. Pomraning (1974) Early Time Air Fireball Model for Near Surface Energy
Release, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 53:2, 220-225, DOI: 10.13182/NSE74-A23345
G. C. Pomraning
Science Applications, Inc., P. O. Box 2351, LaJolla, California 92037
Received September 24, 1973
ft(fact) | 7TR3(Q+ET)
^ref — t a (16)
where fact is the actual time of interest. Thus, Eq. Y f dt'f(t')
(13) r e a d s
The physical meaning of Eq. (30) is that the
streaming radiation is entirely absorbed before it
r e a c h e s the edge of the fireball. The physical
meaning of Eq. (31) is that the energy emitted by
= -4trr s(t-^^j , (17) the source is just sufficient to maintain the a i r at
a t e m p e r a t u r e TB together with the thermal r a d i a -
where we have dropped the subscript on 4ct. Inte- tion field which has built up.
gration of Eq. (17) f r o m r = 0 to r = ft yields A quantity which is often useful in the i n t e r p r e -
tation of r e s u l t s is the effective t e m p e r a t u r e of
4 T r R 2 E s ( R , t ) c = 4TTr2Es (r,t - |r=0 the thermal radiation field, defined by the r e l a -
- s: d r ^ S (t - B j Z ) , (18) aTtu = Er (32)
U = Y f ( t - | ) - 4 7 r f * d r r 2 S (t - , (22)
where X, a constant, is the a i r mean f r e e path at
U R R < h , TB, the burnout temperature. Use of Eqs. (47) and
Vh* = \ /, .sx (43) (48) in Eq. (46) yields
R > h
l ( c v T + E T + E s ) ^
pl[r2l (r
^ >] it (Fab ^ = P*c (t)3 ^ - Er) (61)
f(t)6(r) ±(VABES) = - P K c ( l f ) VABES + Yf(t) . (62)
+ Y (52)
The sum of Eqs. (60), (61), and (62) is just Eq.
To proceed further, we form the f i r s t two (55), the conservation equation. We consider Eqs.
spatial moments of Eq. (52). Integration over all (59) through (62) as four equations for the four
volume yields unknowns VAB, T, ET, and ES. These equations
are solved numerically with the starting condi-
fQ°° dr4nr2(cvT +ET +ES) = Yf(t) . (53) tions on the four dependent variables correspond-
ing to the conditions at the end of burnout. As
We now assume T, ET, and ES to be space inde- before, it is often illuminating to define an effec-
pendent within the fireball and zero elsewhere. tive temperature for the thermal radiation field by
This gives the relationship
R (58)
- f f i "
Time (sec)
XVlgT3ET . (59) Fig. 2. The fireball radius.
400- <D 400 -
>0) Burnout Complete o Burnout Complete
at t = 1.87 x 10"7 sec a at t = 1.87 x 10"7 sec
? 300 ^ <u 300-
CL o
200- "O 200
100 _j ' 11 • 11 100 • • • 1 1 1 • 1I
10 -7
-9 -7
10" 10" 10'1-6 10 10" 10 10'1-6
Time (sec) Time (sec)
Fig. 3. T h e a i r t e m p e r a t u r e within the f i r e b a l l . Fig. 4. T h e r a d i a t i o n t e m p e r a t u r e within the f i r e b a l l .