Flame Calc

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1949] Flame Length and its Heat Radiation.


Flame Length and its Heat Radiation.

By Sakae YAGI.

(Recived November 16, 1948.)

This contribution involves our studies on flames during these ten

years: Studies on Lumi-
nous Flames(1), Studies
on Turbulent Diffusion
(Flame Length)(2), and
Studies on Flame Radi-
ation(3). In spite of wide
application of flames for
heating both in indust-
rial and scientific pur-
poses, few studies had
been published particu-
larly for design use.
The burner used in
lour measurement of
flame length and radia-
tion is shown in Fig. 1.
Fuel gas compressed in
a tank is flowed through
a stream straighner and
lighted at a burner
nozzle, whose opening
or diameter can be
changed from 1 mm. to Fig. 1. Burner for measurement.
10 mm.

Measurement of Flame. Length of flame is measured by the picture

taken in front of a bright scale background as shown in Fig. 2. Rela-
tionship between (flame length L cm.)/(nozzle diameter d cm.) and (Fuel
has velocity at nozzle opening u cm./sec.)×(dcm.)is summarized as Fig.3

with several sizes of nozzle diameter. At the lower value of ud, L/d,
increases almost proportionally to ud and at the higher ud, Lid is almost
independent of ud, tending to L/d=50-70.

(1) J. Soc. Chem.' Ind., Japan, 1937, 90, 93, 263.

(2) J. S. C, 1. J., 1943, 608, 821, 837.
(3) J. Chem. Soc. Japan, Ind. Ed., 52 (1949), 167.
98 S. Yagi. [Vol. 22, No. 3,

Fig. 2. Flame length of 4 mm. nozzle.

The two states of flame above mentioned are also observed by the
photographic observation of flame (Fig. 2): one is a diffusional flame or
laminar flow flame and
the other a turbulent
flame, and there can be
seen some transitional
region between the two

Theoretical Consi-
deration of Burning
Rate. We can establish
the following equation
of material balance, if
a flame in cylindrical
form is assumed to be
mixing status of air to
fuel gas by. means of
molecular or turbulent
diffusion, which means
that the chemical reac-
tion rate of combustion
is assumed to be very
large compared with the Fig. 3. Flame length.

mixing rate,


(4) S. Yagi, J. S. C. I, J., 1943, 873.

1949] Flame Length and its Heat Radiation. 99

wherein d is diameter of flame, c:concentration of fuel in flame, D, ε

molecular and turbulent diffusion constant cm2./sec. of air into flame

through a layer length δcm., u:velocity of flame gas cm./sec.,x:length

from burner nozzle. The above equation can be integrated by using

average value of u, D, ε at the boundary condition of ordinary atmospheric

combustion:⊿C=C,C=Ci at x=0



As the fuel concentration at the top of the flame measured was analysed
as some figure like 0.1Ci, the flame length L can be calculated by
putting C/Ci=0.1 and x=L in equation 2.


ε was calculated at the jet nozzle by solving the Tollmien equation(5)as

2×10-3 u0d0,where u0 and d0 are jet veloeity and diameter(6). Comparing

the result of flame length measurement (Fig. 3) with equation 4, we get

the following conclusions:
1. For diffusional flame:
Theoretical calculation under condition that ε=0


Measured result according to nozzle diameter

Probable values of unknown figures

if D=2.4cm2./sec. at air diffusing through city gas at 1200°K

2.For turbulent flame at above 500 cm2./sec. of ud

Theoretical ealculation under condition thatε=2×10-3u0d0 and D=0

Measured average result of larger diameters

(5) Z. f. angew. Math. u. Mech., 1926, 468.

(6) S. Yagi, J. S. C. I. J., 1943, 609.
100 S. Yagi. [Vol. 22, No, 3,

Probable values of unknown figures

at extreme turbulency.
3. For transitional flame:
Unable to be established definitely.

Effect of Primary Air. Although primary air in the burner frequent-

ly causes increase of combustion rate, it is not always that flame
length decreases by addition of primary air as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Flame length adding primary air.

An important influence of adding primary air is that high primary

air makes the blow limit of the gas burner have a smaller amount of ud,
that means decrease in the capacity of the burner.
Further description and discussions will be available in " Flame Length

Radiant Heat from Flame. The radiation from the flame of the above
mentioned burner was measured along the length of the flame by a sensi-
tive thermopile and galvanometer, which was calibrated with a standard
black body furnace. The results measured are shown in Fig. 5, where
Qf is flame radiation integrated along the whole length of the flame, Vt is
gas volume nl/h. The experiment was conducted with various openings
of the burner nozzle, i.e. 1, 2, 5, 7, 110, mm. and various kinds of fuel
gas, i.e.
I: City gas only of 3000 Kcal./nm.3,
II: City gas added with C2H2 6 vol. %,

(7) S. Yagi and T. Kimura, J. Chem. Soc. Japan, Ind. Ed., 1949, in printing.
1949] Flame Length and its Heat Radiation. 101

Fig. 5. Radiation from flame.

Curve I: Town Gas only.
Curve II: Town Gas plus 6%. C2H2.
Curve III: Town Gas plus 8% C2H2.
Curve IV: Town Gas plus 10% C2H2.

III: City gas added with C2H2 8 vol. %,

IV: City gas added with C2H2 10 vol.%,
In the laminar flow flame, the radiant heat Qf is independent of
burner opening, which is expressed as


where K and α are constants, and ω is the fraction of acetylene volume.

In the turbulent flame Qf decreases rapidly for smaller d and, in so far

as the larger burner is concerned, Qf is approaching the line of Qf=K'

(1+α'ω)V,which means that the industrial large burner gives such an

102 S. Yagi. [Vol. 22, No. 3,

amount of radiant heat as


The percentage of the amount of heat emitted per total heat content
of fuel used,η, varies with ud and

d as shown in Fig. 6. By means of

data on the 10 mm. burner, it will
be supposed that the larger burner
for industrial use will give some
definite value of η, as 10% in the

10 mm. burner. Detailed data will

be shown in " Radiant Heat from
Flame "(8).

Spectral Radiation of Lumi.

nous Flames. The author studied
the absorption spectra of soot and
luminous flames(9). The burner
was made for the convenience of
measuring emission and absorption
spectra. Absorption spectra of
soot plate and luminous burning
Fig. 6. Percentage of radiation.
soot are expressed as


where k is the absorption coefficient of sootcm.-1, l the thickness of

flame, ρ radius of a soot particle in μ, N number of particles in cm.3,

ν the wave number of spectra cm.-1×104. The above formula was

derived from the theoretical standpoint of colloidal soot particle.

The results of the experiment are shown in Fig. 7a, Fig. 7b and
Fig. 8. On adding benzene vapor to city gas, spectral radiation increases
as shown in Fig. 7a as I, II, III and N in equation 9 increases propor-
tionally as shown as equations in Fig. 7b. Fig. 8 denotes flame radiation
and soot radiation (thick line) and the equivalent black body radiation
(thin line), of which the soot radiation was calculated from soot equa-
tions in Fig. 7b, referring to the transparent region of gas absorption,
and the black body emission was calculated by dividing the emission
energy with absorption data. The thin broken line shows the ideal black
body emission. The differences between full and broken lines in both

(8) S. Yagi, S. Yoshida and M. Yorizane, J. Chem. Soc. Japan, Ind. Ed., 52 (1949),
(9) S. Yagi, J. S. C. I. J., 1937, 90, 93, 267.
1949] Flame Length and its Heat Radiation. 103

flame and black body emis-

sions show the emission
and absorption of CO2 and
H2O in flame and sur-
rounding atmosphere,
whose temperatures are
not the same as soot tem-
perature. Therefore the
two smooth curves are
thought to have meaning
of theoretical standard.
Similar results were ob-
tained, as described in
the original contributions,
in flames with added
acetylene and primary
The effective tempe-
ratures concerning heat
Fig. 7a. Radiation spectra of
luminous adding benzene

radiation were calculated

from the distribution of
of black body emission as
shown in the following
table compared with data
Fig. 7b. Absorption spectra of luminous flame measured by ordinary op-
adding benzene vapor. tical pyrometer and figures
corrected from absorption 650 mμ in parenthesis below.

Table 2. Temperatures of Several Luminous Flames.

104 S. Yagi. [Vol. 22, No. 3,

The temperature increases by addition of primary air and decreases

by addition of hydrocarbon. The data measured by optical pyrometer
even after the correction can not show the effective temperature of
radiation, but seems to show some temperature of soot particles suspend-
ing in the zone of some high temperature but of relatively thin layer.

Fig. 8.

The major part of this series of work was conducted in the Tokyo
Institute of Technology with collaborators and some in the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology under Prof. H. C. Hottel, to whom the author
wishes to express his indebtedness.
Chemical Engineering Laboratories,
Tokyo University and Tokyo
Institute of Technology.

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