Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS) : Theory of Operation: T A R T R
Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS) : Theory of Operation: T A R T R
Modified Transient Plane Source (MTPS) : Theory of Operation: T A R T R
R (T ) R0 A T (1)
R(T) = resistance of sensor at a given temperature (Ohm)
R0 = resistance of sensor at 0ºC (Ohm)
T = temperature (ºC)
A = slope (Ohm/ºC)
Pg 2 of 10
40 24C
y = 0.0872x + 23.257
35 R2 = 0.9998 Sensor 24C
30 Slope=A
Resistance Ohm
15C Sensor 6C
25 y = 0.0836x + 22.162
Intercept=R0 R2 = 0.9999
20 6C Sensor 15C
y = 0.0859x + 23.006
15 R2 = 0.9998 Linear (Sensor 24C)
Linear (Sensor 6C)
0 Linear (Sensor 15C)
-100 -50 0 50 100 150 200
Temp. °C
A R0 TCR (2)
Where: TCR = Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity, assumed to be constant
over the measured temperature range.
1. The slope depends on sensor resistance in general, and on R0 in
particular. Therefore, even if 2 sensors have the same TCR, their
temperature calibration lines will still have different slopes if their
resistance at a given temperature is not the same.
2. The higher slope, the more sensitive the sensor is. In other words, higher
TCR and higher sensor resistance will provide higher sensitivity.
For platinum used in the sensor, the TCR is approximately 0.0037 ºC-1, or 0.37%
for each ºC.
R(T ) R0
T (3)
The resistance may be measured directly by the electronics (using very low
current and short time to avoid sensor heating), or calculated from the initial
voltage, V0, or from the applied power P (if applied power is the same for all
R (4)
R (5)
The heat equation with a constant supply of heat per sec per volume G’ is given
T 2T
c p 2 G' (6)
t x
Assume two semi-infinite media in contact with heat generated at the interface at
a constant rate per unit area per unit time. Further assume that one medium is
represented by the effusivity sensor, and the other medium is the tested material,
and both are at the same temperature and in equilibrium after contact between
them has been established. The solution of equation (6) follows these expressions:
Pg 4 of 10
X<0 X>0
e1 e2
2G t x
T1 ( x, t ) ierfc for x 0 , t 0 (7)
e1 e2 2 a1 t
2G t x
T2 ( x, t ) ierfc for x 0 , t 0 (8)
e1 e2 2 a2 t
Assumption: Both sensor and measured material are in equilibrium and at the
same temperature when the measurement starts.
Pg 5 of 10
2G t 1.1284G t
T ( x 0, t ) 0.5642 (9)
e1 e2 e1 e2
In the previous section we saw the connection between sensor temperature and
resistance. The resistance change of the sensor is:
R (t ) R (t ) R (t 0) A T ( x 0, t ) (10)
V (t ) I R (t ) I A T ( x 0, t ) (11)
1.1284 I A G t
V (t ) (12)
e1 e2
V m t (13)
Pg 6 of 10
1.1284 I A G
m (V / s ) (14)
e1 e2
1 e1 e2
( s /V ) (15)
m 1.1284I A G
1 e1
(vacuum) (16)
m 1.1284 I A G
Example of sensor effusivity calibration curve using vacuum and other materials
is given below. The calibration line shows very good linearity.
M e2 C (17)
M ( m 2 C W Amp ) (18)
1.1284 I A G
And C is:
C ( s V) (19)
1.1284 I A G
e1 ( W s m 2 C ) (20)
In order to maintain a high accuracy and precision to the MTPS technique across
a broad range of thermal conductivity and effusivity – the sensor’s calibrations for
both thermal properties are sub-divided into smaller ranges in bracketing the
wider spectrum. Power and timing parameters are optimized for the group of
materials. For example, a longer test time and lower power setting is optimal for
testing insulation materials like foams in achieving a deeper depth of penetration
to the measurement. Conversely, a shorter test time and higher power setting is
optimal for higher-conductivity metals where the pulse travels very quickly
through the material and a shorter test time provides for more flexibility in limiting
the thickness requirements of the sample. Each group of materials has its own
calibration curve.
Pg 8 of 10
Slope k Intercept (24)
m m*
Each group of materials has a different k calibration for room temperature. With
automatic power correction and C(T) correction (see below), this calibration can
be also used for different temperatures. The calibration curves for k are all linear.
Example is given below.
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The method for measuring thermal properties requires different calibration curves
for materials with different ranges of properties. Additionally, it is important to
group liquids separately from solids. Measuring a liquid with a calibration made
for solids, or vice versa, will generate an incorrect result.
Error analysis
There are in general 2 types of errors (sometimes called uncertainty) – offset and
variation. Offset errors affect the accuracy of the measurement while the
variation affects the repeatability.
The quality of contact between the sensor surface and the tested material is
critical to having accurate and repeatable measurements. Powders, liquids and
creams naturally create a good contact with the sensor, but greater care must be
taken with solids.
The impact of contact resistance becomes more significant in testing solids, the
higher the thermal conductivity of the sample tested. In efforts to negate the
contact resistance it is suggested to use a contact agent for solids greater than
0.12 W/mK. This approach to using a contact agent is consistent with other
ASTM-methods for measuring thermal conductivity such as ASTM D5470.
Alternate contact agents suggested for porous materials that may absorb the
water or for testing at higher temperatures include Wakefield Type 120 Thermal
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Grease and glycol. Correction factors for all contact agents are provided for
within the software automatically.
Note: the surface of the tested material must be smooth. The sample need not be
polished, but a rough surface finish will add to the total error budget.
Equipment errors may originate from variations in the current source due to
changes in environment temperature, short term and long term drifts, change in
sensor resistance (and hence supplied power) during the transient measurement
and change in sensor resistance (and hence supplied power) due to initial sensor
temperature. Additional errors may come from the voltage measurement circuitry.
To evaluate the error from the change in sensor resistance during a transient,
assume a ~1 degree Celsius change in sensor temperature (~1.0 s transient) for
the range of materials used with the system. The platinum wire of the sensor has
a TCR of 0.0037 C-1. During the transient, the sensor resistance changes
0.37%, and the power supplied to the sensor changes by the same amount.
However, since the calibration of the sensor is performed in exactly the same
manner as the measurement of the tested material, this error is calibrated out for
most practical cases, leaving a very small residual error of less than 0.1%.
The TCi calibration curves are based on various sets of materials, which were
tested for conductivity and volumetric heat capacity by the optimal recommended
ASTM methods for the thermal property range of material. The measured values
of those materials are used for the TCi calibration curves. Since these values
may have accuracy errors of a few percentage points, these errors are naturally
transferred to the TCi sensor.
The overall accuracy of the TCi is estimated to be better than 5%. The variation
is typically under 1% (%RSD calculated from at least 10 consecutive samples).