Experiment-2 For 21-08-2021
Experiment-2 For 21-08-2021
Experiment-2 For 21-08-2021
Apparatus:Low voltage bulb, Variable power supply, Cobra3 basic unit, Connection box,
Resistor (100 Ω), Digital multimeter, Thermopile, Measuring scale and connecting wires.
Fig. 1: Circuit diagrams for measuring the resistance of the filament (when the bulb
is not glowing) and determining filament temperature (when the filament starts glowing).
If the energy flux density L of a black body, e.g., energy emitted per unit area and unit time at
temperature T and wavelength λ within the interval dλ, is designated by dL(T , ) / d , which can
be integrated over all wavelength range to yield the flux density L(T, λ):
2 5 k 5 4
L(T , ) T
15 c 2 h3
where, c = velocity of light (3.00 x 108 m/s), h = Planck’s constant (6.62 x 10-34 J·s) andk =
Boltzmann’s constant (1.381 x 10-23 J·K-1). This is called Stefan-Boltzmann law and can be
written as
L(T , ) T 4
withσ= 5.67 x 10-8 W·m-2·K-4
The proportionality L~T4 is also valid for a ‘grey’ body, the surface of which shows a
wavelength-independent absorption-coefficient of less than one.
To prove the validity of Stefan-Boltzmann’s law, we measure the radiation emitted by the
filament of an incandescent lamp which represents a ‘grey’ body fairly well. For a fixed distance
between filament and thermopile, the energy fluxΦ which hits the thermopile is proportional to
Φ ~ L(T)
Because of the proportionality between Φand the thermoelectric e.m.f.,VTC of thethermopile, we
can also write:
VTC ~ T4
if the thermopile is at a temperature of zero degrees Kelvin.Since the thermopile is at room
temperature, TR also radiates due to the T4 law so that we can write:
𝑅(𝑡) = 𝑅𝑜 (1 + 𝛼 𝑡 + 𝛽 𝑡 2 )
where, R0 = resistance at 0 oC, R(t ) = resistance at temperature t, α = 4.82 x 10-3 K-1 andβ = 6.67
x 10-7 K-2.
The resistance R0 at 0°C can be found by using the relation:
R(t R )
R0 2
1 tR tR
Solving R(t) with respect to t and using the relation T = t + 273 gives:
1 2 R(t ) 4 𝑅(𝑡)
T = 273+ 4 1 = 273 + 2 [√1 + 2 ( 𝑅 − 1) − 1](6)
2 R0 0
R(t) and R0 are found by applying Ohm’s law, e. g. by voltage and current measurements across
the filament.
3. Switch ON the DC source. Adjust the voltage (V) to 0.1 V and measure the
corresponding current (I). Records these values in the tabular column.
4. Calculate the resistance of the filament (V/I) and use it as Ro. Note: The current can be
measured for few different voltages (measured in steps of 0.1 V) and an average R O can
be calculated. This measurement should be done at room temperature (i.e. under cold
condition) of the filament. Larger current can heat up the coil and therefore modifying the
actual ROat room temperature.
5. Use the same circuit in Fig.1. Connect the lamp to a DC power supply together with an
ammeter and voltmeter to record filament current and voltage respectively.
6. Place a radiation sensor as shown in the Fig.2 and connect the radiation sensor
(Thermopile) to a digital multimeter that should be set on a 100 or 200-millivolt DC
7. For filament voltages of between 1V and ~ 15 V, in steps of about 0.2 V, record the
filament voltage (V), current (I) and the sensor millivoltmeter reading (VTC).
8. Calculate the resistance of the filament RT (=V/I) for the various readings taken in step 7.
Now calculate the temperature using the formula (6).
9. Draw a graph between log (VTC) and log(T) and measure the slope.
Table 2. Measurement of energy flux and temperature as a function of current (Imax= 2 A and
Vmax = 15 V)
Current Voltage Resistance Temperature
S. No. flux log(T)
I (A) (V) R(T) (Ω) log (VTC) T (K)