Mosfet Sai

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The JFET transistors are used as
electronically controlled switches,
Voltage controlled resistors and as

BJT transistors are constructed with the

PN-junctions but the JFET transistors
have a channel instead of the PN-
junctions. This channel is formed due to
the either of P-type or N-type
semiconductor materials.

The JFET transistors are classified into two types; they are N-channel JFET
and P-channel JFET. In the N-channel JFET the channel is doped with the
donor impurities due to this the current passing through the channel is
negative (i.e. due to electrons) but in the P-channel JFETs the channel is
doped with the acceptor impurities due to this the current flowing
through this channel is positive (i.e. due to holes).
The voltage at gate controls the operation of the MOSFET. In this case, both positive
and negative voltages can be applied on the gate as it is insulated from the channel.
With negative gate bias voltage, it acts as depletion MOSFET while with positive
gate bias voltage it acts as an Enhancement MOSFET.

Classification of MOSFETs
Depending upon the type of materials used in the construction, and the type of
operation, the MOSFETs are classified as in the following figure.
N MOS Transistor
P MOS Transistor
Depletion Type MOSFET
N Channel Depletion Type MOSFET
Working of N - Channel depletion mode MOSFET

➢ For now, we have an idea that there is no PN junction present between gate and channel in
this, unlike a FET.
➢ We can also observe that, the diffused channel N between two N+regions the insulating
dielectric SiO2 and the aluminum metal layer of the gate together form a parallel plate
➢ If the NMOS has to be worked in depletion mode, the gate terminal should be at negative
potential while drain is at positive potential, as shown in the following figure.

➢ When no voltage is applied

between gate and source, some
current flows due to the voltage
between drain and source. Let
some negative voltage be applied
at VGG.
➢ Then the minority carriers i.e.
holes, get attracted and settle
near SiO2 layer. But the majority
carriers, i.e., electrons get
➢ With some amount of negative potential at VGG a certain amount of drain current ID flows through source to
drain. When this negative potential is further increased, the electrons get depleted and the
current ID decreases. Hence the more negative the applied VGG, the lesser the value of drain current ID will

➢ The channel nearer to the drain gets more depleted than at sources like in FET and the current flow
decreases due to this effect. Hence it is called depletion-mode MOSFET.
N Channel Depletion Type MOSFET Operation
N Channel Depletion Type MOSFET Operation
N Channel Depletion Type MOSFET Operation
Threshold voltage V th , defined as the gate voltage at which the device
starts to turn on.

•1. Cut-off Region – with VGS < Vthreshold the gate-source voltage is
much lower than the transistors threshold voltage so the MOSFET
transistor is switched “fully-OFF” thus, ID = 0, with the transistor acting
like an open switch regardless of the value of VDS.

•2. Linear (Ohmic) Region – with VGS > Vthreshold and VDS < VGS the
transistor is in its constant resistance region behaving as a voltage-
controlled resistance whose resistive value is determined by the gate
voltage, VGS level.

•3. Saturation Region – with VGS > Vthreshold and VDS > VGS the transistor
is in its constant current region and is therefore “fully-ON”. The Drain
current ID = Maximum with the transistor acting as a closed switch.
P Channel Depletion Type MOSFET Operation
Difference Between N channel and P Channel MOSFET
N-Channel P-Channel
Used extensively in fabrications Rarely for CMOS
Electrons are the charge carriers with Holes are the charge carriers with less
high mobility hence current in channel is mobility hence current in channel is less
two to three times more

On resistance is less On resistance is more

Area requirement is less than the N- Area requirement is 3 times than the N-
channel channel
Working of N-Channel MOSFET Enhancement Mode

➢ When no voltage is applied between gate and

source, some current flows due to the voltage
between drain and source. Let some positive
voltage is applied at VGG. Then the minority
carriers i.e. holes, get repelled and the
majority carriers i.e. electrons gets attracted
towards the SiO2 layer.
➢ With some amount of positive potential
at VGG a certain amount of drain
current ID flows through source to drain. When
this positive potential is further increased, the
current ID increases due to the flow of
electrons from source and these are pushed
further due to the voltage applied at VGG.
Hence the more positive the applied VGG, the
more the value of drain current ID will be. The
current flow gets enhanced due to the
increase in electron flow better than in
depletion mode. Hence this mode is termed
as Enhanced Mode MOSFET.
=Device trans conductance
=Process trans conductance
FET Capacitance
FET Capacitance
FET Capacitance
FET Capacitance
FET Capacitance
NA:- concentration of acceptors
ND: - concentration of donors
ni: - the electron concentration and the hole
concentration in undoped semiconductor
Body Bias Effect

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