Andman and Nicobar 7 Year Action Plan - Compressed
Andman and Nicobar 7 Year Action Plan - Compressed
Andman and Nicobar 7 Year Action Plan - Compressed
S.No. Sector/Sub-Sector Page No.
1. Crop Husbandry 1
2. Soil Conservation 5
3. Animal Husbandry 7
4. Fisheries 11
5. Cooperative 13
6. Land Reforms 14
7. Panchayat 20
8. Rural Development 27
9. Minor Irrigation and Flood Control
- Agriculture 28
- APWD 29
- PRIs 31
10. Power & NRE 33
11. Village & Small Industries 39
12. Minor Port 42
13. Civil Aviation 47
14. Roads & Bridges
- APWD 50
- PRIs 53
15. Road Transport 55
16. Shipping 58
17. Science & Technology 61
18. Information Technology & E-Governance 63
19. Ecology & Environment 71
20. Forestry & Wildlife 72
21. Tourism 76
S.No. Sector/Sub-Sector Page No.
22. Survey & Statistics 80
23. Civil Supplies 85
24. Education 89
25. Medical & Public Health 106
26. Water Supply & Sanitation 108
27. Housing
- APWD 113
- Police 114
28. Urban Development
- APWD 116
- PBMC 117
- Fire Services 121
- Road Safety - Traffic 123
29. Information & Publicity 124
30. Development of SCs, STs & OBCs 125
31. Labour & Employment 132
32. Social Security & Social Welfare 134
33. Empowerment of Women and Development of Children 136
34. Disaster Management 137
35. Jail 143
36. Stationery & Printing 146
37. Public Works 147
38. Identity Cards 148
39. Strengthening of Judiciary 151
40. Local Fund Audit 153
41. Strengthening of Police 154
42. Communication 159
Crop Husbandry
Name of the Department: - Agriculture
Name of the Sub- Sector: - Crop Husbandry
Vision upto 2030
Strategy upto 2024 to reach the vision over 15 years.
Scheme No. 1
Assistance to farmers under High Yielding Programme.
1. To double the agriculture productivity and incomes of small scale food
2. To attain sustainable food production system and implement resilient
agricultural practices to increase productivity and production.
3. Expansion of organic cultivation towards achieving the aim of converting
these Islands as organic states.
4. Measures to avoid middle person between farmers & consumers.
5. Introduction of modern technology in the farmer’s field.
Rational :
1. To attain sustainability by encouraging High Value, Low volume, Low
External inputs in sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) to increase the
2. Strengthening of Marketing System.
3. Crop diversification through multi tyre cropping system.
4. To reduce the degree of perrisibality and various market imperfection
supply chain management.
5. To create unifies national market from Agricultural commodities through e-
NAM in A&N Islands.
6. To introduce Hybrid variety paddy cultivation.
7. To compensate the farmers on crop losses.
8. Adoption on new technology to save cost and time.
Broad strategy:
1. Procurement of certified seeds, fertilizers, pesticides (both bio & chemical)
etc from reputed firms of mainland and distribute among farmers of both
cost & 100% transport subsidy.
2. To encourage farmers to undertake organic cultivation 50% cost subsidy &
100% transport subsidy towards the purchase of organic/ bio- fertilizers.
3. 75% subsidy will be provided on organic/ bio- pesticides.
4. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana has been implemented to compensate the
farmers on crop losses.
5. Farm implements are distributed to farmers on subsidy basis.
6. Modern farm machineries to be procured for demonstration purposes.
7. To promote custom hiring of agriculture equipments.
8. Expand mechanization during crop season in large area.
9. Supply of modern farm machineries to small and marginal farmers.
10. Grant-in-aid will be provided to PRIs for the construction of vegetable market
at various Panchayat Samities.
Scheme No. 2
Assistance provided to farmers for promotion of Horticulture crops & High Value
1. High value Agriculture programme shall address promotion of coconut based
farming system, growing of high value fruits, flowers, spices etc.
Rational :
1. Coconut based farming system with end to end approach through
improvement of existing plantation, revival of old plantation and planting of
high yielding cultivars by adoption of improved/ hi tech intervention for
production and value addition.
2. Eco friendly intervention such as honey bee (epic culture) and organic
3. Introduction of hi tech intervention like protected cultivation, fertigation, hi
density planting.
4. Post harvest management & value addition of Horti. Crops.
5. Promotion of plant protection.
6. Promotion of seasonal vegetables.
7. Promotion of hi tech structures for increasing of production of Horti. crops
round the year.
8. Promote cold chain by introducing collections centre, cold storage, refer van
etc to reduce transportation loss and promote direct marketing.
9. Crop diversification through multi tyre cropping system.
10. Promote food processing of coconut, fruits & vegetables for income
Broad strategy:
1. Procurement of planting material from mainland and distributed to farmers
on subsidy basis.
2. Construction / renovation of godowns for storage of Horticulture produce.
3. Promotion of integrated coconut processing centers.
4. Construction of Virgin Coconut Unit in Car Nicobar.
5. Installation of Solar Copra Dryer to produce quality copra.
6. Kisan Mandi will be constructed at S/Andaman & N&M Andaman to avoid
middle man between farmers & seller.
7. Assistance will be provide to farmers for producing planting materials of fruits,
vegetables, spices & medicinal plants in their field.
8. Development of spices nurseries in the departmental farms.
9. Crop diversification through multi tyre cropping system.
10. Up gradation of departmental horticulture farms.
11. Mass multiplication of Corcyra moth is undertaken. Corcyra eggs are collected
and exposed to UV light and parasitoids are reared on it. The cocoon stage of
parasitoid is released in the farmer’s field free of cost. Presently three spices
of trichogramma’s are released from SBCL i.e T Japonicum, T Chilonis and T
12. New initiative may be taken to control pest of coconut.
13. Promotion of multi tyre organic spices cultivation.
Rational :
1. To establish and maintain Knowledge Centers throughout the Islands at
indentified location were both strategic and dynamic information will be
available duly supported by value addition centre at head quarter.
2. Organize Kisan Mela at Block Level and State Level Exhibitions in order to
judge achievement of different level and incentives provided to the farmers
to encourage them further.
3. Demonstration will be conducted in the departmental farms/ farmers field to
extend the know how to utilize modern farm technology in their field.
4. Deputing farmers to Inter island/ mainland study tour to make them aware of
advance package of practices evolved and undertaken by the farmers of
different part of the country and introduce the same in their own field.
5. Deputing extension functionaries on training at various part of the mainland.
6. Sustainable agriculture development through information technology.
Broad strategy:
1. Demonstrations will be conducted on Method demonstration, Result
demonstration & Adoptive trials.
2. Participate in the State level exhibitions.
3. Kisan mela will be conducted at Block Level & District Level.
4. Training to extension functionaries.
5. Inter sate/ Inter Island study tour to mainland (farmers).
6. Various Seminars & workshop will be conducted.
7. Documentation of package & practices recommended by CIARI.
Scheme No. 4
Direction and Administration
1. To strengthening the department of Agriculture by creating additional
infrastructure facilities.
Rational :
1. Infrastructure like facilities like creation of more post, construction of new
buildings, residential quarters etc at different zones/ areas.
2. Procurement of furniture, equipments, stationeries etc. for the smooth
functioning of all zonal offices and directorate as a whole.
Broad strategy:
1. Necessary provision has been kept in the plan programme for construction /
renovation/ reconstruction & repairs of various residential and non residential
buildings established by this department.
2. Necessary furniture will be procured to provide necessary facilities to the staff
for the smooth functioning of the office.
Soil Conservation
Name of the Department: - Agriculture
Name of the Sub- Sector: - Soil Conservation
Vision upto 2030.
Construction of various Soil Conservation structures to aid in-situ moisture
conservation and arrest soil erosion of the cultivable land.
Implement integrated water resources at all levels.
Combat and restore degraded land and soil including land affected by drought
and floods.
In coastal areas assessment of salinity and analysis report to include fertility,
sodality and acid sulfate aspects of soils affected by seawater and sediment
Coastal areas in close proximity to the sea have become permanently inundated
and cannot be brought back into cultivation and areas which cannot be restored
permanently and agronomical practices with establishment of mangroves will be
established in coordination with Department of Environment & forest and allied
Emphasizing maintenance of soil health for recovering the plant nutrient lost with
each runoff.
Extending soil testing facilities to the three districts of A & N Islands for proper
use of fertilizer and reclaiming the soil.
The farmers to be encouraged for wider adoption of appropriate eco-system-
specific and cost effective technology in soil & water conservation and to utilize
farmers’ wisdom in various indigenous technology for ecology-specific solutions
practiced in the fragile eco system in these Islands.
Ensure budgetary allocation to carry out soil erosion control work through
engineering department, authorized agencies and other bonafide stake holder in
A & N Islands to adopting contingent planning for soil conservation work and also
mitigate the eventualities.
The soils which are still subjected to inundation during high tides and has caused
permanent salinity adopting suitable soil conservation measures like Broad Bed
Furrow System to get the area reclaimed and bench terracing, contour bund,
contour trenches etc in hilly and plain lands.
Training the soil & agriculture extension functionaries on innovative practices,
cost effective methodology and through experts in field of soil & water issues.
The judicious use of geo-textile materials for Erosion control, Drainage, Filtration,
Reinforcement, Protection of earthen embankment.
Detailed soil survey is proposed to be conducted in the farmer’s field to identify
the soil classification best suitable for cultivation.
To select & adopt demonstration centers in farm’s for dissemination of the latest
know-how based on- farm results in soil & water conservation.
Preparation of micro watershed project in consultation with the watershed
committees, PRI’s line departments and CIARI in convergence with MGNREGA.
Issue of Soil Health Card after analyzing the nature of soil in their field
Soil analysis for determination of soil fertility including micro nutrient.
Saline Reclamation Work.
Stream Bank Erosion Control work including de-silting of nallah and drainage
Animal Husbandry
Vision Statement:
To maintain the disease free status of this territory in respect of infectious and
contagious diseases of livestock and poultry, measures have to be taken to
prevent entry of such diseases. The entry of Animal disease will lead to
economic loss. To provide legal teeth to these measures, the Prevention and
Control of Infectious and Contagious Disease in Animal Act 2009 will be
effectively implemented in this UT. The department also strives to improve
the health status of existing livestock in order to improve productivity.
At present, this UT is self sufficient in terms of meat and Eggs. However, with
the influx of tourists and expansion of civil and Defence establishment, the
demand for livestock products is expected to increase during the coming
years. To be prepared to address such contingency and maintain the present
balance of Demand & Supply, large units of livestock farms producing inputs
to the local farmers will be established. Emphasis will be given to establish
export oriented organic based farming.
As the number of milk producing animal cannot be increased drastically, the
productivity of the milch animals needs to be increased to meet the demand.
The department aims to upgrade genetic potential of livestock and take steps
to generate fodder all over the islands. The milk produced at village level will
be procured and marketed by extending milk procurement chain. Necessary
assistance for transportation to consumer market, milk procurement and
marketing infrastructure including cold chain will be provided for ensuring
remunerative price for the milk producer.
The Govt. is giving emphasis for skill development. The department plans to
train local youths in various animal husbandry activities with a view to
encourage self employment and livestock based ventures. It is also envisage
to establish Veterinary College in this Islands which will help in development
human resource as well as providing assistance to veterinary health care of
livestock in this UT.
It is expected that the requirement of milk will be 132g/day/head by the year
2024. To achieve this there is a need to increase the cattle population from
0.05 Lakhs to 0.06 Lakhs. This will be achieved through various facilities such
as breed improvement through Artificial Insemination, Strengthening of
market infrastructure, cold chain facility and augmenting the fodder resources
The projected requirement of eggs by 2024 will be 135 lakh (in No.) from the
present level of 100 lakh (in No.). To achieve this, the department will
strengthen the Backyard Poultry by providing low input high producing
poultry birds and ducks by providing veterinary health care to prevent loss
due to diseases, strengthening and expansion of departmental farms and
hatcheries to be able to supply necessary low input variety chicks, providing
training to the farmers to improve the Husbandry activities. More local youths
will be encouraged to take up commercial farming in large scale by giving
technological assistance.
To increase the pig population by supplying Large Yorkshire pigs and Nicobari
pigs from departmental farms and to distribute the progeny to the farmers
including tribal’s for genetic up-gradation of local breed. The pig population
will increase from 0.03 lakh to 0.04 lakh by 2024. Local youths will be
encouraged to establish Bacon Factory which will generate market for local
pig farmers who rear small units of piggery.
Emphasis will be given for Skill Development by training local youths in various
Animal Husbandry activities with a view to encourage for establishment of
self-employment and livestock based venture. Also provide technical support
for setting up of private farms by availing financial assistance from bank.
Human resource in the field of Veterinary Health care and allied sources will
be generated to meet future requirements
Model village will be established in each district. All the schemes of the
department will be implemented in the village with emphasis on integrated
farming & planning to generate maximum productivity from minimum inputs.
These villages will be showcased for other livestock owners so that they will
be motivated.
10 | P a g e
15 years Vision upto 2030
Enhance the fish production from the present 38581 tonnes to 50000
Creation of infrastructure such as Fish Landing Centres, Ice Plant and Cold
Storages, Modern Fish Markets etc.
Facilitate deep sea fishing by establishing fishing Harbour in the islands.
Creating awareness and training programmes in all villages of the Islands.
11 | P a g e
Promoting culture fisheries including Pearl Culture for generating
Establishment of a Fish Seed Farm at Basantipur in Middle Andaman.
Tie up with the Industries and other related departments to set up facilities
for export of fish.
Increasing the number of fishing boats by establishing boat building yards
at Port Blair.
Encouraging mechanized fishing through subsidy.
Generate more employment avenues to local people in Fisheries and allied
Encourage Adventure sport fishing for tourism activities.
Motivate tribals for undertaking commercial fishing and product
Strengthening of the Department of Fisheries through revival of the
existing technical posts.
Encourage online activities in the department so that people can avail
services from home.
12 | P a g e
Vision upto 2030
The Cooperative department envisions to register 975 numbers of more
cooperative societies (@ average 75 Cooperative societies per year) by 2030 which
will create self employment opportunities particularly for the educated unemployed
youths, women, differently-abled persons and tribal’s of A & N Islands for all round
development of the Islands.
The department also envisage computerizing all Primary Agricultural Credit
Cooperative Societies (PACS) of A & N Islands in collaboration with NABARD and GOI
for bringing transparency and uniformity in the working of the credit cooperative
07 years Strategy upto 2024
13 | P a g e
Name of the Department Revenue
Name of the Sub Sector Land Reforms and Consolidation of Survey &
Settlement- Strengthening of District Administration
Construction of Land Records of all the three Districts for 209 notified revenue
villages is the mandate of the Survey & Settlement Wing. Initially, in the entire UT,
there prevailed only one Deputy Commissioner stationed at Port Blair who was
responsible to Chief Commissioner.
Although the Survey & Settlement Wing has jurisdiction overall the 209
revenue villages scattered over the three Districts, the Survey & Settlement Wing is
a part of District Office, South Andaman District with the DC(S/A) as the Head of the
Department and the AC(Settlement) as the Head of Office.
As per the A&N Islands, the Land Revenue and Land Reforms Regulation, 1966,
the records of all the revenue villages have to be surveyed and finalized in every 30
years. The records of rural areas of Ferrargunj and Port Blair Tehsil were prepared
during 1961-62. In the case of Port Blair Municipal area, the records in operation are
the provisional records prepared in the year 1961. In the case of Little Andaman
Tehsil, the records were prepared in the year 1989. Further the records prepared in
respect of Middle & North Andaman District consisting of three tehsils having total
villages of 99 were finalized during the year 1973-75 which is also due for Revenue
14 | P a g e
The finalization of records in all 09 Tehsils except Little Andaman is, thus, long
overdue. The finalization of records will enable in creation of updated land records
making it easier to work with. It is all the more necessary to conduct these operations
so as to minimize the disputes, smooth functioning of land related activities and
computerization of Land Records.
The survey and settlement operations are to be carried out as per the
provisions contained in the Regulation. The present strength of Technical Staff
posted in the Settlement wing consists of 44 surveyors, 15 Surveyor & Draftsman, 01
Revenue Draftsman(Drawing), 01 Revenue Draftsman(computing) 04 Draftsman and
02 computers(Total 76) out of the above strength 04 S&D’s and 15 surveyors are
posted at various tehsil for day to day works and almost all remaining staffs are
utilized for survey works arising in different part of Islands and also engaged for
official works such as Computerization of land records, Court cases and forest
boundary matters etc.
Due to acute shortage of technical staff the re-survey works of A&N Islands
and revenue survey of 19 De reserved blocks in South/Middle & Andaman Districts
are pending and which needs to be addressed urgently.
Further it may be noted that a PIL has been filed by the Islands Protection
Forum for finalization of Revenue records wherever due and the case is under trial
in Hon’ble Court.
15 | P a g e
direct control of Commissioner-cum-Secretary(Revenue). The said proposal
essentially requires change of Head of the Department by appointing an Officer
junior to Commissioner-cum-Secretary(Revenue). It would not be advisable to have
a Senior Officer of the rank of limitation as notified by GOI regarding ban on creation
of post, the only sustainable alternative is the give addition charge of HoD to any
appropriate officer of the Administration. Having done so the nomenclature of
Survey and Settlement wing could be suitably changed as Directorate of Survey and
Settlement wing or Directorate of Land Records.
The duties and functions of the said HoD would be that of a HoD as prescribed
in CCS rules and other relevant rules. However, such an Officer shall not be a Revenue
Officer as prescribed in Section 3 of Andaman and Nicobar Islands Land Revenue and
Land Reforms Regulation 1966, which spells out the hierarchy of Revenue Officers.
This is due to reason that during Revenue survey, the Settlement Officer reports to
Settlement Commissioner who is appellate authority. The Assistant Commissioner
Settlement has been notified as Settlement Officers and there are no notified
Revenue Officers between Settlement Officer and Settlement Commissioner.
With the limited existing survey Settlement Staffs the department has started
the Revenue Survey work at Ferrargunj Tehsil in year 2013 and the survey of the
following villages has completed and the preparation of records under the provisions
of LR & LRR 1966 is under process.
1. Manjeri
2. Maymyo
3. Hasmatabad
4. Humphrygunj
5. Balughat
The department proposes to complete the revenue survey of villages under
Ferrargunj Tehsil in the following manner.
16 | P a g e
Sl.No. Name of villages Year of completion
1. 1. Nayashare 2016
2. 1.wandoor 2017
4.Flat Bay
3. 1. Craikabad 2018
2. Badmashpahar
3. Port Mout
4. Muslim Basti
4. 1. Ograbraj 2019
2. Tushnabad
3. Hobdypur
4. Manpur
5. 1. Collinpur 2020
2. MohwaDera
3. Herbertabad
4. Tirur
6. 1. Templemyo 2021
2. Aniket
4. Ferrargunj
7. 1. Mile Tilak 2022
2. Jirkatang
3. Bindraban
4. Namunaghar
8. 1. Mithakhari 2023
2. Dundaspoint
3. Viper Island
4. Mathura
9. 1. Alipur 2024
2. Kadakachang
3. Wimberlygunj
4. Mannarghat
10. 1. Malapuram 2025
2. Wright Myo
3. Kalatang
17 | P a g e
4. Shoal Bay
11 1. Kanyapuram 2026
2. Stewertgunj
3. Govindpuram
4. Bamboo Flat
12 1. Shore Point 2027
2. Hope Town
3. North Bay
Further, out of 19 De-reserved blocks, all of them are surveyed in the year
2004 and survey map alongwith land register have prepared. The preparation of
records under chapter VIII of regulation is to be done in the following manner.
1. 1.Paschimsagar 2018
2. 1. Indira Nagar 2019
2. Ganesh Nagar
3. Shanti Nagar
4. Gandhi Nagar
3. 1. Part of Karmatang 2020
2. Part of Webi
3. Part of Tugapur
4. West of Karmatang
4. 1. Part of Chainpur 2021
2. Part of Pahalgoan
3. Part of Pudumadurai
4. East of Karmatang
5. 1. Part of Roglachang 2022
2. Part of Nayaghar
3. Part of South Creek
18 | P a g e
4. Part of Dukenagar
The main bottle neck of conducting revenue survey and finalization of records
is the shortage of staff in the department. Under such circumstances, outsourcing
manual survey operation appears only to be visible solution for which steps shall be
taken considering past experience.
19 | P a g e
Minor Irrigation: Utilization and management of existing water source/ ground water
and construction of recharge structures.
20 | P a g e
Seven years Strategy Plan from 2017-18 to 2023-24
21 | P a g e
South Andaman
There are 33 GPs, 4 PS and 1 ZP in SA District, hence, the proposed work will be taken up as prioritized
2 C/o Mahila Mandal at Namunaghat,
Guptapara, Kanyapuram, Tushnabad,
Nos 10 2 12
Collinpur, Calicut, Beodnabad, Havelock,
Neil Island, C/Bay, Laxminagar
3 C/o Anganwadi Centre at Tushnabad,
C/Bay, Govindnagar, Collinpur, Calicut, Nos 10 02 12
22 | P a g e
10 C/o Fish Market at Hopetown, Wandoor,
Nos 5 1 6
Tushnabad, Guptapara, Beodnabad
11 C/o Culvert to at each Gram Panchayat Nos 6 1 7
12 C/o Bathing Complex at Havelock, Neil
Island, Collinpur, Hopetown, Beodnabad, Nos 30 3 33
13 C/o Public toilet & bath room at Havelock,
Neil Island, Collinpur, Hopetown, Nos 6 1 7
Beodnabad, Shoalbay
14 C/o Community Hall/Multipurpose Hall at
Guptapara, Namunaghar, Shoal Bay, Nos 8 2 10
Wimberlygunj, Bambooflat, Ferrargunj
15 C/o Mini Stadium at Tushnabad, C/Bay, V.K.
Nos 6 3 9
16 C/o Graveyard shed for Hindu/Muslim/
Christian at Guptapara, Shoal Bay, Nos 8 2 10
Stewartgunj, Tushnabad, Beodnabad
17 C/o Purchasing of Mortuary van at
Nos 6 2 8
Havelock, Little Andaman, Neil Island
18 C/o Cattle pond at Tushnabad, Shoal Bay,
Nos 10 2 12
Mithakhari, Chouldari, Calicut, Sippighat
19 C/o Bus Stops to at each Gram Panchayat Nos 25 8 33
20 C/o CC Footpath to all the Gram Panchayat KMs 25 8 33
21 C/o CC Drain to at each Gram Panchayat KMs 10 5 15
22 C/o CC Road to at each Gram Panchayat KMs 12 5 17
23 C/o Toe wall and Retaining wall at each
KMs 6 2 8
Gram Panchayat
24 Repair & maintenance of CC Footpath all the
KMs 10 3 13
Gram Panchayat
25 Repair & maintenance of CC Road all the
KMs 10 3 13
Gram Panchayat
26 Repair & maintenance of Retaining wall all
KMs 10 3 13
the Gram Panchayat
23 | P a g e
27 Repair & maintenance of Bus Stand all the
Nos 30 3 33
Gram Panchayat
28 Repair & maintenance of Community Hall all
Nos 30 3 33
the Gram Panchayat
29 C/o Guest at North Bay Nos 1 - 1
30 C/o Eco-friendly Hut at Neil, Havelock Islands
Nos 3 - 3
& S/Bay 19
31 Dev. Of Water Sports at Sippighat No 1 - 1
32 Dev. Of Kalatang water falls into a tourist
No 1 - 1
33 Installation of Solar energy at Zilla Bhawan &
Nos 2 - 2
34 Provision towards rain water harvesting at
Nos 2 - 2
Zilla Bhawan & Niwas
35 Strengthening of Administrative
infrastructure by creation of 150
posts of various category
Group – A Nos 1 - 1
Group - B Nos 30 - 30
Group – C Nos 119 - 119
Solid Waste Management
1 C/o Garbage disposal pit at C/Bay,
Nos 06 01 07
L/Andaman, F/gunj, H/lock
2 C/o Dumping yard at Wandoor, Hopetown,
Nos. 06 01 07
Little Andaman
3 C/o Incinerator plant at C/Bay, Hut Bay,
Ferrargunj, Bambooflat, Tushnabad, Nos 2 2 2
4 C/o road for dumping yard at Wandoor,
KMs 6 1 7
Hopetown, Little Andaman.
24 | P a g e
5 C/o fencing for dumping yard at Shorepoint,
Neil Island, C/Bay, H/Lock, Wandoor, Mtrs 800 100 900
Collinpur, Hopetown, Little Andaman
6 Transportation of wastage from various
Trip 22700 2500 25200
places to dumping yard
N&M Andaman
Sl. Items/ Particulars Unit 07 Years
No. Strategy
2017-18 to
1. Construction of Cement Concrete Footpaths. Kms. 90
2. Construction of Retaining Walls/protection walls Mtrs. 25000
3. Repair and maintenance of CC Footpaths Kms. 57
4. Construction of Community Halls Nos. 25
5. Repair and maintenance of Community Halls. Nos. 19
6. Construction of Cement Concrete Drain Mtrs. 8000
7. Construction of Children Park Nos. 15
8. Development of Graveyards Nos. 07
9. Construction of Shopping Complex Nos. 35
10. Development of Playgrounds Nos. 15
11. Construction and maintenance of Toilet Blocks (ZP Nos. 35
& PS)
12. Construction of Kitchen Sheds for Community Nos. 12
13. Procurement and maintenance of Mortuary van Nos. 03
for Panchayat Samities.
14. Procurement of Pick-up van for garbage disposal Nos. 37
for all Gram Panchayats.
25 | P a g e
15. Procurement of Laptops for Adhyaksh, Up- Nos. 57
Adhyaksh, Zilla Parishad Members, Pramukhs and
Pradhans for utilising in public services.
16. Construction of Solid Waste Management unit in 3 Nos. 03
17. Installation of Solar Energy and Water Harvesting Nos. 44 each.
in all Offices of PRIs.
18. Tourism development in North & Middle Andaman Nos. 08
by constructing eco-huts & maintain/ develops sea
beaches as recommended by the previous District
Planning Committee meeting.
19. Organising District Planning Committee & other Nos. 20
meetings of Zilla Parishad, Panchayat Samiti &
Gram Panchayats.
20. Hiring of vehicles for the Office. Nos. 15
26 | P a g e
Name of the Department: Directorate of RD, PRIs & ULBs
Name of Sub-Sector: Other Rural Development Programmes
27 | P a g e
Enhance availability and sustainable management of water.
Implement integrated water source resources at all levels.
Combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil including land affected
by desertification, drought and floods and strive to achieve a land degradation
neutral world.
28 | P a g e
Prevent coastal erosion in vulnerable areas of island.
Promote surface Rain water harvesting to encourage irrigation during rain
deficient period.
Reclaim inundated land for agriculture purpose.
Changed coastal topography after Tsunami and weather condition has made
much coastal area vulnerable for erosion leading to loss of precious land in
many parts of island.
Surface harvesting will save precious water for irrigational purpose during
summer which otherwise drained to sea.
Reclamation is best method to add land in islands.
29 | P a g e
the PRIs. It was decided by the Administration regarding formation of Blocks in
consonance with the Panchayat Samities.
The Directorate of RD, PRIs & ULB being the Nodal Department at State
level has to enforce close supervision, coordination and monitoring for effective
implementation of the programme/ Centrally Sponsored Schemes being
implemented in this UT. The scheme “strengthening of the Directorate of Rural
Development and block level Administration” is constituted with the above
30 | P a g e
Name of Department : Panchayati Raj Institution
South Andaman
There are 33 GPs, 4 PS and 1 ZP in SA District, hence, the proposed work will
(Laxminagar, Mannarghat, Nos. 7 1 8
Namunaghar, Mithakhari,
Guptapara, Wandoor,
31 | P a g e
N&M Andaman
07 Years
S.No Item/Particulars Unit Strategy 2017-
18 to 2023-24
1 Construction of Check Dam/ Weirs for 37
2 Construction of Ring Wells in different places 45
for irrigation.
3 Repair & Renovation of Ring Wells for 48
32 | P a g e
Provide Access to quality, reliable and un-interrupted power supply for all
islanders and electrification of 100% house holds in A&N Islands in order to
achieve Ministry of Power’s policy objective of “Access, availability and
affordability of power for all” and ensuring un-interrupted 24x7 power supply for
all residents of A&N Islands is on top priority of the department.
In order to reduce consumption of high cost fossil fuels i.e. HSD, the power
department is bound to encourage optimum utilization of renewable energy
sources such as Solar, Wind, Tidal, Biomass etc. for power generation in these
Islands so as to minimize the air pollution as well as further protection of
environment to ensure quality life of people in A&N Islands.
33 | P a g e
clean and environmental friendly sources of energy for power generation
especially through Renewable and Conventional sector as a back-up.
The strengthening of the systems will be taken up under DDUGJY & IPDS
schemes of MOP for reduction of AT&C Losses to the optimum level by the year
2027 by introducing improved technology, reliable and automated systems for
sustained collection of accurate base line data and adoption of more efficient
design and method of transmission, transformation, distribution and sale of
electrical energy.
34 | P a g e
2. Increase Renewable Energy Deployment in A&N Islands:-
MOU has been signed with CPSUs viz. NTPC, NLC & REIL for establishment of
Solar PV Plants under 100 MW Solar Park sanctioned by MNRE.
South Andaman
35 | P a g e
1 Attam Pahad NLC 10 2018-19
2 Dollygunj NLC 10 2018-19
3 Mithakhari NLC 20 2020-21
4 Chidiyatapu NTPC 8 2018-19
5 Mangultan NTPC 17 2018-19
6 Havelock REIL 1 2018-19
7 Neil REIL 1 2018-19
8 Little Andaman REIL 2 2020-21
North & Middle Andaman
1 Kishorinagar NLC 15.0 2020-21
2 Kalasi NLC 8.0 2020-21
3 Long Island - 0.2 2021-22
Nicobar District
1 Car Nicobar - 1.5
2 Campbell Bay - 3.0
3 Chowra - 0.25
4 Teressa - 0.25 2021-22
5 Katchal - 0.5
6 Champin - 0.25
7 Kamorta - 0.5
Sl. Capacity
No. (KWp)
1. Netaji Stadium 93
2. Secretariat 27.9
3. Police S.P.Office 58.28
36 | P a g e
4. Police Head Quarter 27.9
5. Aberdeen Police Station 27.9
6. Bus Terminal 55.8
7. Zilla Parishad 60.14
8. Marine Dockyard 174.84
9. Marine Store & Parking 55.8
10. Marine fitting shop 83.7
11. PBMC 109.12
12. DBRAIT 89.28
13. Electricity HQ Office 18.6
14. Science Center 55.8
15. Fisheries Emporium 62
Total: 1000.06
SECI has finalized tender for 5.8 MW Roof top Solar Project in left over Govt.
Buildings. The representative of SECI has inspected 20 Govt. Buildings out of 69
Projected Govt. Buildings.
Tender has been floated for inviting developers / manufacturers of GCRT for
installation of 1 KW to a maximum of 10 KW (Aggregating to 2 MW) Rooftop Solar
to private residential buildings/community, institutional and Non commercial
establishments with 70% CFA on the benchmark cost fixed by MNRE through
38 | P a g e
Village & Small Industries
Directorate of Industries
39 | P a g e
7 YEARS STRATEGY FOR 2017-18 TO 2023-24
Establishment of Incubator in all the districts of A&N Islands in association
with Ministry of MSME, CIARI, Coconut Board, Coir Board, Industrial Training
Institute, DBRAIT and other educational establishment to encourage budding
entrepreneurs and Startups.
Promote and ensure that the infrastructures are eco friendly and self
Setting up of Design Clinic/Design Development Centre for Handicrafts
Setting up of 2 New Industrial Estate at Port Blair and Diglipur. 200 additional
SMEs will be provided infrastructure support with an employment target of
2000 nos.
Establishment of Sagarika Emporium in Different metros and tourist spot of
these Islands
Setting up an IT park in A&N Islands to cater the need after the laying of
40 | P a g e
Under Sea Cable.
Setting up of Food Park to cater the Food Processing Industries. 50 Food
Processing units shall be set up in the Food Park.
Assisting Establishment of Tourism Activities in Nicobar District.
Setting up of District Industries Centre at Mayabunder, North & Middle
Andaman and Nicobar District to provide support to new and existing
41 | P a g e
Minor Ports
43 | P a g e
newly created port infrastructure and their smooth management and operation at
Designation Requirement
Executive Engineer -3 Electronics & Commn., Electrical &
Mechanical and Civil
1) With the increase in Shipping activity, required locations for providing berthing
facilities in A&N Islands would be discussed at different forum such as Ship
Acquisition Committee, District Planning committee, State Planning Board
,People representative, Various studies conducted by Admn. and an consensus
would be arrived. Once the probable locations are identified, Necessary survey &
Investigation, Environmental clearance, sub-Soil investigation and feasibility
study will be carried out. If possibility for development of jetties/Wharves exists
then the scope of work will be taken up .The work will be got executed through
ALHW and they would be required to submit an estimate for the scope of work
.The estimate will be scrutinized by PMB and submitted to Admn. for accord of
Administrative Approval and expenditure sanction by competent Authority.
Thereafter, once the estimate is sanctioned, Tendering of the work will be done
by ALHW and subsequently Award the Work. The progress of work shall be
monitored by PMB till Completion of project.
2) Detailed analysis on the no. of Vessels presently calling and that would likely call
at the respective locations will be done .Also communication trials at respective
locations will be undertaken and if found feasible the PCTs will be constructed
.The building for PCT will be designed in such a way that ground floor could be
used as Pax Hall , 1st floor as office Building and Top floor as PCT. The work will
be got executed through ALHW and they would be required to submit an estimate
for the scope of work .The estimate will be scrutinized by PMB and submitted to
Admn. for accord of Administrative Approval and expenditure sanction by
competent Authority. Thereafter, once the estimate is sanctioned, Tendering of
the work will be done by ALHW and subsequently Award the Work. The progress
of work shall be monitored by PMB till Completion of project.
44 | P a g e
3) The requirement of positioning of NAVAIDS will be finalized after making analysis
on the Port infrastructure being developed and the type of Vessels that would be
calling at the locations . Also discussion will be held with Master of DSS Vessels
and other Pvt. Vessels plying in the A&N water to ascertain the requirement and
type of NAVAIDS required. Discussions will also be held with department of
Lighthouse & Light Ships to seek their expertise in this regard. Once the location
for installing NAVAIDS are finalized . The work will be got executed through ALHW
and they would be required to submit an estimate for the scope of work .The
estimate will be scrutinized by PMB and submitted to Admn. for accord of
Administrative Approval and expenditure sanction by competent Authority .
Thereafter, once the estimate is sanctioned, Tendering of the work will be done
by ALHW and subsequently Award the Work. The progress of work shall be
monitored by PMB till Completion of project.
6) Canteen facilities have almost been provided at all locations. However on analysis
of its utility vis a vis the no. of passenger utilizing the facility will be done at all
locations . Also discussions will be held with the local population on their
requirement and the facility would be upgraded accordingly. The Scope of the
work will be got executed through ALHW and they would be required to submit
an estimate for the scope of work .The estimate will be scrutinized by PMB and
submitted to Admn. for accord of Administrative Approval and expenditure
45 | P a g e
sanction by competent . Thereafter, once the estimate is sanctioned, Tendering
of the work will be done by ALHW and subsequently Award the Work. The
progress of work shall be monitored by PMB till Completion of project.
46 | P a g e
47 | P a g e
07 Years strategy for 2017-18 to 2023-24
The Andaman & Nicobar Islands are scattered and spread over a distance
of nearly 800 Kms from North to South. The enormity of Inter-Island distances
and poor transportation links owing to far-flungness of human settlements of A
& N Islands are the main constraints in the economic development of the Islands.
The population of the A & N Islands has gone up from 2,81,661 in 1991 to
3,65,265 in 2001 and 3,80,581 in 2011. Similarly, the air traffic has also increased
considerably in past 5 years. The passenger traffic on mainland-Island sector has
reached 1116385 during year 2016-17 from 692045 in the year 2012-13 in the
Inter-Island sector the traffic has increased to 31210 in 2015-16 from 16909 in
2011-12. To successfully achieve our targets, projects will be prioritized.
1. Modernization of helicopter fleet.
2. Two operational hubs, one at Port Blair and second at Car Nicobar.
Besides Port Blair, second operational hub will be created at Car Nicobar to
ensure faster mobility between the Islands in Nicobar district and quick
response during exigencies. Necessary infrastructure such as Hangar,
aircraft parking area and passenger terminal will be constructed
48 | P a g e
to air-connectivity in this sector by increasing the frequency by 10% every
49 | P a g e
The Andaman & Nicobar Islands is having 504 habitation as per 2011 census.
Out of the above only 03 habitation are left out which is having more than 250
population i.e, Santhi Nagar, Jagannath Dera (estimate under process of sanction) &
Hanspuri (EIA study in progress required forest clearance)
The vision of department is to first connect all the habitation having 100 and above
population by all weather road by 2030 (except encroached forest area)
To widen the existing National Highway from Chidiyatapu to Diglipur for a length of
330 Km (to be executed by NHIDCL)
To construct two Nos. bridge each at Hamphry strait and Middle strait ( to be
executed by NHIDCL)
At present 266 Km of road is available as State Highway. Out of the above, 7.50 Km
is widened for a width of 5.5 meter.
At present the department is maintaining 372.16 km of rural road. It is proposed to
improve the riding quality for a length of 60 km. It is also proposed to renew the top
surface in every 5 years cycle in phased manner to cover entire stretch.2
To improve the drainage system of the existing road side by constructing
drains wherever require for a length of 30 km in entire Andaman &
Nicobar Islands.
To replace the existing damage culverts at various places in the rural road,
State Highway.
To replace all the Bailey Bridge into RCC Bridge to remove the
maintenance aspects.
50 | P a g e
To improve the riding quality District Head quarter roads in every 5 years,
cycle in phased manner.
To widen the main roads to two lane, four lane connecting the township
with state capital.
To provide parking spaces in the extended Municipal areas of Port Blair to
decongest the traffic problems.
To construct a bridge between Chatham and Bambooflat to reduce the sea
traffic congestion.(to be executed by NHIDCL).
The Andaman & Nicobar Islands is unique in nature as there are different
islands which are habitated either connected through road or isolated.
The climatic condition is also different due to almost 07 Months rain in a
year and seasonal cyclones occurring between October to January.-3
The settlement of the villages are also in contrast to mainland village as the
population is scattered and every individual family is having house site and
agriculture field in one place, thereby increasing the length of connectivity.
All weather road connectivity will improve the overall development of the area and
living standards of the villages.
Improvement in State highway will improve connectivity with the administrative
headquarters to the important villages.
51 | P a g e
To improve the tourism activity in the village which are either near the Sea beach or
having some important features having tourism potential such as Mud volcano,
Caves etc.
Quality road will decrease the maintenance cost of vehicles and fuel consumption.
Periodical maintenance will keep rural roads motorable with comfort to the road
52 | P a g e
Name of the dept. : Directorate of RD, PRIs & ILBs
Name of the Sub-sector : Road & Bridges (PRIs)
South Andaman
53 | P a g e
10 Rural road to all Gram Panchayat KMs 60 5 65
11 CC Road to all Gram Panchayat KMs 10 2 12
12 Footpath to all Gram Panchayat KMs 80 8 88
Retaining wall & Toe wall all Gram
13 KMs 10 4 14
Bridges at C/Bay, Shoal Bay, Mannarghat,
14 Beodnabad, Calicut, Havelock, Guptapara, KMs 5 1 6
Ferrargunj, Humfrygunj, Chouldari,
Culverts at C/Bay, Hut Bay, R.K.Pur, V.K.
Pur, Laxminagar, Chouldari, Guptapara,
15 Nos 25 10 35
Ferrargunj, Beodnabad, Humfrygunj,
Wandoor, Havelock, Neil Island
N&M Andaman
S.No Item/Particulars Unit 07 Years
2017-18 to
1. Construction of Cement Concrete Roads. Kms. 250
2. Construction of Cement Concrete Drains Mtrs. 12000
connected with roads/ rural roads (for protection
of roads)
3. Construction of Retaining wall for protection of Mtrs. 11700
roads/ rural roads.
4. Construction of Footpaths connected with roads/ Kms. 75
rural roads.
5. Construction of bridges/culverts. Nos. 125
6. Construction of Rural Roads. Kms. 120
7. Repair and maintenance of Rural Roads. Kms. 300
54 | P a g e
Road Transport
55 | P a g e
b) Rationale for the vision statement backed by data / research citations in few
Sl.No. Strategy
a) The Strategy of the Department is to introduce Luxury, Air Conditioned, sleeper
coaches and Low Floor Buses in future plans to make the inter district long
distance travel comfortable for the commuters as bridges on the roads are
expected to be completed during this period and such buses have not been
introduced in these islands. Tourist friendly transport services like circular and
shuttle services to tourist spots will also be introduced keeping in view of the
increase in influx of tourists to these islands.
b) Induction of battery operated, Hybrid vehicles etc. for minimizing
environmental and acoustic adverse impact of pollution due to automobiles
and to improve air quality thereby improving citizen’s quality of life. Such type
of vehicles has not been introduced in these islands. Setting up solar charging
stations to reduce dependence of fossil fuels.
c) To reduce huge traffic congestion by constructing Bus Terminus in outskirts of
Port Blair for Long distance Buses, Mini Bus Station at Bathu Basti, Bus
Terminuses at Bamboo Flat, Baratang, Mayabunder & Diglipur to provide
better shelters as well as basic amenities to the commuters. Construction and
maintenance of good quality bus queue shelters with accurate passenger
information system to improve commuter satisfaction.
d) To establish separate Urban Transport Wing for the city of Port Blair for
operation of an efficient urban public transport with a clear target to attract
personal vehicle users. (AC & Low Floor Buses will also be introduced). It will
also reduce the traffic congestion in the town. Efficient multi modal transport
by integrating road, shipping and air transport by giving connectivity.
e) With a view to impart correct and scientific training on continuous basis to all
sections of drivers, it is proposed to establish Drivers Training Institute in South
Andaman district in the 1st phase and in 2nd phase in North and Middle
Andaman district. The objective for imparting correct training is to reduce road
56 | P a g e
accidents and resultant fatalities. Driving license test will be automated with
the use of automated testing tracks.
f) It is proposed to establish yard for automatic testing & inspection for asserting
the fitness of vehicles under Motor vehicle Act. In the 1st phase it is proposed
to establish fitness testing yard in South Andaman District and in 2nd phase in
Nicobar District and North & Middle Andaman District as no Govt. yard for
testing and inspection exists at present. This is aimed at bringing transparency
and improved efficiency.
g) Efficient human resource development by imparting training to the employees
to enhance their skills at regular intervals. Provide better facilities to the
employees, assistance to the ward of employees, skill training for family
members of the employees, including creation of resident cluster attached to
various STS units.
h) To establish workshops in STS units with all modernized machine and
equipments at Ferrargunj Neil, Havelock, Hut Bay, Baratang, Rangat,
Mayabunder, Diglipur and Nicobar District etc. to strengthen the workshops
facilities which will help to provide uninterrupted bus services to the
commuters which is not existing at present.
i) To introduce online services like e-ticketing, EBTM, destination boards showing
arrival/departure timings, payment of fee and taxes etc. to maintain
transparency in regulatory mechanism and speedy delivery of services to the
public. Automatic vehicle tracking with GPS enabled devises, advanced
passenger information systems at the Bus terminus and bus queue shelters,
providing complete information of road transport services through mobile
APPs like availability of vehicles, parking space, fares, etc.
j) Construction of a Modern Bus Terminus-cum-Workshop in the STS Unit
functioning in Southern Group of Islands at Teressa, Kamorta, Katchal and
Campbell Bay to provide better shelters as well as basic amenities to the
57 | P a g e
Vision up to 2030
a) To provide safe, efficient, reliable and responsive Shipping services to the people
by inducting new & faster vessels with modern amenities & improved passenger
comfort as a replacement to the age old vessels in addition to major re-fit of the
existing vessels having productivity life for its efficient performance and through
chartering of vessels.
The vessels operating across all the sectors have almost completed their
productive life having average age between 25-30 years except for the Foreshore
sector vessels. Timely replacements of these age old vessels are inevitable to
maintain regular shipping services with more comforts, less travel time and to
conform the latest safety parameters as per the latest requirements by the DG
shipping. Also to cater to the repair needs of the newly acquired vessels the
existing repair/dry dock facilities needs to be modernized/upgraded. Further the
present system of ticketing is through Departmental ticketing counters only and
there is a need to upgrade this to web enabling ticketing system including
dovetailing of STARS with CSCs.
58 | P a g e
Strategy upto 2024 to reach the Vision over 15 years
The vessels in the fleet have become old resulting in frequent breakdowns,
huge operational expenses and disruption of services. In order to maintain
regular services with more passenger comforts with reduced travel time it is
proposed to acquire 32 ships in a phased manner upto 2024. Emphasis is also
been given by the Administration to shift the passengers from sea to air travel in
Mainland-Island Sector by operating chartered flights and as such the
department proposes to maintain three vessels in the M-I Sector in future after
decommissioning the old vessels. The status of vessels with their average age as
well as replacement programme is tabulated below:-
b) Chartering of Vessels
Due to frequent breakdown of vessels and the lead time taken for undertaking
the repair work due to limited availability of dry dock, spares and skill manpower
the department is unable to maintain shipping services in the Inter-Island sector
which is the primary mode of transport. Further the construction new vessels
takes around 4-5 years time as such as a stop gap arrangement it is proposed to
charter a vessel for operating in Southern group of Islands to provide regular
Bigger vessels operating in the Mainland and Inter-Island sector are sent to
Mainland/Foreign yards for repair/Annual Passenger Survey(APS) as adequate
repair/drydock facilities are not available at Port Blair. Accordingly a tripartite
MoU has been concluded between CSL, SCI and A & N Admn. for timely
repair/APS of Mainland-Island and Inter-Island vessels.
59 | P a g e
d) Modernization / Up-gradation of Marine Dockyard & Workshops.
60 | P a g e
61 | P a g e
Implementation of environmental management plan for harbour area to
control the pollution .
Establishment of Climate Change research and programme.
Strengthening of Department:
At present the DST is functioning with meager manpower of 9 staff and ANPCC
is functioning with 9 staff. Out of 18 posts, only 6 Technical posts are there. The
workload of the department has increased on account of State Level Action Plan on
Climate Change, pollution related issues due to various developmental activities and
tourist population especially in the field of waste management, establishment of
Ambient Air Quality Stations etc. and to keep it in pace with the increasing workload,
sufficient man power is absolutely essential. The Department has submitted the
proposal for creation of 18 Nos. of posts which is pending with Ministry of Home
Affairs and Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. The details of post
are given in the explanatory notes.
62 | P a g e
Aware of the enormous work involved in the up keeping and maintenance of the land
records, Computerization of land records is being taken up with main objective of
making the Revenue Administration efficient and responsive to the needs of the
people. To ensure efficient and proper maintenance and updating of the land records
for effective land administration, a comprehensive computer based land information
system is to be created. The main objectives of the scheme are:-
To facilitate easy maintenance and updating of changes which occur in the land
database such as changes due to creation of irrigation facilities, natural calamities,
consolidation of land holdings or on account of legal changes like transfer of
ownership, partition, land acquisition, lease, etc.
Computerization of ownership and plot-wise details for issue of timely and accurate
copy of the Record of Rights to the land owners, Creation of Land Information System
and database for effective land reforms, revenue administration and development
planning at the grass root levels.
Low cost, easily reproducible storage media for reliable preservation for long time.
Fast and efficient retrieval of information, both graphical and textual.
This scheme will be a permanent one as the land records are to be updated from
time to time and are records in perpetuity.
The linking of Sub Registrar office with Tehsil and District headquarters shall enhance
the efficiency of sub registrar office and also the sub registrar can view or print
63 | P a g e
current record for verification before registration of documents which will control
the grass root level corruption.
All Patwarkhana’s will be equipped with Computer, GPS unit etc. and the
Patwarkhana’s will also function as the facilitation counter for easy accessing of
General public.
64 | P a g e
Strategy upto 2024 to reach the Vision over 15 years
65 | P a g e
Name of the Department : Department of Information Technology
Name of the Sub-Sector : Science, Technology & e-Governance
Vision up to 2030
a. Vision
”Make all Government services accessible to the common man in his
locality over the web, mobile and common service delivery outlets, and
ensure efficiency, transparency, and reliability of such services at affordable
costs to realise the basic needs of the common man thereby transforming
Andaman and Nicobar Islands into a digitally empowered society and
knowledge economy.”
To achieve the vision, department has identified 6 (Six) strategic areas as follows:
1. Establishment of robust and reliable telecom connectivity across the Island’s
2. Setting up of State Wide Area Network.
3. Making services (G2C,B2C) accessible to common man at his locality.
4. Capacity Building programme to bridge the digital divide
5. Creating conducive environment for growth of IT and ITeS enterprises.
66 | P a g e
Rationale for choosing the above strategies:
1. Establishment of robust and reliable telecom connectivity across the Island’s
Adequate, robust and reliable connectivity is a pre-requisite for ensuring
electronic delivery of services through different digital payment tools.
Presently the basic voice services are not available in 40% of major inhabited
Islands (8 out of 21) and 44% of villages (172 out of 395). These islands are
lagging behind in telecom infrastructure due to their geographical location.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s (TRAI) in its report dated
22.07.2014 envisages availability of 2 Mbps bandwidth per household with
projected penetration of 12%, 39% and 64% in villages, towns and cities
respectively. TRAI estimation of bandwidth requirement for ANI stands at
55.66 Gbps as against the current availability of 1.118 Gbps.
67 | P a g e
This network will provide seamless last mile connectivity across all
Government Departments for facilitating electronic delivery of services.
The project will be implemented through SOVTECH a registered Society under
A & N Administration. The entire network will be created and operated by
68 | P a g e
Capacity building is considered essential for any citizen to leverage access to
public services by oneself. Capacity building also enhances the employability
of a citizen in a knowledge economy which primarily leverages ICT.
The strategic point is proposed to be achieved by taking up following tasks:
i. IT Mass literacy programme-
o Target Groups - General Public/ Citizens and all Government Servants.
o Mode: not limited to citizen workshops, flyers, advertorials in audio visual
media, banners, competitions, exhibitions, personnel etc.
o Implementing partners:- Government Departments, CSC’s, NGO’s, SHG’s,
Media etc.
ii. Introduction of ICT at schools
o Target Groups- Students of Primary, Middle and Secondary School.
o Mode: Regular Classes, workshops, seminars, exhibitions etc. not limited
to citizen workshops, flyers, advertorials in audio visual media, banners,
competitions, personnel etc.
o Implementing partners:- Education Department and schools, NASSCOM
iii. Introduction of Modular Employable ICT courses at Higher Education Level
o Target Groups - Students of Senior Secondary School and College.
o Mode: Regular Classes, workshops, seminars, exhibitions etc.
o Implementing partners:- Education Department, schools, colleges,
professional training agencies, NASSCOM etc.
iv. Skill Development Programme in ICT
o Target Groups – All unemployed youths
o Mode: Modular employable courses with hands-on training.
o Implementing partners:- Industries Department, Professional training
5. Creating conducive environment for growth of IT and ITeS enterprises.
Fragile ecology of the Islands coupled with geographical isolation is one of
the major impediments in promotion of large scale industries that require
huge land, power, water etc.
The Island economy therefore depends largely on Service Sector and
enterprises that requires less land, power and water.
IT and ITeS enterprises has therefore been identified as one of the thrust
areas of development.
Promotion of IT and ITeS Enterprises largely depends on the conducive eco-
system of the area.
69 | P a g e
The strategic point is proposed to be achieved by taking up following tasks:
70 | P a g e
Vision up to 2030
Island ecosystems are highly vulnerable to changes due to limited land, water
and food resources. At present, Island ecosystems face the biggest challenge from
Climate Change particularly due to rise in sea surface temperature, ocean
acidification and sea level rise. Climate Change is also likely to bring changes in the
rainfall pattern, annual mean temperature and consequently will influence many
biological systems. Research and monitoring of the Climate Changes and its impacts
on island ecosystem are essential for formulating an effective strategy for
combating climate change effects. In order to generate base line data for
management of ecology and environment of these fragile islands, it is essential to
set up a state level Research Institute to take up these activities.
(a) Climate Change and sustainable Islands Ecosystem: Research and monitoring
the impacts of climate change on island ecosystem is an important component in
the strategy for combating climate change effects, as it generate base line data for
management of ecology and environment of these fragile islands. Since islands are
particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts, the proposed scheme would
undertake following activities.
1. Establishing coastal data buoy system to monitor ocean and weather related
2. Monitoring spatial impact of climate change and other natural disasters in GIS
3. Establishment of Artificial coral reefs as a in - situ conservation measure
4. Conducting Study on phonological changes and recruitment pattern of key stone
flora to climate change impact.
5. Monitoring Critical faunal habitats (Turtles / Littoral birds) to assess impact of
Climate Change and remedial action.
6. Creation of database on climate change
71 | P a g e
Forestry & wildlife
Vision up to 2030
As per the ISFR 2015 out of geographical area (8249 sq km.) 82.28 % (7171
sq km) of the area is under forest cover. A&N Islands constitute one of hotspots of
biodiversity with a varieties eco system such as Tropical Forests, Mangroves, Coral
Reefs and Marine environment. These Islands have been categorized as one of the
biodiversity eco-region under the category of tropical corals in Global 200 Marine
eco regions. It is one of the 34 biodiversity hotspots of the world where in the
Andaman Group of Islands is included in Indo Burmese hotspot and Nicobar Group
in Sundaland hotspots. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are also one of the first
places in India to be added in the list of 50 Global ‘hope spots’ by the International
Union for Conservation of Nature and Mission Blue. Further, the International
Coordination Council of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme has added
the Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve to the world network of biosphere reserves
due to its rich biodiversity as added during May 2013. The A&N Islands encompass
a broad range of ecological habitat and highly diverse ecosystem varying from sandy
beaches to evergreen forests, littoral plains, muddy creeks, mangroves (617 sqkm
area), marine habitat which support thousands of species of plants and animals.
3552 plant species have been recorded from these islands so far and large areas still
remain unexplored. Similarly 5357 species of fauna have been recorded which
includes large number of species from marine ecosystem. Ecological systems are
very closely linked in these Islands. The forests of these islands are also home to six
vulnerable tribes who are totally dependent for their livelihood on forests and
marine ecosystems. Therefore, forest management and biodiversity conservation
are of paramount importance in these islands and even loss of small habitats may
have serious consequences on sustainability of biological diversity. Forest
management in A&N Islands requires scientific and planned conservation measures
keeping in view of extensive forest cover, high degree of endemism, uniqueness in
72 | P a g e
flora and fauna, broad range of ecological habitats, vulnerable tribes and fragile
environment and a large part of it is yet to be explored.
The Forests and Wildlife of the Islands are scientifically managed as per the
approved Working Plans and Management Plans. There are 9 National Parks, 96
Wildlife Sanctuaries and 1 Biosphere Reserve covering an area of 1619.8 sqkm which
constitutes about 22.58% of total notified forest. Increased human activity due to
the population growth, is posing a threat to human development due to irreversible
decline in biodiversity contents and its quality. Meeting the demand of sawn timber
and NTFP of local people and SSI Units is also one of the foremost mandates of the
Department as it is related with the livelihood issues of the islanders. The promotion
of NTFP plantations in degraded as well as non-forest area including the areas
reclaimed from the eviction of encroachments is prime importance. The important
aspects like implementation of policies of Govt. of India, IT policies, use of scientific
data base and GIS applications for management purpose, coastal security, climate
change, encroachments, research, human resource development etc. are the key
issues that have to be addressed for future management. Further, the action plans
for achieving the related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are also the prime
73 | P a g e
c) Forest Regeneration and Development of NTFP: The worked out forests of A &
N Islands are to be brought back into its natural profile and thus have to be
regenerated by undertaking several silvicultural operations as per prescriptions of
the approved working plans. Thinning operations will be carried out in old Teak
plantation and gap will be planted with natural species as per the prescriptions, in
addition to the plantation activity in degraded forest areas to enrich their growing
stock as well as planting of forest encroachments pockets on being vacated by forest
encroachers. To meet the local demand, plantation of NTFP will be undertaken in
forest /Non Forest areas, Encroachment Evicted Areas.
d) Forest Survey, Consolidation and Working Plan: The Working Plans prepared for
each territorial division for a period of 10 years will be revised periodically. Working
Plan revision involves demarcation, survey, forest boundary, preparation of forest
inventory, collection of data and analysis of growth and yield of forest produce, etc.
The revision of Working Plans of Middle Andaman, Mayabunder, Baratang and Little
Andaman Forest Division will be revised along with working scheme for Nicobar
division. As part of consolidation of forest boundary demarcation of boundary
between revenue and forest lands, digitization of entire forest boundary and its
reconciliation of revenue records would be carried out.
e) Forests Extension and Publicity: For promoting extension of tree cover beyond
the conventional forest area and to educate the masses about the need for
conservation and protection of forests and wild life. Programmes for raising of
plantation of fuel wood, fodder and fruit bearing trees by farmers on their own land
as well as community land etc along with awareness generation programmes
through celebration of important events related to forest, organizing nature camps,
seminars, workshops, etc. are prioritized. Development of model beach,
development and maintenance of nature’s trail, providing publicity materials for the
visitors and to manage these activities through JFM.
f) Forests Utilization: The timber harvesting has been restricted to worked-out forest
area and timber is being harvested as per the revised working plans approved by the
Central Empowered Committee constituted by the Hon’ble Supreme Court. The
Deptt. propose for effective utilization of available timber after harvesting by the
two Govt. Saw Mills at Chatham and Betapur and five MSUs.
g) Forests Building & Roads: The Deptt. would provide appropriate residential and
non-residential accommodation to the field staff and workers, besides construction
of fair weather forest roads for transportation of harvested timber as well as for the
purpose of patrolling is required to be undertaken and maintained.
74 | P a g e
h) Biodiversity, Wildlife Conservation and Eco development: The Deptt. would
provide for strengthening of infrastructure for protection of PAs, besides,
establishment of Biological Park at Chidiyatapu including construction of road,
buildings, animal enclosures etc. These activities would be carried out by
augmentation of infrastructure like machineries and equipments. Cataloguing,
characterization and conservation of flora and fauna, microbes and marine bio
resources have been identified for implementation.
i) Improvement of Govt. Saw Mill: In order to enhance the level of production and
to minimize the down time on account of frequent breakdown, The Deptt. would
replace the old machinery with new ones along with improvement of buildings,
including dwelling / recreation facilities to the workers of Govt. Saw Mills, improved
utilization of timber, improving the conversion ratio, increase in treatment and
seasoning facilities for enhanced life of timber.
j) Protection of Forests and Coastal Eco system: The Islands coastal territory of more
than 1962 km adjoining the maritime borders and about 6,00,00 sq. km Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ) are open frontiers and easily approachable by foreigners and
difficult to monitor because of their vastness along with regular protection activities,
augmentation of infrastructure are prioritized.
75 | P a g e
Vision of A&N Administration is to develop the Andaman & Nicobar Islands
as a unique Eco-Friendly tourist destination and generate income and
employment for local enterprise. The objective of the A&N Administration is
to promote Sustainable Tourism in the islands in such a way that it would
benefit the local community by generating employment and contribute to the
economic growth of this Union Territory without disturbing the ecological
balance. To this end it would endeavor to:-
i. Promote Eco-Tourismwith a view to protect the fragile eco-system.
ii. Harness the U.S.P of the islands being gifted with excellent Sites for
adventures water sports.
iii. Project a tourist-friendly image to the domestic market and the world
at large as one of the best island tourism destinations in the world.
iv. Become the number one Indian tourist destination in terms of per capita
visitor’s expenditure i.e., move towards “High Value, Low Volume
v. Focus on international tourism by networking these islands with South
East Asia as part of Look East Policy.
vi. Develop world class infrastructure i.e. hotels, resorts, transport and
vii. Identify new islands for focused development as done by NITI AAYOGto
unlock the immense Untapped/Undertapped potential of tourism in
the UT.
viii. Identify potential sites for nomination as World Heritage Sites under
the category of natural heritage.
ix. Promote traditional artisans and the handicraft sector forlivelihood
x. To promote rural tourism, heritage tourism, film tourism, agri tourism,
A. Role of UT Administration
(a) Tourism service providerforcatalytic tourism activities in new islands
(b) Encouraging entrepreneurship in tourism:
The Administration will provide subsidies for tourism projects through
Industries Department. The eligibility for availing the subsidy schemes is
that the enterprises need to be registered in A&N Islands with the District
76 | P a g e
Industries Centre, Port Blair under the Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises Act, 2006.
(c) Augmenting infrastructure facilities for enhancing and strengthening of
(d) Providing the required support facilities and incentives to investors to
encourage private investment in the tourism sector through Single
window clearance for tourism related projects.
(e) Facilitating availability of trained manpower by providing training and
exposure to local youth.
(f) Preparing master plans/and strategies for plan development.
(g) Framing Tourism Trade Regulations for promoting best practices in
tourism industry for strengthening “Brand Andaman”.
(h) Provide Wayside amenities for tourists with special attention to old age
people,ladies, DIVYANGS, Children.
(i) Attempt will be made to tape MICE(meetings, incentivises, conventions
and exhibitions) Tourism opportunities in the island.
(j) The administration will facilitate private players for transportation of
tourists by helicopter, sea plane, ship, road.
(k) To enhance the use of ICT in the sector and further improve the quality
of services for strengthening “Brand Andaman”.
(l) Business / industries Tie-Upcentralised to South East Asian Countrieslike
Thailand, Singapore etc.
(m) Providing entertainment / leisure activities like events,exhibitions,
festivals, cultural shows etc in association with local talents/
(n) Home Stay:The people of Andaman are tourist friendly. Extending
hospitality in such houses by way of Home Stay will enrich the tourism
experience in these islands and also boost community participation in
tourism promotion.
(o) Land Conversion/usage: with a view to safeguard primitive, vulnerable
and indigenous tribes of the islands, no tourism activity will be allowed
around the protected Jarawa buffer/area notified under the Protection
of Aboriginal Tribes Regulation, 1956. Similarly no land conversion will
be allowed within 50 meters of the high tide line in tourist designated
sites. Land conversion at other sites will be subject to the provisions of
CRZ regulations.
(a) Formulate strategic tourism partnerships with neighbouring international
destinations like Phuket for leveraging increased visits to these islands.
(b) Restricted area permit and E-Visa: Andaman and Nicobar islands is a
restricted area under the Foreigners (Restricted Areas) Order, 1963 and
77 | P a g e
no foreigners can enter or stay in the island without obtaining permit from
competent authority .At present foreign tourists are permitted to stay for
a period 30 days which can be extended for another 15 days as per powers
delegated to the Administration by the Govt. of India. The A&N
Administration will persue with Govt. of India for reviewing of the islands
open for Foreign Tourists in A&N Islands. To facilitate arrival of foreign
tourists, administration will follow up for declaring Port Blair Airport &
Sea Port as Immigration Check Post (ICP)for enabling e-visa endorsement.
(a) The A&N Administration has issued notification under the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 in 2009 banning use of plastic
carry bags in the islands made of virgin or recycled plastics. A&N is
moving as a low plastic territory. Use of plastic carry bags has been
banned in all National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Beaches and tourist
destinations like Ross Island, Viper islands, Mud volcano, and Lime
stone caves at Baratang.
(b) Eco-tourism circuits: to create new eco tourism circuits like Mount
Harriet National Park, Shoal Bay, Mannarghat, Madhuban (South
Andaman), Long Island Guitar Island, North Passage, Yerrata, Button
Island, National Parks (Middle Andman), Curtbert Bay Sanctuary,
Betapur, Rangat, Kalsi (Middle Andaman), Smith – Ross Islands, Lamia
Bay, Saddle Peak National Park, Ram Nagar, Kalighat (North Andaman)
(c) Canopy Walkway: A Canopy walk, the first of its kind of initiative in India
will be set up in the Biological Park at Chidiyatapu –Port Blair.
(D) ADVENTURES SPORT TOURISM: The Territory has a great potential for Scuba
diving, Sea-Walk, snorkelling, underwater sports, surface sports, land waste
adventures sports, hot balloon sports etc. The same will be promoted as per
“Ease of Doing Business” while taking all care for safety of tourists.
The Administration will encourage cruise tourism, Yatch Tourism, sail-boat
regattas, and house boats in creeks and other allied activities. Efforts will be
made to popularize these islands as a destination for cruise tourism in cruise
tourism markets/locales. Policy on cruise tourism as laid down by GoI will be
followed.To give life to water based leisure activities, 50 Yatch Marina –a
novel venture in the Indian Waters, will be established at the picturesque
Viper Island in Port Blair on Public Private Partnership basis.
78 | P a g e
79 | P a g e
Survey & Statistics
To coordinate Statistical activities of all line departments & to
make available quality data, timely and reliable data.
To streamline 20 key statistical indicators & develop strategy to
reduce data gaps as identified by ministry of Statistics and
Programme implementation also under the scheme SSSP
To reduce time gap in data flow/ data collection.
Focus on c0ollection of Island wise, village wise data .
Use of It tolls for data collection & dissemination
To develop online DATA BANK and data Archival
Capacity building of Staffs
To develop indicators based on Sustainable development Goals
(SDG) using the Statistical plan under SSSP.
80 | P a g e
Departments have already been informed & few data gaps. All the
departments have been requested to streamline, strengthen the data
collection in their sectors taking steps to fill/reduce the data gaps.
Use of IT tool can play an important role in reducing the time gap in data
There is a need to collect data at grass level that can be village, Tehsil
and Island level. Department have been requested to develop data base at
village level that will help in compilation of desired statistical indicators at
village, Tehsil and Island level.
81 | P a g e
A DATABANK & ONLINE archival has already been put in place on trial
basis in the web site of Directorate of Economics Statistics for feedback.
Interactive analysis of data with graphical representation is available for trial.
Capacity building is also major initiative and very much essential for
enhancement of quality of data. Ministry of Statistics with its National
Statistical System Training Academy (NSSTA) provides in-service training to DES
of various States. It has been requested to provide training at Port Blair so that
large number of Statistical personnel can take advantage instead of sending
staff to New Delhi.
Under the scheme Support for Statistical Strengthening Plan (SSSP) all
departments have been requested to provide revised action plan for
Strengthening of Statistics of concerning sectors and streamline key statistical
indicators of their departments.
83 | P a g e
Strategy upto 2024 to reach the vision over 7 years
All departments have been requested to develop village-wise data to their
All departments have been requested to provide data by July every year.
Rural Development and Panchayat Department has been requested to develop
a village-wise database on Basic Amenities.
Up-gradation of Web based application developed with the assistance of NIC,
Port Blair and a link given in the website of Rural Development and Panchayat
Department should be able to feed data directly in website.
The website will be redesigned to provide all the publications and various data
for archival.
Academy of Statistical Administration, National Statistical System training
Academy (NSSTA), Ministry of statistics has been requested to provide training
at Port Blair instead of sending staff to Delhi.
Target of 12 trainings for 15 years is envisioned.
All departments have been requested to provide revised action plan for
Strengthening of Statistics and streamline key statistical indicators of their
departments. Using guidelines of SSSP.
Departments are requested to develop Statistical indicators as per the targets
and as per action plan under SDG.
Departments are requested to fill data gap in their sectors.
Departments will be able to feed data through website thereby reducing the
time gap.
84 | P a g e
85 | P a g e
4. FPS automation through Smart Ration Cards based e-transaction to check
pilferage and black marketing
● Rationale : The Department has implemented a pilot in e-PDS to bring in reforms
in PDS system in South Andaman District. With the implementation of pilot, the
Department could annually make a saving of about Rs.21.00 Crores in various
PDS commodities including Kerosene Oil. In the manual process, the
Department has not been in a position to fix the problem of pilferage and black
marketing. Considering this, now the Department intends to translate these
reforms into other part of this Territory so that there can be an absolute check
on pilferage and black marketing along the supply chain. This will ensure that
the subsidized commodities are reached to the genuine beneficiaries.
5. Implementation of DBT in Supreme Kerosene Oil
● Rationale: In the absence of a robust system to identify a genuine
beneficiary, the subsidized Kerosene Oil being sold through Fair Price Shops to
the PDS beneficiaries whoever is not having LPG connection may get diverted
resulting non-receipt of the subsidized commodity by the genuine beneficiaries.
Besides the use of kerosene oil can be rationalized by implementation of PMUY
with the objective to penetrate LPG across this UT.
● Rationale: Presently, only one District Consumer Fora is functional at Port Blair
that too does not have its own building. In order to ensure independent
infrastructure for the District Consumer Forum, separate building for the forum
is required in all the three districts for its smooth operations. To deal with the
unfair trade practice, Consumer Advisory networks will act as an alternate
dispute redressal forum to guide and give legal remedies to the consumers.
86 | P a g e
8. Enforcement of Legal Metrology Act 2009
● Rationale: Presently, the Legal Metrology section of this Department has
its Office and Laboratory set up at Port Blair only. Besides, inadequate number
of trained manpower in the Legal Metrology wing affects the enforcement
activities. For the effective implementation of Legal Metrology Laws the
required infrastructure and the trained manpower are rather necessitated. This
will ensure that the customers including PDS beneficiaries are not exploited at
the hands of traders and merchants.
Gender Budgeting
1. 100 % allocation of foodgrains is ensured to the priority households headed by
senior woman member of the household.
87 | P a g e
2. Women entrepreneurs/applicants are considered on priority basis for issue of
FPS licence.
88 | P a g e
Name of Department : Education
Name of the Sub-Sector : School Education
89 | P a g e
To obtain assistance of DBRAIT and SOVTECH in establishing equipments and
creating adequate netwok at least in 100 schools to start tele-education.
90 | P a g e
Name of the Department : Education
Name of the Sub-Sector : University and Higher/Technical Education.
Creation of posts & Filling up of newly created posts – Newly created teaching
as well as non-teaching posts will be filled.
Opening of Extended Campus of JNRM – To cater the need of growing
population new campus of JNRM will be opened in Bambooflat and Chouldari.
Opening of new campus will be easier than starting a new college.
Skill based courses will be introduced– As the infrastructure will be available
after the completion of action plan of 2017-2020 many skill based courses such
as hardware in computers, software development, floriculture ,tourist guide,
etc may be started.
91 | P a g e
To be kept in provision for allowance to BPL/ST/SC students for washing clothes
and two set uniform every year.
Transfer and posting of Teaching and Non- teaching staff between MGGC to
JNRM, Port Blair and Andaman College, Port Blair.
Minimum 50 qtr to different category i.e. Dormitory Type, Type-II, Type-III, Type-
IV and Type-V to be constructed.
New Computer labs are to be constructed with LAN.
Job Oriented/ career guidance course will be introduced.
Students as well as faculty members will be encouraged to undertake research
Water reservoirs and more capacity water tanks for college and Hostels to be
Electric Sub Station in the college campus.
To setup an IT unit in North and Middle Andaman at Diglipur.
92 | P a g e
Short term courses on some Foreign languages and job oriented programmes:
To establish a cell for Educational and Vocational Guidance for providing short-
term course for Competitive Exams.
Research Culture will be cultivated.
93 | P a g e
To introduce new UG courses not available in these islands like Fine Arts, BPA
The above mentioned 11 newly proposed UG Courses for the Vision 2020 may
be further strengthen by increasing the intake capacity of 60.
To construct sports complex (indoor and outdoor).
An additional 05 acre land is required for further development of infrastructure.
To start Post Graduate courses like M.Com (Gen), M.Com(CS), MBA in Finance,
Marketing, Corporate and HR, M.A.(Economics), M.A.(English),
M.A.(Sociology),M.A.(Journalism),M.Sc(Psychology),M.Sc(computer Science),
M.A.(Social Work), M.A(Anthropology), M.Sc(Forestry), M.Sc(Fisheries), , M.Sc
Statistics, M.Sc Biotechnology, MFA (Fine Arts), M.Lib and PGDSM (Post
Graduate Diploma in Sports management) 30 intake capacity.
To start M.Phil Degree Courses in Commerce, English, Psychology, Economics,
Sociology, Journalism and Communication, Anthropology and Sociology with
intake capacity of 05.
To start PhD courses for the above mentioned subjects.
To construct additional 50 classrooms, PG Hostels for men and women (50
rooms each), 02 Examination Halls (500 capacity each).
To construct 01 Conference Hall of 1000 capacity, 05 laboratory and 1 canteen.
To construct Residential Quarters- Type V (10 Nos), Type IV (50 Nos), Type III (20
Nos), Type II (12 Nos).
To construct 03 water tank (for college and Hostels) with 20,000 litres capacity
and 01 Bore well.
To construct parking facility for 2 and 4 wheelers, 05 college bus and 03 light
vehicle (office and Principal).
To appoint additional administrative staff like 02 Head Clerk, 03 Driver for Light
Vehicle, 05 Driver for Heavy Vehicle, 06 Cook for Hostel, 30 MTS.
94 | P a g e
Name of the Department : Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
Name of the sub-sector : Technical Education
To provide a platform to the students community for sharing their ideas, thoughts
fearlessly and facilitate them to develop by embracing best practices of learning
supplemented with the technical environment as well as value based initiative.
Strive for continual improvement of the process to ensure that the product rolled
out is able to contribute for societal development.
95 | P a g e
Industries attachment training for students
Assistance in placement of students
Jointly conduct of seminar, workshop and training
The TEQIP-III project shall provide necessary fund to the mentor and mentee.
96 | P a g e
3 years Action Plan 2017-18 to 2019-20
97 | P a g e
The vision is to improve the overall sports standard and to make Andaman
& Nicobar Islands a leading name in Sports through Universalization of Sports
Infrastructure and facilities throughout the length & breadth of the UT and
instructing of Sports talent to achieve excellence in the A&N Island through
affirmative actions and inclusive development, so that every islander has equal
opportunity to participate actively in the Sports and Youth Affairs activities.
Financial Assistance for sports infrastructure like playfields and indoor facilities at
village, Block, District and UT Level through UT budget and CSS like Pyyka, Kehlo
India & NSS etc., for development, creations of gymnasiums, development of
playground, to meritorious sportsmen in our islands.
Establishment of sports academies to facilitate the upcoming sports talent in our
Scholarships to participant and medalist of the school nationals.
98 | P a g e
Organization of national integration camps, youth exchange programme seminars
for guidance in competitive exams.
Personality development.
Guidance for self employment, youth festivals.
Promoting of NSS activity developing qualities of good citizenship through
community services and reinforcing volunteerism in youth, youth employability
& providing youth travel and National Integration.
99 | P a g e
100 | P a g e
9. Swimming Pool in Nil Indoor International
Car Nicobar standard Swimming 50000
Pool with Diving
10. Cycling Velodrome Outdoor/Open Indoor International
in Port Blair Concrete Cycling standard Concrete
Velodrome (not fit Cycling Vellodrome 100000
for competition) multistoried and semi
11. Multipurpose hall An International
of size 60 mx40 m Nil Standard Gymnasium
x12.5 m Indoor with equipments 100000
Hall in N&M
12. Construction of Nil Construction of
stadium complex International
at District head Standard Stadium 500000
quarters - Complex at
Mayabunder Mayabunder – District
District Head Quarter
13. Sports Science / Nil International standard
Sports Medicine Sports Science/ Sports
Centre with a medicine centre and 500000
Physician and International standard
Sports Library in Sports library is
South Andaman, essentially required as
Netaji Stadium, Sports injuries are
Port Blair recurring factal
Total 1043000
101 | P a g e
INFRASTRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENTS (the annexure is enclosed for your kind
perusal and your approval please.)
Veer Savarkar National level volleyball tournament.
Dr. A.J Abdul Kalam memorial Marathon trophy.
Subhash Chandra Bose national level memorial Cycling trophy.
Rev Bishop John Richardson memorial football trophy.
Apart from this with the facility available in our islands we can conduct sports
like water related sports and indoor sports in our islands with eminent sports
personalities and sponsors.
The sports includes:
1. Swimming
2. Yachting
3. Basketball
4. Hand Ball
5. Table Tennis
6. Archery
7. Chess
8. Rowing
9. Canoeing
10. Kayaking
11. Boxing
12. Taekwondo etc.
Financial assistance for creation of sports infrastructures
Financial assistance for creation of swimming pool to sports association for
organizing competition/Camp/sending the team for nationals/to players for
training/equipments/participation in competitions.
Organizing self defense programme for women.
102 | P a g e
103 | P a g e
Name of the Department : Department of Art & Culture
Name of the Sub-Sector : Education
Vision 2030
Andaman & Nicobar Islands is popularly known as Mini India. People professing
different culture, religion, language etc. live here in perfect harmony resulting in a
composite culture. Therefore, the vision of the Department is to preserve, conserve
and promote the unique composite culture and heritage of the islands.
One of the priority areas of the Department is to foster and co-ordinate activities
for the promotion of contemporary art and tribal art forms in Andaman and Nicobar
Islands in order to make the Islands a vibrant cultural hub by involving local artist's
fraternity and artists of National/International repute.
104 | P a g e
The Department will support autonomous Institutes & NGOs, Cultural
Organizations, Panchayati Raj Institutions by providing them financial
assistance in the form of Grant-in-aid for promotion of art , culture and
Documentation and Action Research will be undertaken in the field of art
and culture at national /international level .
Leveraging ICT based and innovative ideas for promotion of art and
Leveraging Funding from Government of India Schemes for promotion of
art and culture in the islands
Encouraging private partnership/entrepreneurship and community
engagements for promotion of art and culture
105 | P a g e
Name of Department : Health Department
Promote 100% institutional deliveries; reduce Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) and
Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR); raise child sex ratio in the 0–6 year age group;
Improve and sustain the standards of antenatal, pre-natal and post-natal care;
improving infant and young child feeding practices including breastfeeding
promotion; immunisation against vaccine preventable diseases;
Irrespective of the size of population, all inhabited islands need to have basic
health care facilities by overcoming the challenge of shortage of trained
manpower; establish new health institutions in different parts of these islands
as per requirement, guidelines and local needs; up-gradation of PHCs/CHCs in
outlying areas, wherever necessary, as per guidelines
106 | P a g e
Ensure regular supply of drugs, vaccines, delivery of good quality health and
family planning services;
107 | P a g e
108 | P a g e
To generate revenue for the sustainable maintenances of existing infra-
To implement big projects such as Flat Bay water supply scheme and sweet
water lake.
To Install & commission RO Plant in islands where water availability is less.
To Install & commission 100 MLD RO Plant in Port Blair Head quarter area as
additional source of supply.
109 | P a g e
Name of the Dept. : Directorate of RD, PRIs & ULBs
South Andaman
7 years 2017-18 to 2023-24
South Nicobar Total Remarks
Sl. Item/Particulars Unit Andman
No. (i/c rev.
areas of
C/ Bay)
1. Extension of pipeline at F/Gunj, B/Flat,
110 | P a g e
5. Construction/renovation/up-gradation of
Bathing Complex at Havelock, Neil Island,
Nos 40 5 45
Hut Bay, C/Bay, Hopetown, Collinpur,
6. Construction/renovation/up-gradation of
New treatment units/RO Plants at
Netajinagar, Hut Bay, Laxmanpur, Neil
Island, Govindnagar, Havelock, Ram Nagar,
Neil Island, Kalapathar, Havelock, Market
Nos 20 5 25
area at C/Bay, North Wandoor, and
Manglutan, Dhanikhari, Humfrygunj, C/Bay,
R.K. Pur, Ferrargunj, Shoal Bay, Bambooflat,
Brindaban, Wimberlygunj, Beodnabad,
7. C/o Sulabh Suchalayas at Havelock, Neil
Island, Hut Bay, C/Bay, Hopetown, Collinpur, Nos 25 5 30
8. C/o Community Toilet at Havelock, Neil
Island, Hut Bay, C/Bay, Hopetown, Collinpur, Nos 30 2 32
9. C/o Cleaning of Drains/Culverts to all GPs Nos 50 5 55
10. Construction/provision of Dustbin to all
Nos 45 4 49
Gram Panchayats
11. Establishment of Drinking Water
Management Project (Gujrat Model) at
Chuna Batta- Hopetown, Nimbu Bagicha - Nos 3 1 4
North Bay, Neil and Havelock Islands, Little
Andaman and Campbell Bay
111 | P a g e
N&M Andaman
112 | P a g e
Provide suitable accommodation to all staff and officer in all
administrative headquarters by construction / re-construction and
renovation of existing units.
Exploring multistoried buildings.
113 | P a g e
Name of the Department : A&N Police
Name of the Sub-Sector : Housing
Andaman & Nicobar Islands having a 3 district, South Andaman, Middle &
North Andaman and Nicobar District. In this District 1652 quarters are
available and Satisfaction level of the quarters are 34%. Most of the staff
needs Govt. accommodation. In 3 District s more then 3634 Police Personnel
are posted. The satisfaction level will be reach in 48% in the end of 2030.
The spills over works are completed on the priority basis in the Annual Action
Plan 2017-18.
All the future constructions are to be based on the green building concept.
All the existing old quarters are beyond economical repair to be dismantled.
114 | P a g e
Rationale for the vision statement backed by date/research citations in few
Physical Target:-
S.No Details of the Target Nos/Units
115 | P a g e
Urban Development
116 | P a g e
Port Blair Municipal Council
The PBMC is striving for keeping the city clean & green with 24x7 drinking water
and proper street lighting. To achieve this objective strengthening of the Local Body
by implementing recommendations of the 4th Finance Commission is needed. It will
not only provide required financial strength but will also give required functional
autonomy/independence to carry out its obligatory/discretionary functions. The
following aspect needs to be addressed on priority:
1. Proper traffic circulation on inner roads of the wards with preference to non-
motorized vehicles. Provision of Multi-Level Parkings in the Smart City Project will
also address the problem of congestion in the main part of the city.
2. Community Halls, Public Toilets and wi-fi hot-spot facility in each of the ward.
3. To solve the water crisis, development of water bodies in different wards, re-use
of the recycled water, Desalination treatment plant of 14 MLD capacities, and
augmentation of water supply network with provision of additional command
4. Proper drainage system, sewage treatment plant by APWD, fire hydrants in the
thickly populated wards and market places
5. Beautification of city, uniform color coding and vertical expansion of the city by
adopting modern construction technology having required safety measures for
earthquake etc.
6. Capacity building of staff through training, staff welfare including proper medical
care, regularization of existing Daily Rated Mazdoors and thereafter going for direct
recruitment following transparent recruitment process.
7. Development of One-day Tourist Destination places, Establishment of amusement
parks and upgradation of existing parks
8. Development of Slum Area under Housing for All, Implementation of Housing for
all in the similar manner development done by Andhra Pradesh under Slum
conversion scheme.
117 | P a g e
9. Open Defecation Free City with adequate facility of Community Toilets, Public
Toilets and Mobile Toilets.
10. Solid waste management with provision of energy generation from the waste and
converting wet waste into compost/manure
11. E-governance in the Municipal Office for all its facilities and to reduce need for
visiting municipal office for basic services.
12. Re-development of old municipal markets and construction of new markets in
newly extended 06 wards. Construction of a landmark City Centre in Municipal
Area at Garacharma ward no.18).
13. Development and Face lifting of Sea Shore Area from Chatham jetty to Aberdeen
Jetty, from Tirupathi Temple Diary Farmto Shaeed Bedi Park at Junglighat and from
Sinclairs Hotel to Corbyns Cove which can also be a revenue generation for PBMC
through PPP Model.
14. Replacing existing street lights with LED lights and also encouraging Solar Energy in
all upcoming buildings.
118 | P a g e
Strategy upto 2024 to reach the Vision over 15 years
Sl No Description Remarks
1 Augmentation of water supply network Detailed survey will be carried out
to cater the increasing demand of water and estimate prepared.
in Municipal Area.
2 Replacement of Old and Rusted GI pipe Detailed survey will be carried out
lines at all 24 wards. and estimate prepared
3 Providing house hold individuals tap 10% increase will be achieved in a
connections with meters to the entire planned manner.
houses holds under the jurisdiction of this
4 Construction of Circular Water Tank at Estimates needs to be approved.
Atam Pahad
5 Construction of Surface tank at Police Survey will be carried out and
Line. estimate prepared.
6 Construction of OHT at Shadipur PHC Survey will be carried out and
estimate prepared
7 Construction of OHT at Civil Wireless Survey will be carried out and
Shadipur estimate prepared
8 Construction of OHT at Bargath Line Survey will be carried out and
estimate prepared
9 Construction of Surface Tank with Pump Survey will be carried out and
House near Juvenile Home. estimate prepared
10 Construction of OHT at Dollygunj near Survey will be carried out and
Mini Stadium estimate prepared
11 Construction of Surface tank Brijgunj Survey will be carried out and
Dakiya Pahad. estimate prepared
12 Construction of OHT Brijgunj at Ward Survey will be carried out and
No.22 estimate prepared
13 Improvement of Water Supply Survey will be carried out and
distribution network at extended 6 estimate prepared
14 Laying of additional DI lines to upgraded Survey will be carried out and
water supply distribution in newly estimate prepared
extended 6 wards.
15 Desilting of Wells there by increasing the Survey will be carried out and
yield of all well in 24 wards. estimate prepared
16 Construction of New Wells at Identified Survey will be carried out and
sources in all 24 wards. estimate prepared
17 Augmentation of Storage capacities of Considering the increase in demand
Clear Water Reservoirs at Various existing for coming year’s enhancement of
command tank. capacity will be considered.
119 | P a g e
18 Outlaying of new distribution network. Envisaging that the existing as well as
new localities may come up equitable
distribution and management is
19 Setting up of Laboratory. 01 nos To check quantity of water as
per national standard
20 Capacity Building of technical staff and Port Blair being far from mainland,
skilled worker in mainland & in Port Blair latest technology & updates are not
as available here.Hence to expose
our staff to the new and latest
technology its proposed to train
120 | P a g e
Name of the Department : A &N Fire Service
Name of the Sub-Sector : Urban Development
For the next seven year we plan to establish 03 nos. Fire Station, a Training centre
building, Fire motor workshop with modern equipments, mini w/shop at Rangat &
kamorta and 81 nos. of Qtrs and for augmenting water supply we have projected
20 nos water supply scheme. Besides this, to modernize A & N Fire Service we have
to procure 23 Nos. Qrt vehicle, 06 Nos. water tender, 04 nos. water mist tender, a
mini hydraulic platform and few modern fire fighting equipments. Further, 96
posts are also proposed.
121 | P a g e
Strategy upto 2024 to reach the vision over 15 years
Building professionals through training. Apart from basic training and regular
refresher training on various issues related with police, we provide training to
civilians in emergency response preparedness, Fire and disaster rescue drills in
schools with the help of NDRF, fire-fighting and rescue training, training to
fishermen in life skills during Fishermen Watch Group meetings and train the
Private Security Guards and Home Guards - auxiliary work force
Our Fire Service unit besides fire protection and control are the first responder in
any disaster and have critical role in earthquakes. This unit is equipped with
disaster instruments like hydraulic spreader, Hydraulic cutters, Air lifting bags etc.
also plays major role in forest fire. It also takes up the work of distribution of water
in crisis situation
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Name of the Department : Traffic Branch
Name of the Sub-Sector : Urban Development
To monitoring the traffic violators against the MV Law, on this CCTV cameras is
going to be installed at various junctions. Presently at the BathuBasti junction the
file is proposed for installation of CCTV cameras which is under process.
b) CCTV cameras have to be installed in all existing traffic points to monitor the
traffic violators
c) Special Interceptor vehicle with camera and speed radar gun to be introduced
for clutching the rash driving vehicles.
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Information & Publicity
Our main objective is to provide fast, reliable and efficient information through
Print, Electronic, Social and Creative media.
Introduction of New Technologies
By introducing modern technology and creating infrastructural facilities the
information and publicity sector in A&N Island can be strengthened.
Training in association with PIB, PTI etc
The media persons will be trained to expand them to new development in field of
Media in mainland and responsible journalism will be promoted. Fresh talents will
be motivated to join this field.
Film shooting destination
A&N Island is having a vast potential to become a film shooting destination for
national and international level directors. It will create employment opportunity
for the local people and generate income for the UT govt. In order to promote this
island as film shooting destination wide publicity is to be given in mainland
newspapers, TV channels, participation in National and International fairs,
exhibition, festival and conferences etc. Short films/animation are to be prepared
to promote this island as film shooting destination.
Promotion of private media
Responsible private media will be promoted while ghost newspapers will be
discouraged by galvanizing District Administration through Deputy Commissioner
who are responsible under the act.
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Name of Department : TRIBAL WELFARE
The Andaman and Nicobar Islands have originally been the abode of
aboriginal tribes. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Protection of Aboriginal
Tribes) Regulation, 1956, promulgated by the President of India provides for
protection of the interests of aboriginal tribes and declaration of the geographical
area as reserved areas, which are predominantly and exclusively inhabited by
these tribes. In these islands, there are six Scheduled Tribes i.e., the Andamanese,
Onges, Jarawas, Sentinelese, Nicobarese and Shompens notified by the President
of India under Article 342 (1) of the Indian Constitution (Andaman & Nicobar
Islands Scheduled Tribes Order No. 58, dated 31.03.1959. Except Nicobarease the
rest of the 05 tribes are Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs). It may be
appreciated that 4659 Sq Km has been declared as tribal reserve (56% of UTs total
geographical area). For 05 PVTGs, an area of 2818 Sq km has been declared as
tribal reserve. Apart from above, central act namely “SCs & STs (POA) Act, 1989 is
also strictly enforced by the A&N Administration. Andaman and Nicobar Adim
Janjati Vikas Samiti and Integrated Tribal Development Agency are being funded
by the Directorate of Tribal Welfare in the form of Grant-in-aid to meet out the
welfare and wellbeing of the tribes of A&N Islands.
The total population of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands is 3,80,581 (2011
census) of which, the tribal population is 27972 (as per 2011 census) constituting
7.5%. The details ST population are as under:-
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permanent body, the scheme is being continued during the 12th Five Year Plan
too, to facilitate further identification of OBCs and other mandatory and statutory
functions as provided in the Rules. The population of OBCs in these islands is
1,64,731 which constitutes 49.38% of the total population as per the report of the
first OBC Commission. This UT Administration has notified the above communities
as OBCs in respect of A&N Islands, besides reservation of 38% jobs in the services
of the A&N Administration for OBCs vide Administration’s Notification
No.343/2005/F.No.8-3/2003-TW dated 16th December, 2005 as further amended
vide Administration’s Notification No.75/ 2006/F.No.8-3/2003-TW dated 19th
April, 2006 and subsequently all the above five communities have been included
in the Central list as well.
(i) Demarcation of Tribal Reserve Area [SDG Goal-1 & SDG Goal-15]
(ii) 100% coverage of tribes of these under the social security schemes of Govt of India
like Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Bima Yozna (Premium Rs. 330/- per annum) and
Pradhan Mantri Bima Yojna (Premium Rs. 12/- per annum) [SDG Goal-1]
(iii) Formulation and implementation of Policy for Onge Tribe [SDG Goal-1]
(iv) Formulation and implementation of Policy for Andamanese tribe [SDG Goal-1]
(v) Augmentation of drinking water facilities in all tribal settlements [SDG Goal-1]
(vi) Strengthening of Integrated Tribal Development Agency [SDG Goal-1]
(vii) Awareness programmes on health and hygiene for the PVTGs [SDG Goal-3]
(viii) Grant of financial assistance to the serious tribal patient for medical treatment in
the islands as well as in various recognized hospitals in the mainland [SDG Goal-
(ix) Cooperation of various department and Andaman Nicobar Command required for
conducting circumnavigations, periodically, to ensure safety, security and well
being of the Sentinelese, which will be continued to prepare them for the
coexistence with the mainstream societies. [SDG Goal-3]
(x) Documentation of narrative history of PVTGs and other settler communities A&N
Islands for ANTRI Museum and Library [SDG Goal-3]
(xi) Codification of tribal language [SDG Goal-4]
(xii) Effective implementation of centrally sponsored scheme in respect of STs & OBCs
through Direct Benefit Transfer [SDG Goal-4]
(xiii) Extending telecommunication facility in all tribal settlements [SDG Goal-4]
(xiv) Maintenance of VT Centre at Car Nicobar & Grant of stipend to Trainees [SDG
Goal-4 and SDG Goal-8]
(xv) Strengthening of ANTRI [SDG Goal-8 and SDG Goal-9]
(xvi) Conducting of Socio-economic survey of OBC of left out communities [SDG Goal-
(xvii) Providing of additional scholarships to STs & OBCs Students for pursuing their
studies at various levels [SDG Goal-10]
(xviii) Participation of tribal in Tribal Conferences/ Festivals in mainland
126 | P a g e
B) Strategy upto 2024 to reach the Vision over 15 years
(ii) 100% coverage of tribes of these under the social security schemes of Govt of
India like Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Bima Yozna (Premium Rs. 330/- per annum)
and Pradhan Mantri Bima Yojna (Premium Rs. 12/- per annum) [SDG Goal-1] –
40 Onge and 17 Andamanese tribes have been covered under Pradhan Mantri
Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yozna (Premium Rs. 330/- per annum). The amount towards the
insurance premium has been paid by AAJVS. Target will be fixed to cover all tribes
under the schemes by 2024 (except Jarawa, Sentinelese and Shompens)
(iii) Formulation and implementation of Policy for Onge Tribe [SDG Goal-1] -
Like Jarawa and Shompen Policy, field study will be carried out with the help of
ANTRI, AAJVS and Ministry of Tribal Affairs to frame the policy for Onge Tribe
(iv) Formulation and implementation of Policy for Andamanese tribe [SDG Goal-1] –
One of the immediate priorities in this regard would be to address the problem of
alcoholism and substance abuse among members of the community. Another
problem area that has arisen due to greater degrees of acculturation, and their
gradual dispersal out of Strait Island. Hence, farming of Policy for Andamanese
tribe is felt necessary. ANTRI will be assigned to frame the policy, which will be
implemented with the approval of Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
(v) Augmentation of drinking water facilities in all tribal settlements [SDG Goal-1]
Project will be devised in consultation with ANTRI, AAJVS, APWD and Forest
Departments for augmentation of safe drinking water
(vii) Awareness programmes on health and hygiene for the PVTGs [SDG Goal-3]
Health & hygiene among tribe is the main concern of the department. A protocol
of Disease Surveillance for strengthening medical preparedness for the Jarawas in
the event of any disaster in collaboration with DHS, protocol for Surveillance for
Protection of Jarawa tribes, Policy on Shompen Tribe of Great Nicobar, protection
and welfare measures are extended to the Jarawas as per the Jarawa Policy
127 | P a g e
framed in the year 2004, extends health and other calibrated amenities preferably
(viii) Grant of financial assistance to the serious tribal patient for medical treatment
in the islands as well as in various recognized hospitals in the mainland [SDG
The tribal being the weaker section of the society, socially and economically
backward are not able to bear the cost of medical treatment. Therefore, the
concept of providing of financial assistance to the serious tribal patients has been
visualized and mandated
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(xiv) Maintenance of VT Centre at Car Nicobar & Grant of stipend to Trainees [SDG
Goal-4 and SDG Goal-8]
To provide employment and / or self-employment to tribal youths by imparting
vocational skills such as Steno-typist and use of computer, a Vocational Training
Centre has already been setup in Car Nicobar during the 9th Five Year Plan and is
being continued. The post of Vocational Instructor (Stenography) has already been
filled up and posted at D.Cs office, Car Nicobar.
(xvi) Conducting of Socio-economic survey of OBC of left out communities [SDG Goal-
10] –
Socio economy survey of Karens, Malayalee, Punjabi Settlers has been conducted
and report is under preparation. Efforts will be made to complete survey of all left
our settler communities for consideration of their status under OBC category.
(xvii) Providing of additional scholarships to STs & OBCs Students for pursuing their
studies at various levels [SDG Goal-10]
Guidelines has been framed to extend financial assistance of Rs. 1000/- per month
to needy ST & OBC students pursuing higher education at mainland and local
colleges under Direct Benefit Transfer
129 | P a g e
Sl. List of work Unit/ Nos. Outcome
1) Participation of tribal in 1 couple 8 couple of different tribal
Tribal Conferences/ per year x 8 communities will be sent to New
Festivals in mainland. years Delhi to witness Republic Day
celebration so that they may
generate sense of integration and
oneness among the tribals
2) One time grant towards On As the tribal community is the
medical treatment of demand weaker section of the society,
serious tribal patients at basis socially and economically
mainland. backward are not able to bear the
cost of medical treatment. Hence
under the scheme financial
assistance towards treatment of
major ailments like heart, kidney
cancer etc. shall be granted, when
they are referred to hospitals at
mainland for further investigation
and treatment.
3) Maintenance of VT Centre 50 400 ST students shall be trained in
at Car Nicobar & Grant of students x Computer and stenography to
stipend to Trainees 8 years = generate employment under skill
400 ST development programme.
4) Providing of additional 200 1600 ST students will be extended
scholarships to ST students students x with financial assistance @ Rs.
pursuing higher education 8 years = 1000/- per month for per
at Port Blair and mainland 1600 ST academic year, so that literacy
colleges students rate among the tribal community
in higher education can be
5) Grants to AAJVS 1 To ensure welfare and wellbeing
of the Particularly Vulnerable
Tribal Groups so that their socio-
economic condition may be
6) Grant to Tribal Council 1 To ensure welfare and wellbeing
of Nicobari tribes of Nicobar
District so that their socio-
130 | P a g e
economic condition will be
7) Providing scholarships to 500 OBC 4000 OBC students will be
the OBCs Students for student x 8 extended with financial assistance
pursuing their studies at years @ Rs. 1000/- per month for per
various levels. academic year, so that literacy
rate among the OBC community in
higher education can be uplifted.
8) Setting up of ANTRI and 1 To Strengthen and develop of
conducting of research Andaman and Nicobar Tribal
activities Research & Training Institute
(ANTRI) institute as a world class
institute so that the ANTRI shall
ensure that the distinct and the
unique ideas, knowledge, objects
are collected, conserved,
preserved, documented, analyzed
and made accessible, to all people
in diverse forms
131 | P a g e
Labour & Employment
The vision of the department shall be transparency in inspection and
eliminate discretionary powers of officers in implementation of Labour Law so as
to ensure free and fair enforcement of Labour Laws and extension of Social
Welfare assistances to the beneficiary workman by BOCW Welfare Board in A &
N Islands. Enhancement of employability through Employment Services and
Imparting Skill Development Training through Industrial Training Institute in the
Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
1. Youth are to be prepared as skilled manpower for make them employable and to
ensure constant supply of manpower to potential industry and service sectors.
2. The trained Trainers can only be able to extend qualitative training which at
presently is lacking in the department. They should be trained at different
Advance Training centre at mainland.
3. The infrastructure support is relatively not up to the work at outer Islands which
need to be improved.
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Employment Exchange:-
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Social Security & Social Welfare
Ensuring better infrastructure for Children, Destitute, Orphan & Destitute Senior
Have dignified, free and safe ambience for senior citizens
Create inclusive environment for Divyang.
To make Islanders free from the ill effect of Drug Abuse and Alcoholism (Substance)
Organize preventive Programme/ Sensitization of the common Islander including
male female from different age group about the consequences of alcohol and other
substances abuse through Awareness programmes.
134 | P a g e
Conducting annual study on drug abuse and Alcoholism.
Installation of Poster/hoardings/standees at public places
Organizing Special Gram Sabhas
Formation of neighborhood watch dog Committees.
Providing Outreach and Extension services of Wellness Centre in all panchayat and
135 | P a g e
Sub sector-II Empowerment of Women
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Disaster Manager
b) Rationale for the vision statement backed by data/ research citations in few
Infrastructural Development of Directorate of Disaster Management (DDM),
State Emergency Operation Centre(SEOC), Emergency Operation
Capacity Building of Disaster Management Organisation (DMOs), PRIs,
Communities and Organisation/Agencies.
Implementation of Community Based Disaster Risk Management Programme in
ANI at State/District/Block/Panchayat or Tribal Village Council/Village level.
Implementation of Disaster Management in Higher Education (DMHE)
Implementation of Urban Risk Mitigation Programme (URMP) in Port Blair.
National School Safety Programme implemented in 412 schools in ANI will be
continued on year to year basis.
Up-gradation/Modernization as State of Art Communication for Emergency
Communication and Early Detection and Warning Systems.
137 | P a g e
2. Sector specific Strategy
Robust system of communication TETRA Communication equipment as used in
Delhi Common Wealth Games and Haiti EQ- Up-gradation of communication
equipment will be undertaken. Additional latest version of sirens will be
installed in all inhabited Islands.
Automated Tsunami alert systems in all Islands alongwith GPS Observatories
and 35 Automated Tsunami sirens will be installed.
Ultra frequency Wi-Fi system- Latest Version of ultrahigh frequency Wi-Fi will
be installed.
Strengthening of VHF System for communication- Ultrahigh frequency VHF
Systems will be installed.
Installation of BARCO display system will be installed for monitoring and visual
displays of operations, media briefing, other media channels in one place in
SEOC and EOCs.
Additional Briefing Room/Situation room equipped with communication
equipment such as display of operation, briefing, media and video conferencing
with all other stations in different Islands specifically with EOCs will be setup in
the DDM building.
3. Procurement of 02 Nos Operational Vehicle for Dte. Of Disaster Management
and 13 Nos Vehicles for QRT (3 District, 9 Tehsils & 01 State Level).
Institutional Mechanism
a. Response Team:
Equipped with Tactical Resources for Relief operation and updated frequently.
Equipped with Communication Equipment SAT Phones, VHF
Self protecting gears. Integrate disaster risk concerns into all activities and
ensure implementation.
Develop Training materials
Provide Technical support and expertise to community and Govt. Stakeholders
b. Rescue Team:
Equipped with Tactical Resources for Relief operation and updated frequently.
Equipped with Communication Equipment SAT Phones, VHF
Self protecting gears.
Equipped with Medical Kits and Survival Kits.
Equipped with Earth Moving Equipments
Sniper Dogs, Robots
Life detector
Heat sensing Cameras
Thermal Imaging Cameras
138 | P a g e
Dress codes
Rescue Helicopters/Sea Plane
4. Capacity Building
139 | P a g e
Disaster Management in Higher Education (DMHE)
To enhance capacity of Colleges/Institutions to tackle any crisis situation and to
minimize and avoid losses.
To prepare and develop Colleges/Institutions Disaster Management plan.
To strengthen the alert, warning and communication system of
Identification of escape routes in the Colleges/Institutions.
To constitute and train College/Institution level task forces for first response and
use available resources for Evacuation, Search & Rescue, First Aid and Relief
To sensitise on disaster preparedness and safety measures.
Identify hazard profile of the Colleges/Institutions for its mitigation.
To carry out Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities by the
students of Colleges/Institutions.
To motivate direct participation of students/youths in the disaster awareness
activities in ANI.
Civil Defense
Civil Defense is an effort to protect citizens of a state from Military attack
It’s a community based voluntary organisation.
The DC, South Andaman is the Director, Civil Defense for A&N Islands.
Pre disaster
Educating the community
Civil defence awareness in schools
Sensitizing government employees
During disaster
Enhance its capacity to act as first responder
To have its own QRT (Quick Response Teams) with pre-designated roles and
To build a communication network to keep in touch with EOCs and CD
Control Room
After it initial role of response, the team may integrate with DM efforts of
the state/DDMA.
5. Connectivity – Surface, Sea and Air
Operational Vehicles/Mobile Communication van/Air ambulance/sea
ambulances/ High speed boats/Gamines
6. Relief Shelters
In addition to 140 relief shelters separate relief shelters will be constructed in the
vulnerable locations with civic amenities and stock of relief materials.
Pre-fabricated relief shelters for quick evacuation with facilities of MFR.
7. Incident Response System in ANI
IRTs identified with pre-designated duties and responsibilities – Implementation
and Enforcement
8. Creation of Posts
140 posts are proposed for SEOC & EOCs functioning in the various Islands of ANI.
9. Thrust areas for growth and the bottlenecks in such areas
Robust Communication Equipment and up-gradation.
Communication Networking with inter and intra Communication Equipment
Early Warning Communication System
141 | P a g e
Installation of 34 Tsunami Warning Siren
Installation of Seismograph Equipment in ANI Islands for early detection of
Doppler Weather Radar will be installed by the IMD in addition to 13 AWS
Strengthening the Professional Ethics in the field of Disaster Management
Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) in ANI - Installing and commissioning of IMD for
weather forecasting to now casting.
Global Navigation Satellite System – A project of MoES for Installing and
commissioning of Strong Motion Seismographs and GPS observatories in ANI.
Community Based Disaster Preparedness
142 | P a g e
Up gradation of existing District Jail, Prothrapur as Central Jail and existing Sub-Jails in
the Districts of N&M Andaman and Nicobar as District.
To ensure that all accommodation provided for the use of prisoners and, in particular,
all sleeping accommodation meets all requirements of health with due regard to
climatic conditions and particularly to cubic content of air, minimum floor space,
lighting, heating and ventilation.
To improve the vigilance and security of Jails for ensuring safety and security of
Introduction of Prison Software in all Jails for maintaining the records and other details
of the prisoners.
Creation of sufficient posts for Jail Establishment to providing proper care and
protection of Prisoners and also for undertaking various reformative activities of the
143 | P a g e
The existing District Jail at Prothrapur is having lodging capacity of 409. The total
inmates lodged in the District Jail gone upto 1200 during 2015-16 and required to
upgraded to Central Jail
The existing Sub-Jails at Mayabunder, Car Nicobar and Campbell Bay are to be
upgraded as District Jail.
The Sub-Jails exists in the Districts of N&M Andaman and Nicobar will be up graded
as District Jails by construction of barracks with 100 prisoner’s capacities on the basis
of certain well defined universally accepted norms & standards.
Jails strive to reform, reintegrate and rehabilitate the prisoners in the society. The
challenge before any Jail Administration is to make the imprisonment purposeful in
every way for those who have to undergo the same. Attempting to minimize the
suffering of a person who has been imprisoned by providing an efficient and
transparent administration. This Department provide them the opportunity to use
their time purposefully and constructively by Introducing training in more trades viz.
Hardware & Software, Mobile Phone repairing, Motor Mechanic, Electrical wiring,
144 | P a g e
repairing of Air-conditioner & Refrigerator etc. learning new skills, pursuing education
and resolving their inner conflicts. It has been this department endeavour to treat
every prisoner in Jails with dignity and respect.
To improve the vigilance and security of Jail by procuring and installation CCTV
systems, Jammers, Metal Detectors, Body and Luggage Scanners, VHF equipments.
The existing vehicles are too old and required to be replaced with new vehicles.
Moreover, additional vehicles required for Sub-Jail at Maybunder.
Open/Semi-open Jail is one such effort wherein convicted prisoners having good
conduct may undergo their sentence in a relaxed environment and constitute an
important component of reformation and rehabilitation policy of Jails which bring
qualitative change in the life of prisoners.
145 | P a g e
Stationery & Printing
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Public Works
Ensure availability of office space and allied infrastructure for efficient
working environment.
Upgrading testing facilities and establishing new laboratory.
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Identity Cards
148 | P a g e
for incentives that may be given by the Government or who, alternatively, will not
attract the disincentive that may be built into the system to decrease the load on
the carrying capacity of these islands.
Now administration has approved to enroll children those who born after 2002
subject to have islanders identity card with their parents. Applications for the same
being received in all tehsil office for enrolment..
149 | P a g e
Strategy upto 2024 to reach the Vision over 15 years
7 Years Strategy Plan i.e. from 2017-18 to 2023-24
To achieve the vision into implementing policy, the Department has devised 7Years
Strategy Plan which is described below.
Issuance of Islanders identity cards to all bonafied islanders.
Creation of Posts.
Procurement of Equipment.
Filling up of the vacant posts.
150 | P a g e
Strengthening of Judiciary
Vision up to 2030
The following Vision may be given importance to:
Leadership for the Future: the role of leadership in shaping court excellence and
introducing judicial reforms. How leadership could be rejuvenated to align with the
judiciary of the future.
Innovations in Court Procedures and processes: The latest developments in court
procedures and processes that have innovatively changed the ways that justice is
delivered. Theses may include technology-driven approaches or non-technology
based solutions, such as community-based solutions or collaborations with
Designing the Courtroom of the Future: how court infrastructure could be designed
differently from the traditional notion of a courtroom and its functions. The
corresponding changes to court process and related frameworks to support these
changes creative approaches that enhance access to justice. This may include access
to physical courthouses or virtual resources.
Delivering Court Services of the future: recent trends in the profiles of litigants, and
how this may impact their expectations of the court new approaches and
methodologies to assess court users needs and measure their levels of satisfaction,
thus enabling the courts to deliver excellent services. New modes of services delivery
to improve the affordability and accessibility of court services.
Discovering New Frontiers for the Judiciary: New developments that could be
implemented in the next to five years, to help judiciaries reinforce public trust and
confidence in the administrative of justice. These could cover, but are not necessarily
limited to, the following areas: proactive case management, alternative dispute
resolution and enhancing the capabilities of judicial officers and court administrators.
Implementing the values under the Framework of National Court Management
system: National Court Management System was launched in 2012, and yet to be
applied by the courts. The Frame work has been adopted by the State Judiciary and a
SCMS committee has been formed and baseline report has been prepared and
submitted to incorporate the latest developments in International/ National court
improvement strategies.
151 | P a g e
Strategy up to 2024 to reach the Vision over 15 years:
a) Regular Bench of High Court to be made available at Port Blair
b) Circuit Bench of Hon’ble High Court to be made available in all the rest of two
c) Witness should be provided with separate waiting room.
d) Doubling the existing number of Courts as per recommendation of the advisory
committee headed by the Hon’ble Justice P. Sathasivam, the Senior Most Paine Judge
(As His Lordship then was) of the Supreme Court of India formed by the National
Court Management Systems Committee in consultation with the Ministry of Law and
Justice, Government of India with the object of “Enhancing Timely Justice’’ for
Doubling of the existing number of Courts.
e) The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India is also monitoring for construction of new court
f) The National Legal Service Authority, New Delhi has been pressing hard for
construction of building for ADRM Centre (Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism
Centre) in all District of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
g) Solar Energy Panel is to installed in the court building of all District in Andaman and
Nicobar Islands
h) Modernization of District Court
i) Establishment of new Additional Courts in all the District of Andaman and Nicobar
j) Construction of Nyay Seva Sadan Building
k) Creation of permanent building with facilities of Lok Adalat, Meditation Hall, Legal Aid
Clinic, ADRM Centre.
l) Construction of Staff quarters
m) Residential Complex for Judicial Officers.
152 | P a g e
Local Fund Audit
Name of the Department : CHIEF PAY & ACCOUNTS OFFICE
b) Providing proper internet facility to the Pay & Account Offices and Sub Pay &
Accounts Offices in the remote places of these A & N Islands for implementation of
e-payment, DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer), PFMS (Public Fund Management System)
and all other schemes by CGA will directly help the beneficiaries for transferring the
payment in their account.
c) Conduction of regular audits of PRIs such as Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti, Zilla
Parishad and other institution receiving grant-in-aid from Govt., every year by this
office will ensure the correct use of government fund by these institutions.
1. Implementation of e-tool :
Already this office has started the e-payment facility for making all types of
payment to the beneficiaries. For implementing PFMS & DBT as per the direction by
CGA this office is doing all possible efforts and the same will be implemented on all
PAOs and Sub PAOs on improvement of the internet facility of these islands.
2. Strengthening of Office :
(i) Splitting of PAO-I into two PAOS for reduction of number of bills received by
this office and speedy settlement of these bills.
(ii) Acquisition of land at Campbell Bay, Mayabunder & Diglipur of construction of
Sub PAO with residence
(iii) Creation of one more Sub PAO at Ferrargunj tehsil.
(iv) Creation & posting of AAO & MTS at all Sub PAOs.
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Strengthening of Police
Improve public interface and promote pro-active community policing for developing
a problem solving approach. Regular meetings with senior citizens at PS level to
understand the problems of old age people regarding their safety and security. In
this regard the beat officers contact senior citizens residing in the beat during daily
patrol for providing needful assistance.
Maintenance of Law & Order, Protection of life and properties and Crime prevention,
control and investigation.
Regular patrolling & anti-poaching operations are being carried out by IRBn, local
police and Police Marine Force for coastal security. Regular meeting withFishermen
Watch Group are being held to keep check on intrusion of poachers. Monthly
intelligence sharing meetings are held with AN Command and Coast Guard along with
IB, Special Bureau, PMB, Fisheries and Forest and JAAN PEHCHAN" exercises at
remote Islands are held with Army for sharing intelligence inputs for coastaf security.
Verification of character and antecedents of fishermen and registration of all
boats/trawlers/dinghies under the relevant laws are being done. The various units of
A&N Police like PMF, Immigration, CID, SB, Police Radio, Fire Brigade also regularly
participate in the Biennial "TAT SURAKSHA" exercise carried out for inter-agency
coordination and constant up-gradation of Coastal Security SOP.
Special focus on safety and security of all the Indian & Foreign tourists visiting to A &
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N Islands throughout the year .Description of Existing Assets/Resources:
The India Reserve Battalion sanctioned in 2001, trained at CPMF Training Centers with
attachment training in Army, CRPF & BSF and also trained in Commando course at
TNCS, Chennai, are deployed at vulnerable places in Port Blair area, Police Stations at
outer Islands and at Look Out Posts as Reserve force to tackle any eventualities and
law and order problem in the area.
Increase the use of Information Technology in police work for effective public
interface and transparency.
Protect vulnerable sections of society. Create a safe & secure environment for
women, by setting up Women and Child Help Desk' in Police Stations, designating
Juvenile Welfare Officer in Police Stations. Organise specialized training at PTS, for
women police personnel with Delhi Police. Provide counselling services through
specialized NGOs. Provide self-defence training and sensitize the school students
against sexual assault and harassment.
Conducting ant poaching operations and regular patrolling where ever deployed
and conducting special operations along with police and other agencies on receiving
inputs regarding infiltration of foreign nationals into our territorial water.
Building professionals through training. Apart from basic training and regular
refresher training on various issues related with police, we provide training to civilians
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in emergency response preparedness, Fire and disaster rescue drills in schools with
the help of NDRF, fire-fighting and rescue training, training to fishermen in life skills
during Fishermen Watch Group meetings and train the Private Security Guards and
Home Guards - auxiliary work force of water in crisis situation. Data from various
stations to Island Observatory.
Performing duties as striking reserve during special duty circumstances like VVIP
movements , national functions, Elections and at the time of religious functions etc.
Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS), a Mission Mode Project of
MHA is under implementation in the UT of A & N Islands. CCTNS will cover all the
Police Stations, Sub-Divisions, District headquarters and the UT Headquarter to
create a platform for sharing Crime & Criminal information among Police Stations,
Districts, State/UT Headquarters & other Police Agencies across the country,
Improve Service Delivery to the citizens and Increase Operational Efficiency and
effectiveness of the Police force in delivering the services
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2. Housing Sector:- Consequent upon the regularization of services of 325 Home Guards
in Supernumerary Post (SNP), the family of each personnel are requiring family quarter to
accommodate their family. For this, suitable land for construction of family quarters needs
to be identified/allotted in favour of Home Guard Organization.
3. Building Sector:- Home Guard Organization has no separate building on its own. It is
presently functioning in the 1st Floor of Police Radio Building situated at Marine Hill, Port
Blair. After regularization of 325 Home Guards the Establishment of Home Guard
Organization had started its full fledge establishment consisting of Establishment Section
(HG)/Quarter Master Store(HG)/Account Section(HG)/DE /Writ Cell & General Section(HG)
etc. As such a separate building for Home Guard Organization shall be required for its
smooth functioning.
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which needs to be purchase for the use of A & N Home Guard Organization fleet is as
a) 01 No. LMV vehicle for the use of Area Commandant (HG), A & N Home Guard
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To replace the existing old communication equipments in the phase manner stage
by stage for improvement in communication between far-flung remote Islands and
Installation of VHF Repeater stations at Arong, Car Nicobar for strengthening the
range of communication in the VHF network at Car Nicobar.
All LOPs/OP/PS & Disaster management will be provided with Satellite Phones to
meet any disaster or emergency situation
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Latest communication equipments like HF ManpackTransreceiver are to be procured
for Anti poaching operations in far flung Islands.
Communication support to Police in crime, law & order, assistance during VVIP
security and protection of Tribes.
Helping Administration in Inter-Department coordination.
Providing communication coverage for anti- poaching operations in far flung Islands
through PR stations.
Providing bulk SMS message service to all senior officers during Earth quake
Communication assistance to the Fire Service, Traffic Branch, IRBn and PMF.
Providing Public Address System during VVIP/VIP visit to these Islands, National
functions and important events of A & N Administration.
WIPA (Wireless Integrated Public Address) System introduced under Safe City
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