X2 X2SS Weighing Indicator Manual

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A professional weighing products manufacturer and supplier

Value Each Gram

Weight Indicator X2-X2SS

User Manual

An ISO9001 registered company

@No.335 Haishen, Xingxin Road, Huinan Town, Pudong District, Shanghai 201301, China
www.hiweigh.com All rights reserved, specifications subject to change without notice
Value Each Gram

Introduction 4
Keyboard Functions 4
Technical Description 5
Connecting to load cell
Connecting to RS232
Standard Operations 5
Net/Gross weighing
Accumulating recall and clear
Connecting to RS232
Connecting to load cell
Unit exchange
Further Operations (User Setting) 6
Internal A/D value
Hi/Lo/Ok checkweigh function
Auto power off
Hold function (animal weighing)
RS232 set (optional)
Weighing speed
Zero track
Gravity adjusting
Technical Operation 10
Version number display
Configuration and calibration
Guarantee 12


• Max. A/D sampling speed: 120 times / second.

• Display resolution: from 1/3000 up to 1/30000
• Maximum A/D converting: 24bit
• Sensitivity: 0.6mv/V – 3mV/V
• Excitation voltage: DC 5V; up to 4 load cells 350 Ω, 8 load cells 700 Ω.
• Weight unit: Kg/Lb/Oz/Gr/Ton
• Communication interface: Optional RS232
• Rate continuous ASCII data output: 1200 / 2400 / 4800 / 9600 Baud.
• External power supply: 100-240V AC – 9V500mA
• Operating temperature: -10ºC-40ºC
• Storage temperature: -25ºC-55ºC.Introduction
• Relative humidity: ≤ 80 % non-condensing.
• Display: 23mm digits with backlight
• Rechargeable battery and operating life
6V1.2Ah 40hrs
• Housing material:
• Dimensions:
X2 220mm(L) x 130mm(H) x 55 mm(W)
X2SS 188mm (L) x 120mm (H) x 50mm (W)
• Approximated weight:
X2 1.8Kg/1.6Kg
X2SS 2.5Kg/2.2Kg


Switch on / Zero/Tare / Move right (parameter setting) ON/T in the manual

Accumulation review/ Remove accumulation / Move left MR/MC in the manual

Net/Gross weighing / Increasing digits N/G in the manual

Accumulating / Printing / Enter M+ in the manual

Unit Exchange / Exit the programming mode UNIT/ESC in the manual

Switch off OFF in the manual


3.1 Connection of the load cell to indicator


+E (1) ------------- +Excitation

-E (2) ------------- -Excitation
+S (3) ------------- +Signal
-S (4) ------------- -Signal
GND (5) ------------- (GND) shield

3.2 Connection of RS232 to PC or Printer


1 ---------------- TX
2 ---------------- SC
3 ---------------- GND
4 ---------------- SC


Make sure the equipment connected correctly and parameters set well, and also the scale has already been
calibrated correctly.
Configuration and Calibration - Refer to 6. TECHNICAL OPERATIONS
!Do not modify it by yourself; consult our distributor or your local authorized metrology worker, wrong
operation may cause the problem or wrong performance of the scale.

4.1 Switch on and switch off

Press ON/T to turn on the indicator

Press OFF for 2 seconds to turn off the indicator

4.2 Zero/Tare

4.2.1 If the display is not 0 after power on, press ON/T to zero the scale (<2%F.S.)

4.2.2 Weighing with the container, put the container on the scale (>2%F.S.) and press ON/T to make a
tare and get subtract of the weight of the container.
4.2.3 Remove the tare: remove the container and press ON/T to clear the tare value and zero the scale.

4.3 Net/Gross Weighing

With the container on the scale (tare operation made), press G/N to display the gross weight or net

4.5 Accumulating

Put the first commodity on the scale and after the weight stable, press M+ to accumulate the weight, it
will display the accumulating time - -0001- and the accumulated weight for 2 seconds, remove the first
commodity and put the second commodity on the scale, press M+ to accumulate it, it will display –0002-
and the total accumulated weight for 2 seconds….
Note: Each weighing can be accumulated once time

4.6 Accumulating Recall and Clear

Press MR/MC to display the total accumulated times and the accumulated weight, it will display the
total times and total weight for 2 seconds, during the display of the total accumulated weight, press
MR/MC again to clear the accumulated values.

4.7 Units Exchange

Press UNIT/ESC to exchange the weight units
Units set - Refer to 5. TECHNICAL OPERATIONS


Press M+ key and ON/T at the same time, it will display UF - 1 , press ON/T or MR/MC to
shift it from UF - 1 to UF - 9 , press M+ to enter and configure it.

5.1 Internal A/D Value and Battery Volume

UF - 1

Press M+ to view the internal A/D value of the scale

Press M+ again to display the voltage of the battery.
Press M+ again to change for next set or press UNIT/ESC to quit and back to normal weighing mode

5.2 Hi/Lo/Ok Checkweigh Function

UF – 2 Press ON/T MR/MC N/G to move and change the digits.

Press M+ to set the Lo value (the lower limitation) – 000.00L

Press M+ to set the Hi value (the top limitation) – 000.00h
Press M+ to change the working mode of buzzer of Hi/Lo/Ok – o 000
o 0 0 0
o A B C

A=0 Stable but no need to buzz

A=1 Stable to buzz
B no function, keep it as default and no change
C=0 Buzzer off
C=1 It beeps when the weight is ok (Lo<weight<Hi)
C=1 It beeps when the weight is out of limitation (Lo>weight or weight>Hi)

5.3 Auto Power Off

UF – 3 Press ON/T MR/MC N/G to move and change the digits.

Press M+ to enter the set of automatic off function– AoFF 00

00 Auto off deactivated
01-99 Auto off activated in 01-99 minutes, you can change it from 01 minute to 99 minutes

5.4 Backlight

UF – 4 Press N/G to change the digits.

Press M+ to enter the set of backlight function– Lit A

A Automatic
ON Backlight On
OFF Backlight Off

5.5 Hold Function (Animal Weighing)

UF – 5 Press N/G to change the digits.

Press M+ to enter the set of backlight function– hoLd 0

0 Deactivated
1 Animal weighing (refer to below remark)
2 Peak hold (press any key to exit except for M+ key)
3 Stable hold (press any key to exit except for M+ key)
4 Stable hold (exit automatically when the weight is removed)
When choose hold = 1, it need to set the following two parameters
1. PCt xxx the number is from 001-100, the bigger number means the more accurate weight, but the
weighing time is longer, the smaller number means fast weighing (shorter stabilizing time) but not so
accurate result, it can be chosen depends on the weighing condition of the scale.
2. TinE x the number it can repeat during the range of hold, it can choose 1/2/4/8/16/32/64

5.6 RS232 Interface (Optional)

UF – 6 Press N/G to change the digits.

Press M+ to enter the set of RS232 format– 232 0
Format 1 Format 2
232 1 Stable Output 232 4 Stable Output

232 2 Stream Output 232 5 Stream Output

232 3 Keyboard (M+ Key) Output 232 6 Keyboard (M+ Key) Output
Format 3 Format 4
232 7 Accumulated Output 232 9 Accumulated Output

232 8 Auto-Accumulation Output 232 10 Auto-Accumulation Output

Format 1 2 3 4
Communication Protocol
UART signal of EIA-RS232 C
Data Format
1. Baud Rate : 2400 / 4800 / 9600/19200/38400 BPS
2. Data Bit : 8 BITS
3. Parity Bit : None
4. Stop Bit : 1 BIT

Start Bit Data Bit Stop Bit

Format 1 (232 1 ~ 3 ) :


OL - Overload

ST - Stable NT - Net Weight

US - Unstable GS - Gross Weight

Fixed 18 BYTES ASCII (kg g t lb)

1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 1 2


Fixed 21 BYTES ASCII (tl.T lboz)

1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 1 2


Fixed 19 BYTES ASCII (pcs)

1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 1 2


Output examples :
1. Example +0.876 kg Stable net weight :

S T , N T , + 0 0 0 . 8 7 6 k g 0D 0A

2. Example -1.568 lb unstable gross weight :

U S , G S , - 0 0 1 . 5 6 8 l b 0D 0A

3. Example + 1.15.40 Taiwan Jin Stable net weight :

S T , N T , + 0 1 1 5 4 0 t l T 0D 0A

4. Example -20. 5.40 lb oz unstable gross weight :

S T , G S , - 1 0 0 5 4 0 l b o z 0D 0A

5. Example +1000 pcs stable net weight :

S T , N T , + 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 p c s 0D 0A

Format 2 (232 4 ~ 6) :
Fixed 12 BYTES ASCII (kg g t lb)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 1 2

Fixed 15 BYTES ASCII (tl.T lboz)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 1 2

Fixed 13 BYTES ASCII (pcs)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 1 2

Output examples :
1. Example +0.876 kg stable net weight :

+ 0 0 0 . 8 7 6 k g 0D 0A

2. Example -1.568 lb unstable gross weight :

- 0 0 1 . 5 6 8 l b 0D 0A

3. Example + 1.15.40 Taiwan Jin Stable net weight :

+ 0 1 1 5 4 0 t l T 0D 0A

4. Example -20. 5.40 lb oz unstable gross weight :

- 1 0 0 5 4 0 l b o z 0D 0A

5. Example +1000 pcs stable net weight :

+ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 p c s 0D 0A

Factory default : 232 0 - RS232 OFF

Format 3 (232 7-8) :
Printing Output
S/N WT/Kg S/N WT/pcs
0001 85.5 0001 15
0002 75.2 0002 20
-------------- ---------------
0002 160.7 0002 35

Format 4 (232 9-10) :
Printing Output
TICKET No. 0005 TICKET No.0005
G 5.2Kg G 5pcs
T 1.2Kg T 0pcs

N 4.0Kg N 5pcs
NET 4.0 NET 5

5.7 Weighing Speed

UF – 7 Press N/G to change the digits.

Press M+ to enter the set of weighing speed - SPEEd 3

1 Standard speed (normal speed)

2 Fast response
3 Slow response
* the faster response, the more time for stability, the more slow speed, the shorter time for stability

5.8 Zero Track

UF – 8 Press N/G to change the digits.

Press M+ to enter the set of weighing speed - ZP 1

1 = 1e
2 = 2e
3 = 3e
4 = 4e
5 = 5e
* Example: for 1e zero track (if e=20g), the scale will show 0 until it’s more than 20g (1e).

5.9 Gravity Adjusting

UF – 9 Press ON/T MR/MC N/G to move and change the digits

Press M+ to enter the set of local gravity and change it accordingly- 9.79423


6.1 Display the version number

Keep pressing the M+ key (not release) and turn on the indicator, after the finish of self-checking it will
display the version number - 100911 , Release the M+ key and the indicator will turn off automatically.

6.2. Configuration
Keep pressing the ON/T key (not release) and turn on the indicator, after the finish of self-checking it
will display P 0000 . Input the password – P 0020, and then press M+ to enter the parameter setting

*Press ON/T key or MR/MC key to shift between functions LF-1 ~ LF-8.
*Press ON/T MR/MC N/G to move and change the digits
*Press UNIT/ESC to quit and the indicator will restart for normal weighing mode

6.2.1 Calibration
LF – 1

Press M+ key to enter zero calibration CALZ .

Make sure nothing on the platform of the scale and press M+ to finish zero calibration
Display the full capacity 0300.00
*Full capacity weights recommended for calibration of the scale, or at least 60%F.S. to assure the accurate
weighing, it’s not allowed to do with 1%F.S weight or more than 100%F.S.weight.
Change the display value to be the same as the test weight.
Press M+ , the digits will twinkle
Place the test weights on the platform (example of 300Kg)
Press M+ until the indicator recognize the weight correctly.
Finish of calibration.

6.2.2 Parameter Setting

LF – 2

Press M+ key to enter parameter setting mode and it will display the internal A/D value (not fixed).
Press M+ key to set the weight units 100001


A 1=Kg 2=T 3=g

B 1=lb 2=lb/oz
C 1=TW Kg 2=HK kg 3=VISS
D 1=PCS off 2=PCS ON
E 1=Multi interval 2=Multi range
F 1=Calibration In Kg 2=Calibration in lb

Press M+ key to set the capacity of the scale 000300

Press M+ key to set the decimal point dP 0.00
*Press ON/T key or MR/MC key to shift it from 0.0 until 0.00000

Press M+ key to set the division div 01

*Press N/G key to shift it between 01/02/05/10/20/50

6.2.3 Linearity Calibration

LF – 3

Press M+ key to set the linearity calibration W 0
Press ON/T key to enter next step W 1
Put 1/3F.S. test weight and press ON/T to enter next step W 2
Put 2/3F.S. test weight and press ON/T to enter next step W 3
Put 100%F.S. test weight and press ON/T to enter next step W 4
Press M+ key to exit and back to LF – 3

6.2.4 A/D Converting Speed

LF – 4

The same operation as 5.7 Weighing Speed

*It was blocked when UF-5 set of HOLD 1
*1=15Hz 2=30Hz 3=7.5Hz

6.2.5 Zero Track

LF – 5

The same operation as 5.8 Zero Track

*It was blocked when UF-5 set of HOLD 1

6.2.6 Approval Version

LF – 6

It must always kept to be nonE

6.2.7 Gravity Adjusting

LF – 7

The same operation as 5.9 Gravity Adjusting

6.2.8 Initial Zero

LF – 8

Press M+ key to set the initial zero function SEtZ Y

Y Reset of the zero point each time when the scale switch on
n Off the function of reset zero when switch on the scale


This scale has a warranty against all manufacture and material defects, for a period of a year starting with
the delivery date. During this period, we will be in charge of the repairing of the scale. This warranty does
not include the damages done by overload or wrong use. The warranty does not cover the delivery expenses
necessary for the repair of the scale.
* The rechargeable battery is not within the range of guarantee period


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