Kuiyecoke Puka
Kuiyecoke Puka
Kuiyecoke Puka
In the first days of the world, there existed the very first two females. The first two
women – the mothers of our world. There names were Puka Puka and Kuiyecoke. Now
they didn’t live alone. They had a husband each who happened to be twins. And their
husbands had been formed by the great creator God Kiuya who had taken earth and
molded it into forms of humans. And then, after a small incision into the side of his body,
had put some of his own blood into the mold and created these two people.
Kiuya had existed for all time. In fact, Kuiya had existed before time itself. And at one
point for some reason or another, Kuiya gathered up all of the things necessary to create
the planet Earth. And then he planted a massive tree whose branches rose up so high that
they became the heavens with the starry fruit. But Kuiya didn’t create any trees that bore
fruit that the humans could eat. In fact, Kuiya didn’t create any food on the planet Earth.
No plants that made food, no animals that provided food for humans because the humans
didn’t need it. Kuiya provided everything that they needed. He lived along side of them.
In fact, on this planet – uhh, let me start again. Heh heh – Okay.
In the earliest days of Earth, there lived the first women, Kuiyecoke and Puka Puka. Now
they didn’t live there alone. Their husbands were formed by Kiuya, the creator God, who
had taken up earth and molded it into a human shape. Then, some of his blood inside of
it, they had come to life. Kiuya had always existed. Before time itself, Kiuya was there.
And at one point, Kiuya decided to create the Earth. And so, made it, and then planted on
it a massive tree whose branches grew so high that they formed the heavens filled with all
of its starry fruit. But Kiuya didn’t create fruit trees on the Earth, fruit trees that the
humans could eat from. He didn’t create plants that humans could eat from. He didn’t
create any animals that the humans could eat from either. For he provided everything that
the humans needed.
So Kuiyecoke, Puka Puka, and their husbands lived on the planet. And they lived on a
planet without seasons, without death, without change at all. And you know what? They
were bored. They were bored, and they would sit around and complain to each other.
Especially Puka Puka and Kuiyecoke. They would say uh, this world! It’s so still. It’s so
calm and peaceful. There’s no excitement! There’s no adventure! And they wouldn’t
confine their complaining just to themselves – no! They would go straight to Kuiya and
they would tell him – Oh! Kuiya! What is this world? We are so frustrated with us. Why
did you create us people with the ability to do when you do everything so we can do
nothing? Kuiya, it’s terrible!
This went on and on and on. And Kuiya began to grow so weary of hearing these
complaints, and hearing this moaning. Finally, he said enough! I’m leaving. And so he
called his two sons, the twins towards him and he said to them listen. I can’t take the
complaining of your wives anymore. I’m leaving here; I’m going up to the heavens. But,
I just want you to know that at some point or another, I would like you to join me. The
two sons didn’t understand what he meant by this.
They went back and they told their wives and they were all discussing it, trying to figure
out what Kiuya was trying to say when suddenly, something happened for the first time.
The air which had always been still began to move. They felt the first winds on their face.
And on these winds rode on strange fluffy objects. We know them as clouds, but they had
never seen the clouds before. And these clouds gathered above until they grew so thick
they covered the entire sky. And then thunder burst out for the first time. Lightning struck
down and water fell. The first rains in all of existence fell from those clouds and it fell
harder and harder and harder. And soon, it fell so thick that the air was filled with it and
you could hardly see anything which is exactly what Kiuya wanted.
Kiuya knew that him leaving the Earth would be very, very difficult for his children. And
he wanted to make it as easy on them as possible, so he created the rains to hide him.
When he left they couldn’t see it with their own eyes. But before he left, he went around
the planet digging holes and planting eggs everywhere. Finally, when he felt like he had
done enough with this, he stood very still. And soon a spark appeared on his forehead.
And the spark grew and grew and bright light shown forth. And the light kept becoming
brighter and brighter and brighter until it completely engulfed him. Rays of this light
expanded outwards and became like massive wings which flying on them, he flew up
past the clouds, through the rain and up into the heavens where he became the Sun. Now,
he got up there and he said, uh, at last! Some peace and quiet. No more of that moaning
and complaining! And everything was fine for a bit, but he became a bit lonely. And he
knew that his sons, the twins, would come up and join him. But he wanted some other
companion so he created the moon.
Back on Earth, three days the rains fell. And finally at the end of those three days,
Kuiyecoke and Puka Puka one morning came into their hut to find their husbands, and
found them dead. They couldn’t understand what was happening. They had never seen
death before. They tried to wake them up but they wouldn’t awaken. They were
screaming and yelling at them and they started to cry, but nothing would work. They
didn’t understand what could have possibly happened to their souls? But then they
remembered the words of Kiuya and they thought, perhaps they have gone up and joined
Kiuya in the heavens. And indeed they had. Kiuya had lifted them up. He placed one son
in the east and another in the west and had given each of them ropes which were attached
to Kiuya’s body.
And so the son in the east would pull and pull and pull. And the son in the west would
pull because they loved to have their father near them. And so, when the Sun was rising
in the east, the one in the west would pull the Sun over towards him. And he was so
excited when he got there that he would take out his flute and he would play a tune. And
the son in the east would hear this and he would pull Kiuya through the other side during
the night time and raise him up on the east. And the cycle would continue over and over
and over. Now it was some comfort to the wives that their husbands were up there with
Kiuya, but they still missed them sorely. But this was only the beginning of their
problems for soon, they started to have these strange feelings in their stomach that they
had never experienced before. Feelings that were dull aches and soon became sharp
pangs. Ohh, they were hungry. Mmm.
And that wasn’t it, there was still more because their stomachs started to feel funny and
grow bigger and bigger and bigger. They were pregnant as well. The very first
pregnancy. And this was still not the end of the newness for one morning they left their
huts and they found surrounding them rows and rows of plants. Plants that they had never
seen before, all over the place. Not knowing what these were, they went and explored,
looking around. And Kiuya was looking down. He was happy that he could provide them
with food now that he h ad left, but he wanted to explain to them what this was. So from
the highest branches of that heavenly tree, he sent down a bird whose face was like a
human and wings were like snakes. The bird flew down and explained to the two wives
what these plants were. How to take care of them. How to harvest the food from them.
How to prepare that food and also, how to save some of it so that they could plant it again
for the next year.
The wives followed these instructions as closely as they could, and before too long, they
had the very first harvest. And after that harvest, they gave birth to the very first children.
They seemed to have gotten exactly what they had wanted. They had plenty to do, there
was lots of activity. There was all sorts of excitement. Their time was occupied by
farming and raising children, and things worked pretty well for them. In fact, all around
them, people started to hatch out of those eggs. And so the excitement of meeting new
people and forming friends, and their children forming friends – it was wonderful. They
began living together in a community. And everything went very very well. Except, when
Kiuya had been going around planting those eggs, in his haste to leave the planet, he had
ended up planting too many eggs in one place and hardly any in another. And so, as more
and more people started appearing, there was too many people in one place.
At first it wasn’t too bad, but increasingly, as the years passed, this became more and
more of a problem. The children of Kuiyecoke and Puka Puka grew into adults and they
began quarreling with other people saying this land, you can’t use this land. We need this
land. There’s too many people around. And they would fight back and then the fighting
spread out into other areas. They would talk about no no no! You can’t grow this food
here, you have to grow that food. And then they would start comparing each other. No,
my hut is bigger than your hut. And the fighting spread from strangers to neighbors to
friends to family members. And everybody was fighting. And Kuiyecoke and Puka Puka,
who were now old women, they looked on sadly, remembering a time when things were
far more peaceful. And they tried to tell everybody, you need to calm down, you need to
work together. You need to stop fighting. But no one would listen to them.
One day it got so bad that everybody in the village was out. Everybody was yelling at
each other and screaming at each other. A few physical fights even broke out. When
suddenly, the air grew chill, and the light, the light was growing dark. Someone looked
up and screamed Kiuya, Kiuya! The Sun – he’s growing dark! A shadow is engulfing
him! Everybody looked up and they stopped their fighting. What’s happening? Is this a
sign? What does this mean? And as darkness took over all of the Earth around them, they
looked around. And Puka Puka stepped forward and said finally! Now, will you listen to
us? All eyes turned to the first mothers, and Kiuyacoke said, your fighting, it’s like a
disease. First, it starts with a couple of you, and you feed it and make it grow bigger. And
then it spreads to more of you and more of you. And look, now even the Sun and the
Moon have caught this disease and they are fighting amongst themselves.
The people were afraid. They looked up at the Sun and they started yelling to Kiuya, stop
fighting, stop fighting! As if they were trying to break up the fight. And it seemed to
work. For a few minutes later, there was a flash of light, and the shadow passed. Kiuya
returned to his fullness, but this didn’t make the people feel very good at all because now
they knew the Moon and the Sun were on bad, bad terms. And they were afraid maybe
fighting would break out again. So immediately, one group of people ran to all the
crossroads where they knew Kiuya liked to look. And they placed their forked sticks
upon which they put offerings of food as if to say Kiuya, look! Here are gifts! Feel better!
Don’t be so upset! And other people ran back to their huts and they brought gifts to give
to their neighbors and to their friends to make peace.
And soon, peace did come about. And in that peace, Kiuyacoke and Puka Puka sat down
with a big sigh of relief saying – ahh, finally, a bit of quiet. And then they smiled and
they said, this must have been how Kiuya felt all those years ago when we were the ones
making all the noise, and we were the ones complaining. And the other wife said, yeah! It
must be nice up there where it’s so peaceful up in the heavens. And with that, they went
back to their huts and went to sleep. Next morning when their children came looking for
them, they found their mothers dead.
Around the same time, two new stars appeared in the sky, or so it seemed. One in the east
at the morning time, and one in the west at the evening time. It seems that the two wives
had fulfilled their destiny. Not only as the first mothers of the Earth, but in the meaning
of their name, for Puka Puka means early morning, and Kiuyacoke means afternoon. The
morning star and the evening star. Now, there wish had been granted and the world was
no longer static. There were changes and there were cycles. And so the same with the
peace that had come into that village. It passed out of existence. There was again fighting.
There was again quarreling and violence among people. But, when it got so bad that even
the Moon and the Sun began to fight and there was an eclipse, the people would
remember the words of the first mothers, and they would immediately stop their fighting.
And they would make offerings to Kiuya and Coke at the crossroads. They would give
gifts to each other, and they would make peace. And for, if even just a little bit of time,
they would stop thinking only about themselves. And they would think about the
community at large.