Capstone Proposal Final
Capstone Proposal Final
Capstone Proposal Final
A Research/Capstone Proposal
Presented to
Submitted by:
Camila Araque
Janine Arslan
Harrieth DM Blanco
Joyce Lynn Mae Diama
Mia Erikka Diama
Joe Anne Grace Diocera
Jazel Distor
Veann Distor
March 2019
Plastic is a necessary product used and encountered by consumer every day in the form of
institutional products, furniture, packaging and some apparel. It is also a leading material in
production of industries.
In the most recent days, plastic found to be the best product because of its long time
properties, thus, its increased utilization is increasing every day. However, plastics are durable
and cannot be degraded by natural process in a short period of time creating considerable
disposal problems that has led to serious ecological problems. Some of our national researchers
found that some plastic are made from plants or could bioplastics. These plastics are most often
made from sugar cane or corn starch and also from other root crops (Mc Guire, 2018).
Plastics made from renewable plant based material such as starch can benefit our
environment because it breaks down more easily once it is discarded and it is not releasing
harmful chemicals into the ecosystem (Shroff, 2016).
Root crops are plants yielding with starchy roots it could be a good alternative
components due to its higher starch content. Alupisan (Diocoreae sculenta), Badiang (Alocasia
macrorrhiza), and Gabi (Colocasia esculenta) is commonly recognize as various root crops
containing a highly percentage of starch.
Using these various crops could lessen some of pollution and other environmental traits
connected by the traditional plastic made of polyethylene. Alupisan (Dioscorea esculenta) is a
slender, slightly hairy, spiny vine, reaching a height of several meters. Spikes are slender,
axiliary pubescent, up to 50 centimetres long. Alupisan contains 83% starch and 12% protein.
Peeling and waste from yams are often used for feeding poultry and livestock and it can also be
used for production of starch or of alcohol (Godofredo U. Stuart Jr., M. D., 2015).
Badiang (Alocasia macrorrhiza) is a succulent herbaceous plant, reaching 4.5m in height
with a thick cylindrical stem arising from a basal corm (Paul et al,. 2015). It was first
domesticated in the Philippines (Deane, 2007). They can reach 3.6 ft. in length (90-18 cm) and
2.4 ft. in width (60-120 cm). It performs best in part shade in organically rich, moist to wet soils
(Gardenia, 2019). Starch in Badiang stem ranges between 16% - 21% (Meldin, 2009). The
digestibility of Badiang starch has been estimated to be 98.8% (Moore et al,. 2003).
Gabi (Colocasia esculenta) is a long-stalked herbaceous plant with huge leaves growing
to a height of 30 to 150 cm. (To Yu, 2015). It has been cultivated for many centuries originating
in Asia, and primarily found in tropical and subtropical regions (Ibrahim et al., 2010).
Therefore, this study will be conducted to determine the suitability of Alupisan
(Diocoreae sculenta), Badiang (Alocasia macrorrhiza), and Gabi (Colocasia esculenta) as an
alternative starch in plastic production.
Base on the aforementioned objectives, the following hypothesis is formulated:
1. There is no significant difference in using Alupisan (Diocoreae sculenta), Badiang
(Alocasia macrorrhiza), and Gabi (Colocasia esculenta) as an alternative starch in plastic
production in terms of durability, flammability, water absorption, solubility in acidic
solution, solution in organic solvent, and solubility in basic solution.
A bioplastic is a plastic that is made partly or wholly from polymers derived from
biological sources such as sugar cane, potato starch or the cellulose from trees, straw and cotton.
Bioplastic are made by converting sugar present in plants into plastic. Bioplastics can generally
be directly substituted for their oil-based equivalent. Indeed, they can generally be made to be
chemically identical to the standard industrial plastics (Goodall 2011).
Bioplastics which are designed to biodegrade can break down in either anaerobic or
aerobic environments, depending on how they are manufactured. There is a variety of bioplastics
being made; they can be composed of starches, cellulose, or other biopolymers. Some common
application of bioplastic are packaging materials, dining utensils, food packaging, and insulation
(Chen and Patel, 2012).
Bioplastic production
The biodegradable plastics market is in a state of constant evolution. For the past several
years, it has witnessed major developments in production capabilities of bio-based and non-
biodegradable polymers. With a production capability of 2 million tons in 2017, bioplastics
represent approximately 0.75% of the global polymers market. Almost a half of this quantity
concerns the production of biodegradable polymers, regardless of their origin (Lefevre, 2017).
In review, the researcher found three potential root crops samples namely; Giant Taro
(Alocasia macrorrhiza), Gembili (Dioscorea esculenta), and Taro (Colocasiae sculenta) that can
be good sources of bioplastic. Giant taros plant produces edible corm which is very rich in
carbohydrates, ranging between 73 to 80% which is mainly starch at 77.9%. In preliminary
study, the starch content of Gembili is about 39.36-52.25% with 23.2% amylose and 76.8%
amylopectin. Last, the discovery of the special use of taro starch in the manufacture of
biodegradable plastics.
Materials and tools
This study will utilize starch extracted from Alupisan (Diocorea esculenta), Badiang
(Alocasia macrorrhiza), and Gabi (Colocasia esculenta), Glycerol, Polyvinyl Alcohol, Acetic
Acid, Methanol, Hydrochloric Acid, and Sodium Hydroxide. The tools to be used in this study
are graduated cylinder, grammer, stop watch, watch glass, caliper, butane stove, laddle, cauldron,
rubber spatula, beakers, cheese cloth, stainless steel mold, blender, Microwave oven, digital
spring balance, alcohol lamp, tongs, and basin.
Research Design
The Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used in this study. CRD is the simplest
design for comparative experiments, as it uses only two basic principles of experimental designs:
randomization and replication. In CRDs, the treatments are allocated to the experimental units or
plots in a completely random manner (Salkind, 2010).
Experimental Layout
Procedural Design
Starch Extraction
The primary step of conducting this study will be the collection of the root crops which
are Alupisan (Dioscorea esculenta), Badiang (Alocasia macrorrhiza), and Gabi (Colocasia
esculenta) as well as the chemicals, equipment, and other materials needed. The researchers will
use the water extraction medium for extracting the starch from tubers. In this procedure of
isolation, the tubers of different root crops are washed, peeled and diced to increase the surface
area exposed to the following blending and slurring purposes. The diced tubers are then blended
and scurried directly in a solution of water. The milk starch is then refined and dried to obtain the
required starch (Keshav, 2016).
Preparation of Plastic
The starch obtained will be mixed with Polyvinyl Alcohol, Glycerol, and Acetic Acid and
placed in a stainless steel mold. Meanwhile, the oven will be pre-heated for 15 minutes the
shortly after, the mold will be placed and baked with a temperature of 115-125 degree Celsius
for an hour. Then, after baking the samples will be exposed in sun drying for 1-2 days. After it
was totally dried, the samples will be scraped off from the molder.
Data to be gathered
Tensile Strength Analysis. Tensile Strength of a material is the tension stress at which a
material breaks or permanently deforms. It is used to verify the maximum capacity of an object
related to stress and strain. This uses a spring balance to test the material's strength. (Jamal,
Tensile Strength = Newton/Area
Flammability Test. Flammability test is used to determine degree of how easily a product
will burn or ignite. The flammability specification known as UL-94 will be used in this study.
The UL-94 contains different flame tests wherein it has two categories: the horizontal and
vertical. UL–94 specification involves the use of a standard specimen size, a controlled heat
source and a conditioning period for the specimen prior to the test. (Intertek Turkey, 2011).
Water Absorption Assessment. Water absorption is used to determine the amount of water
absorbed under specified conditions (Intertek Plastics Technology Laboratories, 2010).
Percent Water Absorption = [(Wet weight - Dry weight)/ Dry weight] x 100
Water Absorption Assessment will verify the increase in weight after immersion in water for a
specified time interval.
Test on Solubility in Acidic & Alkaline Solution Solubility in Acidic Solution is employed
to test the ability of the material's solubility to dissolve within acids. It is done by soaking
samples in acidic and alkaline solutions (Crawford, 2015).
Test in Solubility in Organic Solvent. Solubility in Organic Solution assessment tests the
material's solubility in organic solvents like methanol. It is done by soaking the samples in a
solvent for certain time intervals (Daria, 2013).
The data to be gathered will be recorded, and analyzed. The mean is the statistical tool to
be used to determine the differences among the treatments in terms of tensile strength, solubility
in acidic solution, solubility in organic solvent, water absorption, flammability. One-Way
ANOVA set at 0.05 alpha level of significance will be used to determine whether there are any
significant differences among the properties to be measured.
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