KIB Cash Crops

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Crop Area harvested Gross Production (m Yield per km2

Wheat1 (km2)
2,154,895 tonnes)
671 (tonnes)
Maize 1,773,795 872 492
Rice 1,631,991 720 441
Soybeans 1,049,973 242 230
Beans 536,762 24 45
Barley 495,260 133 269
Rapeseed 340,851 65 191
Sugar Cane 260,886 1833 7,026
Cassava 203,852 263 1,290
Potatoes 192,021 365 1,901
Vegetables (minor) 189,596 270 1,424
Palm 172,438 300 1,740
Coffee 100,398 9 90
Grapes 69,694 67 961
Sugar Beet 49,008 270 5,509
Tomatoes 48,037 162 3,372
Tobacco 42,910 7 163
Tea 32,760 5 153
Cannabis 6,418 0.07 11
Opium Poppy 2,967 0.007 2
Coca (cocaine) 1,337 0.22 164
Gross Production Value per km2
value ($bn)
120 55,687 FAOSTAT
140 78,927 FAOSTAT
228 139,707 FAOSTAT
75 71,430 FAOSTAT
16 29,808 FAOSTAT
18 36,345 FAOSTAT
21 61,610 FAOSTAT
68 260,650 FAOSTAT
31 152,071 FAOSTAT
70 364,543 FAOSTAT
58 305,914 FAOSTAT
25 144,980 FAOSTAT
11 109,564 FAOSTAT
44 631,331 FAOSTAT
13 265,263 FAOSTAT
68 1,415,575 FAOSTAT
12 279,655 FAOSTAT
6 183,150 FAOSTAT
306 47,678,404 UNODC
18 5,954,246 UNODC
50 37,696,335 UNODC
category subcategory revenue source $m revenue per
Marijuana Medical AllFees month 1.870
Marijuana Recreational AllFees 4.650
Alcohol All products AllFees 4.520
Fuel Gasoline AllFees 43.170
Fuel Other AllFees 11.060
Tobacco All products AllFees 13.790
Marijuana Medical Tax 0.830
Marijuana Recreational Tax 4.140
Alcohol Beer Tax 0.760
Alcohol Spirits Tax 2.740
Alcohol Cider Tax 0.005
Alcohol Wine Tax 0.430
Tobacco All products Tax 12.340
Note Source link

all types - no breakdown available
2013 annual revenue divided by 12
months, tobacco-specific taxes
and fees only, p 10-11 in source

2013 annual revenue divided by 12

months, p10 in source
Cash crops: drugs
working sheet

a. Production

Drug Detail Production, tonnes Production, million

Cannabis Cannabis herb, max. est. 66,100 tonnes 0.07
Cannabis of which seized 6,022 0.01
Cocaine sun-dried coca leaf, Bolivia 150,100 0.15
Cocaine + Perucoca leaf in oven-
fresh 69,500 0.07
Cocaine driedof
sum equivalent, Colombia
two dried quantities 219,600 0.22
Cocaine above
100% pure cocaine 844 0.0008
Heroin / opium Est. opium production 6,883 0.01
Heroin / opium Est. heroin production 560 0.0006
Caffeine (unknown
Yerba Maté purity) 888,746 0.89
Caffeine Tea 4,818,118 4.82
Caffeine Coffee, green 8,826,903 8.83
Caffeine All caffeinated beverage 14,533,767 14.53
Tobacco material: tea + coffee +
unmanufactured 7,490,661 7.49
Alcohol yerba matégrapes)
wine (from 36,966,209 36.97
Alcohol grapes, total 6,706,729 6.71

b. Harvested area

Drug Detail Area harvested, Area harvested, ha

Cannabis Cannabis, max. est. km2 6,418 641,800
Cocaine Est. area under illicit coca 1,337 133,700
Heroin / opium busharea
Est. cultivation
under illicit opium 2,967 296,720
Caffeine cultivation
Yerba Maté 2,746 274,646
Caffeine Tea 32,760 3275990.52
Caffeine Coffee, green 100,398 10039846.07
Caffeine All caffeinated beverage 135,905 13590482.59
Tobacco material: tea + coffee +
unmanufactured 42,910 4291014.26
yerba maté 0
Alcohol grapes, total 69,694 6969373.1

c. Crop value

Drug Detail Value, $bn Value, 1000 int. $

Gross production or
wholesale value
Cannabis Cannabis herb, max. est. 661 661,000,000
retail value, 2009bn intl $

Cannabis Cannabis herb, max. est. 289

wholesale value, 2009bn
Cannabis Cannabis herb, max. est. 269
wholesale value 2009,
billion constant 2004-06 $
Cocaine Est. wholesale value of 54.0
crop, method 1

Cocaine Est. wholesale value of 46.8

crop, method 2

Cocaine Est. wholesale value of 50.4

crop, average of two calc
Heroin Est. wholesale value of crop 17.66744

Caffeine Yerba Maté 0.1 116463.82

Caffeine Tea 5.1 5123957.68

Caffeine Coffee, green 9.5 9483271.93

Caffeine All caffeinated beverage 14.7

material: tea + coffee +
yerba maté
Tobacco unmanufactured 11.9 11930855.73

Alcohol grapes total 38.3 38336711.03

figures for calcs
Cocaine Retail price, $ / gram 150

Cocaine Wholesale price, global est., 40000

$ / kg
Cocaine kg sun-dried leaves needed 300
to produce 1kg pure cocaine
powder, approx

Cocaine Average purity, % 62.5

Heroin Wholesale price, Europe, $ / 31549
Alcohol Global beer of barley 189.99
production, million tonnes,
Alcohol Global wine production, 26.40
million tonnes, 2012
Alcohol kg grapes needed to 1.45
produce 1kg wine, estimate
Alcohol kg grapes needed to 1.40
produce 1kg wine, estimate
Alcohol Grapes needed to grow 36.97
wine produced in 2012,
million tonnes

No data
Mushrooms no data - surely grown on
indoor / small scale anyway,
also wild
Salvia no data
Peyote no data, largely wild
Ayahuasca no data, largely wild

2009 estimate. min est. 13300 tonnes. plus 2200 to 9900 tons cannabis resin.
in 2012
in 2012

in 2012. estimate given as range: 714-973 metric tons. 3 producing countries:

in 2013 Colombia, Peru. 219600/844 gives conversion factor of 260, so
in 2013 with mean of estimates.
in 2012
in 2012
in 2012
in 2012

ignore - calc doesn't

work in 2012

2009 estimate. min est 200,000 ha (2000 km2).

as of 31 Dec 2012
in 2013
in 2012
in 2012
in 2012
in 2012
in 2012

ignore - calc doesn't in 2012


herb, retail, global rough average. assuming rough average retail price of 10
international dollars per gram, 2009 (chart, p 194). there's wide variation.

calculated from retail value using wholesale to retail average markup of 129% -
global average, wide variation

USD GDP deflator 2009: 100.16. 2004: 90.08, 2005: 93.12, 2006: 95.58. mean
Assuming production of 844 tonnes pure cocaine powder, wholesale price of
$40,000/kg for cut product, purity of 62.5%. Ignoring cost of bulking agents.

Assuming production of 219,600 tonnes dried coca leaf, conversion factor of

300, wholesale price of $40,000/kg for cut product, purity of 62.5%. Ignoring
cost of bulking agents.

Production 560 tonnes x wholesale price $31,549/kg

constant 2004-2006 international $, in 2012

constant 2004-2006 international $, in 2012

constant 2004-2006 international $, in 2012

constant 2004-2006 international $, in 2012

constant 2004-2006 international $, in 2012

ignore - calc doesn't


global average retail price by purchasing power parity, 2011-12, rough mean of
weighted average by continent: c. 150 international $ per gram (chart Fig. 37
global average wholesale price within last 5-10 years, rough global average
taken to be US$40,000/kg cocaine salts
conversion factor, cocaine (quantity of sun-dried leaves needed to produce 1kg
of 100% pure cocaine HCl): 317.5 kg - average of 6 estimates, p251. calculated
from above: 260. used 300 as rough average conversion factor.

median of c.30 countries, typical purity values

weighted average of 17 European countries, 2010. not purity adjusted.
probably overestimated since likely to be cheaper outside Europe.
crops processed / beer of barley

crops processed / wine

2.4lb for 1 bottle (750ml)

140 kg per 100 litres mixture red and white wine

using ratio of 1.4/1 grapes/wine
source link

UNODC 2009

UNODC 2009
UNODC 2014,
Annex 1 2014,
Annex 1
UNODC 2014,
UNODC 1 2014
p iv
UNODC 2014


UNODC 2009

UNODC 2014
UNODC 2014


UNODC 2009

UNODC 2009

Multpl. com

own calcs based on
UNODC figures

own calcs based on

UNODC figures






UNODC 2014

UNODC data

UNODC 2010

UNODC data

UNODC 2012



Eola Hills Winery

Oxford Companion

to Wine via




Cannabis herb, max. #VALUE! #VALUE!
est. retail value,
Cannabis herb, max. 289
2009bn intlherb,
est. wholesale
Cannabis $ value,
max. 269
2009bn intl$
est. wholesale value
2009, billion
constant 2004-06 $

Crop Area harvested, ha, km2

Agave fibres nes 2012 54840 548.4
Almonds, with shell 1651832 16518.32
Anise, badian, fennel, 1070284 10702.84
Apples 4842822 48428.22
Apricots 492196 4921.96
Areca nuts 889134 8891.34
Artichokes 125351 1253.51
Asparagus 1496685 14966.85
Avocados 486040.44 4860.4044
Bambara beans 232849 2328.49
Bananas 4953315.46 49533.1546
Barley 49525988.25 495259.8825
Bastfibres, other 181565 1815.65
Beans, dry 53676225.73 536762.2573
Beans, green 1535387.56 15353.8756
Berries nes 130754 1307.54
Blueberries 84823 848.23
Brazil nuts, with shell 809 8.09
Broad beans, horse 2513439.49 25134.3949
beans, dry
Buckwheat 2525124 25251.24
Cabbages and other 2391747.21 23917.4721
Canary seed 217799 2177.99
Carobs 81832 818.32
Carrots and turnips 1195996 11959.96
Cashew nuts, with shell 5313415.49 53134.1549

Cashewapple 693910 6939.1

Cassava 20385205.63 203852.0563
Cassava leaves 7701 77.01
Castor oil seed 1689335 16893.35
Cauliflowers and 1204257 12042.57
Cereals, nes 3954285 39542.85
Cherries 401656 4016.56
Cherries, sour 221674 2216.74
Chestnut 536642 5366.42
Chick peas 12344291 123442.91
Chicory roots 20086 200.86
Chillies and peppers, 1989664 19896.64
Chillies and peppers, 1914685 19146.85
Cinnamon (canella) 230550 2305.5
Cloves 439550 4395.5
Cocoa, beans 9933462.17 99334.6217
Coconuts 12114141.37 121141.4137
Coffee, green 10039846.07 100398.4607
Cow peas, dry 11294193 112941.93
Cranberries 24587 245.87
Cucumbers and 2109650.85 21096.5085
Currants 115766 1157.66
Dates 1104596 11045.96
Eggplants (aubergines) 1853023 18530.23

Fibre crops nes 380602 3806.02

Figs 380231 3802.31
Flax fibre and tow 218919 2189.19
Fonio 566047 5660.47
Fruit, citrus nes 1353762 13537.62
Fruit, fresh nes 4874777.61 48747.7761
Fruit, pome nes 11400 114
Fruit, stone nes 104164 1041.64
Fruit, tropical fresh nes 2788155 27881.55

Garlic 1465772.04 14657.7204

Ginger 322157 3221.57
Gooseberries 29800 298
Grain, mixed 1452876 14528.76
Grapefruit (inc. 289126 2891.26
Grapes 6969373.1 69693.731
Groundnuts, with shell 24709457.9 247094.579
Hazelnuts, with shell 600001 6000.01
Hemp tow waste 41246 412.46
Hempseed 24065 240.65
Hops 76951 769.51
Jojoba seed 300 3
Jute 1599537.2 15995.372
Kapok fruit 161484 1614.84
Karite nuts (sheanuts) 525450 5254.5
Kiwi fruit 98656 986.56
Kola nuts 523460 5234.6
Leeks, other alliaceous 132648.5 1326.485
Lemons and limes 980949.1 9809.491
Lentils 4206024 42060.24
Lettuce and chicory 1116220.4 11162.204
Linseed 2485810 24858.1
Lupins 887014 8870.14
Maize 177379506.63 1773795.0663
Maize, green 1125915.64 11259.1564
Mangoes, 5167299.76 51672.9976
mangosteens, guavas
Manila fibre (abaca) 168315 1683.15
Maté 274646 2746.46
Melons, other 1339006 13390.06
Melonseed 906403 9064.03
Millet 31757583 317575.83
Mushrooms and truffles 21644.2 216.442

Mustard seed 606548 6065.48

Nutmeg, mace and 316534 3165.34
Nuts, nes 599368 5993.68
Oats 9608318 96083.18
Oil, palm fruit 17243830 172438.3
Oilseeds nes 1701426 17014.26
Okra 1085146 10851.46
Olives 10201495 102014.95
Onions, dry 4203648.4 42036.484
Onions, shallots, green 239594 2395.94

Oranges 3816692.06 38166.9206

Papayas 434785 4347.85
Peaches and nectarines 1499872 14998.72

Pears 1623031 16230.31

Peas, dry 6593926.47 65939.2647
Peas, green 2266368.61 22663.6861
Pepper (piper spp.) 539687.98 5396.8798
Peppermint 4075 40.75
Persimmons 813536 8135.36
Pigeon peas 5324322 53243.22
Pineapples 995888.39 9958.8839
Pistachios 494255 4942.55
Plantains 5407361.18 54073.6118
Plums and sloes 2531479 25314.79
Popcorn 0 0
Poppy seed 70406 704.06
Potatoes 19202081.65 192020.8165
Pulses, nes 5933408.1 59334.081
Pumpkins, squash and 1788773.27 17887.7327
Pyrethrum, dried 30385 303.85
Quinces 70167 701.67
Quinoa 102745 1027.45
Ramie 83479 834.79
Rapeseed 34085066 340850.66
Raspberries 110108 1101.08
Rice, paddy 163199090.36 1631990.9036
Roots and tubers, nes 1278284.3 12782.843
Rubber, natural 9864053.77 98640.5377
Rye 5564996.3 55649.963
Safflower seed 987022 9870.22
Seed cotton 34700133.3 347001.333
Sesame seed 7897048 78970.48
Sisal 428104 4281.04
Sorghum 38161647 381616.47
Soybeans 104997252.85 1049972.5285
Spices, nes 1005215 10052.15
Spinach 938322 9383.22
Strawberries 241109.2 2411.092
String beans 222336 2223.36
Sugar beet 4900845.4 49008.454
Sugar cane 26088635.52 260886.3552
Sugar crops, nes 117000 1170
Sunflower seed 24843104 248431.04
Sweet potatoes 8087115.66 80871.1566
Tallowtree seed 400000 4000
Tangerines, mandarins, 2345020 23450.2
clementines, satsumas

Taro (cocoyam) 1315333 13153.33

Tea 3275990.52 32759.9052
Tobacco, 4291014.26 42910.1426
Tomatoes 4803680.17 48036.8017
Triticale 3691578 36915.78
Tung nuts 184740 1847.4
Vanilla 80793 807.93
Vegetables, fresh nes 18959593.64 189595.9364
Vegetables, leguminous 256964.51 2569.6451
Vetches 651987 6519.87
Walnuts, with shell 995040 9950.4
Watermelons 3472996.65 34729.9665
Wheat 215489485.42 2154894.8542
Yams 5036904.82 50369.0482
Yautia (cocoyam) 42143 421.43

Production, tonnes million tonnes

Agave fibres nes 40965 0.0

Almonds, with shell 1934817 1.9
Anise, badian, fennel, 923600 0.9
Apples 76378738 76.4
Apricots 3956639.6 4.0
Areca nuts 1127182 1.1
Artichokes 1634219 1.6
Asparagus 8301482 8.3
Avocados 4360018.28 4.4
Bambara beans 159178 0.2
Bananas 101992743.34 102.0
Barley 132886518.92 132.9
Bastfibres, other 272363 0.3
Beans, dry 23598102.48 23.6
Beans, green 20742856.96 20.7
Berries nes 1010465 1.0
Blueberries 399309 0.4
Brazil nuts, with shell 106205 0.1
Broad beans, horse 4222930.59 4.2
beans, dry
Buckwheat 2275005 2.3
Cabbages and other 70104972 70.1
Canary seed 191501 0.2
Carobs 162911 0.2
Carrots and turnips 36917245.7 36.9
Cashew nuts, with shell 4152315 4.2

Cashewapple 2001301 2.0

Cassava 262585741.4 262.6
Cassava leaves 85007 0.1
Castor oil seed 1959637 2.0
Cauliflowers and 21266789 21.3
Cereals, nes 5621903 5.6
Cherries 2256519 2.3
Cherries, sour 1149531 1.1
Chestnut 1998880 2.0
Chick peas 11625545 11.6
Chicory roots 768874 0.8
Chillies and peppers, 3352163 3.4
Chillies and peppers, 31171567 31.2
Cinnamon (canella) 200342 0.2
Cloves 112956 0.1
Cocoa, beans 5003211.23 5.0
Coconuts 60048837.15 60.0
Coffee, green 8826903.4 8.8
Coir 1093320 1.1
Cotton lint 25955095.99 26.0
Cottonseed 47190779.2 47.2
Cow peas, dry 5714575 5.7
Cranberries 504030 0.5
Cucumbers and 65134078 65.1
Currants 662972 0.7
Dates 7548918 7.5
Eggplants (aubergines) 48424295.4 48.4

Fibre crops nes 265097 0.3

Figs 1093189 1.1
Flax fibre and tow 243115 0.2
Fonio 587270 0.6
Fruit, citrus nes 12840318 12.8
Fruit, fresh nes 31447977 31.4
Fruit, pome nes 105250 0.1
Fruit, stone nes 579441 0.6
Fruit, tropical fresh nes 20416074 20.4

Garlic 24836877 24.8

Ginger 2095056 2.1
Gooseberries 161462 0.2
Grain, mixed 4510745 4.5
Grapefruit (inc. 8040038 8.0
Grapes 67067128.92 67.1
Groundnuts, with shell 41185932.84 41.2
Gums, natural 38798 0.0
Hazelnuts, with shell 914447 0.9
Hemp tow waste 53495 0.1
Hempseed 97772 0.1
Hops 115911 0.1
Jojoba seed 125 0.0
Jute 3461963.88 3.5
Kapok fibre 99000 0.1
Kapok fruit 267252 0.3
Kapokseed in shell 218136.09 0.2
Karite nuts (sheanuts) 728500 0.7
Kiwi fruit 1412455 1.4
Kola nuts 297566 0.3
Leeks, other alliaceous 2165667 2.2
Lemons and limes 15118462.2 15.1
Lentils 4557972 4.6
Lettuce and chicory 24946142 24.9
Linseed 2054728.3 2.1
Lupins 1290116 1.3
Maize 872066769.71 872.1
Maize, green 9764006.19 9.8
Mangoes, 42139837.31 42.1
mangosteens, guavas
Manila fibre (abaca) 106009 0.1
Maté 888746 0.9
Melons, other 31925787 31.9
Melonseed 787969 0.8
Millet 29866016 29.9
Mushrooms and truffles 7959979 8.0

Mustard seed 494011 0.5

Nutmeg, mace and 75318 0.1
Nuts, nes 835982 0.8
Oats 21062972 21.1
Oil, palm 50198781 50.2
Oil, palm fruit 249528288 249.5
Oilseeds nes 3387746.5 3.4
Okra 8359944 8.4
Olives 16555375 16.6
Onions, dry 82851732 82.9
Onions, shallots, green 4342135 4.3

Oranges 68223758.83 68.2

Palm kernels 14657454.42 14.7
Papayas 12411566 12.4
Peaches and nectarines 21083151 21.1

Pears 23580845 23.6

Peas, dry 9830015.66 9.8
Peas, green 18490919.89 18.5
Pepper (piper spp.) 461452 0.5
Peppermint 106361 0.1
Persimmons 4468955 4.5
Pigeon peas 4237122 4.2
Pineapples 23333886.1 23.3
Pistachios 1005436 1.0
Plantains 37162205 37.2
Plums and sloes 10702774 10.7
Popcorn 0 0.0
Poppy seed 44673 0.0
Potatoes 364808768.31 364.8
Pulses, nes 5169160.7 5.2
Pumpkins, squash and 24616114.6 24.6
Pyrethrum, dried 5862 0.0
Quinces 596532 0.6
Quinoa 82510 0.1
Ramie 154435 0.2
Rapeseed 65058240 65.1
Raspberries 597917 0.6
Rice, paddy 719738272.77 719.7
Roots and tubers, nes 9648373.1 9.6
Rubber, natural 11445176.28 11.4
Rye 14562054.8 14.6
Safflower seed 833793.6 0.8
Seed cotton 76530054 76.5
Sesame seed 4036289 4.0
Sisal 220208 0.2
Sorghum 57004922.3 57.0
Soybeans 241841416.45 241.8
Spices, nes 2106197 2.1
Spinach 21662608 21.7
Strawberries 4516810.4 4.5
String beans 1883594 1.9
Sugar beet 269865481 269.9
Sugar cane 1832541193.54 1,832.5
Sugar crops, nes 932000 0.9
Sunflower seed 37449403 37.4
Sweet potatoes 103145500.47 103.1
Tallowtree seed 985000 1.0
Tangerines, mandarins, 27060756 27.1
clementines, satsumas

Taro (cocoyam) 9986660 10.0

Tea 4818118 4.8
Tobacco, 7490661.35 7.5
Tomatoes 161793834.18 161.8
Triticale 13671027 13.7
Tung nuts 518875 0.5
Vanilla 9864 0.0
Vegetables, fresh nes 269852343.4 269.9
Vegetables, leguminous 1527329.23 1.5
Vetches 950070 1.0
Walnuts, with shell 3418559 3.4
Watermelons 105372341 105.4
Wheat 670875110.22 670.9
Yams 58754533.3 58.8
Yautia (cocoyam) 384787 0.4

Gross Production billions

Value (constant
2004-2006 1000 I$)
(1000 Int. $), 2012
Yautia (cocoyam) 187390.88 0.18739088
Yams 14984991.19 14.98499119
Wool, greasy 3953830.64 3.95383064
Wheat 105852016.64 105.85201664
Watermelons 12003911.71 12.00391171
Walnuts, with shell 5307740.17 5.30774017
Vetches 167323.48 0.16732348
Vegetables, leguminous 525085.1 0.5250851
Vegetables, fresh nes 50851245.44 50.85124544
Vegetable tallow 18494.9 0.0184949
Vanilla 163755.54 0.16375554
Tung nuts 71462.06 0.07146206
Triticale 1874106.41 1.87410641
Tomatoes 59793176.53 59.79317653
Tobacco, 11930855.73 11.93085573
Tea nes 343720.98 0.34372098 herbal teas
Tea 5123957.68 5.12395768
Taro (cocoyam) 2118040.76 2.11804076
Tangerines, mandarins, 6684602.07 6.68460207
clementines, satsumas
Sweet potatoes 7790373.36 7.79037336
Sunflower seed 10306637.45 10.30663745
Sugar crops, nes 27487.48 0.02748748
Sugar cane 60175155.17 60.17515517
Sugar beet 11607993.8 11.6079938
String beans 1796084.11 1.79608411
Strawberries 6130571.9 6.1305719
Spinach 5073122.84 5.07312284
Spices, nes 1464137.59 1.46413759
Soybeans 66335649.48 66.33564948
Sorghum 8767585.07 8.76758507
Sisal 130512.88 0.13051288
Silk-worm cocoons, 1774447.08 1.77444708
Sesame seed 2732268.97 2.73226897
Safflower seed 262795.07 0.26279507
Rye 1631896.67 1.63189667
Rubber, natural 13091393.21 13.09139321
Roots and tubers, nes 1649977.93 1.64997793
Rice, paddy 200562267.09 200.56226709
Raspberries 1156967 1.156967
Rapeseed 18147085.23 18.14708523
Ramie 91803.58 0.09180358
Quinoa 53238.59 0.05323859
Quinces 235521.57 0.23552157
Pyrethrum, dried 5579.7 0.0055797
Pumpkins, squash and 4316164.92 4.31616492
Pulses, nes 2873159.08 2.87315908
Potatoes 61572788.72 61.57278872
Poppy seed 36269.61 0.03626961
Plums and sloes 6387073.03 6.38707303
Plantains 7672434.52 7.67243452
Pistachios 3301988.56 3.30198856
Pineapples 6651230.9 6.6512309
Pigeon peas 2263597.69 2.26359769
Persimmons 1441537.41 1.44153741
Pepper (piper spp.) 961806.71 0.96180671
Peas, green 6119662.39 6.11966239
Peas, dry 1876382.88 1.87638288
Pears 9640580.44 9.64058044
Peaches and nectarines 11477983.65 11.47798365

Papayas 3522464.49 3.52246449

Palm kernels 3783367.48 3.78336748
Oranges 13184787.18 13.18478718
Onions, shallots, green 886069.1 0.8860691

Onions, dry 17401597.83 17.40159783

Olives 13255938.43 13.25593843
Okra 5346125.67 5.34612567
Oilseeds nes 1055350.79 1.05535079
Oil, stillingia 20052.93 0.02005293
Oil, palm 21839331.07 21.83933107
Oats 2405686.28 2.40568628
Nuts, nes 1532588.25 1.53258825
Nutmeg, mace and 156830.6 0.1568306
Mustard seed 202655.17 0.20265517
Mushrooms and truffles 14361855.79 14.36185579

Millet 5419128.87 5.41912887

Milk, whole fresh sheep 3941851.59 3.94185159

Milk, whole fresh goat 5988800.28 5.98880028

Milk, whole fresh cow 195273357.01 195.27335701
Milk, whole fresh camel 949734.49 0.94973449

Milk, whole fresh buffalo 38856869.9 38.8568699

Melonseed 338866.86 0.33886686

Melons, other 5877250.06 5.87725006
Meat, nes 2053108.91 2.05310891
Meat, game 4335982.35 4.33598235
Meat indigenous, turkey 7363381.09 7.36338109

Meat indigenous, sheep 23091577.84 23.09157784

Meat indigenous, 15139.22 0.01513922

Meat indigenous, rabbit 3405307.7 3.4053077

Meat indigenous, pig 166801085.79 166.80108579

Meat indigenous, other 41631.99 0.04163199
Meat indigenous, mule 27925.7 0.0279257
Meat indigenous, horse 1193331.28 1.19333128

Meat indigenous, goat 12685930.99 12.68593099

Meat indigenous, geese 4581120.62 4.58112062

Meat indigenous, duck 7180374.72 7.18037472

Meat indigenous, 132085857.7 132.0858577
Meat indigenous, cattle 169476915.56 169.47691556

Meat indigenous, camel 1070631.37 1.07063137

Meat indigenous, buffalo 9672865.79 9.67286579

Meat indigenous, bird 57425.47 0.05742547

Meat indigenous, ass 116463.82 0.11646382
Maté 116331.52 0.11633152
Manila fibre (abaca) 78320.09 0.07832009
Mangoes, 25248799.9 25.2487999
mangosteens, guavas
Maize, green 4040531.28 4.04053128
Maize 123541338.93 123.54133893
Lupins 223924.14 0.22392414
Linseed 623010.06 0.62301006
Lettuce and chicory 11662645.69 11.66264569
Lentils 1861293.45 1.86129345
Lemons and limes 5994183.01 5.99418301
Leeks, other alliaceous 1937695.9 1.9376959
Kola nuts 178362.85 0.17836285
Kiwi fruit 1152126.83 1.15212683
Karite nuts (sheanuts) 99351.37 0.09935137
Kapokseed in shell 17937.11 0.01793711
Kapok fibre 21552.89 0.02155289
Jute 980452.41 0.98045241
Hops 394288.19 0.39428819
Honey, natural 3996766.24 3.99676624
Hemp tow waste 12171.45 0.01217145
Hazelnuts, with shell 1465774.41 1.46577441
Gums, natural 13044.35 0.01304435
Groundnuts, with shell 18580745.3 18.5807453
Grapes 38336711.03 38.33671103
Grapefruit (inc. 1807722.14 1.80772214
Grain, mixed 696652.99 0.69665299
Gooseberries 227288.6 0.2272886
Ginger 1418843.16 1.41884316
Garlic 13072641.84 13.07264184
Fruit, tropical fresh nes 8343477.79 8.34347779

Fruit, stone nes 463300.16 0.46330016

Fruit, pome nes 22864.09 0.02286409
Fruit, fresh nes 10976413.2 10.9764132
Fruit, citrus nes 5804517.11 5.80451711
Fonio 229651.93 0.22965193
Flax fibre and tow 114656.19 0.11465619
Figs 652632.74 0.65263274
Fibre crops nes 132212.62 0.13221262
Eggs, other bird, in shell 15996931.74 15.99693174

Eggs, hen, in shell 55048662 55.048662

Eggplants (aubergines) 10353211.21 10.35321121

Dates 3855262.62 3.85526262

Currants 593338.06 0.59333806
Cucumbers and 12932110.65 12.93211065
Cranberries 418033.91 0.41803391
Cow peas, dry 1918851.42 1.91885142
Cottonseed 15574656.01 15.57465601
Cotton lint 37095127.01 37.09512701
Coffee, green 9483271.93 9.48327193
Coconuts 6639780.07 6.63978007
Cocoa, beans 5195774.82 5.19577482
Cloves 250375.79 0.25037579
Cinnamon (canella) 278894.1 0.2788941
Chillies and peppers, 14674264.54 14.67426454
Chillies and peppers, 3672053.21 3.67205321
Chicory roots 597265.94 0.59726594
Chick peas 5627531.07 5.62753107
Chestnut 1554491 1.554491
Cherries, sour 701928.92 0.70192892
Cherries 2868649.42 2.86864942
Cereals, nes 1471139.58 1.47113958
Cauliflowers and 5094948.44 5.09494844
Castor oil seed 764756.18 0.76475618
Cassava 27430494.3 27.4304943
Cashewapple 1888557.71 1.88855771
Cashew nuts, with shell 3634575.3 3.6345753

Carrots and turnips 9210815.89 9.21081589

Carobs 34264.75 0.03426475
Canary seed 52218.49 0.05221849
Cabbages and other 10490648.22 10.49064822
Buckwheat 493837.61 0.49383761
Broad beans, horse 1501053.35 1.50105335
beans, dry
Brazil nuts, with shell 95248.68 0.09524868
Blueberries 1010846.34 1.01084634
Berries nes 1760513.97 1.76051397
Beeswax 605726.63 0.60572663
Beans, green 7375226.51 7.37522651
Beans, dry 14191780.84 14.19178084
Bastfibres, other 130724.44 0.13072444
Barley 15811103.79 15.81110379
Bananas 28724318.3 28.7243183
Bambara beans 31328.62 0.03132862
Avocados 3021318.27 3.02131827
Asparagus 7555693.46 7.55569346
Artichokes 1177270.12 1.17727012
Areca nuts 1969540.89 1.96954089
Apricots 2184488.42 2.18448842
Apples 32301637.6 32.3016376
Anise, badian, fennel, 5104936.7 5.1049367
Almonds, with shell 5709584.99 5.70958499
Agave fibres nes 20057.12 0.02005712
herb, retail, global assuming rough average retail price of 10
rough average international
calculated from dollars
retailper gram,
value 2009
using (chart, pto
USD there's
retail GDP
average wide
markup of 129%
2009: 100.16.- global
2004: average,
93.12, 2006: 95.58. mean 92.92666
resin, wholesale assuming wholesale resin price of $5000 per kg,
unprocessed resin, Europe, 2009
assuming farm(chart, p48) for cannabis resion
gate price
farm gate
herb, retail Europe (first garda), Afghanistan,
assuming unweighted European 2011, of $250 per
average kg.
Afghanistan see fig
price of33 p 46. herb adjusted for inflation for
Eurozone countries of 7.5 Eur per gram
Multpl. com


Crop Area harvested, ha, km2
Agave fibres nes 2012 54840 548.4
Almonds, with shell 1651832 16518.32
Anise, badian, fennel, 1070284 10702.84
Apples 4842822 48428.22
Apricots 492196 4921.96
Areca nuts 889134 8891.34
Artichokes 125351 1253.51
Asparagus 1496685 14966.85
Avocados 486040.44 4860.4044
Bambara beans 232849 2328.49
Bananas 4953315.46 49533.1546
Barley 49525988.25 495259.8825
Bastfibres, other 181565 1815.65
Beans, dry 53676225.73 536762.2573
Beans, green 1535387.56 15353.8756
Berries nes 130754 1307.54
Blueberries 84823 848.23
Brazil nuts, with shell 809 8.09
Broad beans, horse 2513439.49 25134.3949
beans, dry
Buckwheat 2525124 25251.24
Cabbages and other 2391747.21 23917.4721
Canary seed 217799 2177.99
Carobs 81832 818.32
Carrots and turnips 1195996 11959.96
Cashew nuts, with shell 5313415.49 53134.1549
Cashewapple 693910 6939.1
Cassava 20385205.63 203852.0563
Cassava leaves 7701 77.01
Castor oil seed 1689335 16893.35
Cauliflowers and 1204257 12042.57
Cereals, nes 3954285 39542.85
Cherries 401656 4016.56
Cherries, sour 221674 2216.74
Chestnut 536642 5366.42
Chick peas 12344291 123442.91
Chicory roots 20086 200.86
Chillies and peppers, 1989664 19896.64
Chillies and peppers, 1914685 19146.85
Cinnamon (canella) 230550 2305.5
Cloves 439550 4395.5
Cocoa, beans 9933462.17 99334.6217
Coconuts 12114141.37 121141.4137
Coffee, green 10039846.07 100398.4607
Cow peas, dry 11294193 112941.93
Cranberries 24587 245.87
Cucumbers and 2109650.85 21096.5085
Currants 115766 1157.66
Dates 1104596 11045.96
Eggplants (aubergines) 1853023 18530.23

Fibre crops nes 380602 3806.02

Figs 380231 3802.31
Flax fibre and tow 218919 2189.19
Fonio 566047 5660.47
Fruit, citrus nes 1353762 13537.62
Fruit, fresh nes 4874777.61 48747.7761
Fruit, pome nes 11400 114
Fruit, stone nes 104164 1041.64
Fruit, tropical fresh nes 2788155 27881.55

Garlic 1465772.04 14657.7204

Ginger 322157 3221.57
Gooseberries 29800 298
Grain, mixed 1452876 14528.76
Grapefruit (inc. 289126 2891.26
Grapes 6969373.1 69693.731
Groundnuts, with shell 24709457.9 247094.579
Hazelnuts, with shell 600001 6000.01
Hemp tow waste 41246 412.46
Hempseed 24065 240.65
Hops 76951 769.51
Jojoba seed 300 3
Jute 1599537.2 15995.372
Kapok fruit 161484 1614.84
Karite nuts (sheanuts) 525450 5254.5
Kiwi fruit 98656 986.56
Kola nuts 523460 5234.6
Leeks, other alliaceous 132648.5 1326.485
Lemons and limes 980949.1 9809.491
Lentils 4206024 42060.24
Lettuce and chicory 1116220.4 11162.204
Linseed 2485810 24858.1
Lupins 887014 8870.14
Maize 177379506.63 1773795.0663
Maize, green 1125915.64 11259.1564
Mangoes, 5167299.76 51672.9976
mangosteens, guavas
Manila fibre (abaca) 168315 1683.15
Maté 274646 2746.46
Melons, other 1339006 13390.06
Melonseed 906403 9064.03
Millet 31757583 317575.83
Mushrooms and truffles 21644.2 216.442

Mustard seed 606548 6065.48

Nutmeg, mace and 316534 3165.34
Nuts, nes 599368 5993.68
Oats 9608318 96083.18
Oil, palm fruit 17243830 172438.3
Oilseeds nes 1701426 17014.26
Okra 1085146 10851.46
Olives 10201495 102014.95
Onions, dry 4203648.4 42036.484
Onions, shallots, green 239594 2395.94

Oranges 3816692.06 38166.9206

Papayas 434785 4347.85
Peaches and nectarines 1499872 14998.72

Pears 1623031 16230.31

Peas, dry 6593926.47 65939.2647
Peas, green 2266368.61 22663.6861
Pepper (piper spp.) 539687.98 5396.8798
Peppermint 4075 40.75
Persimmons 813536 8135.36
Pigeon peas 5324322 53243.22
Pineapples 995888.39 9958.8839
Pistachios 494255 4942.55
Plantains 5407361.18 54073.6118
Plums and sloes 2531479 25314.79
Popcorn 0 0
Poppy seed 70406 704.06
Potatoes 19202081.65 192020.8165
Pulses, nes 5933408.1 59334.081
Pumpkins, squash and 1788773.27 17887.7327
Pyrethrum, dried 30385 303.85
Quinces 70167 701.67
Quinoa 102745 1027.45
Ramie 83479 834.79
Rapeseed 34085066 340850.66
Raspberries 110108 1101.08
Rice, paddy 163199090.36 1631990.9036
Roots and tubers, nes 1278284.3 12782.843
Rubber, natural 9864053.77 98640.5377
Rye 5564996.3 55649.963
Safflower seed 987022 9870.22
Seed cotton 34700133.3 347001.333
Sesame seed 7897048 78970.48
Sisal 428104 4281.04
Sorghum 38161647 381616.47
Soybeans 104997252.85 1049972.5285
Spices, nes 1005215 10052.15
Spinach 938322 9383.22
Strawberries 241109.2 2411.092
String beans 222336 2223.36
Sugar beet 4900845.4 49008.454
Sugar cane 26088635.52 260886.3552
Sugar crops, nes 117000 1170
Sunflower seed 24843104 248431.04
Sweet potatoes 8087115.66 80871.1566
Tallowtree seed 400000 4000
Tangerines, mandarins, 2345020 23450.2
clementines, satsumas

Taro (cocoyam) 1315333 13153.33

Tea 3275990.52 32759.9052
Tobacco, 4291014.26 42910.1426
Tomatoes 4803680.17 48036.8017
Triticale 3691578 36915.78
Tung nuts 184740 1847.4
Vanilla 80793 807.93
Vegetables, fresh nes 18959593.64 189595.9364
Vegetables, leguminous 256964.51 2569.6451
Vetches 651987 6519.87
Walnuts, with shell 995040 9950.4
Watermelons 3472996.65 34729.9665
Wheat 215489485.42 2154894.8542
Yams 5036904.82 50369.0482
Yautia (cocoyam) 42143 421.43
herbal teas
Crop Production, tonnes million tonnes

Agave fibres nes 40965 0.0

Almonds, with shell 1934817 1.9
Anise, badian, fennel, 923600 0.9
Apples 76378738 76.4
Apricots 3956639.6 4.0
Areca nuts 1127182 1.1
Artichokes 1634219 1.6
Asparagus 8301482 8.3
Avocados 4360018.28 4.4
Bambara beans 159178 0.2
Bananas 101992743.34 102.0
Barley 132886518.92 132.9
Bastfibres, other 272363 0.3
Beans, dry 23598102.48 23.6
Beans, green 20742856.96 20.7
Berries nes 1010465 1.0
Blueberries 399309 0.4
Brazil nuts, with shell 106205 0.1
Broad beans, horse 4222930.59 4.2
beans, dry
Buckwheat 2275005 2.3
Cabbages and other 70104972 70.1
Canary seed 191501 0.2
Carobs 162911 0.2
Carrots and turnips 36917245.7 36.9
Cashew nuts, with shell 4152315 4.2
Cashewapple 2001301 2.0
Cassava 262585741.4 262.6
Cassava leaves 85007 0.1
Castor oil seed 1959637 2.0
Cauliflowers and 21266789 21.3
Cereals, nes 5621903 5.6
Cherries 2256519 2.3
Cherries, sour 1149531 1.1
Chestnut 1998880 2.0
Chick peas 11625545 11.6
Chicory roots 768874 0.8
Chillies and peppers, 3352163 3.4
Chillies and peppers, 31171567 31.2
Cinnamon (canella) 200342 0.2
Cloves 112956 0.1
Cocoa, beans 5003211.23 5.0
Coconuts 60048837.15 60.0
Coffee, green 8826903.4 8.8
Coir 1093320 1.1
Cotton lint 25955095.99 26.0
Cottonseed 47190779.2 47.2
Cow peas, dry 5714575 5.7
Cranberries 504030 0.5
Cucumbers and 65134078 65.1
Currants 662972 0.7
Dates 7548918 7.5
Eggplants (aubergines) 48424295.4 48.4

Fibre crops nes 265097 0.3

Figs 1093189 1.1
Flax fibre and tow 243115 0.2
Fonio 587270 0.6
Fruit, citrus nes 12840318 12.8
Fruit, fresh nes 31447977 31.4
Fruit, pome nes 105250 0.1
Fruit, stone nes 579441 0.6
Fruit, tropical fresh nes 20416074 20.4

Garlic 24836877 24.8

Ginger 2095056 2.1
Gooseberries 161462 0.2
Grain, mixed 4510745 4.5
Grapefruit (inc. 8040038 8.0
Grapes 67067128.92 67.1
Groundnuts, with shell 41185932.84 41.2
Gums, natural 38798 0.0
Hazelnuts, with shell 914447 0.9
Hemp tow waste 53495 0.1
Hempseed 97772 0.1
Hops 115911 0.1
Jojoba seed 125 0.0
Jute 3461963.88 3.5
Kapok fibre 99000 0.1
Kapok fruit 267252 0.3
Kapokseed in shell 218136.09 0.2
Karite nuts (sheanuts) 728500 0.7
Kiwi fruit 1412455 1.4
Kola nuts 297566 0.3
Leeks, other alliaceous 2165667 2.2
Lemons and limes 15118462.2 15.1
Lentils 4557972 4.6
Lettuce and chicory 24946142 24.9
Linseed 2054728.3 2.1
Lupins 1290116 1.3
Maize 872066769.71 872.1
Maize, green 9764006.19 9.8
Mangoes, 42139837.31 42.1
mangosteens, guavas
Manila fibre (abaca) 106009 0.1
Maté 888746 0.9
Melons, other 31925787 31.9
Melonseed 787969 0.8
Millet 29866016 29.9
Mushrooms and truffles 7959979 8.0

Mustard seed 494011 0.5

Nutmeg, mace and 75318 0.1
Nuts, nes 835982 0.8
Oats 21062972 21.1
Oil, palm 50198781 50.2
Oil, palm fruit 249528288 249.5
Oilseeds nes 3387746.5 3.4
Okra 8359944 8.4
Olives 16555375 16.6
Onions, dry 82851732 82.9
Onions, shallots, green 4342135 4.3

Oranges 68223758.83 68.2

Palm kernels 14657454.42 14.7
Papayas 12411566 12.4
Peaches and nectarines 21083151 21.1

Pears 23580845 23.6

Peas, dry 9830015.66 9.8
Peas, green 18490919.89 18.5
Pepper (piper spp.) 461452 0.5
Peppermint 106361 0.1
Persimmons 4468955 4.5
Pigeon peas 4237122 4.2
Pineapples 23333886.1 23.3
Pistachios 1005436 1.0
Plantains 37162205 37.2
Plums and sloes 10702774 10.7
Popcorn 0 0.0
Poppy seed 44673 0.0
Potatoes 364808768.31 364.8
Pulses, nes 5169160.7 5.2
Pumpkins, squash and 24616114.6 24.6
Pyrethrum, dried 5862 0.0
Quinces 596532 0.6
Quinoa 82510 0.1
Ramie 154435 0.2
Rapeseed 65058240 65.1
Raspberries 597917 0.6
Rice, paddy 719738272.77 719.7
Roots and tubers, nes 9648373.1 9.6
Rubber, natural 11445176.28 11.4
Rye 14562054.8 14.6
Safflower seed 833793.6 0.8
Seed cotton 76530054 76.5
Sesame seed 4036289 4.0
Sisal 220208 0.2
Sorghum 57004922.3 57.0
Soybeans 241841416.45 241.8
Spices, nes 2106197 2.1
Spinach 21662608 21.7
Strawberries 4516810.4 4.5
String beans 1883594 1.9
Sugar beet 269865481 269.9
Sugar cane 1832541193.54 1,832.5
Sugar crops, nes 932000 0.9
Sunflower seed 37449403 37.4
Sweet potatoes 103145500.47 103.1
Tallowtree seed 985000 1.0
Tangerines, mandarins, 27060756 27.1
clementines, satsumas

Taro (cocoyam) 9986660 10.0

Tea 4818118 4.8
Tobacco, 7490661.35 7.5
Tomatoes 161793834.18 161.8
Triticale 13671027 13.7
Tung nuts 518875 0.5
Vanilla 9864 0.0
Vegetables, fresh nes 269852343.4 269.9
Vegetables, leguminous 1527329.23 1.5
Vetches 950070 1.0
Walnuts, with shell 3418559 3.4
Watermelons 105372341 105.4
Wheat 670875110.22 670.9
Yams 58754533.3 58.8
Yautia (cocoyam) 384787 0.4

herbal teas
Crop Gross Production billions
Rice, paddy Value 200562267.09
(constant 200.56226709
Milk, whole fresh cow 2004-2006 1000 I$)
195273357.01 195.27335701
Meat indigenous, cattle (1000 Int. $), 2012
169476915.56 169.47691556
Meat indigenous, pig 166801085.79 166.80108579
Meat indigenous, 132085857.7 132.0858577
Maize 123541338.93 123.54133893
Wheat 105852016.64 105.85201664
Soybeans 66335649.48 66.33564948
Potatoes 61572788.72 61.57278872
Sugar cane 60175155.17 60.17515517
Tomatoes 59793176.53 59.79317653
Eggs, hen, in shell 55048662 55.048662
Vegetables, fresh nes 50851245.44 50.85124544
Milk, whole fresh buffalo 38856869.9 38.8568699
Grapes 38336711.03 38.33671103
Cotton lint 37095127.01 37.09512701
Apples 32301637.6 32.3016376
Bananas 28724318.3 28.7243183
Cassava 27430494.3 27.4304943
Mangoes, 25248799.9 25.2487999
mangosteens, guavas
Meat indigenous, sheep 23091577.84 23.09157784
Oil, palm 21839331.07 21.83933107
Groundnuts, with shell 18580745.3 18.5807453
Rapeseed 18147085.23 18.14708523
Onions, dry 17401597.83 17.40159783
Eggs, other bird, in shell 15996931.74 15.99693174
Barley 15811103.79 15.81110379
Cottonseed 15574656.01 15.57465601
Yams 14984991.19 14.98499119
Chillies and peppers, 14674264.54 14.67426454
Mushrooms and truffles 14361855.79 14.36185579
Beans, dry 14191780.84 14.19178084
Olives 13255938.43 13.25593843
Oranges 13184787.18 13.18478718
Rubber, natural 13091393.21 13.09139321
Garlic 13072641.84 13.07264184
Cucumbers and 12932110.65 12.93211065
Meat indigenous, goat 12685930.99 12.68593099
Watermelons 12003911.71 12.00391171
Tobacco, 11930855.73 11.93085573
Lettuce and chicory 11662645.69 11.66264569
Sugar beet 11607993.8 11.6079938
Peaches and nectarines 11477983.65 11.47798365

Fruit, fresh nes 10976413.2 10.9764132

Cabbages and other 10490648.22 10.49064822
Eggplants (aubergines) 10353211.21 10.35321121

Sunflower seed 10306637.45 10.30663745

Meat indigenous, buffalo 9672865.79 9.67286579

Pears 9640580.44 9.64058044

Coffee, green 9483271.93 9.48327193
Carrots and turnips 9210815.89 9.21081589
Sorghum 8767585.07 8.76758507
Fruit, tropical fresh nes 8343477.79 8.34347779

Sweet potatoes 7790373.36 7.79037336

Plantains 7672434.52 7.67243452
Asparagus 7555693.46 7.55569346
Beans, green 7375226.51 7.37522651
Meat indigenous, turkey 7363381.09 7.36338109

Meat indigenous, duck 7180374.72 7.18037472

Tangerines, mandarins, 6684602.07 6.68460207
clementines, satsumas

Pineapples 6651230.9 6.6512309

Coconuts 6639780.07 6.63978007
Plums and sloes 6387073.03 6.38707303
Strawberries 6130571.9 6.1305719
Peas, green 6119662.39 6.11966239
Lemons and limes 5994183.01 5.99418301
Milk, whole fresh goat 5988800.28 5.98880028
Melons, other 5877250.06 5.87725006
Fruit, citrus nes 5804517.11 5.80451711
Almonds, with shell 5709584.99 5.70958499
Chick peas 5627531.07 5.62753107
Millet 5419128.87 5.41912887
Okra 5346125.67 5.34612567
Walnuts, with shell 5307740.17 5.30774017
Cocoa, beans 5195774.82 5.19577482
Tea 5123957.68 5.12395768
Anise, badian, fennel, 5104936.7 5.1049367
Cauliflowers and 5094948.44 5.09494844
Spinach 5073122.84 5.07312284
Meat indigenous, geese 4581120.62 4.58112062

Meat, game 4335982.35 4.33598235

Pumpkins, squash and 4316164.92 4.31616492
Maize, green 4040531.28 4.04053128
Honey, natural 3996766.24 3.99676624
Wool, greasy 3953830.64 3.95383064
Milk, whole fresh sheep 3941851.59 3.94185159

Dates 3855262.62 3.85526262

Palm kernels 3783367.48 3.78336748
Chillies and peppers, 3672053.21 3.67205321
Cashew nuts, with shell 3634575.3 3.6345753

Papayas 3522464.49 3.52246449

Meat indigenous, rabbit 3405307.7 3.4053077

Pistachios 3301988.56 3.30198856

Avocados 3021318.27 3.02131827
Pulses, nes 2873159.08 2.87315908
Cherries 2868649.42 2.86864942
Sesame seed 2732268.97 2.73226897
Oats 2405686.28 2.40568628
Pigeon peas 2263597.69 2.26359769
Apricots 2184488.42 2.18448842
Taro (cocoyam) 2118040.76 2.11804076
Meat, nes 2053108.91 2.05310891
Areca nuts 1969540.89 1.96954089
Leeks, other alliaceous 1937695.9 1.9376959
Cow peas, dry 1918851.42 1.91885142
Cashewapple 1888557.71 1.88855771
Peas, dry 1876382.88 1.87638288
Triticale 1874106.41 1.87410641
Lentils 1861293.45 1.86129345
Grapefruit (inc. 1807722.14 1.80772214
String beans 1796084.11 1.79608411
Silk-worm cocoons, 1774447.08 1.77444708
Berries nes 1760513.97 1.76051397
Roots and tubers, nes 1649977.93 1.64997793
Rye 1631896.67 1.63189667
Chestnut 1554491 1.554491
Nuts, nes 1532588.25 1.53258825
Broad beans, horse 1501053.35 1.50105335
beans, dry
Cereals, nes 1471139.58 1.47113958
Hazelnuts, with shell 1465774.41 1.46577441
Spices, nes 1464137.59 1.46413759
Persimmons 1441537.41 1.44153741
Ginger 1418843.16 1.41884316
Meat indigenous, horse 1193331.28 1.19333128

Artichokes 1177270.12 1.17727012

Raspberries 1156967 1.156967
Kiwi fruit 1152126.83 1.15212683
Meat indigenous, camel 1070631.37 1.07063137

Oilseeds nes 1055350.79 1.05535079

Blueberries 1010846.34 1.01084634
Jute 980452.41 0.98045241
Pepper (piper spp.) 961806.71 0.96180671
Milk, whole fresh camel 949734.49 0.94973449

Onions, shallots, green 886069.1 0.8860691

Castor oil seed 764756.18 0.76475618

Cherries, sour 701928.92 0.70192892
Grain, mixed 696652.99 0.69665299
Figs 652632.74 0.65263274
Linseed 623010.06 0.62301006
Beeswax 605726.63 0.60572663
Chicory roots 597265.94 0.59726594
Currants 593338.06 0.59333806
Vegetables, leguminous 525085.1 0.5250851
Buckwheat 493837.61 0.49383761
Fruit, stone nes 463300.16 0.46330016
Cranberries 418033.91 0.41803391
Hops 394288.19 0.39428819
Tea nes 343720.98 0.34372098 herbal teas
Melonseed 338866.86 0.33886686
Cinnamon (canella) 278894.1 0.2788941
Safflower seed 262795.07 0.26279507
Cloves 250375.79 0.25037579
Quinces 235521.57 0.23552157
Fonio 229651.93 0.22965193
Gooseberries 227288.6 0.2272886
Lupins 223924.14 0.22392414
Mustard seed 202655.17 0.20265517
Yautia (cocoyam) 187390.88 0.18739088
Kola nuts 178362.85 0.17836285
Vetches 167323.48 0.16732348
Vanilla 163755.54 0.16375554
Nutmeg, mace and 156830.6 0.1568306
Fibre crops nes 132212.62 0.13221262
Bastfibres, other 130724.44 0.13072444
Sisal 130512.88 0.13051288
Meat indigenous, ass 116463.82 0.11646382
Maté 116331.52 0.11633152
Flax fibre and tow 114656.19 0.11465619
Karite nuts (sheanuts) 99351.37 0.09935137
Brazil nuts, with shell 95248.68 0.09524868
Ramie 91803.58 0.09180358
Manila fibre (abaca) 78320.09 0.07832009
Tung nuts 71462.06 0.07146206
Meat indigenous, bird 57425.47 0.05742547
Quinoa 53238.59 0.05323859
Canary seed 52218.49 0.05221849
Meat indigenous, other 41631.99 0.04163199
Poppy seed 36269.61 0.03626961
Carobs 34264.75 0.03426475
Bambara beans 31328.62 0.03132862
Meat indigenous, mule 27925.7 0.0279257
Sugar crops, nes 27487.48 0.02748748
Fruit, pome nes 22864.09 0.02286409
Kapok fibre 21552.89 0.02155289
Agave fibres nes 20057.12 0.02005712
Oil, stillingia 20052.93 0.02005293
Vegetable tallow 18494.9 0.0184949
Kapokseed in shell 17937.11 0.01793711
Meat indigenous, 15139.22 0.01513922
Gums, natural 13044.35 0.01304435
Hemp tow waste 12171.45 0.01217145
Pyrethrum, dried 5579.7 0.0055797
Timestamp Untitled Question

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