Worksheet 3 - Cognitive Restructuring
Worksheet 3 - Cognitive Restructuring
Worksheet 3 - Cognitive Restructuring
1. Think of an event during this pandemic that hurt your feelings.
2. Write down on the table below the details of what happed, your views or thoughts because of the incident,
feelings and actions based on what happened.
3. On the other side of the table list what are the evidence that support and does not support your thoughts. After
organizing the evidence that support and does not support your thoughts, write down your new perspective or
thinking on the box provided.
4. After completing the cognitive restructuring box, answer the enrichment questions.
5. You may copy and answer this activity and the enrichment question in your notebook to answer this or edit this
template by downloading this file.
Cognitive Restructuring Table
Activating Event: (What is the event that hurt your Dispute: (What are the evidence that support and does
feeling that happened during this pandemic? Give not support your thoughts?
details of what happened.) Evidence that does not
Supporting Evidence
Beliefs and Thoughts about the Event: (What was your What is your new perspective on the event now
initial thought and perception about the event?) that you analyze evidence of your thoughts?
Emotions and Feelings about the Event: (What was the What were that feelings that changed after
emotions you felt when the event happened? What do analyzing the evidence of your thoughts?
Insights from disputing
Actions and Behavior: (How did you behave after the What do you think should you do to correct your
event? What was your actions after experiencing the behavior after experiencing the event that hurt
event hurt your feelings?) your feelings?
Worksheet 3: Cognitive Restructuring
Enrichment: Answer the following question to enhance your “Cognitive Restructuring” experience.
1. Based on our lecture, what kind of Automatic Negative Thoughts did you first thought of after experiencing the
activating event?
2. How do you think the Cognitive Restructuring activity can help you develop as an effective person?
3. How do you think the Cognitive Restructuring activity can help you improve your relationship with others?
4. After doing the activity, what are the things that you learn about yourself?
5. How can these learnings about yourself will affect the way you deal with your problems?