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Curriculum Vitae

John M. Greenlee
Syracuse University
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
204 Heroy Geology Laboratory, Syracuse, NY, 13244 USA +1 (832) 776-1427


2022-2026 Ph.D. in Earth Sciences, Syracuse University, Dept. Earth and Environmental
Sciences, Syracuse, NY, USA (Expected)

2020-2022 M.Sc. in Marine Geosciences, University of Haifa, Dr. Moses Strauss Dept. of
Marine Geosciences, Haifa, Israel (Expected)

2014-2018 B.Sc. in Archaeological Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University, Dept.

Anthropology, State College, PA, USA

Awards and Scholarships

2021 IAS Judith McKenzie Field Work Award

2021 Haifa Academic Excellence Award
2020 University of Haifa Fellowship
2018 Penn State, Anthropology Undergraduate Writing Competition
2017 Charles Stanish Enrichment Fund
2017 James W. Hatch Memorial Enrichment Fund
2017 Penn State College of Liberal Arts Enrichment Fund

Field Experience

2020- Student – ‘Erk-el-Ahmar Project

2022 (PI: N. Waldmann)
Described a columnar section, sampled the outcrop, and drilled three push cores (~60 m
recovered) from the ‘Erk-el-Ahmar formation, a Pliocene paleolake in the central Jordan
Valley, Israel. Sampled for geochemical, sedimentological, ostracod, and biomarker
analysis to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions.
2021 Student – ’Ubeidiya Project
(PI: M. Belmaker, O. Barzilai)

Previous excavation trenches cleared and sampled for multi-proxies (i.e., geochemical,
sedimentological, and biomarkers) to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions. Drilled
a push core (~16 m recovered) of the ‘Ubeidiya formation, a Pleistocene paleolake in the
central Jordan Valley, Israel and second oldest uncontested site of Homo erectus out of
2021 Student – University of Haifa HL Cruise
(PI: B. Goodman, M. Kanari)
Seismic survey of the Levant Basin off the coast of Haifa, Israel. One piston core and
multiple box cores recovered for analysis of organic matter distribution, sedimentation,
transport mechanisms, and microplastics. Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) data
taken from along the shelf and deep basin for comparison to previous years.
2017 Volunteer – Rural Archaeology of the Loukkos Valley
(PI: A. Akerraz, S. Collins-Elliott)
Concerted project with the Institut National des Sciences de L’Archéologie et du
Patrimoine and the University of Tennessee. Pedestrian surveyed transects of the
Loukkos Valley, Morocco around the archaeological site of Lixus. Work included
identifying and categorizing pottery sherds to reconstruct the rural economy and regional
trade and interaction in the context of the greater Roman empire.
2017 Volunteer – Taraco Archaeological Project
(PI: C. Hastorf, M. Bruno, J. Capriles)
Recorded operation sequences for local basket production in the Aymara community.
Performed ceramic analysis using Reflectance Transformation Imaging and tool imprints
to study use wear patterns, and reorganized part of the storage facility.
2017 Volunteer – Archaeology and Paleoecology of Northern Chile Project
(PI: J. Capriles, C. Santoro, C. Latorre)
Shadowed paleoecologists surveying the Pampa del Tamarugal basin for ecological and
geological indicators of the past environment. Excavated archaeological test pits to
identify sites of early human and megafaunal presence.
2016 Student – IFR Stobi Archaeological Field School
(PI: S. Blazhevska, G. Bevan)
Performed an excavation at Stobi, Macedonia to analyze the late Roman collapse in the
Balkan region. Recorded daily excavation logs, levels, and total station records. Processed
ceramic and bone fragment and performed photogrammetry and mapping.

Laboratory Experience

2022 – Pres. Research Assistant – Lacustrine Rift Basins Lab

(PI: Christopher Scholz)
Studying the piston and vibro-cores with high-resolution CHIRP and air gun data
from the South Basin of Lake Turkana spanning the Late Pleistocene to Holocene.
2020 - 2022 Research Assistant – Basin Analysis and Petrophysics Lab
(PI: Nicolas Waldmann)

Studying the ‘Erk-el-Ahmar and ‘Ubeidiya lacustrine sequences to reconstruct the
paleoenvironmental and climatic conditions of early hominin migration sites
during the Plio-Pleistocene Transition.
2016 - 2019 Volunteer – Penn State Zooarchaeology Lab
(PIs: S. McClure, J. Capriles)
Studied faunal bone fragments from the Formative period of the archaeological
site Chiripa in the Lake Titicaca Basin. Performed 3D scans of bone fragments sent
for destructive testing.
2017 - 2018 Volunteer - Human Paleoecology and Isotope Geochemistry Lab
(PI: D. Kennett)
Assisted in sample preparation for accelerated mass spectroscopy radiocarbon
dating and stable isotope analysis. Handled charcoal, bone, and other organic


Waldmann, N., Greenlee, J., Dean, S., Hall, C., Yadav, A., Oladipo, O., Park-Boush, L., and
Castañeda, I.: Pliocene environmental changes in the Levantine Corridor (Near East): insights
from a new multi-proxy study from a lacustrine record in the central Jordan Valley, The warm
Pliocene: Bridging the geological data and modelling communities, Leeds, United Kingdom, 23–
26 Aug 2022, GC10-Pliocene-41,, 2022.

Greenlee, J., Dean, S., Hall, C., Castañeda, I., and Waldmann, N.: Reconstructing Pliocene
environmental changes in the East Mediterranean: results from a new multi-proxy study on a
lake sedimentary record from the central Jordan Valley, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna,
Austria, 23-27 May 2022, EGU22-8468,, 2022.

Dean, S., Greenlee, J., Hall, C., Boush, L., and Waldmann, N.: Reconstructing environmental
conditions in the Jordan Valley during the Pliocene: insights from new paleolake cores, GSA
Connects 2021, online, 10-13 Oct 2021, T68-172-10.

Greenlee, J., Dean, S., and Waldmann, N.: Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the central
Levantine Corridor during the Pliocene: insights from lacustrine settings, EGU General Assembly
2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-15832,,


Field Skills
• Pedestrian Survey
• Profile, Section, and Plan Mapping

• Archaeological Excavation
• Total Station (Leica TDRA6000 and Nikon NPL 322+)
• Push Core Operations
• Outcrop lithology description and columnar section design

Laboratory Skills
• AMS Carbon-14 Preparation
• Bone Collagen Extraction and Purification (Ultrafiltration & XAD)
• Isotope Sampling (C-N & Sulfur)
• Reflectance Transformation Imaging
• Core Logging/MSCL
• Granulometry (Beckman Coulter LS 13 320 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer)
• X-Ray Fluorescence (Xenemetrix S-Mobile PD/SDD XRF spectrometer)
• X-Ray Diffraction (Rigaku MiniFlex600 benchtop)

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