Hopkins CV Jan2016

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Nathan Russell Hopkins

Earth and Environmental Sciences

Lehigh University
1 W. Packer Ave., Bethlehem, PA, 18015

Curriculum Vitae
Telephone: (610) 758 1242
Email: nrh211@lehigh.edu

Ph.D., Earth and Environmental Sciences, Jan. 2016
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
Advisor: Dr. Edward Evenson
Reconstruction of ice flow, kinematics of subglacial deformation, and the origin of
landforms applications of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) fabric
Bachelors of Science in Geological Sciences, Aug. 2011
University of Missouri
Graduated Cum Laude with Honors
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
Advisor: Dr. Francisco Gomez
Senior Thesis: Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) Analysis of
North American Periglacial Phenomena
Research Interests

Dynamics of the subglacial environment and the kinematics of subglacial deformation

Landforms as a record of earth surface processes and environmental change
Surficial processes of sediment production, transport, and landscape evolution
Geologic and environmental applications of geophysical and remote sensing techniques
Integration of modern geophysical techniques with traditional field methods

Research Experience
1. Quantitative assessment of subglacial sediment deformation and transport using
environmental and paleomagnetic techniques, including anisotropy of magnetic
a. Origins of subglacial bedforms, New York State
b. Temporal variability of ice flow and bed deformation beneath a paleo-ice stream,
southern Sweden.
c. Deformation within the basal stratified ice of a modern glacier, Matanuska
Glacier, Alaska
2. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) analysis of rock glacier deformation in
the high Andes, San Juan Province, Argentina
a. Assessment of environmental controls, flow kinematics and sediment transport
utilizing linux-based SAR and interferometry software packages.
3. Select Field Experience:
a. Field mapping of bedrock and surficial geology in the Rocky Mountains

b. Field mapping of the surficial geology of the Cato Quadrangle and surrounding
regions of Upstate New York, in association with the New York State Geological
Survey (Summer 2012).
c. Field Investigation, sedimentologic description, and sampling of subglacial tills
and in New York (Summer 2012) and Sweden (September 2013, May 2014,
September 2015)
d. Surficial, Geophysical, and Hydrological Investigations of Rock Glaciers in San
Juan Province, Western Argentina (January 2013)
e. Field investigation and sampling of the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska (November
2014, February 2015)
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistantships:
EES 022: Exploring Earth Laboratory.
Introductory earth and environmental science laboratory
Coordinating TA for five semesters
Lab Development:
1. Ecogeocaching: Field-based introduction to observation, measurement,
and geospatial skills utilizing tablet GPS software.
2. Topographic Maps, Coordinate Systems, and Geospatial Information from
paper maps to digital elevation models.
EES 027: Natural Hazards
EES 341: Lehigh University Field Camp
Five week, mobile geology field camp in the Rocky Mountains
Two summers experience (2013, 2015)
Department Service
EES Department Graduate Student Travel Fund Coordinator (2011-present)
1. College of Arts & Sciences, Lehigh University, Deans Summer Research Fellowship
2. Paul B. Meyers, Jr. Distinguished Teaching Assistant (2015)
3. Lehigh University Doctoral Travel Grants for Global Opportunities: Deformation
kinematics within a subglacial thermal boundary zone of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet,
western Sweden
4. University Fellowship: Lehigh University (2011-2012)
5. Outstanding Undergraduate: Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Missouri (2011)
6. University of Missouri Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program: InSAR Analysis of
North American Periglacial Phenomena
Workshops & Professional Development
1. ExxonMobil Guadalupe Mountains Field School.
El Paso, TX. April, 2015

2. InSAR: An Introduction to Processing and Applications for Geoscientists

UNAVCO, Boulder, CO. August, 2010
Professional Affiliations
American Geophysical Union
Geological Society of America
1. Hopkins, N. R., Kleman, J., Evenson, E. B. & Kodama, K. P. in review: An anisotropy of
magnetic susceptibility (AMS) fabric record of till kinematics within a late Weichselian
Baltic Ice Stream till, southern Sweden. Boreas.
2. Hopkins, N. R., Evenson, E. B., Kodama, K. P., & Kozlowski, A. 2016: An anisotropy of
magnetic susceptibility (AMS) investigation of the till fabric of drumlins: Support for an
accretionary origin. Boreas 45(1), 100-108.
3. Larson, G. J., Menzies, J., Lawson, D. E., Evenson, E. B., & Hopkins, N. R. 2015:
Macro- and micro-sedimentology of a modern meltout till Matanuska Glacier, Alaska,
USA. Boreas, 10.1111/bor.12149. ISSN 0300-9483
4. Hopkins, N. R. 2013: Surficial Geology of the Cato Quadrangle, New York. New York
State Museum Map & Chart Series Number 60.
Manuscripts in preparation
5. Hopkins, N. R., Evenson, E. B., Stachnik, J., Lawson, D. E., Larson, G., Berti, C., &
Kodama, K. P. Magnetic fabric of Stratified Basal Ice, Matanuska Glacier, Alaska.
Anticipated submission: Feb. 2016
Conference Presentations with Published Abstracts
6. Hopkins, N. R., Evenson, E. B., Stachnik, J., Berti, C., Lawson, D. E., Larson, G. J. &
Kodama, K. P. 2015: Magnetic fabric of stratified basal ice: Matanuska Glacier, Alaska.
Geological Society of America 47 (7).
7. Hopkins, N. R., Evenson, E. B., Kleman, J., & Kodama, K. 2015: Bed Deformation
beneath the Baltic Ice Steam, Southern Sweden: Implications for the evolution of the
marginal subglacial system beneath short-lived, episodic ice streams. American
Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Montreal, Canada.
8. Hopkins, N. R., Evenson, E. B., Kleman, J., Geist, C., Larson, G., & Kodama, K. P.
2014: Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility Till Fabrics and the late glacial behavior of
the Baltic Ice Stream in southern Sweden. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs 46 (7).
9. Hopkins, N. R., Evenson, E. B., Kodama, K. P., & Kozlowski, A. 2014:Anisotropy of
Magnetic Susceptibility Till Fabrics and the accretionary origin of Drumlins in New York
State. Geological Society of America Abstract with Programs 46 (7).
10. Hopkins, N. R., Evenson, E. B., Kodama, K. P., & Kozlowski, A. 2014: Subglacial
Sediment Transport and Drumlin Genesis: Insights from Anisotropy of Magnetic
Susceptibility Till Fabrics. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 46

11. Baker, G. S., Christle, K., Berti, C., Hopkins, N. R., Evenson, E. B., & Meglioli, A.
2013: Detection of Ice in Andean Rock Glaciers Using First-Arrival Seismic Tomography
and Ground Penetrating Radar. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
45 (7).
12. Hopkins, N. R., Berti, C., Ramage, J., Evenson, E. B., & Meglioli, A. 2013: A Satellite
View of Andean Rock Glaciers: Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)
Analysis of Rock Glacier Flow Kinematics. Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs 45 (7).
13. Hopkins, N. R., Evenson, E. B., Kodama, K. P., Kozlowski, A., & Gentoso, M. 2012:
The Evolution of Till Fabrics and Their Implications For Subglacial Deformation and
Landform Genesis. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 44 (7).
14. Hopkins, N. R., & Gomez, F. G. 2010: InSAR Analysis of North American Periglacial
Phenomena. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Field Trip Guidebook Contributions
14. Hopkins, N. R., Evenson, E. B., Kodama, K. P., & Kozlowski, A. 2014: Thoughts on
Subglacial Till Kinematics and the Origin of Drumlins Glacial Geology of Cayuga
County of the Eastern Finger Lakes: Lakes, Lore, and Landforms, 77th Annual Reunion
of the North Eastern Friends of the Pleistocene Field Conference, June 7-8, 2014.
Invited Presentations
Department of Geography, Geology and the Environment, Slippery Rock University, Slippery
Rock, PA. April 9, 2015.
Dept. of Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, PA.
September 26, 2014.

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