The Use of Role Play Method To Improve Speaking Skills: Darussalam English Journal

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Darussalam English Journal

Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022

eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506


Adib Ahmada1, Lailatul Munawaroh2
1&2 English Education Department, Islamic Institute
of Darussalam
Email: adibahmeida@gmail.com1,

Role play is a method of acting out particular ways of
behaving or pretending to be other people who deal with
new situations. This research goal is to describe the process
of how the use of role play method to improve speaking
skills This research method used the classroom action
method (CARBased on analysed data, the score in the
preliminary study was 28% student’s getting a minimum
score of KKM. And then, it was decreased in the cycle 1 that
8%. And in cycle 2 was 0% students’ minimum of KKM.
Therefore, the role play technique can significantly
improve students' problems in speaking skills. Speaking
skill can increase when they try to focus and relax on the
material that the teacher has conveyed. If students have
focused on the material, then understanding the material
will be easier and students are not easily bored with the
teacher's explanation. Based on Student Speaking Score
from teacher in cycle 1, after using Role Play Method. The
students speaking score in academic 2021/2022 after
using the role play method being increased 80%.

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 55

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

Key word: Role Play Method, Speaking Skill

According to brown (2001:23) English has
become the most important language in this world is a
fact that cannot be denied and all of human in world
that using language. Burn and Joyce (1997:54-55)
state that one of the aims of most language program is
to develop spoken language skills and most program
aim to integrate both spoken and written language.
Kelly (2002:01) stated the priority is we can see in the
world of education and the world of work. Almost
everyone from various countries worldwide uses it to
communicate well in situations formal and informal.
According to Richards, J. C. (2006), English is the
foreign language which has been taught in formal
school, one of the begin from junior high school
number one as much university. Savignon (1999:22),
said that ‘’every language teaching activity consists of
four aspects, namely speaking, reading, listening, and

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 56

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

writing’’. Over the year, as with Indonesian, English

teaching is typically classified into four skill
categories, including active skills like speaking and
writing and passive skills like listening and reading.
According Rees (2004), speaking is fundamental
to human communication, also speaking is one of the
language skills that complicates communication skills
because this activity does not stand alone, it involves
various aspects not only pronunciation but also
grammatical aspects. As stated by Chaney in Jondaya
(2011:28), Speaking is one of the important skills that
students should master to communicate in English
fluently and clearly. Moreover, Brown (2001:267)
states that speaking is an interactive process of
constructing meaning that involves producing and
receiving and processing information. According to
Rees (2004:17), Speaking is one of the most important
skills to acquire. This is the real language aspect that
implies the language as a means of communication. In
order to communicate, students are asked to have

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 57

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

good speaking skills. Speaking does not only produce

words but also needs a complex thought. Richard, J.C
(2006:1), Communication is the way of showing the
feelings, tell the thoughts, ask questions, ask for help,
argue, persuade, explain, and give order to each other.
As stated by Chaney in Jondaya (2011:28), speaking is
the process of building and sharing meaning through
the use of verbal and non-verbal symbol in variety of
context. In line with Chaney, Brown (2001: 267) states
that when someone can speak a language it means that
he can carry on a conversation reasonably
competently. In addition, he states that the benchmark
of successful acquisition of language is almost always
the demonstration of an ability to accomplish
pragmatic goals through an interactive discourse with
other language speakers. In education context,
especially in a foreign language speaking is a very
demanding activity for all ages of students. In order to
share understanding with others, they need to pay
attention to precise details of the language.

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 58

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

It is also important to organize the content of

speaking so that the partner understands what the
speaker say (Cameroon: 2001). Moreover, Thornbury
(2001) stated that speaking requires the ability to co-
operate in the management of speaking. It typically
takes place in real time with a little time for planning.
In this circumstance, spoken language needs a lot of
memorized lexical expression. Then, the study
grammar may not become the most important since it
is not the most efficient preparation for speaking.
The form and meaning are dependent on the
context in which the speaking occurs. In fact, people
generally use speaking as a means of communication
in daily interaction. Thus, the presence of speaker and
listener is a must to build up a mutual communication
in speaking activity. As stated by Brown (2001:267),
speaking was an interactive process of constructing
meaning that involves producing and receiving and
processing information. In speaking, students have to
understand that there are interactive language

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 59

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

functions. It occurs when students speak. Sometimes,

people need to act following what they speak.
Furthermore, Harmer (2001:246-247) stated
that students need to follow the sociocultural rule and
turn-taking rule. Sociocultural rule deals with the
differences of the sociocultural background.
Sometimes students have to understand the partner of
the conversation. They have to know the partner’s
habit. Moreover, when they are speaking, they have to
consider the rule of turn-taking which deals with the
timing when to speak. Here, the speakers should know
their chance to speak. In conclusion, speaking was the
most important form of language. It was used by the
society in order to have relation. Here, speaking can be
said as a means of communication. Speaking is the two
ways process of building and sharing message. To
make the communication run well, students should
acquire the speaking skill. This productive skill will
help the students to deliver their message through the
knowledge of grammar, knowledge of vocabulary,

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 60

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

knowledge of the rule of speaking. It is in order to

make the students know what to say and how to say.
Thus, the students can communicate well.
Ladousse (1995:5) argues that when students
assume a “Role”, they play a part (either their own or
somebody else) in specific situation. “Play” means that
is taken on in a safe environment where students are
joyful and playful. According to Brown (2004:174),
“role play is a popular pedagogical activity in
communicative language-teaching classes”. It makes
the students free to be someone based on their
creativity linguistic input. In line with Brown, Nunan
(2003:57) also states that role play activities are
important in the teaching of speaking because they
allow the students to practice communicating in the
different social contexts and target language. Role play
is a method of acting out particular ways of behaving
or pretending to be other people who deal with new
situations. In this case, Ladousse (1995:5) argues that
when students assume a “Role”, they play a part

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 61

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

(either their own or somebody else) in specific

situation. “Play” means taking on in a safe
environment in which students are as joyful and
playful as possible.
To strengthen the arguments, Thornbury
(2005:96) states, “That speaking activities involving
role play activities, in which learners take an
imaginative leap out of the confines of the classroom,
provide a useful springboard for real-life language use.
As a result, situations that learners are likely to
encounter when using English in real world situation
can be stimulated and a greater range of registers can
be practiced than are normally available in classroom
They have a little differentiation (Ladousse
(1987) in Thompkins (1998:1)). Simulation is more
complex than role play activities. Simulation is a
broader concept than role play. It is complex lengthy
and relatively inflexible events. Role play, on the other
hand, can be a quite simple and brief technique to

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 62

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

organize. It is also highly flexible, leaving much more

scope for the exercise of individual variation, initiative
and imagination. And role play also included in
simulation as well.
From the explanations above, the writer argues
that role play is appropriate activities to improve the
students speaking skills at ASYEE (Assyafiiyyah
English Excellent), which will involve fantasy or
imagination to be someone else or to be ourselves in a
specific situation. It aims at the students to encourage
thinking and creativity, let the students develop and
practice their speaking skill in the English language.
Research method

In this study, the researcher using CAR (Class

room Action Research) method. Bassey in Koshy
(2005:8) stated that ‘’Action research, was a process
of research that conduct in such a place and the aim is
to understand, to evaluate, and to change, in order to
improve the educational practice’’. Strengthened by

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 63

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

Sunyoto, (2020:33-34) as be mentioned, Classroom

action research an investigation of a systematic
approach that uses to find effectiveness and solution
to solve the problems in their situation Based on the
problem and the expectation to identify the
improvement of student’s ability using role play
method, it was considered that the research design
that would be suitable to apply in this research is
Classroom Action Method (CAR). The second step was
planning to solve the problem and preparing the
actions to do. The next step is implementing, doing the
action based on the planning and the preparation
made in the previous phase. Observation occurs at the
same time as the implementation of the action to know
the effects of the action and collect data. Based on the
observation, the researcher analyzes the collected
data, reflects on what has happened, and concludes
the result of the implemented action. Then, the
researcher decides what the researcher should do
based on the result of reflection. Whether, the

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 64

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

researcher was successful and stopped or

unsuccessful, revised the plan and continues into the
next cycle.
This procedure of action research is to identify
and define the real problems occurring the students in
the class. On this stage, the researcher will have
interviewed the teacher, to know the teaching method
practice to explain problems in teaching and learning
process and the initial condition of student's ability in
speaking skill. When researcher practicing PPL (Field
Work Practices), the researcher directly observes the
teaching and learning method in the class. The
researcher came to class on Sunday, 10th October 2021
although the teacher didn't teach about speaking, the
researcher still observes to get the information about
student's initial condition and to know their problem
in learning to speak. After the researcher got the data
from observation, the researcher decides to analyze
the problem faced the students. As problems have
been identified, the researcher chooses two the most

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 65

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

crucial problem; The fluency and pronunciation in

speaking students is also low. After analyzing the
problems faced by the student, the next step is done by
the researcher designing a plan to continue into the
next cycle to overcome the problems, it was going on
Friday, 14th, January 2021. The researcher thought
improving speaking skill student's using role play
method and ended with post-test.
The first steps was planning. In this step, the
researcher will be preparing instructional strategies
on improving student speaking skills with role play
method (doctor and patient). Such us, the researcher
will design a lesson plan to do in teaching-learning
role play (doctor and patient) in the class (see
appendix 1). Preparing instructional material and
Preparing instructional some media to take
documentation when teaching learning process and
interview with teacher and students. Also needed
preparing speaking tests to observations and
preparing criteria of success.

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 66

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

The second, Implementing. The steps of teaching

speaking were done the teacher by miss. Yeni
Qomariah. Here, the researcher just be observed all
activity, not to be teacher. The researcher makes
lesson plan of action as mentioned earlier, the action
of this research study has done in two meetings in
each cycle. On Saturday, 8th February 2022 the teacher
will doing First meeting to implemented lesson plan
made by researchers for teachers. And the second
meeting, On Sunday, 09th February 2022 teacher
would be doing implementing student final test.
And the last was observing. In this research will
some observing the student activity and teaching
learning process to get some data from teacher miss
Yeni Qomariah and all of subject of the research is
eight class grades of ASYEE (Assyafiiyyah English
Excellent). During teaching and learning activities, the
researcher will seeing and taking notes all activities
that occur in class to obtain data for the research such
us, seeing students Paying Attention when teacher

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 67

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

explain material, student Practicing conversation

Well, and students Being Enthusiastic in
Implementing Role Play and take note the skills of the
teacher on opening in class, giving material well,
verifying students attending lists, delivering
motivation, guiding students difficulty during
learning, student responses, how the teacher gives an
assessment. Moreover, the researcher observes
students speaking assessment using scoring rubric by
H. Dounglas Brown. Teacher in applying the lesson
study in communication class at ASYEE (Asyafiiyyah
English excellent) that has been by the researcher.
Reflecting was the analysis of the result of
observation and test in cycle one. The activities in this
stage first was analyzing the data from the observation
checklist and result of the test to find out the
improvement speaking ability students in after using
role play method. Second, analyze the results of
student scores after applying the role play method.
And the last, discussing the teaching-learning process

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 68

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

that has been done in order to know the weaknesses

found in the previous activities and to plan the better
activities in cycle two.
The researcher analysis teaching and learning
process which are occurred in preliminary study, the
cycle by identifying student’s categories abilities in
speaking related to role play method. In this study, the
researcher only focuses on the type of imitative
speaking. So that the assessment aspect needed in
imitative speaking was be analyzed, Such as: fluently
and pronunciation. The researcher using scoring
rubric that adapted from H. Douglas Brown
(2004:173), that researcher uses to convert student’s
score as follow:
Table 3.2. The Scoring Rubric of pronunciations

No Categories score

Error in pronunciation are

frequent but cab be 1-2
understood by a native
speaker used to dealing with

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 69

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

foreigners attempting to
speak his language.
Accent is intelligible though 3-4
often quite faulty.
Errors never interfere with
understanding and rarely
3 disturb the native speaker. 5-6
Accent may be obviously
Errors in pronunciation are 7-8`
quite rare.
Equivalent to and fully
5 accepted by educated native 9-10

Table 3.3. The Scoring Rubric of Fluency

No Categories Score

1 No specific fluency description. 1-2

Can handle with confidence but

2 3-4
not facility most social situations.

Can discuss particular interest of

3 5-6

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 70

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

With reasonable ease. Rarely has

to grope for words.
Able to use language fluency on
4 all levels normally pertinent to 7-8
profession all needs

Has completed fluency in the

5 language such that’s his speech is 9-10
fully accepted by native speaker

That bellow formula of assessing student’s

speaking ability:
Table 3.4 formula of assessing

Student’s score = 𝒙 𝟏𝟎

n1: pronunciation score
n2: fluency score
a: totals all of component score

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 71

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

Table 3.5 Rating Scale of Score

1 Excellent 80-100
2 Good 60-79
3 Fair 40-59
4 Poor 20-39
5 Failed 0-19

Research Finding and discussion

The observation was started when researcher

carrying out PPL (Field Work Practice) on Monday,
October 06th 2021, until Thursday, November 05 th
2021. This procedure of action research was to
identify and define the real problems occurring the
students in the class. After doing that learning activity,
the researcher found several problems related to the
learning process. Was that the fluency and
pronunciation of students in speaking?
The researcher was started the teaching and
learning process first is greeting them, and the

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 72

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

researcher introduce by herself. And then, the

researcher checked their attendance list and giving
motivate. Furthermore, the researcher presented and
explained the material include all aspect such as
definition of debate, example of debate, procedure of
debate and etc. Knowing here, the researcher
encountered some related program to the learning
teaching process. The first was not whole students
paid attention, their attention was mostly spent to
speak to each other. The second, some of student’s
brick stammer when speak English and some of
student still combines 3 different languages in one
sentence, namely Indonesian, Javanese and English.
And the third, some of student still did not understand
how to apply pronunciation when speak English.
To analyse all in the class room, the observation
was done by conducting an oral test by the teacher.
Every student’s spoke theirs works according to a
topic was given from teacher. Besides, after some
student done or finished their works in oral test.

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 73

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

Based on that scoring rubric observation from

teacher above, the researcher concludes that. There
were seven student’s still get fair score. There were
tent student’s get excellent score, and there were six
student’s get good score. While the standard criteria
from was 70.00. and the average score ASYEE
(Assyafiiyyah English Excellent) was 78.02.
One of the indicators, the beginning of the action
has achieved success is the indicator of attention.
Because with the attention of students, they become
more enjoy with learning activities. Cycle I showed
that at the first meeting, at the time the researcher
gives direction about the rules of the role play method
to be used, The students' attention to all the
expressions given by the researcher was classified as
very high good. At this time it has been shown that
there is a response from students that occurs when
communication occurs between teachers and
students. It can be seen from the responses of students
who answered several questions from the teacher

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 74

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

swiftly and expressively. In the example when the

teacher asks about a review such as: ''do you
understand what role play is''. This attention indicator
was declared successful because students responded
non-verbally to the other person, namely by looking,
nodding, shaking their heads, smiling, laughing,
turning their heads, raising their hands, and etc.
Verbally, they can respond to verbal communication
correctly and contextually. It can be concluded based
on the student's response to the teacher's verbal
communication by carrying out all his orders
correctly. It's the same as what the theory says
According to Roestiyah (2008:93) the advantages of
the method play a role, namely (1) students are more
attentive, (2) easy understand the problem being
discussed, (3) can feel the feelings of others, (4) other
students are not passive for giving suggestions and
criticism. . From the theory, it is in line with the results
of the research using the role play method to improve
speaking skills at eight grade of Asyee. Thus, if

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 75

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

students are able to pay attention to the teacher, the

psychological condition of the students has focused on
the teacher. So that the acceptance of the material
becomes easier for students to understand.
The thing that underlies the provision of short
video media, which aims to make it easier to provide
examples of pronunciation from native speakers. in
the action of cycle 1 is an error in the aspect of
pronunciation. Students pronounce some vocabulary
incorrectly, for example about body parts, days, and
color. Mouth's pronunciation should be /m˄uð/ but
pronounced /mu:ð/, Saturday's vocabulary should be
/sætədi/ pronounced /satudai/, etc. There are also
those who say /morniŋ/ which should be /mo:niŋ/.
Comparing with the theoretical conducted
Harmer (2007: 352) role-play can be useful to
stimulate oral fluency and train students' abilities in
special skills, especially in learning English. Therefore,
in cycle I, the average achievement of students is not
too low. Because the basic language used every day at

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 76

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

ASYEE is English. However, what makes their scores

below the KKM is that students do not focus on the
material provided by the teacher, because the
teacher's methods are monotonous and tend to be
boring. so that the acceptance of the material is the
reason why some of their speaking scores are below
the KKM. There were seven student's still get fair
score. There were ten student's get excellent score,
and there were six student's get good score. While the
standard criteria from was 70.00. and the average
score ASYEE (Assyafiiyyah English Excellent) was
Comparing with the theoretical conducted
Harmer (2007: 352) role-playing can be useful to
stimulate oral fluency and train students' abilities in
special skills, especially in learning English. Therefore,
the results of the speaking scoring rubric for the eighth
grade students of ASYEE, it is clear that the
comparison of score can change before and after using

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 77

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

the role play method. The score of the seven children

increased by 80% after using the role play method.
However, not all students achieve improvement
in speaking skills. In this case, there are 2 students
whose average score is fixed. Based on the criteria of
success in this cycle. the criteria of success of the study
was the use role play to improve speaking skill ability
at eight class grade of ASYEE (As-Syafi'yyah English
Excellent) in academic 2021/2022 Based on the
ASYEE (As-Syafi'yyah English Excellent) course
agreement between the teacher. This research can be
called successful. if, 80% student's at eight grade of
ASYEE (As-Syafi'yyah English Excellent) students
could achieve the target score 70.00. it was decided by
the researcher and collaborators to stop this research
action. Improvement in speaking skills has been
achieved, namely there is a significant increase.
The increase was due to the researchers applying
the role play technique in the teaching and learning

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 78

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

process. In the first cycle of the first meeting, the

researcher provided guidelines and short materials
concerning role play techniques. Then the researcher
gave a transcript of the doctor and patient
conversation that would be played for each student.
After that, the students were shown a short video of
the conversation between the doctor and the patient
for the purpose of giving examples of good
pronunciation from native speakers. Then students
are made into groups. Each group consists of 2 people
to come forward to practice direct role play. Then for
the second meeting students only took the speaking
test to find out cycle 1 the student's score increased or
Based on Student Speaking Score from teacher
in cycle 1, after using Role Play Method. The students
speaking score of ASYEE (Assyafiiyyah English
Excellent) in academic 2021/2022 after using the role
play method being increased 80%. But looking again
from the criteria of success. The limitation of the

The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 79

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

research is, if the score of 80% of students has

increased from before, the research is considered
successful. And this research is considered to have
been completed. In short, it is very clear that the role
play method can help students to improve their
speaking skills.


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The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 80

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

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The Use of Role Play Method to Improve Speaking Skills 81

Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh
Darussalam English Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June 2022
eISSN: 2807-3223
DOI: 10.30739/dej.v2i1.1506

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Adib Ahmada, Lailatul Munawaroh

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