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LR - Rc.No.37 D2 - 17.06.2021
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Lr.Rc.No.37 D2 - 17.06.2021
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Proceedings of the Director: State Institute of Educational Technology ETV Studios: Ramanthapur: Hyderabad Present: AKrishna Rao, M.S8.,M.Ed., Re.No.37/D2/SIET/2021 Dated:17.06,2021 Sub: SIET, Hyderabad - Production of Bridge Course Digital Lessons in Telugu, English and Urdu Media ~ Utilization of services of the Teacher Presenter / Subject In-Charges in the State for Recording and Editing work from 22.06.2021 to 02.07.2021 ~ Reg. Read: 1. Lr.No.37/BT/SCERT/2020,Dt.08.06.2021 of the Director, SCERT,TS,Hyderabad. 2, Note orders of the Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad dt. 16.06.2021. The Director, SCERT, Telangana has communicated the list of identified Teacher Presenters and Subject In-Charges for development of Bridge Course Digital Lessons vide reference 1* read above. The Director of School Education, Telangana State has accorded the permission to utilize the services of the identified teachers for developing the digital lessons of Bridge Course in Telugu, English and Urdu media. The recording and editing of Bridge Course Digital Lessons of Phase-l is scheduled from 22.06.2021 to 02.07.2021 and the entire development of Telugu, English and Urdu media Bridge Course Digital Lesson shall be coordinated by the Subject {n-charges under the guidance of the Professor, Curriculum Department, SCERT, Telangana and the entire programme shall be monitored by the Officer In-charge, SIET, Hyderabad. Further, the District Educational Officers concerned are requested to instruct the Subject In-Charges to verify and approve the scripts and PPTs, etc., and instruct the identified teachers not to use audio/video resources having copyright protection. The Teacher Presenters who are attending the recording of digital lessons at SIET, Ramanthapur / T-SAT, Hyderabad are eligible for TA, DA & Honorarium as per norms. Hence all the District Educational Officers concerned in the State are requested to issue necessary instructions to the identified Teacher Presenters / Subject In-Charges to attend the recording and editing of Bridge Course Digital Lessons as per schedule, Encl: As above. Sa/- DIRECTOR, SIET HYDERABAD To ‘The District Educational Officer, Nizamabad, Ranga Reddy, Warangal (U), Hyderabad, Medak, Sanga Reddy, Wanaparthy, Kamareddy, Yadadri, Rajanna Sirsilla, Nalgonda, Mahabubnagar, Peddapalli, Khammam, Karimnagar, Jangaon, Asifabad, Mahabubabad, Jagityial, Medchal, Suryapet, Siddipet, Adilabad, Narayanapet Districts in the State. Copy to Regional Joint Director, Hyderabad and Warangal Districts, Copy submitted to the Director of School Education, TS, Hyderabad. Copy submitted to the Director of School Education, & Ex-Officio State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, Telangana State, Hyderabad Copy forwarded to the Director, TSMS, Hyderabad, Copy forwarded to the Director, SCERT, TS, Hyderabad, Copy to the Prof. Curriculum Department through the Director, SCERT,TS, Hyderabad, Copy to Officer In-Charge, SIET, Hyderabad. // true copy attested // Mahone bera alah Fen Scanned with CamScannerSTATEINSTIVE ANNEWORE-3 EOF EDUCATIONAL, TECH ‘OLOGY: Cw: B\or|ciGi\noa ABAD Te Recording Sehedete for Bridge Course = 2021 at SIET, Hyderabad co] est Jew] sate Joeson Neneat ete eneot te Freer & Aatron S801 Recording | ~ | Fotos [TS Rayadas ara Pai ona Ravin, 2S Tmo farys Roos 30 COPS. EMS 1 [ures [ow erenton tates nda ahgen 22 Rim 88-8 2e0202! Foe 5 fons Wolo woman SA CORT {4 |’ science | UM |Retlection and Retraction of tight [School Kachiquia, Hyd. # 8520823556 cmaon[ Senthaachasiaa Se a 14 [ams “| w_lLow. nr pve and vamponte nomaen iets 6g | otogu | “Tchad Rayan vrramata”—— enrtaesat S008 aseemanive egum SC CPPS Wake a ut me UM [Plants and Animals |Masiid, Hyderabad. Coll: 8110708517. 2906202 [ening aa Speatng States, — Jp nay oan cicero Me [_Sratisn | TM |rcading Comprehension.t [Bahsdurpuca, Hyderabad Ph No,8125532510 + Tens sana T-covarcnanman, Cone Raton A+ [oi scence] tw [ce thauestuctreandtncion |. Comlnaranan, OHS, Ragu Fh, Jaana 2S SRO RLWAT u Science EM [Metals and non metals |MANDAL., DIST: NIZAMABAD, 8374786474 easood Abed, a. 2.13, Ganerb Gal 12 | ans | “ua foperations eninge faroad snmed SAZP 3 | 24062021 ihiepandana > Parenti ta | retgu | “am [Rrgasne=Pripancans-FEPEHRG To, aprhaah TH Regode, Neda Peasoon Roar Shar AT Soe EATS te | sect | rm fuap-Lettucesongtdes-tond arms [bong Maran Distkamaresy auzostsy a eee iakatjn Chaco, ZPAS ROR “e |Sagar, Siddipet_ ffsdhis, CcPs,Natagat, Secon 4 | asioszony LM | Mate | em [Additions and subtract Hyderabad. 23006380 13 | soca | um [BSP Cates and Cargmiaes-Tad nh Sane oe as rae maF res ucaresee = lynn rng Gare of PGREMIAT —p Suren KORG BA GTS Wa RP “ aie ™ value of polynomial \Colony, Hyderabad, 9866272932 v3 [ete | tw lone anaes me Sang Cant ray Schoo TS 3 | Erol ™ |e ‘Den compari }Matkajgirl, Medchal, Ph.No. 9010722333. lwasarat Sutton, TOT, MANU Moga 2 | sence] UM |rood: Food Producten . Ter. | asos201 | 4 a i Food Ps |Sehool, Falaknuma, Hyderabad. # 9542342198 Gerarharsmant avs Top Le [ete science] eat [eat Tsves~Stactue ana actors ; ss Se cet i “a \Secundarabad, Hyderubas, 913114 [Togs a asinara Choa Gs Tagho—jngeaann teabc 21 [rican eeraarea Lt | Telugu Tw |Chaduvadam - Rayadam ‘Saraia Padaaly’ Mecca OPS: Medaribanth, Mushoera Fand3 Jot Worah dards Jam words —|shalt ie ST, BUF E Tunas OG u tins Um and thelr idontii, 16, Rajondaranagar, Hyd. #: 9014670081 6 | s8om2021 ee ay TR TT te uran Pum | aE Sai ane [sed savid Wotan sa,0h', poe osc Boys ye anes eae Pavan ZPNS ayaa, Raga RO [ote Seance] Tw [adolescence = Reproduction ae Ra ™ a Reprodert 17981636183 12 | Foias [rt [Gtodcatin= Rayasam” Guniha Ped unands ZB Kankoassoaeeow nau pua Noun, vert aver, fa davis Wa, BT,-O Pero ray | ow ; sine ; on = bee a |Zamoor Sifat, Ghair Wustaqil Kalma... ete. _|Bhainea, Adi 1d, # 9949759821 202021 >| enon Foie tearing Fun wting a Derr ‘2 | Frat | TH Treading 13 [ume] ow Trane snares Ik Gov SA, ZS Ror Rags ROO ato and propor 19999698934 1 | “Tetogs [iat Srnatnaiatne- sam S. Gargechar, 755 Ral Kear 0] tam | ut ioe Ireevana ST, mPrS dubs Cola + | sovsavar u Pie contin Baispur, RR. Col: S34e4sa305, ta | sociat | um [otinate-Globat warming Ms, Taudain, S.., GHS Humayun Nagar Noy lt, Hyderabad. # 6302770585. vars 3 Repo. Diary ery & nanan” Maer SRS } ht TH _|Nows Report, Diary entry & invita Doverakonda, Nalgonda., 9704079660. 44 | Tetuas | ra |crsauvadam- Rayadam ‘Gunintha Padaans Shares, GHG, Pagelpera ty [evs | um |rocd ena coca neam | Shaheed AN, SGT, OB PS, Kandigar 9 | ovor2021 chadiied |Sate, Hyderabad. Cell: 9014306473. om Ui. Sine csiveraty-Claneavan Eeospmm Rane Ba OS aT wt fPiesiverty-ch scan Eeonvatom li cranad 205/6569 | mane ring Say TAT ss feareasauate SA Sr a TM _Jequations tn two variables |Shashabgutta Mahabubnagar. 9886302926 (ena Scanned with CamScanner& one Cx: 37 [Do|sie\p04 Name of he Presenter 8 AdSreS cna] Duet sno] Omar [eas] subject | alan ame of the tie anamtnenT Srinivas, ZPVIS Vannars 13 [Telugu | Tw [Srjanatmanatna- malas Lo wene Tow Tae Ma raaudeer SGT. PRS. Ram Nagar the ation and Subtraction agar, Rangared 0 | earns ee BA, LPNS. 70 OAT, Ta | Socisi | Uw [Factors ot production Sectors of economy [Pynserainag. # B008G47O6E Pama Prva SA, Nehru Memorial HOP Ta [mana | 1m [congruent and imi gure vege Pe prosteaera Note; 1) Estting has tobe followed by the Presenter after recording on the same day / next working day. 2) Identified Teachers are requested to follow COVID - 19 Norms. 3) The above identified teachers are instructed not to use Audio / Video r Images,..ete., having copyright protection. esources, Say. DIRECTOR .gieT HYDERABAD 1 ctuve Copy atested bavaniednnd vee] ~wM ADMINISTRATWE OFFICER Que wy \elaen Scanned with CamScannerAwe RE - TD ea Cono: 2l\p2 leieT | 202! ly IF WFO Con BEET SAT le De TFT ren J st | tien Smeal ames reenter 8 Aen [mates | sr cetera RATA CVT Raar OT, Pa a ‘osagiaunoar \ oot Pacha dy FFB AP Ra | pe | tm [tot =rood redcton aan 4 ogan AS on ne 1 | sznsaoat vita Sada sg CP ta | ma | am fltening a sean 1 fence Shrsspetseain pera “FS REN PUTCO a [enwion [tpt natn and tn wtra youre ratios, bow Tr] tata | eM [onopes art pectundemtanaig [Uttam Ge, Dmears TT ct scam | ew Exthmovonente eae tua ae anneal angered. ta | Social ‘and longitudes Jonna a3892850%6 2 | 2sneznn Sanaa iit sont Ao SORA, ZS sores ginte ties ond JavatoortmOnehehnnape Us. Jageon. tz | Sectal | TH Hrongitudes [ssaseeed 14 tn my SA ES Tocpranpa Yaar | tate | lonwatons on mene meek nme aa PRE a ino TTT ry Rana SOT, FT Ya ses am sstaa NPS avo, NT ngs opie Fay & Relat@nahiPs PICU Hang}, Jangoan cietrtet 5 window, 12 | English | TM aeseription Reading {96182860: seowaon || oan, SSO STENCE, PS 1 Sens |e [eaves [xoungi RANGAREODY 20995090 Ways ars Ronda | ts [evs | am fous and ain Shrtngrpay al Ranga Racy | ucceee ona, BRS Sas wa 1a | reg | TM [reflection and retraction of ight lancomadevarapaily Warangal urban, 80082 eam Chava, sai seTENCE] FS, {2 | science |_'M_|PLANTS: |RAIDURGA, RANGAREODY, 9389890030 : Sve sugana fy seca Ts 1 | sam | em [Roursytom alse and aman nsnamanate Ot angered. Penetnetee 1h. Ho 99692650" sth mover ac acon 7 Ses GE (SO, PRT 1s | sam [aw [eeenmorament etc -tttdes casein Baceharnapt let Jngson Sa ean [an bites anraaror aera PCS, SA IPE EH fame fanaa aia on snvesaonknanien Asad Chandivasolar, 28 agar. s | s00ez021 4 | Ena ™ |S ton & inter |Kenamudram, Mahabubabad Ph.No 98681088 S| Rotor TE Towne [Kanga Uwala RPS Pedtapur, SadaeIvapat uz | evoian | ow fina sonaveay once ° porte a ae (Aca BPS WORTA {9 | science | _T™ [Metals and MANDAL. .DIST: NIZAMABAD, 8374785474 Tara etnow an eomrcann ny Renan MPS, Tas asp a if subtraction |JegitiaL 8247531444 a Bitntate! On Sa OSEENCEL on @ tu _[overoon ee Science 0r MALASIGUDA, HYDERABAD, 9701808011 6 | suuanent [en aa Teoamanocamer tiara Koma Pe (sah SMS etna but igondspr ne eo10082 fahans Sent aaa sosmncaes 12 | sox | sdnatoer( Bachhannapt lat nga, ecsuaese || ew lomeenaicny .Sampat sumar 2FH8.chandanapar, Mancae caret amg cn Peasant oes see 31] ei) a Teta [whos Mama RS Beata Boy sind ipsrain,eusesty 1 | anosaues Stitt As SSeRTZFTT 4 | Soctat EM |tMap - Latitudes -tongitudos - tand forma (9) " ” aan MARAYANKHED,Dist Sangareddy.Ph.No.B97839 Industral evolution -imperai akan Sehhwol Kes [Soeayy2Ph M4 | soca | TH [canny Copan ae — " Ph.No 8706104075 3 Ta [Ra GTenTor wa aitn PETES NS crap, fe stat, sessisran ToovAiait air x OCIENCEL + | souwcun | em favouais cons nat tacurra oro mroenceno, a immatananemareatcen, 9812 t_|_matna | eit [Rave ana proportion Govind, $A, ZAHS, Alnor, Rang 1:8] ww roarnasa manson ie ertskor Realy, PHS RE Pay RR nce | sccearans Less Scanned with CamScannerRew Cre: silpalseslze> Taeot | cans | Sebieet | Medio Name ofthe tite | Name ofthe Presenter & AGF + sxe | an ss | Sabi Bese a ronal Sreedharacharyutu, SA. PHS, Narang Ta] wana | Ew [Adation and subtraction of ike tractons| Siar anes KPavaniZPHS.Rayadurg, Ranga Redey. Bio. cance = Reproduction { Ls | gEanen |_EM [Adolescence —Reprodiet 7asn626123 202 General 'S MALATHI BAI SA [BIO-SCIENCE), GMS, 9 Jovoramt | uz | Science |_T™ [OURFOOD | ALASIGUDA, HYDERABAD, 9701808011 1 Fry. sis etaco |rsampatn kumar, ZPHS.Chandanapur, Mandal 13 | science | TM [Pestle Electricity |amagin, Dist: Peédapall, 95504 14416 1 "Sheetal Jagirghar,TET(Seeia, TSMS ts | sociat | eM |Raintall-Rivers -oceans |Patamatula(u)Shamsnabad Dist Rangaredey, | ‘Ph No 99682650"6 ‘M Rajencra Kumar PGT (Economies) TSS 10 | cxuraner {42 | seciat | em |Comnene-Cesars- tnd forms xrnapally Ot NalgondaPH Ma 863912083 . Acaiion and subraction ofthe wactonal STeCSPsTacharyulth SA, EPH, Narsingh 12 | maths | TM [Adaition and subtraction of tke fractions| te sun eye once te : snonen VV. Sharada, SA. ZPHS, Srvangavaram: Medical. ta | mans | TH [Laws ot exponents eee Note ; 7) Exiting has to be followed by the Presenter after recording on the same day / next working day. 2) Identified Teachers are requested to follow COVID - 19 Norms. 3) The above identified teachers are instructed not to use Audio / Video resources, Images,..etc., having copyright protection. Se DIRECTOR, Sieh Ujeraban J hue Lepy Nested |] alway Qe nen WOUINsTRAMVE OFFICER a vib. Scanned with CamScannerSTATE INSTITUT os. DUCATIONAL TRCHNOLOGY | HYDERY Cro: si)oa\ecen\s0 24 Recoriling Schedule for Wt iige Course -2021 at T-SAT (Studio =#), Hyderabad Se coca Coo bine reat ie en ie joe Roa hiya SR, EPS Ul Wea, aw [Plants Nizamabad. # 9848444016 Eon Woven - ETc =Uata anda Chios Deng 8 ZP HS, Pawal ta | Soci | UM iLongitudes 'Sharoot, Rangaroddy. # 9704713475. , : Seika data snotpurwan, 1] 22062021] 4 |pny. science} EM |reffection and refraction of light [Bhoomadevarspally Warangal urban, 80082 aaa? FT ERT REE ue] ua | um Se aia i idenincaionotapovets2=r42J01" Ina apauiangum sien. we} urdu UM |words, 4 and 5 Joint words and thelr |vecrulawads aalsnna Sirina # S0S0070az7 Iieritcnton, iyo of and sand nd 2 Iioronmed Eeorudd, SA, EPS, AE 2ame2021 [tS |Phy. Sclence) UM [Metals non me |Gadi, Zahoorabad # 8099005058. fe Srctharscara 826 Ue | wre [EW [Lem HOF primeandconposte numbers _[ Steaarachanrl SA ZPH on ahs charge hea AB U4 | Hina | 1m fLetr ting, poster, stogns convention hyderabad’ Ravina, GOMS Ghosharaha rman danas See eave, Li [Mata | TM [Shapes and spct understanding [BLES Rani OF Deveton Baar , vy [EE tate |e umercancetandmanarenona [ties at 9: 22001 ng, 30m x aa Napad, SAS Gove High Sehool 16 [be Senco] UM [eo Taunsctueanatunciona [Anna hap®,- Govt Han Setee a] wane] om lia vats aan ana Bubraton — [wa Sats Area 8 6, GS: Raoooe {unto 4 Digit Numbers Naga, Maubean, Cl 937206 Hlaaraen Tatts, Ysa Mot 1 | sins [em [operations on inegee Horse [seca ot [Ranta Rivers Oenane Maneady a STATW, SA COS. Hoon 4 | so2021 Span och ei soon ad inno. 2S Rome Redeem 4 [Phy Seienco| EM connections. atan wanaparthy (sn) 9490328837, ‘ fronton Rr Sentar Assoc PS Ue] soci) | ran [etimat-potat warning Cone) Nog et aro aces 83 — ie Sandyathbune nestor u Maths a ee Pochampally, Vadadri, 994828278! Sheba at MP Bat coas THO Ui | watie | ew [tutipicatons and divisions P. Shobhon abu, MPS, ms 5 | rome : General pss sutna, TOT, WAND joan 12 | science | UM |OwrFeod [School Falaknums, Hyderabad. # 8842342188 caw scons Semen seamcioln Israteon sogun, SA, 2° (8) Ameor M4 | Blo. Sei um jee Faprodoet Nizamabad. # 9908378360 oe iaipeatan ana Ginter TUE — oe Nea Gagan 804 MP PSSM, 5 Rats OM Laight sumbors |Vernulawada Rajanna Sirsilia # 9059078227 ; sons paowon [sat rex Gone High Seteol ea 6 | 206200) 2, “an Wnt [ratio ond Proper \Bazar, Hyderabad. # 9700150048 al wine autor Sh Ono Vaan fo Colony tyra Sas627002 - SE ara stoc oiocosoay WHT ioe Rear POH Sora] TENE M4 {Socal _| TM [Factors of presuetion “sectors of economy xethapayDisNalgondaeh No 85318052 | | coat | [things aura un imouaia GPs, CPL Aberaet Ryser cr] awe "om ena aod ontario Ii. Sona ated, ST, GPS. abead 7 | 29/06/2021 " pre and spatial understanding |Nagar, Mahbubnagar. Cell: 9063228616 _ a [Pra Scmncal on [Bay cis Creu ors ana paaToT- eta ware mena see aT 3 Semon crag sya ashuzses8 wa levy: seoncal rch, cr Ajootast Selo str lao -Tataaarand Iw Gran Bartana ee Re Par sect , “2 tM Nongitutes Shareet, Rangavoddy. # 9704711478 12 [secu | ow |orey and sanning- biota Transactions [fee Ahmed Kran, S.A, 2PM, 25,3, 8 | so0sem con |Comverirg ay anor wi UnareaTans Posse ons Iowa oe Scab auto s40208 tuigohed ons Sunes eae a] na | faa wr, onance aig vce te Urer aPs kal au bess at a Bien ieorgn = ea [tia cue conigean Sommer >| owner [= co Tercae shaun Byun SArzPNS. 0) AO, Science wnirnal INizamabad. # 9908378980 = ied Si EAs PHC OT, | tas | um [Le Her Prine and Gomposte numbers _atammad Sal SA; EES {lon ts Scanned with CamScanner<%4 t. Cn: Bios. eret}a091 TENo] tae otReconting)Class] Subject | Medi ‘Name ofthe ttle [Name ofthe Presenter & Address 12 | Maths] UM [Addition and Subtraction of Ika Fractions Ind. Muqtadoor, S.G.T., MP.P.S. Ram Na a [Pry. Seienco) UM [Baste Eloctrteity immed liyas Ghazi, S.A, 2P.HS. UME Nandipot, Nizamabad. # 9848983210 to | oxoviz021 P.Sunitha Khanna,Schtiol Asst (Social), 2PHS La] seciat | EM [climate global warming |(S) NARAYANKHED, Dist Sangareddy,Ph.No.8978395492 Polynomiats, finding of degre of im Khan, S.A., Govt. High School Ed} U4] mate [uw Pitman isan of Pobnomis pacar Hadarbad 6700150008 Note; 1) Editing has to be followed by the Presenter after recording on the same day / next working day. 2) Identified Teachers are requested to follow COVID - 19 Norms. 3) The above identified teachers are instructed not to use Audio / Video resources, Images,..etc., having copyright protection. Il he Copy Aefed J Bd) — Bieectoe, seq HYDERABAD Hannes, rbrdooy ADMINISTRATIVE GF FICER rata Scanned with CamScanner~ Pyor- Cuno: 27)o2 ner |202) fediums ‘Subject Incharge ‘SNo| Level Subject Medi +f teett GATNENATES | aca |W Lavarye Lat SGT, GPS Nalanuria, Amberpet MG, Hyderabad SA878238«4 s | aemia | eenenat scence | taaew [Drogas GHS, Gano Suet soeonesse® S Puwwasas | warnewaries | Twaem [PDL Ganapaty shar, OHS, Muto, Mrderabod 840297257 TW Tieatsas | socarstuoes | Twacn [a Renanaapan ect, ZPHS, Janet Mahaoubroger $708800581 FPP awaee | worocieat science | Tua eM [EO machsuchan Reddy 2PHS, Bakarel Kot), Naaynapet 6703808879 = | aeaa | parsica: science | meen [y.vema:nedsy, SA ett, 2°15, Crversa, Suyape. 441252669, 7 [es evs Ta cat | Upencer eo, UPS, Tkapaty, Yadadishong. 886319209 @ Svea maneen anes, 1085, 0939391042 ewe 12984 wo) na tancuace| ® [a vran, GHS, Crogeona, cerns, 6274800123 10 \v Lara todhon, 94019929 Level 23.84 " exausH Sed Language [vasa 9052744735 12 [tent Neeras. GPS st Peters, Keerguda 518020013 ” sway, SCERT,oote676215 Level23 8 eweu ‘sttarguage fy Sram Batu, 9969829097 1s | tees 1r G Tivem SCERT, s4sorv7912 © va belnadde, 6885452300 a7 | teezsse rou ‘stLanguage [snus wonustn, CHS, Amberpe.Hyérabad, 9340671724 78 [assur atau. GNS. adna Mania Manabubraa 6202753601 we [temzaee | nathewancs Un [Manmoos Ak, SA,2PH'S, 28.600, Zanerabed, Saramreddy, # 440831175 zo | tei234| PHYSICAL SCENCE un [Secon 54, G50, Guna, Manbubnagar # 063840055 2 | tneiase4 | wioiccear science | um |syeannauniayeom SA,ZPHS Un Nost, Nzamsbed # De464s43t8 zz | tevez | cenerarscience | um (ie haya menucon SA, Gov High Saool Kaci, Hyd # 052082250 2 | teeizsea | socaLsTunes um |Weheedutoh share! SA. GONS Wecas #03z8120641 ze] lett rou ‘sl Larguoge [Monammed Abul Qayyum, SGT. PPS. UM, Vemulawada Rojan Sata # 9089073227 2 | tet MATHEMATICS n/a musaseer SG. MPS. Ran Nagar UM, Faroognegar, Rangaecey | twos vs Un [Syed Staneed Al. $6.7, GOP. Karcgei Gat, Hyd, Cen 9ova3e0479 Note: 1) Editing has to be followed by the Presenter after recording on the same day / next working day. 2) Identified Teachers are requested to follow COVID - 19 Norms. 3) The above identified teachers are instructed not to use Audio / Video resources, Images,..etc., having copyright protection. Sd)- DIRECTOR SIET: HYDERABAD ‘true copy attested if throng nated ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER tte\20>! Scanned with CamScanner
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Phil Knight
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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