70% Syllabus For VI - VIII Classes
70% Syllabus For VI - VIII Classes
70% Syllabus For VI - VIII Classes
Class VI – Telugu – For Other Media (Second Language)
Class VI – Urdu (First Language)
Class VI – Urdu (Second Language)
Class VI – Hindi (First Language)
Class VI – Hindi (Second Language)
Class VI – Sanskrit (Oriental Course)
Class VI – Sanskrit (Composite Course)
Class VI – Arabic (Composite Course)
Class VI – Kannada
Class VI – Marathi
Lessons as per syllabus Activity / project based lessons Remarks
1 Balsagar Bharat Hovo (Song) -
2 Cycle mahante, me aahe na! -
3 Dr. Kalam Yanche baalpaan -
4 Gavatphoola re! Gavatphoola 4. Gavatphoola re! Gavatphoola
5 Baki vees rupayanchi Kaay? 5. Baki vees rupayanchi Kaay?
6 Paan thoda usseor Jhala -
7 Aaple paramveer -
8 Maay (poem) -
9 Varali Chitrakala -
10 Sugandhi Shruthi 10. Sugandhi Shruthi
11 Majaya Aajayana Panjayana 11. Majaya Aajayana Panjayana
12 Mala Motha Vahayachaya 12. Mala Motha Vahayachaya
13 Aapli Suraksha, Aaple upaay! 13. Aapli Suraksha, Aaple upaay!
14 Aata Ujadel! -
15 Baal Sabha -
16 Safar Metrochi -
17 Dukhana Boatbhar 17. Dukhana Boatbhar
18 Baheemol Jeevan (Poem) -
19 Male Bajarala Jayache Bai! -
20 Olakha Thoranchi -
21 Ya Kaalchaya Bhalavarti -
22 Vadilaash Patra -
23 Parivartan Veecharanche -
24 Rojnishi -
25 Nava Pailu -
26 Saat Vani -
Class VI – Tamil
S. Activity / project based
Theme Lessons as per syllabus Remarks
No. lessons
Naadu , Samugam, Bharadham Andraiya
Arasu, Niruvaagam Naatrangaal
7 Tamizh Naattil Gandhi
Pudumaigal Seiyyum Velunachiyar
Dhesamidhu Naalvagaich Sorkkal
Aram, Thaththuvam, Parabarak Kanni Parabarak Kanni
Sindhanai Neengal Nallavar Neengal Nallavar
8 Pasippini Pokkiya Paavai Pasippini Pokkiya Paavai
Bharadham Bharadham
Ellarum Inbura
Peyarch Sol
Thirukkural Thirukkural
Aasiya Jyothi
Manidham, Aalumai
Manidha Neyam
9 Mudivil Oru Thodakkam
Innuyir Kaappom Ani Ilakkanam
Class VI – English
Lessons as per syllabus Activity / project based lessons Remarks
1 A) Peace and Harmony
B) I Want Peace
C) Grand Contest in the Fores
2 A) Telangana,The Pride of People
B) In the Bazaars of Hyderabad
C) Bammera Pothana, the jewel of
Telugu Literature
3 A) What Can a Dollar and Eleven
Cents Do?
B) A Nation’s Strength
C) Wilma Rudalph
4 A) An Adventure
B) The Naughty Boy
C) Tanaji Malusare
5 A) Plant a Tree
B) If a Tree Could talk
C) Children, Speak Up
6 A) Rip Van Winkle A) Rip Van Winkle
B) My Shadow B) My Shadow
C) Gulliver’s Travels C) Gulliver’s Travels
7 A) P.T. Usha, the Golden Girl
B) Indian Cricket team
C) Ranji’s Wonderful Bat
8 A) Half the Price A) Half the Price
B) The Sheik’s Whit Donkey B) The Sheik’s Whit Donkey
Class VI – Mathematics
Sl.No Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based
1. Knowing Our Numbers Ø Consolidating the sense of
Number up to 99,999;
Estimation of numbers,
Comparison of numbers
Place value, connectives
use of symbols
Ø Word problems on number
operations involving large -
numbers up to a
maximum of 6 digits in
the answer
Ø Introduction to large
Ø International system of
numbers (Millions)
2. Whole Numbers Ø Whole numbers Ø Pattern in Whole
Ø Prosperities of numbers numbers
(closure, commutative,
associative, distributive,
additive identity,
multiplicative identity)
Ø Pattern in Whole numbers
3. Playing with Numbers Ø Consolidating divisibility Ø Divisibility rules of
rules 2,3,5,6,9,10. 4,8,11, through
Ø Divisibility rules of 4,8,11, observing patterns.
through observing
Ø Multiples and factors,
Even/odd numbers,
prime/composite numbers,
Co-prime numbers,
Ø Prime factorization, every
number can be written as
products of prime factors.
Ø HCF and LCM, prime
factorization and division
Ø Property: LCM x HCF =
product of two numbers
Sl.No Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based
4. Basic Geometrical Ideas Ø Introduction to geometrical Ø Quadrilateral- sides,
shapes vertices, angles
Ø Line, line segment, ray diagonals adjacent
Ø Open and closed figures,
side and opposite
Ø Interior and exterior of
closed figures, sides
Ø Linear boundaries.
Ø Angle - Vertices, arm,
interior and exterior.
Ø Triangle - Vertices, arm,
interior and exterior altitude
and median.
Ø Quadrilateral- sides,
vertices, angles diagonals
adjacent side and opposite
Ø Circle – centre, radius,
diameter, interior and
exterior, arc, chord , sector,
segment, semicircle,
5. Measures of Lines and Ø Measure of Line segment. Ø Pair of lines
Angles Ø Measure of angles. intersecting and
Ø Types of angles acute, perpendicular lines
obtuse, right, straight,
Parallel lines.
reflex, complete and zero
Ø Pair of lines intersecting
and perpendicular lines
Parallel lines.
6. Integers Ø How negative numbers arise, Ø Operation of addition
models of negative numbers, and subtraction of
connection to daily life, integers, showing the
ordering of negative
operations on the
numbers, representation of
negative numbers on number number line
Ø Representation of Integers on
a Number line
Ø Understanding the definition
of integers, identification of
integers on the number line,
Ø Operation of addition and
subtraction of integers,
showing the operations on
the number line
Sl.No Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based
7. Fractions and Decimals Ø Fraction as a part of whole Ø Fraction as a part of
number whole number
Ø Representation of fractions Ø Representation of
(pictorially and number fractions (pictorially
line) and number line)
Ø Equivalent fractions,
Ø Equivalent fractions, like,
like, unlike, fractions,
unlike, fractions,
comparison of
comparison of fractions
Ø Addition and subtraction of
decimal fraction
Ø Review of idea of decimal
Ø Place value in the context of
decimal fraction
Ø Inter-conversion of fractions
and decimal fractions
8. Data Handling Ø Bar graphs for given
Ø Collection and organisation
data, interpreting bar
of data – examples of
organising it in tally marks graphs.
and tables
Ø Pictograph
Ø Bar graphs for given data,
interpreting bar graphs.
9. Introduction to Algebra Ø Introduction Ø Simple Equations (a)
Ø Patterns-making rules LHS and RHS
Ø Rules from
Ø Patterns-making rules
Ø Rules from
Ø Simple Equations – (a) LHS
and RHS Geometry/Arithmetic
(b) Solution by Trial and Error
10. Perimeter and Area Ø Understanding of perimeter
using many shapes
Ø Shapes of different kind
with the same perimeter -
Ø Concept of an area, Area of
a rectangle and square
counter examples to
Sl.No Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based
different misconnects
related to perimeter and
Ø Perimeter of rectangle – and
its special case – a square
Ø Deducing the formula of
the perimeter for a rectangle
and then a square through
pattern and generalisation
11. Ratio and Proportion Ø Concept of ratio Ø Proportion
Ø Ratios in different situations Ø Unitary method
Ø Division of a given quantity
in a given ratio
Ø Proportion
Ø Unitary method
12. Symmetry Ø Line symmetry Ø How to draw a
Ø Multiple lines of symmetry symmetric figure
Ø How to draw a symmetric
13. Practical Geometry Ø Constructing a line segment Ø Construction of
Ø Construction of circle Perpendicular to a line
Ø Perpendicular bisector
Ø Construction of
Ø Construction of
Perpendicular to a line special measures
Ø Perpendicular bisector (making angles of 30
Ø Construction of angles - 60 45, 60 etc)
Ø Angle equal to a given
and 120
Ø Angle bisector
Ø Construction of special
measures (making angles of
30 45, 60 etc)
Ø Angle equal to a given
14. Understanding of 3D Ø Identification of 3- D Ø Polygons and
and 2D Shapes shapes (cubes cuboids regular polygons
cylinder sphere cone prism)
Ø Polygons and regular
Class VI – General Science
Name of the Activity / project based
Sl.No Topics in the syllabus
chapter lessons
· Introduction
· Food ingredients
· How people develop food habits?
· Different methods of preparing food
· Tasty food
· Preservation of food
· Introduction
PLAYING · Magnets of different shapes
2 WITH · Poles of a Bar Magnet -
MAGNETS · Magnetic Compass
· Earth as a Magnet
· Introduction
· Forms of Water
· Evaporation and formation of clouds
3 · Condensation Total chapter
· Clouds and rain
· Monsoons
· Water cycle
· Introduction
· From finding food to eating it
· Tracking down food
· Collecting food
· How much and how little!
4 ANIMALS Total chapter
· Getting food without hunting
· How leeches get their food
· Food Chain
· Animal colonies and food
· The wonder world of ants
· Introduction of Materials and Things
· Properties of Materials
5 · Transparency Total chapter
· State of the materials
· A dilemma with sugar
· Pond as a habitat
· Tree as a habitat
· Our house as a habitat
· Orchard : A wonderful avenue
Name of the Activity / project based
Sl.No Topics in the syllabus
chapter lessons
· Diversity of habitats in Telugu States
· Good habitat, good life!
· Mixtures
· Methods of Separation
· Hand Picking
· Winnowing
· Sieving and filtration
7 OF -
· Distillation
· Sublimation
· Chromatography
· Separation using more than one
· Types of Fabrics
· What are fabrics made up of?
· Types of fibres
FIBRE TO · Natural fibres
8 -
FABRIC · Making yarn from cotton fibre
· Jute yarn
· Making of Jute Yarn
· Yarn to fabric
· Parts of plants
· Roots: Different types of roots
PLANTS: · Function of the roots
9 PARTS AND · Parts of a leaf -
FUNCTIONS · Venation
· Functions of a leaf
· Stem provides support to the plant
· Changing of milk into curd
· Changing seasons
CHANGES · Observing the changes in shadow
10 -
AROUND US during winter and summer seasons
· Compare the change of milk to curd
with change of seasons
· Measuring the volume of water
11 · Where do we get water from? -
· Water on the earth
SIMPLE · Introduction
12 ELECTRIC · Bulb Total chapter
CIRCUITS · What is a circuit?
Name of the Activity / project based
Sl.No Topics in the syllabus
chapter lessons
· Switch
· Torch-light
· Conductors and insulators
· The story of bulb
· The story of the scale
· How to measure length accurately with
a meter scale
· How can we measure a small
13 HOW TO -
· Measurement of area
· What is the standard unit to measure
· Measurement of volume
· Measurement of volume of liquids
· Introduction
· Muscles
· How do Muscles work?
· Bones
14 · Skull Total chapter
· Different types of joints
· Your backbone is a spring
· Movements in other animals
· Locomotion
· Can we guess the object by observing
its shadow?
· Differences between Image and
· Movement in living beings
· Food and living beings
· Growth in living beings
· Do all living things breath
· Do all living things get rid of their
16 -
NON LIVING · Living things give birth to young ones
· Response to stimulus
· Seeds - Living or not
· Living things under a microscope
· What is a microscope?
· Are bacteria harmful?
Class VI – Social Studies
S. Activity/ project based
Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus
No. lessons
Theme - I - Diversity on the Earth
1. Reading and Making Maps District Political Map; A Game, Way to
Mallika's house -Sketch Map;
Total chapter
Directions; Directions on a map; 'Scale'
or distance on a map; Symbols.
The Earth is like a ball; Oceans and
Globe – A Model of the Continents; Directions on the globe;
2. Total chapter
Earth Lines on the globe; Latitudes;
Land Forms (Part-A) -
S. Activity/ project based
Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus
No. lessons
8. Trade in Agricultural Selling vegetables on streets; Weekly
Produce Part-A Market (Santha); Sunday Santha in
Total Part-A
Choutuppal; Indra, the dry chilli seller;
Rythu Bazar in Telangana.
8. Trade in Agricultural Agriculture Market Yard; Minimum
Produce Part-B Support Price; Selling to a Rice Miller;
Selling through Brokers; Trading paddy Total Part-B
in Telangana; Indebtedness and selling
Theme - III - Political Systems and Governance
S. Activity/ project based
Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus
No. lessons
13 Village Panchayats Providing public amenities; Democracy
at the village level; Gram Sabha;
Formation of Gram Panchayats; Wards;
Reservations in Gram Panchayats;
Elections; Sarpanch, Upa-Sarpanch and
Secretary; What does a Panchayat do?;
Funds for the work of Gram
Panchayats; Mandal Parishad and Zilla
Parishad; Jangamma of Hazipally; Are
there any villages which conduct Gram
Sabha successfully; Gangadevipalli
14. Local Self – Government in Formation of Municipalities; How does
Urban Areas the Municipality work?; A community
representation; Funds for the
Municipalities; Municipal Workers;
Vemulawada Nagara Panchayat: A case
Theme - IV - Social Organisation and Inequities
15. Diversity in Our Society Diversity in our neighbourhood;
Making friends; Diversity in India; How
does diversity come about?; Thar
Desert; Sikkim; Pondicherry; Unity in -
S. Activity/ project based
Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus
No. lessons
Theme - VI - Culture and Communication
19. Language, Writing and What is language?; Why are there so
Great Books many languages?; Writing and Script;
What did people write on?; Poems,
Songs and Stories; Vedas; The great
Epics – the Ramayana and the -
Mahabharata; Jataka Stories; Sangam
Literature in Tamil; Books on Medicine
and Surgery; Books on Astronomy and
Mathematics; Sanskrit Literature.
20. Sculptures and Buildings Harappan Cities – The first cities of the
subcontinent; What are cities?; Features
of the cities; Language; Rulers; Change
in livelihood; Sculpture after Indus -
Valley Civilisation; Buddhist Stupas
and Viharas; Rock cut Chaityas and
Early Temples.
21. Greenery in Telangana The Forest Man of India; Vanajeevi
Ramaiah. -
Class VII – Telugu (First Language)
Class VII – Telugu – For Other Media (Second Language)
Class VII – Urdu (First Language)
Class VII – Urdu (Second Language)
Class VII – Hindi (First Language)
Class VII – Hindi (Second Language)
Class VII – Sanskrit (Oriental Course)
Class VII – Sanskrit (Composite Course)
Class VII – Arabic (Composite Course)
Class VII – Kannada
Lessons as per syllabus Activity/ project based lessons Remarks
1 Puttajji Putraji Kate Helu 2. Sina Sattaru Raman Tunharu
2 Sina Sattaru Raman Tunharu 6. Chagali Cruve
3 Annad Hangu, Anyar Swattu
9. Gida mara
4 Parisar Samatotan
5 Mailar Mahadev 11. Bhagyada Balegara
6 Chagali Cruve 20. Ranya Srusti
7 Billa Habba 21. Nann Ayya
8 Sankrantiyandu Sukh Dukh
9 Gida mara
10 SwatantriyaSwarga
11 Bhagyada Balegara
12 Vachanagala Bhavarangam
13 Hachchevu Kannada Deepa
14 Bidugaday Hadu
15 Tirukan Kanasu
16 Abhimanyuvin Parakram
17 Basavannavar Jeevan Darshan
18 Ee Bhumi Bannad Buguri
19 Savitri Bai Phule
20 Ranya Srusti
21 Nann Ayya
Class VII – Marathi
Lessons as per syllabus Activity / project based lessons Remarks
1 Jay Jay Maharasthtra Magha -
2 Swapna Veekanara Manoosh -
3 Todani 3. Todani
4 Shravan Maas -
5 Bhandayahaya Duniyet -
6 Thoranchi Olakha -
7 Majhi Marathi -
8 Gachak Andhari 8. Gachak Andhari
9 Natyabaherch Naatha -
10 Gomu Maherla Jathe -
11 Bali Bet -
12 Salaam - Namaste! -
13 Anaam Veera -
14 Kavitechi Olakha -
15 Aase jagave 15. Aase jagave
16 Koleen 16. Koleen
17 Themb aaj ha Panayacha 17. Themb aaj ha Panayacha
18 Vadaai Kavaal Gheta -
19 Dhonda 19. Dhonda
20 Veechardhan -
21 Santvani -
Class VII – Tamil
S. Activity/ project based
Theme Lessons as per syllabus Remarks
No. lessons
Naagarigam, Virundhombal -
Thozhil, Vanigam Vayalum Vaazhvum -
Dhikkellam Pughazhurum -
7 Thirunelveli
Thirunelveli Seemaiyum -
Ani Ilakkanam -
Aram, Pudhumai Vilakku Pudhumai Vilakku
Aram Ennum Kadhir Aram Ennum Kadhir
8 Oppuravu Neri Oppuravu Neri
Unmai Oli Unmai Oli
Oppuravu Ozhugu
Ani Ilakkanam -
Thirukkural -
Manidham, Malaipozhivu -
Aalumai Thannai Aridhal -
Ganniyamigu Thalaivar -
Payanam -
Maanudam Vellum
Aagupeyar -
Thirukkural -
Class VII – English
Lessons as per syllabus Activity / project based lessons Remarks
1 A) The Town Mouse and the
Country Mouse
B) The Town Child, The Country
C) The New Blue Dress
2 A) C. V. Raman, the Pride of India
B) It’s Change
C) Susrutha, an Ancient Plastic
3 A) Puru, the Brave
B) Home They Brought Her
Warrior Dead
C) The Magic of Silk
4 A) Tenali Paints a Horse
B) Dear Mum
C) The Emperor’s New Clothes
5 A) A Trip to Andaman
B) My Trip to the Moon
C) Sindbad, the Sailor
6 A) A Hero
B) My Nasty Adventure
C) Learn How to Climb Trees
7 A) The Wonderful World of Chess A) The Wonderful World of
B) Chess Chess
C) Koneru Humpy B) Chess
C) Koneru Humpy
8 A) Snakes in India A) Snakes in India
B) Trees B) Trees
C) A Letter from Mother Earth C) A Letter from Mother Earth
Class VII – Mathematics
Sl.No. Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based
Ø Operations of Integers
1. Integers
Ø Properties of integers
Ø Introduction to rational
Ø Proper and Improper
Ø Difference between
Ø Comparison of
fraction and rational
Ø Multiplication of
Ø Division fractions
Ø Reciprocal of a
Fractions, Decimals fraction and its use
and Rational Numbers Ø Decimal Numbers or
Fractional decimal
Ø Multiplication of
decimal fractions
Ø Introduction to
rational numbers
Ø Difference between
fraction and rational
Ø Simple linear
equations in one
variable (in contextual
3. Simple Equations
problems) with two -
operations (integers as
Ø Properties of parallel
Ø Pairs of angles (linear,
lines with transversal
supplementary, (alternate,
complementary, corresponding, interior,
adjacent, vertically, exterior angles
4. Lines and Angles opposite)(verification
and simple proof of
vertically opposite
Ø Properties of parallel
Sl.No. Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based
lines with transversal
interior, exterior
Ø Classifications of
Ø Relation between the
sides of a triangle -
Triangle and Its
5. Ø Altitudes of triangle
Ø Properties of triangles
Ø Angles sum property
Ø Exterior angle
property of triangle
Ø Introduction of Ratio
and Proportion
Ø Unitary method
Ø Profit and Loss
6. Ratio - Applications Ø Direct proportion
Ø Discount
Ø Percentage
Ø Profit and Loss
Ø Discount
Ø Simple interest
Ø Mean – median and
Ø Collection and
mode of ungrouped
organization of data
Ø Mean – median and
Ø Double bar graph
mode of ungrouped
7. Data Handling Ø Simple pie charts
data –
Ø Presentation of data
(a) Constructing single
and double bar graphs
(b)Simple pie charts
Ø Congruency of line
segment and triangles
Congruency of Ø property of
8. Total chapter
Triangles congruencies of
triangles SAS, SSS,
ASA, RHS Properties
Ø Constructing a Ø when 2 sides and non
9. Construction of triangles when included angle
Sl.No. Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based
Triangles measurements of 3
Ø when 2 sides and
including angle
Ø when 2 sides and non
included angle
Ø Identifying constants,
coefficient, powers
Ø Like and unlike terms,
degree of expressions
10. Algebraic Expressions Ø Addition, subtraction -
of algebraic
Ø Horizontal and
Vertical method
Ø Exponential form
Ø Exponential form
through prime
11. Powers and Exponents Ø Laws of exponents -
Ø Zero Exponents
Ø Expressing large
numbers in standard
Ø Quadrilateral, sides, Ø Types of quadrilaterals
angles, diagonals. Ø Properties of
Ø Interior, exterior of parallelogram,
quadrilateral trapezium, rhombus,
Ø Convex, concave rectangle, square and
quadrilateral kite.
differences with
12. Quadrilaterals
Ø Sum angles property
(By verification) ,
Ø Types of
Ø Properties of
trapezium, rhombus,
Sl.No. Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based
rectangle, square and
Ø Revision of perimeter
and Area of
Rectangle, Square
Ø Idea of Circumference
13. Area and Perimeter of Circle. -
Ø Area of a triangle,
rhombus and
rectangular paths
Class VII – General Science
Sl.No Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based
Listing out Food Components,
Essential components of food,
Confirmation of presence of Food
Components (Carbohydrates, Fats,
1 FOOD COMPONENTS Protein conformation tests), -
Roughages or dietary fibers and its
sources, Water, Balanced diet,
Avoid junk food, History of food
and nutrition.
Listing out food items based on
taste, Making of turmeric paper -
natural indicator, Natural indicators
and changes, Litmus tests to know
acidic / basic nature of substance,
2 ACIDS AND BASES Acidic nature, basic nature, -
Chemical indicators -
phenophthalin, methyl orange,
Acid rains, Neutralization, Organic
manures, Salts, Uses of acids,
basics and salts.
Story of Silk, Moth to Egg, Cocoon
to Fibre-process of reeling, Reeling
3 ANIMAL FIBRE to Weaving, Stores of wool,
Different stages involved in
producing fabric from wool,
Differences between Silk and Cotton.
Identification of motion around us,
Motion and Rest, Relative motion,
Uniform and Non uniform motions,
Types of motions (Translatory,
Rotary, Oscillatory), Slow and Fast
motions, Estimating times and it's
units, Stop clock - measuring time,
Speed - it's units and Calculations
Seasons and temperature, What is
temperature?, Heat - a form of
energy, Conversion of Energy,
Heat and temperature, How to
5 measure temperature?, Types of -
thermometers (clinical, MMT,
Digital, Laboratory), How to use
Thermometer?, Expansion of
Activity / project based
Sl.No Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus
Prediction about Weather,
Understanding Weather Reports,
Components of Weather,
Measuring temperature by using
WEATHER AND MMT, Measuring rainfall by using
6 Total chapter
CLIMATE Rain gauge, How to know direction
of wind? What is humidity?, Are
weather conditions cyclic during
the years?, What is climate?,
Climate and Life style
Make your own cell, Dry cell,
Symbols of Electric components,
How to draw Circuit diagrams?
Series and Parallel circuits, Heating
7 ELECTRICITY effect of electric current, Tube light -
and compact fluorescent lamps,
Electric fuses, Miniature Circuit
Breaker (MCB), Electricity in our
home - billing
Air and it's influence on our daily
life, Where do we find air, Air
exerts pressure, Air expands on
heating, Hot air is lighter than cold
AIR, WINDS AND air, Warm air rises up, Effects of
8 -
CYCLONES moving air, Wind - Uneven heating
on the earth, How the cyclones are
formed?, Factors contributing to
cyclones, Do's and Don'ts during
How light reflects after striking an
object? Observation of light
reflection, Laws of reflections,
regular and irregular reflections,
Angle of incidence, Angle of
9 reflections, Make your own -
Periscope, Mirror images, Virtual
images, Real images, Make your
own Kaleidoscope, Convex and
Concave mirrors, Images with
Spherical mirrors.
Von Helmont experiment, What is
photosynthesis? Exchange of air –
stomata, How plants make their
food? (Autotrophic Nutrition),
10 Other modes of Nutrition in plants Total chapter
(Heterotrpic Nutrition), Parasitic
plants – Haustoria, Insectivorous
plants, Saprophytes, Symbiosis
Activity / project based
Sl.No Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus
Respiration in human beings,
Counting of beats in a minutes,
Measuring of chest expansion,
Measuring of air in each breath,
Differences between exhaled and
11 inhaled air, Discovery of Oxygen -
and Carbon dioxide, Gases in our
breath, Breathing in other animals -
Fish, Frog, Cockroaches,
earthworm, Respiration in Plants
and Sprouted seeds.
Know more about flower, Floral
parts - Thalamus, Calyx, Corolla,
Androeciom, Gynoecium,
Complete and Incomplete flowers,
Unisexual and Bisexual flowers,
REPRODUCTION IN Sexual parts of a flower (Pollen
12 -
PLANTS grain, ovary), Pollination (Self
pollination, Cross pollination),
Agents of Pollination, Fertilization
- Fruit – Seed, A Sexual
reproduction (Budding, Spores),
Vegetative reproduction.
Why seeds dispersed? Different
kinds of seeds, Agents of seed
13 SEED DISPERSAL dispersed (Wind, water, birds, Total chapter
animals, bursting of fruits and
number beings), Seeds in fruits
Source of water on the earth, Water
is a precious resource, Types of
impurities in sewage, Waste water
14 WATER treatment, Diseases caused by -
untreated water, Sewage disposing
methods, Drainage systems, Water
Usefulness of soil, Soil and life
Preparation of soil life chart, Soil is
a good habitat, Properties of the
soil, Types of soil, Moisture of soil, Total chapter
Percolation rate of soil, Substances
present in soil, Horizons of soil,
Soils in our village, Soil and crops,
Soil conservation.
Know about orchard, What is
forest? Diversity in forest, Types of
16 FOREST : OUR LIFE forests in our state, People living in -
forests, Destruction of forests,
Conservation of forests.
Activity / project based
Sl.No Name of the chapter Topics in the syllabus
Periodical changes, Physical and
chemical changes, Changes in ice
while heating, Changes caused due
to burning, Rusting of iron,
Galvanization, Browsing of cut
vegetables and it's prevention,
17 Changes in magnesium ribbon, Total chapter
Chemical changes - reaction of
copper sulphate with iron reaction
of vinegar with baking soda,
burning of camphor, Crystallization
- crystallization of urea, copper
Class VII – Social Studies
Name of the
S.No. Topics in the syllabus Activity/ project based lessons
Name of the
S.No. Topics in the syllabus Activity/ project based lessons
Ocean Relief
Fishing Village on the
4 Oceans and Fishing Coastal Plains; Fishing; Total chapter
Nets; Agriculture and
Animal Husbandry; Salinity
and Drinking Water; Social
Location of Europe;
Mountains, Plains and
Rivers; Peninsulas, Islands,
Bays and Gulfs; Climate;
Distance from the Equator;
The Atlantic Ocean;
Westerlies; Warm Ocean
Currents; Western Europe:
5 Europe Showers all Year Round; Total chapter
Mediterranean Climate in
Europe; Four Seasons; Land
and Agriculture;
Agricultural Revolution;
European Farms today;
Modern Agriculture;
Discovery of Sea Routes
Africa - A Vast Plateau;
Climate; Regions with
Heavy Rainfall; Regions
with Moderate and Scanty
Rainfall; The People of
6 Africa Africa; Africa, Europe and Total chapter
Asia; The African Coast;
Slave Trade; European
Colonies; Plantations in
Nigeria; Independent
Africa; Minerals of Africa
Theme-II: Production Exchange and Livelihoods
Basket Maker of Andugula;
Urban Slum; Basket
Handicrafts and Makers;
7 -
Handlooms PART - II
Handloom Weavers in
Pochampally; Stages of
Weaving a Saree; Dyeing
Name of the
S.No. Topics in the syllabus Activity/ project based lessons
yarn; Weaver’s Problems
and Cooperative Societies
Increasing Control of
Traders; Beginning of
Industrial Revolution -
1750-1850 BCE; James
Watt’s Invention; Factory
System of Production; The
Experience of a 19th
8 Industrial Revolution Total chapter
Century Child Worker;
Inside Early Factories;
Sources of Energy and
Industrial Development;
Transport Revolution; Trade
in Industrial Products;
Urbanisation and slums
Raw Materials; Paper mills
and Disappearance of
Bamboo; Process of Paper-
Production in a
making; Work in Batches;
9 Factory - A Paper Total chapter
Working Hours and Shifts;
Selling the Paper; Working
in Paper Mill; Who Owns
the Paper Mill?
Transport System in
Telangana; Use of Roads for
production and sale of
goods; Employment in
Importance of
10 Transport Activities; Total chapter
Transport System
Transport Services and
Choices; Congestion and
Pollution; Travelling safety;
Road Safety Week
Theme-III: Political Systems and Governance
The Emergence of New
Dynasties; Prashastis and
Land Grants;
Administration in the
New Kings and
Kingdoms; Warfare for
11 Kingdoms -
Wealth; Mahmud Ghazni;
Chahamanas (Chowhans)
The Cholas; From Uraiyur
to Thanjavur; Splendid
Temples and Bronze
Name of the
S.No. Topics in the syllabus Activity/ project based lessons
Sculpture; Agriculture and
Irrigation; The
Administration of the
Name of the
S.No. Topics in the syllabus Activity/ project based lessons
Revolt in Every Village;
The Revolt is Suppressed;
After the Revolt; Hyderabad
State and the British
Legislative Assembly;
Assembly Constituency;
Election of MLA;
Formation of Government;
Making of Laws in
16 Council of Ministers; The -
the State Assembly
State Assembly; The
Making of Laws;
Discussions in the
The District Collector &
Magistrate of Nallavaram;
Tahsildar (MRO) and
Implementation of Village Revenue Officers;
17 Total chapter
Laws in the District How Laws are
Implemented?; Andhra
Pradesh Water, Land and
Trees Protection Act, 2002
Theme-IV: Social Organisation and Inequities
An example of
discrimination in schools;
Caste Discrimination Had caste system always
18 and the Struggle for been there?; Striving for -
Equalities Equality; B.S. Venkatrao
(1896-1953); Equality after
Working as ‘Permanent
Workers’ in Factories; KRS
Medicines Factory;
Livelihood and Working on Construction
19 Struggles of Urban Sites and Brick Kilns; -
Workers Ensuring Workers’ Rights -
A Global Concern; Informal
Work and Workers in
Theme-V: Religion and Society
Pochamma; Maisamma;
Gangamma; Beerappa and
Katama Raju; Community
20 Folk - Religion -
Worship of Folk Deities;
Sammakka and Sarakka
(Medaram) Jatara;
Name of the
S.No. Topics in the syllabus Activity/ project based lessons
Moharram (Peerilu) and
Urs; Jahangeer Peer Dargah
- A Symbol of Religious
Tolerance; Bonalu; The
antiquity of Folk Traditions;
The intermixing of Village
deities and High Religious
traditions; Folk Wisdom and
Higher Religion
Philosophy and Bhakti;
Basavanna’s Virashaivism;
The Saints of Maharashtra;
Nathpanthis, Siddhas and
Devotional Paths to
21 Yogis; Islam and Sufism; -
the Divine
New Religious
Developments in India; A
Closer Look: Kabir; Guru
Theme-VI: Culture and Communication
Engineering Skills and
Construction; Temple
Construction in the Early
Eleventh Century; A new
way of building; Building
22 Rulers and Buildings -
Temples, Mosques and
Tanks; Why were Temples
Destroyed?; Imperial Style
of the Vijayanagara Period;
Gardens, Tombs and Forts
Class VIII – Telugu (First Language)
Class VIII – Telugu – For Other Media (Second Language)
Class VIII – Urdu (First Language)
Class VIII – Urdu (Second Language)
Class VIII – Hindi (First Language)
Class VIII – Hindi (Second Language)
Class VIII – Sanskrit (Oriental Course)
Class VIII – Sanskrit (Composite Course)
Class VIII – Arabic (Composite Course)
Class VIII – Kannada
Lessons as per syllabus Activity/ project based lessons Remarks
1 Magad Saheb 2. Niru Kodada Naadinalli
2 Niru Kodada Naadinalli 5. Huvaad Hudugi
3 Talakadina Vaibhav 10. Sanna Sangate
4 Sarthak Badukin Sadhak 12. Bharavase
5 Huvaad Hudugi 18. Sarthak
6 Yashodhare 21. Auto Rikshad Ras Prasagagalu
7 Amma
8 Saptakshari Mantra
9 Kannadigar Tayi
10 Sanna Sangate
11 Geletana
12 Bharavase
13 Vachanamruta
14 Someshwar Shatak
15 Jeevan Darshan
16 Ram Dhanya Charita
17 Kattivevu Navu
18 Sarthak
19 Aahuti
20 Magatige Bared Patragalu
21 Auto Rikshad Ras Prasagagalu
Class VIII – Marathi
Lessons as per syllabus Activity / project based lessons Remarks
1 Bharat Desh Mahan (geet)
2 Majhya Deshavan Majhe Prem ahe
3 Lakhachyakotichya Gappa 3. Lakhachyakotichya Gappa
4 Navya Ugache Gane (Kavita)
5 Suranchi jadugari
6 Asa rangari Shravan (kavita)
7 Anna Bhaunchi Bhet
8 Dhadari Captain Radhika Menon
9 Vidya Prashans (kavita)
10 Leonardo Da Vinci 10. Leonardo Da Vinci
11 Swami Vivekanadachi Bharat Yatra
12 Godhadi (Kavita)
13 Padyavarcha chahha 13. Padyavarcha chahha
14 Phulapakhare
15 Aalashi (kavita) 15. Aalashi (kavita)
16 Chonch ani chara 16. Chonch ani chara
17 Annajal 17. Annajal
18 Jaldindi
19 Ge Mayabhu
20 Shaba Kosh (Sthulvachan)
21 Santavani
Class VIII – Tamil
S. Activity / project based
Theme Lessons as per syllabus Remarks
No. lessons
Padai Vezham
Naadu, Samugam
Viduthalai Thirunaal
Bharatha Rathna
7 M.G.Ramachandhran
Paarukkulle Nalla
Arivusal Avvaiyar
Vallinam Migum Idangalum
Miga Idangalum
Aram, Pudhumai Kulam Pudhumai Kulam
Thaththuvam, Meignana Oli Meignana Oli
Ayodhdhidhasar Sinthanaigal Ayodhdhidhasar
8 Sinthanaigal
Araththal Manidha Enthiram Manidha Enthiram
Varuvadhe Inbam
Yaappu Ilakkanam
Manidham, Uyir Gunangal
Aalumai Ilaya Thozhanukku
SattaMedhai Ambedkar
Kundrena Paal Manam
Nimirndhu Nil Ani Ilakkanam
Class VIII – English
Theme and Lessons as per syllabus Activity / project based lessons Remarks
1 Family
A) The Tattered Blanket
B) My Mother
C) A Letter to a Friend
2 Social Issues
A) Oliver Asks for More
B) The Cry of Children
C) Reaching the Unreached
3 Humanity 3. Humanity
A) The Selfish Giant 1 A) The Selfish Giant 1
B) The Selfish Giant 2 B) The Selfish Giant 2
C) The Garden Within C) The Garden Within
4 Science and Technology 4. Science and Technology
A) The Fun They Had A) The Fun They Had
B) Preteen Pretext B) Preteen Pretext
C) The Computer games C) The Computer games
5 Education and Career
A) The Treasure Within 1
B) The Treasure Within 2
C) They Literally Build the Nation
6 Art and Culture
A) The Story of Ikat
B) The Earthen Goblet
C) Maestro with a Mission
7 Women Empowerment
A) Bonsai Life 1
B) Bonsai Life 2
C) I Can Take Care of Myself
8 Gratitude
A) Dr. Dwarakanath Kotnis
B) Be Thankful
C) The Dead Rat
Class VIII – Mathematics
Name of the
Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based lessons
1) Properties of Rational numbers
2) Distributive property of
multiplication over addition
3) Representation of Rational numbers
on the number line.
1. Rational Numbers 4) Inserting Rational numbers between -
two given rational numbers
5) Decimal representation of rational
6) Conversion of decimal numbers into
rational numbers.
1) Linear Equations
2)Simple Linear equation in one
1) Reducing Equations to Simpler
3)Solving Simple equation having the
2.Linear Equations Form - Equations Reducible to
variable on one side
in one variable Linear Form:
4)Solving equation that has variables on
both the sides
5)Reducing Equations to Simpler Form
- Equations Reducible to Linear Form
1) Quadrilaterals and their Properties
2) Constructing a Quadrilateral-
(i) when four sides and one angle are Constructing a Quadrilateral-
given (S.S.S.S.A) i) when three sides and two
(ii) when four sides and one diagonal diagonals are given(S.S.S.D.D)
are given (S.S.S.S.D) ii) When two adjacent sides and
3 Constructions of (iii) when three sides and two diagonals three angles are given
quadrilaterals are given(S.S.S.D.D) (S.A.S.A.A)
(iv) when two adjacent sides and three iii) Construction of special types
angles are given (S.A.S.A.A) of quadrilaterals – Rhombus,
(v) when three sides and two included square
angles are given (S.A.S.A.S)
(vi) Construction of special types of
quadrilaterals – Rhombus, square
1) Powers with negative exponents
1) Application of Exponents to
2)Laws of Exponents
Express numbers in Standard
4. Exponents and 3) Application of Exponents to Express
Powers numbers in Standard Form
2) Comparing very large and very
4) Comparing very large and very small
small numbers
Name of the
Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based lessons
1)Compound ratio
2)Percentage and to find increase or
decrease percent
3) Discounts
4) Estimation in percentages
5)Profit and Loss
6)Sales Tax/ Value added tax(VAT)
quantities using -
7) Goods and Service Tax (GST)
8) Compound interest – deducing
9) Compound interest calculated
i) annually
(ii) Half yearly
10)Applications of compound interest
1) Properties of square numbers
2) Interesting patterns in square
3)Pythagorean triplets
4)Square roots
(i) Finding square root through
subtraction of successive odd numbers
(ii) Finding square root through prime 1) Interesting patterns in square
factorization 2) Finding square root through
(iii) Finding square roots by division subtraction of successive odd
6.Square roots and iv) Square roots of decimals using 3) Estimating square roots of non
cube roots division method
perfect square numbers
5) Estimating square roots of non
4) Some interesting patterns in
perfect square numbers
cubic numbers
6) cubic numbers
7) Some interesting patterns in cubic 5) Estimating cube root
8) cubes and their prime factors
9) cube root
(i) finding cube root through prime
(ii)Estimating cube root
1) Basic measures of central tendency
1) Basic measures of central
2) Organization of a grouped data
7.Frequency 3) Cumulative frequency
2) Cumulative frequency
distribution table 4) Graphical representations
3) Bar graph
and Graphs i) Bar graph
4) Less than cumulative frequency
ii) Histogram
iii) Frequency polygon
Name of the
Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based lessons
iv) Frequency curve
v) Less than cumulative frequency
1) Congruency of shapes
8.Exploring 2) Similar shapes 1) Dilation and its construction
Geometrical figures 3) Dilation and its construction
1) Area of Trapezium
2) Area of quadrilateral
3) Area of Rhombus
1) Area of Rhombus
9.Area of plane 4) Surveying the field
5) Area of a polygon 2) Area of a polygon
6) Area of a circle 3) Surveying the field
7) Area of Ring
8) Length of arc
9) Area of Sector
1) Direct Proportion
10.Direct and
2) Inverse Proportion 1) Direct Proportion
inverse Proportions
3) Compound Proportion
1) Like and unlike terms
2) Addition and subtraction of
algebraic expressions
3) Multiplication of Algebraic
1) Like and unlike terms
i) Multiplying a monomial by a
11. Algebraic 2) Addition and subtraction of
Expressions ii) Multiplying a binomial or trinomial algebraic expressions
by a monomial 3) Application of Identities
iii) Multiplying a binomial by a 4) Geometrical Verification of
binomial or trinomial identities
4) What is an Identity?
i) Some important identities
ii) Application of Identities
iii) Geometrical Verification of
1)Factors of Algebraic expressions
2)Need of Factorization
3) Method of common factors
4) Factorization by grouping the terms
12.Factorization 5) Factorization using identities
6) Factors of the form
(x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b)x + ab
7) Cyclic quadrilateral
8) Division of algebraic expressions
Name of the
Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based lessons
i) Division of a monomial by another
ii) Division of an expression by a
iii) Division of an expression by
1) 3-D Objects made with cubes
2) Representation of 3-D figures on 2-
3) Various Geometrical Solids
1) 3-D Objects made with cubes
13.Visualizing 3D in 4) Faces, Edges and Vertices of 3D-
2) Representation of 3-D figures
2D Objects
on 2-D
5) Regular Polyhedron
6) Number of Edges , Faces and
Vertices of polyhedrons
7) Net Diagrams
1) Cuboid
14.Surface areas and
2) Cube Total chapter
3) Volume of Cuboid and Cube
1) Expanded form
2) Divisibility tests of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1) Expanded form
15. Playing with 9, and 11 for a two or three digit 2) Finding sum of consecutive
Numbers number expressed in the general form. numbers
3) Finding sum of consecutive 3) Puzzles and divisibility rules
4) Puzzles and divisibility rules
Class VIII – Physical Science
Name of the Activity / project based
Sl.No Topics in the syllabus
chapter lessons
· What is force
· Types of forces
Ø Magnetic force
Ø Electrostatic force
Ø Gravitation
· Contact force
1 Force -
Ø Muscular force
Ø Force of friction
Ø Normal force
Ø Tension
· Net force
· Pressure
· Force of friction – types
· Factors affecting friction
· Is friction necessary?
2 Friction -
· Increasing the decreasing
· Fluid friction.
· Clothes made of natural
· what is synthetic fibre?
· Some synthetic fibres
Ø Nylon
Ø Rayon
Ø Acrylic
Ø Why synthetic fibres?
Ø Polyesters
Synthetic Fibres
and Plastics · Plastics around us -
Ø What is plastic?
Ø Types of plastics
Ø Thermoplastics
Ø Thermosetting plastics
Ø Why do we prefer
Ø Plastic and environment
· Reduce, Recycle, Reuse and
Recover – 4R principle
· Introduction
· Physical Properties
Ø Appearance Chemical properties of metals
Metals and Non- Ø Sonority
4 and non – metals, reactivity of
Metals Ø Malleability metals.
Ø Ductility
Ø Electrical Conductivity
Name of the Activity / project based
Sl.No Topics in the syllabus
chapter lessons
· Chemical properties of
metals and non-metals
Ø Reaction with Oxygen
Ø Rusting of metals
Ø Reaction with water
Ø Reactivity of metals
· Some uses of non-metals
· Uses of metals
· Production of sound
· Musical instruments
· Sound produced by human
· Propagation of sound
Ø Sound needs a medium
to propagate
Ø Propagation of sound in
different media
· How do we hear sound?
Ø Structure and
functioning of the
5 Sound eardrum -
· Characteristics of sound
Loudness, feebleness and
· Normal sound consists of
mixed frequencies
· Noise and music
· Audible range
· Sound pollution.
Ø Effects of sound
Ø Measures to control
sound pollution
· Plane mirror
· Reflection of light by plane
Reflection of Light · Pin hole camera, , formation
6 -
at Plane Surfaces of an image by a plane
mirror, characteristics of an
image formed by a plane
· Introduction
· Source of materials
7 Coal and Petroleum Total chapter
Ø Exhaustible and
inexhaustible resources
Name of the Activity / project based
Sl.No Topics in the syllabus
chapter lessons
· Coal, petroleum and natural
gas as fuels
· Some petrochemical products
· Natural gas and
· versatile nature of coal and
· conserving coal and
· Misuse of energy resources
and consequences
· Introduction
· What is needed for the
process of combustion?
· Ignition temperature
Combustion, Fuels · Types of combustion
8 Total chapter
and Flame
· Fuels
· Fire control
· Flame
· Structure of flame
· Testing the material to know
which allows electric current
to pass through
· Electrical conductivity of
Electric liquids
9 Conductivity of · Transforming a poor electric -
Liquids conductor into a good one
· Chemical effects of electric
· Electrolytic cell
· Electroplating.
· Lighting, Charging by
Some Natural
10 · Types of charges and their -
· lighting – safety measures.
· Introduction, observing
shadow length, sundial
Stars and Solar
11 · The phases of the moon Total chapter
· Solar eclipse
· Lunar eclipse
Name of the Activity / project based
Sl.No Topics in the syllabus
chapter lessons
· know something about stars
· The solar system
· How people know earth is
· Earth rotates on its own axis
– Artificial Satellites
· A graph is a not a matter
· relation between speed and
12 Graphs of Motion the slow of a graph -
· graph of non uniform motion
· the graph of a story
Class VIII – Biological Science
Name of the
Sl.No. Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based lessons
What is Science? · Science - The individual
· Science - The Societal
· Science and Change
1 · How do scientists work? - -
Scientific Method
· Using Science process skills
· Reading to learn - Writing to
· Safety in Science
Cell - The Basic · Discovery of the cell
Unit of Life · Observing a match stick
· Observing an onion peel
· Observing human cheek cells
· Observation of the nucleus in
2 onion peel cells
· Observation of the nucleus in
cheek cells
· Diversity in cells
· Observing cells in a leaf
The World of · Microscope invention-
Microorganisms discovery of microorganisms
Part I · Microorganisms
· Groups of microorganisms
§ Microorganisms in water
§ Observing Fungi
§ Observing Bacteria -
§ Observing Algae
§ Observing Protozoa
§ Observing
§ Observing soil
The World of · Microorganisms - Our friends
Microorganisms or foes?
Part II · Useful Microorganisms -
· Commercial use of
Name of the
Sl.No. Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based lessons
· Medicinal use of
· Vaccine
· Discovery of Smallpox
· Soil Microorganisms - Soil
· Nitrogen Fixation
· Harmful microorganisms
· Diseases causing
microorganisms in human
· The Diseases caused
bymicroorganisms in animals
· Disease causing
microorganisms in plants
· Food Poisoning
· Food Preservation
· Food Preservation - Heat and
· method
· Pasteurization
· Storage and packing
Reproduction in · Viviparous and Oviparous
· Modes of Reproduction in
· Asexual reproduction
· Observation of Budding in
· Observation of Binary fission
in Amoeba
4 Total chapter
· Sexual Reproduction
· Male reproductive system
· Female reproductive system
· Internal fertilization
· Development of the embryo
· Observation of resemblance in
parents & children
· External fertilization
· Life cycle of frog
Name of the
Sl.No. Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based lessons
The Age of · Have you reached the age of
Adolescence “Adolescence”?
· Changes at adolescence
· Increase in height
· Observing growth rate
· Changes in your body
· Voice change
· Adam's apple in an adolescent
· Sweat and pimples
· Development of body
5 · Reproductive phase of life in -
· Menstruation and myths
· Child marriage – A social evil
· Adolescence : Changes in
· Effects of Hormones in
· Adolescence and health
· Balanced diet
· Cleanliness
· Physical exercise
Biodiversity and its · What is Biodiversity?
· Finding variations
· Variations in plants
· Variations in animals
· Biodiversity: a case study
· Endangered species
6 -
· Endemic species
· Origin of biodiversity and
balance in nature
· Importance of biodiversity and
its conservation
· Efforts towards conservation
· National park and a sanctuary
Name of the
Sl.No. Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based lessons
Different · What is ecosystem?
Ecosystems · Structure of the ecosystem
· Interdependence among the
biotic components
· Changes in the ecosystem
7 · Types of ecosystem Total chapter
· Mangrove ecosystem
· Biotic components
· The desert ecosystem
· Forest ecosystem
· Energy flow in an ecosystem
Production of Food · Crops in India
from Plants · Duration of crop
· When are crops grown?
· Production of paddy
· Growing paddy and
agricultural practices
· Agricultural tasks sowing to
· Preparing the soil
· Sowing the seeds
· Do you know how to select or
separate good seeds?
· Selection of seeds
· Germination and selection
· Seed crisis
· Types of seeding
8 · Different types of sowing the Total chapter
· Sowing methods
· Seed drill
· Removing seedlings from the
nursery plot
· Applying manure and
· Crops and diseases
· Identification of pests
· Controlling pests
· Pest controlling practices
· How do farmers get high
· Why do we supply manure?
· Natural manure (Bio
Name of the
Sl.No. Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based lessons
· Which manure is better?
· What would happen if over
dosage of manure is added to
Name of the
Sl.No. Topics in the syllabus Activity / project based lessons
Why do we fall ill? · The significance of ‘Health’
· Personal and community
issues, both matter for health
· Distinctions between
‘Healthy’ and ‘Disease free’
· Disease and its causes
· Acute and chronic diseases
· Acute chronic diseases and
poor health
11 · Causes of diseases -
· Infectious and non-infectious
· Infectious diseases –
Infectious agents
· Means of spread
· Organ specific and tissue
specific manifestations
· Principles of treatment
· Principles of prevention
Class VIII – Social Studies
Name of the Chapter Topics in the syllabus Activity/ project based lessons
Theme: I - Diversity on the Earth
Maps Down the Ages; Projection in a
Map; Colonisation, Explorations,
Military use and Map making; Use of
maps in our times; Reading Thematic
Reading and Analysis of Maps; Make a Population Map!;
1. -
Maps Density of Population year - 2011
(Census - 2011); Conventional symbols
on maps; Representation of relief
features on maps; Contour Lines; Atlas;
Aerial photography; Satellite imagery.
Solar Energy and Sun’s Rays;
Greenhouses; Sun’s Rays and Earth’s
Surface; Land and Water Contrasts;
Heating of the Atmosphere; Heat
Balance; World Mean Annual
Temperature; The Temperature of
Atmosphere; High and Low
2. Energy from the Sun Temperatures; Recording -
temperatures; Different Places have
Different Temperatures; Maritine and
Continental Climate; Height and
Temperature; Inversion; Temperatures
in Places Near and Far from the
Equator; Temperature maps; Why is the
North Cooler in winter?;
Changing Seasons; Factors Effects the
seasons; Curvature of the Earth; Earth’s
Earth Movements and
3. Rotation on its Axis; Earth's ‘Tilt’ and Total Chapter
Revolution Around the Sun;
Temperature Belts on the Earth;
Where is the Polar Region?; Seasons in
the Tundra; Summer; Vegetation; The
People of Tundra regions : Eskimos;
4. The Polar Regions Group Life; Hunting and Fishing; Total chapter
Food; Shelter; Clothing and Crafts;
Religious Beliefs; Recreation; Contacts
with the Outside World.
What is a Forest?; Location and Types
of Forests; Status of Forests in
Forests: Using and Telangana; Initiation for Greenery in
5. -
Protecting Telangana; Tribal people and Forests;
The change from 1988-90; Forest
Rights Act, 2006;
Minerals in our houses; Renewable and
6. Minerals and Mining non-renewable resources; Some -
important minerals and their uses;
Mineral Resources of Telangana;
Name of the Chapter Topics in the syllabus Activity/ project based lessons
Mining the Minerals; To whom do the
Minerals Belong?; Singareni Coalfields
(SCCL); Danger and Safety Measures;
Inside the mine; Blasting the coal;
Transporting coal; Welfare; Safety and
Health Checkups; New trends in
Mining Industry and Miners; Open Cast
Mine at Sattupally.
Theme II - Production, Exchange and Livelihoods
Trading without Money; Exchange with
Money; Evolution of Money; Paper
Money and Banking Money and Emergence of Banks;
7. Total chapter
Banking; Demand Draft (D.D.); Loans;
Internet banking; Digital Payment
Changes in Technology; Technological
changes in Agriculture; Impact of
Technology; Technology and Industry;
Impact of Powerlooms; Decline of
Impact of Technology
8. Handlooms; Technological changes in Total chapter
on Livelihoods
Service Sector; Change in technology
makes communication faster and easily
available to all; New skills and new
Healthcare Services; Public Health
Services; Private Health Services;
Health Insurance; Healthcare and
Equality; Basic public facilities; The
Public Health and the Government’s Role; Status of Nutrition
9. -
Government in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh;
What can be done?; Financing of
Hospitalization Expenses in Telangana
and Andhra Pradesh, by source and
economic status.
Theme-III Political Systems and Governance
Zamindars and Peasants in Mughal
Times; Permanent Settlement: Changes
introduced by the British; The Ryotwari
system; Developmental Activities;
Landlords and Tenants
Commercialisation and Money
10. under the British and the -
Lenders; The Zamindars’ Exploitation
of the Peasants; Countless Collections,
Cesses and Payments; Doras and
Peasants of Hyderabad State; Famines;
The Peasant Movements.
Early Associations; The Indian National
A. National Movement - Congress: The Moderate Phase - 1885-
11 The Early Phase 1905; Extremist Phase - 1905-1920 -
1885-1919 (Swadeshi Movement); The Moderates
and the Extremists; The First World
Name of the Chapter Topics in the syllabus Activity/ project based lessons
War : 1914–1918; On the day of the
Partition of Bengal; Krishna Patrika of
Arrival of Mahatma Gandhi; Rowlatt
Act and Jalianwala Bagh
Massacre; Communalism and
Communal Organisations; Khilafat
agitation and the Non-Cooperation
B. National Movement - Movement; The Happenings of 1922-
The Last Phase 1929; Civil Disobedience Movement: -
1919-1947 Salt Satyagraha (1930-32); Quit India
Movement – 1942 ‘Do or Die’; World
War II (1939–45); Subhash Chandra
Bose and INA; Towards Independence
and Partition; Years of Radical
Early years of Nationalism; Feudal
system of the state; Language and
Religion; The Last Nizam (1911-1948);
Andhra Jana Sangham - Library
Freedom Movement in
12 Movement; Andhra Maha Sabha; -
Hyderabad State
Hyderabad State Congress; The
Telangana Armed Struggle (1946-51);
Merger with India; Women in the
Telangana Struggle.
Making of the Indian Constitution;
Early Drafts of Constitution; The
Constituent Assembly; The Dream and
the Promise; Preamble of the
13 The Indian Constitution -
Constitution; The System of
Government; Preamble of Constitution
of United States of America; Preamble
of Constitution of South Africa.
Role of the Parliament; The Houses of
Parliament; Elections to Lok Sabha;
The First Elections to Lok Sabha;
Challenges in conducting free and fair
elections; Some interesting facts about
Parliament and Central
14 Lok Sabha Elections in 2014; Not all -
laws are made in the Parliament, we
will read more about this here.; The
President and The Vice-President; The
Council of Ministers and Prime
A Dispute over Property; Filing the
case; First Information Report (F.I.R.);
Role of the Police in Investigation and
Law and Justice - A Arrest; Civil and Criminal Offences;
15 -
Case Study Bail; Bail as right of the accused; Role
of the Public Prosecutor; Fair Trial;
The first Hearing and the Lawyer;
What is the Role of the Judge?;
Name of the Chapter Topics in the syllabus Activity/ project based lessons
Separation of powers and
independence; The Evidence of
Witnesses; Appellate System; Appeal
at the Session’s Court; The High Court.
Theme-IV - Social Organisation and Inequities
Rural Poverty at the time of
Independence; Abolition of Zamindari
Abolition of Zamindari and other Intermediary Tenures;
16 -
System Abolition of Jagirdari system in
Telangana; Bhoodan Movement; Land
Ceiling Act, 1972-75.
Distress in rural areas; Poverty as
Chronic Hunger; Food Inequality;
Activity; Why Poverty? How can it be
eliminated?; Agriculture - Source of
Livelihood; Other Livelihood Options;
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
17 Understanding Poverty -
Employment Gurantee Act
(MNREGA); A Social Audit Report;
Access to Affordable Food; Social
Audit in Telangana and Andhra
Pradesh; The Struggle towards “The
Right to Life”.
The idea of Human Rights; Need for
Right to Information to fight
corruption; How the movement began;
18 -
Development SUNVAYI; Rights Approach to
improve the living conditions; Right of
Children to Free and Compulsory
Education (RTE) Act, 2009.
Theme V- Religion and Society
Christian Missionaries and Oriental
Scholars; Brahma Samaj and the
Religious Movements of Bengal; Arya
Samaj in Punjab; Reform and
Education among Muslims; Social
Reforms and Women; Minimum Age
of Marriage; Reform Movements in
Nizam’s Dominions; Women
Social and Religious
19 Reformers; Education among Muslim -
Reform Movements
women; Social Reforms - Caste
System; No place inside the classroom;
Jyotiba Phule (1827-1890) and Satya
Shodhak Samaj; Narayana Guru (1856-
1928); Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (1891–
1956); Bhagya Reddy Varma (1888-
1939); Arigey Ramaswamy; Women
and Dalits in Freedom Movement.
Name of the Chapter Topics in the syllabus Activity/ project based lessons
Understanding What is Secularism?; Why is it
20 important to separate religion from the -
state?; What is Indian Secularism?.
Theme VI- Culture and Communication
Performing Arts and Different forms of dances Yaksha
21 Artistes in Modern Ganam; The Themes of the plays; -
Times Revival; Bharatanatyam today.
Birth of Cinema; Evolution of cinema;
Cinema - form of entertainment;
Cinema and freedom movement;
22 Film and Print Media Influence of film on the society; Film -
as an industry; Print Media; Role of
Newspapers in Cultural Awakening and
Freedom Movement.
Why do you play?; Cricket in India;
Mahatma Gandhi and colonial sports;
Transformation of Cricket; Commerce,
Sports: Nationalism and Media and Cricket Today; Interview
23 -
Commerce with G H Vihari, under 19 World Cup
Indian Cricket Team Member from
erstwhile Andhra Pradesh; Other
popular games and their status.
Types of Disasters; What is disaster
management?; TSUNAMI; Did you
know; What to do BEFORE Tusnami;
What to do DURING a Tusnami; What
24 Disaster Management to do AFTER Tusnami; DROUGHT; Total chapter
Impact of Drought; How to cope with
Drought?; Rainwater harvesting;
Watershed Development; Are you a
water saver or spender?