Syllabus: VPT-321: Veterinary Neuropharmacology (2+1)
Syllabus: VPT-321: Veterinary Neuropharmacology (2+1)
Syllabus: VPT-321: Veterinary Neuropharmacology (2+1)
Drugs acting on autonomic nervous system: Neurohumoral transmission, adrenoceptors
agonists and antagonists, adrenergic neuron blockers, chlinoceptors agonists and
antagonists, ganglionic stimulants and blockers.
Autacoids: Histamine and antihistaminic agents 5 – Hydroxytryptamine and its
antagonists, prostaglandins, angiotensin and bradykinin.
Drugs acting on central nervous system (CNS): Pharmacology of neurotransmitters.
History of general anaesthetics and theories and anaesthesia. Inhalant, intravenous and
dissociative anaesthetics; hypnotics and sedatives; tranquilizers, psychotropic drugs,
anticonvulsants, opioid analgesic, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analeptics and
other CNS stimulants, central muscle relaxants. Drugs acting on somatic nervous
system: local anaesthetics and peripheral muscle relaxants. New drugs and drug
Demonstration of the effect of CNS depressants, analgesics, CNS stimulants, muscle
relaxants, anticonvulsants, local anaesthetics in laboratory animals.