Original Article A Modified Method For Objective Analysis of Forced Swim Test Using Student Physiograph

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Indian JJ Physiol

2018; 62(4) : 439–444
62(4) An Objective Analysis of Forced Swim Test 439

Original Article

A Modified Method for Objective Analysis of Forced Swim Test

Using Student Physiograph

Prabhakar Raosaheb 1 Patil and Rohit Dixit 2*

Department of Pharmacology,
Navodaya Medical College,
Raichur, Karnataka
Department of Pharmacology,
SVS Medical College,
Mahabubnagar, Telangana

Background: Forced swim test (FST) is used for preliminary screening of antidepressant drugs. In this test,
the antidepressants decrease the duration of immobile phase (despair). The immobility time obtained by
observer may not be accurate either because he is not trained or due to bias. This is an attempt to make
use of student physiograph to accurately measure the duration.
Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the utility of student physiograph as an objective tool to detect and
record immobility time in forced swim test.
Materials and Methods: A total of 15 laboratory bred swiss albino mice of either sex weighing between 20-
25 g were used for the study. A set up was made using Student physiograph, force transducer, student
organ bath, bucket with holes at the bottom and thermocol block. In this set up, the movements of the mice
which were placed inside the bucket with water produced turbulence which was transmitted to the outer
jacket and recorded on the physiograph using force transducer and thermocol block. The mice were placed
in the bucket containing water and the total duration of immobile phase was recorded. Next day, the same
mice were used for the forced swim test but after administration of Amitriptyline 25 mg/kg i.p 30 minutes
prior to the study. The duration of immobile phase was calculated separately by observer, by using the graph
obtained by this set up and using the video clip by digital camera.
Results: The mean duration of immobility in naïve mice using student physiograph was found to be 193.8±3.09
sec which was close to the mean duration of immobility as obtained from video recording (i.e. 194.87±3.47
sec) but significantly different from mean obtained from observer data (i.e. 179.73±5.81 sec). Similarly, after
Amitriptyline administration, the mean duration of immobility was decreased to 107±2.32 sec which was
close to the mean obtained from video recording i.e. 108.47±2.81 sec but significantly different from mean
obtained from observer data (i.e. 92.8±2.14 sec).
Conclusion: This modified method of forced swim test eliminates errors and bias in obtaining duration of
immobile phase and also it is possible to keep the record for re-evaluation and future reference.

*Corresponding author :
Dr. Rohit Dixit, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, SVS Medical College, Mahabubnagar, Telangana, Cell: 09886661926.
(Received on July 1, 2018)
440 Patil and Dixit Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2018; 62(4)

Introduction an automated apparatus for behavioral testing of

typical and atypical antidepressants in mice. A
m u l t i c h a n n e l s ys t e m c a n t e s t 1 0 m i c e
The first antidepressant drugs were detected by
simultaneously. Each mouse is placed in the beam
serendipity in clinical trials. Iproniazid was developed
of a Doppler radar head and horn assembly. The
for the treatment of tuberculosis. The observation of
moving mouse causes reflections of a frequency
mood-elevating effects was followed by the detection
differing from the transmitted signal. W ithin the
of the inhibition of the enzyme monoamine oxidase
Doppler head these reflected waves are mixed with
(1). Gone are those days where drugs used to be
a proportion of transmitted waves to produce a
discovered accidentally or by simple hypothesis. Now,
difference signal proportional to the activity of the
a detailed in vitro and in vivo investigation (part of
mouse within the beam. The output of each Doppler
preclinical studies) is necessary for drug discovery.
head is fed to an amplifier whose gain has been
Forced swim test (FST) also called as despair swim
calibrated to compensate for differences in sensitivity
test was proposed as a m odel to test for
between individual heads. The method is claimed to
antidepressant activity by porsolt et al in 1977 (2).
eliminate human error and bias and to allow the
This test is for initial screening before going for more
testing of large numbers of compounds. Nomura et
complex preclinical tests and clinical evaluation of
al. (6) published a modification of the despair swim
antidepressant drugs. The mice, which were forced
test in mice involving a small water wheel set in a
to swim in a restricted space from which they cannot
water tank. Mice placed on this apparatus turned
escape, are highly active, vigorously swimming in
the wheel vigorously but, when they abandoned
circles and trying to climb the wall. Later it remains
attempts to escape from the water, the wheel stopped
immobile. Immobility is defined as when no additional
turning. The number of rotations of the water wheel
activity is observed other than that required to keep
was counted.
the rat’s head above the water. The immobility phase
is then measured in during this 5 min test period
All the above modifications require complex
and has been found to be reproducible in different
instruments and above that cost is a major constraint.
groups. This immobility phase reflects a state of
So we have made an attempt to develop a modified
despair which can be reduced by several
set up by which objectivity and sensitivity of forced
antidepressants (3).
swim test can be achieved. For this purpose, we
have used physiograph which is available in all
The main advantages of this procedure are that it is
medical colleges (7). The aim of the following
relatively easy to perform and that its results are
experiment is 1) To see whether student physiograph
easily and quickly analyzed. But, the main drawback
can be used to detect immobility time in forced swim
or limitation is observer’s bias and record keeping.
test (FST). 2) To compare the duration of immobility
The observer might not be able to differentiate
as assessed by observer, by using physiograph and
between the mobile and immobile phase or may
by using digital camera.
become biased for obtaining good results. And the
researcher at a later stage cannot go back and re-
evaluate/m eas ure the im m obile phas e in that Material and Methods
particular animal. So, to overcome these limitations
many modifications of this method were proposed. An imal s:
One such modification was ‘open space swimming
test’ by Sun and Alkon et al (4). Rats were free to laboratory bred swiss albino m ice of both sex
swim (or not to swim) for 15 min and then returned weighing around 20-25 g were used for the study.
to their home cage. The same procedure was followed The animals were housed under standard laboratory
24 h later for 3 days. The swimming/drifting path conditions at 25°C, commercial pellet diet with water
was recorded with a video tracking system. The ad libitum and normal photo period (12 hr dark/12 hr
measurement is considered to be more objective than light). Experimental protocol has been approved by
the forced swimming test. Buckett et al. (5) described the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC).
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2018; 62(4) An Objective Analysis of Forced Swim Test 441

Instruments: used. They were brought to the laboratory one day

before the experiment and kept in separate cages
Student physiograph, Force transducer, Student free access to food and water ad libitum. Naive mice
organ bath, Plastic bucket with holes at the bottom, were individually forced to swim inside a vertical
thermocol, Stop watch (Racer), digital camera (Sony bucket (height: 40 cm; diameter: 18 cm, containing
DSC-W830). 15 cm of water maintained at 25°C). In this period of
time mobile phase and immobile phase were recorded
separately using stop watch. Next day, a modified
Amitriptyline 25 mg/kg set up was made by making holes at the bottom in
the bucket and kept inside the student organ bath
Experimental design and methodology: with water as shown in picture 1A and 1B.

In this method, fifteen mice weighing 20-25 g were W e used student organ bath for keeping bucket.

Picture 1A : A modified model for objective analysis of forced swim test using student physiograph.

Picture 1B : A schematic top view of the modified model for objective analysis of forced swim test using student physiograph.
442 Patil and Dixit Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2018; 62(4)

Outer part of student organ bath is known as water the recording from our modified set up. The sample
bath or outer jacket (It is made up of steel, glass or of the recording is shown in picture 2.
Perspex (transparent thermoplastic resin). It holds
water and other parts of organ bath. The outer jacket The total length of graph paper was 30 cm (300 mm)
and bucket are connected through the holes at the the speed was kept at 1 mm/sec so that the whole
bottom of bucket. Now, the mice were individually length of graph paper would pass under stylus in 5
placed inside the bucket. The movement of mice minutes (which was equal to the observation period
created some turbulence in water. This turbulence of FST). So, while measuring the mobile and immobile
was carried to outer jacket through holes at the phase, the length to time conversion factor would be
bottom of bucket and it created waves in water of 1 m m = 1 sec ond. Sim ultaneously, duration of
outer jacket. Mice were observed for 5 minutes. These immobile phase in mice before and after Amitriptyline
waves were recorded with the help of force transducer administration as obtained from observer’s data and
and student physiograph which is connected to by video recording was also noted. The results are
thermocol block floating in outer jacket. as shown in Table I and II.
Simultaneously the movements of the mice were also
recorded by using a digital camera. The duration of W e collected data (Immobility phase in seconds)
and immobile phase was calculated separately by
observer, using the graph obtained by this set upand
using the video clip by digital camera. Next day, the TABLE I : Immobility time in naïve mice in forced
experiment was repeated using same mice but after swim test by different methods.

prior administration of 25 mg/kg of Amitriptyline i.p

Observation by Student Video
half an hour before the test. volunteer physiograph recording

Mean 179.73 193.8 194.87

Statistical analysis:
SD 5.81 3.09 3.47

T he s t at i s t i c a l a na l ys is am o ng t h e g r o up s , I n=15, All values are in seconds.

(Observation by volunteer), II (Student physiograph)
and III (Video recording) was done using unpaired TABLE II : Immobility time in Amitriptyline treated mice
student t test. P value less than 0.05 was considered in forced swim test by different methods
to be significant.
Observation by Student Video
volunteer physiograph recording
Results and Discussion Mean 92.8 107 108.47
SD 2.14 2.32 2.81
In this method, the duration of immobile phase in
the 5 minutes forced swim test was measured using n=15, All values are in seconds.

Picture 2 : Sample of recording from a modified method using studentphysiograph (sensitivity at 200 mVolt).
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2018; 62(4) An Objective Analysis of Forced Swim Test 443

from three different sources namely observer, from identification of movements that are counted as valid
graph and from video recording. The mean duration movements (8). The standard definition for mobility
o f i m m o b i l i t y i n n a ï ve m i c e f r o m g r a p h wa s in the FST is any movements other than those
193.8±3.09 sec which was close to the mean duration necessary to balance the body and keep the head
of immobility as obtained from video recording i.e. above the water (9). Mice generally float in water
194.87±3.47 sec. The mean duration of immobility readily, however they still manifest small movements
as obtained from observer’s data was 179.73±5.81 to balance their bodies and keep their heads above
sec which was significantly different from data the water. These behaviors are not an attempt to
collected using student physiograph (P<0.05) and escape and should not be scored as mobility. Also,
d at a ob ta in e d f r om v id e o r e c o r d i ng ( P< 0. 05 ) after a single bout of mobility, even though essentially
respectively. The mean duration of immobility in the immobile, mice can still drift in the water as a result
same mice was decreased after administration of 25 of momentum. These movements also should not be
mg/kg of Amitriptyline i.p half an hour before the scored as mobility. W hen we started recording
test. The mean duration of immobility measured by responses; we got fluctuations even when the animal
using graph was found to be 107±2.32 sec which was immobile, creating confusion. This confusion
was close to the mean obtained from video recording between mobile and immobile phase can be totally
i.e. 108.47±2.81 sec. But, the mean duration of reduced by changing the sensitivity of physiograph,
immobility as obtained from observer’s data was just where immobile phase (movements other than those
92.8±2.14 sec which was significantly different from necessary to balance the body and keep the head
data collected using student physiograph (P<0.05) above the water – responsible for errors by observers)
and data obtained from video recording (P<0.05) is recorded as straight line which helps to calculate
respectively. Clearly, this shows that the mean correct duration of immobile phase as shown in
duration of immobility was obviously less when picture 3.
measured by live observer. The reason behind
this m ight be error in detecting im m obility by Further, this forc ed swim test is a basic and
observer as he is going to observe the animal only prelim inary m ethod for evaluating the efficacy
once. W ith video recording, the immobility time of antidepressant drugs (10, 11). The characteristics
can be m easured by different observers by of the FST make it an important tool in
repeated observation and with student physiograph academ ic research and drug discovery in
also different observers can go through the graph industrial settings where reliability and high
repeatedly so as to get accurate readings. throughput screening of novel com pounds are
The most important aspect of analysis of immobile
phase and usually the biggest source of variability Our study indicated that either observer error or bias
between obs erver s in the FST is the c orrec t (Favoring the test towards positive result) or inter-

Picture 3 : Recording from a modified method using student physiograph with reduced sensitivity (sensitivity at 2 mVolt).
444 Patil and Dixit Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2018; 62(4)

observer variability was responsible for gross change and 14) But, then these automated systems require
in the mean duration of immobility measured. This extensive validation by human scoring. Additionally,
m ay m ake a whole process of drug discovery automated parameters may have to be readjusted
erroneous. This error or bias can be easily eliminated when using different strainsor with mice of different
by using this modified method. Also, the major sizes or behavioral responses.
advantage of this modified method is that we can re-
evaluate and reconsider the readings by looking into Conclusion
these recorded graphs.
This modified method of forced swim test eliminates
Recently, an advanced com m ercial autom ated errors and bias in obtaining duration of immobile
behavior analysis systems have been introduced that phase and also it is possible to keep the record for
can accelerate the data collection process. (12, 13 re-evaluation and future reference.


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