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European Technical ET A-19/0556

Assessment of 03/06/2021
English translation prepared by CSTB - Original version in French language
General Part

Nom commercial Hilti HSL4

Trade name

Famille de produit Torque-controlled expansion anchor, made of galvanised steel,

Product family for use in concrete: sizes M8, M10, M12, M16, M20 and M24.

Titulaire Hilti Corporation

Manufacturer Feldkircherstrasse 100
FL-9494 Schaan
Principality of Liechtenstein

Usine de fabrication Hilti plants

Manufacturing plants

29 pages incluant 26 pages d’annexes qui font partie intégrante de

Cette évaluation contient: cette évaluation
This assessment contains 29 pages including 26 pages of annexes which form an integral part
of this assessment

Base de l‘ETE DEE 330232-01-0601 “Ancrages mécaniques dans le béton”

Basis of ETA EAD 330232-01-0601 “Mechanical fasteners for use in concrete”

Cette évaluation remplace: -

This assessment replaces -
Translations of this European Technical Assessment in other languages shall fully correspond to the original issued document and should
be identified as such. Communication of this European Technical Assessment, including transmission by electronic means, shall be in full.
However, partial reproduction may be made, with the written consent of the issuing Technical Assessment Body. Any partial reproduction
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English translation prepared by CSTB

Specific Part
Technical description of the product
The Hilti heavy duty HSL4 anchor is a torque-controlled expansion anchor made of galvanised steel which
is placed into a drilled hole and anchored by torque controlled expansion.
The product description is given in Annexes A.

Specification of the intended use

The performances given in Section 3 are only valid if the anchor is used in compliance with the specifications
and conditions given in Annexes B.
The provisions made in this European technical assessment are based on an assumed working life of the
anchor of 50 years. The indications given on the working life cannot be interpreted as a guarantee given by
the producer, but are to be regarded only as a means for choosing the right products in relation to the
expected economically reasonable working life of the works.

Performance of the product

1.1 Mechanical resistance and stability (BWR 1)

Essential characteristic Performance

Characteristic resistance in case of static and quasi-static loading,
See Annexes C1 to C5
Characteristic resistance in case of seismic performance category C1,
See Annexes C6 to C8
Characteristic resistance in case of seismic performance category C2,
See Annexes C9 to C11
Durability See Annex B1

1.2 Safety in case of fire (BWR 2)

Essential characteristic Performance

Reaction to fire Anchorages satisfy requirements for Class A1
Resistance to fire See Annexes C12 to C15

1.3 Hygiene, health and the environment (BWR 3)

Regarding dangerous substances contained in this European technical approval, there may be
requirements applicable to the products falling within its scope (e.g. transposed European legislation and
national laws, regulations and administrative provisions). In order to meet the provisions of the Construction
Products Directive, these requirements need also to be complied with, when and where they apply.

1.4 Safety in use (BWR 4)

For Basic requirement Safety in use the same criteria are valid as for Basic Requirement Mechanical
resistance and stability.

1.5 Protection against noise (BWR 5)

Not relevant.

1.6 Energy economy and heat retention (BWR 6)

Not relevant.
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1.7 Sustainable use of natural resources (BWR 7)

For the sustainable use of natural resources no performance was determined for this product.

1.8 General aspects relating to fitness for use

Durability and Serviceability are only ensured if the specifications of intended use according to Annex B1
are kept.

Assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP)

According to the Decision 96/582/EC of the European Commission1, as amended, the system of
assessment and verification of constancy of performance (see Annex V to Regulation (EU) No 305/2011)
given in the following table apply.

Product Intended use Level or Class System

For fixing and/or supporting to concrete,
Metal anchors for use in
structural elements (which contributes to the ― 1
stability of the works) or heavy units

Technical details necessary for the implementation of the AVCP system

Technical details necessary for the implementation of the Assessment and verification of constancy of
performance (AVCP) system are laid down in the control plan deposited at Centre Scientifique et
Technique du Bâtiment.
The manufacturer shall, on the basis of a contract, involve a notified body approved in the field of anchors
for issuing the certificate of conformity CE based on the control plan.

Issued in Marne La Vallée on 03 /0 6 /2 0 21 by

The original French version is signed
La cheffe de division, Anca CRONOPOL

1 Official Journal of the European Communities L 254 of 08.10.1996

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English translation prepared by CSTB

Installed condition

Product description
Figure A1:
Hilti torque controlled expansion anchor HSL4

HSL4 M10 40/20/-
Anchor type
Anchor size
Max. fixture thickness tfix,1/ tfix,2/tfix,3

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex A1
Product description
Installed condition and product description
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Product description
Figure A2:

HSL4…: M8 to M12

HSL4…: M16

HSL4…: M20 to M24

Figure A3:

Bolt Threaded rod Safety cap Countersunk

version version version version
M8-M24 M8-M24 M12-M24 M8-M12

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex A2
Product description
Anchor versions and head configurations
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Table A1: Materials Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Designation Material
Cone Carbon steel, electroplated zinc coated ≥ 5µm
Expansion sleeve Carbon steel, electroplated zinc coated ≥ 5µm
Collapsible element Plastic element
Distance sleeve Carbon steel, electroplated zinc coated ≥ 5µm
Washer Carbon steel, electroplated zinc coated ≥ 5µm
Hexagonal bolt Carbon steel, electroplated zinc coated ≥ 5µm, rupture elongation ≥ 12%
Hexagon nut Carbon steel, electroplated zinc coated ≥ 5µm
Threaded rod Carbon steel, electroplated zinc coated ≥ 5µm, rupture elongation ≥ 12%
Hexagon bolt with safety cap Carbon steel, electroplated zinc coated ≥ 5µm, rupture elongation ≥ 12%
Cup washer Carbon steel, electroplated zinc coated ≥ 5µm
Countersunk bolt Carbon steel, electroplated zinc coated ≥ 5µm, rupture elongation ≥ 12%

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex A3
Product description
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Specifications of intended use

Anchorages subject to:

 Static and quasi-static loading: all sizes.
 Seismic performance category C1 and C2: sizes see Table B1.
 Fire exposure: all sizes.

Base materials:
 Reinforced or unreinforced normal weight concrete according to EN 206:2013+ A1:2016.
 Strength classes C20/25 to C50/60 according to EN 206:2013+A1:2016.
 Cracked and uncracked concrete.

Use conditions (Environmental conditions):

 HSL4, HSL4-G, HSL4-B, HSL4-SK made of galvanized steel:
Structures subject to dry internal conditions.

 Anchorages are designed under the responsibility of an engineer experienced in anchorages and
concrete work.
 Verifiable calculation notes and drawings are prepared taking account of the loads to be anchored.
The position of the anchor is indicated on the design drawings (e.g. position of the anchor reloative
to reinforcement or to supports etc.).
 Anchorages under static or quasi-static loading are designed in accordance with EN 1992-4
 Anchorages under seismic actions (cracked concrete) are designed in accordance with EN 1992-4
 Anchorages shall be positioned outside of critical regions (e.g. plastic hinges) of the concrete
structure. Fastenings in stand-off installation or with a grout layer under seismic action are not
covered in this European technical assessment (ETA).
 In case of requirements to resistance to fire local spalling of the concrete cover must be avoided.

 Anchor installation carried out by appropriately qualified personnel and under the supervision of the
person responsible for technical matters of the site.
 The anchor may only be set once.
 Drilling technique: see Table B1 and Table B2.
 Cleaning the hole of drilling dust.
 In case of aborted hole, drilling of new hole at a minimum distance of twice the depth of the aborted
hole, or smaller distance provided the aborted drill hole is filled with high strength mortar and no
shear or oblique tension loads in the direction of aborted hole.

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex B1
Intended use
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Table B1: Specifications of intended use

Anchorages subject to: HSL4 HSL4-G HSL4-B HSL4-SK
Static and quasi static loading in
cracked and uncracked concrete - M8-M24 M8-M24 M12-M24 M8-M12
hammer drilling and diamond coring
Seismic performance category C1 -
M8-M24 M8-M20 M12-M24 M8-M12
hammer drilling and diamond coring
Seismic performance category C2 -
M10-M24 M10-M24 M12-M24 M10-M12
hammer drilling only
Fire exposure -
M8-M24 M8-M24 M12-M24 M8-M12
hammer drilling and diamond coring

Table B2: Drilling technique

Anchorages subject to: HSL4 HSL4-G HSL4-B HSL4-SK
Hammer drilling (HD) M8-M24 M8-M24 M12-M24 M8-M12
Hammer drilling with Hilti M8 M8 M8
hollow drill bit (HDB) M12-M24 M12-M24 M12
Diamond coring (DD):
SPX-T core bits (with the DD-
30 or DD-EC-1 coring tools) or
SPX-H, SPX-L or SPX-L M8-M24 M8-M24 M12-M24 M8-M12
Handheld core bits (with the
DD-110 TO DD-250 coring

Table B3: Methods for application of torque

Torque wrench M8-M24 M8-M24 M12-M24 M8-M12
Machine torqueing with7

Hilti SIW 6AT-A22 impact

M8-M16 M8-M16 / /
wrench and SI-AT-A22
adaptive torque module

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex B2
Intended use
Specifications of intended use
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Setting positions for HSL4, HSL4-G, HSL4-B

Constant anchor length with various fixture thicknesses tfix,i and corresponding setting position.

Setting position

Setting position

Setting position

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex B3
Intended use
Installation parameters
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Table B4: Installation parameters HSL4

HSL4 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Nominal diameter
d0 [mm] 12 15 18 24 28 32
of drill bit
Max. cutting
diameter of drill dcut [mm] 12,5 15,5 18,5 24,55 28,55 32,7
Max. diameter of
clearance hole in df [mm] 14 17 20 26 31 35
the fixture
Setting position i                  
Fixture thickness tfix1 [mm] 5 - 200 5 - 200 5 - 200 10 - 200 10 - 200 10 - 200
Effective fixture
tfix,i tfix,11) - i
Reduction of
i [mm] 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 25 50 0 25 50 0 30 60 0 30 60
fixture thickness
hef,i [mm] 60 80 100 70 90 110 80 105 130 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
anchorage depth
Min. depth of drill
h1,i [mm] 80 100 120 90 110 130 105 130 155 125 150 175 155 185 215 180 210 240
Min. thickness of
hmin,i [mm] 120 170 190 140 195 215 160 225 250 200 275 300 250 380 410 300 405 435
concrete member
Width across flats SW [mm] 13 17 19 24 30 36
Installation torque Tinst [Nm] 15 25 60 75 145 210
Uncracked concrete
smin [mm] 60 70 80 100 125 150
Minimum spacing
c  [mm] 100 100 160 240 300 300
Minimum edge cmin [mm] 60 70 80 100 150 150
distance s  [mm] 100 160 240 240 300 300
Cracked concrete
smin [mm] 50 70 70 80 120 120
Minimum spacing
c  [mm] 80 100 140 180 220 260
Minimum edge cmin [mm] 60 70 70 100 120 120
distance s  [mm] 80 120 160 200 220 280
1) Predefined fixture thickness tfix according to anchor specification, see Figure A1.

HSL4 Bolt version

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex B4
Intended use
Installation parameters HSL4
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Table B5: Installation parameters HSL4-G

HSL4-G M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Nominal diameter
d0 [mm] 12 15 18 24 28 32
of drill bit
Max. cutting
diameter of drill dcut [mm] 12,5 15,5 18,5 24,55 28,55 32,7
Max. diameter of
clearance hole in df [mm] 14 17 20 26 31 35
the fixture
Setting position i                  
Fixture thickness tfix1 [mm] 5 - 200 5 - 200 5 - 200 10 - 200 10 - 200 10 - 200
Effective fixture
tfix,i tfix,11) - i
Reduction of
i [mm] 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 25 50 0 25 50 0 30 60 0 30 60
fixture thickness
hef,i [mm] 60 80 100 70 90 110 80 105 130 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
anchorage depth
Min. depth of drill
h1,i [mm] 80 100 120 90 110 130 105 130 155 125 150 175 155 185 215 180 210 240
Min. thickness of
hmin,i [mm] 120 170 190 140 195 215 160 225 250 200 275 300 250 380 410 300 405 435
concrete member
Width across flats SW [mm] 13 17 19 24 30 36
Installation torque Tinst [Nm] 20 27 60 70 105 180
Uncracked concrete
smin [mm] 60 70 80 100 125 150
Minimum spacing
c  [mm] 100 100 160 240 300 300
Minimum edge cmin [mm] 60 70 80 100 150 150
distance s  [mm] 100 160 240 240 300 300
Cracked concrete
smin [mm] 50 70 70 80 120 120
Minimum spacing
c  [mm] 80 100 140 180 220 260
Minimum edge cmin [mm] 60 70 70 100 120 120
distance s  [mm] 80 120 160 200 220 280
1) Predefined fixture thickness tfix according to anchor specification, see Figure A1.

HSL4-G Threaded rod version

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex B5
Intended use
Installation parameters HSL4-G
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Table B6: Installation parameters HSL4-SK

HSL4-SK M8 M10 M12
Nominal diameter of drill bit d0 [mm] 12 15 18
Max. cutting diameter of drill
bit dcut [mm] 12,5 15,5 18,5

Max. diameter of clearance

df [mm] 14 17 20
hole in the fixture
Diameter of countersunk
dh [mm] 22,5 25,5 32,9
hole in the fixture
Height of countersunk head
hcs [mm] 5,8 5,8 8,0
in the fixture
Min. fixture thickness tfix,min1) [mm] 6 6 8
Effective anchorage depth hef [mm] 60 70 80
Min. depth of drill hole h1 [mm] 80 90 105
Min. thickness of concrete
hmin [mm] 120 140 160
Hexagon socket screw key SW [mm] 5 6 8
Installation torque Tinst [Nm] 20 32 65
Uncracked concrete
smin [mm] 60 70 80
Minimum spacing
c [mm] 100 100 160
cmin [mm] 60 70 80
Minimum edge distance
s [mm] 100 160 240
Cracked concrete
smin [mm] 50 70 70
Minimum spacing
c [mm] 80 100 140
cmin [mm] 60 70 70
Minimum edge distance
s [mm] 80 120 160
1) The influence of the thickness of fixture to the characteristic resistance for shear loads, steel failure without lever arm
is taken into account

HSL4-SK Countersunk version

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex B6
Intended use
Installation parameters HSL4-SK
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Table B7: Installation parameters HSL4-B

HSL4-B M12 M16 M20 M24
Nominal diameter of
d0 [mm] 18 24 28 32
drill bit
Max. cutting diameter of
drill bit dcut [mm] 18,5 24,55 28,55 32,7

Max. diameter of
clearance hole in the df [mm] 20 26 31 35
Setting position            
Fixture thickness tfix1 [mm] 5 - 200 10 - 200 10 - 200 10 - 200
Effective fixture
tfix,i tfix,11) - i
Reduction of fixture
i [mm] 0 25 50 0 25 50 0 30 60 0 30 60
Effective anchorage
hef,i [mm] 80 105 130 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
Min. depth of drill hole h1,i [mm] 105 130 155 125 150 175 155 185 215 180 210 240
Min. thickness of
hmin,i [mm] 160 225 250 200 275 300 250 380 410 300 405 435
concrete member
Width across flats SW [mm] 24 30 36 41
Installation torque Tinst [Nm] The torque is controlled by the safety cap.
Uncracked concrete
smin [mm] 80 100 125 150
Minimum spacing
c  [mm] 160 240 300 300
cmin [mm] 80 100 150 150
Minimum edge distance
s  [mm] 240 240 300 300
Cracked concrete
smin [mm] 70 80 120 120
Minimum spacing
c  [mm] 140 180 220 260
cmin [mm] 70 100 120 120
Minimum edge distance
s  [mm] 160 200 220 280

HSL4-B Safety cap version

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex B7
Intended use
Installation parameters HSL4-B
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Installation instruction
Hole drilling and cleaning
a) Hammer drilling (HD) with b) Diamond coring (DD) with c) Hammer drilling (HD) with
manual cleaning (MC): flushing and blowing hollow dril bit (HDB)

Anchor setting
Hammer setting, check setting

Anchor torqueing
a) Use torque wrench b) Machine torqueing: Only HSL4 and HSL4-G M8 to M16

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex B8

Intended use
Installation instruction
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Table C1: Characteristic values of resistance under tension load in case of static
and quasi-static loading HSL4, HSL4-G, HSL4-B, HSL4-SK
Size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Setting position                  
hef [mm] 60 80 100 70 90 110 80 105 130 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
anchorage depth
Steel failure
Partial safety
Ms,N [-] 1,5
NRk,s [kN] 29,3 46,4 67,4 125,6 196,0 282,4
Pullout failure
Characteristic resistance in concrete C20/25
inst [-] 1,0
safety factor
Non cracked
NRk,p,uncr [kN] -1) -1) -1) -1) -1) -1) -1) -1) -1) -1) 65 65 -1) 95 95 -1) 100 100
NRk,p,cr [kN] 12 12 12 16 16 16 -1) 24 24 -1) 36 36 -1) 50 50 -1) 65 65

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex C1

Characteristic resistance under tension load
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Table C1: Continued

Size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Setting position                  
hef [mm] 60 80 100 70 90 110 80 105 130 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
anchorage depth
Pullout failure
Characteristic resistance in concrete C20/25
Increasing factor C30/37 [-] 1,22
concrete C40/50 [-] 1,41
c C50/60 [-] 1,55

Concrete cone and splitting failure

inst [-] 1,0
safety factor
k1=kucr,N [-] 11,0
k1=kcr,N [-] 7,7
Spacing scr,N [mm] 3∙hef
Edge distance ccr,N [mm] 1,5∙hef
scr,sp [mm] 230 320 400 270 360 550 300 420 520 380 570 680 480 710 850 570 900 1050
Edge distance
ccr,sp [mm] 115 160 200 135 180 275 150 210 260 190 285 340 240 355 425 285 450 525
1) Pull-out failure is not decisive for design.

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex C2
Characteristic resistance under tension load
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Table C2: Characteristic values of resistance under shear load in case of static
and quasi-static loading HSL4, HSL4-G, HSL4-B, HSL4-SK
Size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Setting position                  
anchorage hef [mm] 60 80 100 70 90 110 80 105 130 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
Steel failure without lever arm
Partial safety
Ms,V [-] 1,25

Ductility factor k7 [-] 1,0

VRk,s [kN] 31,1 60,5 89,6 158,5 186,0 204,5
tfix1) [mm] >=11 >=11 >=13
Characteristic VRk,s [kN] 31.1 60,5 89,6
resistance tfix1) [mm] <11 <11 <13
VRk,s [kN] 14.6 23.2 33.7
VRk,s [kN] 26,1 41,8 59,3 120,6 155,3 204,5
Threaded rod only
VRk,s [kN] 14,6 23,2 33,7 62,8 98,0 146,5
1) The influence of the thickness of fixture to the characteristic resistance for shear loads, steel failure without lever arm
is taken into account

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex C3
Characteristic resistance under shear load
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Table C2: Continued

Size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Setting position                  
anchorage hef [mm] 60 80 100 70 90 110 80 105 130 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
Steel failure with lever arm
Partial safety
Ms,V [-] 1,25

Ductility factor k7 [-] 1,0

M0Rk,s [Nm] 30 60 105 266 519 898
Concrete pryout failure
Pry-out factor k8 [-] 2.4 2.6 2.7 2.8 3.8 3.2
safety factor
inst [-] 1,0

Concrete edge failure

Effective length
lf = hef [mm] 60 80 100 70 90 110 80 105 130 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
of anchor
Diameter of
dnom [mm] 12 15 18 24 28 32
safety factor
inst [-] 1,0

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex C4
Characteristic resistance under shear load
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Table C3: Displacements under tension load in case of static and quasi-static
loading - HSL4, HSL4-G, HSL4-B, HSL4-SK
Size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Tension load in
N [kN] 9,3 11,7 14,3 20,0 27,9 36,7
uncracked concrete
Corresponding N0 [mm] 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
displacement N [mm] 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,4 0,4 0,6
Tension load in
N [kN] 3,6 6,4 10,2 14,3 20,0 26,2
cracked concrete
Corresponding N0 [mm] 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,8
displacement N [mm] 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1

Table C4: Displacements under shear load in case of static and quasi-static
loading - HSL4, HSL4-G, HSL4-B, HSL4-SK
Size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Shear load in cracked and
V [kN] 17,8 34,6 51,2 90,6 106,3 116,9
uncracked concrete
Corresponding v0 [mm] 3,8 5,2 6,3 8,5 7,3 9,5
displacement v [mm] 5,7 7,8 9,4 12,7 11,0 14,3
Shear load in cracked and
V [kN] 8,6 23,9 33,9 68,9 88,7 116,9
uncracked concrete
Corresponding v0 [mm] 3,7 5,0 6,0 7,9 7,8 9,5
displacement v [mm] 5,6 7,4 9,0 11,9 11,8 14,3

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex C5
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Table C5: Characteristic values of resistance under tension load in case of

seismic category C1 - HSL4, HSL4-G, HSL4-B, HSL4-SK
Size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Setting position                  
hef [mm] 60 80 100 70 90 110 80 105 130 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
anchorage depth
Steel failure
Partial safety
Ms,seis1) [-] 1,5
NRk,s,seis [kN] 29,3 46,4 67,4 125,6 196,0 282,4
Pullout failure
inst [-] 1,0
safety factor
NRk,p,seis [kN] 12 12 12 16 16 16 -2) 24 24 -2) 36 36 -2) 50 50 -2) 65 65
Concrete cone failure
inst [-] 1,0
safety factor
1) In absence of other national regulations
2) Pull-out failure is not decisive for design

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex C6
Characteristic resistance under seismic actions, seismic category C1
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Table C6: Characteristic values of resistance under shear load in case of seismic
category C1 - HSL4, HSL4-G, HSL4-B, HSL4-SK
Size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Setting position                  
hef [mm] 60 80 100 70 90 110 80 105 130 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
anchorage depth
Steel failure without lever arm
Partial safety
Ms,seis1) [-] 1,25
VRk,s,seis [kN] 17,7 44,2 58,2 114,1 109,7 163,6
Characteristic tfix2) [mm] >=11 >=11 >=13
resistance VRk,s,seis [kN 17,7 44,2 58,2
VRk,s,seis [kN] 14,9 30,5 38,5 86,8 91,6 -
Concrete pryout failure
inst [-] 1,0
safety factor
Concrete edge failure
inst [-] 1,0
safety factor
1) In absence of other national regulations
2) The influence of the thickness of fixture to the characteristic resistance for shear loads, steel failure without lever arm
is taken into account

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex C7
Characteristic resistance under seismic actions, seismic category C1
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Table C7: Displacements under tension load in case of seismic category C1 -

Size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Displacement N,seis [mm] 2,17 1,93 2,12 1,95 3,80 2,69

Table C8: Displacements under shear load in case of seismic category C1

Size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Displacement V,seis [mm] 4,61 4,47 5,18 5,70 4,23 5,95
Displacement V,seis [mm] 4,61 4,47 5,18 5,70 4,23 -

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex C8
Displacements seismic category C1
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Table C9: Characteristic values of resistance under tension load in case of

seismic category C2 - HSL4, HSL4-G, HSL4-B, HSL4-SK
Size M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Setting position               
hef [mm] 70 90 110 80 105 130 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
anchorage depth
Steel failure
Partial safety factor Ms,seis1) [-] 1,5
NRk,s,seis [kN] 46,4 67,4 125,6 196,0 282.4
Pullout failure
Installation safety
inst [-] 1,0
NRk,p,seis [kN] 12,2 12,2 12,2 -2) 25,8 25,8 34,2 34,2 34,2 40,1 40,1 40,1 45,9 45,9 45,9
Concrete cone failure
Installation safety
inst [-] 1,0
1) In absence of other national regulations
2) Pull-out failure is not decisive for design

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex C9
Characteristic resistance under seismic actions, seismic category C2
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Table C10: Characteristic values of resistance under shear load in case of seismic
category C2 - HSL4, HSL4-G, HSL4-B, HSL4-SK
Size M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Setting position               
hef [mm] 70 90 110 80 105 130 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
anchorage depth
Steel failure without lever arm
Partial safety factor Ms,seis1) [-] 1,25
VRk,s,seis [kN] 25,4 30,5 61,8 78,1 87.9
Characteristic tfix2) [mm] >=11 >=13
resistance VRk,s,seis [kN] 25,4 30,5
VRk,s,seis [kN] 22.5 22,5 44,6 50,2 77.7
Concrete pryout failure
Installation safety
inst [-] 1,0
Concrete edge failure
Installation safety
inst [-] 1,0
1) In absence of other national regulations
2) The influence of the thickness of fixture to the characteristic resistance for shear loads, steel failure without lever arm
is taken into account

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex C10
Characteristic resistance under seismic actions, seismic category C2
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Table C11: Displacements under tension load in case of seismic category C2 -

Size M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Displacement DLS N,seis(DLS) [mm] 3,63 5,27 5,42 3,95 3,73
Displacement ULS N,seis(ULS) [mm] 13,09 14,68 16,02 12,25 24,26

Table C12: Displacements under shear load in case of seismic category C2 -

Size M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Displacement DLS V,seis(DLS) [mm] 3,17 4,15 4,55 6,29 4,37
Displacement ULS V,seis(ULS) [mm] 7,12 7,31 18,31 14,16 19,51

Table C13: Displacements under shear load in case of seismic category C2 -

Size M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Displacement DLS V,seis(DLS) [mm] 3,13 5,68 5,58 5,88 4,48
Displacement ULS V,seis(ULS) [mm] 7,46 10,17 9,08 9,70 10,81

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex C10
Annex C11
Displacements seismic category C2
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Table C14: Chracteristic tension resistance under fire exposure for Hilti metal
expansion anchor HSL4, HSL4-G, HSL4-B, HSL4-SK in cracked and
uncracked concrete
Size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Setting position                  
hef [mm] 60 80 100 70 90 110 80 105 130 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
anchorage depth
Steel failure
R30 NRk,s,fi [kN] 2,7 4,2 6,0 11,1 17,4 25,0
Characteristic R60 NRk,s,fi [kN] 2,1 3,5 5,3 9,9 15,4 22,2
resistance R90 NRk,s,fi [kN] 1,5 2,8 4,6 8,6 13,4 19,3
R120 NRk,s,fi [kN] 1,2 2,4 4,3 8,0 12,4 17,9
Pullout failure
R30 NRk,p,fi [kN]
Characteristic R60 NRk,p,fi [kN]
≥C20/25 R90 NRk,p,fi [kN] 3,0 4,0 -1) 6,0 -1) 9,0 -1) 12,5 -1) 16,3
R120 NRk,p,fi [kN] 2,4 3,2 -1) 4,8 -1) 7,2 -1) 10,0 -1) 13,0
1) Pull-out failure is not decisive for design.
2) In absence of other national regulations the partial safety factor for resistance under fire exposure γM,fi = 1,0 is

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex C12
Characteristic resistance of tension load resistance under fire resistance
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Table C14: Continued

Size M8 M10 M12
Setting position         
hef [mm] 60 80 100 70 90 110 80 105 130
anchorage depth
Concrete cone failure and splitting failure
R30 NRk,c,fi [kN]
Characteristic R60 NRk,c,fi [kN]
≥C20/25 R90 NRk,c,fi [kN] 5,0 10,3 18,0 7,4 13,8 22,8 10,3 20,3 34,7
R120 NRk,c,fi [kN] 4,0 8,2 14,4 5,9 11,1 18,3 8,2 16,3 27,7
Spacing scr,N [mm] 240 320 400 280 360 440 320 420 520
Edge distance ccr,N [mm] 120 160 200 140 180 220 160 210 260

Size M16 M20 M24

Setting position         
hef [mm] 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
anchorage depth
Concrete cone failure and splitting failure
R30 NRk,c,fi [kN]
Characteristic R60 NRk,c,fi [kN]
≥C20/25 R90 NRk,c,fi [kN] 18,0 31,4 49,6 31,4 53,8 83,8 49,6 78,2 115,0
R120 NRk,c,fi [kN] 14,4 25,2 39,7 25,2 43,1 67,0 39,7 62,6 92,0
Spacing scr,N [mm] 400 500 600 500 620 740 600 720 840
Edge distance ccr,N [mm] 200 250 300 250 310 370 300 360 420
In absence of other national regulations the partial safety factor for resistance under fire exposure γM,fi = 1,0 is

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex C13
Characteristic resistance of tension load resistance under fire resistance
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Table C15: Characteristic shear resistance under fire exposure for Hilti metal
expansion anchor HSL4, HSL4-G, HSL4-B, HSL4-SK in cracked and
uncracked concrete
Size M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24
Setting position                  
Effective anchorage
hef [mm] 60 80 100 70 90 110 80 105 130 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
Steel failure without lever arm
R30 VRk,s,fi [kN] 2,7 4,2 6,0 11,1 17,4 25,0
Characteristic R60 VRk,s,fi [kN] 2,1 3,5 5,3 9,9 15,4 22,2
resistance R90 VRk,s,fi [kN] 1,5 2,8 4,6 8,6 13,4 19,3
R120VRk,s,fi [kN] 1,2 2,4 4,3 8,0 12,4 17,9
Steel failure with lever arm
R30 M0Rk,s,fi [Nm] 2,8 5,5 9,3 23,6 45,9 79,5
Characteristic R60 M0Rk,s,fi
[Nm] 2,2 4,5 8,2 20,9 40,8 70,5
resistance 0
R90 M Rk,s,fi [Nm] 1,6 3,6 7,2 18,2 35,6 61,5
R120 M0Rk,s,fi [Nm] 1,3 3,1 6,7 16,9 33,0 57,0
In absence of other national regulations the partial safety factor for resistance under fire exposure γM,fi = 1,0 is

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex C14
Characteristic resistance of shear load resistance under fire resistance
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Table C15: Continued

Size M8 M10 M12
Setting position         
hef [mm] 60 80 100 70 90 110 80 105 130
anchorage depth
Concrete pryout failure
Pryout factor k8 [-] 2,4 2,6 2,7
R30 VRk,cp,fi [kN]
Characteristic R60 VRk,cp,fi [kN]
≥C20/25 R90 VRk,cp,fi [kN] 12,0 24,7 43,2 19,2 36,0 59,4 27,8 54,9 93,6
R120 VRk,cp,fi [kN] 9,6 19,8 34,6 15,3 28,8 47,5 22,3 43,9 74,9

Size M16 M20 M24

Setting position         
Effective anchorage
hef [mm] 100 125 150 125 155 185 150 180 210
Concrete pryout failure
Pryout factor k8 [-] 2,8 3,8 3,2
R30 VRk,cp,fi [kN]
Characteristic R60 VRk,cp,fi [kN]
≥C20/25 R90 VRk,cp,fi [kN] 50,4 88,0 138,9 119,5 204,6 318,4 158,7 250,4 368,1
R120 VRk,cp,fi [kN] 40,3 70,4 111,1 95,6 163,7 254,7 127,0 200,3 294,5
Concrete edge failure
The initial value V0Rk,c,fi of the characteristic resistance in concrete C20/25 to C50/60 under fire
exposure may be determined by:
V0Rk,c,fi = 0,25 x V0Rk,c (≤ R90) V0Rk,c,fi = 0,20 x V0Rk,c (R120)
with V Rk,c,fi initial value of the characteristic resistance in cracked concrete C20/25 under normal
In absence of other national regulations the partial safety factor for resistance under fire exposure γM,fi = 1,0 is

Hilti heavy duty anchor HSL4

Annex C15
Characteristic resistance of shear load resistance under fire resistance

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