Eta - 13-0397 Injection System DeWalt PURE110-PRO
Eta - 13-0397 Injection System DeWalt PURE110-PRO
Eta - 13-0397 Injection System DeWalt PURE110-PRO
Centre Scientifique et
Technique du Bâtiment
84 avenue Jean Jaurès
F-77447 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2
Tél. : (33) 01 64 68 82 82
Fax : (33) 01 60 05 70 37
Titulaire DeWalt
Stanley Black&Decker Deutschland GmbH
European Anchor Development Center
Black-&-Decker Str. 40
65510 Idstein
Base de l‘ETE ETAG 001, Version April 2013, utilisée en tant que EAD
Basis of ETA ETAG 001, Edition April 2013 used as EAD
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European technical assessment ETA-13/0397 Page 2 of 32| 2 7 / 0 2 / 2 0 1 5
English translation prepared by CSTB
Specific Part
Charles Baloche
Technical Director
Official Journal of the European Communities L 254 of 08.10.1996
European technical assessment ETA-13/0397 Page 4 of 32| 2 7 / 0 2 / 2 0 1 5
English translation prepared by CSTB
Assembled anchor:
Threaded rod M10, M12, M16, M20, M24, M27 and M30 with washer and nut
Rebar 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 25, 28 and 32 acc. to Annex 4
Temperature range: - 40°C to +40°C (max. short term temperature +40°C and
max. long term temperature +24°C)
- 40°C to +60°C (max. short term temperature +60°C and
max. long term temperature +43°C)
- 40°C to +72°C (max. short term temperature +72°C and
max. long term temperature +43°C)
- 40°C to +80°C (max. short term temperature +80°C and
max. long term temperature +43°C)
Minimum value of k = (ft / fy)k 1,08
< 1,35
Base materials:
Cracked concrete and non-cracked concrete
Reinforced or unreinforced normal weight concrete of strength classes C 20/25 at least to
C50/60 at most according to ENV 206: 2000-12.
The anchorages are designed in accordance with the EOTA Technical Report TR 029 and
CEN/TS 1992-4.
For seismic applications the anchorages are designed in accordance with TR045 “Design of
Metal Anchors For Use In Concrete Under Seismic Actions”.
Verifiable calculation notes and drawings are prepared taking account of the loads to be
anchored. The position of the anchor is indicated on the design drawings.
Anchor installation carried out by appropriately qualified personnel and under the supervision
of the person responsible for technical matters of the site.
Use of the anchor only as supplied by the manufacturer without exchanging the components
of an anchor.
Anchor installation in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and drawings and
using the appropriate tools.
Effective anchorage depth, edge distances and spacing not less than the specified values
without minus tolerances.
Hole drilling by hammer drill.
Clean the hole in accordance with Annex B3; before brushing clean the brush and checking
whether the brush diameter according to Annex B4 and B5 is sufficient. The brush shall
produce natural resistance as it enters the anchor hole. If this is not the case a new brush or
a brush with a larger diameter must be used;
For overhead installation piston plugs shall be used, embedded metal parts shall be fixed
during the curing time, e.g. with wedges, Overhead installation is permitted for all sizes (the
piston plug is needed for drill diameter > 24mm);
For injection of the mortar in bore holes > 190 mm, extension nozzle shall be used;
Mortar injection by using the equipment including the special mixing nozzle shown in Annex
A2; discarding the first portion of mortar of each new cartridge until a homogeneous colour is
achieved; taking from the manufacturer instruction the admissible processing time (open
time) of a cartridge as a function of the ambient temperature of the concrete; filling the drill
hole uniformly from the drill hole bottom, in order to avoid entrapment of air; removing the
special mixing nozzle slowly bit by bit during pressing-out; filling the drill hole with a quantity
of the injection mortar corresponding to 2/3 of the drill hole; inserting immediately the
threaded rod, slowly and with a slight twisting motion, removing excess of injection mortar
around the rod; observing the curing time according to Annex B4 Table 5 until the rod may
be loaded; during curing of the injection mortar the temperature of the concrete must not fall
below 5°C;
Application of the torque moment given in Annex B3 Table 3 using a calibrated torque
In case of aborted drill hole: the drill hole shall be filled with mortar.
Rebars may be used as anchor designed in accordance with the EOTA Technical Report TR 029 only. The
basic assumptions for the design according to anchor theory shall be observed. This includes the
consideration of tension and shear loads and the corresponding failure modes as well as the assumption that
the base material (concrete structural element) remains essentially in the serviceability limit state (either
uncracked or cracked) when the connection is loaded to failure. Such applications are e.g. concrete overlay or
shear dowel connections or the connections of a wall predominantly loaded by shear and compression forces
with the foundation, where the rebars act as dowels to take up shear forces. Connections with reinforcing bars
in concrete structures designed in accordance with EN1992-1-1: 2004 (e.g. connection of a wall loaded with
tension forces in one layer of the reinforcement with the foundation) are not covered by this European
technical assessment.
Anchor size M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20 M 24 M 27 M 30
Nominal drill hole diameter d0 [mm] = 12 14 18 24 28 32 35
Rebar size 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32
Nominal drill hole
d0 [mm] = 14 16 18 20 24 32 35 37
Installation instruction
Threaded Rebar Drill bit Brush diameters Total length Piston plug
nominal minimum
rod d0 L denom. ()
db db,min
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
M10 12 14 12,5 170 -
M12 10 14 16 14,5 200 -
12 16 18 16,5 200 -
M16 14 18 20 18,5 300 -
16 20 22 20,5 300 -
M20 20 24 26 24,5 300 #24 (22)
M24 28 30 28,5 300 #28 (27)
M27 25 32 34 32,5 300 #28 (29)
M30 28 35 37 35,5 300 #35 (34)
32 37 40 37,5 300 #35 (36)
Table 7: Characteristic values for tension loads in case of static and quasi static loading
for design design method A acc. TR 029 in uncracked concrete
Steel failure
Temperature range I:
12 12 11 11 10 10 10
Temperature range II: dry and wet concrete 12 12 11 11 10 10 10
60°C/43°C 2
and Rk,ucr [N/mm ]
Temperature range III: flooded bore hole 12 11 11 10 10 9,5 9,5
Temperature range IV:
9 9 8,5 8 8 8 7,5
1) 2)
Partial safety factor (dry and wet concrete) γMp = γMc 1,8
1) 2)
Partial safety factor (flooded bore hole) γMp = γMc 1,8
C30/37 1,10
Splitting failure
h ≥ 2·hef 1,0·hef
Characteristic edge distance ccr,sp [mm] 2,0·hef > h >1,3·hef 5·hef – 2·h
h ≤ 1,3·hef 2,4·hef
Table 8: Characteristic values for tension loads in case of static and quasi static loading
for design design method A acc. TR 029 in cracked concrete
Anchor size threaded rod M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20 M 24 M 27 M 30
Steel failure
Temperature range I:
7 7 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5
Temperature range II:
dry and wet concrete 7 7 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5
and Rk,cr [N/mm ]
Temperature range III:
flooded bore hole 7 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5
Temperature range IV:
5,5 5,5 5 5 5 5 5
1) 2)
Partial safety factor (dry and wet concrete) γMp = γMc 1,9
1) 2)
Partial safety factor (flooded bore hole) γMp = γMc 1,9
C30/37 1,10
Splitting failure
h ≥ 2·hef 1,0·hef
Characteristic edge distance ccr,sp [mm] 2,0·hef > h >1,3·hef 5·hef – 2·h
h ≤ 1,3·hef 2,4·hef
Table 9: Characteristic values for shear loads in case of static and quasi static loading for
design design method A acc. TR 029 in uncracked and cracked concrete
Anchor size threaded rod M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20 M 24 M 27 M 30
See chapter of Technical Report TR 029 for the design of Bonded Anchors
1) 2)
Partial safety factor γMc 1,50
In absence of other national regulations
The value contains a partial safety factor 2= 1.0
Annex C3
Design according to TR 029 Design method A:
Application with threaded rod
Characteristic values for shear loads in uncracked and cracked concrete
European technical assessment ETA-13/0397 Page 16 of 32| 2 7 / 0 2 / 2 0 1 5
English translation prepared by CSTB
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,040 0,076 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Temperature range 80°C/43°C, 72°C/43°C and 60°C/43°C for uncracked concrete C20/25
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,040 0,076 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,076 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Temperature range 80°C/43°C, 72°C/43°C and 60°C/43°C for cracked concrete C20/25
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,076 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Calculation of the displacement for design load
Displacement for short term load = N0 Vd / 1,4;
Displacement for long term load = N Vd / 1,4;
(Vd: design shear load)
Table 11: Displacements for shear loads
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,050 0,040 0,040 0,030 0,030 0,030
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,090 0,080 0,060 0,060 0,050 0,050 0,050
Temperature range 80°C/43°C, 72°C/43°C and 60°C/43°C for uncracked concrete C20/25
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,050 0,040 0,040 0,030 0,030 0,030
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,090 0,080 0,060 0,060 0,050 0,050 0,050
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,231 0,214 0,181 0,148 0,115 0,090 0,065
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,346 0,321 0,272 0,222 0,172 0,135 0,097
Temperature range 80°C/43°C, 72°C/43°C and 60°C/43°C for cracked concrete C20/25
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,231 0,214 0,181 0,148 0,115 0,090 0,065
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,346 0,321 0,272 0,222 0,172 0,135 0,097
2) Calculation of the displacement for design load
Displacement for short term load = N0 Vd / 1,4;
Displacement for long term load = N Vd / 1,4;
(Vd: design shear load)
Table 12: Characteristic values for tension loads in case of static and quasi static loading
for design design method A acc. TR 029 in uncracked concrete
Anchor size reinforcing bar 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32
Steel failure
Temperature range I:
12 12 11 11 11 10 10 9,5
Temperature range II: dry and wet 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 9,5
60°C/43°C concrete 2
Rk,cr [N/mm ]
Temperature range III: and
flooded bore hole 12 11 11 11 10 10 9,5 9,5
Temperature range IV:
9 9 9 8,5 8 8 8 7,5
1) 2)
Partial safety factor (dry and wet concrete) γMp = γMc 1,8
1) 2)
Partial safety factor (flooded bore hole) γMp = γMc 1,8
C30/37 1,10
Splitting failure
h ≥ 2·hef 1,0·hef
2,0·hef > h
Characteristic edge distance ccr,sp [mm] 5·hef – 2·h
h ≤ 1,3·hef 2,4·hef
In absence of other national regulations
The partial safety factor 2 = 1,2 is included.
Table 13: Characteristic values for tension loads in case of static and quasi static loading
for design design method A acc. TR 029 in cracked concrete
Anchor size reinforcing bar 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32
Temperature range I:
7 7 7 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5
Temperature range II: dry and wet 7 7 7 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5
60°C/43°C concrete 2
Rk,cr [N/mm ]
Temperature range III: and
flooded bore hole 7 6,5 6,5 6 6 6 6 6
Temperature range IV:
5,5 5,5 5,5 5 5 5 5 5
1) 2)
Partial safety factor (dry and wet concrete) γMp = γMc 1,9
1) 2)
Partial safety factor (flooded bore hole) γMp = γMc 1,9
C30/37 1,10
Splitting failure
h ≥ 2·hef 1,0·hef
2,0·hef > h
Characteristic edge distance ccr,sp [mm] 5·hef – 2·h
h ≤ 1,3·hef 2,4·hef
In absence of other national regulations
The partial safety factor 2 = 1,2 is included.
Table 14: Characteristic values for shear loads in case of static and quasi static loading
for design design method A acc. TR 029 in uncracked and cracked concrete
Anchor size reinforcing bar 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32
See chapter of Technical Report TR 029 for the design of bonded anchors
1) 2)
Partial safety factor γMc 1,50
In absence of other national regulations
The partial safety factor 2 = 1,0 is included.
For reinforcing bars, which do not comply with DIN 488: The characteristic resistance V Rk,s shall be
determined acc. to Technical Report TR 029, Equation (5.5).
4) 0
For reinforcing bars, which do not comply with DIN 488: The characteristic resistance M Rk,s shall be
determined acc. to Technical Report TR 029, Equation (5.6b).
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,040 0,076 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Temperature range 80°C/43°C, 72°C/43°C and 60°C/43°C for uncracked concrete C20/25
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,040 0,076 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,076 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Temperature range 80°C/43°C, 72°C/43°C and 60°C/43°C for cracked concrete C20/25
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,076 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Calculation of the displacement for design load
Displacement for short term load = N0 Vd / 1,4;
Displacement for long term load = N Vd / 1,4;
(Vd: design shear load)
Table 16: Displacements for shear loads
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,050 0,040 0,040 0,040 0,030 0,030 0,030
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,090 0,080 0,060 0,060 0,060 0,040 0,040 0,040
Temperature range 80°C/43°C, 72°C/43°C and 60°C/43°C for uncracked concrete C20/25
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,050 0,040 0,040 0,040 0,030 0,030 0,030
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,090 0,080 0,060 0,060 0,060 0,040 0,040 0,040
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,231 0,214 0,198 0,181 0,148 0,106 0,081 0,048
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,346 0,321 0,296 0,272 0,222 0,159 0,122 0,072
Temperature range 80°C/43°C, 72°C/43°C and 60°C/43°C for cracked concrete C20/25
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,231 0,214 0,198 0,181 0,148 0,106 0,081 0,048
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,346 0,321 0,296 0,272 0,222 0,159 0,122 0,072
2) Calculation of the displacement for design load
Displacement for short term load = N0 Vd / 1,4;
Displacement for long term load = N Vd / 1,4;
(Vd: design shear load)
Table 17: Characteristic values for tension loads in case of static and quasi static
loading for design design method A acc. CEN/TS1992-4 in uncracked concrete
Anchor size threaded rod M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20 M 24 M 27 M 30
Steel failure
Characteristic tension resistance,
NRk,s [kN] 29 42 78 122 176 230 280
Steel, property class 5.8
Characteristic tension resistance,
NRk,s [kN] 46 67 125 196 282 368 449
Steel, property class 8.8
Partial safety factor γMs,N 1,50
Characteristic tension resistance,
Stainless steel A4 and HCR, NRk,s [kN] 41 59 110 171 247 230 280
property class 50 (>M24) and 70 ( M24)
Partial safety factor γMs,N 1,87 2,86
Combined pullout and concrete cone failure
Characteristic bond Rk,ucr [N/mm²] resistance in uncracked concrete C20/25
Temperature range I:
12 12 11 11 10 10 10
Temperature range II:
dry and wet concrete 12 12 11 11 10 10 10
Temperature range III:
and Rk,ucr [ N/mm
flooded bore hole 12 11 11 10 10 9,5 9,5
Temperature range IV:
9 9 8,5 8 8 8 7,5
1) 2)
Partial safety factor (dry and wet concrete) γMp = γMc 1,8
1) 2)
Partial safety factor (flooded bore hole) γMp = γMc 1,8
C30/37 1,10
Increasing factors for
C40/50 1,18
concrete c
C50/60 1,23
Factor ref. bond strength Rk,c
k8 10,1
acc. eq(8) CEN/TS 1992-4-5
Concrete cone failure
Characteristic edge distance ccr,N [mm] 1,5·hef
Characteristic spacing scr,N [mm] 2·ccr,N
Factor concrete cone equation kucr 10,1
Splitting failure
h ≥ 2·hef 1,0·hef
Characteristic edge distance ccr,sp [mm] 2,0·hef > h >1,3·hef 5·hef – 2·h
h ≤ 1,3·hef 2,4·hef
Characteristic spacing scr,sp [mm] 2◦ccr,sp
Partial safety factor (dry and wet concrete) 1) 1,8
γMc = γMp =γMsp 2)
Partial safety factor (flooded bore hole) 1,8
In absence of other national regulations
The partial safety factor 2 = 1,2 is included.
Table 18: Characteristic values for tension loads in case of static and quasi static loading
for design design method A acc. CEN/TS1992-4 in cracked concrete
Steel failure
Characteristic tension resistance,
NRk,s [kN] 29 42 78 122 176 230 280
Steel, property class 5.8
Characteristic tension resistance,
NRk,s [kN] 46 67 125 196 282 368 449
Steel, property class 8.8
Partial safety factor γMs,N 1,50
Characteristic tension resistance,
Stainless steel A4 and HCR, NRk,s [kN] 41 59 110 171 247 230 281
property class 50 (>M24) and 70 ( M24)
Partial safety factor γMs,N 1,87 2,86
Combined pullout and concrete cone failure
Characteristic bond resistance Rk,cr [N/mm²] in cracked concrete C20/25
Temperature range I:
7 7 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5
Temperature range II:
dry and wet concrete 7 7 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5
Temperature range III:
and Rk,cr [N/mm
flooded bore hole 7 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5
Temperature range IV:
5,5 5,5 5 5 5 5 5
Partial safety factor (dry and wet concrete) 1)
γMp = γMc 2)
Partial safety factor (flooded bore hole) 1,9
C30/37 1,10
Increasing factors for
C40/50 1,18
concrete c
C50/60 1,23
Factor ref. bond strength Rk,c k8 7,2
acc. eq(8) CEN/TS 1992-4-5
Concrete cone failure
Characteristic edge distance ccr,N [mm] 1,5·hef
Characteristic spacing scr,N [mm] 2·ccr,N
Factor concrete cone equation kcr 7,2
Splitting failure
h ≥ 2·hef 1,0·hef
Characteristic edge distance ccr,sp [mm] 2,0·hef > h >1,3·hef 5·hef – 2·h
h ≤ 1,3·hef 2,4·hef
Characteristic spacing scr,sp [mm] 2◦ccr,sp
Partial safety factor (dry and wet concrete) 1) 1,9
γMc = γMp =γMsp 2)
Partial safety factor (flooded bore hole) 1,9
In absence of other national regulations
The partial safety factor 2 = 1,2 is included.
Annex C9
Annex C10
Design according to CEN/TS1992-4 Design method A:
Application with threaded rod
Characteristic values for tension loads in uncracked concrete
European technical assessment ETA-13/0397 Page 23 of 32| 2 7 / 0 2 / 2 0 1 5
English translation prepared by CSTB
Table 19: Characteristic values for shear loads in case of static and quasi static loading
for design design method A acc. CEN/TS1992-4 in uncracked and cracked concrete
Anchor size threaded rod M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20 M 24 M 27 M 30
In absence of other national regulations
The partial safety factor 2 = 1,0 is included.
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,040 0,076 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Temperature range 80°C/43°C, 72°C/43°C and 60°C/43°C for uncracked concrete C20/25
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,040 0,076 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,076 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Temperature range 80°C/43°C, 72°C/43°C and 60°C/43°C for cracked concrete C20/25
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,076 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,097 0,118 0,139 0,155 0,171
Calculation of the displacement for design load
Displacement for short term load = N0 Vd / 1,4;
Displacement for long term load = N Vd / 1,4;
(Vd: design shear load)
Table 21: Displacements for shear loads
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,050 0,040 0,040 0,030 0,030 0,030
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,090 0,080 0,060 0,060 0,050 0,050 0,050
Temperature range 80°C/43°C, 72°C/43°C and 60°C/43°C for uncracked concrete C20/25
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,050 0,040 0,040 0,030 0,030 0,030
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,090 0,080 0,060 0,060 0,050 0,050 0,050
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,231 0,214 0,181 0,148 0,115 0,090 0,065
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,346 0,321 0,272 0,222 0,172 0,135 0,097
Temperature range 80°C/43°C, 72°C/43°C and 60°C/43°C for cracked concrete C20/25
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,231 0,214 0,181 0,148 0,115 0,090 0,065
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,346 0,321 0,272 0,222 0,172 0,135 0,097
2) Calculation of the displacement for design load
Displacement for short term load = N0 Vd / 1,4;
Displacement for long term load = N Vd / 1,4;
(Vd: design shear load)
Table 22: Characteristic values for tension loads in case of static and quasi static
loading for design design method A acc. CEN/TS1992-4 in uncracked concrete
Anchor size reinforcing bar 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32
Steel failure in bolt
Characteristic tension resistance,
NRk,s [kN] 43 62 85 111 173 270 339 442
B 500 B acc. to DIN 488-2: 2009
Partial safety factor γMs,N 1,40
Combined pullout and concrete cone failure
Characteristic bond resistance Rk,ucr [N/mm²] in uncracked concrete C20/25
Temperature range I:
12 12 11 11 11 10 10 9,5
Temperature range II: dry and wet 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 9,5
60°C/43°C concrete 2
Rk,ucr [N/mm ]
Temperature range III: and
flooded bore hole 12 11 11 11 10 10 9,5 9,5
Temperature range IV:
9 9 9 8,5 8 8 8 7,5
1) 2)
Partial safety factor (dry and wet concrete) γMp = γMc 1,8
1) 2)
Partial safety factor (flooded bore hole) γMp = γMc 1,8
C30/37 1,10
Increasing factors for concrete c C40/50 1,18
C50/60 1,23
Factor ref. bond strength Rk,c k8 10,1
acc. eq(8) CEN/TS 1992-4-5
Concrete cone failure in bolt
Characteristic edge distance ccr,N [mm] 1,5·hef
Characteristic spacing scr,N [mm] 2·ccr,N
Factor concrete cone equation kcr 10,1
Splitting failure in bolt
h ≥ 2·hef 1,0·hef
Characteristic edge distance ccr,sp [mm] 2,0·hef > h >1,3·hef 5·hef – 2·h
h ≤ 1,3·hef 2,4·hef
Characteristic spacing scr,sp [mm] 2◦ccr,sp
Partial safety factor (dry and wet concrete) 1)
γMc = γMp =γMsp 2)
Partial safety factor (flooded bore hole) 1,8
In absence of other national regulations
The partial safety factor 2 = 1,2 is included.
Table 23: Characteristic values for tension loads in case of static and quasi static
loading for design design method A acc. CEN/TS1992-4 in cracked concrete
Anchor size reinforcing bar 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32
Steel failure
Characteristic tension resistance,
NRk,s [kN] 43 62 85 111 173 270 339 442
B 500 B acc. to DIN 488-2: 2009
Partial safety factor γMs,N 1,40
Combined pullout and concrete cone failure
Characteristic bond resistance Rk,ucr [N/mm²] in uncracked concrete C20/25
Temperature range I:
7 7 7 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5
Temperature range II: dry and wet 7 7 7 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5
60°C/43°C concrete 2
Rk,ucr [N/mm ]
Temperature range III: and
flooded bore hole 7 6,5 6,5 6 6 6 6 6
Temperature range IV:
5,5 5,5 5,5 5 5 5 5 5
1) 2)
Partial safety factor (dry and wet concrete) γMp = γMc 1,9
1) 2)
Partial safety factor (flooded bore hole) γMp = γMc 1,9
C30/37 1,10
Increasing factors for concrete c C40/50 1,18
C50/60 1,23
Factor ref. bond strength Rk,c k8 7,2
acc. eq(8) CEN/TS 1992-4-5
Concrete cone failure
Characteristic edge distance ccr,N [mm] 1,5·hef
Characteristic spacing scr,N [mm] 2·ccr,N
Factor concrete cone equation kcr 7,2
Splitting failure
h ≥ 2·hef 1,0·hef
Characteristic edge distance ccr,sp [mm] 2,0·hef > h >1,3·hef 5·hef – 2·h
h ≤ 1,3·hef 2,4·hef
Characteristic spacing scr,sp [mm] 2◦ccr,sp
Partial safety factor (dry and wet concrete) 1)
γMc = γMp =γMsp 2)
Partial safety factor (flooded bore hole) 1,9
In absence of other national regulations
The partial safety factor 2 = 1,2 is included.
Annex C14
accordingto toCEN/TS1992-4
Application with reinforcing bar
Application with reinforcing bar
loadsinincracked concrete
uncracked concrete
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English translation prepared by CSTB
Table 24: Characteristic values for shear loads in case of static and quasi static loading
for design design method A acc. CEN/TS1992-4 in uncracked and cracked concrete
Anchor size reinforcing bar 10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32
In absence of other national regulations
The partial safety factor 2 = 1,0 is included.
Annex C15
accordingto toCEN/TS1992-4
Application with reinforcing bar
Application with reinforcing bar
forshear loads
tension in uncracked
loads and
in uncracked cracked concrete
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English translation prepared by CSTB
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,040 0,076 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Temperature range 80°C/43°C, 72°C/43°C and 60°C/43°C for uncracked concrete C20/25
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,040 0,076 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,076 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Temperature range 80°C/43°C, 72°C/43°C and 60°C/43°C for cracked concrete C20/25
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,076 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,086 0,086 0,087 0,097 0,118 0,144 0,160 0,181
Calculation of the displacement for design load
Displacement for short term load = N0 Vd / 1,4;
Displacement for long term load = N Vd / 1,4;
(Vd: design shear load)
Table 26: Displacements for shear loads
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,050 0,040 0,040 0,040 0,030 0,030 0,030
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,090 0,080 0,060 0,060 0,060 0,040 0,040 0,040
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,060 0,050 0,040 0,040 0,040 0,030 0,030 0,030
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,090 0,080 0,060 0,060 0,060 0,040 0,040 0,040
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,231 0,214 0,198 0,181 0,148 0,106 0,081 0,048
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,346 0,321 0,296 0,272 0,222 0,159 0,122 0,072
Displacement N0 [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,231 0,214 0,198 0,181 0,148 0,106 0,081 0,048
Displacement N [mm/(N/mm²)] 0,346 0,321 0,296 0,272 0,222 0,159 0,122 0,072
2) Calculation of the displacement for design load
Displacement for short term load = N0 Vd / 1,4;
Displacement for long term load = N Vd / 1,4;
(Vd: design shear load)
Annex C16
accordingto to CEN/TS1992-4
Application with reinforcing bar
Application with reinforcing bar
Characteristic values for tension loads in uncracked concrete
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English translation prepared by CSTB
Seismic design according to Technical Report 045 "Design of Metal Anchors under Seismic Action":
The recommended seismic performance categories are given in Table 27. The value of a g or that of the product ag•S
used in a Member State to define thresholds for the seismicity classes may be found in its National Annex of EN 1998-
1 and may be different to the values given in Table 27. Furthermore, the assignment of the seismic performance
categories C1 and C2 to the seismicity level and building importance classes is in the responsibility of each individual
Member State.
Table 27: Recommended seismic performance categories for Anchors
Importance class according to
Seismicity level *
EN 1998-1: 2004, 4.2.5
ag·S2) I II III IV
Very low ag·S ≤0,05·g no additional requirement
1) 3) 4)
Low 0,05·g < ag·S≤ 0,1·g C1 C1 or C2 C2
ag·S> 0,1·g C1 C2
* The values defining the seismicity levels may be found in the National Annex of EN 1988-1.
Definition according to EN 1998-1: 2004, 3.2.1
ag= 1 · agR Design ground acceleration on type A ground (Ground types as defined in EN1998-1:2004, Table 3.1
with 1= Importance factor (see EN1998-1: 2004, 4.2.5)
agR= Reference peak ground acceleration on type A ground (see EN1998-1: 2004, 3.2.1)
S= Soil factor (e.g. according to EN1998-1: 2004, 4.2.5
C1 for fixing of non-structural elements to structures
C2 for fixing of structural elements to structures
Annex C17
All bond elements, seismic design
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Table 28: Reduction factors gap and seis for resistance under seismic actions
seis- seis-
Loading Failure modes gap
single fastener fastener group
Steel failure 1,0 1,0 1,0
Combined pullout and concrete failure 1,0 1,0 0,85
Concrete cone failure 1,0 0,85 0,75
Splitting failure 1,0 1,0 0,85
Steel failure without lever arm 0,5 1,0 0,85
2) 2) 2)
Steel failure with lever arm - - -
Shear 1)
Concrete edge failure 0,5 1,0 0,85
Concrete pryout failure 0,5 0,85 0,75
1) The limitation for the size of the clearance hole is given in TR029 Table 4.1
gap= 1,0 in case of no clearance between fastener and fixture
Annex C18
All bond elements, seismic design
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English translation prepared by CSTB
Table 29: Characteristic values of resistance under tension and shear loads in case of seismic
performance category C1 for design acc. to EOTA TR045
Anchor size threaded rod M10 M 12 M 16 M 20 M24 M 27 M 30
Steel failure
Seismic reduction factor N,seis [-] 1,0
Characteristic tension resistance,
NRk,s,seis [kN] 29 42 78 122 176 230 280
Steel, property class 5.8
Characteristic tension resistance,
NRk,s,seis [kN] 46 67 125 196 282 368 449
Steel, property class 8.8
Partial safety factor Ms,seis 1,50
Characteristic tension resistance,
Stainless steel A4 and HCR,
NRk,s,seis [kN] 41 59 110 171 247 230 280
property class 50 (>M24)
and 70 ( M24)
Partial safety factor Ms,seis 1,87 2,86
Combined pullout and concrete cone failure
Seismic reduction factor N,seis [-] 0,75 0,80
Temperature range I: 40°C/24°C 5.5 5.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Temperature range II: 60°C/43°C 5.5 5.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Temperature range III: 72°C/43°C
Rk,p,seis [N/mm²]
5.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Temperature range IV: 80°C/43°C 4.0 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
1) 2)
Partial safety factor Mp,seis 1,9
Shear loads
Seismic reduction factor V,seis [-] 0,70
Steel failure without lever arm,
VRk,s,seis [kN] 11 15 27 43 62 81 98
Steel, property class 5.8
Steel failure without lever arm,
VRk,s,seis [kN] 16 24 44 69 99 129 157
Steel, property class 8.8
Partial safety factor Ms,seis 1,25
Steel failure without lever arm,
Stainless steel A4 and HCR,
VRk,s,seis [kN] 14 21 39 60 87 81 98
property class 50 (>M24)
and 70 ( M24)
Partial safety factor Ms,seis 1,56 2,38
In absence of other national regulations.
The partial safety factor 2 = 1.2 is included.
Annex C19
Threaded rods elements, seismic design
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English translation prepared by CSTB
Table 30: Characteristic values of resistance under tension and shear loads in case of seismic
performance category C1 for design acc. to EOTA TR045
Anchor size threaded
10 12 14 16 20 25 28 32
Steel failure
Seismic reduction factor N,seis [-] 1,0
Characteristic tension
NRk,s,seis [kN] 43 62 85 111 173 270 339 442
B 500 B acc. to DIN 488-
Partial safety factor Ms,seis 1,40
Combined pullout and concrete cone failure
Seismic reduction factor N,seis [-] 0,75 0,80
Temperature range I:
5.5 5.5 5.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Temperature range II:
5.5 5.5 5.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Temperature range III:
Rk,p,seis [N/mm²]
5.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Temperature range IV:
4.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
1) 2)
Partial safety factor Mp,seis 1,9
Shear loads
Seismic reduction factor N,seis [-] 0,70
Steel failure without lever
arm, VRk,s,seis [kN] 15 22 29 39 60 95 118 155
Steel, property class 5.8
Partial safety factor Ms,seis 1,50
In absence of other national regulations.
The partial safety factor 2 = 1.2 is included.
The definition of seismic performance category C1 is given in Annex C19.
Annex C20
Rebar elements, seismic design