Intensive Academic Ielts Preparation Course

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Course description: The course is designed to cover Academic IELTS exam strategies, focused mostly on writing, and speaking, but including
listening and reading techniques as well. Level B1+ (in CEFR scale) is required. Students are responsible for their own linguistic
development as this course is dedicated solely to the exam strategies.

Prerequisites: at least B1 level of English

Course objectives: After finishing the course students will be familiar with all parts of the IELTS test, know techniques and tips to help them pass
their IELTS exam on the level required, understand how the test is graded and assess their own language proficiency with regards to
the test requirements.

Required publications:
“Direct to IELTS” by Sam McCarter – Macmillan Education
“Check your Vocabulary for IELTS” by Rawdon Wyatt – Macmillan Education
“Check your Vocabulary for Academic English” by David Porter – Macmillan Education
“Understanding IELTS”: Techniques for English Language Tests” by the British Council

Course duration: approximately 33 – 35 hours (1 hour = 45 minutes)

Grading policy: There are two mock IELTS exams during the course and the final grade is based on both tests' results.

Course plan:



Topic Speaking Listening Reading Writing Language

1 - Introduction pp.1-13 Unit 1
A very modern p.6-7: part 1-2 p.9: section1 (non- p.8: verbs
2 1 world explanation, academic dialogue) followed by -Ing
preparing and/ or infinitive

notes *
3 1 p.10: writing 1 - p.11:
p.12-13 reading graph (+20 mins collocations
(20 mins in- in-class writing) with nouns *
4 1 class) p.14: writing 2 (ex. p. 6-17: review *
6 *)
5 2 The past – p.22-23: part 2- p.24-25 reading * p.18: collocations pp.14- Unit 2
public and 3, adjectives of – multiple 26
private evaluation combinations
p.20-21: p.26: using nouns

6 2 writing 1 – pie to build idea *

p.19: section 2 chart (+20 mins
(non- academic in-class writing)
7 2 talk) p.27: writing 2 p.28-29: review *
(essay B or C *)
8 3 The Age of p.32-33: p.30-31: section 3 p.38: verbs pp.27- Unit 3
Information part 3, (academic related to 39
prepositio conversation) connections *
p.36-37 reading * p.34-35: writing 1
9 3 – diagram (+20
mins in-class
10 3 p.38-39: p.40-41: review *
writing 2 - progress test 1
11 4 Leisure p.42-43: part 2, p.44: pp.40- 4-
and the leisure comparatives 51 5
environm vocabulary and
ent superlatives *
p.45: section 4 p.48-49 reading * p.46-47: writing
Week 4

12 4
(academic talk) 1 – table (ex.6 *)
13 4 p.50-51: writing 2 p.52-53: review *
(ex. 7 *)
14 -
Week 5

15 - IELTS Mock Exam 1

16 - Closing remarks, additional exercises, individual talks etc.

17 -
A healthy world p.54-55: part p.56: section 1 p.57: degrees of pp.52- Unit 6
1 5 certainty
2, collocations * 64
8 related to
5 health p.60-61 reading * p.58-59: writing 2
1 (ex. 8 *)
Week 6

9 5 p.62-63: writing p.64-65: review *

1 – chart (+20
2 mins in-class
0 writing)
21 6 Shaping the p.66-67: part 1- p.68: section 2 p.69: pp.65- Unit 7
world and 2, space and hypothesizing * 77
beyond place
p.72-73 reading * p. 70-71: writing
22 6
Week 7

1 – diagram (+20
mins in-class
p.74-75: writing 2 p.74: cause and
23 6 (ex. 7 *) effect * p.76-77:
review *
progress test 2
A consumer p.80-81: part 1- p.79: section 3 p.78: words pp.78- Unit 8
24 7 society 2, countable/ related to 88
uncountable consumer *
25 7 p.83: part 3 p.84-85 reading * p.82-83: writing
Week 8

1 – table (+20
mins in-class
26 7 p.86-87: writing 2 p.88-89:
(ex. 5 *) revision *
test 3
27 8 Culture on the p.90-91: part 1- p.92: section 4 p.93: defining pp.89- 9-
move 2, collocations and non- 101 11
with culture defining relative
clauses *
p.96-97 reading * p.94-95: writing
28 8 1 – bar chart
(+20 mins in-
Week 9

class writing)
29 8 p.98: part 3 p.98-99: writing 2 p.100-101:
(ex. 8 *) revision *
progress test
30 -
Week 10

31 - IELTS mock exam

32 - Closing remarks, additional exercises, individual talks etc.
33 -

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