ID-003 To Pulse Converter: General Description
ID-003 To Pulse Converter: General Description
ID-003 To Pulse Converter: General Description
General description
This converter board is intended to connect the ID-003 compatible bill acceptor (like JCM or
CashCode) to the host board with coin-in type pulse input line. Board's firmware operates the bill
acceptor via ID-003 protocol, providing all required commands. Upon acceptance of the bill
converter board issue the series of pulses, corresponding to the bill value. Pulse output line is an
open collector type.
Board has two connectors. Connector P1 is used for connection of the bill acceptor. Connector X2
is used for the host board connection.
Connector P1 pins:
1 – +12V
2 – GND
11 – ID003 TX (output to the bill acceptor)
15 – ID003 RX (input from the bill acceptor)
Connector X2 pins:
1 – +12V
2 – GND
3 – PULSE OUT (output to the host board)
4 – INHIBIT (input from the host board)
5 – GND
The converter board can be connected to the PC with special USB-to-serial type cable for
configuring various parameters. The interface cable use the P1 connector for the connection.
Before connecting interface cable to the PC cable driver must be installed. Drive may be found at
cable's chip manufacturer site (e.g. you can search for Prolific PL-2303 USB-to-serial driver).
After installing driver and connecting the interface cable to PC you will need to find out what serial
port was assigned by system to the cable. You can check this in the Device Manager (Start →
Settings → Control Panel → System → Device Manager). In the screen shot below out port is
Please note, if you insert the cable into another USB connector of your PC the system might assign
other port number than previous (so you will need check the Device Manager again).
Now we can start the configuration utility. Select proper serial port number and press Open button.
Upon detecting communication packets from converter board application will enable Read config
and Write config buttons.
Serial port – virtual serial port number, used for the communication with the board
Enable INHIBIT – check this option if you want to enable inhibit bill acceptor signal from host
board. When enabled, you can select the active level (low or high). If inhibit is not enabled the bill
acceptor will be in enabled state always.
Pulse output timings – controls a pulse time (in 10 ms increments) and a pause between pulses.
Bill value to pulse count – let you set the multiplier and the divider for pulse count calculation
(numbers_of_pulses = bill_value * bill_value_multiplier / bill_value_divider).
Channel enable – control over individual channel enable.
Bill table override – when checked, the bill table read from a bill acceptor will be ignored.
Override table will be used instead.