Adempiere Manual

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C h a p t e r 2 : G e t t i n g S t a rt e d

I n t ro d u c t i o n
This chapter describes how to Launch ADempiere Navigate the Welcome Screen Understand the Menu and its Functions Use ADempiere Efficiently Understand Workflows Utilize Help Functions Understand Window Functions Set Up User Preferences Define Common Fields

Now that ADempiere is correctly installed, its time to launch the application.
Figure 2.1. To launch the program, double click the ADempiere icon on the desktop.

Try this:

Doubleclick the ADempiere icon on the desktop to launch the program. (See Figure 2.1.)

Chapter 2: Getting Started

L a u n c h i n g A D e m p e i re
T h e L o g I n W i n do w s
The first window to appear is the log in window. (See Figure 2.2.) This window has two tabs, Connection and Defaults.

Caution: DO NOT alter the settings in the Server field. The Server field lists the current server being used to access ADempiere. Notice the blue question mark icon in the lower left of the window. This Help icon explains each of the above options.

What is the SuperUser??? Is it just an ID or is it a job description? Is this how all people will log in? When and where will they have created their user ID and password info? Try this:

To log in to ADempiere Enter your User ID and Password. (See Figure 2.2) IS THIS CASE SENSITIVE???? If you wish ADempiere to operate in a language other than English, select that language from the drop down menu. Click on the green check mark to login. Chapter 2: Getting Started

Figure 2.2. Enter your User ID and password and click the green check mark to log in to ADempiere.

T h e L o g I n W i n do w s

L a u n c h i n g A D e m p e i re

After logging in, the Defaults tab appears. Several settings in this window dramatically affect the operating parameters of ADempiere:

Role designates the level you can access and alter information. Role usually reflects your role in your company. For example, a system administrator needs access to all settings and information, but a sales manager needs access to specific, limited information. Client designates the company information accessed. For instance, a client may be one company or many companies owned by a parent company. All clients allowed for the chosen role will be listed. Organization denotes which department will be accessed within the Client field. Organization could include headquarters, sales offices, etc. The asterisk indicates all organizations will be chosen. Warehouse designates which warehouse ADempiere will access. Date and Printer designate the date and printer settings for the current session. Try this:

Figure 2.3. Click the green check mark to accept the default settings. It is important to remember to not alter the fields in this tab unless you are a system administrator.

Click the green checkmark to accept the default settings. (See Figure 2.3).

Chapter 2: Getting Started

N a v i g a t i n g t h e W e l c o m e S c re e n
ADempieres welcome screen is called the Dashboard. The Dashboard graphically displays information relative to the client chosen during login. Note that this window is found in the Performance tab and can be visited at any time (Figure 2.4).

T h e D a s h bo a r d

By default, the Dashboard displays statistics about invoice revenue, open invoices, service requests, and total open requests. The Dashboard is completely customizable and can display information best suited to your business. For more information about customizing the Dashboard, please see chapter XX, Customizing ADempiere.

Figure 2.4. The Dashboard is located in the Performance Tab.

Chapter 2: Getting Started

N a v i g a t i n g t h e W e l c o m e S c re e n
Notice the top left of the ADempiere window has five dropdown menus (See Figure 2.5). These menus contain the following shortcuts and tools.

D r o p D o w n M e n u s

The File menu has options for logging out and quitting ADempiere. The View menu allows you to find quickly information for each of the categories listed in the dropdown menu. The Tools menu includes a calendar, calculator, note pad and preference panel, where you can alter settings originally set during installation. The Window menu allows you to jump quickly to specific windows and tasks. The Help menu connects you with online and email support, as well as information about the version of ADempiere currently installed.

Figure 2.5. ADempiere's drop down menus and four major tabs.

Try This: I have wondered if this page is necessary. Don't most people have enough computer savvy to recognize these universal kind of drop down menus? Chapter 2: Getting Started

N a v i g a t i n g t h e W e l c o m e S c re e n
The window is divided into four major tabs: Performance, Menu, Workflow Activities, and Workflow. (See Figure 2.6).

Function of the Tabs

Usually you will work from the Menu tab. However if workflow activities need your attention (such as approving a requisition), the number of items requiring consideration is displayed on the Workflow Activities tab. Simply click the tab to see these items.

Other items which may require your focus are the Notice and Request buttons at the bottom. On these buttons ADempiere notifies you if an item has been submitted that needs your deliberation.

The bottom right hand corner shows your cache reserve. The cache stores repeatedly accessed data in order to speed up processes. The percentage notes the amount of cache in reserve and the amount currently being used. Try This: NEED A GOOD EXAMPLE HERE

Figure 2.6. ADempiere notifies you when items needing your attention have been submitted. Simply click on the corresponding tab or button to view those items.

Chapter 2: Getting Started

Th e M e n u

The Menu Tree

All of the windows, processes, and workflows that ADempiere offers are found in the the Menu Tree. Note that options displayed inside the Menu Tree depend upon the role chosen during login. For example, if you login as a regular user, the System Admin menu would not appear.

Try this:

To expand and collapse folders in the Menu Tree

Click the plus (+) symbol to expand the folder and reveal its contents. (See Figure 2.7) Note the folder icon changes from closed to open. Click the minus () symbol to collapse the folder and hide its contents.

Figure 2.7. Click plus and minus icons to expand and collapse folders in ADempiere.

Chapter 2: Getting Started

Th e M e n u

To the left of the screen is the Shortcuts Pane. These categories represent shortcuts to ADempieres most used features. Like the Menu tree, items in the Shortcuts Pane can be expanded and collapsed.

Managing the ShortCuts Pane

You can add any folder or window found in the Menu tree to the Shortcuts Pane.

Try this: Hover the mouse over a shortcut title until cursor changes to a leftpointing hand. Click once to expand the box. Click again to collapse the box. To add a shortcut to this pane In the Menu tree, locate the folder, window, or workflow for which you'd like to make a shortcut. Right click and select Add to Bar. (See Figure 2.8). To remove a shortcut from this pane Hover over the shortcut you wish to remove. Right click and select Remove from Bar. Chapter 2: Getting Started

Figure 2.8. Shortcuts allow quick access to all windows, processes and workflows your company regularly uses from one convenient location.

Th e M e n u

Two additional navigation features are located near the bottom of the Menu window.

Using the Expand Tree Option

First is the Expand Tree option at the bottom left of the window. The Expand Tree option allows you to view all of the Menu Tree categories in their expanded form.

Try this: Click the Expand Tree box to expand all folders in the menu tree and reveal their contents. (See Figure 2.9). Click the box again to return the tree to its collapsed position.
Figure 2.9. The Expand Tree option allows you to view all of the Menu Tree categories in their expanded form.

Chapter 2: Getting Started

Th e M e n u

The second navigational feature is a Lookup search tool.

U s i n g th e L o o k U p F u n c ti o n

At the bottom right of the window is the Lookup box. This search field allows you to search the Menu Tree quickly for an item, rather than having to check folders individually. You do not need to know the exact wording of a folder or process. The search engine will find the first menu item containing any portion of the word you typed. If you hit Enter again the search engine will keep looking for the next matching menu item. Try this:

In the Lookup entry box, type Business. Hit the Return/Enter key. (See Figure 2.10.) The first result appears in the menu tree. Hit Enter again to move to the next result. Continue hitting Enter until the last result appears. Note that hitting return does not change the screen or its information. Hit Enter once more to show the original

Figure 2.10. In the Lookup field, type the word Business. Hit the move to the next result.

Return/Enter key. The first result appears in the menu tree. Hit Return again to

Chapter 2: Getting Started

Th e M e n u

Each menu item has an icon to symbolize a function that will be performed: A Window allows you to view a record or enter data (for example a Sales Order).

Th e M e n u I c o n s

A Report indicates the generation of an on screen report which can then be modified and printed (for example an Order Detail).

A Process indicates a task that runs in the database or on the server (for example Quote Convert). Processes change or reset data based on your instructions. A Workflow indicates a series of steps needed to be accomplished in order to achieve a goal (for example a Sales Setup).

Try this:


Figure 2.11. The first result appears in the menu tree. Hit Return again to move to the next result.

Chapter 2: Getting Started

U s i n g A D e m p i e re E f f i c i e n t l y
T h e W i n do w D r o p D o w n M e n u s
ADempiere uses a window based interface to perform all its functions. Every window has a common look and feel. This window environment consists of several dropdown menus, a standard set of icons or buttons, and fields to enter data. Learning the basic layout and navigation of these windows will help you become comfortable with the interface and use ADempiere efficiently. menu, a Tools menu, a Window menu, and a Help menu. Additionally, the task windows include a Go menu. This menu allows you to move quickly through many different records. Additionally the Go menu allows you to zoom across (IS THIS CORRECT?), check requests, access archived documents and reports, and open another Main Menu window. The Button Bar is located directly below the drop down menus. (See Figure 2.12.)

Each window will contain many of the following shortcuts and tools available on the Main Menu window. For example, each task window includes a drop down menu that includes a File menu, a View

Figure 2.12. Learning the basic layout and navigation of these windows will help you become comfortable with the interface and use ADempiere efficiently.

Chapter 2: Getting Started

U s i n g A D e m p i e re E f f i c i e n t l y
T h e B u tto n B a r
Below the row of dropdown menus is ADempieres Button Bar. These buttons are standard across all of ADempieres windows and perform the same functions regardless of where they appear. Most have tooltips explaining their functions. The following offers a brief explanation of each icon found on the Button Bar. The Delete Record icon permanently deletes the current record. Please note that once a record is deleted, it cannot be recovered. The Delete Selected Items icon allows you to select several records and delete them at the same time. Please note that once the several records are deleted, they cannot be recovered. The Save icon will save all current changes to the record. Note the icon remains grayed out and cannot be selected until changes are made to the current record. The save icon will also create the record if it doesnt exist. The ReQuery icon refreshes the current window and updates any saved changes. This icon is particularly useful if several people are accessing the same records simultaneously.

The Undo Changes icon removes the last major action performed, or reverts the current record back to its last saved state. This icon remains greyed out until changes are made to the current record. The Help icon launches ADempieres internal help menu and offers more information about each of the fields and functions within a particular window. The New Record icon creates a new record in the database.

Chapter 2: Getting Started

U s i n g A D e m p i e re E f f i c i e n t l y
T h e B u tto n B a r
The Lookup Record icon offers a fast way to find several records that meet specific criteria. By default, the search field displays a percentage sign (%), indicating search all. Note the advanced tab in the lookup window allows you to add and delete criteria, and save searches. The Attachment icon allows you to attach files or images to the current record. Supported file types include text and spreadsheet files (including txt, rtf, xls, csv), image files (including gif, jpg, png), and various other formats (including htm, html, xml, log, etc.). For example, if several engineers need access to a particular record, attaching a CAD schematic allows them all to access those files easily. Once files are attached, the icon becomes greyed out. Does it allow you to view attachments as well? The Chat icon is used for communicating between ADempiere users and for recording quick notes. The Grid Toggle icon allows you to view records and information either in a grid (which requires vertical scrolling) or a list (which requires horizontal scrolling). Once this icon is clicked, it changes to a square with four arrows pointing towards the corners. The History icon displays the changes made to the current record in the last day, week, month, year, or all the changes made to the record since its creation. The Menu icon returns you to the Menu screen. The six Arrow icons (from left to right) navigate forwards and backwards between parent and detail records, and between first, previous, next and last records.

Chapter 2: Getting Started

U s i n g A D e m p i e re E f f i c i e n t l y
T h e B u tto n B a r
The Report icon generates a report of the current window that can be easily formatted for email, print or exported in a variety of formats including pdf, html, xml, csv, txt, etc. The Active Workflows icon opens and displays all current workflows associated with the current window or field. The Check Requests icon allows you to create a new request and prepopulate the fields with information from the current window. The Product Info icon launches a window where you can check inventories and product availability from your warehouse. Note that the for the new product window to populate, you must hit the ReQuery icon at the bottom left of the window. The Exit Window icon closes the current window. Note that clicking this icon will close the current window without saving entered information.

The Preview Record icon displays a report of the current record and allows you to preview the look of the windows and forms before printing. The Archive Documents/Reports icon allows you to save a report or document for later access. To save a report, click the icon once. To access at a later date, click and hold the icon until a list of saved reports appears. The Print icon sends forms to the currently configured printer.

The Zoom Across icon provides an automatic reference to other windows in ADempiere that contains the same information currently being viewed. This function may only work in certain windows.

Chapter 2: Getting Started

U s i n g A D e m p i e re E f f i c i e n t l y
Attaching documents to your records is easy with ADempiere. You can attach as many files to a record as you wish. The attached files are stored in a database eliminating the need to distribute them. All users granted access to the record may view the attachments. ADempiere also makes it easy to write notes about the attached documents. Once the file is attached, you can add text in the right side panel. ADempiere will display .pdf, .png, .gif, and .jpg file formats on the window's left. Other file types may be viewed by using the appropriate computer program. Try This: To attach a document to a record Select the Attachment button on the tool bar. Select the Load icon to findt a file. Select the file you want to attach and select Open. Once all desired attachments are added, select OK to save them. Chapter 2: Getting Started



Figure 2.16. From this same window you can Delete the attachment, Save the attachment to another disk, or Open the attachment for viewing. Once you have attached a document to your record, the Attachment button becomes yellow.

U s i n g A D e m p i e re E f f i c i e n t l y
One process you might need to use periodically is Cache Reset. This process can easily be found in the Shortcuts Pane under System Administrator. The cache stores information about the reports, forms and windows used by your company. Keeping track of this kind of information speeds up the performance of ADempiere's processing.

Cache Reset


However, when you need to change reports or screens, the cache will need to be reset. This allows ADempiere to gather and display this new information rather than the previously saved Try This: Click on Cache Reset. Click on Start and the process will begin. ADempiere will soon notify you that the cache has been reset. Close the dialogue box by clicking the green checkmark.

Figure 2.16. Before you run the Cache Reset, it is important to note that you should close all ADempiere windows except for the menu. You do not need to close any other computer programs which you may have running.

Chapter 2: Getting Started

U s i n g A D e m p i e re E f f i c i e n t l y
Understanding Window Tabs
Probably the easiest way for you to navigate through most of the database's information is through the tabs on the left hand side of all windows. These tabs are arranged in a hiearchy indent. The layout works from the top to the bottom and corresponds to the number of tabs defined. (WHO DEFINES THE TABS???) (IS THIS A TOPIC TO BE INCLUDED IN THIS CHAPTER???)

Chapter 2: Getting Started

U s i n g A D e m p i e re E f f i c i e n t l y
Navigate or Update Record
The status message Navigate or Update Record is located at the bottom left of the panel. This status message reflects what is happening in the application. If there is an error during processing,an error status message appears. If the process is complete, a succesful status message is displayed. (THIS IS AN IDEA DISCUSSED BY REDHUAN'S MANUAL IN THE SECTION ABOUT GETTING STARTED. IS THIS SOMETHING TO BE INCLUDED IN THIS CHAPTER. ARE THESE COMMANDS THAT ONLY APPEAR UNDER SPECIFIC INSTANCES OR ARE THEY UNIVERSAL COMMANDS AND SHOULD BE DISCUSSED IN THIS CHAPTER?)

At the bottom right of the window you can see markings such as *1/which means that it is a new record and not yet saved. If there are a number of records in this table, lets say 10, and you are at the 3rd record it will show 3/10.

Chapter 2: Getting Started

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